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Oshawa Daily Times, 10 Jan 1929, p. 11

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THE OSHAWA DAILY MMMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, PAGE ELEVEN WHITBY | Representative-=-JAMES HOLDEN Phone, House 13---Office 484 ---- Whitby by Made Dramatic Finish Scoring 2 Goals in Last Five Minutes Intermediates Open Hockey! Season With Victory Over Lindsay -- Exciting Game Between the Old Time Rivals at Burns' Arena -- Two Scoreless Periods and Then Came the tional Finish -- Mayor Dudley Faces the Puck (By Staff Reporter) i Whitby, Jan. 10,--Scoring two goals in the last five minutes of play, the local intermediates open- ed the hockey season here with a 2 to 0 victory over Lindsay, in an exciting contest between the two old rivals, staged before a large crowd of fans at the Burns' arena .. last night, For two whole periods .,. the teams had battled to a score- _ less tie and fifteen mnrinutes had lapsed in the final stanza when Jack Sleightholm rushed down from right defence, hored in be- tween the husky Lindsay defence men and notched the first counter of the evening with a hard shot from close in, Rafters Ring Kirley, the visitors' goal tender had not a chance to save and when the puck nestled in the twine the home town rooters gave a roar which made the rafters ring, Three minutes later matters were clinch- ed when Smith who became corn- ered behind the visitors' goal pass- Sensa- ed to Bradley, the latter 'scoring from his position a few feet in front of the net, The blue-shirt- ed lads tried desperately to score but the locals played airtight hockey until the final gong. Mayor Faces Puck As last night's game marked the opening of the arena, the Whitby Citizens' Band was in attendance and also Mayor-elect Dudley, Dur- ing the playing of the National An- them the players and fans stood with bared heads. When the last notes died away Mayor Dudley faced off the puck and then re- treated to the penalty box leaving the game in the capable hands of Referee Jacobi, At High Speed In spite of the fact that the ice was a little rough, both sides start ed in at high speed and maintained the pace until the end, It was evi- dent that some of the players were experiencing difficulty as they frequently overskated the puck. Combination plays were hazardous and solo efforts became the fea- ture of the night. Long shots were also attempted, but neither Hawes or Kirley let anything slip by from beyond the blue line, Whitby had a margin on their opponents during the first twenty minutes, but failed to score. Hat playing left defence, worked hard during this frame and checked con. sistently, Smith at centre manifest- ed his usual good style and was a hard man to pass, while he also managed to get several shets on goal, Cooms, husky Lindsay right defence man, issued many stiff ry REPAIRING = = WATCHES OUR SPECIALTY If your Watch 1s not giving satisfaction we ean repair and make it tell the correct time D. J: BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch inspector for Canadian Naticnal awa Railroads, and Osh- Phone 180 4 body checks and was dangerous in his rushes. Davis, Reeves anu Williams combined nicely on the forward line, Play was clean, Lindsay alone drawing a penalty, The period ended with no score, Take Offensive The visitors took the offensive in the second stanza right from the drop of the puck and they pep pered Hawesa' citadel with show from right and left. Always he was in the way with his gloved hand, stick or skate. He was in no._need of glasses and blocked everything, Towards the end of the period the homesters had struck their stride again and gave Kirley enough tries to keep him busy. lindsay fans were sure they had a goal, however, when two of their forwards combined to go through the home defence and bored in on Hawes, The puck was passed to the nvan on the right who shot wide while a few feet away from the goal mouth. Both sides drew a penalty during this frame, but there was no score, On To Victory Whitby was intent