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Oshawa Daily Times, 13 Dec 1928, p. 16

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afl Treetes awe" Bay ad - ¥ bagkR DAGBRT Ta REP SE TRIRRACHEER eg 7] PAGE SIXTEEN THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1928 Hh a = MAN. SE 3 NAL N NCO OHNE ¢. 18. ~Umbert Guor- Ys N.C, was to- "gufity in the County minal © negligence in : his motor, car and : Guerra, Jk Gs a. Kingston at "and about fourteen miles' from bh rashed into a car driven by Wiliam R, Dick, of Cal y resulting in Mr, : ga broken leg and ol while his wife was Dec, 18,--Levi Irish, y employed at the Mica erona, 1s in. the 'Kingston General ital: suffering from a badly mabgled arm sustained when it bech: fone ha a heayy belt on a gd machine, One part of the hohe in the fore arm will moved, as the ends of 'ak! present are being held wire. "MgAdoo, employed by the "Park, Dalry, is "in the ) General Hospital, suffer- ing fi 'a'broken arm, received when Jie was crushed by a horse ta the stable... RADIO INSPECTORS IN BELLEVILLE Belleyiile, ngs & wor Mines, V 'Dee. 13, --Inspectors W. R, Pollard and F, J, C, Dunn of the Radio Branch, Ottawa, are at present in Belleville checking over the radio license situation. From what can be learned the lic- ense situation here Is In a deplor- able state and immediate steps are being taken by the inspectors to remedy 'the situation, The entire city wilk be checked and every effort made to bring the users of unlicensed radio equip- ment to task, A fine of fifty dollars and costs on summary conviction or three months' imprisonment, CONVERSION CHARGES DROPPED BY CROWN Pembroke, Dec, 13, -- When a Jury in the General sessions last night, before Judge J. T. Mulcahy, returned a verdict of not guilty on the second of a series of theft by conversion preferrd against John M. Roney, former Pembroke brok- er, and His Honor withdrew from the jury a third charge after evi- dence was heard, the accused walked out of court a free man, The Crown did not press five simi lar charges, and the criminal court aftermath of the financial failure of the former Pembroke brokerage firm of Roney and Jones drew to a ¢lose as the senior partner, Roney, was acquitted yesterday on five counts of a like nature last June, Buy Your Coal from the DIXON c™ All - Coal thoroughly screened and loaded on yehicles for de- lectric livery with e aptomatic loaders to avoid breakage, Ipixo 262 four direct lines to central SOLVAY COKE Forked to Insure Cleanliness GENERAL MOTORS WOOD Bone Dry-----Speaks For [Itself JEDDO COAL The Best The Mines Produce COAL | CO. RESEARCH FOUNDATION TO © BE ESTABLISHED SHORTLY Kingston, Dec. 13~Dr, L, J. Austin, professor of surgery in Queen's Medical College, attended a meeting in Toronto Tuesday of the Board of Directors of the On- taro Medical convention, at which a resolution was unanimously ens dorsed approving the movement in the past of the government of the province to establish a research foundation, It was further decid- ed that the Ontario Medical Asso- ciation would definitely participate in the movement by promoting a research fellowship in medicine, Dr, Austin is counsellor for the Kingston district of the provincial association, CORNWALL DAIRYMEN TENDERED BANQUET Cornwall, Dec, 13,--Dairymen us the Cornwall district to the num- ber of 100 attended a banquet at the ping George Hotel last night under the auspices of the Cornwall Cheese Board, when the guests of the evening were Dr; J, A, Ruddiex of Ottawa, Dairy Commissioner for Canada, and George H, Barr of Toronto, Director of Dairying, De- partment of Agriculture for Ontar. fo, Dr, Ruddick, in an admirable address, said dairymen could look back on the season of 1928 as ne of the most successful in the his- tory of the industry, Dr, Ruddick said he found on 8 recent trip abroad that the posi- tion of Canadian cheese in. the British market was never better than at present, NEGLIGENCE CASE IN ' KINGSTON DISMISSED Kingston, Dee, 13.--Finding that George Wireelock was not guilty of negligence, in connection with the fatal accident last April when Bob- by Vivian was struck by his motor car, the jury in the case of Vivian vs, Wheelock, disallowed the claim '|of Bertranr Vivian, father of the deceased boy, for $700 damages, bringing in their verdict at mid- night, after deliberating on the case for about two hours. This was the first case at the sittings of the General Sessions and County Court which opened on Tuesday. A series of questions were sub- mitted to the jury by Judge Lay- ell, but as they answered *yes" to the first question, which asked if the jury was satisfied that the de- fendant had proven himself not guilty of negligence, they were not .|ealled upon to answer the remain- ing questions, CAR THIEVES BECOMING ACTIVE IN KINGSTON Kingston, Dee, 13.