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Oshawa Daily Times, 19 Jan 1929, p. 12

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PAGE ( WELVE THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, JANUARY 19, 1929 [EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS YWENTY-ONE FREIGHT CARS OFF THE TRACK Campbellford, Jan, 19.--~Twen- ty-one freight cars went off the track at Madoc Junction and caused the Canadian National Railways mail train due here at 6,38 o'clock to detour by way of Port Hope, A wrecking crew from Peterboro' cleared the track, Nobody was re- ported as injured. GREAT SWARM OF LOOUSTS THREATENING THE HOLY LAND Jerusalem, Jan, 19, -- Locusts are again threatening the Holy Land. A big swarm, observed near Akab, on the Red Sea. moved in the direction of Petra, ahout 70 miles northeast. Another swarm has arrived on the east coast of the Dead Sea, the swarms were driven by a west wind. DR. TWELLS' HEARING SET BY POLICE FOR FEBRUARY Belleville, Jan. 19, -- The pre- iminary hearing of Dr, Charles W. Twells will be held two weeks from yesterday, according to informa- tion received from Inspector Loug- heed here yesterday. Twells is charged with the murder of his two children, Kenneth and Oolin Twells, and the shooting with in- tent to do bodily harm, of Arthur Corfield, his brother-i-law, ONLY GIRL CONTESTANT WINS ORATORICAL CONTEST Belleville, Jan, 19,--An oratori- cal contest under the ouspices of the Ontario School Trustees and Ratepayers Association was held yesterday afternoon in the Belle- ville Collegiate Institute, W, N. Morris, Toronto, Provincial Secre- tary of the Association, was Chair- man, and the judges were Mrs. (Rev, Dr.) E. N, Baker, Rev, A. Ii, McCutcheon and J. O, Herity, Miss Margaret O'Connor, Marmora, was awarded first prize, her address being "Our Forest Industry," and will represent this district at the Provincial contest to be held in To- ronto at Easter. Miss O'Connor was the only girl contestant and was a recent winner in the War- PHONE 22 For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe St. 8~We Deliver Good News! General Motors Wood Is Available for Immediate Delivery TRUCK LOADS WAGON LOADS This Wood is the Best Fuel Value Obtainsble Dixon Coal Co. Phone 262 Four Direct Lines to Central, den's Rollins oratorical contest being presented with a gold medal She is only 15 years of age. . STAGE MAKES TRIP ACROSS ICE BRIDGE / Kingston, Jan, 19,--The ice bridge connecting Wolfe Island with the mainland has been weak- ened to a certain extent during the past two days, owing to the mildness of the weather, On Friday morning the stage made its regu- lar trip-across without mishap, carrying freight and passengers, but some of the passengers re- ported that the ice was very weak in some places, especially where it was made up mostly of snow, The clear blue ice, which freezes much harder was a great deal stronger, and crossing over it was compara- tively safe, WILLIAMS KEEPS REMARKABLY WELL Kingston, Jan, 19, --Apparently the two greatest concerns which Wilbert R, Williams, convicted of the murder of his wife and granted a new trial, entertains, are the questions of the amount of sleep he can get and the amount of food he can consume, In the county jail Williams looked little different than he did the day he faced trial at the Court House and was sen- tenced to be hanged, His weight has been kept up, and he has slept more than the average number of hours nightly, In fact all he seems to worry about is his sleep and his meals. Williams, who will face an insanity charge on February 11th, has lisplayed no interest in the coming event. : PORT HOPE THREATENED WITH GREATEST FLOOD Port Hope, Ont,, Janl, 19,--The threat of the greatest flood in the history of the town hung over the heads of Port Hope citizen as they went to bed last night. A mile north of the town, the Ganerasko River was reported at 11,30 o'clock to be pouring over Corbett's pond dam in a volume that had risen, residents said, to a point 15 feet above the overflow line, Water was said to be swirl- ing around the dam's sides in foaming frenzy, Halfway between Corbet?'s dam and the town stands another dam, that of the Nicholson File Com- pany's plant, The stop logs in this dam were removed early today to lessen the pressure on the dam walls, Already the rising torrent has flooded the basements of six stores, a sawmill and the Ontario Hotel in the central part of the town.If the Corbett's dam goes, many thous- sands of dollars' damage will be "Let us compare notes Just \supposin" you 'have the best home laundry equipment you can buy, and a perfect dream of a woman to do the work for you. We have better equipment than yours, and scientific laboratory supervision regulating the softness of water, purity of soap, etc., and can do better work than your best at a lower cost to you. "Family wash" is a solved problem with us and we can positively guarantee splendid work. Ask about our five differ ent kinds of service-s-and phone today. 