* - of the Dominion Bank, PAL win tine Uo Awa vale a LIMES, THURSVA ©, DevevioeR 13, 1928 Woman's Daily Interest | SOCIAL and PERSONAL The Times invites the. co operation of its readers in contributing ftems to this column, Send In a posteard or phone 86. : Miss A, Page, R N,, of Honolulu, 1s the, guest of Mr, and Mrs, A, C, Branton, Division street, for a few days. » Mr, aud Mrs, A. Pipher, Bruce street, are in Claremont today where they are attending the fun- eral of the late John Whitson, * » Ld Mrs. G, H, Pedlar, Simcoe street: north, left Monday for California, where she will spénd the next six months, Mr, and Mrs, *R. *u. Cole and daughter, Miss Mary Cole, Camp- bellford, have been the guests of Mr, and Mrs. Clayton Downey, Division street, for a few days, e/ % = $ Mr, W,. J. Burns, Alexandra street, left Monday for Southern Pines, Norib Carolina, where he will spend the winter, returning to town the latter part of April, Ld * The many Triends of-Mr. T, W, Joyce, manager of the local branch will be glad to hear that he is doing nicely, although still confined to his home, i »" L LJ] Mr, Frederick Case of Toronto is entertaining at a dinner on Fri- day, December 21, before the dance at "Parkwood", which Mr, and Mrs, 'R 8, McLaughlin are giving for their daughter, Miss Eleanor McLaughlin, * % The Oshawa Club entertained at a euchre last evening in their club rooms, over the Standard Bank. There were 17 tables in play, The ladies' first prize was won by Mrs, Thompson and the second by Mrs. Missett," while the gentlemen's prizes were awarded to E, Sweet and H, Sweet, These euchres are to be discontinued until after the Christmas holidays. x * » The Oshawa Cricket Club held a concert and dance on Tuesday evening, a large number attending. The concert was as follows; solos, "Because", and 'Pal-0'. Mine", Mrs. Lesy; .bass solos, "Skipper of St. Ives" and "Plant a Watermelon on my Grave", Mr. Bergman; solos, "The Song that Reached My Heart" .. and "Memories", Mrs, Thompson; "comedy skit, Mr, Simpson, accom- panied by Mrs. Mcintyre; solos, "What. Has Become of the Old Songs" and "Burlington Bertie", Mr. Langtree. Miss P. Bergman was accompanist. Following the concert an enjoyable dance was held, . 5 The regular monthly meeting of the Elizabeth Long Mission Cirele of Simcoe street United Church was held on Tuesday evening. A splendid solo was given by Mable Mason, which was followed by a plano solo by Arlie Reesor. Dur- ing the business meeting the of- ficers for 1929 were elected and are as follows: president, Mildred Johnston; vice-president, Dorothy Cook; secretary, Gladys Frise; treasurer, Evelyn Andison; mite box secretary, Nellie Johnston: corresponding secretary, Mabie Mason; supply secretary, Helen Boddy; press secretary, Olive Frise; Arlie Reesor was appointed pianist for the year. . LJ ® » On Wednesday, December 12, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Everson of "Gilmour Place", King street east, celebrated the fortieth anniversary of their marriage with their child- | | Buy Your Christmas Gifts Now A wonderful selection to pick from. 84 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa '| and Mrs, ren, grandchildren and close rela- tives, An interesting feature of the occasion was the presence of the officiating minister of forty years ago, Elder D, Prosser of Newmar. ket, who looked hale and hearty in of his sights odd years, the desmaid, Mrs, Blanche Farewell {Mould of Orillia, and the grooms man, Mr, W, R, Courtice of Cour. tice; The high esteem, in which Mr w, Everson are held was evidenced in the profusion of gifts, flawers and congratulatory tele. grams and messages from their many friends - throughout Canada and the United States, During the evening about a hundred of their old friends called to offer con: gratulations an enjoy the hospital. ity of their home, * A delightful supper meeting was held in the church parlors of the Simcoe street: United Church on Tuesday evening when the ladies of the Ever Ready Bible Class met to elect their officers for the en. suing year, An elaboraie banquet was prepared and served by Mrs, Rundle"s group, Much business was discussed and the following of- ficers were elected: honorary teacher, Miss Luke; teacher, Mrs. Perkins; assistants, Mrs, Boddy and