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Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Dec 1928, p. 38

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PAGE THIRTY-EIGHT THE OSHAWA DAILY I'IMES, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1928 RT | Woman s Daily Interest SOCIAL and PERSONAL The Times invites the coe operation of ite vedders in sontributing tems to this eolumn, Send in a postoard or phone 85. Misses Annie and Jean Beecroft and Master Gordon Mitchell have returned to their homes in Bolso- ver, after spending the past two weeks with friends in the citv, Mids Dorothy Mortimer, who has held a position with Miss Jean Scott, 1556 Simcoe street south, dur- _ing the past season, leaves today for her home in Providence, Rhode island, for the Christmas holidays. Worthy Mistress Sister Radway, Chaplain Sister White, Past Mist- ress Sister Beamer, Sister Lee and Brother Beamer of the Queen Mary Lodge No, 97, paid a visit to the True Blue and Orange Orphanage, Richmond Hill, yesterday, convey- ing with them gifts of fruit, veget- ables, pickles and money from the Queen Mary Lodge. LW. Mr. and Mrs, Taft, Louise street, were pleasantly surprised on Tues- day evening, when Mrs, MacKin- non's group of St. Andrew's Ladies' Ald, paid them a surprise visit, un the occasion of the fifth anniver- sary of their marriage, Mrs. Tait hes only recently arrived in Osh- awa from Scotland and .it was her first experience of the Canadian custome of surprising one's friends with a party. Many useful gifts were presented by the group and an enjoyable evening was spent, A satisfactory sale of miscellane- ous articles was held in Albert St. Sunday School Sastry. The sale was officially opened by Miss Rob- fnson with a few suitable remarks, in which she expressed her thanks and appreciation of the faithful work carried on by the church workers, The tea room and lunch counter were well patronized dur- ing the afternoon and the sale of goods was carried on successfully. Many articles remain and a group will hold another sale jn the near future in another part of the city. » * Ll] A happy time was spent in the Bunday school room of Albert street church last evening when a number of friends gathered in hon- our of a recent bride, Mrs. Lloyd Horton (nee Verna Hornby.) The evening was spent in music, games and fun of various sorts, then the bride and groom, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Horton, were requested to be seated and a small table, loaded with parcels, was placed before them. The bride opened each par- cel and many useful gifts were displayed. Mrs. Horton thanked all ifn a few suitable words and Mr. Horton also spoke a fi words of appreciation, Refreshm®nts were served, thus bringing an enjoyable evening to a close. - * A charming luncheon party was given yesterday by Miss Ruth Vaughan, Toronto, in honor of Miss Eleanor McLaughlin, "Parkwood." The guest of honor wore a smart printed rose and velvet frock with 8 black hat. The hostess wore a Paris model of beige crepe de chine, enriched with lace. The five at- tractive luncheon tables were done in mauve, yellow, pink, green and white flowers, with colored glass dishes to match the flowers. The other guests included: Misses Susan Good News. ! General Motors Gifts Now | A wonderful selection to pick from. 84 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa FASHION SHOPPE | Buy Your Christmas Ross, Susan Smith, Nancy McDou- gald, Freda Henning, Grace Lang- muir, Dolly Macintosh, Betty Sou- tham, Maureen Wilson, Helen Steele, Ruth Lyon, Mabel Turner, Margaret Willlams, Jrene Page, Helen Turner, Evelyn Boothe, Vir- ginia Smith, Nathalie Mills, Ruth Phipps 'and Marjorie, Osborne. Miss Ethel Wright has returned ' thome after holidaying with friends in Windsor and Detroit, . LJ LJ The regular monthly meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Osh- awa General Hospital was held Monday afternoon