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Oshawa Daily Times, 3 Jan 1929, p. 6

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PAGL SIX 1HE USHAWA DAILY TIMES, 1HURSDAY, JANUARY 3, 19.9 Re a Woman's Daily Interest | SOCIAL and PERSONAL The Times invites the e¢o- operation of its readers in contributing items to this column, Send in a postcard or phone 335. jj Mr. W, Teskey spent the holiday | peason with friends in Wellington. LJ * * Mr, William 'Stiles spent two weeks with his parents in Bonar- law, * * * Miss Edith Gillies was the holi- day guest of Miss Dorothy Babcock, Lindsay, . Mr, A, O'Sullivan of Hastings spent Friday with friends fn the eity, * * * Mr. Wesley Rowe spent the week-end with MM W. Hannah, Perrytown, : * * Miss Helen Raby is visiting her grandmother, Mrs, William Raby, fn Bethesda. » * * Miss Evelyn Sheridan of Toronto, is visiting her father, Mr, T. Sher- fdan, Mary street, » * * Mr, and Mrs, A. Reid were the recent guests of Mr, and Mrs, W, Jeffrey, Lakefield. ® 0% Miss Margaret Dunford is visit- fog her parents, Mr, and Mrs. W, Dunford, Haultain, . * LJ » * Mr. Hubert Dean, who has been Mving in Bailleboro, is taking up residence in this city. FEY | Mr, Richard O'Connor has re- turned to the city after spending a week at his home in Marmora, CIR aE Mr, and Mrs. O, R. Davis enter- tained at dinner at the Falcon, Kingston road west, on New Year's day, * ¥ % Mr. and Mys. Kenneth Massey, College avenue, spent New Year's with the former's parents in Belle- ville. »* Ld Mr. and Mrs. Percie Maylee, Simcoe street north, spent Year's day in Toronto, the guesis of Mr. and Mrs, E. E. Thompson. kd * * * Misses Marion and "Ted" Chev- erill spent the New Year's holiday ot the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Cheverill, DPeter- boro, \ ® ¥* * Miss Audrey McTavish entertain- | ed at a theatre party on New Year's night on the occasion of her birthday. There were about twenty guests. Following the theatre party a dance was held FASHION SHOPPE 84 Simcoe St. 5. Oshawa at the home of the hostess, Sim- coe street north, » * » The Alumni Association of St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto, is holding an informal dance at Columbus Hall on Friday, January 18, * 0% 0» . Mme Clayton Hutchinson, of Chis cago, and Mr, Benjamin Hutchin- son, of Detroit, spent Chris.mas and New Year's with their mother, Mrs. A, Keith, 266 French street, ® % ¥ Mrs. A. Adams, Lloyd street, and Mrs, C, M, Mundy, Simcoe street north, are in Stratford to- day, attending' the funeral of the late Mr, John H, Lawson of that city, . * » Mr. J Carroll Andcrson spent Christmas and New Year's days with his parents, Rev, and Mrs, T. H. P. Anderson, of Newburgh and for the holiday week was the guest of J. S. MacDonald, second secre tary of the Department of Externa Affairs, Ottawa. APPEALS TO THE POPE ABOUT RIGHT TO QUEBEC "MILLIONS" ---- * Montreal, Jan, 3.--Pope Pius XI has recently heen brought into the case of one of these "Phantom" fortunes with which the old prov- ince of Quebec abounds, A Chicago resident was led to be- lieve that he could establish claim to rich land in the heart of Mont- real; property that passed through a religious order to its present own- ers. Moreover, he apparently got the information that in a bank vault here was deposited millions placed there by the religious or der in anticipation of claims frm heirs of the original owner in the davs of Maissoneuve. His lawyer wrote to the order here: it seems he got no renly. 80 he appealed direct to His Holiness at Rome, who transmitted the let. ter to religious authorities here. The upshot was that the Chicago attorney was informed that any information as to millions he- ing available for anyone was quite incorrect. United States' idens of the meth- od to be followed in the case of fortnne claims have always amus- ed Quebecers. They recall that Sir Lomer Guin, when Prime Minister of Quebec, was threatened by one lady with appeal to the president of the TTnited States because cu'™ orities here declared her claim ill- founded. FORD TO EMPLOY 30,000 MORE MEN Detroit, Jan. 2.--Thes Ford Mo- tor Company announced - yesterday in order to maintain a five-day week for employes and at the same time operate the factories six days a week, an aditional 30,000 men would be employed before March 1. Production would be increased 20 percent.. the compary estimat- ed. 'In order to prevent an influx of men to Detroit, officials an- { nounced that the unemployed in this city would be given prefer- ence for employment. Under the present foree the com- | pany estimated that production of the new model A car had been re- duced by 100,000 cars from whae !