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Oshawa Daily Times, 2 Jan 1929, p. 8

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Eon AFR PALE GH] . THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY Z, 1929 S AWA SHAMROCKS DEFEAT BOWMANVILLEINO Shamrocks Win First Game From Bowmanville - HOCKEY RESULTS ! Hockey es played last night gesulted as id ets L, National gers .....00 3 Maple Leafs .. 08ton ....eepe 3 Ottawa 4.00 fontreal .,,00, 4 Pittsburgh ;anadiens. ,,,,» 1 Americans Detroit ...00vee hicago 'viveves 2 0 2 1 1 vereeres 1 Millionaires ... 0 Hamilton ...... 5 Kitchener 4 London ,...... 5 Niagara Falls.. 3 Senior Thunder Bay Ft. William ,.. 3 Pt Arthur ,.,. 1 : Intermediate OHA. Woodstock, ..,, 3 London East ., 1 Junior O, Brant'fd JJ H.C., 7 Ham, Falcons . 1 Oshawa 5 Bowmanville ,. 1 American Agsociation St. Paul 6. St. Louis ,...i4 3 Kansas City ,., 1 BMinngapolis ven} » 3 Haileybury ,,,, 1 ior Kitchener Galluses 3 Mutual Life ,., 0 ; Junior Kitchener B. Spartans .., 2 K. Wild Cats , 1 ; American New Haven ,., 3 Newark ,..,.., 1 California League .» 4 Los Angeles ,,, 3 acific Coast Vancouver ..., 3 Victoria ,..0000 1 Buffalo Stops Millionaires Run Fort Erie, Ont,, Jan, 2.--Toron- to Millionaires' streak, which had lasted over six games without a loss, was spoilt here last night when the Bisons managed to walk off with a 1 to 0 victory, On the night's play.there was little differ- ence between the clubs with the Bisons having the most shots on goal. The only marker fell to Gordie Brydson, the Toronto boy. It followed a rush by Gamy Leder- , who was caught behind the fonaire met. He managed to pass out to Brydson, who was un- cov , and the brilliant right winger rified the disc past Fisher. While that was the only goa scored during a hectic sixty min- utes there were countless close ones, Both teams had their dan- gerous sallies. In winning, Buf- falo showed a packed house of 6, 000 fans, a stiff rugged checking team that carried the battle all the way. They showed plenty of pep- per and nection, and on this alone deserved the win, Canadiens and Americans Tie New York, Jan. 2.~~The Flying Frenchmen of Montreal, the Cana- diens, brought their winged skates to Madison Square Garden last might for the first time this sea- son, and skated to a 1 all tie with the New York Americans in a speedy National Hockey League game. Howie Morenz, brilliant Canuck centre, tied the count for the Cana- diens in the middle of the third period after their passing attack had come to grief on the American Morenz tricked his way through the New York team alone to beat Worters with a perfect shot. Normjie Himes tallied for the Americans in the opening frame, taking a pass from Simpson. In the overtime period the Cana- diens bad a wide margin, but could mot score. Fifteen penalties were given out during the game, and fines of $25 were plastered on Broadbent and Conacher. Broadbent tried to stage a battle with Burke in the penalty box after they had been sent off together. The American captain attempted to argue with the referee when he was penalized im the overtime per- Slow Ice and Small Surface Hinder Play «-- Morrison, 'Gunn and Rowden Scor- ers -- Jackman, Bowman. ville, Gets One The Oshawa Shamrock Juniors celebrated the new. year in a fitting manner by defeating Bowmanville in the first league game of their group in the O.H.A, schedule, The game was played on soft ice which marred the style of play and slowed the rushes down, Bowmanville were weakened through the absence of James, their goal tender and Candler, star centre, who are ill with the fly, With the return of these players, Bowmanville will be able to make a stronger showing and as the sea- son is just started, they are to be watched, one in for the Shamrocks, while the strong defence held Bowman- ville scoreless, During the rest period the ice was scraped off and in the second, Shamrocks went on a scoring bee to run four in, making Bowman- ville look outclassed by speed and combination, although they secur. ed their only goal in this stanza, Gunn scored two while Morrison and Rowden each scored one, Jack~ man was the one who notched the