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Oshawa Daily Times, 19 Jan 1929, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA DAILY I'IMES, SATURDAY, JANUARY 19, 1929 PAGE SEVEN " Easy-to-Find" RADIO PROGRAM Tonight's Best leatures 72.30 NBC (WEAF)-Romance Isle, v1 = (WEAF)--National orchestra, WIZ (3%45)--New York. luncheon Music to. WRC, ih S 6) efRerson City, Markets; Musi 110 kif eek antes "City. Dinaer bell icago. Radio P 88 Wat A icase. X Computer 5" op. KSTP St, Paul, Light Opera High. lights. WHAD Milwaukee. Basketball--=Mar- te vs. Creighto: 0,00 NBC Stfike Orches, (WEAF i 1% Nee (WIZ)- Play "Still Waters Run WiVA Richmond, Old Time Fiddlers. 10.30 Far North Program, 11,00 KYW Chicago. Regular Daytime i'rograms Daily Except Sunday, unless otherwise 6.30 WLW (428)--Cincinnati, Top O' The ag kuxerets BL dystems es os Wear K WGR, WCAE, WGY, WRG, BER Newari, lion Milk Men, 9.00 KFNF (337)~Bhenandoah. Music; ? Mot oI Wotan, 30 WM Wowd (256)=Ft, 8.00 WOI (535) --Ames, NG System: Morning WEAF, WRC, RSTP (25)-St, ting Up. we I. (309) =Chicago. | WILW (428)=Cinci, Se'ting Josionnt (ex, Bat.) Wi i dO) Detielty WHIM (389)~C w Hu (300) = De: hg Necrds, pro- lower to 'hicago, Betting Up. Wayne, Exercises. Markets: Music, Devotion to Musicale; Set. Early Up; Paul. Risers De. Homer skins hou Women's Hour, Ww (128)=Cinet, hime; 8.15 A (508)=Umaha, * Correct 9.30 ww) Cic6)= Detroit, Tonight's Dinner; 9.45 RhKA (306)=Pitts, Markets 9.50 WEAL ja! $5) =Columbus, Mus (347 1 Shenandoah, Varied pro, Educationss 10.00 RE W Kiric (316)~ Kansas (lity, Ww '¢Co (370)=Mpls- St. U. Program, BC System, Dr. Wiz, WLW, Wiz, WHAM, ¥ RG, WIR, KYW, KWH, ex. kn, and Sat.), on (535)=Ames. Hog Flash; Columbia Paul. Hamline Copeland Hour to KDKA, WREN Wea: wos (176)=leflerson City, Markets; Bulletins, psu (309)-- =low3 ews; Featur: 10.30 Wol (535) Ames, la. her, Markets; Wea: City. Markets; 17=Worcester, Women's A Pregram; 'l'alks ve 0 (370)= i 0 St. orig (416)=Chicago, ment WAIN, (223)=-Akron. Musical program wig (447.5) =Chica, Overture hr WOR (543)= Buffalo, Fh economics: markets WOS (476)=Teflerson City. Tsulleting. VSB (405)=Atlanta. Weather; cts, WiMJ fii System: Household Institute to VEAK, WEEL WIAR, WIA(G, ween: WLIT, WR, WGLY, WGR, WCA M, ww, KYW KSb! ' " (517) =" oronto, Studio program (335)=Ames. Markets; Weather. WOW (508)=Omahz Market opening. CNRM (411)~Montreal. Music period (Tues,- I'hurs.) WCAE (242)~ Pitts. Wek (545)= Buffalo. Weather: Paul. Stock re. Home manage Markets; Mark- (487)=Milwaukee, News; or- Music Shoppe. Mark. Wi N (416)=Chicago, Morning musi» Was (232)=Pitts, St. Church, WHE (216)=Clevetand, Noon musie. Wik (400)=Detroit. Songs; Farm forum, WELW (428)~Cinci, Music: Markets. WMAQ (447.5)~Chicago. Home econo. nics. og (476)=eflerson City. Markets. WRC (315.6)=Wash. Farm Flash wr. TAG (G17)=Worcester, Organ; WWJ {320= Detroit, Weather; Lunch. eon Prog WhvA'( 0) - ~Richmong. Aunt Sammy ed, WTM (489) Milwaukee. Housewives Program. WCCO (370)=Mpls-St. Paul. Stock re- Exe fs, DoNew York. Markets; Luncheon Musi w TA M (280) Cleveland. Vip (492)=Phila, Luncheon music. WRVA (270)~Richmond. Sunshine Hour (Mon., Wed., Fri.) 2245 WIR (400) = Detroit. Musical Matinee. WIS (343)=Chicago. Dinnerbell pro- gram. LU KTHS (¥75)~-Hot Springs. Nooo ftea- tures (ex. Wed.) WCF1. (3)~Chicago. Urgan. WBBM (389)=Chicago. Farm pro- WET (535)=Philadelphis Luncheon Mu- sic; Markets (ex. Sat.) WEMC Co) Berns Springs. Noon TORIZ. NBC System: Farm to KYW, WDAF, WOW, WSB, KDKA (ex. dd MAQ (447.5) Chicago. alks. Patrick's Dinger mu- and Home Hour WSM, WLW, Sat.) Melodies : Lis wol (515)=Ames, Markets; Farm a : 3 €NRA (476)=Moncton, Music; Marke Woy ¢ Yo)=Schenesiady. Television Hal hur Ra Luncheon music La wa we DAL (492)=Kansas City, Country. Wh A 416)--Chica bi » oni ato. Arghigy gut pro. VMAQ (47.5)~Chicago. Musical" Pil. 5.10 Hee (Myla. St. Paul, Presby. terian Serv. 5.15 WPG 