dr AS a SM Committees Are {OSHAWA DAILY TIMES; MONDAY, JANUARY 14,1929 PAGE THREE Le 1926 eeting Rotary Club Welcomes Mayor and .~ Presents MAYOR MITCHELL MAKES HIS BOW 10 OSHAWANS Plessing Ceremony at Sacred Concert By Regimental Band Sunday Night Mayor-elect T, B, Mitchell was last 'night introduced to the ¢iti- gens of Oshawa who 'were gather- ed 'together at the sacred band concert of the Ontario Regiment in 'the Regent Theatre, Formal in- troduction .was given by retiring mayor, R. D, Preston, who re- leased the reigns of government this- morning in favor of the: new mayor, The occasion was a notable one and made a deep impression on the hundreds who filled the hall to capacity, In. making his last public speech in the capacity of Mayor of the city of Oshawa, Mr, Preston expressed his 'desire that the ratepayers give as much co-operation to the new mayor and council as they gave to the old administrative body, That the affairs of the city would be looked after with every care Was, the ex-mayor said, a fact agreed upon by most of the electors, They showed this, he said, in the last election, Mr, Mitchell Mayor-elect Mitchell made as tine an impression as any incoming mayor could possibiy 'do, His man- nerisms, his address appealed to all, and when he had finished, he officials;- This is quite possible, was app.auded to the echo, Mr. Mitchell referred to the work. of Mr, Preston during the latter's three years in office, *I feel 1 am irying to do a hard job, in attempting to follow in the footsteps of "Bob" Preston", re- marked Mr. Mitchell, He mention- ed the 'fact tha. Oshawa wiil have to face important issues during the coming year, but, he f€lt, the selec- tion of aidermeh made by Oshawa e.ectors during the past year should prove an aid in this regard. Congra.ulations were extended to the Regimental Band, by the speaker, who stated thst such an apparent rise to; ty could be accompanied by. g save co- peration in the ranks with ade- quate raining throughout the maiy months of deligent rehear- ' Mrs, Grant Berry : Mrs. (Dr.) Grant Berry, whose voice has plessed many an Oshawa sudience, sang two favorite selec- tions during the concert. "Demny Boy" and "Roses Are Blooming in Picardy" were given with that fi8- ished - touch - which has character-| ized Mrs. Berry's voice during her long in.imacy with vocal work. "Canary" by Read, » weli-known composition featuring. the: piccolo, was given by the band with Bands- man, Lambert playing the piccolo: He' received merited applause. 3, The Program The program was under the di- rection of Thomas Dempsey, bandmaster. Miss Betty Mcintyre Aldermen, Gavel, Ideas p Mayor Mitchell Armed With the Symbol of Office at Weekly Meeting -- Presi- 'dent Conant Pledges Ro- tary as Partner With City in Progress Program--Al derman Peter Macdonald Grateful for Aid of Or. + ganizations. -- Co-opera: tion. Essential Mayor T, B. Mitchell and the 1929 city council were guests at noon to- day of the Oshawa Rotary Club, At the meeting Mayor Mitchell was pre- sented by the club with a gavel, as a. symbzol of his office, Ready to Serve In welcoming Mayor Mitchell and the. 1929 aldermen, G. D, Conant, president of the Rotary Club, asked them to feel that the Rotary Club was a service organization of the first order, always ready to do service to the city, No matter how qualified the personnel of the council may be, it cannot alone build up the city, with- out the united effort of all the citi- zens, He quoted the third object of Rotary, involving the application of the idea of service to both personal business and community life and said that the Oshawa Rotary Club would endeavor to be one of the best em- bellishments and aids of the council, ready to