op out on the nd, as etween t will a real home : "Are We're Ald nmie' the last ie. mos e way [8 was ly ane made ut to pping real r the beat ) way ie old n his y gos what eights e his Black ssive erous ning darb, ve at nt of n of rater, d of g he ight, book sul- the ew, his ing On. rac- v0 the ned ver +E OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, JANUARY 21, 1929 PAGE NINE "" Easy-to-Find "' RADIO PROGRAM u Ves LSAT WRG, WGY, WUR Towtt's Hest beatures NEAL Wi Win, Kn Kai 0.00 am} NRC System (WJZ)--Dy, Cope- 11.3 CKK NY (HM rogram Colu ry Network: Id Bailey Allen wou WwW Ce Ame Maghets., ini a etwe . mn Me System Wiz)--C al ae ooking 12.00 CNRM (411) - Montreal Music period 1.15 NBC System Mn gp ing, Soh ol (Tues. Ihurs.) it Wer AE (242) - Pitts Music Shoppe. "1.00 pam. Nog System (Central)--Farm and WGK (545) Buffalo. Weather: Parks ome our. 3.30 WGN _Chicaga, Women's Club, Wey 416)=Chicago Morning musi. 400 NBC System (WIZ)--U.S, Navy band, (fie=Chicag 8 4.30 NBC System (WEAF)--Auction bridge® TAs (230)--Pitts, St. Patrick's game. Church Wik Gl tlereland. Yooh sie. 400)=Detroit, ngs; arm Regular Daytime Programs LL Jr i ' ¥ i » wi Ww (428) (incr. usic arkets. Daily Except Sunday, unless otherwise WMAQ (447.5) -Chicago, Heme econo: 6.30 WEW (da --Cincinnati, Top O' The Wok (476) - Jefierson City Markets TH tower. Eales. té WAG (aIs0-Wash Pann, Flashes 45 NIL System owe 1 eater gan, ar 645 Mar TWOk, WOAE, WY, WEL. Tay ore ¥ WOR (422) Newmik aon Milk Men Ww (326) Detroit Weather; Lunch 7.00 KFNF Ga Shenandoah Music; eon Program Muoinmg Worst " WRVA (270) Kicthond. Aunt Sammy A. WMAQ (#475) Chicsgo. petting UD Qh, Wed. WOWO (256)=Ft, Wayne, Exercises, WMI (487) Niiwaukes Housewives 535) Ames Markets, Music wm ystem. Mornmg Devotion «to {1230 WCCO (370) Mpls-St Paul Steck re ports, "ALMOST FRANTIC "WITH HEADACHE and Weakness Relieved 3, Tessier, i tha, P.Q. "I was treated for a lo ong ti time and was dust about disco: when I learned with the first few doses, and in six EAF. WRC, | mon! ksi! (5)-5t Paul Mumeale; Set: WEAF (463.3)-New York Markets tin Luncheon Music Wl (305) Chicago Early Risers w TAM (280) -Cleveland Dinnes mu Wr W (428) Liner Seting Up; De Wip (492) - Phila. Luncheon music < yotwnal (ex. dat.) 7 Ww (270) - Richmond Sunshine on | (Mon, Wed. Fn.) J Lm Jeti Humeragers nous {12.45 W Wik ji Detron Musica) Matmee --(hicigo 1. 4 Ji ' WHO) (300) Des Moines Records, pro: wis (313) Chicago rere) or {iw (428) Lincy Women Hour Lw KThe wm hi Springs Noon ten pon | (508) Omaha Correct Lime, WCF (309) Chicago Oigan. ww 1126) Detroit. lomght's inner, gam (389) Chicago Farm pro atk 'FI (535) Philadelphia t.uncheon Mu- 0.45 KDKA (306)--Pitts, Markets, ! Hadelptug t.uncheon Muy { WAU Jah Columbus. Educationa) Ene Si erin Springs. Noon alks; Music. * ? 