2) Ritantc Si 5.30 Columbia Network i vo vices to W WFBL, WM K, WADC, WMAQ, MBC, WG KOIL, WOWO, WMAL, WLBW, NBC Sratens, Re Voices to WEAF, WGY, WRC, WCAE, Ksh. wow, 14 Vo, Roa. Fox Fur Trap. KBE system: Dr. Fosdick Harry E, to WIZ, will WLW KWK, WBZ, WIR od WREN, WH, wa (256)--Phila, Jubilee Singers. Services. erial, Sers TAN WRRC, KMOX, "Wek, Bin Sing, Mus icale, Orchestra, | Kbity a= Fhia. Golden Dragon Marke WLW (428)~Cinel, (ex. Sat. 2.00 Koa d61)==Penver, Weather; ets; Org LRNC hin Toronto, Musical we oF ig 00 ~Chicago. WGBY (254)~New ¥ WwGY (a5 Sehenestady. fog am 3 WIR (400 Doh. Recreation hour, wos {ue ~Jefierson City, Grain Mar. Yetas, Bu ulletins, I (487) = Milwaukee, Musical pro. Hii | )=Nashville, Luncheon Con: 2.30 Weed (S70) Mpls: St, Paul, Weath: er' Markets (ex. Sat. WOR uap--Newstt, Music; lalks. yean 209) =Columbus, Majestic Hou WO! (535) ~Ames, Cloging Quotations 2.45 WOW_ (508)=Omaha, Markets Receipts (ex, Sat, 3.00 CNRO (434.5) =Ottawa, Marke Wit @in=thil, Concert (ex, Sat.) wos {076 Teflerson City, Closing Market wip (42)~Phila. Musicale, 330 WEAV (454,3)=New York, Studio pro- Tam, firs (345) =Chicago, Homemakers Hour (ex. Thurs, Sat. WEMC (508)~DBerrien Springs, After. noon program (2 hrs.) WON (416)=Chicago, ih Club, WGR {543)- Rufia o, Stocks, 7.5 RY Artist recital imors, Salon music. pro. Television, Music itts, Markets, Wan (38)=C icago, Orchestra con: we Chr, (309)~Chicago. Matinee dance WCX (400)=Detroit, News Bulletins, WhAL (492)=~Kansas City, Musical Mat wei 6 (30)=Msls: St, Paul. Stock re: Wolk i=" eferson City, PING ire Ti94.5)= New York, Studio pro- Wir (487)--Milwaukes, Duddies Ir, WWJ (326)=Detroit, Gypsy Barons, Theatrica) Sunday Programs SUNDAY MORNING PROGRAMS 9.00 Wiz (394.5)--New York, Children's Hr, 9.30 WCAE (242)--Pitts, Lutheran Services bidliad (526)=~Chicago, Swedish Servi- Ww (428)--Cinci, Sunday School, (487)--Milwaukee, Services LB.S.A, First ? 5.) : 10.00 W ii (216)--Cleveland, pro. STR (400)--Detroit, Wow" V( (05) Omaha, Chapel Services, 10.30 WHAM 5)--Rochester, Services, WSB (405)--Atlanta, Sunday School. WGY (379.5)--Schenectady, M.E, Scr. vices. WWJ (326)--=Detroit, 10.45 WCCO (370)--~Mpls. Services. WEEL (308)--Boston, Morning services, y LR Ll Buffalo, Services. 492)--Phila, Holy Trinity church 11.00 CFCA ~ (357)--Toronto. Services, KDKA (306)--Pitts, Services, WISN (208)--Milwaukee, English ser- Baptist Services, St, Paul, Lutheran vices, Whe (316)~Washington, Church ser. 11.20 Wit (389)--Chicago. Gospel Taberna- Wing (487)--Milwaukee, Organ, 11.30 KYW (294)--Chicago, Church eo Christ Scientist, (447.5) Chicago, 11.53 WCCO (370)--Mpls, St. Paul, Services, 11.45 y SB (405)--Atlanta, Presbyterian ser. 12.00 KFAD (389) Lincoln. Bepvices, WCFI, (309)--Chicago., Rev, Copeland Smith. 12.30 NBC System: Sylvestre 17 ur to WEAF WGES (220)--Chicagy. ur Lady of Sorrows Church, WIR' (400)--Detioit. !'uestion Box, wiz (394.5)--~New York. String quar- 1.00 w EEL (508) ~DBoston, Radio Chat. sN (416)--Chicago. Uncle Quin. ¥ HK (216)--Cleveland, Orchestra, WIZ (394.5)-New York. Musicale. 1.15 KMA (322)--Shenandoah. Musical pro- gram, WLS (345)--Chicago. Concert Program, 1.30 WCAU (256)--Phila, Radio Service. Nac. System: Announced to WEAF, Peoples WLS Singers; 1.45 WMAQ (447.5)--Chicago. Organ, 2.00 KSTP (205)--5¢t. Paul. Music Album, WEPL (308)--Boston, Sager Hour to N XBe a Biblical to w EAF, WTIC, WCAE, W KSD, WOW, KVOO, WFAA, WHAS, WGN ' (416)--Chicago. Vocal; WGN or- chestra. Drama Wi, Before you ro isting No matter how much you for your radio, ped the tubes see in on WHAM (238.5) --Rochester. Melody lane iid WRER, WEEC. WMAQ (447.5)--Chicago. Artist Reci- WTAM (280)--Cleveland, Concert. NBC Systems; Vocal to WEAF, WTIC, WFAA, WHAS, wiv on Pais, Vite Students. WLS (345)--Chicago. Sunday School. 