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Oshawa Daily Times, 10 Jan 1929, p. 6

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PALL Sls [ile OSHAWA DAILY LivieS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY Y, 1949 Woman's Daily Interest | SCCIAL and PERSCNAL fhe Times invites the eo: operation of its readers In contributing items to this column. Send In a postcard or phone $5. Miss Alice Corbett has been spending a few days in Port Hope vis!tng friends and relatives, * Mr, and so, . pecent guests of the former's par- ents, Mr, and Mrs, John Kellett, Pontypool, * * Mrs, Agnes Harry has returned ' to her home in Lindsay after visit- ing relatives here, as well as in Cobourg and Toronto, ° Ch * Mrs, E. B, Tick » Lick, R.N,, Simcoe street north, left inst week to mpcn. months in Florida. . = Miss Margery Fisher, nurse of the Kingston = Avenue Hospital, Brook yn, N.Y,, is visiting her par- en's, Mr, and Mrs, A, BE, Fisher, Thornton's Corners. . 0% Invitations ine been sent out for the opening of the Ontario legisla ive Assembly on January 30. Mr, W.E.N, Sinclair, K.C., 8im- coe street north, will be among those from Oshawa attending. Th Miss Nellie M, Lewis of Toronto and Mr, Martin of Toronto were in the city last evening taking the place of Miss M, Winchester and Mr, Earl Latenslager, teachers of the 8 andard. Training School, which is being conducted this week at King street church, * * * Major C, E. Hodgins, manager of the local branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce and Standard Band, and Mrs, Hodgins, attended EGZEMA BROKE OUT IN_RASH Child Very Cross and Fretful. Cuticara Heals. "When my little sister was four montbs old eczema broke out in a red rash which later formed blisters. It itched and burned causing her to scratch. She was very cross and fretful, and used to lay awake half the night, The trouble lasted eix months, * A friend recommended Cuticura Soap snd Ointment so my mother purchased some and after using five boxes of Cuticura Ointment and three cakes of Cuticura Soap all signs of the trouble disappeared. She was healed." (Signed) Mrs, Thomas Canning, Clarksville, N. S. Use Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Talcum for daily toilet purposes. BE Tat Botta price, Some » and Soc. Talcum Se. Caticurs Sharing Stick 28c. ts Kellett were | Shemlit; the Athletic Association dance of the Canadian Bank of Commerce las. evening in" the Crystal Bail- room of the King Edward Hotel, Toronto. The guests were received by Sir John and Lady Aird, and Mr, and Mrs, 8, H, Logan, There were' more than 600 present, in- cluding a large number of oificials and directors of the bank of cities "| from the Atlantic to the Pacific. The baliroom was effectively dec- orated wi.h smilax, southern moss and streamers of gold and mar- oon--the association's colors, One particular feature of the decora- tions was a miniature of the new bank building, standing eight feet high and illuminated from within, * * % -- : Mr, and Mrs, Bert McMullen, formerly of Janetville, have taken up residence in the city, SISTER CRANFIELD HEADS REBEKAHS OSHAWA LODGE Presentations, Sp-eches and Banquet Feature Installation Ceremonies A large number of the members of the Oshawa Rebekah Lodge No. 3 were present last evening when Sister Irene Bruce, D,D.P,, and her installing staff were present from the Port Hope lodge to install into | their respective chairs the folbow- ing officers: Noble Grand, Sister H. Cranfield; vice-grand, Sister W, recording secretary, Sis- ter Mary Shaw; financial secro- tary, Sister E, Cooper; treasurer, Sister M, Disney; warden, Sister Moines; conductor, Sister A, Mac- Donald; R.S. of N.G., Sister Knox, L.S, of N.G,, Sister Flintoff; R.S. of V.G,, Sister Schwar.z; L.8, of V.G., Sister Parsott; inside guard- ian, Sister Sharrard; outside guardian, Brother McLean; chap lain, Sister Holdsworth; musician, Sister Yorth; junior past Noble Grand, Sister Gillard, Presentation After the