1 i program, RINK (337) -Shenandoah Varied pro NBC Sys tem Farm and Home Hour Kiri (316) Kansas City Lolumbis Wow Ws, KDK Wi WW, ur WCCO (370) Mpls-St Paul Hamline A (447.5) Chicago Mendis; rogram . NBC on Dr. Lopeland Hour to wiz. (343) ew York Luncheon wie. wim. kv whal. KlnA, WOS (476) --leflerson City Markets: Sat.), Farm Flashes, Music r d Sat Wor (535) ug ob Flash, Wea | 1.10 KMB( (316)~Kansas City. Dinner bell program, Wis (476) Jefterson City. Markets; | 1.15 wu (535) Ames Markets; Farm ulletins a YSUL' Ci=lowa City. . Markensi] 1g CNRA (476)~Moncton. Musie: Mark: 1030 Yor G5)-Ames, 3 Markets; Wea Woy gn): ~Hetinectady. I'elevision : (Tues.. hrs. ri.) WTA 17) Wi V ' DIAG QI, Worcester WOmeED's | 4p win (416) Chicago Luncheon musse 10.50 wees per =Mpls-St Paul Stock re. | 145 WHALE (492)-Kasisas City Country: 11,00 Wor (416)~Chicago. Home manage id bd Lincs Matinee Program ment WAI (223)-Akron Muggs) program | 2.00 KOA (361) Denver Weather; Mark. WMAQ (447.5) =C Seago Overture hy ets, Urgan, WGR 1548)= Buffalo. Home economics: CENC (517)=Toronto Musical © pro market 5 Program wos ® 76)=TeHerson City Markets: WCFL (309)--Chicago. Television. Bulletins, WGBS (254)--New York. lalks, Music wsb (405)---Atlanta Weather; Mark: WGY (379.5) Schenectady Mater y Program (ex. dat.) Wing (487)~Milwaukee, News; or- WIR (400)- Detroit Recreation hous WOS (476)~ Jefierson City Grain May 5 Ki System: Household Institute to kets. Bulletins WEA¥K WEEI, WIAR, WIA. WTMJ (487)--Milwaukee. Musica! pro- (639) {401)=Nashille l.uncheon CLon- cert (ex Sat) weeo (370) 2 -Mpls-St. Paul MW eath: Markets (ex. Sat) JR (422) Newark. Music. lalks (209)=Columbus. Majestic " (335)~Aines. Closing Quotations 2.45 Wow (508)=Omaba. Markets Receipts (ex, Sat.) 8.00 CNRO (434.5)=Ottawa. Music; Mark: ets. WF (535)~Phila. Concert (ex Sat.) WOS (476)~Jefferson City. Closing Markets WIP (492) -Phila Musicale. $30 WEAF (454.5)=New York. Studio pro- ram. VL.S (345) Chicago. Homemakers Hour (ex. Thurs, Sat.) WEMC (508)~Berrien Springs, After- noon program (2 hrs.). WGN (416)--Chicago. Women's Club. WGR (345)--DBuffalo. N.Y. Stocks 8.45 WMAQ (447.5)--Chicago = Artist recital 4.00 WBAL (283)--Baltimors Salon music. KDKA (306)=Pitts Markets. WBBM (38%)--Chicago. Orchestra con- cert. WCFI (209)--Chicago. Matinee dance WCX (400)~- Detroit News Bulletins. WDAF (492)-Kansap City. Musical Matinee WCC £370)~Mpls-St. Paul. Stock re- ports (ex. Sat) WOS (476)~ Jefferson City. [Fhestrical progr Wiz (294.5) =New York, Studio pro- gram WTMJ (487)--Milwaukee. Buddies Hr. WWJ (326)~Detsoit. Gypsy Barons. 3 EVENING PROGRAMS {i 5.00 WADC (223)--Akron. Diuner concert. ) WEAF (454)--New York. Sky Sketches. REPAIRING WATCHES OUB SPECIALTY It your Watch fs not giving satisfaction we ean repair and make it tell the correct time D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch inspector for Canadian Naticnal and O:h- Phone 189 Try this wonde! fruit ices combined with the finest a box--at dealers everywhere, Kidney Trouble by 'Fruit-a-tiv Mme, TESSIER very weak because of Kidney uble "ad suffered with terrible says Mme, Romulus Fruit-a-tives,' Improvement