3.0 REFE% (2949)--Chicage. Matinee pro- Kee (205)--St. Paul Musical dcliose, NBC System: s. 2 WEAF, WJAR, GR, Whe WFBL. eds (400)--Detroit. Shrine of the Lit- Flower. Nac System: 'eoples Confer- "Wiz, Wii, KWk WAL, " KSTP, WIMJ, WR i Re Phitharmonic 3.3 son (3%)--Detroit. Detroit Sym- 00 RBC System: Dg Parkes Cadman to WEAF, WEEL, WTC, WJAR, WTA, WoSH, WILIT, WGR, WCAE, KAOO, WHAS, Th , WSE, KOA, WGY, WFAA, WBT, WOW. KSTP (205)--5t. Symphony er- chestra. NBC System: The Continentals WIZ, WBAL, KWK, WH Columbia Network: (Cathedral Hour to WA WNAC, WEAN, WFBL, WIAS, WADC, WMAQ, WKRC, WGHP, WMAL, WICAO, WOWO, IMOX, WSPD, WHK, WLBW. G (416)--Chicago. Goldkettes chestra. WoL (309)--Chicage. Musical (428)~Cinci. Paul. to WM hE, WCAU, or- Pot- Ww Tw Organ; Instrumen- tal Trio. WRC (3154 Cathedr; WTMJ (487)--Milwaukee. Conoert. WTAM (280)--Cieveland. Cleveland or- chestra (1 hour). 4.15 WIR (400) --Detioit. Michi- gan Theatre. 4.30 WPG (272)--Adaatic City. gram. Pacific Network: WISN (268)--Milwaukee. Chusch gram. SH KMBC (319) --kansas tet. 6)--Washington. Washington Ast Talk; Cogort pro- Peerlegs Reproducers gro. City. Male quar- WEAL, WHAM, RWE. NBC System: Stetson Fro ram to WEAF, WEEI, WCAE, W WTAM, WASTE, WIC WORK wh KV! 9.) W, WTMJ, WFI, WG WG WOAI, KOA, WFAA, WET, WHAS, Wal, WMC, WGHP (M46)-- Detroit, Serenaders. WHK (216)--Cleveland. Dinner concert ¥ R (400)-=Detroit, Dinner music, Ad (447.5)--Chicago, Vespers; con- hit rch estra, WSB (405)--Atlanta, Vesper Services. 6.15 WCFL (309)--~Chicago, Radio League. 6.30 WCAU (256)=~Phila, Devitt orchestra, NBC System: Anglo Persians to WJZ y WRZ, WBZA, L WALT, KOKA Ww, Wyk, WK, KYW, WREN, KOA, KS§ WGN' (416)--Chicago, Children's concert NY System: Acoustican Hour to WEAF, "WEE, WRC, Y, WFI, WJAR, WCAE, KSD, WTAM, WWJ, Yi JAF, WGR, WOW, WTIC, WTAG, Pacific' Network: Anglo Persians, 7.00 KYW (294)--Chicago, Musical program KOA (361)--Denver, Musical program, KDKA (306)--Pitts, Orchestra, KFNF (9)-Bhevandoah, Golden Rule Services WEBAL (283)--Baltimore, chestra, W( (241)--Pitts, Music Hour, (256)--Phila., Booth Family, S astm: Chics: Guyon scicert, > Vimy WDAF, KSh, Concert Or- TP, NDC System: Old Company's Program to WEAF, WEEI, WTIC, WLIT, RIAR, WTAG, WCSH, WRC, way, WGHDP (246)=-Detroit, Fox WHAM (258,5)--Rochester, Nak (400)--Detroit, Sermon; WHK LB.S.A, gam, s . NBC System: Musicale to WJZ, WLS (345)--Chicago. Little Brown Church, WLW (428)--Cinci, Orchestra; Services WPG (272)--Atlantic City, Concert, WSDB (405)--Atlanta, Orchestra, WMAQ (447,5)--Chicago, Concert pro- $a (280)--Cleveland. Orchestra, Pacitic Network; Bible Drama, NBC System: ilajor Bowes to WEAF, WIAR, WRC, WSM WCAE, WWJ, WHAS, 4 MC, KSD, WGY, 'WTIC, WTAM, WCFIL, (309)--Chicago, Studio program WCAU (256)--Phila, Central Pioneers. WOR (422)--Newark. Concert, WTAG (G17)~Worcester, Studio | 4547 (337)--Shenandoah, Musical pro- Rram, Columbia Network: WABC, "AU, WFRBL, WEKRC, Theatre, Travelog, Dinner (216) --Clevelamnd, pro Family pro- "The Samos to WEAN, WADC, WOWOo, WSPD, WHK, wico, WMALK. S ' (220) --Chicago. Hamilton's Or- Bs _(16~Chicago, Nighthawks; Pat ~Milwaukee, German Ser- ystem: Enna ve Melodies LZ Ww KPRC Wus0 Gila. Sunday Even- "Jul W ow (508) --Omaha, Bible Study. WOC (300)--Davenport. Hymn Sing. WTAG (517)--Worgester. Concert pro- gra 5 K RC (545) Houston, Studio program. BC 7, Size Colliers Hour to WJZ, KDKA, KOA, KYW, LW, WBAL, Wh KY, x P, KW ; pds KH & HRA Studio pro- gram, Columbia Network: La Palina Smoker WABC, WNAC, WEAN, WFBL, WMAL, WJAS, wWGHP, or ble; Ei landin WBAP (374.8)--Ft, Services. 