tic OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 1929 PAGE NINE ==3 Announce Honors in C ris mas Exams at Collegiate Institute Following are the henour lists of the results of the Christmas exam- Inations at the Oshawa Collegiate Institute. 76 per cent and over is coneidered honours, FIRST YEAR MATRICULATION © Honours Possible Light Honours--Cameron, 'garet; Switzer, Margaret, seven honours--Lopuk, Walter; * "McGill, Helen; Twist, George, 5 Five honours--Andison, I'rank; Bell, Jamieson; Carr, Mary; Chap- ' pell, James; Davenport, Lillian; Hepburn, Myrtle; Merrick, Lorna; ° Moynes, Barline; Salter, Doris; Ste- "ben, Kasmyl; Roberts, Jack; Row- . den, Hilda, "Four Honours---Darnes, Wilfrid; Bond, Irene; Bull, Mary; Clarke, ' Jack; Davis, Margaret; Drake, Wil- " liam; Glass, Mary? Howlett, Berta; Jones, Fred; Llacky, Jack; LeMee, Kathleen; Medland, I'loyd; Sud- "dard, Beatrice; Vice, George; Weir, Mar- © Jack. Three honours--Anderson, An- nie; Bele, Margaret; Baron, Annie; Cartwright, Mary; Chappel, John; ' Conant, Douglas; Dell, Evelya; Edwards, Sophie; Edwards, Doh- ald; Fowler, Earl; Fraser, Cather- ine; Fulton, Hilton; Greenley, Har- old; Guiltinan, Keith; Harris, John; Hart, Ethel; Kinsman, John; Me- Roberts, Bruce; Nichols, Norman; Pallant, Florence; Porter, Muriel; Richards, Reginald; Sherwood, Francis; Smith, Melville, Three honours -- Terry, Mar- garet; Tonkin, Gerald; Walker, Eileen; Watson, Nellie; Wilson, Thomas. Two honours--Ardicl, Bray, William; Buimer, Cook, Lloyd; Cook, Pearl; born. William; Dickie, Jean; er, Doris; Fletcher, Mary; Jean; Gorman, Kathleen; Muriel; Kirby. Edmund; Jean: MacKenzie, Bruce: Douglas; McDonald, Meredith, Allwyn, Morison, Ruth; Normoyle, Robert; Patterson, Ar- thur, Peterson, Gerald; Rou-hley, Marion, Rutherford, Murray; Sheri- dan, Harold; Sherwood, Jack: Stephenson, Bertha; Stirling, Harry; Tresise, Phyllis; Williams. Lillian: Young, Russell. One honour--Ayers, nes. Douclas; Beaton, William: Cliff. Tloyd: Coulson, Rvbert: Cun- nineham, Jleyd: Dionne. Agatha; Doreen, T.orne: Felt, Charmion, Gamble. Noel; Carbutt. Tlovd: Cay Jack; G'llette, Jack; Gordon, Far- Robert; Wilbur; Dear- Fish- Ford, Haines, Ledrer, Mackie, Edmvnd; Bert: Bar- old; Haines, William; Hicks, Dor- aine; Horton, James; Horton, Ber- nice; Kagan, Norton; Kelly, Jack; Kory, Mary; Lazar, Eugene; Mar- tin, Ford; Mazurk, Helen; Me- Master, Rae; McWatters, Edwara; Mountjoy, Elda; Nixon, Ralph; Noris, Jack; Northeott, Alma; Par- ker, George; Patterson, Cyril; Pen nell, Alan; Pierson, Grace; Pollitt, Thomas; Powell, Cyril; Richard- gon, Iris; Ruebottom, Norman; Say- well, Helen; Sly, Gladys; stroud, Max: Thorburn, Catherine; Thrash- er, Jack; Vandervoort, W.; Watts, Verna; Webber, Gertrude. SECOND YEAR MATRICULATION There are 10 possible honours in Form 2A and 9 possible honours in the other second forms, Nine honours -- Young, well, Eight honours--Cooper, Edith; Goold, Zena; Grant, John; Henley, Jack; Kelly, Kenneth. Seven honours--Perkins, Six honours--Maxwell, Smith, Isobel; Stenhouse, Tresize, Marion, Five honours--Camcron, Wil. liam; Fisher, Mary; McLaughlin, Earl; MeNab,, Ian, Four honours--Houlihan, Syl- vester; Raike, Elsie; Twilley, Ada, Three honours --- Bell, Lillian; Broadbent, Aubrey; Brown, Anna Marie; Cook, Wilma; Corben, George; Conryjce, | Louise; Crothers, Carson; Eaton, Jack; Halleran, Bruce; Jones, Ruth; McDonnell, Marie; McKinnon, Angus; McRae, Robert; Peacock, Jack; Smith, Iloyd; Tierney, Aznea: Valeau, Ila; Wesson, Hedley. Two honours -- Carson, Law- rence; Carter, John; Chapman, Helen; Gibbs, Ray, Goyne, Blanche, Grant, George; James, Justine; Kashul, Mike; Knibb, Harold; Lov- ell, Betty; Mackie, Herbert; Mc- Adam, Jack; Normoyle, Marion; Smith, Doris; Smith, "red; Sparks, William; Stephenson, Lloyd; Vick- ery, Eleanor; Weldon, George. One honour--Anderson, Mazo; Black, Donald; Bowman, Wilfrid; Britton, James; Brown, Dora; Brown. Sheola; Bullivant, Frank; Davidson, Gordon; Evans, regin- ald; Ferguson, Walter; Gamble Dourlas; Gay, Harry; Gifford. Ow- en: Green, Georze; Grierson, Haz- el; Hancorek, Dorothy: Haw! ins, Frances; Hennick, Annie; Henley, Moriorie; Hodgins, Roger Irvine. Clifford; Jey s, Pobert: Lander, Crom- John, Greta; Mary; Jack; Leonard, Sarah; LcRoy, Ray- A 3 tlectrcp honic 10 nch Double Sided Pa abh Records VERNON A Gay » "The song of the Failure," DALHART, The Sinking of the Vestris Apex Record No. 8853 Doin' the Raccoon Fox Trot Record No. That Big Rock-Candy Mountain Song Record No. 8859 Caballero Song Record No. 8861 sung by with coupled 8860 Another Bum Song Funnier Than The First - Who Said I Was a Bum Ask for Apex Record No. 8858 "Sonny Boy fox Trot Record No. 8833 Pipe Organ Record os 26126 It Goes Like This (That "unny Melody) Fox Trot Record No. 8837 Y. Record No. 8842 Hawaiian Guitars No. 8852 You're the Cream in My Coffee Fox Trot Record No. 8856 There's a Rainbow Ro 'nd My Shoulder Fox Tret Record No S854... Song Record No: 884 Hear the new Apex £/e drvphonte Phonograph AY | Vv 1 Hh alr (he 71 Si -coe St. North Phone 2388 The Sub Record Co.. Toronto. Ont. Dealers Everywhere. "Complete Stock of Apex Eleciropbone Records Always on HAF RIS MUSIC SHOP _ Phone 1450 McGraith, Cliiford; McKenna, Vio- let; Millson, Doris; Moore, Xath« leen; Moore, Isabel; Morris, Maur- ice; Nesbitt Elmo; Simpson, Mare ion; Stainton, Hilton; Sweet, Rus- sell; Turney, Norma; Wagar, Ruth; Ward, Ollwen; White, James, THIRD YEAR MATRICULATION In Form 3C there are 7 possible honours and in the other third year classe there are 8 possible honours, Eight honours--Russell, Fran- ces, seven honours--Fowke, Shirley; Jobb, Arnold, Six honours--Davidson, or; Harris, Stanley. Five honours--Moody, Stacey, Mansell, Four honours--Millson, Thickson, Elinor, Three honours--DBryce, George; Core, Roy; Henderson, Douglas; Hezzelwood, Rennison; Hicks, Wes- ley; Holland, Dorothy; McWatters, Margaret; Mitchell, Reba; Patte, Margaret; Sandford, Peter, Two honours ----- Gerrow, Ora; 'Higgins, Edwin; Jones, Lillian; le- Mee, Frances; Mason, Helen; Moore, Carl; Pearce, Charles; Pet- erson, Howard; Robinson, Betty; Shelenkoff, Shora; Wood, Harvey. One honour--Adame, William; Andison, Jack; Annis, Doris; Camp- Zellin- Lloya; George; Harvey; Gillespie, Hilda; Lionel; Hoehn, Alice; Holmes, Wal- lace; Kinlin, Bernard; Kory, (George; Luke, Kathryn; MacIntosh Grant; Manuel, Amy; Michael, Helen; Mundy, Nora; Powell, Lor- enzo; Reed, Margaret; Ruebottom, Leona; Smith, Ortie; Sproule, Cora: Twilley, Margaret; Williams Nor- man; Wilson, Betty, FOURTH YEAR MATRICULATION 11 Honours Possible Nine honours--Crothers, othy. Seven honours--Clugston, Dor- othy; Marks, Ernie; Robinson, Eu- nice, Six honours--Mathews, Jean; Maxwell, May; Morris, Mildred; Rice, Hilda. Five honours--Brash, Durham, Arthur; King, zie. Four