in the nurses' residence, 'In the Sbience of gs. McLaughlin, Mrs, Hdgar Bradley, second vice-president, presided. The ladies brought in their talent money and quite a large sum was realized. Those, who still have talent dollars, were requested to make their returns as soon as pose sible to Miss Dillon, 21 Fairbanks street, The social service depart. ment {8 carrying on its good work, Mrs, Rans gave an interesting re- port of patients visited in their homes after leaving the hospital and Mrs. 8, J, Phillips reported a goodly number of magazines col- lected and taken to the hospital, A number of people in the city have called Mrs. (Dr.) Phillips, Athol street, to say that they have a number of magazines for the Aux- fliary and members of Mrs. Phillips' group have called and collected the books, Anyone having maga. zines were requested to do this, Afternoon tea was served at the close of the meeting, LADIES' AID MEETS The Ladies' Ald of Simcoe street United Church held their regular monthly meeting yesterday. The officers for the year, 1929, were elected and are as follows: presi- dent, Mrs. Alger; first vice-presi- dent, Mrs, Swall; second vice-presi- dent, Mrs. Trewin; recording sec- retary, Mrs, Donald; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Moody; treasurer, Mrs. Wallace; convener flower com mittee, Mrs. Ellis; pianist, Mrs. Sulley. Two fine Christmas selec- tions were given in a solo by Mrs. Maybee and a reading by Mrs, An- dison, after which refreshments were served, YOUNG PEOPLE'S LEAGUE The regular meeting of the Young People's League of Albert street United Church was held Monday evening. The opening ex- ercises were conducted by Rev, R. A, Whattam, The minutes of the last meeting were read and ap- proved, During the business session different matters were brought be- fore the league for discussion, -- Mrs. O. Eagle, first vice-presi- dent, took charge of the remainder program for the evening. The Lord's Prayer was repeated in uni- son after which the scripture les- son was read by Mrs, O, Eagle. : The following program was given: | reading, Mrs. J. Burdge; piano in- strumental, Norman Willlams. Rev. Mr. Whattam gave an interesting and helpful talk on "The Life of Daniel", MISSION CIRCLE HING ST. GHURGH HAS GIFT SALE Mrs. Crozier Presented With Silver Basket and Red Roses The Alice Jackson Mission Circle of King street United Church held a successful gift sale and tea yes- terday in the basement of the church. The room was decorated in green and red with sprigs of ever- greens lending color to the Christ- mas atmosphere. The four booths were arranged around the walls of the room, while the eight tables in the tea room, were in a circle iu the centre of the room, Mrs. Winter was convener of the homemade cooking booth; Mrs. Martin, candy; Marion Blewett, handkerchiefs; Mrs, N. Edgar, ancy work. . Presentation At four o'clock the Women's Missionary Society of the church presented Mrs, Crozier, the retir- ing president of that organization, with a silver basket and seven red roses, after which the tea room was officially opened and tea was served at the daintily arranged tables, which were centred with vases of flowers, Mrs. Armour and Mrs. Fursey were conveners of the <a room. The conveners of the different booths gave a report of their pro- ceeds after the sale, a more com- plete copy of which is to be read at the meeting of the circle tomor- row evening. The homemade cook- ing booth proceeds amounting to $23.80; the tea rom $28.55; the candy booth, "18.97; fancy work, $51.45; the handker- chief booth, $8.90; making a total of $131.67. . TWO NEW DIRECTORS | FOR THE ROYAL BANK Montreal, Dec. 12.