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Oshawa Daily Times, 22 Dec 1928, p. 12

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PAGE | WELVE New York, N.Y, Dec. R__George Graham Rice, 'who made millions A outsmarting the race track and stoc! markst amateurs, had it impresse him for the fourth time t ey ie could not outsmart the forces w and order, Convicted of using the mails to defraud investors in I ho'Copper stock, whose value he had ballooned by the ag: A of his psuedo financial sheet, the Wall Street Ico- noclast, he was sentenced to four i in Atlanta Penitentiary and fine Walter C. Yorston, of Boise, Idaho, president of the Idaho Copper Cor-|gn ration, who was convicted with ce, was sentenced to nine months in Westchester County Penitentiary, The Wall Street Iconoclast was fined $10,000 and sentence of the Idaho Copper Corporation was suspended for five years, Dr, Walter Harvey Weed, geologist, was acquitted by listen with delight to its wonderful tone quality You'll be proud of it in home Be I i You'll get what you want when you want ite You'll the years. Universal Motor Sales reciate the precision ty as you live with it thru the jury that convicted Rice and all sent hot, pus der with a. naor acer at sent in by his own father's name to a $548 cheque three years later and got six years in State prison. | - "Hence ee ar Facade y hot Him But after that Ly "uprareny took | I counsel with himgelf and decided that crude crime was not his game, He d [turned to authorship, Up to that time he had used his own name, Ja- cob Simon Herzig, but it had ber come somewhat smirched with the passing years, and so when he enter- | $3,000,000 ed a short story in a competition he signed it George Graham Rice, 'He won the prize and he kept the name as_a talisman of good luck, Under his new name he ob on a race track sheet an i this capacity he received one day--a day which his total resources added uw to just $12--a red hot tip that a hunk of horseflesh called Silver Coin was going to aprout wings and lead the field at New Orleans, oh Simon Herzig would have reacted to this by betting his $12, but George Graham Rice was beginning to use what he referred to as his buils Phone 924 FADA *31" #330 A.C Electrio-- THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1940 ent was signed by , a fictitious firm Silver n, at 10 to. one, icked up a tail wind and blew in rst, And the next day money be- gan pouring in to the New York tips Sing bureau of Maxim and Gay, which e Graham fw) who was Ls 17 of $12 pping bureau Ot fiarty Wy with hy d to have made $3 efore the Federal Government na ed it in 1903, after a sensational car- eer of three years, Rice dropped that following his own tips, *After he left the race tracks, where too many eyes were on him, he went to Nevada to study mining, One of the first lessons he learned was there was often more money to be got out of empty mines than ones with ore in 'them, He began floating stucks with such names as Blizzard and Lucky Gulch and his operations ex- tended I from ocean to ocean, In} 908 he came east with a stock called Rawhide Coalition, The third Vist-Dresident of the company was a well actor, and thousands of chorus girls and housewives Nete said to have poured their savin down to the empty shafts of Rawhi A Coalition before the company collap- sed, Next Rice formed the brokerage house of B, F, Sheftels, which grew to be one of the largest on the Curb before it exploded with a bang that cost investors millions, trial and got 10 months, the third time a chapter of his life had been concluded by the clang of prison doors, When he came out he did probably the most startling thing of his career, He exposed himself in a book called Adventures With Your Money," whieh had a sensational sale, He said he was through then, but his mania | for speculation soon had him back in the racket and he stayed until the trial that ended with today's sen- tence, PIERCE FIRE RAGES +» NEW YORK CHURCH New York, Dec. 22,~City fire- men were called from a wide area of the department Friday to combat & blaze that raged more than 2 hours in the New Riverside Church, the $4,000,000 eritice in coure of construction at Riverside Drive and 122nd street, The fire was discovered at 8.30 o'clock feeding on scaffolding within and without the structure, which is be- ing built for the Rev, Dr, Harry Emerson Fosdick, pastor of the Park avenue Baptist church, by John D, Rockefeller, Jr., and oth- ers of the congregation. Soon flames were bursting through all unglazed windows on all sides of the building and leaping high thrugh the tall spire. The fire was visible for miles in New Jer- sey, Long Island and the Bronx, and even could be seen from the roofs of bulldins as far downtown as the Battery. 