788 Phone caused, it is expected, A large section of the countryside and part of the town will be inundated, it is said. At the present time, the outdoor studio of the Ontario College of Art and a farmhouse, both of which are near Corbett's dam, are endan- gered, G. A, FARINI SUCCUMBS TO ATTACK OF FLU Port Hope, Jan, 19.--A well known figure in Port Hope in the person of Mr, G, A, Farini, Dorset street, passed away at jhe Port Hope Hospital after a very brief illness 'and everyone was surprised to learn that he had succumbed to an aftack of flu, for despite the fact that he was in his ninety-first year he was as active as a man of thirty, He was born in Lockport, N.Y, on the 10th of June, 1838, and came to Bowmanville when quite a young lad, His parents were the late Thomas W, Hunt and Han- nah Soper, He was brought up in this district and when a man be- came a great tight rope walker, having at one time crossed the Niagara Gorge on a tight rope, In this capacity he travelled practic- ally to, every country in the world and learning many languages, His name was changed by act of par- liament from Hunt to Farini, the latter being more suitable for his business, Besides o, great traveller, Mr, Farini was an author of some note and an artist, Had we time 1and space his life would make a most interesting account but we can only touch on some of the saliant points about which we know from personal contact with this most remarkable man, He vetained his interest in every thing, painting, reading and walk- ig each day. His vast travel experi- ece made him ready to talk on al- most any subject, most any Bubject, Besides his wid- ow, Anna Muller, of Saxony, Ger- many, he is survived hy a son, Wm, Farini of Ormskirk, Lanca- shire, England, two sisters( Mary), Mrs. J. W. Hartford and Mrs, S.C. Farini, New York City, three brothers, John on Brown St., Port Hope, Myndert, Detroit and Reg, W. (Mannie,) INSIST ON BLACK COVER FOR BIBLE Various Nations Have Dif. ferent Preferences in Color Styles London, Jan, 19.--The English- man's Bible must be black--no green or purple Bibles for him, On the other hand gay covered Bibles go like hot cakes in the tropics. These facts were disclosed by a visit to the British and Foreign Bible Society's headquarters where a great variety of Bibles are now on exhibit. "The Englishman's choice of black for the cover of his Bible appears to be based on the fact that in the first place, black, as a color stands up to hard usage bet- ter than lighter colored covers, 2nd in the second that in the past beople considered that black sym- bolized sacredness, and that tradi- tion still holds true," declared pub- lishing superintenent @. Gowan in an interview, "In the tropics, however, people seem to be actu- ated by a 'Brighter Bibles Move- ment." For instance, we never send black Bibles to South America, On account of these different tastes we have to carry in stock Bibles bound in a great variety of colors." CHILDREN KILLED, INDIANA TORNADO Others Injured When School Collapsed -- Houses Destroyed ' Evansville, Ind., Jan. 19, -- A tornado swirling up the Ohio River | Valley and thence up the Wabash, yesterday brought death to six persons and injuries to more than a score of others, mostly children. The twister first struck 20 miles south of Cape Giraudeau, Mo,, where two children were killed. Then it pounced upon the village $1,300,000 COST OF FIGHTING FIRES IN ONTARIO FORESTS Toronto, Jan, 19.-- Detection and suppression of forest fires in the Province during the season of 1928 cost the Government approxi- mately $1,300,000, Intimation to this effect was furnished yester- day by Hon, William Finlayson, Minister of Lands and Forests, during the course of a Cabinet hearing of an Ontario Municipal Council delegation. Territory destroyed by fire ap- proximated 100,000 acres, most of which was in the far northwest corner of the District of Patricia, out of reach of both ground and aerial fire-fighting forces. The' service's record is gener- ally viewed as a most remarkable one, in view of the fact that it had to face probably the most serious spring fire hazard in its history, A FATAL RUSTLE (Sault Daily Star) A recent talking movie had 'to be redone because the rustling of a newspaper in the studio made an unnecessasry noise in the picture, BUY... JEDDO COAL SOLVAY COKE CANNEL COAL POCAHONTAS COAL The Four Leaders FROM DIXON COAL CoO. Telephone 262 4 Direct Lines to Central. AVOID NECESSITY WORKING SUNDAYS Lord's Day Alliance Would Curtail Milk Delivery, Fruit Sale Toronto, Jan, 19.