--Announce- ment was made here today by the Royal Bank of Canada that at a meeting of the directors Julian C. Smith, of Montreal, vice-president and general manager of the Shaw- inigan Water and Power Co., and Archibald Fraser, of Fredericton, N.B., president and general man- ager of the Fraser Companies, had been added to the Board of Directors of that institution. ANNUAL BAZAR AT KNOX CHURCH 5 SUCGESSFUL Christmas Spirit Hovers Over Pretty Booths--Proceeds Are $240 -- The Sunday School room of Knox Presbyterian Church was the sym- bol of the Christmas spirit yester- day when the annual basaar of that church was held, The bootus and room were decorated in the Christmas colors, green and red, with the exception of the home cooking booth, which was decor- ated in white and silver, There were seven booths tastefully ar. ranged throughout the room, The tea room, which was lighted with bridge lamps and looked cosy and homelike with the Christmas col- ote, was well-patronized during the fternoon, : : In Charge of Booths Mrs, Roy was in charge of the tea room, Mrs, Parker and Mrs. Findlay were in. charge of the homemade cooking hooth; Mrs, Mc- Intosh and Mrs, Adams, the aprons; Mrs. Dunlop and Mrs; Purdy, fancy work; Mrs, Mann and Mrs, Dey- man, children's wear and plain sewing; Mrs, Knight and Mrs, Mec- Dona)d, candy. The fish pond was an attractive feature for the num- erous children attending and was conducted by Misses Jean Hamil- ton, Kathleen Cawker and Winnie Hamilton, The proceeds of the bazaar amounted to about $240. "Now what's the growled, as they weary way home, "I was just thinking," sarcastical- ly replied his wife, 'that if you were really as funny as you think you are every doctor in town would be back there now trying to quiet the hysterical laughter of the other guests." he thelr matter?" wended PARIS CHIO A new slender type combination. fitted through the bodice and hip- line, to take the place of a slip. Touch of embroidery gives it a real French appearance. It fs ideal to wear beneath the smart slender hip- line frocks. Style No. 223 in sizes 16, 18, 20 years, 36, 38, 40 and 42 inches bust measure, and can be made as simple or as elaborate as one chooses. For everyday occa- sions, washable silk radium, flat silk crepe or batiste is practical. Georgette crepe, ninon, flowered chiffon voile and crepe satin are fascinating fabrics. Size 36 re- quires 2 yards of 40-inch material. Price, 20 cents in stamps or coin (con preferred). Wrap coin care- fully. Emb. No. 11119 (blue), 20 cents extra. AOGISER +.c0nrssnssnmsnrsrnne Town csssssssscssnssssssssss Province ......... sans , Price, 20 cents each. Send * stamps or coin. Wrap coin 4 carefully. 4 PW) »e EE TEE dg ADDRESSED MEETING DR. T. W, G, McKAY Medical Officer of Health, who, at the meeting of the King street Home and School Association last evening advocated a pre- school age clinic for Oshawa children, PRE-SCHOOL AGE GLINIC URGED BY DR. T. W. . WKAY Splendid Meeting of King St. Home and School Association The King street Home and School Association met last even- ing with a large number of mem- bers in attendance. Mrs, Swanson was elected vice-president, during the business meeting, to fill the vacancy made by the resignation DAUGHTERS OF ENGLAND ELECT THEIR OFFICERS Arrangements Made to Hold the Christmas Party for Children At the meeting of the Daughters of England in - the 8.0.BE. Hall, Tuesday evening, the lodge had as their guests, the Worthy District Deputy Sister Richardson and Sis- ter Thomas of Whithy, During the evening the work was put on by the degree team with Sister Cor- den, as captain. A candidate was initiated into the lodge. During the business meeting arrangements were made for the children's Christ mas party, after which the elec- tion of officers for the year, 1929, took place. : Worthy President, Sister Hall, invited the Worthy District Deputy Sister Richardson to take the chair and conduct the elections. In doing mo she asked Sisters Cooner and Green of the Empress of In- dia Lodge, Oshawa, Thomas of Princess May Lodge, Whitby, to act as the three scrut- neers, N Officers Tne officers elected. were as fol- lows: worthy past president, Sister Hall; worthy president, Sister