honours--Green, John; Go- heen, Kathleen; Fowke, Adeline; Ledgett, Ferne; Mason, Charles; Morison, Helen; Valleau, Marie. Three honours--Evans, Victor; Gorman, Mervin; Hazlewood, Iren- ton: Holt, Clayton; James, Fred; Rook, Juanita; Thompson, Gladys. Two honours--Armstrong, Nona; Brown, Albert; Cornwall, Maud: Commerford, Carmelita; Dryden, John; Hare, Wallace; Henderson, Edward; Irwin, Roy; Kerr, Mary; Sh-perd, Eleanor Southwell, Eldon. One honour--Boddy, Doris; Bow- den, Helen; Henry, Jack; Myers, Conant; Scrimgeour, Jean; Thomp- son, Allan. FIFTH YEAR MATRICULATION 15 Honours Possible Eleven honours -- Cragg, Law- rence, Eight honours--Heddon, neth. Seven honours McRoberts, Flora; Scrimgeour, Margaret. Six honours--Gummow, Marion; Love, Lorraine. Four honours--Toppings, James. Three honours--Fleming, Elean- or; Flint, Oliver; Fox, Ivah; Pirle, Lillian, Two honours--Armstrong, old; Daniels, Lloyd; Glass, Alb rt; Guditinan, Jack; Sweet, Hazel: Webber, Mildred; Wilson, George One honour--Colpus, Constance; Cutler, Donald; DeGuerre, Hazel; Deyman, Harry; Fletcher, George; Northcott, Lucy. FIRST YEAR COMMERCIAL 14 Honours Possible Eleven Honours--Dyas, Dorothy. Ten honours--DBarnard, Francis; Manilla, Kathleen; O'Reilly, Agnes. Nine honours--Canning, Mabe:; Legze, Marjory; RodeskKy, Mary. Eight bonours--Audrey, Peter; Chapman, Helen; Houlihan, Jean; I{uzmeliuk, John; Loveridge, Elsie, Paraschuk, William; Smith, Flor- ence; Vinson, Gordon; Watson, Bessie; Wilson, Dora. Seven honours--Clark, Marjorie; Calewick, Jennie; Gallagher, Dor- othy; Graboski, Rose; Simmons, John; Timmins, Margaret, Six honours--Andecrson, Roy; Barlow, Retha; Bates, Marjorie; Bull, Grace; Canning, Edith; Duu- ford, Bernice; Goring, Lorne; Grif- fin, Noreen; Grills, Isobel; Hend- erson, Arthur; Hepburn, Edna; Johnson, Marion; Kelly, Greta; Mackie, Helen; MacLean, Ruth; Petre, Margaret; Pogson, Everitt; Savich, Minnie; St. John, Dorothy; Taylor, Mildred; Wheeler, Ethel; White, Gladys. Five honours--Cornish, Roy; Farrow, Myrtle; Fraser, Jessie; Hilts, Mildred; Kelly, Kathleen; Macintyre, Lillian; McKay, Laura; Muzik, Mary; Ogden, Stanley; Pat- terson, George; Pugh, John, White, Jack. Four honours -- Battle, Jean; Beattie, Walter; Bryan, Albert; Chapman, Herbert; Clark, Douglas; Cook; Evelyn; Farrow, Edith; Goulding, Helen; Kirk, John; Knight, Palmer; McDonald, Hazel; Monaghan, Alice; Partridge, Jack; Sawyer, Basil; Smerchanski, Mil- ton; Wallace, Elizabeth; Wanna- maker, Vivian; Whiteoak, Rutl; Wolten, Edna; Wragg, Ronald. Three honours--Brown, Lor- raine; Brown, Norman; Burk. Stewart; Chapman, Hilda; Clapp, Leonard; Cowie, Milton; Evans, Fairley; Fitches, Florence; Hoag- inson, Helen; Long, Basil: Lover- idge, Alberta; Mack, Rose; Makar- chuk, Anna; Mason, Christopher; McCulloch, Jean; MeEachern, Don- ald; Mills, Mabel; Odell, Lillian; Peever, Ruth; Reece. Ethel; Sand- erson, George; Stirling, B:atrice; Wotten, Stephen. Two honours ---Arnold, Ora; Attersley. Russel; Bigwood, Sey- mour; Burden, Margueritz; Dur- roughs, Samuel; Campbell, Joseph- ine; Claus. Ruth; Gopdall, Arthur; Green, Lillian; Harris, Vera; Hest- er, Amelia; Hoskin, Ray; Jeffrey. Dor- Leonard; MacKen- Ken- Har- Verna; Kellar, Salva; Kroll, Helen; mond; Love, Jean; Lovett, Frank; | bell, Donald; Christie, Leta; Deans, ! Hind, | ANTI FREEZE meee l i Perfect protection for iid car all winter. One fi in the radiator, and