'The loss is plae- ed at a million dollars. No one was injured. WEST LAMBTON CONSERVATIVES CALL NOMINATING CONVENTION Sarnia, Dec. 22.--At a meeting of the West Lambton Conservative Associatiop executive Friday a con- vention to mame a8 candidate for the coming Federal by-election was called for December 29, at the City Hall here Rice went on | - £31 RAID PROGRAMS, tnd ros rues 0) 8), engi Sh i Noam LS , ta stem iqu WGES Gg ge on. pros Hie 'Gap ila, 4% aeches, WIR olf, WLS ( WLW (@ ined: Thomaston " Weg (@12)=Atlantic City, Eg or we (461)=Nashville, Courtesy pros 11,00 a KG) pi Toronto, Orchestra, " im-Outiund. Amery Hour me Gongs Boul, os 'n' Andy Too |W we ry Ett Dragon 'or: qhestra + Spitalny's Music, to nc Sr Wen t= hicago, Tomorrows Tb, 's_ orchestra, Win bu. we ty Storm's Hd br Popular chestra, Ne Ten Copia aly be dman | to W, Ay WBZ Fry 35 Atlantle City, News; Fes: ii. Wavk A" (0 =Righmond, Richmond or: ) wat ¢ (---Nashs M orchestra Hx ? Withg (447.5) Lf Le 8 SH ne Paul, Dance Orches, GL tient 28, { 2) Boacirlties, tone; Con. WHMAK (333)--Bufl WOR ue Newark. Wi Wi or How: [CA id er Earle, or: LD fs WS ri 5: Coplial Toon. Denver, Concert ore tra; 280, Bigewetn: etch 9 i Carol = x ibe yi 2 a Cinel. Gibson orchestrs. wid © (48)~Milwaukes, Tumers' | tel Ky Ee Ceaere! Ehesiric wi 428)~Cinci. Deuces Wild. Ew (447.5)~Chicago. en Benson or | chestra hours), 12.45 WDAF 7 Gh Rana City, Nighthawk 1.00 CNRY (291)--Vancouyer. Male riot KIR (309)--Seattle. Merars tra. KSTP (205)--St. Paul, Midnight Club KYW (294)=Chicago. " fasomania Club. KF (468)--Los Agtis, Concert . or- tra. WBBM ( Dance KOA (31)~Denver, Bantist Choir. 13 KOA pr ver. 130 Voice choir: Copa, 1928 by Audio Service, Chicago) HOSPITAL PATIENTS MARCH T0 BAFETY Montreal, gan 22. ~-- While flames were TevASing part of the and guards, marched fc from the floor above to safety in other buildings Cream of Tomato Fruit Cocktail Oysters on Half Shell Celery Hearts Salted Almonds Queen Olives Consomme 2 la Royale Boiled Salmon Trout, Bechsmel Sauce Combination Salad + Beef Tenderloin, Pigue Seuce Perigueux Duck Seute with Fresh Mushroom Roast Stuffed Young Turkey, Cranberry Sauce Enjoy - YOUR Dinner AT THE French Peas Baked Sweet Potato Steamed or Mashed Potat- Charlotte Russe Vanilla Ice Cream Fruit | @ Roast Milk Fed Chicken Chestnut Dressing Prime Ribs of Beef en Demi Glace Nuts and Raisins Brussels Sprouts Fruit Cake UPSTAIRS, Fels Block KING STREET EAST ' RS Sar A IY ly ty ty ry i (280)=Cleveland, Burton's or | 10.45 yin '(268)=Milwaukes, Silver: Slinper Wood fi a = [oor is mand ce Brean; dance owned +| CAR RUSHING] in a ; bn ht ndags Dec, Hiding toni out control on -clad hill, Pro- vincial Constable Andee Bt "Wood 'age 30, of Simcoe, formerly sergeant and traffic officer on the Galt civic force, rode to instant death in the . | path of a mile-a-minute M.C.R. ex- wp. | press at 11,15 Friday morning, With him died his ite and their three children, Isobel, Dorothy, 2, and Andring, a babe HL last March, In the split second before the crash came as the car poised broad- side on the track, witnesses saw Mrs, flash open the door and raise her baby girl as if to hurl her to safety, ut before she could act the aby her elder children and her pa and, joined her in death, Watchman Signals Train Coming atcha Evans, crossing watchman at. Main street, Waterford, failing in his, frantic efforts to avert the tra. gedy, | jumped aside to witness the ito and locomotive meet, to see the car demolished, and to watch the m | lifeless bodies of the five victims hurled 25 to 100 feet from the bat- tered fragments of the wreck, The simitaneous killing of the five members of the Wood family raised to seven the death toll in level crossing crashes in Waterford within the past month, and imposed on local authorities the obligations of meet- ng public insistence upon action to iM, a situation that appeals the community, ecord ine R: Wood and his wife were born in Scotland, but their three children Orchostre, were natives of Galt, where he had served for several Jeans as a police- man, Last March he joined the pro- vincial force 'and soon afterward he was transferred to the Simcoe office. His record as a provincial officer has been exceptional and recently he gained merit marks for having cap- tured three Americans, heavily arm- 