Mrs, Adair; 'president, Mrs, Rex 'Harper; first vice-president, Mrs, Williams; second vice-president, Mrs, Stephenson; secretary, Mrs, Bigwood; treasurer, Miss Alta Kemp; social vice-president, Mrs. Powell; assistant, Mrs, Goyne; membership convener, Mrs, Wil. son; relief convener, Mrs, Mason and Mrs, Hall; pianist, Mrs, Bart- lett; librarian, Mrs, Piper; press Sorrespondent, Miss Esther Haw- ey, McDONALD-CARTIER CLUB The first meeting for the 1929 Season of all the members of the McDonald-Cartier club was held last evening in Welsh's parlors, for the election of officers for the en- suing year, The officers were as follows: president, G, R, Pedlar; first vice-president, J, Worrall; second vice-president, Miss Hel Williams; third vice-president, Mrs. R, D. Preston; secretary, R, D, Humphreys; treasurer, Eldon Stacey, At the meeting only three members of the active executive were elected, E, Marks, Mrs, Lock and Miss F, Coyt, the remainder to be elected at the dance to be spon- sored by this club in the near fut- ure, Christmas Recipes PEPPERMINT CANDY Cups sugar, ¥ cup boiling water, 1 tablespoon butter, 1 tablespoon vinegar, 4 teaspoon soda, 4 tea- spoon peppermint extract. Stir to- gether all ingredients, except extract, let boil until it cracks when dropped in cold water, Add extract and beat until creamy. Pour into a buttered pan and cut into squares, CRANBERRY CONSERVE 1 Quart cranberries, 2 cups cold water, 1 grapefruit, 1 cup raisins, 4 cups sugar, 2'4 cups boiling water, 1 cup shopped nut meats. Run cran- berries through food-chopper, add cold water and cook until soft. Add grapefruit and raisins, finely chop- ped, sugar and boiling water. Cook slowly until thick. Add nuts, RAISIN STUFFING ¥: Cup raisins, % cup walnut meats, 2 cups fine stale bread crumbs, salt, pepper, sage or poultry dressing, ¥3 cup melted butter, 1-3 cup boiling water. Cut raisins and nuts in small pieces and add to the bread crumbs. Add salt, pepper and sage and over it pour melted butter and boiling wa- ter. Stir lightly with a fork and use as stuffing, preferably for guinea hen. CHRISTMAS RECIPES SQUIRREL POTATOES hed sweet p S, sugar, 2 tablesp but- ter, 1 cup chopped pecans or walnuts, 1 teaspoon salt, '4 teaspoon cinna- mon, % teaspoon allspice. Mix al the ingredients thoroughly, shape in- to croquettes, dip in egg, then in crumbs, and fry in deep fat. Or pack into a shallow pan, cut in small squares, and saute on 2 hot, lightly greased griddle. Servings, 6. "Prov Business The of training. tured by Peerless-trained novice class, . the world novice they can enter into 174; Simcoe S. N. Training Contests are the proving ground of business training, be- cause they are tests set by competent authorities and the re- sults for a basis for comparing the worth of different kinds OSHAWA AND DISTRICT CONTEST: All six cups cap- typists. CANADIAN TYPEWRITING CONTESTS: Nearly twice as many first, second and third places have been won by typ- ists trained by Peerless teachers as have been won by stu- dents of other teachers in Canada. WORLD TYPEWRITING CONTEST: A student trained by Peerless teachers came third in the world contest in the 1927, writing one word a minute less than ed i PEERLESS TRAINING PAYS Peerless students are trained so ly and so well that cither in business or in con- competition, tests, with the best in Canada, with credit to themselves and 6 teach : ; The Peerless Business College | CALVARY CHURCH WELCOMES PASTOR Gather ot 'Supper to Greet Rev. H. Andrew Ackland and Wife The members and friends of Cal- vary Baptist Church to the num- ber of about eighty gathered last night to welcome their new pastor, Rev, H, Andrew Ackland, B, Th, and Mrs, Ackland, A dainty and bountiful supper was served in the church basement commencing at 6,30, after which brief addresses of welcome to the city and to the church were given by Rev. Ernest Harston, LL. B, ALL-DAY FROCK You'll be prepared for any daytime occasion in this simply styled frock of sheer woolen in geometric print with plain woolen contrasting. The bodice closes in surplice effect, fas- tened with button, just above waist- line for decorative note. The attach- ed two-piece skirt, is plaited well to- ward each side of front to form pan- el. A, shaped pocket is stitched a- cross plaits