ne need only add water as re- quired, just ae you would in summer, Freeze roof to 40 degrees below freez- ing. No odor, H Harmless to Duco and paint. Does not evaporate or il off. Absolute safety. This is what AFP service does for yous: 1, We flush and clean The mi radistor and ysis Socing Iya and bi t radi water chambers for leaks, 8. Tighten hose clamps, (replace th if necessary,) bi Sone: ail bolts and nuts around motor bloc 3. Adjust fan belts, Tospect ther mostat, at tector (shuts 4 Adjom Sister gro indicator, s. vir radiator Shi correct amount © and ask abowt this ii A Anti-Freeze Service. Authorised Service Depot . RVC. » ZATION Bdward; McGrady, Made- line; Morgan, Bessie; Ring, Edith; Scott, Edna; Shaw, Carl; Shew- chuk, Steve; Tyrrell, Anne; Wig- gins, Helen; Wiggins, Marguerite. One honour--Amshury, Ethelda; Babcock, Arthur; Battle, Grace; Bennet, Doris; Black, Ruth; Bow- man, Jam:s; Broadbent, Alberta; Buckley, Alice; Chamberlain, Dor- othy; Clark, Ferne; Cole, Arthur; Cowan, Phyllis; Creamer, Carl; Davis, Helnor; Dearborn, Marie; Devenish, Dorothy; Dick, Phyllis; Elliott, Eilcen; Gibson, Marion; Grieve, John; Hercia, Alex; Hods- son, Doris; Huggins, Wilma: Jack- son, Alice; Jackson, Leonard; Jack- son, Olive; Kay, Douglas; Leveque, Veronica; Melnyk, Julia; Neill, Lil- lian; Newman, Fred; Patil id, Richard; Paul, Clara; Polson, Irene; Pritchard, Francis; Roberts, Edward; Shelenkoff, Leta; Shultz, Irma; 'Terry, Walter; Tyrrell, Kathleen; VanHuzen, Geraldine; Wig~ins, Marguerite; Wilson, Ly- all; Winstanley, Ena; Wood, And- rew., SECOND YEAR COMMERCIAL 14 Honours Possible Fourteen honours --- Smith. Twelve honours--Harlond, Sadie. Nine honours -- Barker, Isla;! Henderson, Margaret, Seven honours -- Blake, Reta; Hall, Rena; Harrison, Ruth; Sis- son, Dorothy; Thompson, Jean. Six honours--Law, Helen; Long, Dorothy; Murphy, Doreen. Reh ye honours--Bligdon, Doreen; Cc , George; Johns, Percy; Keys, ks; Petre, Orvil; Rodeski, Minffie; Victor, Victoria. Four honours--Graboski, Joe; Norton, Wilson; Olenuck, William; Stephenson, Aldine; Wilkins, Beryl, Three honours--Alexander, Bes- sie; Amsbury, George; Capitofsky, Eva; Downey, Isobel; Farrow, Mil- dred; Kuz, Paul; Lawry, Hilda; Wylie, Mildred. Two honours--DBarclay, George; Bickle, Gladys; Cobon, Ada; Cob- on, Doris; Dunford, Helena; Gough, Winnie; Hcdgkinson, Dora; Hodg- kinson, Verna; Horton, Ester; Mackie, Doris; Martin, Grace; Mc- Gahey, Eleanor; Minns, Bruce; Nicolls, Vera; Ridgen, Helen; St. Thomas, Earl; Titley, Mavis; Yeo, Arthur. One honour -- Clark, Violet; Dickie, George; Foote, Henry; Laycoe, Gwendolene; Lee, Lillian; MeGraith, Harry; McQuaid, Ber- nice; Morris, Edna; Turner, Al- bert; Wood, Elsie; Yates, Doug- las. THIRD YEAR COMMERCIAL 15 Honours Possible Fourteen honours-- Molly, clair. Thirteen honours--Smith, Cyril. Nine honours--Cook, Florence. Eight honours--Brittoh, Mabel; Brown, Frank. Six honours--Crouse, Greta; Gil- lard. Sybil; Glad, John. Five honours--Coulter, Luke, Rosalie Sin- Mary; Rich In All Vitamins of Cod- liver Oil SCOTT'S EMULSION Promotes Growth-- Bailds Strength. Wonderful For Children Scott & Powne, Toronto, Ont. 26-26 McDonald, Bessie; Turner, Arthur. Four honours--Hurlburt, Jessie, Leach, Pearl, Three honours--Cornish, Flossie; Keenan, Florence; Makarchuk, George; McComb, Gladys. Two