LENT RY PEEP RIALIAE Fapitan! LE PPRYI OL. IFEX 1 vAF AN IR ATARAERLI EF HR 4S i '9.00 ae BC (WEAF) An Evening THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, JANUARY 4, 1929 PAGE Fl ¢¢ Easy-to-Find"' RADIO PROGRAM WSB (405)--Atlanta. Weather; Marke ts. WiM) (@)-Milwaukes. News: or 1115 NBC System: Household lastitu 5 fic EAL ik WE WIA WCAE. WTAM, WAT, 11,30 CKNC Sin-lotonte Studio wot be Markets; WOW ( she, Market opening. 12,00 (uses (halon al Musi ues. « CAE (242)=Pitts, Music SPD: he her (545)=Buffalo, Weath Tonight's Best beatures Cities Service Concert. be] NBC EA aig Quakers, = in Paris, (WJZ) Wrigley Hour. wiv Ca iphia. Cotton Field Melo- ee ambia True Story 9.3 yw Cincinnati, Philco Hour. 10.00 NBC <Q, 3) Concert Bureau Hour. NBC (WJ2) Stromberg . Carlson Sex- oo umbig ra_"Pagliacei." * to WIAG 3 Hour. oY tistorical High- DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS WGN (416)--Chicago, Uncle Quin; Mathotss (246)--Detroit. Lady Moon; Oriol Wim S (220.4)~Chicago. Dinner con: Eastman Wiiau Jit. y=Rechestar. Thea WIP oa Fiim. Uncle Wip, Nin )--Detroit. vr: aE pr St. Regis Or- EW" Car Cincinnati, Unique Trio, WMAQ (447.5)--Chicago, Concert or« Wow" sos )--Omaha. Studio program. WOR Newark, Dinner music; Spor WSB 405 Atlanta, Sunday School, Vik = ama, So Cleveland or wi 500)--Hartford, Quintet. yi ht Organ; or: 7.10 WGR (545)--Buffalo, Statler Orch, 718 WE ei ma Home Radio Club. WCCO (370 Mpls. St. Paul, Barlow's Orchestra; Book n, WGN (416)=Chicago. Morning musi ike @3)=Pitts, St. Patrick's R" d1o~Cievtand Noon music, Wik ( 0) Detroit, Luncheon songs. HE "inci, Musigj Markets. Waiag '¢ (442.5)=Chicago. Home feono- ics, WoC WOC, {N0)-=Davenport. Opening Mark. t V wos 6 = leflerson City. Markets, we asi --Wash, Farm Flashes, Wrag Worcester, Organ; Mar. WW fs Ey Weather; Lunch. rogram, WRVA® (270) Richmond. Aunt Ssmmy Jon, ed, Fri.) wr Mi (487)--Miiwaukee. Housewives Woeo (370)=Mopls-St. Paul, Stock re- VEke {483 3)~New York. Markets; fticheon usie. ra 0 Ereveland. Dinner mu- Wir 492) Phil Luncheon music, 4 A Yen, Ri ichm: Sun (270)-R shine Hour A Mon Wed,, Fri, W/JR (400)=Detroit. Musical Matinee, is (345)~Chicago. Dinnerbell pro. Noon fea. RDAY'S BEST FEATURES 2:0 ym WEAF New York: US. Army 11.00 Whik Chicago: Overture Hour, 12,00 LW Cincinnati: Cowboy Band. is We G, P W Atlanta: hil of » Frogram, WCFL, Chicago: Television, Ly NBC "ied (WJZ) RCA Demonstra- tion 1 9% Regular Daytime Programs Daily Zaupt Sunday, unless otherwise Wg i AE 15e8 wo, Wie Er ion Milk. Men AE 79 --Cnsas, Setting Up. )---Ames. Markets; Music. vate Morning Devotion to Musicale; Sete Early Risers De- Music: 8.00 WOI Wes Bade Paul. ite (309)=Chicago. Wi (428)=Cinci. Setting Up: ional (ex. Sat.) Morning 2.30 2 A at. \ (447.5)--Chicago. 9.00 WDAK" (2 --Kansas City. Bible les. Win « 400) Detroit. Homemakers hour bad (389)=Chicago. Organ. WHO (300)--Des Moines, Records, pro- 12.45 w hd 1,00 Kiks (375)--Hot Springs. 3.45 ures (ex. Wei Ww WCFI. (309)--Chicago. Urgan, WBBM (389)=Chicago. Farm pro. WLW amine, Women's Hour. VET (535) Philadelphia Luncheon M y j- adelphia Luncheon Mu- 9.15 wou (S08)--Omati. Correct Time; sic; Markets (ex. Sat. 9.9 wil ©! 