on winning In the last frame and every player was 'on the bit Smith, Bundy and Atkinson tried hard on the forward line and gave the visiting goalie a number. of hard shots to handle. He was unbeaten, how- ever, and it remained for Sleight- holm to break the no score jinx, The sturdy right defence man was working like. a Trojan and time after time had carried the puck up only to be robbed while close to his objective, This time, however, he slipped through the defence like an eel and fooled Kir- ley on a shot from close-in, Lind- say put up a desperate battle dur. ing the dying minutes of play but victory was certain when Bradley secured the locals' second counter. The Line Up The line up was as follows: Lindsay-----Goal, Kirley; defence, Cooms and Rich; centre, Davis; wings, Reeves and Williams; subs, Martin and- Pearcy. Whithy--Goal, Hawes; defence, Sleightholm and Hall; centre, Smith; wings, Atkinson and Bun- dy; subs, Rice and Bradley. Referee--H, H. Jacobl, Toronto, TRUCK AND BUS IN ALTERCATION (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Jan, 10,--A large milk truck and a westbound Toronto bus figured in a mixup on Dundas street yesterday. The truck was about to turn into a lane beside the Annes block and apparently the driver had not given warning to trafic behind, The bus turned out to aveld the truck but caneht it behind the left front fender. Fortunately neither vehicle was travelling fast and the damage was slight, The incident served to at- tract a large crowd and it wan several minvtes before hus and truck was disentangled. "KREAMY WHITE" BREAD Numerous requests have been received I us fora sw WHITE" Bread we feel confident we have produced a Joaf that will thoroughly' "satisfy the most fastidious. "KREAMY WHITE" Bread is a SWEETER loaf, daintier, and longer in shape than "TASTY" Bread, and for those who like sweet bread this is an ideal loaf, especially for afternoon tea it makes delicious toast. .... For a plain, wholesome loaf, ry "TASTY" Bread. seas ¥4 The Companion Loc.f tg "Tasty" Bread bread, and in "CREAMY 10: wor RAISINS "pio 2.10. DATES GOLDEN HALLOWI Finest Quality 2 we. 17. ROMAN MEAL 255 TOILET PAPER Verything 6rolisife Navy Tissue 3 rolis 19¢ APPLE SAUCE CORN Aylmer LOBSTER Sea King "Jv PEARS In Light Syrup 15¢ PINEAPPLE AYER Torr GOLDEN BANTAM PEAS Domino Brand Tin 18¢ WAX BEANS Domino B'd 25¢ * 39¢ CHARM Lge Tin 15¢ 19¢ Infants' Delight SOAP 4for2 Se CLEANS EVERYTHING 9e Phy. SNAP Hand Cleaner 15¢ Tin SOAP 3 for 18¢ Shelled Walnuts ruces 49¢ 1b. PILCHARDS In Of Robertson's Bramble Jolly 2§¢ Jar 15¢ Tin CHRISTIE'S - Apple Blossom Biseuits 35e10. Be prepared for Winter having a supply of Evaporated STELNA CORNED BEEF 23 NO. 1 TIN MILK all g Tine 28 a2 Tins 25 LIBBY'S 2 Tins 25¢ Reindeer Prepared COFFEE a 27 POETS ARE SAD. AS SNOW TURNS (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Jan, 10,--~About two inches of snow fell in Whitby and distriet last night giving the town a wintry aspect as it lay in its soft white blanket. Poets and others, however, were doomed to disappointment today when they found that mild weather had fol- lowed and was turning the snow into an uneomfortable slush, Ae- cording to reports from the district to the north there has been plenty of snow and cold weather in that region. X Notes on the Game Whitby fans have reason to be pleased with last night's encount- er, The locals' earned the victory und gave indication that they will go far in the group. They display- ed some fast skating 'and neat stick-handling, in spite of the fact that they have had but one prac tice, CE According to the best informed opinion Lindeay is the team to beat in the race for the group honors, This is verified by the fact that while Lindsay has been able to beat Port Perry, Whithy has been able to defeat Lindsay. Both Whitby and Lindsay have de- feated Stouffville the score being 6-1 in each case, LJ * * There! ia danger in over-confid- ence though, Port Perry alwayp puts up a strong fight' and the locals cannot afford to take any chances, *. 