/ THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, JANUARY 35, 1929 PAGE ELEVEN | As Alderman in the S. E. Ward 170 THE ELECTORS OF THE SOUTH-EAST WARD Believing that T would be of sers vice to the City at this particular time, I am again a candidate for Alderman, I solicit your support, and if elected will do my utmost to further the interests of the city. Alex. W. BEL For Board of Education FOR THE PAST THREL YEARS CHAIRMAN VO- CATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE ALSO CHAIBRMAN---TECHNICAL SCHOOL BUILDING COMMITTEE Council. If elected it will be my endeavor to secure a square deal f workingman_ without dictation from any outside bby and to ot Sool the interests of the entire VOTE F. J. PERRY for Sane, Economical and Progressive Administration WISHING ONE AND ALL A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR. Polls Open Monday, January 7, from 9 to 5. candidate for Alderman in South East Ward At the request of my fellow-workmen in this ward in which 1 have lived for the past four years | have decided to seek election to the City city of Oshawa in every respect, GENERAL BOOTH 1S INFORMED OF PLAN TO DEPOSE Disclosure Made By His Wife and Daughter on the Doctors' Advice London, Jan, 5. -- Shocked by his first information that the High Coun- cil of the Salvation Army had been summoned and was likely to depose him as Commander-in-Chief, General Bramwell Booth today received the news with this exclamation: | "I have loved the Army and have done my best for my people, What- ever other people may think about the government or its affairs, they must feel that this is rather rough on me." is in doubt. CRANFO NORTH-EAST 4 t WARNING If you are interested in seeing me elected Mayor for 1929 Get Out and Vote If you are interested in the future welfare of your city Get Out and Vote If you wish to see a businesslike administration of your city Get Out and Vote If you and all your friends get out and vote | do not think there is any doubt about my election, but if you are indifferent my election Get Out and Vote I have endeavored to put up a clean fight and have not indulged in personalities of any kind (which my opponent has) and | wish to send out a warning to the ratepayers and my friends not to be stam. peded by any last minute appeal by my opponent. r Get Out and Vote Yours for the future of Oshawa, B. MITCH Iv VOTE FOR . D. Dyer EAST WHITBY 1929 | Councillor Your Vote and Influence Solicited for | Deputy Reeve For past 3 years your Servant ARTIST LEAVES ESTATE London, Eng. Jan. 5~--Sir Frank Dicksee, of Greville House, Greville Place, W., President of the Royal Academy, left £37905. In his will he directed the executors in their abso- lute discretion to withhold from sale or destroy if advisable any sketches, unfinished works, or other of his productions which they may have reason to think he would not have desired sold or di of, as be- ing calculated to injure or affect his professional reputation. The General's sister, Commander Evangeline Booth, conversed with her niece Catherine today for. the first time since her arrival in Eng- land. The conference took place at the international headquarters of the Army and lasted for several hours, It was intimated, however, that Com- mander Booth was given no indica- tion that her brother knew she was here nor was she told when she might see him,' Explains Program Commander Eva remained at the headquarters until a late hour to- night engaged in further conferences with Army leaders to whom she is explaining her program to reform within the organization, The headquarters staff revealed the dramatic manner in which Mrs, Bramwell Booth and her daughter broke the news of the rift in the organization to the aged and sick Commander-in-Chief. They announ- ced that the doctors permitted this because of progress in the health of the General, Despite the care which the wife and daughter passed the word to him, the aged man, lying helpless in his lonely cottage on the Suffolk coast, immediately realized the import of the information. He suddenly found himself faced with the probability of removal by councillors, many of whom he had himself raised to posi- tions of authority. He also could vision the fact that the fortunes of his wife and children might pass from his own power to the control of other hands. It was said that the 72-year-old leader would naturally consider that the whole 3 ork of his life was threatened. He has been an active Salvationict since the age of 18. He began his organization work under the tutelage of his father, Genera William Booth, who founded the movement, He became chief of the staff at the age of 24, organizing the growing outposts of the Army until he succeeded his father as Comman- der-in-Chief. He also administered the work of the vast organization and retained for himself a large part of these duties when he became leader of the Army. This latter fact is the foundation of one of the chief complaints of the reform element who say that the burden has become too great for any one man to carry. TENTH ECLIPSE FOR THE VETERAN SKY OBSERVER Dr. Curtis Prepares to Ob- serve Phenomenon on May 9 in Sumatra Pittsburgh, Pa, Jan. 5. -- Veteran observer of nine total eclipses of the sun, Dr. Heber D. Curtis is prepar- ing for his tenth May 9 in Sumatra. Dr, Curtis is director of Allegheny Observatory, Pittsburgh, and will work as a member of the eclipse or- ganized by Swarthmore College. "If the weather is bad in Sumara May 9, astronomers will have to wait eight years, until 1937, before there will be another eclipse of so long duration. 