0io6)-- Detroit. Tonight's Dinner: Nae System: Farm and Home A Mow, Pes, WEBKA KDKA 0) Pitts, Markets. Hy be] YWEAO J @ 5)=Columbus, Sat.) WHo {30)=Des 10,00 KENT A Varied pro- Talk; Kine (316)=Kansas City. Columbia WPG WH Atlantic City. Music (ex. Sat, Hour, WMAQ (447.5)--Chicago yeco 8 {370)=Mpls-St. Paul. Be" ysien. Dr, Copeland Hour to Talks, wiz 45 New York. NBC WR Wi, WBZ, WHAM, KDKA, KYW, Music to VIZ WOs 476)--J efterson City, WEE 'W KWK, WREN bi, a Ra Farm Flashes; Music Sat.) KMBC { (316)~Kansas City, Dinner bell Wor (535)--Ames, Hog Flash: Wea- wf (535)~Ames. Markets; Farm WB (76)=Teflerson City. Markets: | \ og CNRA (476)--Moncton. Music: Marke 10.30 wor (535)--Ames, Ia. Markets; Wea Wey (379)=8 iy. Tele Wike G1) =Worseates Wornen's Wan nian Luncheon music 10.50 WCCO (370)=~Mpls-St. Paul. Stock re- 11,00 Wen (416)=Chicago, Home manage- b (223)--Akron. Musical program WDAF (492)-Kansas City, Country. side Chats WIL.W {28} ~Lines ; Mating Program Wa ADC Mark. WMAQ (447.5)=Chicago. Overture hrs WGR (545)= Buffalo, Home economics: markets, (ex. Wed. and 8 KOA (36h) ~Denver pro. WOS (476)=Tefferson City Bulletins, KI 7 (ex. Educational Markets ® Luncheon Melodies ; Luncheon Markets; Moines, Hamline w 5.00 W. ) Weathers ets, Urgan Xo Ohne 517)= Toronto. Musical Vern +309) =Chicago. [Felevision. WBBM (389) Chicago. luncheon Ww Markets Ww w Oh! Blissful Eve When you're settled down in a cozy arm chair with your favorite book in front of you and the hero of the story behaving mice- ly--the pic'ure is not perfect until you open that box of ereamy, hand-rolled Billy-Burke Chocolates, laden with miracii'ous flavor and coated with delicious chocolate, 60¢c Pound Ti KL bid Jury and Lovell's King E, Simcoe 8, 'Phone 28 THE REXALL STORE Phone 68 SS SSS SS SS SS SS SS SC SR SS SS SO SX, So So Sy WGBS WGY Program kets; WTM] 47 Milwaukes, Musical pro. fsa LO aanile: Luncheon Con. cert 2.3 weeo (S70) Mpls: St, Paul. Weath. er' Mathes Sat. Hour (ex, Thurs, Sat. 4.00 WBAL (283) Baltimore. /CX Daw' (492)~Kansas City, Matinee. WO( am, fr MJ 487)~Milwaukee, NBC System: WEAY, w News, WJ4 (3945-N.Y, The Aristocrats, 5.30 WHC System: Bill and Jane to WEAF, w 6,00 NLC System: WE WHK (216)--Cleveiand, WHAM (258.5)--Rochester, Dinner Music, WJR (400)--Detroit. WJZ (394.5)--N.Y, Yoeng's orchestra. Wire Sweet Hom yrau (280)--Cleveland. Dinner Con- ~Schenectady. ex. Sat.) Wik tao) eto Recreation hour, ullet ex. Sal ewark. Music )=Ames. Closin, lalks. (389)~Chicago. City, Musicale. (345)~Chicago. Vomen's Club. GN {410)-Chivago, Stocks GR (545)-- Buffalo, WMAQ (447.5) --C *hicago. 