Sim- mons; worthy vice-president, Sis- and Stster ter Alice Fitches; worthy chaplain, Sister MacDonald; worthy secre- tary, Sister Devenish; worthy trea- surer, Sister Docherty; first worthy guide, Sister Fitches, Sr.; second worthy guide, Sister Midder; 3rd worthy guide, Sister Hayton; 4th Christmas Recipes worthy guide, Sister Mills; pianist, Sister Kelly; inmer guard, Sister Wenn; outside guard, Sister Mer- rald; worthy doctor, Dr, D. R. Cam- eron; degree captain, Sister Gut. sole; assistant degree captain, Sis ter Marks; first escort, Sister Hor- ton; second escort, Sister 'Fuller. ton; auditors, Sister Mordan, Mur- ray and Macdonald, Jr.; trustees, Sisters Bturch and Holdaway; press reporter, Sister Gutsole, Vote of Thanks ~ After the elections were conclud- ed, the scrutinees were dismissed with a hearty vote of thanks and on closing, refreshments were served by Sister Sturch and com- mittee, PLANS TO STOP THIRSTY TOURIST Boston, Dec, 12--American tour- ists who go into Canada to quench their thirst and then return to the United States with a few bottles to keep their tongues damp for a while longer will shortly fare dras- tic action by Federal authorities ac- cording to United States Commis- sioner of Prohibition Doran, Mr, Doran Bunday stated that because of a continual flow of li- quor from Canada to this country, the tourist will be held for search and action might even go so far as to result in the permanent seizure of the tourist's automobile, 1-2 cup milk or chocolate, 2 tablespoons butter, i teaspoon vanilla, pinch salt. flour with sugar and milk, add grated chocolate and cook, ring thickened and smooth, water to blanch, large enough room for the nuts to move about freely, standing over the hot burner su that the water will not cool before they float and are about ready for draining, the hot water until tea shells will slip off easily with ik:hf pressure from the fingers, as they float plump, long they hecome Should this happen spread out on bakiny sheet throughout in a slow oven, 225 de- grees F, should be white, tender and brit- tle. large long nuts are used. | into a sieve to | they are ready to be taken from the water and be very thorouzhly, down several times to allow the | Peace, steam to escape. done toss them out onto a dry tow- CHOCOLATE SAUCE 1-2 tablespoon flour, 1 cup sugar, water, 1 square Mix stir- constantly, until slightly * SALTED ALMONDS Pour the almonds into boiling using a kettle to allow plenty of It is well to keep them el and then remove the sk Rub- bing off the skins is a veimple matter, Take hold of botads of the towel, picking up hful of the nuts at the same timid rub them between the thumb| fing ers. If well drained and steam has escaped the skins willghrive eled and will slip of eas! They may be separated from thuts in a very short time, Heat yarter of an Inch of .olive oil irsmall frying pan, When it ars to' move and before it smokeld thé nuts, Fry only two or ja ta= blespoons at a time and h them well immersed in oll, Ki them In constant motion to broeven- ly, and watch carefullffor it takes only a minute oryo to cook ghem. Take the niffom the oil While they are stilbhaaw lighter than you want thga he when done. Experience wtéach Let the nuts stand in Test as soon and the skins are If allowed to soak too water logged. and dry until crisp When ready to salt, they rounded o: Pour as soon as Either small drain sure to drain shaking up and When this is you that the oil on them Ig the heat after they are rem¢ 'and they brown slightly afterd, Be sure to drain them well r-the frying pan, then spread con =» piece of absorbent paper t4ling. Sprinkle lightly with salt we the ofl is still hot enough to solve it for there should be no J salt clinging. JUDGE SWORN II Guelph, Dee. 12.