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Oshawa Daily Times, 22 Dec 1928, p. 3

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1 THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1928 PAGE IHREL 4 Donation to the Cheer Fund is a Wonderful Christmas Gift Financial Statement - iB LJ 9 ° - Sl.ows City's Business ¢ ! : h10, 0 is in Good Condition ee - 'reasurer Blackburn Has a y only proper that penalties Crit Blanc in Coren a "Accounts of Close to - 0) a, or e use o unds horr- \ owed by reason of the tfes being ; imal Surp y in arrears, but is at a disadvantage 000 and a lus of $7, when going into the Lond market {000 <«~ Advises Careful Tax artoars play a prominent part 3 n deciding the cost of money to Study of Capital Expendi-| yunicipality as bia by the bond - ture During Next. Three 'Years -- Civic Debt By December 31, 1929 Lik-ly house, so that with conditions oth. to Be Over Four Millions erwise equal,the Municipality with the better showing in Tax Collec- This city had a credit balance in current accounts of $19,071.96 tions will receive better treatment at the hands of the bond houses." Duriirg 1928, bonds amounting to $310,000 covering the construe: tion of sidewalks, sewers, pave- ments and water mains and the ad- ditions to Simcoe street outh and at December 15, and a surplus of | Cedardale schools, were sold, moa: about $7,000 is expected, at Decam- | ey costing the city 4.86 per cent, ber 31, acdording to the annual fin: |The price received was favorable, antlal statement of City Treasurer [and close to the amount anticipat- P. A. Blackburn posted at the city |ed, a discount of 4.85 per cent pall this morning, having been provided for. Revenue for the year exceded the The total debentures or funded budget estimate by $11,884.82 and | debt at the close of the year will be expenditures were less.than the es- | $3,483,186.17 or $144.10 gross timated amount by $7,817.14, mak- (debt per capita, and $111.40 net ing the total surplus at December debt per capita, the latter. rep.g- 15 of $10,071.96. Poll tax collec- [senting the debt after deducting ,e- tions brought $2,600 more than es- [venue producing undertakings such / timated, police court fines were |as water works and also loans to $10,267 more than anticipated, and (the Housing Commissfon, Com- the Fire Protection commited clos- | menting on the city's debt situa- od the year with a credit balance of [tion, City Treasurer Blackburn unspent appropriations of $8,500, says: A few. of the public bodies exceed- "When bounds in the neighbor- ed thelr estimate, notably the [hood of $700,000 covering the im- Board of Works, $4,000, parks provements constructed this year board $688; relief expense $240 are sold early in the new year, and and county of Ontario administra-|with a possible issue of $200,000. tion of justice expense, $1,700. in the Fall to cover the cost of ad- Only $65 from the general funds {ding to the present Collegiate ac- was required to finance temporary commodation, our debt (after pro- loans to the city during the year (viding for retirements estimated at This was due to the fact that cur- |$213,000,) will probably be $4, rent funds, loaned during the last (170,000, by December 31st, 1929, half of the year to construction ac-jor $160. per capita on an estimated counts, the latter paying bank in- [population of twenty-six thousand. terest rates, had sufficient earn- "The financial problem which ings to almost entirely liguidate [our civic government must granple the cost of borrowing funds to fin- with, is the rapidity or frequency ance the.eity during the first five with which we may be compelled to months of the year to June 1, when enter the bond market, rather than the first tax installment is payable, |the growth of our debt compared The construetion accounts are fin- [With other cities, We are a fast anced by debentures, Penalties on [Browing community, and must nec- tax argears amounted to $10,464, essarily provide sewers, sidewalks, and, when the $65 required for in terest paymente is deducted, it will b seen that about $10.400 is avail- able from this source for tax reduc- tion. On the present assessment, this amoupts to about two-thirds of s mill, Speaking of the assessment water mains and pavements in the new districts opened up; but with of penalties on tax - arrears, the treasurer 'Says: the need of a municipal building to 1 