help in any capacity, 4 Mitchell Greeted Mayor Mitchell was received with hearty' applause by the club. He re- ferred to his ambition to reduce the mifl raterof the city to 40 mills, with the 'co-operation of the other mem- bers of the council and of the ety e said. In connection with the assess- ment which' is' now rated at 40 per cent, of the actual value of the prop- erty Mayor Mitchell expressed the opin ion that the time had come when t e city could afford to raise the gen- eral assessment. This would of course, also lower the mill rate correspond- ingly, Status There' was danger, he said, when the mill rate is lowered by this means the council might soon have it back to where it: was before, but he be- lieved that Oshaws had now definite- ly grown out of thie small town class into the ci be done wi rate presents a much more favorable a whether he be a factory proprietor or a resident, he said. stage, and this could safety, The lower mill t to a prospective citizen Co-operation Mayor Mitchell stated that he was ready to co-operate with the Rotary Club in any matter for the benefit of the city, The city council, he said, should be willing to co-operate with every organization that exists for the welfare of Oshawa. Advise Council Alderman P, A. Macdonald, newly pointed chairman of the Finance ittee of the council for 1929, spoke on behalf of the alderman. He outlined some. of the heavy expendi- tures that were confronting the il, including the 2 SEWAEG oe posal, plant, "electrical gas plant oR a school, and ad- ministration buildings, involying 2 capital expenditure of possibly one and 2 half million dollars. The var- 2 'lous organizations in the city should consider these questions, he said, accompanied for the soloist The program was composel of the following numbers: March, Washington Grays by Grafuls; "Alma" by Jean Broe- quet; overture, "Hungarian Com- edy" by Tobani; overture, "Poet and Peasant" by Suppe; idyl, "The Glow-Worm" by Lincke; (fantasia "Pr " by Tobapi. This sel- ection proved delightful, inte which. the weaving of the "Holy City" amd o her sacred mumbers mda Hogg & Lytle, and gave the council an expression of public opinion on them. Presented With Gavel + ALD, MACDONALD Whe was named Chairman of Fi- nance at the inaugural session of "CHAIRMEN OF COMMITTEES" ALD, PRESTON y Who was appointed Chairman' of the Board of Works' Committee at the Whe the + oh Pion Protaciion and City Propersy of ALD, 8. H. JACKSON Who heads the General Purpose Committee of the City Counsil for the present year. the City Council today. first session of the 1929 Coungil. Committee, of the 1829 Council. ogee dh fh fh dh dh fl dd WEATHERMAN bobbi rb bbb bbb bb bbbbbd Hold on to your ears, Likewise your nose If you don't, your sure Fo have them froze, . 0» \ Oshawa is in the Last night the meg*y dropped to -2 below zero today the population went to work with ears and noses given die' aftention, It was real nippy, ... Somewhere up in the north; Jack Frost released his bag of tricke and from the gentle Heaving bosom of the Pacific to the more turbulent breakers of the'Atlantic, the eonn- try basks in frigid. airs, Everywhere it looks like winter, And everywhere it feels likg-win- ter. » Motor ears persist in ra Ing r 4 » of winter, over the icy highways, but winter ' equipment, the ho cutter, are also abroad with the tinkling bells, dhs Stories of 20 below zero were frequent this morning, but these were mostly from thermometers advertising lniment or some fink. The lowest point on The Weath- erman's tested Toronto Obserya- tory thermometer was 2 below ar 7 o'clock this morning. Last night at 7 o'clock the mer- cury was as low as 1 below, The outlook fs for some 'more snow, and a little