|it would have been had the fac- tory operated on a six-day basis. The vew plan, in effect, will em- | | play another day's supply of men ploy another day's supply of men | out disturbing the present policy of two days' rest for employes. dh, BUY THE FEEDS IN STRIPED SACKS feed Anaemic Hens back to health 7EAK, listless hens can be fed back to robust health --can be made eteady, eager layers by the use of this oatmeal feed-- . Quaker FUL-O-PEP EGG MASH (Contains Cod Liver Meal) A remedy for anaemia is cod liver meal, and fresh, clean cod liver meal is thoroughly mixed into FulO» Pep Egg Mash so that at every mouthful the hen gets the right amount. It's just the feed to keep your flock busy every day. We have it. Drop in and learn how economical this feed is. HOGG & LYTLE, Limited Phone 203 1 Oshawa, Ontario N E FEEDS IN STRIPED SACKS h- @ eens eae: », 8 LOVELY CHRISTMAS GIFT An idea, entirely new, in apvoun with fitted bodice and gathered skirt with dipping hemline, is seen in Style No. 688. IL is just as practical as it is atueetive and will make an excellent Christmas gift, that will be truly appreciate for every woman loves a daf apron. The gathered skirt in pointed outline is attached to bib section with straps that cross at back and fasten with buttons at each side of waistline. Organdie in daity floral pattern, printed sateen, pongee silk, dotted d:mity, blocked gingham radium silk and chintz are smart fabrics to choose, Pattern in sizes small medium and large, and only requires 1 3-8 vards of 40-inch material with 6 1-4 yards of binding for the med- fum size. DPrice, 20 cents in stamps or coin (coin preferred), Wrap coin carefully. 0) 'oe a a a 2 = OS PATTERN PURCHASE COUPON To The Oshaws Daily Times Pattern Department Oshawa, Ont. Enclosed tind Please send patterns listed be ny er RR Teel > " reeled ele tnlogeie le te aN Sealed NAIR aX tol vey Address sessssssssssasssssnss rele Province vole 20 cents each. Send Wrap coin Price, stamps or coin. carefully. \ Saal (4 x TETTIOTTIYN nal a a a A a RR) FREAKISH WAVE SWEEPS LINER Hatch Cover is Lifted Bodily and Then Deposited Without Damage New York, N.Y, Jan. 3.--The PAIR WHO SERVED JAI TERMS ARE AGAIN IN CUSTODY Complete Outfit of Women's Apparel Stolen from Toronto Store | rg Toronto, Jan, 3.--Two of three young women who were concerned in the tragic death of a matron in the Women's Jail IFarm, Langstaff, about five years ago, were arrest. ed yesterday by Detective-Sergts. Tuft and Trinnel on charges of ex- tensive thefts of women's wearing apparel from the Eaton store, The prisoners are Bessie Carroll and Jeanette McMinn, living on Dun. das street east, The young women were appre- hended by store employes, the police say, in the act of stealing certain articles, On Tuft and Trin. nell being sent for and recognizing the prisoners, the McMinn girl sald: "You had better take every: thing I have on off me, for thoy are all stolen, 'This was found to be true. Everything, even to the girl's un- derwear and shoes, when examined, the police say, were identified by employes of the firm, The girls were stripped of their 'glad rags," and wearing apparel found in their rooms was substituted, Officers searching their apart- ment found it well furnished and comfortable, Some of the furniture appeared to be so new that 'he police are investigating its origin, Liquor was also discovered. Wear- ing apparel found there includes dresses, pyjamas, slippers, stock- ings, goloshes, shoes, coat and jewelry, The two girls, five years ago, were inmates of the Women's Jali Farm as incorrigibies, One day they planned to escape, Aided by a third girl, they waylaid the matron, a stout, elderly woman, and having bound her hand aud foot and gagged her so that she could not give the alarm, led ner to a water pipe, stole her keys and let themselves out of the place The matron was discovered dead early the following morning The gag had slipped down around her throat, At first it was 'bought that she had been choked to death by the piece of rag, and accord- ingly the girls were sought on a charge of murder, Given Five Year Term Two days later the girls were arrested in a Tecumsh Stree! house, whither they had been taken by a taxi driver they had hailed on their way from the farm, At the subsequent inquest on the matron, however, the girls swore that they had not killed the woman, One sald she had sat on the woman while the other two hound and gagged her, The evidence was such as to suggest that the mat ron's death was due to pressure on the heart rather han tu suffoca- tion, The girls subsequently were tried and found guilty of contributing to the death of the matron, They were sent to Kingsion Penitentiary for five years, Since their release two years ago, they told the po.ice, they had worked as waltresses in a King Street cafe, BILINGUAL BILLS QUEBEC'S OBJECTIVE Quebec, Jan, 3.