9.00 CHRC (340.7) --Quebec. Atwater Hou Worth, Church Kent Tr. NBC System: "Our Government" WEAF, wc 3, WTAG, J WOR, WCAE, WBIT, 0. Columbia wv Eetmworks Majestic WIA, wo HP, CO, WOWO, KMOX, WSPD, WLBW, WMAL, KFH, KIR, 5 KYw (294)--Chicag: 0, Father Pernin, Kore (205) St. Paul. Old Tavern. rstem: Atwater Kent Hour to KSD, Hour to WFBL, WADC, WBBM, WCAO, WHK, Ne, WISN, 4 SD, WFL WTAM, Ww, . KVO0O, EAs Swe, WMC, Web, it. Orchestra. i. Gembox Hour. Singers to WIZ, WREN, KWK, WHAM. WPG (272)--Atlantic City, News; con- cert. WTMJ (487)~Milwaukee. Feature pro- ram. Ew (294)--Chicago. Orchestra econ- Kits (375)--Hot Springs. Music Loy- WhAL' (G89) Baltimore. Reveries. Nbe Sratem El Tango Romaatico to REN, SWE KDKA, WBZ, w FA VHA! 10.00 CNRW (384. a inmipen. Ft. Garry Byw oon) Chicas Week End Par. 9.45 polis Sy: y. 4 WIP (492 ila. Little Symphony. WIR (400)--Detroit. Happy Halli Hour; 2)--Atlantic City. --Houston. i (2 Musicale. i 19.45 KPRC (545) Studio progr. AF (492)--Kansas City. p Bossi a to YEAL. WHAS, ar NBC velo: Noo, WFI, WGY, W STAM, WE. --- TAS WSPD. WLW, WOWO, RMON, WMAO. WGES (220)--Chicago. Hyman Hak hr. WIBT (38.4)--~Chicago. Gospel Taber- nacle. WIMJ (487)--Milwaukee. Ensemble. 10.45 iid (492)--Kansas City. Amos WK (416) --Chicago. Pullman Porters. WIZ (34.52 ew York. Ongar. 11.00 KMOX (275)--5t. Louis noe Music. KNX J5-Hallywend. Concert Os- chest ABC (316)--Kansas City. ices. 3 (300)--Seattlc. Salon Orchestra also KGA, KEX. RGO (37 5)--Ozidand. M. E. Services. WBAF (3748) Ft. Worth. Seven Ace WGN (416)--Chicage. Tomorrow's Trib, on Studio ser- Goldketie's Qichestia. Special Programs for Sunday 30 NBS (WEAF)---Peerless Reproducers 0 NBC (WJZ)--Roxy Symphony NBC (WEAF)-Bible Drama 0 00 COLUMBIA--Symphonic Hour 830 NBC (WEAF)--Dictograph Hour 00 COLUMBIA--Around the Samovar 156 NBC (WJZ)--Colliers Hour 00 COLUMBIA--Majestic Theatre 15 NBC (WEAF)--Atwater Kent Hour . of . . 1 2 3 6 8 8 9 9 Courtesy Hw, 'K, Hilary BZA, WIR WHAM (238,5)--Rochester, rogram, AC System: Roxy Wit ke WAV LS, Wsh, Corb, 'WEBC, KTP, NA Ysi=Cincinnetl Songs; Prof, WRVA (8 itichmond. Wishing Wel WTAG (17)=Wercester, Capital The: atre Overtur KYw (94)~Chicago. Playlet, y WEAF (454)--New York, Piano Twins, n' Andy, WoC a)-Davenport, Ors chestra; Book Man WGN {416)--Chicago, En. semble, CNRO (434,5)--=Ottawa, Concert orch. KFNF (337)--Shenandoah, Letter Basket WAY (78--Fort Worth, Orchestra; Studio progr WCFL 0) Chicago, Ensemble; pop- ular (1 hr), NBC System: Yas (220)--Chicago, On With. the Wh ( GH I (246)=Detroit. Arcadians WGY (379,5)--Schenectady, '1 Yus (216) Cleveland, Amos yi; Day's Orchestra, Wino (526)=Chicago, The Circus (3 Hours), WIR (400)--Detroit, Amos 'a' Andy; Dance Mu PSy-Chivogoi- | Ames and WMAQ (¢ Andy also KPRC, Milwaukee. Dance music KF b L (487)-- RTP 5) -- ~St, Paul, Amos Concert, WLW 428)--Cinci. Musical program, WSB (405)--Atlanta, Brihgt Spots, WGY (379.5) --Schenectady, Television, WTAM (280)--Cleveland, "Dance music 11,30 WMA(Q) (447, 5)~Chicage, The Bible; Coneert Orches 12,00 CNRY iver, Winter's Cap itolian KNX yo i) Hollywood, i Recital, GA (204)--Spokane, Salon or Witk oe veland, Club Madrid, WGN (416)--Chicago, Dream Ship, WGN (H8)-Chicago, Goldkette's Or- Jheaire) hthawks. Er Anegles, Dance Orches. W BB (389)--Chicago, Nutty Club, Heuer's Almanack; Figestone program to WIC, WIAR, R, WGY, /G CAE, Wow, W DAF, KYW, A. KPRC, WOAI, W EBC, STP, WITM (f WHAS, WSM, whic, ws, WIT, 'WRVA, WTAM WLS (345 )--Chicago, Book; Angelus : WLW 428)--Cincinnati, Prof, Kyrock; T on MBIA Network: Music Room to FBL WMAK, WMAL, WIAS, Monday Programs Screp MONDAY'S BEST FEATURES , WEAF New York, U.S nd, NBC System (W]JZ)--Dr, Copeland Hr, 5 NBC System (WEAF)--Houschold 1ln- stitute, 5 p.m, WIR Detroit, (daily), § NBC System Home Hour, WLS Chicago, Homemakers Hour, WMA Chicago. Bridge Game, NBC System (WJZ)=U.b, band, EVENING PROGRAMS C WADC (223)--Akron, Dinner News, NBC System: WEAF, Navy WADC, WMAQ, KMBC, Musical Matinee wee (272)~ Atlantic City, Dinner con: cert, RPRC (545) Houston, NBC System: A, & ASD, (Central)=Farm and Studio, P, Uypsies to Weel, WGY, WAG, WIAM, WIAR, WWJ, , WIC, WRC, WCSH, WGA, WGR, WCAL, C. NBC System: Automatic Duo Discs to WJZ, Wis, WHBLA, WEBAL, WHAM, KOKA, WLW, KYW, KWH, WHEN, KOA, "WK WLS (43) "Chicago. Musical program. COLUMBIA Network: Le Co Couriers tv WOR, WADL, WhKL, WEPD, WFAN, WGHY, WAAQ, KMOXN, WGL, MDC, Kull, WCAU, ] Ww ¥ BL, WM AR, WEAN, WLBW, WHE, WMA su) ~Omaia, (472)-- Atlantic Marine concert; Fallon's Orchestra to NBL System; Bill and Jane to WEAP, RC Ww BEM (389)--Chicago, Concert orches, KDKA (u6)--~Pitts, Markets; News; M: em: Waldorf Astoria Music WRC, WCAE, WW), % tudio program, Markets; Din. wig City, Jr deb program, W KYA (270)=--Richmond. WSM (461)--Nashville, 5 CNRO (434.5)--Otlawa, phony orchestra, (357)--Toronto, symphony, CKUW (412) =Toronto, (3 hrs.) LOA (361)--Denver, KYW (224)--Lhisago, chestra, WBBM pers, Wis quet. W CLO (370)--Mpls.