Bowmanville goal, In the third period the ice be- came softer and play was much slower, combination being almost impossible, No score, Gunn, Rowden and Black were the outstanding Shamrock players with Leveque also playing a smart game in the nets. Piper, Walton and Rundle starr- ed for Bowmanville, The teams: Oshawa--Goal, Leveque; de- fence, Black and Rowden; centre, Drinkle; wings, Gunn apd Morri- son; subs, Lortie and Bonham, Bowmanville--Goal, Adams; de- fence, Hooper and Jamieson; cen- tre, Piper; wings, Lunney and Jackmran; subs, Walton and Run- dle. Referee--Ernie Wortley, Toron- to. . Maroons Win in Pittsburg Pittsburgh, Pa., Jan. 2--The Mon- treal Maroons started the New Year right by defeating the Pittsburgh Pi- rates in a National Hockey ue game here last night, 4-2. Nels Stewart, gigantic winger for the Maroons, proved a bulwark for his team, netting three goals, assist- ing in another and playing an all- round bang-up game. The loss cost the Pirates a chance to keep in the money position, tied with Boston. The Pirates lost thee open goal shots, any of which was there for the simple cxpedient of shooting straight from about three feet. Hur- riedness, however, proved the Pitts- burgh skaters' undoing. The largest and by far the most enthusiastic crowd of the year at- tended. Stewart Scores First The game opened with Nels Stew- art and H. Smith getting in g work, their rushes on the Pirates' goal keeping Joe Miller busy. The Maroons showed early that they fin- tended squaring accounts for Satur- day's overtime defeat by the Pirates and after three minutes and 47 sec- onds of the period had passed Stew- art scored on a pass from Ward in front of the net. Siebert gave the Maroon rooters, of which there were plenty, a thrill when he went throdgh the Pirate line, but he came to grief when charged by Holway. Frederickson, the ep | Pirate cen- tre, at this stage was playing a good game, but the period ended without a Pittsburgh marker. A good executive is one who re- frains from while others do nagging the work.--Kingston Whig-Standard. Boston Bruins Boston, Mass, Jan, 2,--The Bos- ton Bruins regained their winning stride here last night, by shutting out the Ottawa Senators, 8 to 0, before a crowd of 15,000 apprecia- tive spectators, who crowded the Garden to capacity, Harry Oliver, the Bruins' star wing man, was the hero of the night, cyging two of the goals, The first oné\'was made in the second period when Oliver and Eddie Shore broke through the Ottawa defence wall together, Shore pass- ed neatly and Oliver had a direct shot for the Ottawa cdge. In the first period, Morrison ran' In the third period, Gainor and Oliver crossed the Senators' blue line together, the former carrying the puck. King Clancy came up to check Gainor and the latter slip- ped the rubber hy him, Oliver then swept in and carried it right up to the cage, netting it easily, The third Boston tally was cag- ed by Dit Clapper, with Gainor as- sisting, while Smith and Boucher were in the penalty box, Cougars Again Defeat Hawks Chicago, Jan. 2,--The Detroit Cougars made it two straight over the Black Hawks in three nights, downing the Chicago ice sextet last night, 2 to 1, in a National League hockey game here, The Cougars defeated the Hawks Sunday night at Detroit, Although lacking the individual brilliancy of the Hawks, the Detroit aggregation put on two flashy ral- lies that scored once in the first period and again in the second ses- sion and then turned into a six man defence. The Black Hawks broke through for their only score in the second period, when Couture dashed down the ice, passed to Ripley, who beat Dolson with a hard drive. Cooper, fleet Detrpit wingman, was the scoring ace of the game. He tallied in the first period on a pass from Hay and assisted Lewis with the second goal when the pair broke through the Hawks' defence with an accurate passing attack. The teams: Chicago--Goa!, C. Gardiner; de- fence, Wentworth and Taylor; cen- tre, Ripley; wings, Irvin and Ar- bour; subs, Loughlin, McKinnon, Couture and Gottselig, Detroit--Goal, Dolson; Noble and Brydge; centre, wings, Cooper and Hay; Traub, Herberts, and Brophy. Officials--O'Hara and Rodden. Hamilton Win in Overtime Hamilton, Jan, 1.