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Oshawa Daily Times, 2 Jan 1929, p. 7

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e IHE UDA WA UAILY LI s, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 2, 1929 : Cau Sey ey WTAM (280)~Cleveland, Recita! Hour, WMAQ (#47.5)=Chicage. Musical pro. | 10.45 WISN (268)~Milwaukee, Silver Slipper Nir (400)=Detroit, News; Orchestra; W (428)--~Cinei, Showbox Orghestra DISCRIMINATION 10,00 CNRR os ox egina, Studio program, Wi i Revue; News, {ran. Witko 447. trae Pg Benson or: PY} " THS ot Springs, Chassy ore SM (461)=Nashville, Courtesy pro: WEG (72)~Atlantic City, Dance music | | ,0 We Ik Nea Days orchedtra ok ghestra Kt hours). = NH (The New Yorker) t . ol o- =-Mpls, "Yau ong's | 12, ci etwor! Maxwell Hour, tf v 3 Easy-to-F ind era aio 1030 fA ee tension services | 1100 0 OF Arachne rehes 1245 vDAF (Kansas Cy. Nighthawk [ ive, View With gh f Sangirion Columbia Network: Diset at Seville to icago, Concert orchestra A yf 11.30 & ANG i, 5)~Calgary, * " ~~ vy. "The Messiah, AC, Wan T NrX KSTI, WDAF, WIR, KLZ, WHK FI (468)~I.os yi Bh Courtesy pro-| 1,00 KYW (204)=Chicago. Insomnia "Club. grillrooms, The proprietors of (hese i N g Penn Orches WAAL, WiAS, WA ~hitth Winx (39)=Chicago, Planist, NRV (DV Natl. : RADIO PRO GRAM Web, WhO, 8 ik, KM VEL "Wer, wl, Weve WTIC, Weau (Ui) ~hila, Jicadilly Revue, go (379.5)=Oakland, Memory Lane. aly Orchestre. sisi Rami ny ne on "He vi "4 EAT ra Wr Wan (416)=Chicago, Tomorrow's KTHS (375)=Hot Springs, Dance {rol KMBC (316)~Kansas City, The Mid. |2 8 Ye 4 eo 3 (256)--Fhila, Alabama Troops WBZ (=Springfield, Hockey --Dos- I'ribs; Hungry Five, wi New nighters, lege boy--partlcularly on the Satur ers, eal, WGHP (2) =Detroit, Dance program WON" (1e)--Chicago, Pat Barnes. KSTP (05)=St. Paul. Midnight Club. day nights following football games, dH WCCO (370)=Mpls, St, Paul, Pianist; ite. Lady Dover, WHO (300)~-Des Moines, Dance Iland. WGY (379)~Schenectady, Organ to Pacific 'Network: The Trocederans to] The reason is that the collegians, al- 10.00 NuC Rustam (Wa) oi i 1, Minnesota Theatre, CRC. WAAC, Toa pi lerymakers Wino (26)~Chicago, Popular; dance WHAM, KFI, KPO, though possessed of a great Tove of ) NBC t 3 TORTAm hrs.) NBC Sv : Park Central Orcl XN (20)=- y " a 2 {of WEAY pri ie "wie" Hour fo 0 Ta Cool, Instrumentals Theis hs e Ty entral Orchestra RN 4 250)=Portland, Kremer's or life, usually haven't enough money (o i ~Music Room, 10,43 NE" Sain (WEAF)='"H TIC, BM, WTAS, WANG, WRC, A : ; WOW0, KMOX, KMBC Orchestra, 11.40 WMAQ (447.5)=Chicago, Dance orches. KIR (309)--Seattle, Meyer's orchestra. | cover the cheque, KV0O, WG AL: \ ™ Ww 4 so i emia. ne REAL Sn "CPE Conk ag hoo wk {is « BPD WHR, © WEBW, WFAN, NBCTSiiien: stunt Musi 10 Wiz, 142 WAM Amer Bran WES 70a Cricage, Cortina" or " " ' 2 - p 4 AS AUR 1 Some Hour: vg : WEB: KYW, W Noah fl WINS WAG | WALA aM Caarvater Songs; dassu]. | NMA en Ames' Au HR RAN Er Slvan: Futons re: VIM , (an=ilwaukes, Midoigh| oo WHY FISH PONY BYE bit a Wen bw, REM, Ki R, music, i AL olmbia Network: T.ombardos Ci hr. Ww why fish don't bite 3 10.00 NBC Cc (W) j= Chieags. ivi Opera, be] wy Ei iy oho KTH ' ecient Nilirke WeEs $350. OmL bien 8 Dance Musi NAC (3H) Bostui " News; Rhodes dana to WAI WEA "WEY, 2.00 Wes (0.63 Chicago, Club Deau- | any ake, They are