91 ed, who were believed to have been on a criminal excursion through Western Ontario, He had recently suffered an attack | of influenza, as 'he did not re- cover as quickly as he had hoped, he to consult his former physi- cin in Galt. To this pu ose. he Inspector ardiner fast night and obtained [3 i» a leave of absence, This morn- ing, because his own car was an open one, he borrowed a small sedan oh office, and, taking his wie and children, started for oat. He had recently made purchases of Christmas gifts and many of these little trinkets were with him in the car. Mrs. Wood rode with her hus- band if the front seat, carrying the baby on her knee, while the two elder children were together in the tonneau. les Made Death Trap The appraoch to the main street crossing or the M.CR.R. in Water- wri IP SPEEDING TRAIN by Constable Edmonds, also| ~ Something the whole family will use and appreciate Gold and White 94-Piece Set I NOW .J. Brown $17. 90 1 hen Pay $1.00 Weekly 10 King St. W. Phone 189 1HE JEWELLER but on Friday with the ice-covered hill, it proved a death trap, against which the warnings of the watch- man, the frantic efforts of the dri- ver, who locked the brakes inextric- ably, and even the last desperate at- tempt of the mother to save the life of the baby were of no avail. The approach from the south slopes down a steep hill to the edge of the crossing, located on a long tangent, on parts of which the crack express of the M.C.R. New York and hicago service are reported to at- tain speeds of 100 miles an hour. The trains slow for Waterford, but as they do not stop between Buffalo and Detroit, except at St. Thomas, the speed through the town is said to range from 50 to 60 miles an hour. The incline sloping down from the south was coated with keen ice, that afforded absolutely no tractive re- sistance, especially to the car driven by Woods, which carried no chains. The constable's vision to the east- ward was cut off by a knoll, as the train passed through the town in a ford is very dangerous at any time, deep trough, 'and the Main street view is notoriously bad. Watchman Evans saw the oncom ing express bearing down at its vsual terrific speed, but believed at first that Wood would be able to bring his car to a halt, He signalled the motorists, and frantically gesti- culated. Wood, realizing that he was being borne into the path of the speed- ing express, drove the service brake pedals to the floor and locked the wheels with the emergency, but the skidding car made no response and steadily drifted to the tracks, there to poise broadside for a split second before the impact came. Three of the bodies were picked up upwards of 75 feet from the tracks on the frozen surface of the Waterford pond. The train carried the splintered wreckage a thousand feet east of Main street crossing. The engineer, helpless to avert the accident, suffered the nervous after- math, which, according to the rail- road companies, often robs the ser- vice of its most valued and best ex- NEIGHBORS SAVE WOMAN FROM BLAZING HOME Guelph, Dec, 22--Fire thought to have originated from overh stovepipes totally destroyed the farm home of Misses Annie and Alice O'Brien, in Pilkington Township. One of the aged occupants, who 'was overcome by fright was carried from the burning building by neighbors, who arrived too late to save the structure, NAGGNG SPOILS CLOWN . FOR BUSINESS HE SAYS Chicago, Dec. 22--Charging that continaul nagging had ruined his propensity for Jlaugh-making and thereby destroyed his means of earn- ing a living, James Murphy, interna- tionally known clown, has filed suit for divorce against Josephine Mur- phy here. Murphy, who set forth in his bill that he had paraded under the mar- que ofthe world's greatest clrcuses, averred that marired life had taken "all the fun out of me." Last Minute ' SPECIALS Toke advantage of these outstanding values which we are offering for two days only SATURDAY AND MONDAY Ladies' Wrist Watches REG. $18.00 $12.00 REG. $10.00 --____$6.75 REG. $14.50 for $9.00 Gents' Military Sets REG. $15.00 FOR $9.50 REG. $10.50 FOR $7.50 Many Other Articles to Choose from -- Greatly Reduced Prices § Gents Strap Watches REG. $1200 .... $798 REG. $1500 $1050 REG. $15.00 for $11.50 REG. $12.50 for § 8.78 Pocket Watches 15 and 17- Charanised to $20 1095 REG. $1 % C. CHURCHLEY 8 Prince St, -- Just Around the Comer of King St. W. 8, * « £ * RRS Re Ya TE Em TE rel dal Coin Sia Dit Bion Pint Bi 2 - - . , . ' ~ - - Ee RETR Ey Lt san.

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