milder climate late tonight and on Tuesday. Winds will shift to the south- east and every little bit of sno added to what we've got, will mak a little bit more. Way up there in White River 1 40 below, 80 Oshawa fs reall "warm" as compared with that coldest spot in the Ontario world. A little crescent moon js in the sky, well to the west and Oshawans who love to tilt their chins sky- ward on clear nights, will be fin- terested in its close proximity to Venus, that dazzling planet in thé southwest skies--a verita¥le lant- ern of the gods. : Later the moon will pass close to Japiter, the latter mow mear the Meridian about '8 o'clock. To the eastward, the fiery plan- et Mars is seen, racing away from the earth at prodigious speed. The winter sky fs the most glori- ous sky of the year. Milder--with some snow, Rotarian George Hezzelwood, in a eral t Aad ted Mayor , Pr with here and there a hymn was the the cause for considerable favor- able comment. The hymn, "Hark- Hark, My Soul" by Lambert and "Regimental March" concluded a] ge My. Farmer: QUAKER DAIRY RATION $50.00 SCHUMAKER DAIRY RATION $42.00 i] CITY NEWS CASE ADJOURNED The case of William Joyce, charged with having lquor illegal- ly was adjourned in city polie2 court by Magistrate Hind this morning for a week, ASSAULT CHARGE Patrick Farrell, charged with assault snd inflicting bodily harm was remanded this morning until January 17, by Magistrate Hind in city police court, CARS COLLIDE Roy Carnighan, driver for John- ston's Taxi reported to police authorities that his car collided [with a car bearing license 68-532 at the corner of Celina and Athol streets Saturday night, BREACH L.C.A, wdohn Karluk pleaded guilty to 8 ge of being intoxicated in A public place, in police court this morning and was fined $20 and, costs bly Magistrate Hind, or thirty, days In jail. He paid the fine. It was his Tirst offense, REMANDED IN CUSTODY Dudley F. Gilmour, who-appegr- ed in city police court this mornibg to answer to a charge of fraud, in that he ccnverted funas welongingz to another to his own use, was re- manded in custody by Magistrate Hind until January 21. CRITICALLY 101, {the Lord's Day Act. Captain William Culling, the well-known life-guard ana genial resident of Lakeview Park, Osha- ,wa, is confined to his bed by ill- pess. It was reported this morn- 'ing that although he fis resting comfortably he is very critically CHURCH ON FIRE An sarm at 7.15 o'clock Satur- day evening called the fire depart~ ment to St. Gregory's R.C. church on Simcoe street morth. Sparks from the. .chimmey had set the roof on fire. 'The flames were sub- dued by the firemen who fought them from the belfry after using their 55-foot ladder to reach the tower. GROCERIES STOLEN Allan Mcinroy of Oshawa re- ported to the police that $3 worth of greceries were stolen from his automobile 'which was standing on Centre street" about 9.30 Saturday might, ... . * BREACH LORD'S DAY ACT A summons has been issued by the police for Willlam Elizuk, 155 Bloor street east, for a breach of Elizuk is charged with selling merchandise on the Sabbath. RElizuk carries cn # grocery and meat business. ONTARIO SPECIALS _. 95¢c per bag We cannot replace our stock to sell within three dollars per ton of ow present rates. Buy your supply NOW. HOGG & LYTLE, Limited Phone 203 $4 Church St. KIWANIS MEETINGS The Kiwanis Club of Oshawa are holding three directors' meet- ings, begimning today for three eutive glpys. Besides regu- Club is preparing for r night, which is to be held st the' Genosha Hotel on Wednesday evening. LIQUOR OABE : ,Frank;Kobernick, 329 Ritson road ,+Oshawa, has been charged having liguor illegal- ly, contpasy to the Lig#lor Control Act, ie case will ¢ up for hearing, on