'There will be 2 shorter eclipse, of a minute or so, in Pata gonia in 1930 and another brief one over Canada and Maine in 1932. "Sumatra bas been favored with eclipses, the forthcoming one being the third there in the last 30 years. This is merely a coincidence, as, if one remains in the same locality, his chances for seeing a total solar eclipse average about once in 360 years. The Swarthmore party will set up an extensive camp, probably at a lit- tle village named Takengon, 60 miles from the northern tip of Sumatra, Thousands dollars worth of | Your Vote and Influence is respectfully solicited by Edmund Jackson Re-Election as Alderman for Ward 5 | orated from designs by well-known of | equipment will be carried, including a camera-telescope 63 feet long, the lens of which is supported by a | grass covered tower 60 feet high. A {large twin Einstein camera will be used to study minute deflections of light from stars as it passes close enough to the sun to be affected by the solar power of gravity. Such de- flection of light is part of the Ein- stein theory. LUXURY AIR LINERS Air liners continue to grow more and more luxurious, and the Imperial Airways have 2 fine new fleet build- ing for the London-Continental and the London-India air routes. It is hoped they will be ready by next| spring. These liners are to accom. modate twenty-three persons, and their passenger saloons will be lin- ed with sound-proof material. Im addition their walls are to be dec- artipte.: ip British air liners are held ingreat respect by all nations on account new machines should continue to uphold the fine ruputation that their forerunners "have earned. Each ome wil] have three 1,350-h.p. engines, and they will be capable of flying for 500 miles, non-stop, at 100 miles their - safety and speed, and these}. ORANGE LODGE T0 CELEBRATE IN 1930 Centennial of Foundation of First Grand Lodge to be Held in Brockville Brockville, aJn, 5.--Plans dre al- ready well advanced for the cele- bration here in 1930 of the cen- tennial of the foundation of the first Grand Orange Lodge of Bri- tish North America, the organiza- tion of which is usually attributed to Ogle R. Gowan, an Irishman who gained some standing in this coun- try as a journalist and public man and whose residence, during the early part of his career, was in the Township of Escott in the County of Leeds. Before 1830 all of the Orange lodges on this side of the Atlantic held charters which had been procured either in Ireland or England and when the first Grand Lodge was formed here, in the neighborhood of 50 primary lodges took out new charters. An effort is being made to have all of the principal Orange organi- zations hold their annual meetings in Brockville in 1930 in order that appropriate recognition may be given the centennial and already the assent of several of these has been obtained, The Grand Lodge of Ontario East will probably meet here in March, the Grand Lodge of Orange Young Britons in May, the Supreme Grand Lodge of British America in June and the Black Chapter, Knights of Ireland, the Grand Lodge of True Blues and the Grand - Lodge of Prentice Boys at other periods during the summer, In addition, the L.0.B.A. of Ontario East and British America will hold their annual sessions in Brock- ville, The Twelfth of July "walk" two years hence promises to he one of the largest affairs of the kind ever held in Eastern Ontario and it is expected by the committee arrang- ing for it the first eight lodges to receive charters almost a hundred vears ago will be represented. The Brockville Orangemen now have thelr headquarters in a building recently re-modelled and known as the "Ogle R. Gowan Me- morial Temple," after the found- er of the Grand Lodge of British America. STRANGE MALADY HAS ATTACKED FAMOUS DOCTOR Man Who Found Cure for Strange Diseases Can't Cure Himself Washington, D.C, Jan. 5--The man who found the cause and cure for a mysterious disease has been attacked by a strange malady that threatens him with death. Two blood transfusions have al- ready been given Dr. Joseph Gold- berger, United States Public Service physician and conqueror of pellegro, and others will be made semi-weekly. His physicians are at a loss to ex- plain his illness, though they Jeres 13 was better." neys. If they are kept strong impurities are strained out of the 50c Aca Daslers, Pri The road to good frealth lies through the Kids good ops jhe Kis. Dodd's Kidney Pills keep the Kidneys in good fy condition to do their work of cleansing and [RU purifying the blood, Weak, Nervous, Run. down women should give Dodd' Kidney Pills a trial at once, Ask your neighbors, by Mail from The Toronto Tried Many Remedies Without Success Dodd's Kidney Pills were recommended by Daughter "I had such a Sore Back and tried several remedies without success," writes Mrs. M. Libby, 498 Julian St., Pembroke, Ont. "My daughter told me to take Dodd's Kidney Pills, 1 did so and when I had used two boxes my back DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS HL KIDNEY LADDER blood. 