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Oshawa Daily Times, 13 Dec 1928, p. 11

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lhE OsnAWA DAILY TIMES, |HURSDAY,; DECEMBER 13, 1/48 a PAGE. ELEVEN a Suburban and Gathered By Times Staff Reporters and Correspondents 'Brogklin, Dee. 11--Mrs, Reid of Parry Bound, hi visiting with her sister Miss Oliver, 3 Be sure to attend the dance in the township hall, Brooklin en Fri- day evening Dec, 14, Mr, Edwin Morrison, of Port Hope spent Sunday with friends here, Miss Hilda Mackey is spending a couple of months in Detroit with her sister. Mrs, 8, N. Griffen, A variety sale will be given un- der the auspices of the C, G, I, group of Brooklin in the United Chureh on Thursday Dec, 18, from ¢ to'7T pm, Miss Laura Mackey spent the week-end at her home here, THORNTON'S CORNERS Thornton's Corners, Dec, 12, -- Mr. and Mrs, Buss spent Saturday in Toronto on husiness. The attendance at Sunday School on December 9th was B88, Miss Margaret Northey gave a reading and-Mr. Lewis of Oshawa sang a solo, both of which were much en- joyed, The Christmas Tree and concert will be held on the even- ing of December 21st. Please keep this date in mind. All the small children of the neighborhood are especially invited to attend to see Santa Claus. , Glad to report that Mrs, Clar- ence Luke is well enough to leave the Oshawa Hospital after her op- eration, She has gone to her moth- ers- in North Oshawa for a few weeks until fully recovered. Among the names noticed who are entertaining in the honour of Miss Marle McDougald, a bride- elect, was that of Baron and Bar- oness Korff at a supper on Sunday evening. Mps. Dies and two sons of Shann- onville were week-end guests of Mr and Mrs. Edgar Pascoe. On Sunday Mrs. Pascoe, her sist- er Mrs, Dies and one son motored to St. Catharines to visit with rela- T. |Hayes 73, District News COLUMBUS Columbus, Dee, 12,--Mrs, Jas, Ashton is nursing at Mr, and Mrs, Robt, Ashton's, who have been laid up with bad colds, School Report for 8, 8, No, 6: 8r, IV--Franeis Hayes 78 per cent, Jr, IV--Clarence Guy 83, Helen Bro- mell 78, Frank Hayes 71, Elma Ross 60, Jack Howden 50, Sr. 111, -- Evelyn Stacey 174.1, George Howden 74, Bob Howden 66. Jr, 111 --Viola Rooks 76, Nelson Wilson 66, George Leach 66, sr, II--Jack Howard Grass 71, Jr, II Dorothy Hayes (who took Sr. 11 and Jr, exams) 71, Norman Guy 87, Eric Buchler 74 Harold Stacey 71, Albert Buchler 67, Sr. 1--Er- line Hayes 72, Ray Hayes 69, Teacher V. Appleby. Master Bobby Polard of Oshawa spent a few days with his grand- oarents Mr, and Mrs, H, Wilson. Mrs. A. Murison, and Stewart, spent Tuesday in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Robt Hanna hae moved to Oshawa last week, Mrs. Booth of Toronto is visiting with Mr, and Mrs, Fred Goodman. Mr. Ross Murison, spent the week end with his parents Mr. and Mrs, A. Murison. Mr. and Mrs. C, Ashton, of Osh- awa spent Sunday at Mr and Mrs, Robt Ashton's, Mr, and Mrs. A. Brown, of Osh- awa visited at her mothers Mrs, F, Garfatt. * Mrs, Richard Garland is on the sick list with a bad cold and plur- isy, Mrs. Robt. Sutherland spent Sat- urday at Oshawa with Mr. and Mrs. W. Sutherland. Reserve the 20th of December to see Old Santa Claus at the Town 211 Columbus. A wonderful pro- gram by the children and a dia- logue "Married in Haste," by the Young People. See posters. Miss V. Appleby spent the week- end at home with her parents Mr, and Mrs, Appleby. 