at right side. It is par- ticularly nice model for sheer tweed, so popular at the moment. Pattern- ed wool jersey, plain black wool jer- sey, velveteen in harvest brown, black crepe satin, Madeleine blue dull silk crepe, and printed rayon velvet other interesti ideas becoming to most TE is No. 340 is designed in sizes 16, 18, 20 years, 36, 38, 40 and 42 inches bust. Pattern price 20 cents in stamps or coin (coin is preferred). Wrap coin carefully. PET ITT TY TTT PPP PP res Spr ssssssss esses nssss Sapa snpssssssssrssns Minister of Simcoe Street United Church, H.M, Gilchrist, of Knox Presbyterian, Harry Boyce, Mrs, Redick, on behalf of the church, Alfred Beck, for thé Young Peo- ple's Society, R, B, Wilkins, for the Sunday School and Mrs, Alloway for the women's organizations, An unofficial representative of the oth. er "independent" Baptist churches was present in the person of Rev. Glen Wardell, pastor of Scarbaro Baptist Church, who spoke briefly, encouraging and inspiring both pastor and people, Co-Operation To all of these greetings, Rev, and Mrs, Ackland replied in a most gracious manner, expressing their hope that the church would fully co-operate with them'in the minis. try of the gospel, and that all might be richly blessed and of use to God in the extension of His kingdom, Hearty singing and a violin solo by Mr, Johnston were much en- Joyed, A, R. Alloway acted as Chairman, The last half hour was devoted to prayer for the work under the ministry and leadership of the new . | pastor and his wife, SUMMER WEATHER ON LAKE, SHIPS RUNNING ON TIME Anniversary of Fatal Storms Finds Conditions Very Satisfactory Fort William, Dec, 13.--This week, first anniversary of the big storms which caused disaster to several steamers on the ° upper lakes, including the Kamloops, which disappeared off Isle Royale with a crew of 22, the Lambton, which was run aground on Paris- fenne Island ard from which two sailors were lost in trying to reach shore, the Altadoc, driven on the shores near Keweenaw Point, and the Agawa, stranded on the south shore of Manitoulin, is marked by the finest Fall weather lake ship- ping men have ever known, The last boats are coming and going under most favorable con- ditions, a peculiar commentary on the suggestion made early in the year that. owing to the dangers of Fall navigation, the season should be declared ended some tine around the first of December, All incoming boats report very gova trips, with practically no wind, ve.y little snow, good visibility and gen- erally satisfactory conditions. There have been no accidents since August and no loss of life. Mean- while, there is a certain activity at the docks and elevators by boats which have yet to get away and are desirous of doing so before the expiration of the second per- fod of increased insurance at mid- {night last night. This a<tivity is rot comparable, however, to other years because of the regular coming and going to date. Boats have been able to reach harbor without delays en route and there have consequent- ly been no jams such as sometimes follow the cessation of storms, whieh caused boats to gather where shelter offered and them rush in groups for the harbors here. Yesterday's departures included five steamers with 1,242,000 bus. of grain. Only three or four more are to go out ard it is stated there will be about 30 winter at the head of the lakes with grain in storage. These 'will include the Lemoyne, biggest of grain carriers, which will-regeive 533,000 bushels before putting out her lines at a local dock for the Winter. Only two, the Em- pire City and the James Watt, are reported as em route for loading, and the Soo vessel passage report vesterday said, "Up, nothing." Therefore, two or three more days will see the end of another season of upper lake mavigation and the tugs will be going out to bring in the light keepers from their long Summer vigil. ACh HOSIERY CANADIAN, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN SEAM AND SEAMLESS ELASTIC MOSIERY Belts yd CHRISTHAS GAY, J0Y0US, COLORFUL SPEEDING NEAR Selection of Gifts Made More Pleasant This Year Than Before nn Christmas, gay, joyous, colorful Christmas is scurrying down the snow-strewn pathways of the North into our midst; while old Father Time, gray and bedraggled ticks