provide adequate accomodation for the police, fire and administrative departments, an incinerator for the disposal of garbage, and also meet the demands which may be made for the installation of a sewage dis- CITY NEWS PUBLIC LIBRARY During the Christmas holidays the boys' and girls' section of the public library will be open from 10 to 12 o'clock in the morning as well as at the usual time from 4 to 6 o'clock in the afternoon. -- CHRISTMAS DRAW The lucky numbers for the Christmas hamper, conducted by the General Motors Soccer Team were announced today as follows: 18, 474, 110, 185, 530 and 542. FAIR AND MILDER The Weatherman promises fair weather and quite cool tonight and fair weather and a little milder on Sunday, with southwesterly winds, Milder weather seems assured for the eve of Christmas and Christ- mas day. At the present time there is no prospect of a white Christmas, COMMERCIAL HOTEL The new front of the Commer- cial Hotel is taking on a much improved appearance, as work is being finished on the store fronts, Alterations to the roof are about completed, and the front is ready to stucco, R. Hill, the contrac- tor, expects to finish this job early next month, SCHOOLS CLOSE Pupils of the Oshawa public schools held their Christmas con- certs in their individual rooms yesterday afternoon, as school dis- banded for the Christmas holiday. The usual programs were followed with entertainment provided by the scholars and sweets were dis- ributed, The scholars and teachers return again to school on Thurs- day, January 3, MINSTREL SHOW Plans were laid by the Anglican Young Men's Club at its meeting posal plant, a careful study is ob- viously imperative before deciding on any programme of capital expen- ditures during the next three years. "I have purposely omitted from the list of capital requirements, the Hydro and Gas Plant question, for the reason that the bond issue in his connection would not be offer- ed in the open market, 'the Hydro Commission having agreed to accept our bonds bearing 4 3-4 per cent. interest in lieu of the purchase price, The amount of the purchast price however, would of course add to our funded debt, and if. carried through during the ensuing year, would increase the estimate prev- fously made of the debt at Decem- ber 31st, 1929, to $4,675,000. , Give the family , RADIO Christmas Greetings Extended to All SPARTON EGOASONN E «4 acide range models and prices ore that amazed the world es world. Sparton's on E0UASONNE circuit brought reception to magaificent new heights. * orches- i i ee tact is of what is heard in or auditorium. No choice can be final until you beer this marvelous new instrument. LUKE FURNITURE CO. RADIO DEPARTMENT 63 King Street East--Phones 78-79 SPARTON RADIO "The Pathfinder of the Air" { lives here this month. Health De- Members of the sales staff who last night were banquetted by the company at the home of their president, G, C., Alchin, Elgin street, Left to right, sitting--A. Taylor, W. E. Ward, vice-president; | Mayor R, D, Preston, Thomag Wil- | son, advertising manager of The Oshawa Times; H. Armstrong. Standing--George Bellis; J. GENERATOR & STARTER LIMITED HONOR ST AFF O'Doud; W, A. Gerry, sales man- ager; G. C, Alchin, president; M, E. Turner, Oshawa Times; E, War- | berton, 8, Harding, J, Goyne, and E.|W, Dingman, last night, for the presentation of the annual minstrel show early in the year, A general husiness dis- cussion took p.ace under the chair manship of he president, Harola omith, and it was decided to hold weekly practices on Wednesday evenings, The roof is being placed on the Masonic Temple, Centre and Met- calfe streets, Most of the brick- work has been finished, and the wuilding is assuming a fine ap- pearance, with the ligh. colored orick and stone facing in place, The W, J. Trick Co, Limited are gen- eral contractors, while C, C, Sten- housg of this city is associated as architect on the job. PURCHASED PAINTINGS George Chavignaud, noted Cana- dian artist, who has been display- «ng some of his work in Oshawa during the past two weeks left to- day for his home in K.eimburg, Ontario, During his stay here his stay here his paintings were viewed by a large number of citizens and purchases were made by the Board of Education, Collegiate students, G. W. McLaughlin, Ernie Marks, A, E. O'Neil and T. B. Mitchell, GOLF CLUB OFFiCERS The annual meeting of the Osh- awa Golf Club was