0) Mr. IL. Beacock, of Blackstock spent a few days with his sister Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tarves. Mr. Carl Grass spent Sunday st tives. home with Mr. and Mrs. A. Grass, rE -- 'GOL MEDAL Ee \,; ort ) | It's full-bodied coffee flavour makes a real man's Drink. | ALMOST FRANTIC WITH HEADACHE Kidney Trouble and Weakness Relieved bv "Fruit-a-tives" this ' iii dealers everywhere. KEDRON Kedron, Dec, 11--A very inter- esting entertainment was presented at Kedron Church on Friday even- ing, December the seventh, under the auspices of "The Golden Links" and "Volunteer" Sunday School class, Misses Mildred and Gertrude and Mr. Stanley Webber of Colum- bus, furnished the musical part of the programme. Miss Mildred Mac- Duff of Brooklin, rendered sever- al excellent readings. A number of Kedron Young People presented a humorous Charade of the word "Incompatibility." Those taking part were Misses Hazel and Flor- ence Rahme, Miss Marjorie Parker, Mr, Leslie Aldred, Mr. Ciarence Martin and Master Orval Rahme, Other members of the two Sunday School classes had prepared a short play entitled "A Case of Suspen- sion," Miss Dorothy Clugston, Lor- raine and Jean Love represented three mischief-loving girls at board- ing school. Mesrs. Gordon Davis, Howard and Lorne Hoskin, were college boys interested in the young ladies of the Boarding School. Har- old Werry, as Professor Egerton, impressed upon Wilma Werry, Jud- kins, the matron of the Boarding School, the fact that dizcipline must be enforced at any cost. In his en- deayor to do his duty in brincing the young ladies and gentlemen to order, he manages to get into a very humorous and awkward situ- ation. Miss Elda Mountjoy as the maid and Mr. Ralph Davis as the janitor at the Boarding School were the willing aeccomnlices of the voung ladies in their pranks. Pro- ceeds amounted to about $30. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Washing- ton. of Ninga, Manitoba, visited with friends and relatives in this district. Mr. and Mrs. Rov Hepburn and family and Mrs. William Hepburn and Mr. Arthur Hepburn visited in Bowmanville, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F. Love and son James, Oshawa, spent Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Conlin. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Hoskin are visiting at her home in Orono. Miss Ferne Sedgett of Oshawa, was the guest of Miss Ruth Cole on Friday evening. The Ladies' Aid held their an- nual meeting for election of offie- ers, at the church last Thursday afternoon. The officers, elected for the coming year were\es follows: President, Mrs. L. Hancock; vice- president, Mrs. R. J. Luke: Secre- tary, Mrs. Harvey Pascoe; treasur- er, Mrs. A. D. Vandyke; plenist, Mrs. 8. Jewell; Flower committee, Mrs. Harold Mountjoy and Mrs. W. L. Mountjoy. Miss Marguerite Conlin is wisit- ing with her sister Mrs. F. Love and Miss Kathleen Conlin, Oshawa. Lady Our | hold use. The grinding and 7 regulated scientifically to t and Starch content in proper proportion tomake a perfect flour for successful home-baking, High Patent Manitoba Hard Wheat Flour a) SNOWIRIT IARY afgiry yOu can of theh Piscuits ii touched #M\agic Mills produce the finest | Mcles Lovely Bread Biscuits flour for house- wg are both Gluten . , SN STANDARD MILLING CO., OF CANADA, LIMITED TORONTO, MONTREAL, QUEBEC, SAINT JOHN, HALIFAX Sold in Oshawa by <OOPER-SMITH COMPANY 14 Cetina Sticet Al SOLINA Solina, Dee, 8.--The Solina Wo- men's Institute had a dissappoint- ing night when they staged their parcel post, but our own people came in goodly numbers, and en- joyed a good programme, There were parcels of all shapes and sizes and prices and all were eagerly picked, some being disappointed and others pleased with their pur- chases, Then the following program was given with Mr, McKessock who as chairman saw the humorous side of things that hight and so helped keep everything at its best, Instrumental duet by Migs Dorothy Pascoe and Mr, Wallace Pascoe, En- field, Reading, Miss Jean Millson Music by the Pascoe's on violin and cello, They also favored with an encore at each rendering of their numbers, Reading by Mr, B, G, Ste- vens "who was kind enough to fill in for a member