--R. LgKin- non was formally sworn as 8 judge of the County of Wagton at the opening of the Gent Ses sions of the Peace in tiourt House yesterday. L. W, (z, in his capa~ity as County CotClerk and J. M. Kearns, as Clerl' the conducted the caony, | which was held prior to tbpen= ling of the court. GL. Andrews Cor. Ritson Rd. and Arthur St. Telephone 1611 of the past vice-president, The ireasurer reported donations of $10 | made to the Christmas Cheer fund and of the same amount to the Rea Cross Society, The one dollar prize for the room having the largest number of mothers in attendance at the meet- ing was awarded to Miss E. A. | Lyon's room, The King street and! Ritson road Association will have charge of the January program | for the Central Council meeting | and Mrs. Norris, president of the association, urged the members of the King street club to at.end, A chorus, "Christmas Bells", | opened the program of the even- | ing, which was followed by a piano duet by Misses Doris Rundle and Marion Palmer, Mr, Cecil Patter- gon contributed a vocal solo, Health Talk Board of Health was the speaker of he evening and gave many inter- | esting and enlightening facts con- cerning the improvement of health of children. The great need in Osh- awa at the present time, he stated, | is a pre-school age clinic where all children would have a thorough ex- amination and bave any defects | corrected before the children en- | tered school, since on examination | 60 per cent, of all primary grade | pupils offer defects that need im- mediate attention, Immunization against communicable diseases be- tween the ages of two and five could also be given at this clinic The doctor explained thoroughiy many questions which were asked by members of the club, whicn were beneficial to the mothers, At the close of the meeting re- freshments were served by the com- mittee in charge and a social half- hour spent. HOME AND SCHOOL OF RITSON ROAD Will Help to Boost the Funds of the Christmas Cheer Fund The regular meeting of the Kit- son Road Home and School As- sociation was held last evening, with the president, Mrs. O. D. Friend, presiding. During the busi- ness meeting Mr. Knight outlined the program for the winter months, which will be educational as well as entertaining. It was decided to make a donation to the Christmas Cheer Fund, Program Following the business meeting. a program was given. Tte numbers given by the following artists were: vocal solo, Mrs. James; piano selec- tion, Mr. Treneer; vocal solo, Miss Wilma Crothers; reading, Charlie Trashey: reading, Miss Velma Harris. The meeting was brought to a close with "God Save the All Seven Oshawa Druggists » 2 | RY Dr. T. W. G. McKay of the local | 5 MAKES DONATION § y Cor. Colborne and Church Sts. nS Telephone 451 Ni 135 iF 64 Celina St. Ne Telephone 113) AAA X11 0. A. Gerrow 432: Simcoe St. South Telephone 117W v! a) J Cor. Colborne and 7 Sts. Telephone 104 W. J. Bone T.W.Brookes H HA Community Stores UNDREDS availed themselves of the wonderful buying opportunities offered by the "Community Stores' last week. Again we come to you with grocery bargains heretofore unexcelled. Now that Christmas is ; near at hand we are offering many lines of groceries that will be needed by the housewife more especially at this time. SUN MAID SEEDED RAISINS 15-028. Pkg. I5¢c Y | W.H. Greenly Glace Cherries ¥.1b 2§5¢ Simcoe St. North Oshawa Telephone 238W AL Haverson 10 Drew Street Telephone 10 Telephone 2282 W.J. Powell 124 Brock St. East Telephone 145 J. McCauley 18 McLaughlin Blvd. PEEL Cut Lemon, Orange and Citron 1b. 27¢ SEEDLESS RAISINS z1bs. 2 Fig Bar BISCUITS PICKLES Sweet Mixed 12.02. 23C MIXED NUTS 20 vero. ALMONDS FILBERTS PEANUTS WALNUTS CHEESE Canadian Loaf SUN MADD SEEDLES#) RAISINS 15-02, Pkg ik iI§¢c | : 4 ~ © 4 . t A ". 4 » A BOWES Almond Past®} 1b. tin 23« : Jr » » » ib. 3§¢ dn iv. 176) RICE Fancy Carolina 10¢ PINEAPPLE Singapore No. 2 Tin 180) Shirritf's Jelly Powder 3 Packets Jelly and 1 Cream Jug Crackers Stockings Candies in 25¢] [War » 2 Pckgs. 15¢4 train Oshawa Wholesale Limited

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