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Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Dec 1928, p. 44

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\ THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1926 PAGE FORTY-FOUR _ EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS _ Kingston, Dec, 12.--Over 80 men st the R.C.H.A. Brigade are con- lined in the Garrison Military Hos- , suffering from a mild form .influenza, their admittance to jospital for treatment being mrore Ma preventative measure, in or. ler to curtail anything approaching an epidemic, nn BERT W, EKE IS 80 ¥ BILLIARD CHAMPION "Kingston, Dec, '12.--Robert W, ke won the English billiards BE et when he took the final game from Alfred M, Hilton by 2 ints, There were a large num- r of entries in this tournament, 'held by the Kingston branch of the Panadian Legion, \ MEDICAL MOVIES FOR ! MEDICAL COLLEGE Kingston, Dec, 12,--Dean J. C, Connelly is introducing motion pic- ture films at Queen's Medical Cos lege for auxiliary teaching of ana- tomy and surgery. Monday even- pig he invited the staff and a few others to witness an exhibition in the pathological classroom of the General Hospital, Take This When "Fiu' Threatens Don't wait until you're oy La Grippe or that with' Buckdey's ie e very first dose of FIRE DESTROYS ; WARSAW STORE Warsaw, Dec, 12~--The worst fire in the history of Warsaw broke out Monday night, when Charles Calder"s store 'was completely de- stroyed by fire, with all its com- tents, Mr, Calder carried some in- surance, Mrs, O. D; Mecllvena's house was completely destroyed, but the furniture and other things mn the house were saved, The house was occupied hy Mr. Newall, the black h, and some insurance was carried, The tools and stock in the shop were all ear- ried out. NAPANEE DRUGGIST HAS ENTERED ACTION Napanee, Dec, 12.--Claiming $10,000 damages for wrongful en- try and illegal seizure of stock in trade, Richard Knight, druggist of Napanee, began action yesterday before Mr, Justice Wright, in Tor- onto, against the National Drug Company. Plaintiff also seeks ac- counting from the time of the seiz- ure of his property. The defendants claim the prop- erty was covered by a chattel mortgage which was in default and that under the terms of the mortgage they were entitled to take possession, CITY MAY PROVIDE FUNDS FOR AIRPORT IN KINGSTON Kingston, Dec, 12,--The City Council has asked the finance com- mittee to consider a proposal to establish an air port in. Kingston. It is proposed that an agreement be entered into between the city of Kingston and the Kingston Fly- ing Club, whereby the city will pro- vide the sum of $500 per annum to lease a tract of land on the Ot- tawa-Kingston highway in Pitts- burg Township, for a term of 3 years to establish an air port and that the city provide a sum not to exceed $5,000 for the erection of necessary buildings and equipment. OFFICERS ELECTED FOR : CAMPBELLFORD CURLERS Campbellford, Dec. 12,--At a meeting of the Campbellford Curl- ing Club held here, the following officers were elected: Patron and Patroness, Mr, and Mrs. T, 8, Tait; Hon, President, Dr, Longmore; . | Treasurer, R. W. Ryd Fresident. C, W., Pulliger; - Vice- esident, James Gay; Secretary er, Manage- ment Committee--S, J. Moore, J, P, Archer, N, A, MacColl, W, 8. Wiggins, H, G. Denike. ~~ A number of women's rinks. are expected to operate al in connee- tion with the Campbeliford club the coming season, a Pembroke, Dec. 12.~John Gill Roney, former member of the defunct brokerage firm of Roney and Jones, was late last night found not guilty on a charge of conversion, by a jury at the gen- eral sessions, The jury deliberated nearly two hours, There were seven other similar counts against Roney, arising out of the operations of the brokerage firm which failed in January last, with liabilities in excess of $60,- 000, Indictments against: both Roney and his partner, Dan Jones, were returned by a grand jury last June, but the latter was subse- quently acquitted, Hearing on the second charge against Roney will start this morning, * STOVE EXPLODES; * SUSTAINS BURNS Port Hope, Dec, 12.