--Car thieves ave becoming very bold in King- ston, While a session of the County iecourt was in progress Tuesday af- |ternoon and with many people go- ling in and coming out of the court { house, a thief got into a car owned [by Ivor O. Bugge, of the Kingston Sign Company, which was parked just outside the court house, and drove off. Up till noon yesterday, the police had secured no trace ar. By of the car. Mr. Bugge had heen engaged in | some work in the court house, and | When he was about to leave for home at 5 o'clock, he found that i car had been stolen. After no- {tifying the police, Mr. Bugge got | busy and telephoned to many out- Music has," and al will be, the Jas, ways gredtest No matter which, we extend to one and all, 2 Christmas. Jano sincere wish for 2 Happy Musical Williams Piano Co. Ltd. Oshawa Canada Also Manufacturers of ' The Williams Super-Electric Radio. "THE JOHNS PIANO STORE 80 Simcoe St. Norih Oshawa side places, giving a description of his car, in the hope that it could be located, while the police made a thorough search of the city but with no success, The stolen car is a Star Six with the license number 379-140, LINDSAY PRESBYTERY MET IN LINDSAY Lindsay, Dec, 13.~~At the meet- ing of the Lindsay Presbytery of the United Church of Canada, hela Tuesday Church, a resolution was passed to send a protest to the General Couneil because of the delay in publishing the draft of the new hymn books, SHEEP LOSSES HEAVY IN CRAMAHE TOWNSHIP ship of Cramahe, Northumberland county, has been unusually hard hit by sheep losses the past two years, For 1927 the amounts paid by the municipality to farmers who had sheep killed amounted to between $1,200 and $1,300, and it is expected the 1928 record will exceed this, In October $250 was paid out in this way, Residents of Cramahe believe the work is more often that of wolves than dogs, which inference is substan- tiated by the fact that there are cases where the bodies of the ani- mals are not badly mangled or torn, as is usually thé case when dogs commit the depredations, Two wolves were shot in that township some time ago. A generous boun- ty of $25 is offered for each wolf shot, and the council is in a quan- dary as to what their next step should be, FUNERAL OF COBOURG OFFICIAL TO BE MILITARY Cobourg, Dec, 13,--The funeral of the late Colonel Neil MacNach- tan, C.V.0,, who had been clerk and treasurer of the United Coun- ties of Northumberland and Dur- ham for nearly forty years, will take place today at 2 p.m. from St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, He will be buried with full milf- tary honors, a last tribute from the service which he loved and eom- manded so Jong. The 22nd Me- dium Battery will detail the firing party, under command of Major C. T. Peterson, Officers of all the military corps of the district will be represented, and the members of the Councils of the United Coun- ties and of the town of Cobourg will attend in a body. The honor- ary pall-bearers are announced as follows: Col. W. H. Floyd, V.D., Col. E. E. Snider, Port Hope, Col. Fred D. Boggs, It-Col. J. W. Odell, Lt.-Col. A. E. Hopper, M.C., Lt.-Col. J. ¥. Wolfraim, Colborne. The Kilties' Band of Cobourg will play the funeral music. Rev. F. C. Harper, of St. Andrew's Church, will conduct the service assisted by Rev. T. Stanage Boyle. of St. Peter's Anglican Church. NEW BELLEVILLE SCHOOL OFFICIALLY OPENEV Belleville, Dee. 13.--With many of the most prominent citizens ot Canada present, Belleville yeste day formally opened its $550,00¢ collegiate institute and vocationa training school. Hon. Johan 8: Martin, who laid the corner-stone was called upon to declare the im- posing edifice open for use. He also was the first to enter his name in the book kept for recording vis- its by distinguished men. In the afternoon the session was given over to the student body, which heard addresses by H. R. H Kenner, Principal of the Peterboro' high school; Dr. Charles Bishop of Albert College; P. C. McLaurin, Principal of the Belleville Coll- egiate; A. T. Delury, Lean of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Toronto, and Hon. Jobn S. Mar- tin. At tie evening session represen- tatives of the Provincial Depart- ment of Education were the guests of bonor.A unique feature of the evening ceremonies was the intro- duction of Wellington Jeffers Dia- mond, who has been Secretary of the Board of Education since 1881. Mr. Diamond has passed his nineti- eth birthday, is hale and hearty and attends to his office duties cach day. Following the evening session students acted as guides and show- ed the gathering the many unique features incorporated in the mew edifice, Is Your Child Thin and Weak ? McCoy's Tablets Puts on Flesh and Builds Them Up In just a few days -- quicker than you ever dreamt of--these wonderful health building, flesh creating tablets called McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets will start to help any thin, underweight little one. After sickness and when the chil- dren are exceedingly puny they are especially valuable. All over Nort) and South Ameri- ca and even in Great Britain and Australia tens of thousands of skin- ny run down men and women have put their faith in McCoy's-- and have not been disappointed. Try these wonderful tablets for 30 days and if your frail, sickly child doesn't greatly benefit you get your money back. Ask Jury and Lovell, T. B. Mit- chell, W. H. Karn or any druggist for McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tab- lets--as easy to take as candy and 69 tablets, 60 cents -- Economy Size $1.90. in Queen street United:|iractors arq active Cobourg, Dec, 13, -- The Town: PRESCOTT YE} MAN ARRIVES M FORT CHURCHILL Prescott, Dec. 13.