2, Ont, HALIFAX GHILD IS STABBED BY NEGRO Seven-Year-Old B o y is Wounded in Abdomen-- Assailant Escapes Halifax, Jan. 6. -- With a knife wound in his abdomen, seven-year- old Billy Walsh; of 83 Brunswick Street, is in. the Victoria General Hospital in a serious condition, and police are searching the city for a negro, who according to the in- jured boy's small brother and sis- ter, inflicted the wound with a jack knife. Hospital authorities said Tuesday night that an operation had been performed and that except for the danger of infection, the boy's chances for recovery were fairly good. Billy, with his brother, Edward, 9, and Olive, 6, was playing on the slope of Citadel Hill above the Walsh home, when the affray oc- curred. They noticed a negro ap- proaching, who, the children say, drew a jack-knife from his pocket, opened it and slashed, then making off on the run, Edward and Olive, and another sister, Edna, 13 who says she talked to a man believed to be the assailant, shortly before the attack, were able to furnish a Aegeription of the man to the police. Three suspects were released when the children failed to identify any of them. Boys' Wanted To Sell Election Extras MONDAY NIGHT that it is some form of further touch of mystery was added, however, when it was said that this might not be the primary cause of his ailment. ; Twenty of Dr. Goldberger's as- sociates volunteered for blood trans- fusions when it was learned that these were needed and fourteen of the twenty were peeepied. ame Dr. Goldberger gained fame by his work with pellegra, his studies show- ing that it was caused by the absence of a spesific vitamin, which he named "PP" Tracing the disease to an unbalanced diet, he worked out a cure during the 15 years that he was in charge of field investigations into the malady for the public health service. This cure was sim- plicity itself, the use of dried yeast, which also served as a preventive. ---------- THINK ORVAL SHAW IS NEAR GUELPH Skunk's Misery Hermit is Seid to Have Good Supply of Provisions Guelph, Jan. 5.--Scattered por- tiops of thick bush in Puslinch township continue to provide a highly satisfactory hiding place for Orval W. Shaw, Skunk's Misery hermit, and Trusty Dick Brennan, his fellow jail breaker, who up to Fridey night had eluded provincial police after another day's hunt in the district. That Shaw is in the locality, is the opinion of Provineial Constable McMurray, who with Constable Kennedy, Kitchener, has been scouring the district for the last |three days. Since the incident on New Year's Eve, when he was chas- ed by police, Shaw and his com- panion have been without 2 motor car and as yet none has been re- ported stolen. But they had sufficient provisions stolen from stores in Morriston and Eloma to last them for some time and until they have some- thing definitely to the contrary, the authorities are holding to the view that the Chatham hermit is of lstill in Puslinch. There are plenty of odd patches of closely wooded country between Aberfoyle and Corwhin and it is in this section of the township where the police suspect that Shaw and Brennan are hiding. They are armed with at least one shotgun. an hour, with a2 full complement of! passengers and their baggage. stolen from an Elora store a fe nights ago. = fs 29 Simcoe St. N. Phone 227 For better values in | DIAMONDS TAKE NOTICE: That Messrs, Greer amd Humphreys will sell to the highest bidder, subject to a reserve bid, one Pontiac Coach 1927 Model in good eondition. Offers will be accepted une til the eighth day of Jan uary at the office of Greer and Humphreys, 24 12 Sim. coe St. N. This car may be inspected at West End Garage, 168 King St. W. Felt Bros, The LEADING JEWELER Estab'ished 1886 12 Simcoe St. South {[zauwens COUNTS HIGH GRADE EQUIP. MENT KEPT IN PER FECT CONDITION, MEANS RELIABLE SERVICE Phone 82 Six Room Brick House, hardwood floors downstairs, All conveniences. Possession at once, Take lot or car as part payment. REPAIRING make it tell the correct time Official Watch swa Railroads. WATCHES "OUR SPECIALTY If your Watch is not giving satisfaction we esn repair and D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER inspector for Canadian Naticnal and O:h- # DESIRABLE a TO RENT About 1,200 Square Feet Heat, Light andJanitor Centrally Located Apply Box "N" Oshawa Daily Times =