--Mr, Robert Chadwick, Charles St., was taken to his home from the Belleville General Hospital this morning af- ter being confined to that institus tion for a few days following seris ous burns which he received when a stove exploded in Blue's Service Station, Mr, Chadwick was tepding the fire in the gasoline station last week when it suddenly exploded, throwing flames into his ' face, Luckily at the time he closed his eyes and the optics were not injur- ed, He suffered, however, supers ficial burns about the eyelids and face which necedsitated his renrvo- val to the hospital, He is reported as progressing rapidly. HEAVY SHIPPING IN CORNWALL CANAL Cornwall, Dec. 12,--With a car- go of 1,904 tons of corn, the steamer Bennington of Chicago passed Cornwall en route to Mont. real, The Bennington was the last vessel to be locked through the Ontario-St. Lawrence Canal for the season, navigation having been of- ficially closed yesterday. According to C, D. Sargent, sup- erintendent of the Ontario- Bi, Lawrence Canal, shipping on the canal] this year has been the heavi- {| point, {far as Prescott this week. .|age of 94 years. est on record. Approximately 8, 000 to 9,000 vessels of various types have been locked through the Ontario-St. Lawrence Canal during the year, averaging thirty a' day in the busy season. The Government arrived at Cornwall morning, having picked up canal buoys from tme -boundary to this Ald buoys will be lifted as PROMINENT BROCKVILLE } K.C,'S MOTHER DEAD, Brockville, Dec. 12.--Mrs., Jane Stewart, mother of H. A, Stewart, K.C., M.P,, for Leeds, died yester~ day morning in the General Hos- pital after a long illness, at the Over. four years ago she fractured her right hip"in a fall and since then had been an invalid, She was born in Durness, Sutherlandshire, in 1834, and came to Canada with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Morrison, at the age of three years, the voyage occupying six weeks in a sailing ship. She had spent the remaind- er of her life in Elizabethtown Township, Predeceased many years ago by her husband, ' Alexander Stewart, she is survived by three sons: H, A, Stewart, K.C., M.P,, Brockville; John W, Stewart and W. E, Stewart, Elizabethtown; by 14 grandchildren and by three great-grandchildren, Miss Jemima Morrison, a sister, is the sole sur- viving member of a family of el- even children, WESTMINSTER TO "HAVE SAGRISTY Model of Proposed Building Being Erected Beside 'Historic Fane London, Eng., Dec, 12. -- A full- sized model of the proposed new Sacristy at Westminster Abbey which is to meet a long-felt need in providing"a common meeting place at the Abbey such as the vestries and sacrjsties provide in ®ther cathe- drals, is now being erected in the corner formed by the north wall of the abbey and the east wall of the north transept. The Abbey has no such place of accommodation now. Even the Chapter House, it is pointed out, is not available as it i§ under the control not of the Abbey yacht Scout - yesterday: ¢ % ; GunoNIC J BRONCHITIS bees RAZ-MAH but of the Houses Parliament, The Abbey Has been increasingly used in recent years for great na- tional acts of worship and religiou gatherings, and there is a need o a suitable ch.mber where the leading dignit: ies can assemble on such oc- casions and robe, Many Treasures There is another important consid- eration, The Abbey possesses many treasures in the form. of vestments of great antiquity and delicate work- manshin, besides a collection of gold and silver plate and costly furniture and ornaments. It has been 1e- ported by experts that unless more adequate means are found for hous- ing the ancient vestments, which are delicate fabri.s heavy with embroid- ery, the present arrangement which requires them to be folded up and kept in presses, boxes and drawers in different parts of the Abbey will eventually cause them to be injured and destroyed, Not Gothic In external appearance, the new sacristy) is likely to resemble the Jerusalem Chamber, While con- forming with the Abbey in line, it will not be Gothic in style, as it has been thought desirable to avoid the appearance of copying the old build- ing and because Gothic. windows would not allow of sufficient lighting in what the Dean and Chapter de- sire to be a well-lighted room. Be- sides being a robing room and a place for the storage of vestments, the s--risty :ill be a museum in which the historical treasures of the Abbey wi. be kept and where the public will be able to see them, HALIFAX OUSTS PORTLAND Halifax, Dec. 12.