'Artist recital Salon music. DKA (306)--Pitts Markets. WBBM (X= Cliisago, Orchestra con- cert: organ. WCFL (309)--Chicago. Matinee dance News Bulletins, (400)- Detroit. Musica (ex. Sat) (476) ~ 2 Neraon City, Theatrical WJ (326)=Detroit, Gypsy Barons, Saturday Programs EVENING PROGRAMS ADC (223)--Akron., Dinner Concert. St. Regis Urchesira WRC, WW). UC (3w)--Davenpurt, Waldorf Astoria Musi AF, WI1IC, WTAG, WWJ, WCAE., CFL (309)--Chicago, Labor Hour, J BT (387)--Chicago. Urgan, LW (428)--Cincinnati, "Gis 6)--Washington. Hom WAMAQ (447.5)--Chicago., Topsy Turvy me, DKA (306)--Pitts, Dinner Address, KYW (294)--Chicago. Uncle Bob. WBAL 283)--Baltimore. Dinner music. WCAU (236)--Phila, Greens Orchestra. WDAF (452)--Kansas City. Air School. NBC System: White House Music WGR, WTAM, WTIC, WCAE, WGN (416)--Chicago, Air Castles, WIP (492)--Phila, Concert Orchestra; to WEAF, WSB, Markets 7.00 KYW (294)--Chicago, Hamp's Orch, EMEC (316)--Kansas City, Studio pro- KoTp (205)--St. Paul. Dinner Concert. BAP Gr sr=Fors Worth, Music; Sunday Sc WCFL hea. Popular prog. WCAU (256)--Phila, WCAE (242)--Pitts, WDAF (492)--Kansas City, Ensemble. NBC System: WEAF, ewish hour, 'he Strollers, Spitalny's Music ra 8 York, Talks; Mupie 379.5) atinee 76 mJeferson City. Grain Mar. otations (506) Oman: Markets Receipts ors Q0)-Davengert. Closing mark: 3.00 éNko a 5)=Ottawa, Music; Mark. Winn Nogram (535)=Phila. Concert (ex. Sat.) WOS (476)~ Jefferson Markets. WIP (492)Phila. 330 WEAF (454.3)=New York, Studio pro- Housewives Closing Homemakers (300)--Davenport. Homemakers Hour (ex. Sat. WCCO (370)-- Mpls: St. Paul. Stock re: Wo )S program, Buddies Hr. Story Hour; WRC, Dinner Concert. Markets; Songs; Orchestra. Dinner music, wow (Hg)yOmabs, Markets; Creigh- music; Dinner wWiNL to 7.30 KPRC Sis)-- Houston The Parson; NRE (un)--Springhied. McBnelly's Quches WCA He as6)--Phila. Plantation Four, WEAR (242)--Pitts, Recital, WDAF (492)--Kansas City. Meyers Orchestra, NDC System: Soprano to WEAF, WTIC, ; yey (379.5)--Schenectady. Dinner wen (416)--Chicago. Nighthawks; Almanack. WGR (545) Buffalo, Alumni talk, WhE lo--Cleveiand, Talk; Wik (400)--Detroit. 30 Minutes from . Broadway. WLW sm--Cincianati, Thies Orchestr: WMAQ (447. Sy Chicagos Concert or- hest! 1 WSUN Cady se Petersburgh Moses wan (405)--Atlanta, Music box, WTAG (517)--Worcester, Capitol The. atre Overture, wi - iy=Desrol, Studio program; 7.45 ow R%4)--Chicago. Organ, NBC System: Dr, Julius Klein to WJZ, WHAS, WSM, WBAL, KDKA, KOA, WRC, KWK, WTMJ, 8,00 KYW (294)--Chicago. Fiorito's Orch, KSTP (205)--St, Paul, Musical Fea tures, WBAL (283)--Baltimore, WBAP (374.8)--Fort Worth, Co J WCCO (370)--Mpls. St. Paul, Trio, worl (309)--Chicago , Concert En. WDAF (U2 ---Ransse City, Varied rogram (2 h ' GN (116)--Chicago. Floorwalker, WGHP (246)--Detroit, Studio; Dance music, NBC System: National Symphony or- chestra to WEAF, EEL WesH, WKC, WGK, WCAE KOA, WGY, WWJ, WHAS, WHK (216)--Cleveland. Lowman's Old Timers, (400)--Detroit, Bergin's Orch, Book Farm talk; Recital, Traction STRO cilled ends. 24 x 48 inches. value for RAG RUGS Attractively patterned with sten. Good, generous size, Regular 5 Oc Each NG 79¢ On Sale for, Pair All pure wool, sizes 100 Pairs Best Quality, Largest Size ' i il I 20\ ON NN ANI BNI F lennelette Blankets . Compare these with any other at or near the price. | the heaviest, which means more actual cotton and more actual wear. | White or grey with pink or blue border. Size 70 x 84 inches. Moi I more than 2 pairs to a customer), On sale, pair NIU INI) (BNIB) WIR WLS (345)--Chicago. Entertainers, 0 WLW (8) Civsinnati, Gibson Orch JRva oi Rie mond. Corn Co! wes" (405)--Atlants, Sunday Journal Concert, WaM (461)--Nashville, Craigs Orch. WPG (272)--Atlantic City, Chelsea c conce| (487)--Milwaukee, Orchestra rt, WTMJ pianist, WTAG (517)--Worcester. chestra, 8.25 WMAQ (447.5)--Chicago, Photolog. 