MERI IO 00 TRESS IERR. a . TN - CARY limes. THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 1929 PAGE NIN! iy Kamion eg. Vian Hr cgi, of roy Noon sh to K Kn lex "hallinnY, i oly to KO a CH ew og Luncheon i City, Markets; 140 pk ee Rates City, Disnet bet A | 1s 8 (535)=Ames, Markets; Farm sad (476)=Monston, Musics Mark. nestady, Television Ld oi [ rs, © Clie "Catnirye w' i Matias , wo IN 5 Weather; Mjprk. to, Musical pro. Nes Tark cher 8 fe SRE "py eo i ~idilwankss, Musical pro. Ty Luncheon Cone { fd is Paul, sig hr! Fein | A Al tation: 2.45 % al ini Ty i iki B 8.00 id "i SmOttawa, Musics Mark. (316)=Kausas City, Columbia i Paul. Hamline Program. ; HA Haut : id 4 WHAM. pid Wik: KY rv hh Ames, Hog Flashy Wea: vol pri City, Markets; whe" Sam)=lova City, Markets; 10.30 wer HT la, Markets; Wes: GU=Worcenter, Women's 1030 WH (370)=Mpls-8t, Paul. Stock re 11,00 Wow (416)=Chicago, Home manage: WaBC, on )=Akron, Musical program Witag ( 447.5)=Chicago. Overture br, R $e)-lyfabo, ome economics: wes 476)=Tefterson City, Markete: Wel lis Atiants, Weathers Marke oF Company n-Fink Selenaders-- _ flystrator. TD awe, LA Wea rden of A SOlGMBIA: The Columbians. 1000: XY) Chicago = Hockey--Chicago wT Villa: varie Variety program, . Regular Daytime Programs 'Dally Except , unless otherwise 6% nw (428) Top O' The 45 rg ve 1H vie INT ¢ vs. ie nee incinnati, Ie i nyt, Wee' "She Wik (an-uimesken, News: 7. Fi=Chic Setting Un, titute Row Wirae reise, 11s NBC fra, [LT] Wah Yer es, arkets; Mus: e a (: m gle Wi Ry WLIT, KViy yg ak Morning Devotio: WEAR WTAM, | 11.30 C CAC ain Moroni Studi 3 h ket z et (305) ~Chicago, Early Risers =Omohe, Market opening, ets. 2.30 x) fiom eather. ~! KEPT HIM FROM MONTH AT A TIME Never had a Sick Day Since iy, Paul. Musicales Set. 35) = Ames. ae OW Sth =Alonieat. Musi¢' period x ()=Cincl, Setting Upi: De: (rues. T 290 WARD (a: )=Chicago. Morning vod (508)~Berrien Springs. oo Why Kansas City, Bible les. Beacon WCAE CH Piste. Music Shi WGR (545)=Buffalo, Weather: Marks ts, wen (416)=Chicago, Morning muss Wias @D=-Pitts, St Patricks rch, WHK (216)=Cleveland, Noon music, WIR (400)=Detroit, Songs; Farm ih Sis niet, Sua Eidos «Phila, Musicale, Wik 3.30 WEAF rg York, Studie pro. iioage, Homemakers Hoge 5 ED Springs, Alter. ' (H fea, 80c. & os WORK FOR A Taking "Fruit-a-tives" everywhere, g-- Peon. Homemakers hour We ober 0 Records, pro: bus AB BR =5 ek Yomes, He mes ir ts (536) =Detroit, Tonight's Dinner; He hKA,. He dH ~Columbas ducationn 10.00 KIN (347) =Sbenandosh. Varied pro. WW" aa =Cinci, Muse Wiiko (447.5)=Chicago, wos (476)=Jefferson City. Markets. WRC (31. Li ~Wash. Farm Flashes, Wric (517)=Worcester, Organ; Mar- Wy, a £326)~ Detroit. Weather; Lunch. WRVA a Richmond, Aunt Sammy Mon, os Miiwaukee. Housewives 12.30 agi, (370)=Mpls-St. Paul. Stock re. WExs (465.9)=New York. Markets: [.uncheon Music Wrap (280)=Cleveland. Dinner mu- Wie Ar Phila WRV. (270)~ Richm Hous A Mot ed. Fri. 12.45 WIR (400) Detroit Musica) Matinee (345) ~Chicago. Dinnerbell pro: 1.00 KT hs (375)~ Hot Springs tures (ex. Wed.) 4 Markets. econo 0, ig s Club, ome $e Criss. Youre scioal hE music. ete, Wert Nl Mati d WCX (400 ~Datrlt | News Bol pc YoAr (492)~Kansas City, usics! (1 nee, (300)=Navenport, Homemakers Hour (ex, Sat, WCCO (370) -8t. Paul. Stoel re- BBs r=Teherscn City, Theatrical WIE toi 5)=New York, Studio pros ram. ai) 487)=~Milwaukee, Buddies Hi. WW] (326)~Detroit. Gypsy Darons. Friday's Programs FRIDAY'S BEST FEATURES 10.00 2m. i System (WEAF) 11,00 pe Vern: (WJZ) RCA Educational 12,00 Spur System: (WEAF) "Teeth Health." 1.00 p.m. Nee System (Central) Farm end Home Hou 45 WEB Atlapte: U. of G. program, 2 WHAM Rochester: Philharmonic 1, 3 WGY. 3.30 WLS Chicago: Homemakers hour, 400 WJZ New York: U.S. Marine' Band also WRC J ENING PROGRAM 5.00 WADC (223)--Akron. Dinner concert. WOC (300)--Dayenport, Crescent Hr, 5.30 NBC System: Bill and Jane to WEAF, A i 6.00 KDKA (306)~Pitts. News; Book Man ' ust P one 05 AL (283)--Baltimore, Sandman dott : | NBC System: Waldori Astoria Music to WEAF, WWJ, WCAE, WRC, WTIC, WTAG, WCF, (309)--Chicago. Labor tion Hour, WGY (379. 3)-Schenostelly, Diriner Music to WH WHK rivul Adoy Brummels, WIR (400)--~Detroit, tra; News, WISN (268)--Milwaukee. Peter Rabbit, Yer (389.4)--Chicago. Organ. 3C System; Wilson's Orchestra wi Ww wee. --Cinei. Dinner Music. WNAC (244)~Boston. Dinner music. Yow (508)--Omaha. Markets; Nook Tal WOC (300)--Davenport. Broadcasters Club; News; Talks (2 hrs.) WTAM (280)--Cleveland. Dinner con- cert, WWJ (326)--Detroit. Dinner concert. 6.15 WM, Q (447.5)--Chicago, Topsy Turvy| 6.30 KYW (254)--Chicago, Uncle Bob. WDAF (492)~Kansas City. Courtesy Program. N Systems Baxtiestes Twins WEAF, WGY, yen (Ryd TA 0. Air Castle. (268)--Milwaukee. Organ; Siri WIR uy Deteoit. Book-CMilac I NBC System: Landt Talo to WJZ. hiding (333)~Buffalo, Keamore or- WTIC (0) Hartlord, Ditiner music. yy (487) Milwaukee, Seckatary wow" (508)--Omabs. Omsha U, Period. Columbia: Network: Enna Jettick Mel- odies to WABC, wy WEAN, WFBL, WCAU, WIAS, WADC, ys BM, KMOX, WOWO, RABE, ALU, 7.00 XW 294) Cl Orcheptra KFAB ¢ BO Chicasn. Dinner concert, luncheon musie. hmond Sunshine Roe atisfy Noon fea: Nationa! and R the convenience of our many cus- tomers, wt are making daily deliv- Ny in the city. When in need oof pies, cakes, pastries, etc. to Federa- { And you will be more than pleased with ziour.