held last nigh at 8 o'clock in Welch's Parlors. The financial statement was re- viewed and the condition proved to be satisfactory. The newly appoint- ed directors are H, P, Bull, who was elected cap. ain and Geo. Mil- ler, vice captain, and R. S. Morphy, T. K. Creighton, The election of president and vice president will take piace at a meeting early in January, STOCK EXCHANGE HOLIDAYS The Toronto Stock Exchange, the Montreal Stock Exchange and the Montreal Church will close on Mon- day, December 24, at 1 o'cloek, and will, of course, observe Christ- mas Day. The Standard Stock and Mining Exchange will close on Monday at 12.20 p.m. Montreal and Toronto markets will be closed on Monday, December 31, and Tues- day, January 1. New York securi- ties markets will be open both De- cember 24 and December 31. The Winnipeg Grain Exchange will be closed next Monday and Tuesday, but the Chicago Board of Trade will be open on Monday, A FRIEND IN NEED The last bus from Whitby to Oshawa last night proved welcome assis.ance to a motorist whose car had become stalled in a precarious position on the brink of a deep ditch when he made a miscalcula- tion while backing out from a lane on to the north side of the high- way mear Thornton's corners, It was impossible for the machine to move under iis own power without upsetting and it was only with difficulty that the occupants of the car had been able to get out. The driver of the bus noticed the motorist's predicament and stop- ped to see if he could render any assistance. Sizing up the situation he linked the car to the bus by means of a stout chain and with F 1 gentle puil hauled the car out on to safe and level ground. Fhe mot- orist 78> was returning' from a Christmas entertainment and had his wife and several small children with him, was properly grateful for this generous help. A ------------------ "FLU" WANES (By Associated Press) Los Angeles, Calif., Dec. 22. Influenza attacks, = which reached epidemic proportions here two weeks ago were reported om the wane today after having taken 225 ~ | Bt, | Studebaker (Supplied by Stobie, Foriong & Co.) TORONTO STOCKS Hgh Low 41% 12.30 4% 33 81 89 47% 42 Hi S7 427% al Stock Braz. Carl, uty, Dry. Imp, Oil 8Y ant, Pet 47 it, NI, new 43 Loblaw 97% Ms, Hr, 87 Md, Nel. 3 1 «a wa OF «3 C2 og wr % - ® DS wl =A =) S. Sh, Wht, Hr, Wal. or or 295 295 241 #0 Amulet Abana Amity Br, Holl, Lath, wediord Bidgood Cn, Mn. Cs. Cop. Vome Lowey Holl. Jk, Mn, 18 Kd. Lake 130 Keeley ,, 21%; Kt. Flr. 21% Ly. Que, Mchoug. Malar. Mn. Cr, 3 Nipis, Noran, Sn. Ay. Sd. Bs. Sh. Gr. Tk. HS. Tow. Wr, Har. 36 44 55 920 100 825 4 8 7 6400 20 780 640 805 325 152 YOK sTOCKS Stock High Low Amer, Can, 103% 103% Balt & Ohio 119% 118% Briggs Mfg, 52% 51% Can, Pac, ,235% % Can. Dry ,, 78 J NEW 2 Chrysler ,.,122% 1 Congoleum 27% Cur Aero ,,143% Evie... ...87% Gn. Mt. old 194% Gn, Mt. new 785%; Gra. Pa. ,,.50% Gold Dust 135% Hud. Mot. 87% Hupp ....., 76% Int. Comb, 677% Mt. Ward .145% Mar. Oil ., 42% Mck. Trek. 105 Phil, Pet, . 45% Pan. Am. B 48% Packard ...152 Radio .....379 2 EB) i 2 2 3 8 1 6 2 % 14 67% 193 78% RUSSELL SWEET Son of Mrs. Helen Sweet, 219 Rit- partment officials said 103 new ! cases were reported yesterday, the: lowest since the peak of 800 cases, Jin one day last week was reported. | son road south, who disappeared from his home two weeks ago, and who has not yet been locat- | ed, \ 4C , | included . |toria Ledge, ' 168 168% 41, 53% 758% 89 1% 38% 156 22 Rbck, Ol... Oi N.J. 169 5% 419 55% 75% 90% 39% 157% 32 294 216 oEn Srs Sin, {| Simmons ,, | U.S. Rubber | Steel Lea. her Wilys. Ovid. | Woolworth | Wr, Aero 255 { Vie, Talk. .1461; [ Yellow Cab* 39%" U.S, U.S, LODGE OFFICERS (By Staff Reporter) Bogrmanviile, Dee. 22,--At the * tannua] election of officers of Con- {federation Lodge No, 474, L.T.B., ! Bowmanville, last night, the fol- lowing officers were chosen: W.M,, Sister E, G, Mitchell; D.M,, Sister | Bickle; Ree, Sec., Bro. King; D, of Sis. Halliday; Fin, Sec. Sis, | Large; Treas, Sis. King; Chap- | lain, Sis, Reader; Inside Tyler, Sis. Parkhurst; Outside Tyler, .Bro. | Mitchell; committee, Bro. T. King; Bro. Kenneth, C. Mitchell, Sis. | Bro. Mitchell, Burns; auditors, Bro. Sellers. trict Deputy Sister Follest, Visitors several members of Vie- No. 55, Oshawa, in- and Sis, Short, Logerman and Bro. cluding Bro. and Sis. |ender. J odge, Kenneth, . Total of Donations of Coal and Wood