installation ceremony was concluded Sister Bruce, Dis- trict Deputy President, was called forward by Sister Knox of Rebekah No. 3, P.D.D.P., who presented Sister Bruce with a si.ver cake trimming pleces at hasket., Sis er Shaw, P.D.D.P,, of Oshawa Rebekah Lodge, No, 3, on behalf of the Lend-a-Hand Club, made a presentation of a Bible to the lodge. The Lend-A-Hand Club is comprised of the Past Noble Giands of the Rebekah Loage pio. . Isabel McDonald, Junior P.N was brought forwasd by id Edith Evans, P.N.G. of No. 3, and | Sister Disney, P.D.D.P,, presented | sister McDonald with her Past! Noble Grand collar. Banquet and Speeches Speeches were made by Sisters Bruce, Strong and Brother Crow- hurst of the Port Hope lodge; Sis- ter Gray and Sister McCu lough of the Sunshine Lodge No, 222 of Czhawa; Sisters Cranfield, Shemilt and Gillard of the Oshawa Reb- ekah lodge No. 3. The meeting was brought to a close and the members gathered in the banquet hall where supper was served. The tables were pret- tily decorated with pink and green, the colors of the lodge. The Li ld But ey Ie Clecnser There's nothing like it Healthful Cleanliness in Every Particle ity of Old Dutch make its usefulness unequalled.' For all uses listed on the label and many others-- cutlery, refrigerators, mirrors, etc., there is nothing else like Old Dutch, 01d Dutch keeps everything spick and span and assures that most important feature of good house- and superior qual! stoves, stone steps, "| black crepe satin with dull side us- | smartly appropriate for daytime SMART WRAP AROUND SBoftness of line is noteworthy feature in smart wrap-around dress in coat styling, for the youthfully smart woman, Flat hipline is em- phasized by clever cut of circular LADY MARY SCOTT LORD BURGHLEY WILL WED TODAY Most Interesting of Aristo- cratic London Weddings at Little London Church London, Jan, 10,--The most in- teresting of the few aristocratic weddings of the winter takes place today, when Lord David Burghley, son and heir of the Marquis of Ex- eter, marries Lady Mary Scott, daughter of the Duke of Buc- cleuch The wedding will be sol« emnized at St, Clement Dan'e church, which can hardly be con- sidered. nowadays, a, fashionable church, standing on its island site in the midst of the traffic stream of the Strand, It was very fashionable however, when Dr, Johnson used to attend there, His pew in the gallery is still to be seent Friend of Royalty The choice of the church is a fancy of the bridegroom's, for his ancestors, who spelt their name "Burleigh," were asociated with the district for years, The bride's mother, the Duchess of Buccleuch, is a close friend of Queen Mary and a relative of Lord Lascelles, The groom is widely known for his athletic prowess, having won the inter-collegiate hurdling cham- plonship in the United States three years ago and the 400-metre hurd. les title at the last Olympic games, Horsewoman The bride known as a brilliant horsewoman will wear white sat- in and a train of gold tissue with a veil of Brussels lace, - The eight bridesmaids will be: Lady Angela Scott, Lady Winifred Cecil, Lady Romayne Cecil, Lady Alexandria Haig, Lady Rachél Howard, Lady Anne Bridgman, Lady Elizabeth Scott and Miss Clara Phipps, The youthful Lord Eskdale, son of the Earl of Dalkeith, will. with Master Richard Meynell, observe the duties of page in picture suits of cream velvet, Nine hundred guests will be present, skirt, The rever collar of sur- plice bodice adds length to figure, | Style No, 332 is. interpreted in | string-bean green sheer woolen | gleaming with metal threads. The | rever collar is matching sheer vel- vet, which contrasts smartly with plain green faille silk crepe used for surplice closing vestee. Shaped each hipline are of velvet piped with the faille silk crepe. Belt fastened with novelty buckle is made of braid. Homespun in guava red with matching suede belt, with vestee of faille crepe, bottle-green velye- (teen with beige silk crepe vestee, ed for rever collar, and