- St, t's Orchestra. A (338)--Clearwater. Recital. Milwaukee. Studio prog. hila, Firesidg hour, --Rochester. Vocal trio. Neapolitan Nights to WMC WTAG, WBZ (303)--Spriggficld, ner Music WHK (216)-- Cleveland, WHK Pioneers WIBT (389)--Chicago, Urgan; DAR, Prograna . 1 Wie (394.5)-New York, Palais D'or Orchestra. WiIAM chestra, WMAQ (447.5)~Chicago, 'I'ime. . . CKCL (340.7)--(uebec, La Soleil News KDKA (306)--Witts, Dinner music, KYW (274)--Chicugo, Uncle Bob, WBAL (283)--Baltimore, Dinner nusic WCAU (256)--Phila. Musical Furriers, WDAYF (492)--Kansas City, Air dchool WON (416)--Chicago. Air Castle, WGY (379.5)--Schenectady. Dinner mu- sic, WISN (268) Milwaukee, quartet, WLW WoC Club, [ CaGW. (312) hd (W5)--8t. Paul, KFAR (389)--Lincoln, Concert pro- gram (2 hours), KMBC (316)--Kansas City, program. : EMUX (275)- Louis. Wylie's orcliestia, KYW (29%)-Chicago. WBZ (303) -Springheld, VW BAP (55) Fort Worth, Seven Accs. WCCO (379)--Mpls.- St. Long's orchestra. WCAU (236)--Philadelphia. Orchestra, WCFL (307) Chicago, Dinher music. WDAY (42)--kansas City, Jobnston's orchestra. Nysiem: T'rio, Studw, Talk; (280) Cleveland. Statler or Philharmonic Topsy "Turvy Chain program Pirates, Man; or- Musical bovk (389)--Chicago. Buster's Pap ban- Wil (303)--Springfield. Legion Paul, Organ; string (408) -- Dynacone Diners. (428)--Cinci, Broadcasters (300)--Davenport, NBC. System WIZ, bOBA, WREN, Wk (400)--Detroit, Entertainers, WLW (428)--Cincinnati, Fillmore's big Musicale. Urgan; orches- Toronto. Water Witches, Paysical Cul- WADL, WKKC, W CAL, WHK, bMBC, WCAO, WNAL, 'BL, WMAK, WEAN, KOIL, WSPD, WMAL, WGL, WAS. WOS (476)--~])efiersun Cay Fulton band WSM (461)-- Nashville. Craig's orc WRYA (270)~Richmond, Va, story; Serenaders, Wi (272)-- Atlantic City, chestra, 0 KWKH (352)--Shreveport. Studio prog. PACIFIC Network: Motors Party, KSTEP (205) -8t, Paul. Orchestra, tenor WBAP (374.8)-Fors Worth, Maytag Ramblers, WBBM NBC Sysiem: )--Chicago. COL it MBIA Network: ture hour to WOK, WGHY, WLBW, hMOUX, Concert St, Nagabouds; Hamp's Oich Lowe's orch. Organ; Paul, Sports; Concert or- Kemp's Orchestra te Uncle Dinner concert Mins- £ 46)-Chicago, Quin; Nighihs awks. WGES (220.4)--Chicago. WIR (40)--Detroit, Lingeman (39) hicago. Concert orch. Motors Party to WEAF, WEEI, WWI, WTIC, WOW, WOAJ, WOC, WCSH, WLIT, WRC, WCAE, WTAM, WFAA, WSM, WGN, KSD, WJIAX, WDAF, WHAS, WJAR, WTAG, WGR, WMC, WsB, WBT, WIMJ. WGY, KVOO, KPRC. NBC System: Real Folks to W, 1Z, WBZ, WBZA, WHAM, KDKA, W LW, WIR, KYW, WREN, WBAL. COLUMBIA Network: Vitaphone Jubi- lee Hour to WOR, WCAU, WNAC. WEAN KOIL, . WMAK, WC. AO, WERC, WGHY, KMOX, WSPLD, 3 wLBw WMAL, KEX, KDYL, KBLA. WIBC Orchestra; Chuckle Time. WGES (220.4)--Chicago. Studio prog. WRVA (2/0)--Richmond. Richmond or- chestra. KYW (294)--Chicago. COLUMBIA Networks trels. 