Will Help Dispel the Frig- .id Airs of December -- Cheer Committee Investi gates Pressing Needs and Will Distribute According to the Want -- A Cheer: ful Christmas in Every Home is the Aim Oshawans have two days left in which to contribute to a fund which is helping to make Christmas a time of cheerfulness to many homes in the city, Although the total is still climbing during these last two days there is* still ample opportunity to make your donation, and every lit- tle counts. Thus a one last appeal is made to citizens of Oshawa to take into con- sideration the fact that Christmas is a time for all to be equal, to join hands around the world and echo the cry, "God's in his heaven, all's right with the world." Give today and raise the total to $3000, It will be appreciated. Subscriptions Previously Acknowledged $2, F. T. Gay Mrs. Norman Mutton Master A, Humphreys Mrs, Davidson -..... Donald Houlden -... J. and E, Bale -.. A Friend oeowimen Hazel DeGuerre's Pr. Class, Centre St. United church -. Winter Bugs ....c.. ew. Young Ladies' Class, St Andrew's Church Employes Malleable Iron (second donation a 127.18 Association of Employes, TMC .. 8. FP. Everson | | I i Miss May Dearborn A. B, VATE -- Goodfellows Temple Lod A..F. & AM, lows T ge, », J. Reddin .... E. Flutter |, R. McKenzie - A Friend eR iT Sunbeam Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star ... CC. Murtry ....; Pedlar People Ltd, A. E. O'Neil ...... Mrs, A. E. O'Nefl .. Dominion Bank Staff . Bro. C. King, Sis, | The | Students Collegiate Woolworth Co. ., ~esrruns ano wnonY Dominjon | Baley, clothing and fruit; Butcher Shop, 50 pounds of meat. Bro. | Lay- | | Six randidates were initiat- |lost her skirt while fighting her ied, the degree work being exempli- | way through a crowd to greet Pres- [fied by members of Confederation |ident-elect Hoover had more on un- under Degree Master Bro. |derneath than the We hope that the woman who "mode" calls for.--Hamilton Spectator. of Christmas Cheer Fund Climbing, But More is Needed 0. FRANKLINTO RUN FOR COUNGIL Will Seek Election As Ald- erman in south-east Ward 0, I'ranklin, 808 Bloor street east, has announced his candida- ture for Council as a representa- tive of the south-east ward. Mr. Franklin has been a resident of Oshawa for the past six years coming here from Ottawa where he spent two years prior to which he resided in his native land, old England, He is employed in the trimming room at General Motors, Mr. Franklin's candidature has been endorsed by the Executive Committee of the Auto Workers' Industrial Union of Canada, Osh- awa Local No. 3, Mr. Franklin be- ing a member of the executive af the Oshawa Local and also of the National Executive, As might be expected, Mr, Franklin is strongly in favor of unionizing the General Motors industry and other loeal plants, He also favors higher wag- es for civic employees, The paving of Bloor street east and the south |ena of Ritson Road is another plank in his platform, 1 | Nearly every family has a Lind- bergh in the young man who leav- es the family hearth nightly for Tord) nv nv wnsvmss $2,607.95; | A : | Life Assurance Com- | - | election was presided over by Dis- pany, 100 Bunnyland Booke; Mrs. Gate's "destination unknown," -- Sault | star. Card of Thanks Mrs, 4. Fennant, 313 Arthur St, wishes to thank her friends and neighbours and Rebekah Lodge, No. 3, for fruit and flowers, during her illness. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY LOST--BETWEEN CHURCH ST. and Kingston highway west, club bag containing driver's permit and clothing. Apply 181 Church St. Phone 747. (146¢) Coming Events " 8 Cents per word each in- sertion, Minimum charge for each imsertion, 35c, MADAME ROSE, PALMISY, AT 21 Maple St. Phone 2372F, Hours 2d T.7.8. WINNERS ORANGE HALL Christmas Turkey draw, 15 Ib. turkey, C. H. Nowell, Church St., Bowmanville; 10 Ib. goose, B, Andrews, 87 Elgin St; pr. chickens, S. E. Barnes, 162 Bev- eley St. (1468) 8 Usea and COMPANY OF C HEAD OFFICE EIGHT RU For the Prevention Avoid crowds. Avoid chilling. Avoid fatigue. Avoid anyone who is sneezing or coughing Take plenty of fluids. Take plenty of nourishment. gargle morning and night. Salt water is sufficient. Keep the bowels open. If in spite of these precautions you should fall ill, go to bed and keep warm. of 'Flu SUN LIFE ASSURANCE ANADA MONT REAL

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