honours--Andson, Evelyn; Bellingham, John; Clements, Phyl- lis; Farrow, Irene; Lang, Reus, Mechin, Mildred; Patterson, Thom- as; Spencer, Freida, One honour -- Bell, Matthew; Blythe, Alex; Petre, Mamie; Pres ton, Ruby;: Tuson, Ada. - SPECIAL COMMERCIAL 10 Honours Possible Ten honours--Lesniak, Victoria, Nine honours--Grose, Frank; Hill, Evelyn. Seven honours Campbeil, | |George; Thompson, Gordon, Six honours--Stevens, Constance jill | Warburton, Doris. Five ence; Junkin, Iona; Kathleen, Four honours--IJl'orsythe, jorie, Three honours--Brooks, Eileen; Cook, Ruth, Two honours -- Bone, Beamish, Harold; Cawker, leen; Stephenson, Opal. One honour -- Bernier, Howlet, Helen, honours -- Clifford, Flos- Warburton, Mar- Velmn; Kath- Jules; EXHIBITION OF ART ATTRACTS LONDON Great Demand for Tickets to Sze Dutch Paintings London, Jan, 11.---If anyone imagines that the movies and the halt-hundred o her modern diver- sions have destroyed the popular taste for real art they can take courage from the attention given the Dutch exhibition. More season tickets have been sold already than were gold for the ! whole period of the Flemish ex- hibition two years ago. It is be- lieved likely that the exhibition may inspire an influence upon fashion in many directions, One learned professor complains that the presence of ladies at the ex- hibitions ,at.ired in red, dulls the ccsor schemes of many masters pieces, although he does not ex- plain why his attention, comes to wander from the pictures, If the ladies are to be requested to array themselves in harmony wi h a picture exhibition, asks one critic of this professor, what are they to wear when attending a modern impressionistic art exhibi- tion. It should be said at once, however, that there is nothing of a fashion parade in the crowds thronging the Dutch exhibition, It is evident that' the folk come for the pictures alone. A wide demand has already been voiced for open- ing the exhibition on Sunday. REFUELING IN AIR EASY, SAYS FLIER Non - Stop Coast-to-Coast Passenger S:rvices Predicted New York, Jan. 11.--Major Carl Spa.z, who commanded the crew of the Question ..ark during its record breaking endurance flight in Caiifornia, who spoke to the radio audience of the National Broadcasting Company, predicted that within the next tweive months express planes wou.d be flying non-stop from coast to coasi with passengers and freight, refueling by making contact with auxiliary planes en route, "The refueling operation is not difficult, " he said, *'and could be performed by any transport pilot. The crew of the Question Mark, in fac:, had much the easiest job. They didn't have to work half as hard as the crews on the ground." The other members of the crew, Captain Ira C. Eaker, Lieutenant Elwood Quesada, Lieutenant Harry Halverson and Sergeant Roy Hooe also ta.ked into the microphone of sta.ion KFI at Los Angeles and their speeches were sent out over IPGRT HOPE SCHOOL T0 COST $700,000 About '$500,000 is Available to Meet Construction Cost Toronto, Jan, 11.