7 WIID (400)--Mooseheart. Petite Sym- phony, NBC System: WIZ, WBAL. WLW (428) and Gene, WMAQ (447.5)--Chicago. Dance orchestra (1 br). WOW (508)--Omaha, Riviera Theatre. WSM (461)--Nashville. Studio orch, WSB. (405)--Atlanta, Pomar's orch, WTIC (500)--Hartford. Musical prog. WWI (320) Detroit. Courtesy prog. 7.30 CNRO (434.5)--Ottawa. Uncle Dick, CNRW (380.4)--Winnipeg. Dinner music KMA (322) Shenandoah. Varied prog. WCAE Gi2)-Pissowgt. Your radio; Uncle Gimbe WDAF (492) Kansas City. Ensemble. Nc Systems James G. Mac WEA KVOO, WLIT, Wow, "WOC, WTMJ. WGY (379.5) Schenectady. Mixed quar. WGR (545)--Buffalo. Entertainers. WHK (216)<Cleveland. Health talk; History. Sea Islanders to Talk; Jack Lo, ~Cincinnati, Concert, WGL, KL y, (526)--Chicago. Trianon Donald to WFAA, Concert orch, United Light WEAN WIAS, KMOX, WMAQ, WLBW, WCAU, Can it be accident when new customers are coming to us every day, almost invariably sent in by others who have learned by actual experience what we have to offer? If you are one who is not satis- fied with the material and service you have received, we would very much like to have you too, come and see us. Increasing business and requests of customers are permitting 'us to extend the lines we handle and ex- pand our service. We feel sure we can serve and satisfy you in a very practical way. Oshawa Lumber Co. Limited 28 RITSON ROAD NORTH Telephone 2621-2620 KMBC, WCAO, KOIL, WMAL, ¥ /OWO, WBBM (389)~Chicago. Colonial prog, WGES (220.4)~Chicago. Hyman p 3 wiau | (258,5)~Roc tr Smith's ore a. wip (60) Philadelphia, El Patio dance orchest WIBO (a= Chicsso Fraternity party WISN (268)--Milwaukee, Feature; Kruegers Hand. NBC System: Blue Danube Nights to WV 4 A VE WIR, KWK, WREN, Ww KDKA, WEE Nh hic , Concert orch, WLW (428)--Cincinnati, Hamilton Club; Entertainers, yoy dP =]eRerecn City. Christian ese 434,5)--Ottawa, Request period. KE Carin Diversified BAC" (Chicano Lombardo's ERK (%09)--Calumbus, H, 8, Alumni 10,15 10,30 KO (416)~Chicago. WGES (220,4)=Chicago. Dance prog. vip bis 2)=Philadelphia, Dougherty's Orche Wino e (§28)=Chicagor arte ' WL 8 Cincinnag Sayers orch, WLS (345)--Chicago. ippodrome WPG Atlantic oe Studio prog. WSM (461)--Nashville, Courtesy prog. 3 WISN (268)--Milwaukee, Silver Slipper lub, q 389)--Lincoln, Memory hour, Lik ae Louis, Night Club. KGO (379)--Oakland, Sieger's Sym: phonists, : 294)--Chicago. News; Orchestra, hdd isms Paul. Amos 'n' Andy also WIR, KPRC, WDA NBC System: Opera to W KOA A (Slr-Denver, Concert Quarte Whe WAU (236)~--Philadelphia. Lragon orchestra, WGN Xii6)=Chie WekH | (a0) Columbus. rch Ww i Gh iindephin rches ost Ft26)--Chicago. Varied program, Te (476) Jefierson Citys Collegiate Popular program. News; Meyer Singing Bird; EAF, orchestra; " (303)--Springfield, Feature; Golden Tomorrow's Trib; Danjdists; Warren's (343) ~Chicago, C (21)="Lioston, s orchestr : fai i Slumber Music to WIZ, KYW, WLW. Ww RV A (270) ~Richmond, chestra, i WMAL Richmond or- (447.5)=Chicago, Concert orchestra; Ihe Aerials, KSTY (205)--->t, Paul, WDAF (492)=Kansas program Wik Dance orc} City, \ avied (400) =Detroit, OEE. is 0 CN 435)~--Calgary, Studio | ny ke hs o." Baritone; Con: cert and dance orc KYW (294)--Ch CAG WOR (422)---Newark, . WIM] (457) Milwaukee, bance mus WITAM (280) Cleveland, Dance orci. WNAC ( rid "Boston, Gallagher's oreh. WS (403)-- Atlant, Brown's arch (3835) ~ Winnipeg. L apital nea. (294)--Chicago. kdgewater Beach String ensemble. Witching hour, CNRW KYW orchestra, PACIFIC Es, Firestone Enck- work: Nevo Paul, (370) -Mpls.-St, Organ, Dream s orchestr WGR (545)-- "buffalo, WON (416)--Chicago. e 1IUSIC Wi TW ' 428) Cincinnati, Wi oc A Davenport: oer Wi MY (487) J=3 Club; Orchestr 30 RGU (379)--Cakland, rogram. Ra 94 (3v1)--Denver, WISN (26 =H aukee, nusic, Skips Gibson © Stanleys' Aris- Tumes's Electric "Milwaukee, General Reese (uartet. Organ; dance wL&W Dance oF- chestra (272 2.40 KMOX (275) S WDAE (#92) Frolic. . CNR) Review KIR (309)- Seatels, KEP (205) P, RYW (2 a 110; WIBO (326)--Chi WBBM (3%9)--Chicago, (468)--Los Angeles. Melodies, | (Copyright 1929 by Audio Servic Ch Gap) Wylie's oreh Nighthawk 3 (1)--\ ancouver, Musical Mejers orchestra. ul, Midright Club. nsomma Club, , lance music, Night Club, Night Cap £2) CANCELLATION OF MIGRATION PLAN ASKED BY LABOR Alberta Federation Says the Scheme Brings Too Many : Laborers Lethbridge, Alta, Jan. 19.