printed sheer velvet with plain velvet are wear. Designated in sizes 16, 18, 20 years, 36, 38, 40 and 42 inches bust. Pattern price 20 cents in stamps or coin (coin is preferred), Wrap coin carefully, odode Bote odd FeO WWY CC Cl TR Ir eel vealoded: PATTERN PURCHASE COUPON To The Oshaies Daily Times stern Department Oshawa, Ont. Please send patterns listed be low: sssssssnsnssssne BIZ0 0.000... ses BiZ0 .00000,, sos Bi2@ 4.0000, PARR NRSNNIRRRIRRIIRRRRRRIIIRSS Name ...c00s000000000000000s Address .......0ss Town Province Sesser CO FTE TE TENET AE TEE TROT ar Price, 20 cents each. Send stamps or eoin. Wrap coin carefully. CT rrr Tr Tr TT (EERE RY 2193-11420 4 SPECIALISTS IN FITTING, WEIGHT AND PRESSURE. AGENTS FOR CANADIAN, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN SEAM AND SEAMLE ELASTIC MOSIERY Abdominal Belts The wedding gifts include pres. ects from several members of the Royal family, ELECT OFFICERS OF EIRRA CLASS Albert Street United Bible Class Hold Fine Business Meeting The regular monthly business meeting of Class Eirra, held last evening in Albert street United Church, was openeed by singing hymn No. 133, after which Rev, Mr. Whatham led in prayer. The Scripture lesson was then read by Mr. Bickeil. The minutes of the last meeting were read and ap- proved. The missionary treasurer gave & report of $35.09 for the past 11 months and the building fund trea- surer reported $72.60, The at- tendance during the year was 662, averaging 13. This ending the re- ports for the year, Mr. Whatham led in prayer before balloting. Officers Officers for the ncw year are: Honorary President, Mr. C. Brown; President, Mr. T. H. Smith; Vice-President, Mrs. Lee; Secretary Mrs. Gallogley; Assistant Secrctary Mrs. Shemilt; Treasurer, Mr. A, Westlake; Missionary Treasurer, Mrs. Arnold; Building Fund Trea- surer, Mrs. T. H. Smith; Teacher, Mr. Bickell; assistant Teacher, Mrs. Burdge; Planist, Mrs. What- ham; assistant pianist, Mrs. Gal- logley, Class Thanked Mr. Brown thanked the class for co-operation during his past two | years as president, also for giving him the honor of honorary presi- dent. Mrs. Whatham and lee then 'favored the class with a duet, which was much enjoyed. Mrs. Perry gave a splendid reading en- titled, "Boost Your Class," which nroved to be very good. The mem- hers and friends all partook of & nnch, after which the meeting was closed with prayer by Mr. Bickell. "TONG LOST RELATIVE" SENTENCED TO EIGHT YEARS AUTHORS & JRCH ST SCOX 1D Montreal, Jan. 10--Lud=er Harel who posed as a "long-lost relative to many families in th's district, | was today sentenced to eight years INSTALL OFFIGERS LOYAL TRUE BLUE LODGE FOR 1929 Past Mistress Mrs. Hurst, is Presented With Jewel - . Mrs, Follest Honored The annual installation of of- ficers of the Loyal True Blue Lodge took place on Monday night in the Orange Hall, The following officers were installed for the en- suing year: past mistress, Mrs. Hurst; worshipful mistress, Mrs, lLogeman; deputy mistress, Mrs Hopley; recording secretary, Mrs, Follest; financial secretary, Mr, G. Hamlyn; treasurer, Mr, Gibson; director of ceremonies, Mrs, Short; conductor, Mrs. Dennis; inside tyler, Mr. A, Lavander; outside tyler, Mr, Glide; committee, Mrs, Foote, Mrs. Arnold, Mrs, Clark, Mr, Hamlyn, Mr, Short; trustees, Mr, Short, Mr, Logeman, Mr, Davis; auditors, Mr. Eagleson, Mr, Barrett, Mrs. Ina Follest, District Deputy Grand Mistress, was the instal.ing officer and Mr, Short acted as Grand Director of Cere- monies, Presentations * Following the installation cere- monies Mra, Hurst, past mistress, was presented with her jewel. A silver cake basket was presented to Mrs, Follest by Worshipful Mis- tress Mrs, Logeman, on behalf of the newly instalied officers, Mrs, Gibbon, Past Mistress of Toronto lodge, and Mrs, Mitchell, Worshipful Mistress of the Confed- eration lodge, Bowmanville, were present and spoke to the members of the Victoria lodge, wishing the members and officers success in the