--Rebullding of 'feinity College senior school at Port Hope will entail an expendi- ture of probably #700,000, and to- wards this amount about $500,000 is so far .available, A statement to this effect was made by Percy EB. Henderson who presided at the annual meeting of the Trinity Col- lege School Old Boys' Association, which followed a dinner at the King Edward Hotel last night. In answer to a question, he intimated that there had been subscribed up to date towards the building fund a little under $300,000, and. the insurance moneys on the old school destroyed amounted to over $200,- 000, he thought, so they had in the neighborhood of $500,000 to- | wards the new building. ! Plans for Future | Discussing the - plans for the | new building, the Headmaster, Dr, | F. G, Orchard, pointed out that the first principle kept in mind was | to make full use of the wonderful situation at Port Hope, the second was they wanted to have a separ- ate chapel in between both schoo!s, senior and junior, large enough to hold those belonging to hoth schools and the visitors they always expected on great occasions. That meant they required a chapel which would hold 450 or 500 people The third principle was they wanted to get a building to take care of the different activities of the school, as distinct, possible and yet erect ed in such a way that it would he in close relation, one to the other, In his report Percy Henderson, the president, mentioned that the membership of the association was steadily increasing and that the annual members now number 272 | and life members 132. The fiancial statement showed on capital account a balance of $3,625, and on general 'account the receipts exceded disbursements | during the year by $250. | Dr, J. C. Maynard, Toronto, was | elected president for the ensuing | year, and J W. Langmuir, Dudley | Dawson and J. D, Ketchum, vice- | presidents. To replace retiring | members on the general committee H. L. Plummer E. A, Hethering- ton, Charles Burns and David Thompson were chosen, and D. W. Saunders K.C,, C. H, Cassels, K.C, and D Arey Martin, (Hamil- ton) were appointed to represent the association on the Board of Governors of Trinity College School. The secretary of the as- sociation is A. A. Harcourt Vernon, There were 130 at the dinner and those at the head of the table | were: Percy Henderson, Dr. F. G. Orchard, Brigadier-General Cart- wright, Lawrence Baldwin, Clar- | ence Bogart, Rev. G. H. Brough- | all, Norman Seagram, Caton | Broughall, Norman Seagram, Can- | br Broughall, D'Arcy martin, | (Hamilton), F. Gordon Osler, Colonel J. F. Lash, Henry Bethune. | TWENTY.FOUR HOUR TIME SYSTEM IS MOOTED, BRITAIN London, Jan. 11 -- The Royal Astronomical Society is at present engaged in seeking the opinions of public bodies on the desirability of usipg in Britain, at least in railway timetables, the 24-hour system of tinent. This would replace "8 p.m.' with "20 hours;" "1 p.m." would be "13 hours." The British rail- ways have expressed generally favorable to the idea but suggest the matter is one of nation- al interest and it is not for them to take the initiative. Convenient in Use Commenting on the Astronomical Society's "'ballotting'" The Times points out the method was adopted by the Services during the war and proved so convenient fits use has been continued since. There is mo suggestion of introducing the svs- tem into private or family life. The woman whose train went at *15 hours" would still call the family to lunch at 1 o'clock. the National hook-up. A h by Major General John L. Hines, commander of the Ninth Corps area, was broadcast from San Francisco. The program was broad- cast here poy station WJZ. SCHNABEL PAID TRIP FOR SLEUTH Montreal, Jan. 11.