8.30 WBZ (303)--Springfield. Concert. WCCO (370)--Mpls.-St. Paul. reside Philosophies, on (309)--Chicago. Music publish period. WHE (216)--Cleveland. Brigode's or- chestra, e WHAM (268)--Rochester, school, WIR (400)--Detroit, Pot-pourri, NBC System: Xylophonist to WJZ, WBZ, WBZA, KD KWK. WLS . (345)--Chicago, Bam Dance (5 hrs.). WLW (428)--Cincinnati, Entertainers, WRVA (270)--Richmond. Varied prog. 8.45 WCCO (370)--Mpls.-St. Paul. Old Pro- ducer, WIZ. (394.5)-N.Y, "Echoes of The Orient." 9.00 CFCA (357)--Toronto, Hockey, Toron- to-Ottawa. KMBC (316)--Kansas City, Courtesy rogram, : Keep (205)--St, Paul, Opera High- lights. WHZ (303)--Springfield. Kappa Gam- ma Psi program, : WBBM (385)--Chicago, Jubilee Singers. WCAU (256)--Phila, , Grenadiers. WCCO (370)--Mpls.-St, Paul Musical program (2 hrs.) WEAF (454)--N NY. Organ to WCAE, WTIC, WJAR, WGY, WAT, KSD. WEEL (508)--Boston. Musicale, WGN (416)--Chicago, WGN Players, WGR {505)~Bulialo, Arcadia Dance Bancroft or Eastman Bears the world's most famous trademark! IS Master's Voice trademark is a world wide talisman of trade. Victor products are known in every part of the , ~ have been for more than 2 quarter cen- eury. Ni in their field ever equalled Victor pro- ducts, - jo lead the world in performance. . Every New Victor Radio is a perfected radio; far advanced indesign. A.C. tube operation, single control, lighted dial, ;velvetlike tone and volume, - smart tasteful cabinets. Here is featured the popular Lowboy model, a cabinet designed specially for authorized Victor Radio Dealers, and offered by them to you, with the New Victor Radio," Victor Loud Speaker, full set of eight Sis, and "Ton in" cord for only 2 Victor Talking Machins Company Luconaed under patents of the Radio Praguency Labanstovtes Inc. Sold § » Oshawa by D. J. BROWN 10 King St. West _ Phone 189 bi * 268)--Rochester. Studio pro- Wii £903 ht Moines, Little Sym- WOR (422)--Newark. Studio feature, EN ED -Sashvill, Bam Dance 3 hb ig (Z72)--Atlantic City, Studio re- WTAG (517)--Worcester, Studio prog. 9.15 WIBO (526) icago. Chuckle Time. wr Aprer-Atiantic City, Concert or- 9.30 on (352.7)--Shreveport. Studio pro- §icau (256)--Phila, Ms Musical Chefs. pic Tt arimba Orchestra to w WHK ol Corgand. Morgan Sisters NBC System Program to YZ BAL, Koh. KDKA, WREN, Wik" 7 --cuicas. Drs. Pratt WAM (280)--Cleveland. Musical pro- 10.00 YW {234)--Chicagy, Orchestra; Ea- CENC Gt Toronto. Popular pos. S (35)--Hot Springs. acific Network: Lucky Strike orch. Facibe % (283)--Baltimore. The Patter- WBT, Wi WIAK, WHAS, WTAM, W WDAF, KVOO, WFAA, W. WIM WEES (220.4)--Chicago. Svan WGHP (246)--Detroit, Studio