came nths the kidney trouble, weakness ingredients, 26c, 'and 50c, 5.3 6.00 820 8.3% 6.15 hid Mal) (447.5)--Chicago, Topsy Turvy 6.30 Cort ($10.7) --~Quebec, La Soleil News. RY X NuC wo)--Davenport, Story Hour; Book Man, . WEAF (454)~New York, Bill and Jane, WaZ (303)--Springfield. Lowe's or: chestra, Noy bystem: Wallet As Astoria Concert to WEAY, WRC, A WLAL (203)-- wal.imore, E: siman Cir cle. WoFL (300)--Chicago, Fed, of Labour our, Wid (268)-Milwaukee. Peter Rabbit, Wb (38.4)~Chicago, Organ, J Wu (d)--etruit, Dinner music; News, Wye (394.5)--New York, Yoeng's or: chestra, Vy (428)--Cinci. Theis orchestra, WiaM (280)--Cleveiand, inner con. gest; wi (326) Detroit. Dinner music, Program, Chicago, Uncle Hob. Ww --Baitimore. Dinner Music, WHAKF (492)--Kansas City, Air School Woy 7. 5)--Schenectady, 'Len Eyck Conc! Wis. ' /* 268) ~ Milwaukee, Organ; string Wiz G 354.5)--New York. Ship Band to Wii, ¥ A wis Or sesso, News; Pied Pi- Wiva (270)--Richmond. Orchestra, 6.50 Wi (110)--Chicago. Uncle Quin; Markets. 7.00 hx vw (294)--Chicago. Hamp's orches. BA AL (907)--iaNcuM, danuer concert. KidnA (306)--Pitts, Address; Sacreu > I Songs, % Noss (205)--St, Paul, Dinner music. | (253)-- Baltimore, Amoco Pro: 10, Chevrolet pio J cur, worl (309)--Chicago. Ensemble; - (nen | City, Trianon Service to Sah'y IR, TRI ksh, WIAR, Wins, WA SH, WE, RUA, WAS, WML, wast, WDA, WIM) f 3 bi NA News; Cur it. Orchestra. York. walle and / icago. Markets; Music; | .5)--Chicago. Concert and | p JLUSIC (1 hour). i AC (244)--Boston, News; Amos 'u Lvs (428)--Cinci, Aviation Chat; en- tertaineis, WOK (422)--Newark. Entertainers. WKY A (2/0)--Richmond. Violin; eor- 5)--Atlanta, Pomar's orches. 280) --Cleveland. Songs. Detroit. Orchestra; trio. 4)--Winnipeg. Dinner music Moncton. lastrumental Quarl : Vogts « (370)--Mpls, St. Paul. Baruett's --Phila, Snellenberg con- (309)--Chicago. Popular pro- WEAN, WGL, ADC, WK ' WWL, WRVA., Be Spans es VIA wd wa. Wow, Wh KOA, WHO, WRVA, WE AF, WGR, NAR Ho RS Wa 'GY, NOA. VSB, "roo! W HAS, WSN, WLDBW, wi WRE BEL' RED! W TAS, WSUN (333)--St, Petersburgh, Dridge WLW (428)--Cinci, Quintile Trio, Pati 4 Nayar. Worth, Male quartet. 2S tert Cassinelli and Scvillanos KYW (24)--Chicago. Fiorito's orches. WGY (379.5) =Schenectady, Studio cu Kiox (275)--St. Louis, Wylie's or- OAl, semble, Tr: Ege Rawr, Ne WMC, W( 43)--Duffalo, Shea's Studio, ches (368)~Los Angeles, Conceyt Or. lowed. . chased a box of Dodd's Kidney Pi (220)--Chicago. Dance music, chestra, in Game; Speakers. WTAM (280)--Cleveland,. Dance Or 2 ET SAE ents, Si He Purchased a Box and Found Relie 4 > y Hib ' 45 WMAQ (447.5)--Chicago. Dance orches. a 0 \ WIAR \WLAC, DAF (492)--Kansas City, Cook Paint. WSH (405)--Atlanta, Weldon's orches, ' 5 ---- 4 i. weco, 5. 