--Bilingual bills of $1 and $2, issued by the Domin- fon Government, are to be the ob- ject of French-Canadian M P.'s of this district, who will enlist the aid of the "solid bloc" in their cam- paign, Their hope is that, if the Dominion bills are bilingual, banks issuing their notes of higher den- ominatio will follow suit, The move is a entinuation of the drive which resulted in the first bilin gual postage stamp recently being issued. ELECTORAL COLLEGE VOTES CONFIRM HOOVER'S ELECTION Washington, D.C., Jan. 3.--Quictly and unioted by the nation's millions, of voters, clectors in every staig Wednesday cast the official baliois necessary under constitutional man date to elect Herbert Hoover presi- dent, The ceremony was performed sim ultancously in the capital city of each of the states. : The electors voting were thosé chosen by the people on Nov. 6, last. PREMIER KING SPONSOR FOR SALARY INCREASES Ottawa, Jan, 3.--The Ot awa Morning Journal, in its news col- umns today says: : Premier Mackenzie King has assumed the authority over the proposed salary revision for pro- fessional and technical men in the public. service, and it is expected that action will be taken at the appoaching session of Parliament to increase salaries by amounts ranzing from $240 to $420 per year, RS YE Fruits,Vegetables and Groceries --~ You are Assured of Prompt and Courteous Service At All Times. These Grocery Specials Good Until Wednesday, January 9th Fresh from Santa PRUNES 2 = 17¢ Clara Valley RINSO 3 sman ree. OC Important Announcement We are pleased to inform our many friends and patrons that we are now putting up the highest grade No. | Pasteurized Creamery Butter under our own Silverbrook label. uniform quality of this high-grade butter, Butte Onur Own Sllverbrook Brand You will like the 46¢ STANDARD QUALITY Choice Quality TOMATOES 2 No. 2 Tins 1§¢ No. 2 Tins 17¢ £3 Surprise Soap 10 CAKES % ic Manyflcwers Toilet Soap TEA Salads Brown Label! Black Ib. Pkg. WEEK-END SPECIALS IN | OUR VEGETABLE DEFT. won =. 2 Bunches 17¢ 3 Cakes [7¢ 11lb. Pkg. 37¢ | 72¢ Fancy Ceoking FIGS Crown Brand 3 ibs. LOBSTER 1,4. Tin BEC Ib. Tin 23¢ | | 27¢ | | CALIFORNIA {CARROTS .. CRISP ICEBERG LETTUCE... ... won. 2 Heads 21¢c ruin men IDs 198 MEXICAN TOMATOES .... ... CALIFORNIA NAVEL ORANGES... GRAPEFRUIT YELLOW TURNIPS FLORIDA we we ws DOZEN 30 4 for 25¢ Scott Tissue | Toilet Paper Ron 12¢ Vegetized Waters Pkg. 21¢ O'Cedar Polish 12-0z. Tin 43¢€ 1-2 1b. 33¢ The Favorite Health Drink TODDY 1b. tin 54¢ liner #'ronce arrived today after an encounter with a gigantic and prankish wave in mid-ocean. Cap- tain Jean Simon of the France said that the wave, 40 feet high, board- ed the forward deck last Mond It ripped away the 2 ton steel c¢ ® er from the hatch there and set it down without damage on the starboard deck. The baggageholu beneath the uncovered hatch re- mained dry, to the puzziement of the ship's officers who expected to find it flooded. This was the France's first trip after four months out of service for reconditioning. TORONTO TRUCKMEN ESCAPE TRUCK PIUNTES DOWN HILL \ -- ingersoli, Ont, Jan. 3--A large truck of the Canadian Fruit Co, Toronto, which got beyond control on the icy highway east of Tuesday, plunged through a fence before crossing the CP.R, and on down another incline, being halted at the edge of the Thames river by a tree, was hauled from its precarious position yesterday afternoon. The truck was in charge of S. Bain, of Toronto, who was acc i by L. Winestein, also of Toronto. Both men escaped injury, and the large truck was only slightly damaged. AWG HOSIERY SPECIALISTS WN FITTING, WEIGHT AND PRESSURE. AGENTS FOR CANADIAN , ENGLISH AND AMERICAN + SEAM AND SEAMLE ELASTIC HOSIERY Wing GOVT. INSPECTED GRADE "A" BEEF ROASTS Prime Rib: 38¢ 18¢c ROUND BONE 1b. 30¢ BACK Bacon OLD ENGLISH CURE Wiltshire Gammon Half Ib. Cushion Half Ib. Bac 35¢ 38c¢ PO Loins Shoulder 1b. 18¢ RK iv. 28¢ 1b. 20¢c COTTAGE ROLLS Back Bacon sues. 30C By the Piece 1b. 28C Brisket: w14e ror1s. I 2 | Mincemeat w I§e COD Boiling Cuts--Fresh Caught 210. 25¢ | HADDOCK Fresh 1b. 12¢ FLOUNDERS rresin. I4c HADDIE FILLETS "3" 18¢ FANCY BLUE POINTS OYSTERS Glass Jar 37 € & PACIFIC = LIMITED. OF CANADA

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