Heath orchestra. WHAM 0 hin Civ Sex (268)--Milwaukee. Artists; PIE" go WIR Gio Det Cotton Pickers. whiv lk The Hawai- WrG ir nh antie City. Dance WsoN (333)--St. Petersburgh. Musi- 1030 SRV AS (276) Richmond. Studio fea- 10.15 Wiz (945)--New York. Play, "The 357) Tore, Jacdioes orches ido an : hes. 10. KDKA~ (06)--Pitts. Wm. Pens or M 316)--Kansas City. Bam dance © (389)--Chicago. Lombardo's Canadians. WCAU (256)--Phila. Cathay Orchestra; Simcoe St. *. 27 Inch WHITE TYTAIIHELETIE 1I3¢c Yard 'We want you particularly to examine the quality w= are offering you at this very low price, knowledge there has been nothing quite as ;ood before at any time. A aC od CA i a BIG DAYS : For Colder Days--Buy a Pair of Women's Ribbed Cashmere Hose For less than half price. Light shades of sand and honeydew and the darker shades of mole and grey. SHIT TY Girl's Silk & Wool HOSE One of the finest qualities in stock. Colors sand, nude and peach. Sizes 7 to 8 1.2 only. - Special 590c¢ Pair Regular $1.00. ees eran, 8, to 10. me --.| No Phone Orders | for this Bargain $1.98) SS SS SS SO Ours is by far To our Simcoe St. S. I AAC i EESEEOEENOENENEENECOENENEEEENNEEEENE WBZ (303)--Springfield. Arctic. Broad- cast. KOA (361)--Denver, Sunday School. WCC (370)--Mpls, St. Paul, Long's Orchestra, Paciic Network: NBC System: Ponce Sisters; Orchestra to WEAF, WFI, WOW, WWJ, KSD, WGY ' (379.5)--Schenectady. chestra to WHA WGN (416)--Chizcago, Trib., Hungry Five, WHC (300)--Des Moines, Dance band. WLW (428)--Cinci. Gibson orchestra, WMAQ (447.5)--Chicago. Amos 'n' An- dv also KPRC, WHK, WJR, KSTP, WDAF, WRC (315.6)--Washington, Pk. Orchestra, Wava (270)-- Richmond, Mosque or: sux (333)--St. Mec- Donald's Orchestra. NBC System: Slumber Music to WJZ WTMJ (487)--Milwaukee, Dance music (3 hours). WTAM (280)--Cleveland. Dance music WTIC (500)--Hartford. Bond orchestra WIR (400)--Detroit. News, Dance mu- sic, 5 KSTP (205)--St. Paul. Ft, Band. WDAF (492)--Kansas City. Orchestra, WHK (216)--Cleveland. Dance orches. WMAQ (447.5)--Chicago. Dance or- chestra. KOA (361)--Denver. Grabau's orchestra WGN (416)--Chicago. Melody Lane. WLW (428)--Cinci. Sinton orchestra. WOR (422)--Newark. Paramount or- chestra. WSB (405)--Atlanta, Entertainers. KYW (294)--Chicago. Edgewater Beach Orchestra. KMBC (316)--Kansas City. sac. KFI (468)--Los Angeles. Concert chestra. The. Carnival. Pollack's WCAE, Dance Or- Tomorrow's Wardman Petersburgh. Snelling Pla-Mor Dance mu- or- § Parliament with a capital of $3,- 000,000 and the following as in- KJR (309)--Seattle, Songs; Meyers or- chestra, Pacific Network: Golden Legends. WGN (416)--Chicago. Dream Ship; Goldket.es Orchestra, | WHK (2i6)--Cleveland, Organ requests KSTP (205)--St, Paul, Happy Harry; Dance, KMBC (316)--Kansas City, Mid- nighters, Ww hi: AF Ky) hice (294)--Chicago. Insc KFI (468)--Los Angel KGO (379.5)--0Oakland. KSTP (205)--5t. Paul. Ww BoM (389)--Chicago. Clu Wik (416)--Chicago. Jat. WHK (216)--Cleveland, (1 hour). 