--Battling fiercely to get out of the Canmpro cellar, Hamilton carried the Fly- ing Dutchmen into an overtime per- fod here tonight and finally emerg- ed on the long end of a 5 to 4 count, furnishing the holiday cus- tomers the hottest argument of the season as an augury for 1929 hockey in this eircuit. Deadlocked with one goal each, at the close of the initial session, Kitchener went into the lead in the second period and made it 4 to 2 half way through the third. Then the fighting Hamiltonians bent to their labors, knotted the count with two hot flung counters and nicked defence, Lewis: subs, ood {the winner in the overtime. The game finished with the Dutchmen striving desperately to equal Hamilton's count. and the yellow and black were flung back into their own end of the arena time and again under the savage charges of the visitors, Their de- fensive hockey was not a bit poi- ished, but it sufficed to stall off the Dutchmen until the final bell. Kitchener, evincing their usual tricky style and menacing through- out, proved more than a handful for the Morris men, but the latter, without Stewart Dunning, stalwart right winger, carried the fight and held their own at every stage of the tilt. As a matter of fact, it was only the lack of finish about the mets that prevented the locals the over anxiety or hurriedness. THE GIFT AND THE GIVER (Toledo Blade) through the hands of his son, he pours out his money where it will peach the most people, in the best '| way, for periods that are indefinite. The wise man mever waits till is driven by Secure Gis 0) COAL now while Concer Lm Coas.Co. Laven J.H.R.] LUKE Phones 871 -- 931 -- 687-W As his days approach a close, the elder Rockefeller must often con- sider the unimpontance of wealth as i compared Blank ( Ottawa, The Midland Marvel -8y Jimmy Thompson 4/4// season. all time. a complete recovery. the Toronto Granites such a battle slump. Day played left wing for si ey, Wy -- Niu, "yn WR Hd I MAPLE LEAFS WHO 3 MADE MOST SUCCESSFULL. COME - PACKS ~IN ONE OF THE PRO. ~HOCKEY TWIS i -- NEAR p \ fimo, of f ii e. 1 nap Day, the Midlanu boy, on the Maple Leaf team, has now regained the form which made him one of the most feared men in the N.H.L. last Fans will remember that last year with Day and Ching Johnson running neck and neck for scoring honors, Day was cut down in a game at Montreal in a manner which threatened to put him out of hockey for With the best surgical treatment the wound gradually healed and coupled with expert massaging and careful living, Day has since effected After playing junior and intermediate at Midland for some time, Day moved to Hamilton where he played right defence on the team which gave for the Senior O.H.A. title. At the close of the season, Tiger supporters voted Hap Day the most useful man on the Hamilton Club, which honor netted him a suit of clothes. Next year he joined the Toronto St. Pats, who were in a prolonged xty minutes of every game and the club made a sensational climb to first place. After the Maple Leafs took over the then St. Patrick Club, Day was moved back to his proper position on the defence, where he has been a standout ever since. Missed By Lack of Com- binati Chart Houck and Morse Each Get Counter The Oshawa City Intermediate hockey team played together in a contest for thef irst time on Mon- day night at the Varsity Arena, de- feating Melvas, of the Toronto Sen- jor T.H.L. by 2 goals, the score be- ing The City team played very well, considering the fact that they had not had many practices together, but should have won the game by a larger score and would have done so had they used more com- bination plays. Team play was ¢éonspicuous by its absence, most of the play be- ing individual attempts to notch goals. The locals also lost num- erous chances to score by over an- xiousness and attempting to rush too far in on the Melvas goaler. "Dick" Smith, between the mets for Oshawa, now starts his '18th year at hockey and his play has every indication of being one of PY o-d. City Intermediates Win Exhibition Game 3-1 Many Chances to Score Ave] tator and will be