Jpnuary 2% Kober- nick is 8t present on; paroté having served Dne year for perjury as a result of a liquor case heard in Oshawa some time ago. é MILDER WITH BNOW . The Weatherman promides some relief from the low tempetunse! tomorrow, suggesting some snow and a change to southerly winds, Pressure is high 'in the western provinces and low in the maritime provinces. The lowest point the niercury reached during the dark- ened hours of this morning was 2 below zero, It will be decidedly cold during the first part.of to- night. CURLING IN FULL SWING: "Curling will be copductesl on all eight rinks of the Oshawa: Cugling ' | Rink tonight, the damage done by vandals last week having been re- paired. Besides repairing the ice surface, which was badly cut up by the water, the ice had to be re- painted with the marks necessary for curling matches. MINIMUM TERN FOR SHARRARD IN FRAUD CHARGE Three Months Definite and. 2 Years, Indeter- "Ernest Sharrard, aged 26, was ed to a :three-months' def- frie and two: years less one day, 97 rminate Lp: ; R. formatory this. biorning in city pol- X * ate Hind. Sharrard wi vieted for fraud, having converted $78.75 from his employers, the Waterous-Meek Company, 4 Oshawa, to his own use. "8 - . Semtemce J. A. McGibbon Snterest the hope that everything did dn the interests of the con- youth: m in Guelph re- |oewmoved one of TORONTO STOCKS (Supplied by Stobie, Forlong & Co.) Abitibi 46 46 46 Beil Tel, 170 169 170 Br, A, Oil 63% 63 63 Carl, ,, 31 30% 31 Cn, In. Al, 41% 41% 41% Cn, Malt, 30% 30 30 Cty, Dry. 1717 77 1 Imp, Tob, 11% 11% 11% Imp, Oil B7% 656 b6 Int, Pet, 57% 56 66 It. XN]. new 54% 62% 545 Ms, Hr, 91% 90 91%, Me, Frt. 32 31% 32 Md. Nkl. 53% b1% 63% Nor, Bak, 39 38 39 8. Station 68 68 68 Sh. Wht, 97 917 91 Hr. Wal. 81% 81% 81% Kelvin, 1} 11 11 Mines 325 363 36 326 370 36 29 61 43% 70 59 995 113 895 2015 30 16% 40 21% ) Amulet 335 Abana ., 376 Br, Holl. 36 Bath, 29 Bedford Bidgood Va. Mn, Cs, Cop. Dome a owey Holl, ,, 895 Hd, Bay 2030 Jk, Mn: 80 Kd. Lake 170 Keeicy 40 Kt, Fir. 29 Lv. Que. y Manay ..128 Mcin, ,.2300 Malar. , 100 Mn. Cor, 475 Wipis. ,, 350 Noran., 6350 Pion. 34 Bid Pd. Ore. 1125 Prem. . 225 Bp. An, ,.21 Sd. Bas. 875 Sh. Gor. 700 126 2500 99 466 350 6250 6325 11256 "a 21 850 6990 1125 229 21 850 700 NEW YORK STOCKS , L {Fire and City Property chairman of : General Purpose com- | committee, High Low 116% 114% 199% 197 Stock Amer. Can. Bichison se Balt & Ohio 121 Briggs Mfg. 58% Can. Pac. ,.239 Can. Dry ., 80% Chrysler ...123% Congoleum 29% Cur. Aero 163% Erie 605 80% 50% 80% 87% 813% . 12% 55% 23% Mt. Ward .142% Mar. Oil .. 43% Mck. Trek. 135% Phil. Pet. 426 Pan. Am. B 48% Packaip ..144% Radio Srs. Rbck. 174% Sin. Oil ... 41% St. Oll NJ. 52% Studebaker 896; Simmons ... 984 U.S. Rubber 55 U.S. Steet .168% U.S. Leather 353% Wiys. Ovid. 32% Woolworth 211 Wr. Aero .294 Vie. Talk. 149% Yellow Cab '40 Money 7 per cent. Recent Deaths 5 IRA TRULL ; The recent death of Ira Trull has u on town- ship's most respected citizens. Born 2 pm. 1% 199 120% 68% 23» 80% 1225; 291% 163% 69% 69% 80 50 "1 87 80 1% 54% 23% 14285 43 106 42% 1% 144 360 174% 41% 52 89% 98 168 35% 32% 210 292 149% 39 > |in 1858, of United Empire Loyalist stock, the son of the late Jesse Trull and Christiana Cameron, the deceas- ed spent his whole life on the farm. He was known as a quiet, 'unasspm- ing man who was well informed. in public affairs and interested "in all will | movements for the welfare of (Cable Sexwice to The Times by Canadian Press) Stockholm, Sweden,, Jan. 14.