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Oshawa Daily Times, 2 Jan 1929, p. 6

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} |. PAGE SIX A v " OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 2, 1929 wRm---- Woman's Daily Interest | SOCIAL and PERSONAL ---- The Times invites the co- pperation of its readers in contributing items to this column. Send In a postcard or phone 85, Mr. T. Hogg spent New Year's in Midland, Miss Isabel Bescrott of Bolsover §s visiting friends in the eity, Miss Winogene Pipher, street, spent New Year's friends in Toronto, Bruce with LI Miss Evelyn Andison, Fairbanks street, was the guest of relatives fn Toronte over the Joliday. A Mr, T, E, Edmondson and daugh- ters, Gladys and Mildred, ot Tor- onto, spent the holiday with Mrs, W. Howard, Bruce street, * * * Miss Hester Vokes leaves today for Hamilton, after spending the Christmas holidays at her home here, » LJ * Mr. H. C. Treneer, organist of King street United church, was ealled to Kingston yesterday, on pccount of the death of his mother, » * » Mr. Jim Pierdon, of Toronto, is spending a few days with Mr, and Mrs, George Hart, Kingston roa. east, . * * * Mr. Harold Fleming spect the Christmas holidays at the home of Mr. and Mrs J. J. Nichols, Bols- over. * » Ld Mr W, Elston, who has been vis- iting relatives in the city for a few days, has returned to his home in Hamilton, * LJ * Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Weir, Alice ptreet, spent the holiday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Weir, Agincourt, * * * The many friends of Mrs. Owen D. Friend will regret to hear that she is confined to her home on ae- count of illness, mmm Messrs, A. Lawrason, R., Brooks, J. Kinnear and W, Gummow) leave today for Flint, Michigan, "where they are attending General Motos Technical School. Mrs, Thomas May and Miss Maud May spent Christmas at Greens wood, the guests of Rev, W. 8, Smart, and New Year's with Mrs, H, Trull, Harmony, * % ¥ Miss Dorothy Chamberlain, of Toronto, has been visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mrs, W. Wright, for the Christmas holi- days, .. Miss Isobel McLaughlin, Mr, and Mrs, W. Eric Phillips attended the dinner and dance given by Mr, Al- fred Beardmore at his home on St, George Street, Toronto, on Tues day night, # Mr. and Mrs. Paul Verland, Tor- onto, were the guests of Rev, Ww. 8, Smart, Greenwood, for Christmas day, and spent the holidays with Mrs, Verland's mother, Mrs, Thos. May. a» Mr. and Mrs. F, W, Cowan, Sim- coe street gouth, and Major and Mrs. Cecil Cowan, Toronto, leave at the end of the week for Hono- luli, where they will spend the re- mainder of the winter, * * 0% Mr. and Mrs. W. Eric Phillips, Perk road north, were guests of Mr, Harris Hees and Miss Anna Mae Hees yesterday when they en: tertained at the tea hour in their attractive home on St, George street, Toronto, * * * Mr. and Mrs. R. 8. McLaughlin "Parkwood", were among twelve hundred Ontario citizens who call- ed yesterday at Chorley Park, To- ronto, to pay their respects to His Honor W. D. Ross, Lieutenant- Governor of Ontario, when the cus- SPECIAL VALUES in Ladies' Coats and Dresses, at the FASHION SHOPPE 84 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa gr WELTY oy TRUSSES Vi i MADE 1 ORDER TO HOLD RUPT; TION FREE . ng AUTHORS b CHURCH [Sy ele) 4% 15 ST. TORGHTO tomary New Year's reception was | held at the noon-hour at Govern- ment House. * The Coeur "de *Bois club began | the round of social activities for | the season of 1929 when they en- tertained at their fifth annual dance on New Year's Eve in Welsh's parlors, The guests were received by Mrs. R. Duizendstra and Mrs. H. M. Black, and a fur- ther welcome was given by the members of the club, Messrs. Frank and Arthur Black, Dane Found, Reg. Burr, Donald Bajles, Ralph Schofield, Byron Edmondson, Cyril Schofield, Neil McDougall and Harry Rombough. Novelties dances were greatly enjoyed by the large number attending and the serpen- tine and confetti lent holiday atmosphere to an already colorful scene. The lucky number dance was won by Miss Kay Dowsett and Mr. Fred Starr. At the closing hour of the year horns were given to the guests and the New Year was given a royal welcome with a bedlam of sound; 1929 dolls were also given to the ladies. The dance music, which was supplied by a local five piece orchestra, was enjoyed to the utmost by the merrymakers. Re- freshments were seryed at inter- mission. = Weddings MOORE--PABRKER A quiet wedding was solemnized at the Riverside "'nited Church, Then shamp aight if i Part the bait and gently rub in Cuticurs Oint- ment until the whole scalp has been treated Let the Ointment remain on for some time, over with & suds of Cuticurs Sosp and warm water. (Dg oot rub Sosp op the bair.) Rinse thoroughly A light application of Cuticurs Ointment to the scalp manse, Toronto, on Monday after. noon, when Marjorie