present year, CARRY RELIGION BY AEROPLANK Winnipeg, Man., Jan. 10,--Air- planes for missionaries of the Ang- lican Church in the far north so they can carry spiritual sustenance to prospectors,, miners railway builders, trappers, Indians and Es- kimos, was suggested by Bishop Dewdney of Keewatin recently, described trips' last season which opened his eyes to new trans- portation methods. One took him three miles Inland from Hilson Bay on the Hudson Bay railway. Past island lake where prospectors And its flavour is the finest in the world, "SALAL ro iE a A gars for gold were working he went through muskeg, over rocks, through almost, impenetrable Can- adian jungles, His destination was the northern Trout lake where 800 souls were dependent upon an Ang- lican missionary for church minis- tration, That journey cost $500 and took three weeks, For $250 more he could have gone in an airplane and saved all the three weeks ex- cept a single day. What business | house, he wondered, would send one if its leading officers in that ' way at that cost of time. But the church has to cut its garments to | troops, stationeq on the suit its cloth and the money was not available, FORBID KISSING BECAUSE OF FLU New York, Jan, 10,--~The annu- al official order arainst kissing during the influenza season, came yesterday, this time from Lieut.- Col, Paul F¥réeman, eommanding the Governor's Island military hos- pital, It was issued to 16th Infantry island, GROCERY SAVINGS That Will > : Thrifty Housewives Prices Effective January 11th to 17th Inclusive Interest FIVE ROSES 7-1b. Bag 29c¢ FLOUR Cenadian Hard Spring Whess. 24:1b. Bag O9¢ No. 2 Size Tin PINEAPPLE Sliced Singapore. Tins for 21c Chipso, large pkg. Cleans, Chloride of Lime,. 2 4-0z. tin........ Quick Suds ot the Touch of Hot Weer, Babbitt's Cleanser ....3 tins 24¢ owars, Scrubs, Polisies An Excelient Germ Destroyer. Health Salts, EATON'S, .. 2 for 25¢ Efcrvescing--for the Blood. sts BE pkgs. 25¢ SNAP Hand Cleanser Keeps Honds Soft ond Ciessn. 2 Tins 25¢ Peanut Butter, Squirrel Brand, Leak-Tite Tin "3 iid = 18¢c Cornstarch, London Brand, For Children, or Invalids' Diet, Seuces, Puddings, cic. White Beans... Cenedicn Hand-Picked. Pearl Barley For Soup, Stews, etc. 3 pkgs. for 25¢ 2 Ibs. for 18c 2 Ibs. for 13 Jam True Frust Flavor. 40-0z. Jar Raspberry 28c Half Pound Bovril, 2-0z. bottle Brunswick Sardines, Is Od In Tomato Semce. A Delicious, Stremgth-Producing Beverage. 5 tins for 24c Libby Pork and Beans, 2 for 19¢ 38¢ &atonia Blend @ TEA Bran Flakes POST'S 2 Pkgs. 19¢ APPETIZING and DELICIOUS 760 FREE! FREE! With every pound of EATON'S Mochs-Jave Blond Coles » 10s poshage EATONIA Biend Tes Given Away Free | Il 12 ~0z. Bottle Aylmer Brand Chili Sauce 18¢ Half Pound 35¢c EATON'S Mocha-Java COFFEE Freshly-Ground Worcestershire Sauce, Pat- terson's. .. Blue Rose Rice. . Featherstrip Cocoanut. Ib. 27¢ For Cakes, Candies. etc. Prunes, large size Eat Them for Health's Sake. 2 bottles for 25¢ Imported Scotch. . 2 Ibs. for 18¢ reer edb. 108 Pound 70c "T.EATON Cn ORDER OFFICE Take full advantage of the many shopping listed in the ca may be phoned or left at this be filled in Toronto and retu Il information you wish, phone ° 2400 £ZATON GROCETERIA PENNANT Toilet Paper 6 Rolls 18¢c | . Orders and will For any HEAD LETTUCE . 22¢ Doz mn 2 for 17¢ OPERATED BY #T. EATON C2. Store Hours: 9 am. Da'ly Wednesday Saturday, © 6 pm inc. uding and | roy FEVER +3 ALL Boxer AND HES FAST ASEEP AND LETS LEAVE Him Toys pap DonT Fencer PAPA - HE DiD mn ------ Some BRAVE | ph | WORK Tee WHALE MOVSIE WAS KEPT Busy RUM E BACK AND Fox To CET WARM. CAMPHORATED 'On Fom We Loe cpovpy BaAey - Bosoy STAvEd an THE KITCHEN WaT Se nHLE THE CAT Tare wp Dion Towels T ve | FRESH HoT CompResses ER, Dotti Rupeso THE BABY MOUSES CHEST AND GAVE His) SOME HOT Mats AnD THER MAMA MOvVSE WRAPPED HIM ar A HoT PLANEET AND Pings Ham op TWemT= © 23, King Fostores Symiicate, lac., Cront Briain right

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