* Homelike" baking, Markets; Mev; Beau Trucker's Orches- - Monney's Bakery 34 King Street, W. to to VE NOS couciéinup WARD OFF INFLUENZA co 45 finding relief with Cough Syrup. afairy you can lieve in ---- of th ts os if Our Mills produce the finest flour for house- hold use. The grinding and are both regulated scientifically to combine Gluten and Starch content in proper proportion tomake a perfect flour for successful home-baking, "High Patent Manitoba Hard Wheat Floug : hn -- .| IMakeslovely Bread Biscuits STANDARD MILLING CO., OF CANADA, LIMITED TORONTO, MONTREAL, QUEBEC, SAINT JOHN, HALIFAX |= Sidi Ovbawa by COOPFR-SMITH COMPANY 14 Colin 51. KMBC (316)--Kansas City, Varied pro. Kore (205)--St, Paul, Dinner Concert, iii (303)--Springfield. Maytag Ram- Whar (283)--Raltimore, Esskay Hr, WCAE (242)--Pitts. Musicale, WCAU (256)--Phils, Picadilly orches. WCCO (370)--Mpls. St, Paul, Cecilian Sin ers, FL 0) Chicago. Musica) pro- i (2 hrs.) . Be System: Wonder Hour to WEAF, MY (416)--Chicago, Uncle Quin, WGY (379.5)~Schenectady, Winton or: chestra, WIP (492)--Phila, Uncle in Wik (400)--Detroit, The Editd®s Desk WLW (428)--Cinci. Orchestra; Educa. tional Series, WMAQ (447.5)--Chicago. Concert Dance Orchestras. WNAC (244)--DBoston, News; Amos 'n' Andy. WSM (461)--Nashville. tro. and Studio orches. Pomar orchestra News; Dan. tra; News. WER (405)--Atlanta. WIAG (517)--Worcester, eroft Orchestra WTMJ (187)- Milwaukee, chestra. NBC System: Squibb WJZ, WHAM, 5 WGY (379.5)--8chenectady, Health talk Minstrels. CNRW (384.4)--Winnipeg, Ft. Concert. WCAFE (242)--Pitts. Motor Talk; Uncle Gimbee, WCAT! (256)--Phila. Wi AF Organ; Or. Program to Garry Concert. (492)--Kansas City. Johnson's tra. id FF (454.3)--New York. Happiness WGN (416)~Chicago. Nighthawks; Al- manack, WISN (268)--Milwaukee, Fox Review. WIP (492)--Phila. Instrumental Quar. C System: Dixie Circus to WJZ, , WBZA, WBAI, KDKA, , WIR, WHAS, WL wW, KYw, WBT, WMC. WRVA (270)--Richmond, Tyler's Sere enaders. we KFT "Nar, AWNAG: a (487)~Milwaykee. Musical pro- 9.30 PALSY (352)--Shreveport. Weco (370)=Mpls, St, Paul. Maytag bers, Ww Lin, NEC Lg Philo P, WE PRE KDK XPRGY WOAI wsa wb Kana Yau NC 1000 CRRA Vas (374.8)~Ft, Worth, Musical pro- ram '(2 hours), K We KSh R Wi WGES i Chcago. Hyman program: olombia Network: United Opera WLIW, WSPD, KMOX. WISN K nd, es ica 0, Concert program 0 ie oo KYW, KWK, 10a Wish bh Ban 11.00 0 Gry ac CIN WADC, A KMOX, WCAQ, YF chestra. NHC Prem St. WEAF, WGR (545)=Buffalo, Wer He -chi Trib, pp M (280)~Cleveland. Fur Trappers Studio pro. Svgtem VRE: Transit to WEAT, AG, KSD, DAF, WaY, NCA City. Studio pro- ram, (379.5)--Schenectady. Musical pe (416)~Chicago, Orisntal