Esther, daughter of Mrs, G, W, Parker and the late Mr, Parker, Richmond street east, became the bride of James Perry Moore of Lindsay, Rev, Mr, Sollett of Riverside "'n'ted Church, was the officiating clergy. man, The bride wore a becoming poudre blue cut velvet frock and hat to match, and carried a Juquet of Sweetheart roses. The youug couple were unattendad, After the ceremony Mr, and Mrs, Moore le ¢ on a motor trip to Detrcit and points west, after which they will reside in Lindsay, PEACOOK-~DONCASTER The marriage took place at 11 o'clock, Tuesday morning, January 1, at North Simcoe street United Church parsonage, of Lepha Nellie Doncaster, A.T.C.M.,, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, BE, P, Doncaster, Rit. FLATTERING NECKLINE The chic feminity [of the mode is smartly expressed in/ simple dress of printed sheer velvet/in combination with _eorgette crepe. The long- waisted bodice showing dip-in-the- front, combines with shirred upper edge of skirt, to create the desired flat hipline. The shaped collar of Viorinet neckline, that falls perfectly flat in jabot effect, is flattering mew fashion, and is made of georgette crepe, which is also used for tiered flounces of long tight-fitting sleeves. Style No. 289 can be had in sizes 10, 18, 20 years, 36, 38, 40 and 42 inches bust. It is dainty in georgette crepe. crepe Elizabeth, crepe Roma or sheer plain velvet for afternoons. Crepe satin, canton-faille crepe, wool crepe and crepe de chine are excellent fabrics to choose for serviceable wear. Pattern price 20 cents in stamps or coin (coin preferred). Wrap coin. carefully. LA0 Cy . be PIRI WW) CO 20200008 PW) a Cy son road north, and Willlam Vie. tor Peacock, son of Mr, and Mrs. John Peacock of Elizabeihville, The ceremony was performed by Rev, A, M, Irwin, pastor of North Simcoe United Churc'.. The bride was lovely in a Chinese blue geor- gette and lace frock and carried a bouquet of Ophelia roses, They were unattended, After the cere- mony Mr, and Mrs, Peacock left for Victoria, B.C, and Califo: a, where they will spend the winter. Op their return they will reside in Oshawa, 2 PETERBORO DECIDES TO BUY GAS PLANT Peterboro', Jan, 2.--By a vote tx almost 2 to 1, the ratepayers of the City of Peterboro' endorsed the proposal to buy the city gas plant from the Ontario Hydro Electric Power Commission for the sum of $335,000, The gas plant was tak- en over by the Commisson when the Government purchased the Central Ontario Power System in 1017 'The bylaw to grant a fixeu assessment of $10,000 to the John. son Outboard Motor Company, was also carried by 6 to 1, 2---REDUCTION OF ; Owen Sound, Jan, 2,--The by- law submitted to the electors ask- ing permission to make application to the Ontario Legislature for leg- fslation to enable the Council to reduce the number of the Council from 12 to 8, half of them to he elected for a two-year term, was carried by a vote of 1,644 to 840, It is sald that the world weighs 6,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 tons, The pudding you ate wasn't as heavy as that, It only feels like it.--The Pass- ing Show, WBRIDE ELECTED MAYOR IN TORONTO Controllers Wemp, Gibbons Summerville and Hacker Top the List Toronto, Jan, 2-~Mayor Samuel McBride was re-elected yesterday by an even larger majority than that which he received last year despite the fact that the total vote was al- most ten thousand less than that poll- ed in the mayoralty fight one year ago, Last year the Mayor. received 50,- 687 votes out of the 85,830 votes cast while yesterday he polled 45,931 votes out of the 76, 260 votes recorded. His opponent, ex-Alderman Brook Sykes, despite the fact that he had no cx- perience as a Controller, polled 30, 329 votes as campared with the 24, 673 votes li id one year ago when he was an unsuccessful candi- date for the Board of Control, It was the Mayor's fifth contest for the Chief Magistracy of the city, and the second time that he has been successful in gaining that distinction, Up until a few days before the nomination mecting it looked as if His Worship would be granted a sec- ond term by acclamation, There were many rumors of opposition but no one declared himself until ex-Alder- man Sykes stepped into the field, For a time it looked as if there would he no big issue thrown:into the mun- icipal arena, but during the last week of the campaign the proposed exten- sion of University avenue in a south- gument against the re-election of Mayor McBride. Issues of Campaign This opposition came in the form of an attack on the members of the Advisory City Planning Commission, It would appear from the total vote cast that this issue tended to bring the voters to the polls in even larger numbers than they otherwise would have come, : Other matters discussed during the campaign included the proposal to re-organize the civic assessment de- partment, the much-talked-of in- crease in the rates for domestic