--Kenneth' C, Rowe, of Prescott, who arrived here Sunday night after a trip from Montreal via Hudson Bay to Fort Churchill, relates many interesting experiences on his trip around the northern route, Mr, Rowe states that the harbor at Fort Churchill is still open and that airplanes and transporting men from the port to the'end ot steel, He left Montreal, Augusi 22, and after touching at Hebron on the Labrador Coast and Wick~ ham Bay en route, arrived at Fort Churchill on September 30, Many icebergs were seen along the Lab- rador coast, but none were in Hud- son Bay nor the Straits, Rough seas were experienced in Hudson Bay, but no 'serious mishaps, Se- vere winds prevail in the region ot Churchill, which often reach a ve- locity of 80 miles per hour, The port is experiencing some really mild weather, the thermometer hov- ering around zero, which Is consid- ered quite warm in those parts fo. this time of the year. Ice was forming in the harbor, but it usual- ly went out with the tide, The conventional polar hear was seen flouting on a cake of ice, and white foxes and seals were numerous, Mr. Rowe, who was employed by the 'Department of Rallways and Canals, left Churchill for Rosahelle Lake by tractor and from there hy a cabin plane mounted on skis and flying over the Barren Lands to mile 437 on the new railway, This trip takes about 55 minutes by air, or seven days walking, the only other mode of travel at that time of year, The trip from mile 437 to The Pas was made by freight train, Before leaving Churchill, he also made a trip to Port Nel- son and back by water, and he states that many prospectors are oni Bs in the vicinity of Church- ill and that some valuable strikes have been reported. CRIPPLED WOMAN MOTHER OF TEN, GETS LIFE TERM Sentence Mandatory Under Law and Hope of Appeal Considered Slim Lansing, Mich,, ich,, Dec, 13. ~The State of Michigan today demanded the traditional pound of flesh for the violation of its statutes, Its re- quest was granted. Mrs, Etta Mae Miller, 48 years old, mother of ten children, and who is crippled in body and handi- capped in mind, a woman that in appegrance, is approaching three score and ten, was declared guilty by an Ingham County jury after deliberating one hour and 40 min- utes over a charge of illegal fur- nishing of liquor, Conviction of Mrs, Miller means she will spend the remainder of her days behind the bars of a state prizon, An appeal to the Supreme Court is her only hope, and this, it is conceded, is but slim, The life sentence is mandatory under the law. Mrs, Miller was convicted of four liquor violations, three of which took place before the present code went into effect. She took the ver- i dict calmly as has been her de- meanor during the short trial be- fora which she stood as a violator of the law. She is the first woman in Michigan to be sentenced for life for liquor law violation, LANGSNER IN MONTREAL TO RETURN TO TORONTO Toronto, Dee, 13.--Dr, A, Maxmil- ian Langsner, international consulting criminologist and shining light of the J ------ er ------ The ARCADE Pre-Christmas Sale CONTINUES Friday and Saturday Unusual values will be found in every Dept. Special for Fri, Shoppers Ladies' Boston Shopping Bags 98¢c Large size Shopping Bags, rubber lined, leath- erette material, strong leather handles, Very SPECIAL 98¢ N= /4 lecture platform, left Toronto several brunette consort, as Madame Lang- days ago quietly, but not mysterious- [ore is adverscly affected by the cli= ly, as was at first thought, The Majl Mate of the Queen City, and Empire learned last night that She gin that it as too : mid and murky for her, and expres- he has gone to Montreal for private sed a yearning for the bracing pres purposes, and will return here in a idity and lavish snow of Montreal, It few days. is possible she may stay there and One of the main objects of his visit| that her devoted spouse will return according to an authoritative source| here alone to continue his treatment of information, is to establish with|of stammercrs and his study of the friends in Montreal his beautiful | Small case. SUIT and OVERCOAT SALE We have received a consignment of Suits and Owercoats from a well known manufacturer To Be Cleared Out at Wholesale Prices - 7 $25.00. Blue Striped Suits 2 PANT material, which sells at $12 Blue Melton OVERCOATS mares $10 Cloth, full plush lined, in the latest style, with half belt. Wholesale Price PE Powder Blue Suits 2 PANT These Suits have a very GREY SERGE SUITS ~ $9 = Blue Double Stripe Suits 2 PANT The ne we st patterns vif very fine mater- Wholesale Price radian $13 FROM THE MANUFACTURER TO THE CONSUMER I. COLLIS & SONS cod HW 50-54 King Street West SESENSEEEESEESESEEESENSEENEEENEEEN BLUE SERGE SUITS cris $16 of guarantee from the mak- er. These Suits retail at $35. Wholesale Price arm ane, "We Lead Others Follow"

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