out at the next practice, The Game The first period was fairly fast hockey, each team playing a de- fensive game, backing up behind the centre line for their opponents' rushes, ond period. Houck on a beautiful rush, carrying the puck right to Melross, the Melvas goal tender, to slip the puck past him. . Houck and Morse both scored during the early part of the seec- ond period. Hock on a beautiful combination and Morse on a solo excursion down the right wing. Thé third period produced some good hockey, but no goals for Osh- awa, Melvas getting one tally. Osh- awa's line up was: Oshawa--Goal, Dick Smith; de- fence, Chartran and Crossett; cen- ter, Houck; wings, Bond and Lit- tle; subs, Conlin, Joyce and Morse. Referee--Ernie Wortley. Rangers Win Close Game Erom Leafs Toronto, Jan, 2~Making full use of three goal-scoring openings, the New York Rangers defeated the Maple Leafs here last night by 3 to 2, and while the pill was a rather ers to swallow, it was so well coated with a sweet covering in the form of speed, brillian. stick-handling, continual back-checking, sensational goal-tending and smart combination plays that it was not so hard to take and there is no doubt that the brand of hockey as displayed last night will pack the local arena as long as it is continued, The game was witnessed by one of the largest crowds of the season, and, contrary to the usual run of affairs with the Leafs when there is a capacity house, the spectators witnessed a wonderful game, one that has not been excell- ed in this city for some years, In addition to all the previously enumer- ated fine points, the game provided a strong finish in which the locals twice reduced the two-goal margin in the last six minutes and they were battling for the equalizer when the final bell sounded, The game marked the first ap- pearance of the world's champions here this season and the smallest member of their squad is John Ross Roach, who guarded the Toronto cit- adel for years, but last night Roach bulked large in the Rangers' victory as he turned aside many drives, hooks and lobs that appeared destined to flash the red light and in the first and second periods the Leafs deser- ved at least a couple of goals, The bitter one for the club and its follow- |. y of the solo rushes that failed to score would have been product. goals had the player with the puck passed over to a teammate, e simply was not enough "passin' the puck." THere were 'very few spectators but as the initial object of the game was a |practice, this did not matter much, The death of Fred W, Bowden, former popular Collegiate Senior Rugby player lis heard with much regret. Fred was another victom of the flu, passing away on New Year's Day, J ll \ The Shamrocks pulled out a winner in their first game yesterday, Had the ice (been better the game would have been even more one-sided, Boy Wit will be Bla es were anville were shy two of their regulars, James and Candler, their return to the game the team will be greatly improved and ntender to reckon with, on the Shamrocks played a strong defensive game and his rush- ngerous at all times, CU The 2S HAVE BUSY SESSION rlers spent a busy holiday d. St, Curling Rink en- the best of Peterboro 100 times richer than Ranger defence is the kest part of their team, but the speed merch- ants on the forward line backcheck continually and many of the Leafs' efforts were spoiled, just at the time they appeared destired to be success- ful, by a back-checker nipping in to harass the puck carrier as he was getting the shot away. The back- checkers aided 'oach considerably, but he performed yeoman service against lis old club. His game was the best he has ever shown here and in addition to his brilliance, he was assisted by luck on a couple of other occasions, HOCKEY RECORDS N. Y. Amer.... Montreal Maple Leafs . Canadiens Ottawa - SRBER., w RRERE, wRwen, NNnHNA oaonNs N.Y. Rangers., Detroit ... Boston Pittsburgh ,... Chicago Thursday--Maple Leafs at Chica- go, Canadiens at Ottawa, Boston at Montreal, Pittsburgh at Rangers. Saturday--Ottawa at Maple Leafs, Montreal at Canadiens, Pittsburgh at Boston. Sunday--Rangers Detroit at Chicago. at Americans, Detroit Kitchener Toronto Windsor Niagara Falls , Buffalo ....... Hamilton This Week's Games Thursday--Windsor at Toronto; Buffalo at Detroit Friday--London at Kitchener; Ni- agara Falls at Hamilton. Saturday--Windsor at Buffalo. Sunday--Niagara Falls at Detroit. ONO VAOO Rt NO N LEN eR RRRE OA $A NE Bh tn pn ee BY Om hn a. Peterboro Peterboro Henders wick, Peiegoro 12. Welsh ca after the game, The annul President vs. Vice was held yesterfay with Vice president winning which victory entitles them to an oyster supper to be held Thurs- day night President t&am. Score: President .1 F. Dobney ,...11 Hall ;... 