2.00 KIR (309)--Seattle, Show Boat--ABC The (492)--Kansas City, Nighthawi ht Gray Mare Knights of the Music Makers Ch (Copyright 1528 by Audio Service 1528 by Audio Service, Chicago) ANOTHER BRIDGE PLANNED T0 SPAN THE ST. LAWRENCE Brockville, Jan. 4.----If present plans mature, Eastern Ontario will have within a few years' time its first international highway bridge in a structure which is nrojected by the St. Lawrence Ri Bridsze | Company, Limited, to cross the river of the same name at a point | immediately to the west of Brock- ville. Incorporation of this company was approved at the last session of corporators: Rt. Hon. Georze P. Graham, J. Gill Gardner, DBrock- ville; W. A. McLean, C.E., Toron- to; Colonel George P. Murphy, C. M.G., Ottawa; and Ward C. Pit- field, . Montreal. The company plans the construction of a bridge to cross the St. Lawrence at a poict above Brockville with piers resting on Smith's and Refugee 1s- lands and with its American term- inus immediately above Morris- town, N.Y, The preliminary survey has now been completed by engineers work- ing under the direction of W. A. McLean, C.E., of Toronto, who ex- presses himself as being well pleas- ed with the site, and provided the assent of the United States authori- ties, to whom application is being made, is received, active construe- tion is expected to start within a year's time. The St. Lawrence at the point mentioned is approxim- ately one mile in width. The plans prepared for the bridge call for a joint railway and highway structure and for connec- tjons being eventually made with the Canadian National and Cana- dian Pacific railways on the Cana- dian side and with the New York Central lines on the American side, The immediate purpose of the pro- motors is, however, to provide means for the crossing of the river by wehicular traffie, in view of the fact that there is no international highway bridge between the Niag- ara River and Montreal. It is con- tended by thm that to have su-h a bridge in operation would make for an increase in tovrist troffic he- tween Ontario and the state of J New York, as well as for the facil- itating of erdinary international PE X Electrophonic 10 'nch Double Sided PASI. oh Records "The song of the Failure," sung by VERNON DALHART, coupled with The Sinking of the Vestris Apex Record No. 8853 Sally of My Dreams Pipe Organ Record A 26123 Song Record No. 26120 Fox Trot Record No. $849 Hawaiian Guitars No. 8852 Doin' the Raccoon Song Record No. 8859 That Big Rock-Candy Mountain Fox Trot Record No. 8860 Another Bum Song Funnier Than The First Who Said I Was a Bum Record No. 8858 Ask for Apex Sonny Boy Fox Trot Record No. 8833 Song Record No. 8843 Pipe Organ Record No. SO 126 ERI oy. Guitars No. 8852 My Blackbirds Are Bluebirds Now Fox Trot Record No. 8846 You're the Cream in My Coffee Fox Trot Record No. 8856 There's a Rainbow "Round My Shoulder Fox Trot Record No. 8850 . Song Record No. 8842 Wear the new Apex £/e lroplionic Phony 7] i) Np WHI { Vv Hh a {J Wilson & Lee 71 Si coe St. North Phone 2388 The Sun Record Co., Toronto, Ont. Dealers Everywhere. relationships. Comic Sick f Ae loc Reds HAF RIS RUSIC &) Always on Hand HOP Phone 1