--A meeting of those handling milk products m Ontario, will be held on February 14, for the purpose of devising a solution of the Sunday work prob- ler, This was announced at the fortieth annual meeting of the un- tario Lord's Day Alliance, yester- day afternoon, and the result was of representations made to Hon, John 8. Martin, Minister of Agri- culture, and G, H, Barr, Inspecior of Dairy Products, that the chegse and pulverized milks industries, in Eastern Ontario, were not ohserv- ing as the Alliance would like, the sanctity of the Sahbath, Selling Fruits Trucking on the highways and the sale of fruits and vegetables from stands on the highways, re- ports from Rev. F. A, Lawson and Rev. R. 8, Stevenson, field secre- taries for eastern and western On- tario, stated was one of the grow- ing desecrations of the Sabbath, Lo- cal branches of the Alliance wure being formed at strategic points with the idea of helping to bring a peaceful Sunday to highway points that now saw in it a day of pleas- ureand gain, Blame Motorists Sunday golfing, motoring, games and visiting were mentioned by the field secretaries as being on the increase, In border cities uuu towns the growing disregard for the Sabbath was attributed, large- ly, to the careless attitude of tour- ists who visited Ontario, by motor, and encouraged commercialism by patronizing the gasoiine stations, refreshment booths and moveny shops, The Alllance was aiming to ef- fect the non-commercialization of the Lord's Day, the report added, and to give every toiler one day of rest. 'We do not," the secre- taries stated, "presume to tell any- one how the day should be spent, unless that person interferes with the rights of others to the day of rest." The receipts for the year amount- ed to $29,485. Officers elecred were as follows: president, Rt. Rev. J. F. Sweeny; vice-presidents COAL Cleaner The Famous Reading Anthracite More Heat Per Dollar More Heat This Coal is Sold On QUALITY not PRICE Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded Less Ash Hamilton By -Product Coke The Faultless Fuel > Woo 110 King St. W. Good Dry Body Hardwood also Hard and Soft Wood Slabs TERMS CASH McLaughlin Coal and Supplies Limited. Phone 1246 Rev. Drummond, Hamilton; Rev, A. MacGillivray, Guelph; Chancellor Whidden, Rev. T. Albert Moore, Rev. T. G. Wallace, London; J. Senator Red W. H., Young; Rev. D, R.|Knox, Ottawa; recording secretary, J. |Rev, F. A, Lawson. NO CHANCE explains } would happen if Britain and Japan attacked the United States, There is as much chance of that as of what ; Missourl attacking New York, ' For satisfactory to Churchley, . We and silver bought or 23 Prince St. Optical Parlors C. CHURCHLEY 1he Credit Jeweller When We Test Eyes--It Is Done Properly JURY & LOVELL your watch and clock work rices reasonable. Old Phone 28 or 29 and Help Build Up 12 Simcoe Street South Our SHOPPING DISTRICT Every Dollar Spent Out of Oshawa Helps to Create Opposition to Your City Sow D. eller "You Get Married--We Feather the Nest" Radios--~and the Wonder honic Also Exclusive Dealer for the Victor Record in Oshawa J. BROWN Street West King Phone 701 Phone 189 Dry Cleaning if you want your clothes cleaned so th2y will look like mew, phone-- PARKER'S Simcoe St. 8. = Phone 788--789 Your Laundry Done Properly Just Phone 2520 and a driver will call. OSHAWA LAUNDRY And Dry Cleaning Co. Mill Street Oshawa of Maunie, Ill.,, nea rthe Southern Illinois-Indiana line. In the collapse of a school buiding there at least two children were killed and about 25 other pupils were injured. Then the tornado turned north ad struck Fort Branch, Ind., killing a woman and injuring two other persons. Some reports from Maunie indi- cated that a third child had been killed in the school collapse, The tornado cut a marrow path through. the town, demolishing half a dozen houses as well as the school build- ing. Reports are that a smaller / school house, eight miles morth of HE SAID, ARRNING AT : Carmi, 111, had been razed by the OURYARD, ( i "I'VE FOUND 11." COAL, CLEAN S3EHOLD/ YOU SEE AND SHERLOCK A CLEVER SLEUTH, HOLMES wAS SOUR COAL GIVES HEATING SATISFACTION. WHY EXPERIMENT W.J. TRICK Jad. 25 ALBERT ST." PHONES 230 ~157 oney Spent In Oshawa Helps Oshawa SSS SSSEESSSSESSISASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESS ed L 5 2 I J 8 5 3% J 8 8833 ARA1N_

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