--Calling upon the Dominion Government 10 cancel the railway immigration agreements and supporting the Do- minion Trades Congress policy of an Advisory Council to control immi- gration, the Alberta Federation of Tabor concluded its sessions here Thursday and decided to hold its next convention in Edmonton. The railway immigration scheme, it was stated brought too many laborers into Canada under the guise of farm- ers or farm hands and these, after working on the land for 2a while, drifted to the cities, where they com- with Canadian labor. Fred White, M.P.P, of Calgary, was re-elected president and Elmer Roper, of Edmonton is again secre- ing "Public ownership of the Elec- trical Utility in Alberta was urged in a resolution through electrical work- ers' delegates, who charged that the Alberta Government telephone sys- tem was less fair to organized labor than privately owned companies op- erating in the Province. She was Unable to do Her Housework Ontario Lady Suffered from a Severe Backache a am very glad to be able to recommend Dodd's Kidney Pills," says Mrs, Linton Robbins, Monk Road, Ont, "I have en two boxes and I have great faith in them, I suffered with a severe Backache and Urinary Troubles, At times I was not able to do my housework, but thanks to Dodd's Kidney Pills I am much better and able to do my own work, I cannot recommend them too highly," When you have Backache it is often a. timely warning that the Kidneys are not working as her ould, Do not delay, but make and bith body healthy by Naing Dodd's Kidney Way over a third of a century they have the favorite for treating ailin Rilhers. 50c [33 heh agro eb i Coldest Spot in the World" to Supply Helium For Dirigible liquid, carbon dioxide and mdrcury will be solids, lead and copper will take on the properties of steel, and rubber will be as brittle as lass, In comparison, such temperatures as are found at the Norih Pole wonld be unbearably hot, The cost of production of heluin in the new plant will be brought down to but a few cents a.cenbic foot, which is relatively cheap when compared with the rate of $2,000 per cubic foot for less than 100 cubic feet before the World War. Helizm has been looked upon by experts as the only safe gas with which airships can be inflated for flight, The prized helium, announced (n investizators by a hright yellow line when viewed through the spectroscope, was found in limited quantities in several smaller fields, but the greatest discovery so far i the Cliffsido structure of the Am- arillo field just west of here. DODDS KIDNEY PILLS Amarillo, Texas, Jan, 19.--The 'coldest spot in the world", created through the engineerng genius of the U.S, Bureau of Mines, will supply Uncle Sam's giant dirigibles of the future with helium, The new government plant under construction at Soncy, eight miles west of here, will recover helium from the natural gas of the Amar- illo field hy cooling it to a tem- perature of 300 degrees below zero, At this temperature all of the constituents of the natural gas, ex- cept the precious helium, are liquified, permitting it to be drawn off as a gas and compressed into tank cars for shipment, Because of the extreme low tem peratures necessary for the epera- tion of the process adopted by the Bureau of Mines for its new plant, the laboratory has heen called *'the coldest spot in the world". At the low temperatures to he maintained there, atmospheric air will be Sex Pamphlet Distributed by Y.M.C.A. Raises Rath of Jury approval of the pamphlet | ana are supporting her denial that | it /is obscene. Among them are | Havelock Elllig, inter-ational auth lority on sex, and Frederick Harris department of of the New York, Jan. 19,---A sex-in-)ed their struction pamphlet which has heen distributed quietly for ten years by Y.M.C.A.,, Y.W.C.A, and prepar- atory school officers with no osten- sible sign of protest, suddenly has aroused controversy in New York social and legal circles, The dispute over the doeument, "The Sex Ride of Life," reached its peak after a grand jury had