hy- dro which have never been put in force and the purchase of outside bus lines by the Toronto Transporta- tion Commission, Fach of these mat: ters was introduced into the cam- paign by Mr, Sykes, Mayor McBride sought re-election on the strength of his record during 1928. Three members of last year's Board of Control were returned to office, This will be the Mayor's eigh- teenth year as a member of the civic governing body, Entering municipal life in 1905 he has spent 13 years as an alderman, three as a controller and one as mayor, The result of the battle for the Chief Magistrate's office was never in doubt from the time the first re- turn was received, shortly after six o'clock last night, until the final tal- ly was made about 10 p.m, Five Changes With Messrs Blackburn and Lux- ton going down to defeat, Messrs Summerville and Pearce seeking to climb to the Board of Control, and Robert Dibble choosing to retire to private life, yesterday's election wrought five changes in the alder- manic section of the City Council. The Board of Education, by com- parison, came uneventfully through casterly direction was used as an ar- | the contest, Only one change was T made in its membership, viz, the de- fcat of Trustee Day by Trustee- elect Trull in Ward One, Only six votes scparated the two candidates in the final figures, and a recount is probable, The result as it stands at present is a reversal of last year's situation, when Trustee Day cap- tured the scat from Mr, Trull, Ac. clamations in Wards Five, Six Seven and Eight robbed the Board of Edu. cation contest of much of its inter- est this year, Sete eee AUTOMOBILE HORNS (Sarnia Canadian Observer) Invention of a horn that warns without terrifying would benefit the motorist as much as the pedestrian, If a car creeps upon a crossing with- out a blast of the horn, the driver is bawled out for not blowing the horn, If he holds down the button, he gets a lot of dirty looks or worse, All the engineering, inventive and scientific resources of the world should be concentrated upon the creation of an automobile horn that clears the street crossings and com- mands the right of the road without | shattering the nerves and ceusing heart palpitations, Man So Nervous Gets Sore When Spoken To It actually irritated me to lee anyone talk to me, I was 0 nervy: ous, Vinol ended this and.1 feel wonderful now."'---Wm. Fahy, Vinol is a compound of iron, phosphates, cod liver peptone, ete, The very FIRST bottle makes you sleep better and have a BIG appe- tite, Nervous, casily tired people are surprised how QUICK the iron, phosphates, etc., give new life and pep, Vinol tastes delicious, Jury & Lovell, Druggists, Select Your Here VERY family needs Hot: Water Bottles Syringes, Rubber Gloves, and at Fountain least one Ice Bag. uality and durability of these is of great import. ance. They must be when need arises, must have lasting wear- ing qualities, The Rubber Goods we offer are Quality Goods. They are sold to you our endorsement, have examined the put of many manufactur- ers carefully in order to select the best for use, Get out your Water Bottle, your Fountain Syringe and other rubber articles, spect them carefully, If thay look at all worn or doubtful, take no rhancos-- select pew ones here, now, Karn's Drug Store Opp. P. O. : ----l Rubber Goods The right They with We out your In. "A Nourishing New Year" and so far as we can ensure it, we will put lots of nourishment into Canada read Wives and Mothers--we wish you, your husbands and your children PATTERN PURCHASE between shampoos is often beneficial COUPON Address Canadian To The Oshawa Daily Times NN . Pattern Dra Oshawa. Ost. We make loaves to entice and satisfy all appetites from that of the most delicate child to that of the sturdiest growing boy or husky hard-working man. For all-round family use we particularly recommend our Bamby Bread. its rich golden crust and firm white texture are deliciously satisfy- ~ Telephone 2420 CANADA BREAD COMPANY LIMITED Dolly Dimples and Bobby Bounce , By Grace G. Drayton : "Sten. Soap Be 25 and Sle. ' EP" Cuticurs Shaving Stick 2Sc. Please send patterns listed be low: ssnssssnnsssnsss BIZO susnenss 8120 sonssese BIZ0 srssrnss TEE RA J J Ji hte Je J a a a a ae a a Gh Se Sle SS aN Tr rTTTT TTR. AGANeSS ,.esssssesssssnsnsans COWR .occosnnssnnsssssnsssss SA 88 NE 000 0 J J J J J 2 2 J a 2 a THE Bis Guanr WiTH Tie MEADS GAVE OVR PeTs ¢ Some MICE SUPPER : ; HA [1My clug sma TEM AND Pur | 4 Trem To BED- Deily Ane BoBBY ThoucHT HE WAS A NCE, MM, PoliTE GiAnT Bur Comfy SUSPECTED Him - So msTeap Of Cows = Sleep Me KEEPS His EYES AND EARS open { Trioucs You LOOSE mimi ME Taucuy | [{ You SeaLL MoT Sef THE Messwc 4 Racy DAs our BRAINS DUT RAGHT oovdlan So HE WAKES up Toll AND BaBSY AND THEY Py A Loc of micoD mi THE BED AND COVER AT VP -- AND "Them THEY HIDE 'Goo MicHT AMD SuEsp TeuT'

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