-- farming community. The late * Mr. Trull had been in poor health for some time and was retired from ac- tive work. He was a faithful member of Ebenezer United church, and pos- sessed a fine Christian character. He is mourned by. a large circle of re- latives and friends. Besides his wi- dow, Sarah Trull, those surviving in- clude three brothers, Louis Trull. of Daclington, John C. Trull, Toronte, Cameron Toull, of Oshawa, and one sister, Mrs. Edwin Dehart, of Kel-[to. Mr. The engagement of Princess Martha, of Swedent, to Crown Prince Olaf of Norway was offic- jally announced today. owna, British ground, 54% of Columbia. Interment [about six was made at the Trull family burying | Hickey L | Parewe Council at Inaugural Alderman Macdonald Chairman of Finance, Preston, Board of Works by - Committee Headed by Alderman Morris and Alderman 8. H. Jackson is Chairman of General Purpose Committee, -- Ex-Mayor Preston Wel comes New Council-- Mayor Mitchell to De- liver Inaugural Address Tonight, Standing. committees were struck by the 1929 city council in its in- augural meeting this morning. Ex- mayor R, D, Preston is chairman of the Board of Works committee, Al- derman P, A, MacDonald, last year mittee, becomes chairman of finance; Alderman George T, Morris retains his position as chairman of the Fire Protection and City Property com- mittee, and S, H. Jackson becomes chairman of the General Purpose' Committee, Both the 1928 and the 1929 coun- cils were called to meet, to receive the . declaration of election and to formally inaugurate the new council, New Era Downs The 1928 council received the re-| sults of ' the clections from F. E. Hare, city clerk and returning offi- cer, All of the new members hav- ing already taken the declaration of office, they took their seats. Ex-mayor R..D, Preston then wel- comed Mayor T, B., Mitchell, and the incoming aldermen to their chairs, Canon C, R. dePencier opened the first session of the 1929 council with praper, : Striking Committee As the first matter . of 'business, | Aldermen P, A. Macdonald, R. D. Preston, S. Jackson, G. T. Morris, and E, Jackson were appointed a striking committee to strike the standing committees for 1929, on mo- tion of Aldermen Morris and Mac- donald, Committee Namod The committee. after 20 minutes discussion reported as follows: Finance committee, alderman P. A. MacDonald, chairman, and aldérinan! George Hart, W. Boddy, F. J. fey, : D. ov G, Morris, C, A: Mason and R. McDonal | Id, Board of Works committee, alder- man R. DI: Preston, chairman and aldermen E. Jackson, S. Carnell, A. S. McLeese, S. H. Jackson, C. Har- man, and 'L. Disney. ] Fire Protection and City Property Aldermen rris, chairman, and aldermen W. Boddy, C. Harmon, E. Jackson, C. A. Ma- son, DD. Douglas and S. G. Carncil. General Parpose committee, alder- man S. Jackson, chairman and . S. Meleese. P. A. Mac- donald, G. Hart, R. McDonald, Disney wd |} F. J. Perry. Alderman Dan Douglas moved an amendment to the list of committees as reported by the striking commit- 38 4 he sist of i ittees as re- 'striking committee, that Alderman S. H. Jackson be ap- pointed chairman of the Board of Works committee and Alderman R. D. Preston be mamed chairman of the General Pury committee. It would be 2 Li i ho he said, to honor members of the council who had given years of service to the city yet were seemingly only slightly recognized. Alderman Preston was stepping down from the mayor's chair, and it would be as well for him to really step down instcad of assuming the chairmanship of one of the most important committees of the council. . Lost Alderman Preston asked leave to refrain from woting. His name had been chosen for the chairmanship of the Board of Works - at the caucus Sa y before he arrived at the e , he said, and he had left the to the itt: and the council. On the vote being taken, only three aldermen, E. Jackson, C. A. Mason and D. Doulas :suoported the amendment, and: the original list committees ca:#ied. 