off his last days with cheerless mono- tony, Our 'days too are numbered, those days of hustle and hurry just before the stockings hang up in an expectant row, So, if we are even penny wise we will make up our Christmas list at an early date, with one eye on the requirements and the other on our pocket book, The Christmas gift problem seems to be much more easily solved this season, for most important amon things new is the daring imagery o the Art Moderne, It has left its im- rint on all the new house furnish- ings, toilet accessories, and even characterizes the face of the mode, Roby, of Paris, is one of the most successful interpreters of this new cult, especially in ceramic figures, But though the western world does not lead in this new movement, at least it has a theory all its own, For Humidors are another smoking ac- cessory which are rapidly gaining favor, They are generally cedar lin- ed and interpreted in brass and silver, just the sort of gift the hearth and slipper man would like to find under his hand on a quiet evening, It is also'an attractive container for cigars, as its' leather cedar will not allow them to lose their strength, A silver metallic is especially effective in the Chinese dragon design, For business hours the new desk fountain pen, in which all the pen- makers of the country are specializ+ ing, has a very wide appeal, It has the appearance of an ordinary pen with interesting color combinations; but its gold point and self-filling pro- ensities make it extremely reliable. he newest arrivals have a marble base outlined with metallic and a swivel holder which allows it to move and thus protects the pen if one is in a hurry, Ties, if one is considering things personal, is a regulation Christmas ift; but the choice is the important actor, Although men may not be connoisseurs of art, yet they have an infallible eye for color when it comes to ties, Stripes are now at the zenith of their popularity and these are attrac- tive in the silk medium, especially in a harmonious combination of grey and blue, Another of this season's successes, which is attracting much attention, is the combination key case that is a treasure, should keys slip hopeless- ly into the wrong pocket, or make holes until their 1s no pecket at all. Matching it in leather and design is the ination con purse and hill the small fruit dish in the n group is America's tribute to modern art; an exceptional combination of pressed and blown glass, It is of smoked pearl, or smoked amber, and the same rombic glass may be ob- tained in odd shaped cases, low can- dlesticks, or candy jars, They are en- tirely new and stand well to the fore- front in this latest upheaval of mod- ern furnishings, Lamps, perhaps, lay greatest stress on this new art and form themselves into discs, odd angles, triangles, or squares, with the bulb artfully hid- den, reflecting a variety of shades, Noticeable among the most success- ful of these achievements is the pic- tured boudoir lamp. It is shaded in granite-flecked pottery of deep ash- es of roses; throwing a cigarette lady into smart relief. It completes its triumph, however, when Paris tops it with a frosted shade of the same hue, Personal gifts, if one does not wish to give the house, are always ac- ceptable to the fair sex and nothing is quite so attractive as the new per- fumes, Such inimitable fashion crea- tors as Worth, Chanel and many others have progressed far in theart of blending perfumes to harmonize with personalities, "Dans Le Nuit" (in the night) is a bewitching al- chemy of oriental flowers, and the container is effective in its deep- midnight blue, star sprinkled sphere. Costume jewelry is another flatter- ing gift which is dear to the heart of every woman and it is especially smart when it matches the costume. Chanel, of Paris, goes one better in bis evening creations and enmeshes the sparkle of night lights in' the depicted necklace of clearest crystal. The drop is finely cut and etched in 3 miniature flower design. Bracelets may be bought to match, or a brooch, if preferred. The theory of evolution is aptly il- Justrated in this season's clocks, for they have become more artistic and more chic; bright, little, metallic af- fairs which tick happily on my lady's dressing table. Purses from time