who was absent through sickness, We then had a splendid exhibition of club swing- ing by Allan Balson accompanied by Miss Eileen Balson, Plano solo George Werry, Instrumental trio with master Harold Balson with the harmonica and Allan with uk- elele and Miss Eileen on piano, Prb- ceeds of evening $26, y Mr, and Mrs, W, T, Taylor, Miss Lena visited at Mrs, Larmier, Blackstock, Mrs. J. A, McClellan, Bowman- ville, Mr. Guernsey McClellan Tor- onto visited at Mr, Thos, Baker, Mr. and Mrs, B, Hunt and Ern- est of Bowmanville visited at Mrs. 8, Bush, Missionary Sunday was held at Eldad Sunday when Mrs, John Yel- lowlees read an interesting Mis sionary story on Christmas in a Foreign land and Miss Jean Milison zave a reading "Such a I have," reached its objective in funds. Rev. Mr, Bick chose Titus 2nd chapter and 11th verse as his text and preached a splendid sermon frum his passage and it was decided to hold a week of prayer with other ministers helping out with these services. Mr, and Mrs. Sam Brooks, Glen and Gwendoline, Oshawa, visited with 8. C. Werry, Mrs, Wm. Cowling, Hampton fis ill at the home of her daughter Mrs. 8, Hockely. Don't have any other engage- ment for Friday night Dec. 21st, for the C. G, I. T. girls are having a Christmas Tree concert on that night. Mr. and Mrs. John Baker attend- ed the B. H. 8. commencement ex- ercises at Bowmanville on Friday night. Mrs, Carl Wilbur, Allan and Ralph and Mrs. John Kivell attend- ed The Royal Fair in Toronto. Mrs. N, C. Yellowlees and Don- 8ld visited in Toronto where Don- ald helped Santa Claus in his races for children by winning 2 prizes. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wilbur and Gordan, Taunton and Mrs. James Reeson, Columbus visited with Mr. Harvey Hardy. Mrs. Banks and daughter of Ro- chester visited with Mrs. James Moorey. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Scott, En- field visited with Miss Mary Hog- arth. Ross William, Bowmanville visit- ed with C. Blanchard. i Mrs. Elgin Annis, son Cordon and two children, Oshawa visited with Mr. J. T. Rundle and Mr. J. Pascoe on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Oliver and two children of Bright visited with James Smales. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Avery and family, Enfield, visited with Me. Frank Westlakes. Mr. W. R. Westlake visited in Toronto for a few days last week. Messrs. James and Jack Reyn- olds and Lloyd Willisme visited in Toronto recently. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Finch, Hilton Evelyn and Miss Myrtle Viee visit- ed at Mr. Arthur Taylor's, Cherry- wood on Sunday. VISCOUNT SCORES Glad to say the Sunday School has | ing in a letter to the ultra-Conser- vative Morning Post, in answer .to the latter's charge that he has de- gerted the Conservatives and es- poused the Labor Party. The present Conservative Gov- ernment has been seriously worried by the defection of | the powerful Rothermere and Beaverbrook press lon the question of the Anglo-French pact and the Government derating scheme, The fact that Lord Rother: mere in this same letter to the Morning Post attacks the Derat- ing Bill, as "providing a whole army of destruciive arguments against the Conservative Party," fe the Baldwin forces, not calculated either to reassure London, Dee, 13. --The lively duel between Lord Rothermere and The Morning Post, which 'accused him of intending to support Labor in the next election, has brought forth from 'the publisher a letter which' begins, "I have no intention of supporting the Socialist Party in the next election, The idea that I may do so is a mere figment of your imagination." Lord Rothermere then proceeds to catalogue the crimes of the Con- servatives as justification for his idea that he would prefer the re- turn of Labor to power because fit would give the country a much needed