9 W. J. Hollapd 10 J. Bailes ... 8 R. Luke !.. H. A. Porter , 6 A. Lambert .. 0. Clifford, .23 D. M, F. L. L. . Dimon... . Lander .... » E. Hare ,..14 . A. Hoar pel here on Monday night. Luke, Oshawa 13 vs. Waddell, Peterboro |i CE The ere the victors defeating nks by 7 points, total be- .\ The results of the con- s were: creamery butter Puretest LIVER Don't let your system run down in this dangerous sea- son. Let Puretest Cod Liver Oil furnish you with strength to throw off colds and disease germs. Old or young--all who want more vigor and energy-- will find a world of benefit in Puretes. Cod Liver Oil . Sold only at the Rexall Store. Large Bottle, 75¢ : Small Bottle 40c Jury & Lovell . Simcoe Phope 28 Phone e, Oshawa 11 vs. Best, 4 Oshawa 14 vs, Sedg- red tasty refreshments at the expense of the Vice President Theo Fisleigh ,11 R. Henderson .13 J. Stacey 4! F. Mason C. E. Hare ,...11 W. Daniels .... C. Peacuck W. Coad W. Lambert ...13 Dr. Kaiser ....21 M. Jacobi ....16 W. A. Hare ..:12 "156 » 6 9 7 10 8. os 124 GRIPPY COLDS influenza or other prostrating illness, when your body is weakened, is the worthwhile time to prove the strength. ¢ i) it of SCOTT'S EMULSION It is the foodtonic with world-wide prestige, OF PURE VITAMIN-RICH COD-LIVER ONL that strengthens and helps build up the weakened body and restore the normal balance of health. Jf you are run- down with Grippe--build up on Scott's Emulsion! Scott & Bowne, Toronto, Ont. 2863 EE his best years. "Kip" R¢ "en, al- though mot on skates, wa _ 2pec- London Win From Cataracts London, Ont, Jan. 2--Facing an adverse count of 3 to 2 midway in the last period of last night's Canpro fix- ture with Niagara Falls Cataracts and apparently being on the way to defeat the Loudon Panthers came to life with a vengeance and rammed in three goals on merciless plays that took them boring close in on the harassed Falls' goalie. Checking fiercely and cfiectively to the finish, they gave a crowd of over 2,000 wild- ly cheering fans a thrilling and de- served 5 to 3 victory to take home with them as a New Year's present. Leading the Panthers' wictorious drive in the final frame was a re- juvenated and scrappy Wes. i who figured in each of the home team's final score. He made the play for Voss' goal that tied the count at three all. Then he put the Panth- ers ahead with the next tally unas- sisted and next gave Lowrey the pass from | from which the newcomer scored to make it safe. The shining left winger also tallied the first goal of the game on 2a pass from Joe Primean and he also was a star on defensive work every minute he was in action--and Manager Corbeau saw to it that he got plenty of work. . The met earnings of the Canadian | National Railways show a great An-| crease this year. Even the pessi- mists must admit that the CNR. is showing all the virility of a going sancern. in best stock, after Attention! All Retail Sales Flour, Feeds, Grain Seeds and o December 31st, will be for cash only at all branches. "YW umatter Yas oom gene inte thoroughly with many of on customers and we believe it will be more satisfactory to do business on » CASH BASIS. do We would ask your co-operation i ~All accounts will be rendered 31st of December and interest at 7% per annum added from thet date on any accounts unpaid. Soliciting your continued patronage and asswing you of our NEW REDUCED CASH PRICES WILL BE IN EFFECT AT ALL BRANCHES JANUARY 1ST, 1920 HOGG & LYTLE LIMITED CHURCH STREET lines carried of Terms as we closer prices. PHONE 203

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