immemorial have been 'an accepled and an acceptable t. fold, For the man who favors the fair- way, the new golf scorer will prove a most acceptable gift. This is the size of a wrist watch and ticks off the strokes, when set, without miscalcula- tion or mishap, EE Complem her eyes, SHARI Talcum $1, King East Phone 2 Ep i pe A A re En 0 "we iv ? ent Her Loveliness ~ Give Her "Si/ARI So delightfully natural, so vivacious youthful are those exotic beauty touches that they will blend with her own personality, Whether sixteen or sixty, they will bring out all the beauty of her complexion, empha. size the tones of her hair and the sparkle'of Shari Single Compact $1.50 Shari Double Compact $2.50 Shari Beauty Cream $1.50 Shari Cleansing Cream $1.00 Shari Dusting Powder $3.80 Shari Perfume, per ounce, $3.50 Shari Toilet Water, $5.00 FOR SALE ONLY AT JURY AND LOVELL'S THE REXALL STORE and Simcoe 8. Phone 68 | pass HANGHAN ORDERS GALLOWS PLACED London, Ont.,, Dec, 13.--Arthur Ellis, official executioner, reached London at noon Wednesday and after a' conference with Sheriff D, M, Graham, issued orders for com- mencement to be made Thursday morning on the erection of a scaf- fold from which to hang Bill Mur- rell, Monday, The hangman examined and took from its storage in the gounty garage, the same scaffold he built here in 1024 for the double execu- tion of Murrell's brother Syd, and Clarence Topping, This grim structure with its thirteen steps will be used on Monday unless the Department of Justice in the mean- me ylelds to the representations made in the condemmed man's be- half and commutes the sentence to life imprisonment, 1 Ellis' services became avgilable here when the Supreme Cofrt of Alberta granted a new triali to a man who was to have been hanged in Edmonton next Monday, ssWhere Quality Counts" Quality maintained is far better than quality ~ boasted of. The items on this page are ex- amples of that quality and value, A visit to your Dominion Store will convince you that Quality Counts" is no idle boast. "Where FULL 24-0Z. &10| Wrapped Loaf "LOAF Seedless Raisins .,....... 21bs, 23¢c! ori 2 Ibs, Bulk Dates ....0000.. Karavan Dates ....... Smyrns Figs ......000......1b. CROSSE & BLACKWELL'S Marmalade "55 23 | 2c | Filberts cirss 35¢ . 2 pkts. Malaga Cluster Raisins. 1-lb. pkt. Glace Cherries ...........% Ib. Maraschino Cherries . ..3-0z. jar 12¢ Lemon or Orange Peel Citron Peel ..........0000..1b, | Cut Mixed Peel ............Ib | Mixed Nuts * WZ Chote. ....lb. Brazil Nuts ... Tarragona Almonds ........lb. Manchurian Walnuts .......lb. 19¢ | Shelled Almonds ........3% Ib. 36c 25¢ 8-0z. jar 25¢ cesar ib 24e 37¢c 28¢ 27¢c 29¢ 27¢ 2c 18¢ 30c DON'T FORGET Tasty Bread 9c Christmas gi They have ¢ from the bunglesome silk bags of our grandmother's day to rich leather af- fairs, which nonchalantly dole out our taxi fares. But in the last couple of years the evening bag has caught the glitter of the might life and now seryes its owner with powder, lipstick and other toilet accessories. These are a soft s y of color, or a riot of exotic shades. . The problem of gifts for men is, i to solve, yet will follow along two or three lines of activities, or recreations, they will lead to a successful conclusion with 2 number of which are bound to materialize. Smoking accessories are always ICING OR POWDERED Sugar - - - 3 tbs. 25¢ BRAESIDE BRAND Butter ™5s = 1b. 46¢ Coffee Snap cisasenessssranssrese Bin 358 srssssrnsnnssis pHs 25¢ Diced Carrots ...........2 th Coffee ....... Honey ........No. 5 tin 65¢ Beekist L. &P. Sauce sr nssni rex ih 33¢ snnssasbil. 32¢ Welch's Grape Juice 14b. Tin. .......50¢ lb. Tin. .......33¢ Chests ..4 bars 25¢ 2ic 45¢c SWEETHEART 21/>-1b. Family Size.88¢ 1-1b. Box ... 39¢ A Delightful Assortment of Chocolates Christie's Water Ice Wafers. .1b. 47¢ Armour's Wines--Port, Sherry, Grape and Ginger Campfire Marshmallows . .12 oz. 34c Todhunter's Nibs ...........1b. 34¢c INTRODUCING Salada Japan Green SPECIAL COMBINATION DEAL 7-1b. Bag Five Roses Flour Reg. 1-1b. Tin Cook's Friend Baking Powder 67¢ | Dolly and Bobby » ---- THERE AT 45-LaKE A LITLE PEAGL Yov smvsT Pull oT asl AN ENNELOPE AND ADDRESS AT TS THE GAET- YEAR TERM STARTS JANUARY 2 ~~ : . : 4 ® 190% 1, King Contormn Sybionsw fae. "Come Briain sights smorand on Eee Sm