Gan RS Dalai Tydoleer 2 (526)--Chicago. Treasure Chest, hi to, Ro Zn wa WOC yiz, WRZA, FAG No WIM], Yow, Orchestra, NBC System: 8lu WRC, WTMJ, wis (348)--Chicago, ime, WMAK (333 WNAC Ae 200)--~Cleveland, i Fro. chestra, 326)--Detroit. Gypsy Barons. an jo Richmond, B joists ; "Concert Or. Danee Orchest: chest 11.10 KETE ' (208) RA WDA 4 76)--Mone ton, re Sratemi Coste, Bu Russa Rour ¥ to Gy F. C492) Phila, & NE, WRC, WCAE, WWI, war ch 1L15 Ww est WMA is 11.30 WEN (416)~Chicago. WNAC, WEAN, K, HK, WCAO, We wane MAL, Feature; Wir y | Gh Milwauker. (275)--8t, 10,35 KOA (31) ver. Solitaire Cowboys, § waite News; Adair's y2)=Toronto, \MAK BQ) tindaln, | Frolic" i his). Ke pat Aish )--Mpls. po re WCAU (s6)~ Phila, Golden Dragon or- ww], wi ow k iCago. Five. WGHP Detroit, Blossom Heath WIBO (526)--Chici Dance program, aber W (2 1:2 hrs.) w MA (447.8) Chicago, ' An A KPRC, WDAF, WIR, wik 339)--Buffalo, Henry orches, )=Boston, News; Club Kar. Wor i 3)--Newark, News Dance or- WRG (272) Titan City, WRYA (70 Richmond. Richmond or: -St, Paul, F (492)~Kansas City, Lopez or- chest wk" "(216)=Cleveland. Brigode's Orgs 7.8) Chicago. Musica! pot- WISN 268) Milwaukee. Organ. (400)--Detroit, Dance (326)~Detroit, ram, : 11.45 i (405)--Atlanta, Hawaiian ensem- ble. 12,00 CNRY (291)~Vaneouver, Violin recital KMOX Louis, Romanelli Or. Long's a 2 KOA, WDAY, Statler orchestra 'Tomorrow's JZ, MLS Show Hoat Music to Amos News; What Story Do 4" YOUR Eyes Tell? Besides being indicative of di. del eyes tell the story of your health, Dance feature elimination. or. Baritone; Concert usic, Hollywood Pro- an They show the 2 Shore of the blood, digestion, liver and the organs of Do your blue, eyes indicate the same robust health of yeur sturdy ancestors? If not: does a be Don't spoil the fascination of your @ pleasing tinge of blue -- if A yelloy warning of sluggish liver an |! I Toga ol dat cour for 8 shor pesiod PILLS Read about Characier rom the Eyes in future eecham A ow tinge indicate a disordered system ? es--if the whites are not right and clear, vith owish tinge sabs them of their besuty, it is nal inactivity, ow the Yellow Tinge with ertisements, A Vegetable Product g.4 Dance music pe i HAs. cago. Musical pro, WIP (92-rhin, | 1 Sain orchestyd. N tem: (] allengers 0 1% 5 KOA WBAL, KDKA, KWK, ram, (461)--Nashville, Caldwell Sym- 10,30 koR" (361)=Denver, Financial Ques- 204)--Chicago, Concert Orches. he ial No er. Children's Hr, KFI (468.5)~Los Angeles, Concert or- z hestra ' ; KY YW (294)~Chicago. Fiorito's orches, | 12.45 WDAF KOA {341)~Deaver, Music Album--Ir- Frolic, ish Son 1.00 CNRY KGO ( 5) --Oakland, Mystery Serial, son's Orchestra, bi BAP (374.8)--Ft, Worth, Accordion; KJR (309)--Seattle, Dhio Twins (1 hour, (2 hours), . WilkF (492)~Kansas ity. Varied pro- KSTP (205)-St, Pacific Network: Dream Ship; Paul, ram The §roN (416) ~Chicago. (492)--Kansas City, (291)--Vancouver, Meyer's KYW (294) -Chicago. Insomnia Club, attending physicians, Dr, Preston, who is in hig 68th year, contracted pneumonia on Wednesday last af- ter answering a midnight call to at- tend a patient, Prior to his elec- tion to the House of Commons, De, Preston was in the Ontario Legisla- Nighthawk Concert; Ol. Orchestra Midnight Club. Trocaderans. STP HE Ch --Daticawe. iti Canadians, WCCO (370)-M WFLA Wee" (220)~ ~Chicago. Dance program WHAM (258.5)--Rachester. NRC System: Fifth Ave, Knights to Ww. wLW WTAM (280)~Cleveland. Popular pro- gram. (205)--~St. Paul. Dusk in Dixie. 545)--Houston. Studio, Musical Me- Dance chestra, (389)--Chicago. Lombardo's pls. St, (333) Clearwater, WLW (428)~Cinci, Paul, Quartet, Diversified Slssta 2 Musicale, chestra, 12.30 Pacific WISN Natwark; (361)--Denver, Cotton Pickers, J Tleny JZ. 400) Detroit. R.( Gibson orchestra. (428)-~Cinci, Orchestra, usic WHK (216)--Cleveland, WHN (297)--New York, Dance orchestras. WMAQ (447. 5) Cicaga, Benson's or: hrs. C (300)--Davenport. va (487)--Milwaukee. WTMJ or- Moon Magic, String (268)--=Milwaukee. Band, ; 2 WI.W (428)=Cinci, Gondolyrice; Theis William's Or Dance music. O'Hearn's or- Carleton Place, i Preston, 10, Krueger's WJBT (389)--Chicago. WGES (220)--Chicago, WTMJ (487)--Milwaukee, (Copyright 1928 by Audio CONDITION OF DR, REGARDED AS CRITICAL condition of Hon, Conservative member of Parliament for Lanark county, was still regarded ag critical today, ac- cording to a bulletin issued by hiv | ture, serving as a minister in the Whitney Cabinet, Dance period. The Owl Car, Organ, Service, Chicago) For better values in | DIAMONDS Burns' Jewelry Store Corner King and Prince, Cash or Terms PRESTON Jan, 10-- The Dr, Richard E. WTIC (500)--Harti~td. Studio program CNRA (476)--Moncton, Instrumestal Quintet, KFAD (389)--Lincoln. chestra, KSTP (205)- Orchestra. WCAU (256)--Phila. Felin's Hour, NBC System: Cities Service Concert to WEAF, WRC, WEEI, KYW, WGY, KSD, KVOO, WTAM, WLIT, WFAA, KOA, WCAE, WWJ, WTIC, WDAF, WOW, WOC. WGN (416)--Chicago. Floorwalker, WIBO (526)--Chicago. News; Musicale. WIP (492)--Phila. Musical Shower, : Interwoven Entertainers Z, WBZA, KPRC, WSB, ., WHAM, KDKA, WIR, ww, WREN, WBT, "WSM, WHAS, wee di Chicago. Scrap Book; The weg 76) Jefferson City, Bible Class; WPG (272)--Atlanitic City, sic, Columbia Network: WABC, WNAC, WCCO, WCAO, W WGHP, WOWO, KMOX, WRVA (270)--Richmond. Medical Talk, ocal. WIM (487)--Milwaukee. WTAG (517)--Worcester. gram, NBC