--George E. Schnabel himself advanced $75 for Sergeant Detective McCoy of the Montreal Bureau to go to Ham- fiton, Oni. to search for Mrs. Schnabel at the beginning of the hunt for the missing Notre Dame de Grace woman, which ended when a coffin was dug out of a Cornwall, Ont., grave last week. This fact, which came out yes- terday, dates from the early his- tory of the case, at the time when relatives of the woman had come to Montreal to inquire about her, and McCoy had been placed on the case "Yes, I think it would bt a a good plan for you to go to Ham- ilton to see what you can find." is what Schnabel is reported to have told McCoy in conversations about the wife's disappearance. Schna- bel advanced the money and thus McCoy made his first trip to Ham- iiton. The case, far from its conclusion yet since local police have not a single solid clue to the where- |abouts of Schnabel, nvw wanted | for sequestration of his wife, has already produced the mest volum- inous docket known at headquar- iters here. It runs 'to over 400 | pages of reports by sleuths. Catarrh -- Soothing Remedy "Nostroline" is the finest thi ing for Ca- tarrh or Cold in the Head. instantly effective! Rid f of i complaint with England's "famous remedy. Get your "'Nostroline" mow. 50c from Karn's Drug Store, next Post Office, King Street East, Oshawa. Your Nose Needs "Nostroline" Sl -- Now You Can Get Delivery On The Famous "Four-Twenty" ROGERS Bc 2ryless RADIO [meg 2 Only $165 Complete (except Speaker) The Biggest Value in the Whole . Field of Electric Radio IT would have been nice, of course, to have had a Rogers in time for the Holidays--but even some of the folks who ordered sets early were disappointed this year. The flood of orders from those who wantéd Batterylets Radio was more than the Rogers factory--even with its enlarged facilities-- could cope with, temporarily, Now, however, you caa get delivery on practically any of the new, 1929 Models--including the famous "Four-Twenty" Model shown above. This Model "Four-Twenty" Rogers is, just as our headline states: "The biggest value in the whole field of electric radio." The model that preceded it was first introduced to the public in 1926 and outsold all other electric sets in 1927 at $225! The present price of $165 is only possible because of Rogers greatly increased production and you can rest assured that if any other comparable electric radio could be sold at this price you would soon hear about it. Ask Us To Show You... Test thi; famous model as to distance, selectivity, volume, tone- quality (any way you wish) in your own home at our expense. If it doesn't perform to your entire satisfaction send it back. If it does--and it will--we'll make it easy for you to keep it. GENERATOR & STARTER CO., LTD. 15 Church Street time notation as used on the con- | STOP That Cold! At the Start with PENSLAR White Pine and Spruce Balsam .(MENTHOLATED) 25¢c - and - §50¢ Karn's Drug Store Next Post Oss We Deliver Phone 378 themselves | = ller's Children ike P( 's Worm OWDI because they are sweet as sugar and so easily taken. They cleanse even the most delicate system quickly and thoroughly without any danger and are free from all narcotics. NORTHROP & LYMAN CO. LIMITED, TORONTO, CANADA For hubby's dinner pail Bamby Bread keeps fresh--tastes good and provides the nourishment a hard- working man needs to keep kim going for the rest of the day's Work Canada Bread TELEPHONE--~2420 if you haven't 2a phone, call the Canada Bread salesman . from the wagon as he stops near your door