5 Jack Sleigholm and Dick Hall proved themselves a. strong defenses pair last night, Neither have had much experience in intermediate hockey but they dug right in and checked consistently, They were also strong in rushes and several times invaded thelr opponents' territory. LJ] * Smith at centre showed good style last night. He was well supported by Atkinson and Bundy on the wings, The weakness of the forward line comes in combination plays but this will be remedied with practice, Yesterday's game was the first real opportunity they had to work together, . Manager Bill Cook can well be satisfied with Hawes' performance in the net, He was as cool as the proverbial cucumber and cleared his shots nicely, LJ * . Referee Jacobi filled a difficult role last night in a manner which was fair to both sides. He watched offside plays closely and was reas. onable in Weting out penalties, He was iy 3 yy one error when he called a kiek behind the Whitby blue line. The new O.H A. rules allow a player to touch the puck with his skate in his own defense area. rs Atkinson and Cooms figured in an exchange of threats in the dying minutes of the last period, The big fellows looked daggers at each other and assumed pugnaclous at- titudes, Two minutes in the. pen- alty box cooled the air and re- lieved the situation. ---- BAN ON MERTING LIFTED BY SY. MARY'S OFFICIALS St. Mary's, Jan, 10, -- The St. Mary's Board of Health this morn- ing issued orders lifting the ban upon all public gatherings, places of amusement and worship, in view of the rapid: decline of the numbers ill with the flu. The restrictions referred to above, were ordered nn Thursday last and as a result, the town st night appeared like the. famed deserted village, TO SOFT SLUSH | SHAKESPEARE HAS MANY ADMIRERS "The Merchant of Venice" is Enjoyéd By Large and Appreciative / Audience Howmsatille, Tv. Jan, 10.--It is a long time since there has been as enjoyable an entertainment in town as that provided on Tuesday night in the Opera House when the Brock-O'Connor Players presented "The Merchant of Venice" under the auspices of the Women's Hos- pital Auxiliary. While the cast throughout were exceptionally good, each one taking his or her part in a splendid manner, special mention might be made of the ac- tors taking the roles of 'Shylock' and "Portia each of whom gave a finished portrayal of the charac- ters represented, Good Audience Although the chances of having a good house were considered poor, owing to so much sickness in Lown, there was a splendid audience, due to the untiring efforts of the ladios who got out and sold tickets, It was not only a large audience but an appreciative one as vas evi- denced by one of the players who made a short speech befors the Jast act in which he stated that nowhere had the company received a better reception than had been glven them on this occasion, He also complimenied the Women's Auxiliary on the splendid way they had sponsored the entertainment and said it was thelr intention to return next year and present an- other Bhakespearian play when ha hoped they would receive as kindly a welcome as had been given them this time. Chilly Air The only drawnack to the even- ing's pleasure was the icy atmos- phere in which the audience had to sit throughout the entertain. ment, It is unfortunate that some~ thing cannot be done to sea that the Opera House is properly heated when a concert is being bel] and a good start for the new Council would be to see that some one is responsible for looking after this, small Fire The firemen were called ty the north end of the town about 10,30 Wednesday morning to the home of F. Bateman, Elgin street, It turn- ed out to be chimney on fire which was soon extinguished and littls damage done, Council Meets The Inaugural meeting of the Town Council for 1929 will take p'ace in the Council Chamber on Monday morning, January 14th, at eleven o'clock, Deaths W. H. DUSTAN Bowmanville, Jan. 9.