System: Armstronz Quakers to hid Z, WHAM, WBZ, KDKA, KWK, ZA, KYW, WREN, WBAL, h./ 1 WHAS, id WSB, WLW, 7, : Then and Now to C, WEAN, WFBI, WCCO," WCAO, RC, WGHP, WwW MAD ox, KMBC, WSPD, WLBW, WM WTAG 01 ul Fowler's Ha- waiians. WTMJ (487)--Milwaukee. Old Songs. CNRA (426)--Moncton. Studio pro- gram. CFCA (357)--Toronto, Castrol Hour. bid (389)--Chicago. Buster's Pop- ¥Be System: An Even * Paris to WEAF, WEEI, whic: me WGY, WCSH, WTAG, WGN, WGR, WCAE. WWJ, WDAF, KSD, WOW, WOC, WJAR, WLIT. WCCO (370)--Mpls. St. Paul. Singing Fireman, WFLA (333)--Clearwater. Organ; stu- dio musicale, WIP. (492)--Phila. Contre. Symphony or St. Paul. Floan's Stag; Dinner mu- Crystal Gazer to WEAN WMA Orchestra. Studio pro- WLW WFAA, WREN, DKA, KYW, WE, KFI, KGO, KGW Rk ae JER SRP SE NRE SS Rp We CEE Se BER SE RE = JP SS SP SN OY PPE R-II CER Sn JERE SS NR SS - 4 SPECIAL» Pure Strawberry JAM 36- ARE REMARKABLE VALUE, ON SALE AT THESE PRICES JANUARY 11-17 CHARM BRAND Powder Baking 19] STORE HOURS 80 Simcoe St. N. and 156 Sim- coe Bt. Sou'h, Open da'ly 8 am to 6 pom. Wednesday 8 a.m. to It Puts Beef Into You | Borril Cordial sorte 41 1-ib. Tin DELIVERIES Daily 3 p.m, Welinesday 11 a, m, ¥riday, Saturday 10 a.m. 12.30 p.m. Saturday 8 a.m, to 10 pm. Oxo Cubes A Cube £0 8 COP .ovvvvnnsres Marshmallows Foaost sor BOMTIDg 4114s Tin 34c Sardines ty & Delicions 2 Tins 31c 5.0.8. Cleanser : hiss kesk. .....3-pad Phg. 14c Cream of Barley Re=Covks in. Pkg. 28¢ - Muaffets Toon mar: toned Phe. 12¢ 10-cube Phg. 24 Srsssanssasssenss SPECIAL Nestie's Evaporated MILK11. BIG SALE OF LOBLAW'S FINE TEA Black and Mixed NO. 1 BLEND | Ym 35 ib. 69: | NO. 2 BLEND Yorlip, 30- ib. 50- NO. 3 BLEND Loi, 25 ib. 49- FOR GOOD VALUE LOBLAW TEAS ARE UNSURPASSED Me .... Tin 16¢c Peas E05 $2520. 2 Tins 17¢ Fard Dates Foe"sicck™™ .... 1b. 18¢ Seedless Raisins Party Guatity o... Mincemeat He' quicy . 2 lbs. 23¢ 1b. 18¢ assanassacs Ib. 57¢ Loblaw's Valeneia CAKE - ».18. Little Chip Me Marmalade' Prise DAE sarinsnssnssnssnssnsanssss By-Kris Pasty Salmon Brand--the ves Finest Risk OL he - Jar 2ic oe Tin 24c Rolled Oats Fo wince tbs, 30c and 3 p.m. Gum Drops Fresh~--Assorted Flavors-- 1-1b. Box sassssssssssnses Vita Wheat Peak-Freen's--The British Crispbread Box 15¢ Pkg. 28¢ 2 lbs. 27¢ Lima Beans S53555s, Preserved Ginger Fancy Quality-- Fresh and Moist Crabapple Jelly jms, = Imperial Lunch Rolls 15 Sheets creseesess 1B: 38c =~ Jar 18¢c 3 Rolls 10c Red Pitted--Choice Qual, Cherries); Si Tin ors Xin 22¢ Tin 33¢ Ib. 16¢ canssnssnss Mincemeat Foi "ocd "acaity Evaporated Peaches Pkg. 14c heese ns Y2-lb. Phg. 19¢ Stock ......000n00 2 Ibs, 22¢ Naka) a Juserss Tassisi Pasty | CRISCO =. 22-| Ed SEE 3