'The council adjourned until 8 o'clock when Mayor Mitchell will deliver his in- augural address. k BR eiFE HINT i 331 1 eel 8 » ; i » & Greer, SETTLEMENT OF LEGAL ACTIONS NOW ANNOUNCED Messrs. Parkhill, Greer and Humphreys Reach Agree- ment--Suit Withdrawn A settlement has been reached in the cases of Parkhill vs, Greer and Parkhill vs Humphreys, in. which A, J. Parkhill of this city had entered action in the Supreme Court of On- tario, it was announced this morning, Mr, Greer In the settlement' between Mr. Parkhill and A, W, S. Greer, it is agreed that the defendant Greer pay to.the plaintiff a total of $550 and in- terest including $50 for costs, and turn over to the plaintiff all moneys from loans negotiated by the defen- dant while in the office of Parkhill The defendant has signed a retraction withdrawing statements made by him in his affidavit in this case, which, it is said by the plain- tiff, charged : him' with forgery and misconduct, It is' agreed that. the partnership formerly existing be- tween Parkhill & Greer is at an end, that the defendant Greer is to be allowed to practice law in' Oshawa, and that the interim injunction gran- ted Mr, Parkhill, restraining the de- fendant Greer from the practice af law. within. ten miles - of. the city, is dissolved. . Mr. Humphreys The settlement between the plain- tiff Parkhill and the defendant R. D. Humphreys, also provides that the partnership formerly exiting. be- tween the parti¢s'is at an ond, that the defendant is allowed to' practice law within the city, and that the in- terim injuction restraining him from the practice of his profession is dissolved. The defendant also agrees to pay a total of $300 with interest to the plaintiff, including $50" for costs. In both actions, the plaintiff un- dertakes to file notice of. discontinu- ance of the suits. Bases of Action Mr. Parkhill The action taken' 24 against Greer & umphreys was based upon agreements entered into by the parties when the firm of Parkhill & Greer, with which Hum- phreys was also connected, dissolved a few months ago. One of the terms of the agreement fis said to have been that neither Greer mor Her phreys should commence the practice of law within ten miles of the city, within six months after the date of the agreement. Greer & Humphreys recently formed a partnership and commenced business here, followi zg which the action was taken. = Mr. L. {Parkhill re-organized his firm under the name of Parkhill & Field, ' Chicago, New York and other large cities report that there was more carousing ms 1929 came in than ever before. It's always hard to get the infant year off the bot- tle.-- Border Cities Star. Card of Thanks Mr. E. Clancy and family wish to thank their many friends and relatives for their kindness and sympathy shown during their re- cent sad bereavement. (11a) Died MEARING--At Lot 4, Concession 5, East Whitby, on January 13, 1929, Rev. Charles Mearirz, beloved husband of the lae Lydia Jane Mearing, in his 85th year. : Ld Private funeral service will be held at the above address, Monday, 2.30 p.m. Intenment at Norwood on Tuesday on arrival of C.P.E. train about 1 p.m. (112) * of England Hall at 8 o'clock. ? (1a) THE INSTALLATION OF OFF} : cers of LO.F. No. 294, Tuesday evening, January 15, K.P. Hail. All 'are requested to be_ present. : . A112) AME NEVADA, PALMIST, sion aduits 25 cents, children, afternoons, 10 cents, evenings, 15 cents. Seasom tickets adults #2: Children, $1.59. (11-13-15, THE CENTRAL COUNCIL OV and Associatio. on Tuesday evening, January 15, in Centre St: School at 8 o'clock. i Rev. E. Harsfon will be the arranged for. Ewerybody is iuo- 'wited. Stiver collection.' 3