shock. Among the so-called crimes fis that of the Anglo-French pact, which Lord Rothermere claims his newspapers have killed, and the much discussed Derating Bill, of which he says that unless it is amended "so that it is impossible for the small struggling house. holds of the country to contribute in any way to the rates--munlei- pal taxes--millionaires and shelt. ered businesses will defeat the Tor- fes so overwhelmingly that as. a fighting unit until they will cease to exist, "The country is tired of make- believe, and does not want amy more easy-going, good-natured peo- ple in charge of its affairs at one of the most critical periods in its history. Lord Rothermere then adds that Britain alone has failed to emerge from post-war conditions, France and Italy, he contends, are more prosperous and Germany will be next year, If Britain had a Musso- lini or a Poincare at her head she would now be en firm ground, The publisher's letter concludes the follownig remarkable passage: "The governing purpose of the Con servative Party at the next electh¥s should he to endeavor to return from the fray sufficiently strong so as to be in a position to form an alternative Government with, Bane ove Lowest AY QA is exeeptionzlly good, Budded Walnuts, Filberts, 2 lower price 3razil Nuis Tilberts Walnuts Almond: Washed Concon Calif --~ Soft Shell Shelled Walnuts Fancy Bordeaux Halves... 'helled Walnuts Eh stock 'Shelled Almonds Shelled Filberts Finest Ground Almonds Patrico * sim. 8e Form wwn Benin Caps Mixed Peel aot Citron Peel Highest Quality Leisurely Shopping ' fo coe Mixed Nuts "Finest Quality Money Can Buy" or your Christmas table only the very bes: vill do, so we have been particularly careful n selecting nuts for this festive season, and we'ean safely say that the mixture we offer Our mixed nuts are made u Large Washed Brazils, Finest Tarragcna Almonds and Best Quality These are much cheap- er than nuts marked at Fancy--Large Finest Quaiily-- RAPER -spscnnsssin Cail Diamond Duddel--~ Shelled Nuts ib. 58¢ Ib, 43c Ib. 55¢ New Season's--Finest Quality ~Bright Drained ....... 00.» Glace Cherries Fine, Speiis-- LEX J » IOP ~ 8/101 [is & Xmas Clikes - ~ and lv get the Best ! early get bampetucnl vt possible p Fong Prices ----- your Christmas Gioceries - Crackers -Candies - Fruits he / Loblaw's XmasCake Made in Our Own Pure Food Kitchens This Christmas cake is made from a very fine old English recipe, It contains the very choicest of Oriental Fruits, Valencia Almonds, Fine Spices, Glazed Cherries, High Park Butter--and eovered with a delicious Almond Paste, (Also plain.) Buy it by the slab, the pound or slice of Faney 3-1b Size § . . sors r eens INDIVIDUAL XMAS CAKES Put up in boxes and have a very fine decoraied top, They would make 3 most suitable Christmas gift, 1 277 ize $9 ib. "2. , 1b. 3le Ib. 1b. I8e 42¢ 39¢ Mincemeats Mincemszat Mincemeat STORE HOURS DURING XMAS SEASON brs aiey .. 1b. 19¢ urs sands Jar 34c vicar Ib, 16¢ M 8 a.m. Till 6 p.m. Daily Fridays - 8 a.m. Till 10 p.m. Saturdays 8 a.m. Till 10 . p.m, DELIVERY OF YOUR ORDER Ib. 40¢c Tin 22¢ LOBLAW'S EGYPTIAN BLEND TEA Highest Quality Procurable 14+b. 25 Packed in Damptite Cartons A GOOD GIFT FOR CHRISTMAS Lemon Peel Curry ib. 39¢ sonsns. Preserved Ginger T's ........ Ib. 37¢ ois. Phe. 34c Foard Dates Bens... Natural Figs Seedless Raisins Pe snes 8 Ibs 23¢ Seeded Raisins msasssassanssnss 1b. 30 Stoneless Date: 2 russ. 35 Shirritt's True Extracts Lemon Vanilla Almond 23° Daitor's Xmas Wines Ginger Ale The Peer of Pale Dry "ine 10e Plus 2¢ Deposit on Bottle Cazton 1 Pkg. 24¢ 2 Ibs. 31c Ib. 18¢ panenas 2 pkgs. 25¢ Cranberry Dez. $ ) | «20 Carton 1, Doz. A CARTON OF THIS DELIGHTFUL PALE DRY WILL MAKE AN IDEAL XMAS GIFT. Sinem Quis ib. 24 Jelly ID. 18 SEE rnin. JOP RAE Presses SDS Ife SRS 146. Tin 24c

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