finding their lv 1.00 WOC Davenport, Knights of Pythias Re, =Chigago, Mus N hg alg Rib oo 1 TER Aunt City, News; M JP, 0 W *{ (Copy i Way slo Whe Great lakes to he | i WHK @6)=Cle eveland, as ketby A BC System: Iso.Vis Orchestra an bid ~A! ic City, News u- KOIL, = ChicaEs: Vierit?s orthén. (Copyright 1928 by Audio Service, Chicago) caught by American fishermen. Last. On" 'Span Public Al St Tenor to Jean. WTMJ, WOW, KSTP, 1.20 KOA" Deaver, In the Garden ' ish | 5,00 WA lie uditoriy AF, RSD, Wan Ca Nashvile, WSM orchestra KMOX (75y=8t. Louis. Dance music YE EDITOR'S TASTE year these fishermen took 23,706,000 -- WD. 53 ND lng 3 Hp) and wi (268). Miwaukee. Feature; w Boab Roc] Garborund WIMJ (8D --ilwaukee, D 3 c ed Krueger's Ban HAM =. ochester, Carborundum a ly waukee, Dance musi WGN (416)=-Chicago, Dream Ship; There are more people interested pounds FL of Lake ih io 2 {gs ip i. d, -------- i WIBO (526)--~Chicago, Concert musicale Band slso WGY, Dance Music (1 hour), time 6.00 WBAL (383)--Baltimore, WLS (35)--Chicago, Populss pro BC System: Fortune Teller to WJZ. | 11,15 KSTP (205)=8¢t. Paul, Da 1 WGR (545) Buffalo, Si Symgl in stocks today--especlalty those be- Regular Day Programs Cire g P WRC (315)=\Washington, Lotus or. WDA (0~Kansgs City. Varied Wit Coa ork, Shver iced Eh soup made from i gd po Lake Buperion Su NS Orchestra, the carcass of yesterday's turkey, +821 pounds from Lake Ontario, -- -- NR 777777 Dally Except Sunday. A unless otherwise lg! Shem Wolo we A fac Systems Announed to WIE. pay BAL uhh {in "hor: md a, wey, | oie nen rh abbit, wi Labor 7, a VISN (269) Milwaukee, Pau T (389)=Chica iif yc hy "w wi (394.5)=New Corie ea or WIR Yio -Detroit, Di Dinge | music; id m= i Poul. Musiceles il Wi Wow (28-Cinct, Theis Othestra, WaL™ cby=Coicage, Early Risers WHAM Cleveland: Fi Wid m--cinet, sowing Uo Dr. | 15 whtdo 7.5 Chicago. Boy Turvy U on RY D2 uicag, Morag | 6.30 CKCT (307) uebec, La FU, Nom. ohip. on -K City. Bible we Kh Br cago. Ung ) =~ Kans ty, . oto ¥ Se anuay vy . AL (283) Baltimore, Difer music ul! hm t, Homemakers hou WOAY (492)--Kansas City. ir school wip )=Chicago, Urgen, WEAF (48)~New York, i#nie Led: w )=Des Moines, Records, pro: dies Wer (545)--Buffalo, Digs music, Ww (428)~Ciner. Women's Hour, wey (379.5)--Schenectady. | Trappers 0.15 WOW (508)=Umaha, Correct Time; Hou i arkets, WON (416)--Chicago, Air tle; Uncle 9.30 wii (326) = Detroit, Tomight's Dinner; glk. Wilk (216)--Cleyeland, Pre' Flash or 9.4 KDKA (306)= Pitts. Markets, Bd 05 WEAD {46d.5)~Lolumbus, Educational WIP (892)=Phila, Concr orchestra, KEN Wiz (949-New York, furuille 8; Music, 1040 KV) NY US Shenandosh, Varied pro: ho LIS a dB WTIC (500)=Hartlord, Deer Group; (MRC (316)~Kansas City, Columbia hk Cl RWS (205)---5t, Paul, Diser program Ui prog (T0)-Mpls-51, Pau), Hamline KMBC (316)--Kansas (OF. Musical am, ne Tsien. tr. 0 RAV (30)--Chicago. Bi8p's orches: LL W LW. wi Wak, gun Wi Wi YW TKWK, WKEN KDKA © (06) Pitts, HE WANE \ r concert, sso Giants, ul, Lowry pA (ex. os otis I or 55K Hos vis wen-| BAL Cn Vos (476)=Tefierson City, Markets: Jaa (370)=Mpls, St, ¥ WCAE Tin--Piuss, Pleist; Book re: ¥ WuI (535)=Ames, la. Markets; Wes 1 i ther, 0: " y \ g WIAG @in=Woreser. Women's rd 44 Lo I ram; h akers, --~ 3 -- , 5 3 yoke, vos Sk oo | WARY Gyre JY Gov dl <r a A -- Not] $1.00 vo 3 GN (416)=~Chicago, Home manage: ing System: Hymn to ily Wane (Bhai. Musical program way 1979 8) he " 447.5) = Jueago, Uverture h WIP (492)~Phils. Une Wip. WMAQ ( 3 | aR P= ulso, [ime eponomlcy: WIR (400)--Detroit. Awounced. \ WOS (#76)=Teflerson City. Markets: NBC Sisums St. Regi orchestra; so- = Bulleting, prano to Vs ib. = WEB (405) Atlanta. Weather; Mark: Wis n)-Chicage a hon oreptstra 2 Wis (487) ~Milwaukee. News: or WMAQ {447 51-Chich News and . Davis orchestra 4713 sy WNAC 4) Boston, {ews; Amos vn' ' ; Andv, Wes" Ed iy WEA WOR (422)~Newark, Jchestra, J n --- hestra. AL WCAE WTAM, WWI, Ky K&D WS (405)--Atlanta, omar orc 5A : CENC (517)~Toronto Studio program Wen (46 (461)--Nashyille Studio ensem- vif ; y le; W ] ;, Wesites WAM (220)--Clevelad. Recital, ~ 9 N = 8 WTAG (517)~Worcger, Travel talk £. (Tues. Fburs,) wml (487)=Milwamee. on or: a : z 4 WCAE (242) - Pitts Muse chestr 7H 5) ; | 730CN M " (411)--Montres French WOR (545) Buffalo. Weather: Mark. | 7.30 oN R] Migr Shines } eRO WGN tisyhicons. Morin mum: WCAU" 230~ Phila, Snellenberg con- +3 * WwW cale. ; , , Pi ; , BE systens: Comer Hour to WEAF, § nada E 7 1929 with Ho ell ounded WIAS (m)-Pints, Ei Patrick's Nhe DY IAR, ATAG, WCSH. A Ca nt2 S Chur WEL WIAR, WK (216) ~Cleveland Noon muse. Ww WIR (400)- Detroit. |uncheon songs WHLA (338)--Clearwier. Moses Band whi 3 Chicana ims coon WY n-Sckentady, "Farm 'pio ; ; (447.5) . ig . » 2 0 cage Nowe sao, §CN (416) --Chicago Nighthawks; Al- " & -DAY the great race among the aggressive nations 3. Pack in the manner the importer desires. Woe 300): C k manack. LE. | . sie Mase Varsson Wosine J WGK (:45)~Duffale, Charles Gypsy Ar | of the world is for export trade. 4. Deliver promptly. efferson ty arkets * dl MRC (315.6)~Wash Farm Flash WHE (216)~Clevelii. Business Talk AIRY Wh Canada' ition in thi fun, petition intain contract date WAG GIN)- Worcester Organ, Mar Bille. Students at is s posi in this far g com ? 5. Main co 5» WLW (428)--Cinci, oherty's orchestra a, \ " i. % Ww WY (36)- Detroit Weather; inch WNAC (2#4)--Boster Musicale. h 4 Though ranking 28th in popul-tion, this New Yez Additions have been made to Trade Commissioners' staffs; RYAN WOW" (ub)-Omahe Chainer. \ finds Canada: Trade enquiries snd trade trends from sbrosd have been WRYA Lu (270) Richmond. Aust Sammy WSB (405)--Atlanta Biltmore concert on Caosdisn products, rat G5 'Liimaukes Housemy Wert tiyFavogs. Lovimes gla: ; ¢ given wide publicity in ia (0) --Mpls- Paul Stock . : Hear A" Conert ches . F ifth i in total ex rts displayed proniatuly st numerous exhibitions in Gren : # . irs so CEG. CNN CRW, CRA) A » Britain, have excited uousual interest. Buyers in other Pb et ter vou tuner) Rok ly Fugu) of Third in absolute trade balance couniries have been shown what Canada bas 10 sel. iy D WBAP (374.8)--Ft. Wort .. ih i iis a . RED coe ie, Ou <A Second in r Ca ita exports Steamship services from Canada to foreign lands, pusiculasty wiv Eo iicimond" Suns WEAL aser-Fiis Bue, Ancigr, Wi, Dy pe p po to South Americas and the British West Indies, have bees he opt 8 12.45 WIR (400)~Deteoit. Musical Matinee. WEAF, WTIC. VAR, Wh, WGY, 4 4 . wis 'ah-Ciie "Ba | WED WO HAE wot wox| ERE First in per capita trade balance greatly augmented. 1.00 KTHS (S)=Hor Sorings Neos fes. WMS, WDAF. 3 THE RESULTS ARE BECOMING CONSPICUOUS. Wek Gioy. Lineage Un Wi Rok Claas E . 