In- dicted the author, Mrs, Mary Ware Bennett, and termed the pamphlet "obscene, lewd, lascivious, filthy, | vile and indecent ard unfit to be | set forth in this instrument (the indictment) and to he spread up- on the records of this honorable court," Mrs. Benneit was charged with sending non-mailable matter | through the United States mails. Despite the grand' jury's action, ! several hundred ministers, church leaders, social welfare workers acd physicians already have reaffirm- SCIENTISTS STUDY FOSSIL MESSAGE -- | Cerved Centuries Ago by | Chinese Mystic on ib Turtle's Back Washington, Jan. 19.--DBy using | the wings of a common house fl) | in an instrument designed to mea- | sure heat radiated by pure, wil- | lions of mies from the arth, science cmploys the Invite ents] to study the infinite, according to Dr. C. G. Abbott, secretary of the | Smithsonian institution. "During the past summer," Dr. ! Abbott toid the appropriation com- mittee, "I was at Mount Wilson, iu | LAY Calitornia, and carried on there a | All your care study of radiation of the stars, | Bu: you cam be taking the heat from a star, col-| Fou can do what lecting it with fhe great 100-inch | nu would do---what most phy. telescope, and measuring the heat |sicians would teil you to do---give in its spectrum. This work was [a drops of plain Castoria. Ne done with an instrument compos- | s0on donc than Baby is sooth- ed of the wings oi a comme ec: relief is just a matter of mo- house fiy. ments. Yet you have yout "It was so exceedingly delicate |child without w of a single that the wings of a single house {iy | doubtful diag; oria dis yep- would be sufficient to make (cable. 350 it's sale to use as often dozen of these instruments, With |as an infant has any little pany such am instrument I was able not | You cannot pat away. Aad it's al- only to observe the heat of the | Ways ready for the erueler pangs star, but the distribution of that | of colic, or constipation, or Ciar- heat in the different colors of the | Yhea; effective, too, for older chil- spectrum." | dren. Twenty-five million bottles ---- ----t | were bouzlit last year. ! ! | | {of the publication the internatioral committee Y.M.C.A. "If this is suppr od," said Mrs Bennett's attorney, *'it means that our children will have to go to the gutter for thelr sex information." 'When your Children Cry for It Las little vp cis cannot prevent them, preparcd. Then any experienced at James. A GOOD ID ONE, 100 : (Meaford M Mirror) The bravest resolution made at New Year's is by a man we know 7 Cl chad CASTORIA STEAM SHOVEL AT KITCHENER KILLS ONE, INJURES ONE (By Camadian Press) Kitchener, Jan. 19.--One un- identified man died in a hospitai here todey, ad another was ser- jously hurt when a steam shovel fell on one victim and its teeth pierced the other from pack 10 front. The latter lived for some | time after the accident. The mis- hap occurred near noon, where a new sewer maim is being laid by the city of Kitchener. $1360 "CONSCIENCE MONEY SENT CANADIAN NATIONAL Moncton, N.B., Jan. 18. ~The larg- est payment of "conscience money" 'kuowa in the history of the offices here has been received by the Comp- troller of the Canadian National Rail- ways, Atlantic Region. It was §l.- 360.28 in cash, enclosed in an envel- ope and directed to the department, who says he is going to rcad cvery word of Hansard this year. -- A na ------ a Stop That Pain . » in the Back! Gin Pills awill do it. -Get a box today. If 3 suficring from pain: or ackes in the back or painful, scanty or too frequent urination, or if your urine shows a brick dust deposit, then your Kidneys me attention -- at once. s iy positive and permanent JO id and avert more seriofis ail- $0 4 A) Siu ists. National Drug aad imited, Toronto, GIN PILLS FOR THE KIDNEYS the only explanation being the words. "conscience money," inscribed onthe! envelope.

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