--"We are done entirely with Portland and now we look to Halifax for the future," was one of the statements made by Major P. A. Curry, general mana- ger in Canada for the White Star Line, speaking at a luncheon given on board the Baltic, of the White Star" Line, the occasion being the inauguration of that company's schedule of eastbound sailings from this port. This schedule is in con- junction with the Cunard Line and under the auspices of the Canadian National Railways. MAKE ADAM BECK'S| HOME HIS MEMORIAL Hydro Municipalities May Unite With London in Purchasing Residence Hamilton Dec. 12.--The execu- tive of the Municipal Electric As- sociation met here yesterday and decided to recommend to the Hydro municipalities that they join with the City of London in buying the Beck home in that city and estab- lish it as a Beck memorial, The purchase cost would be in the neighborhood of about $655,000 and the present owner has given London 'City an option on the pro- perty, which option the city can ex- ercise within reasonable time. The home of the late Sir Adam eck really constitutes the birth- place of.the great Hydro project, in which today there is more than $300,000;000- of the money of On- tario municipalities invested. With- in its four walls the early Hydro plans were drafted and discussed by Sir Adam and those whom he chose to associate with himself in what was to be the mighty public ownership effort. The Beck Home comprises a beautiful dwelling and a whole city block of surrounding grounds. The structure will probably be turned into a Hydro museum and the whole institution called "Beck Me- morial Park." The memorial would be peculiarly that of the City of London, of which Sir Adam for many year was Mayor, and which he represented in the Legislature over a- considerable period. Eye Care and Eye Strain 1 "The Retavton of Defective Eyes to Health, Part "3", Copyright 1928 By C. H. TUCK, OPT.D, Not only does strain be noticed in the neighboring nerves and muscles of the eye, but the im- posed strain draws heavily upon the nerve force, and so we have a connection with a long line of evils more extended than we think, Nervous or mental disorders not only are a source of discomfort and great inconvenience to the sufferer, but are more fixed and more com- mon after the patient has passed the age of 40 years, this is one of the reasons why people of this age 'and. over require glasses for close work and reading who perhaps have never felt the need of glasses before, When it is possible for scientific prevention to this strain, to this waste of nerve energy, there are not so many sufferers as was the case at some earlier stage of optical history. It is also quite true that a certain correction may be optic- ally, may be scientifically perfect tamer respect and may give the patient the utmost comfort in every respect acuteness of vision includ- ed; but let this patient become afflicted with .some nervous disor- der, mental depression, conscious or subconscious and no comfort will be experienced or satisfaction expected until this trouble is com- pletely eradicated. QUALITY COAL MALLETT BROS. 16 Celina St. With cold weather coming and not much sunshine your poul- try need cod liver oil. We have the best on the market in any quantity you want, Feed our Superiof Scratch Grain along with our Laying Mash and make your hens lay. Do Your Hens Lay? ~ Cooper-SmithCo. Phone 8 IF a > THE gift is to be a consequential one doesn't your first impulse move you to gifts of Jewelry. That's because jewelry. and silver plate are so firmly established articles of value denoting a desire to make your contribution of utmost impressiveness. In pearl or amber, maize mauve. Ladies' Dresser Set plain, also in pink, blue, green, $7.95 Upward Child's 3 piece sets at From WristWatches SPECIAL A beautiful assortment of Compacts at various prices. See our table. Real values. 98. New Location: Corner King and Prince Streets Beautiful Cuff Links up to $30.00 a set Easy Terms Wrist Watches $50.00 H E High Grade Gentlemen's Wrist Watches 12 Size Pocket Watch 15 jewel, high grade movement. Knife and Extra Special Elgin Gent's Pocket . Watch 12 size. --_---- = _-- Clocks Diamond Rings $10 A beautiful single stone diamond ring in

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