1 esr ended November last Canada's export trade Tot de Jou 1,349 million dollars. * k * WBBM pre on se a pro. pA : : wT (585)~Phi Luncheon ; Wiss (268)--Mikaukee. Marwood 5 : Shia Tor SUES Lunches WH (opty: Kate gh Ji Bt ® C- The favoussble trade balance at the end of November was Again the Department of Trade sad Commerce wishes to Boor, Voi | ha VEG [B04 162 million dollars. eophasize the ymporance of op , WOW, WEB, KDEA (ex M, -- Sat.) WE2A, WLW, RRC, KYW, » prosperity WHO (300)~Des Moines. Markets Kw ie In six years Canada's export trade has n fror 754 Talk: Music. WES "(845)~Chicap, Scrap Book; " 1 WPG (Z2)--Atastic City. million dollars 349 mi Music (ex. Sat.) WMAQ' (47.5)=Cicago. Trio; Health M ou achies He oe Be CED Adais City. Gospel 4 oo, wre York. WSB 405) SE Attaza. ie Concert. wos rid Nea City. WSM (461 )--Naghrille. Craigs orches. 230 bic « Flashes, Music 815 WCCO (370)--Mph St. Pa , Common (316)=Kansas . Diver Sense in Religion 115 wor $35) Aes. po os - Cl Cor) Sins, Src a fete h-, AL D ' iad | KOA (31)--Denvr. Brows Palace or- 1.0 CRRA (96)~Moncton. Music: Mark- chestra. WAU (256)--Phia. Entertainers Woy (9)= Schenectady. Television NBC System: Hover Tou WEAF, WGY, .. Fri) AA, oe Chinese Luncheon music WGN, WEEI, W(AE, WKRC, 18 Wik, "ena, City. Country- ww WDAF, 5D, W wow, WsM, He (428)~Cinci. Matinee Program XBC System: Campion Spackess (ex. Wed. and Sai. WIZ. KDKA. JW, KWK, ) 200 KOA Ja) ~Deaver. Weather: Mark. WEEN, WHA, WLW, Whe. Ene (517)=Toronto. Musical oes | WLS (345)--Chiage. WLS = SCF. 2090--Chicagn. Television. wii 7) Aghwatiise. CHINA... cnssneis WBBM (39)~Chicage. Lauacheos am ENR {Mosca pty Grrayany LD. Wilgress, Hamburg GBS £250)--New York. Talke: Music Xewmork Seluring $rograe. products ANY. o.onnean . WGY (395)--Schensctady. Matinee ; Horii . vray, amin og (ex. Sat) olumibi ok: Somora ° past | A alk Poussette, Calcutta wi by gg rR ' MAK. 1 { Izuss Fass Stays... BN Boe, Delle BEAT, .prerensr.. 5 .B. Muldimis, isn kets: Bulletins WIAS, WTMI (4R)~Milwaukee. Musical pro- GHP, WOW) WOR. WSPD, . Ey nramn vii eM on ashwite Luncheon Con- v 23 Wo) 57) Myla 1. Paul. Westh- i (333) 1 I oC WC Gon) --Daseaport. Closing mark Wilkie Re Salle goo- 890 CXRO (305) Ontams. Music: Mak: Teen. Seber, Singurt 10 Tovy om-ios Momenwa| AE EOH NN NOH WOT ax Tar, WWT, KSD, So Ria MEAL NO. whi. Ww. s%® faa pro- vee a. ss Wizo (520) Ciicago. Beecher or- NBC § : Miladv's Musicians to wiz KDEA KWK, WHAM, WIR (400) --Detroit. Eatertainers. WMAQ (447.5)~Chicago. Concert or- 2 VV 0c. Fins ot. 0" Cities Shall with Commerce Shine" a WLS an Allstate Hour. | ce KWKH (332)~Shreveport. |ram, cert: OTRA WOX 0400) News gy 0 2 ill CDRs Gity. Musical BC System: Cont AP at r WoC com Homemai WCSH. WEL WCAE. THE DEPARTMENT F Home Sat.) i Drama. Yoo (370) = Bir St. Paul. Stock ce- (37.5) rote flex Sat) WAS (456) ~Jefiesson City. Theatrical Wor 1545) Duffato. Arcadia vehene : : frogeam. NBC System: Maxwell Hour to WIZ, WRZ, "RZA, PEAT. WHAM. \ Wi mr am . WW KOA, Ag 3 WTMI 480-Milwashee. Buddies He. A | a A tas. Tuts N00, Mery" mee WHAS. WS Hon. James Malcolm, Minister LL FE. C. T. O'Hara, Deputy Minister _TMURSDAY'S BEST FEATURES WMAQ (4475) Chicago. Mi show : am. Far New York. US. Marine | wR A' (270)--Richmond.

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