--The fun- eral of the late W, H. Dustan took place this afternoon from St. John's Church, being in charge of Jeru- salem Lodge, A.F, and AM. Mr, Dustan had been in poor health for some time, having given up his hardware business about two And a half years ago, when it was taken over by his son, T. A, Dustan. Two years ago, Mr. and Mrs. Dustan better feed. Here's a more efficient carbohydrate feed that SSIGUY Seta the Sept Of VAY Sah Wi interested in better milk production. Cows need a carbohydrate feed that is palatable, digestible; that makes for active, strong ani- mals. Quaker Sugared Schumacher is just the feed. Contains molasses in dry form--keeps the cows at their best in all seasons. Come in and learn how economical it is to use this When you are tired a cup of hot AT BOWMANVILLE is wonderfully stimulating AND GIVES YOU FRESH ENERGY Sales Agents : Harold F.4Ritchie Co, Ltd, Toronto 1 spent the winter in California, with the hope that the warmer climate would prove heneficial to him. This proved to he the case and on his return was much improved in health, Last winter they spent in Toronto, returning to their own home on Queen street in the early summer, at which place his death occurred on Monday, the 7th inst, The late Mr, Dustan is survived id his widow, two daughters, Mrs. W. E. Gerry and Mrs, Reg, Nichol, and two sons, T, A, Dustan, Bowman- ville and. W. M. Dustan, "Fresno, California, The pallbearers were, W, J. Bragg, M.P.P., Fred C. Hoar, T, H, Knight, Fred Cryderman, Fred J. Mitchell and F, C., Palmer, Mauy beautiful floral offerings were sent from sympathizing friends, MURDERER CONFESSES Newcastle, Pa, Jan, 9.--Search that extended over three states for the murdererof a farmer and his wife at Canal Fulton, Ohio, last Saturday ended here today with the arrest of Ed. Kaltenbaugh, aged 25, who, ac- cording to the police confessed the crime. He is charged with the mur- der of his employer, John Oser, and his wife, Florence, SAVE IN 1929 The savings you make by buying all your foods at the A, & P. are real savings, for you can get the finest of fancy and Staple foods at A. & P. Stores at prices much lower than you usually pay. These Grocery Specials Good Until Wedresday Jan. 16th Canned Vegetable Sale Standard 0)Tins Quality ality No, and] ¢ Eoice 2 No, 2% Tins 2: No, § Sieve ne.' PEAS Quality No, 2 Sieve Choice 27 2v. 33c LYNN VALLEY CORN Standard Quality No. 2 Tin 10° Choice Quality No. 2 Tin 12 AYIMER'S ASSORTED SOUP Tomatoes Except Chicken and Chicken with Rice 2 Tins J Qc AYLMER'S FANCY Spinach 2 No, 2 Tin29¢ AYLMER'S FANCY ROSEBUD Beets 21c | Whole No, 2 Tin AYLMER'S DICED CHOICE Carrots No. 2 tin 10c AYLMER'S CHOICE No. 3 Wax Beans ;,.> AYLMER'S CHOICE Corn on Cob 3: ?29¢ CHRISTIE BISCUIT CO, Arrowroot Ib. 27¢ SPECIAL Candy Hard Mixture 19¢ 2 Ibs. 29¢ x "Week End SPECIAL! . CHEESE {| Properly Aged and Cured | NEW Ib, 23¢ | il Highest Quality | OLD ~ Ib. 1c. SR Easy White tin 23¢c Toilet ; Flush CROSSE & BLACKWELL Kippered Herring No, Gillette Blades Pkg. of b OUR OWN ENCORE BRAND Garden Relish Jar 35¢ AYLMER'S MEDIUM Asparagus Tiys 25¢ , 38¢c 23¢ FRUIT AND VEGETABLE Week End Specials LARGE FIRM HEADS Lettuce 2 hds. 23¢ Iceberg COOKING Onions MESSINA Lemons doz. 27¢ FANCY COOKING Apples 6 gt bskt. 35¢ GOOD SIZE NAVEL Oranges doz. 25¢ 4 Ibs. 21c YELLOW Turnips 12 lbs, 15¢ FLORIDA MEDIUM SIZE Grapefruit 4 for 25¢ THURSDAY FRIDAY Choice Cuts of Young PORK CHOICE TENDERLOINS BUTTS Ramin 1b.24¢c SHOULDERS For Roasting MEAT SPECIALS :»:oon All Gov't Insepcted Beef ROASTS SHOULDER Ib. 48¢ LOINS RUMP , 19¢ Ib. 22¢ Ib. 28¢ 1.28¢ Ib. 18¢ Boneless Rolled SIDE PORK SWEET PICKLED Ib. 20¢ Sugar Cured Smoked BACON Breakfast Sliced 1b. Lhe Famous Wiltshire Cure HAMS sno b.32¢=s1b.45¢ BACON is Th.A2c 5%, 135¢ In Our Fish Departments Fancy Smelts Ib. 23¢ Mackerel Choice Ib. 13¢ i ib. 9c Herring Lake FRESLY SMOKED Ib. 28¢ Jar 37¢ Ciscoes Fancy Bluepoint Oysters Silver Bright Salmon Ib. 18¢ FRESH MILK-FED ROASTING Chicker (3 1b. 40c Ave. 5 lbs. and over OLD-FASHIONED SMOKED Back Bacon 3, pie 23¢ PEA MEAL Cottage EXTRA SPECIAL Mincemeat 2 lbs. 25¢ =. ATLANTIC & PACIFIC LIMITED. OF CANAD»

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