12,00 CNRV (291)=Vancouver. Strand Thea, Several Other Remedies Tri Tried Without Success to WEAF, WCAE, WWJ, ~ WTMJ, KABC (3i3)~Kansas City, Dance mus "About five years ago I was I was troubled with Sore Back, so bad I could nald, scarcely walk about," writes Mr, Angus Ci ow oy 4 Ns. © oll y haat EE day I pure : ills, and I TOT NY x R (300)=Detroit. Manuel Girls, A 2 'HN (297)--New York, Dance osches. KJR (309)--Seattle, Salon orchestra, venture to I C 8 ! One Theat NBC Sy Fresh Orchestra t i : . say that I owe my life to them, To HO nz WIEN WRAL, FHZ, WHA, WHAM, KEI, WEAF cary~Iansas City, Varied pro anyone anflering fro from Kidney Trouble I ye. K f 0) 4 | 3 4 o WIZ, WBZ, WILZA, WHAM KDEA, WLW, RYW, KWK, WBAL, KDKA, KYW, WIR, KSTI, Wi ir (246)--Detroit, Dance program. W YMAQ (447. 5)~Chicago, Musical {Van (333)~St. Petersburg. Re NENY (227)=New York, ON WTAG (517)=\Worcester, Studio; Mus. W SUN (333)--St, Petersburg, Negro | 12.15 KSTP (205 . Paul. Dance feature, effective Kid 5 WTIC (500)=Hartlord, Singing School, . 124 W DAF (192)--Kansas City, Nighthawk KWKH (352)=Shreveport, Studio 3 inst: id ; RGEC syoem: mutch Master MIDIS | 10.45 WISN (200)=Milwaukee, Silver Slipper KIR (309)--Seattle, Meyers orchestra, WLW, KYW Club, RST (05-81 Taal, Midnjgli Club. LADY BAILE D iq ol) 3 wes . 'acifi etwor etwork--~"The 'lroca- {00 KYW (294)--Chicago, News; Book man; KYW (294)e Chicago. Insomnia Club, WRVA (270)~ , Sandwiche Is. Orchestra, SRYA C peRigtiments Sandy 2 Columbia Network: Royal Canadians to gerang, to KFI, KPO, City. 1 Mi 3 WGES (220.4)--Chicago, Studio program W fa) bi AN, WNAC 's WEAN ' 1 MBO (315)~Kansas City, The Mid- 1} 9 KiR WEBEL SVCAQ, WIAS, Wa er WDBM (3%9)~Chicago, Night Club, WIBO (526)--Chicago, Chuckle Tiute, Ww Rc WGHP, WOWO, KMOX, o WJ WBZ, WHA} {, KDKA, WREN, WTMJ, WIR. WRBZA, CNRA (322.4)=Moncton, Concert chestra, KDKA (306)--Pitts, Wm, Penn chestra, Pacific Network: Clicquot Eskimos, Columbia Network: Vole 2 Clambla to WABC, KFH WGHP, . WO Ww K WIAS, "KOIL, WCCO, WISN, WSPD, WFAN, WCAO, WMAL, WNAC, ERS, 'WWNC, WAD WISN WIBW, JKRC, MOX, w Ay "WHE, WoL, VRVA, WRAL (283)--Baltimore, Music Box. (3. hours Worth, Song Duo, S McGill University, and formerly March 9, 1928, on her "aviation WRAP (375)=Ft, bh.) Cay (256)---Phila, Maytag Program. System: Clic WEAR, "WEE, KY KSTP,' WIAR, AMY uot Eskimos WAT K WIZ, Wiz, \WBZA, WHAM, KFI, commend WREN, KWK, KOA, KGO (27)=New York, Bohemian pro- WOW (308)--Omalia. Studio pro ram, cital. Spi ritual als. ci, Dance music, Town WSN (461)=Nashville, Music Conser- WMAQ (M7.5)--Cliicago, Denson ore Kidneys, They strike at hid Tar (280)=Cleveland, Burton's or. chestra; Nighthawks, Pills," V. three generations Baath Kidney Pills have N 333)-St, Petersburg, Negra wit (216)~Cleveland. Club Madsid, BD ae Si cehstra, : the Kidneys, oy are no oid For almost PILLS @ trou ply an Leteers : 'Spirituald. Wi 375)=Ft, Worth, O e WTIC (500)=Hartford, Medical Talk, WTIC (500)--Hartford. Organ, al Ee Coles ore 50¢ AATbosTer on Mai foo The 'oronte 2, Ont, Liki WinNT (487)--Milwaukee, Harmony I'y Honeys. | 100 CNY (291)=Vancouyer. Concert. Os- KYA, KMBC, Kou, WSPD, WHK, | (Copyright 1929 by Audio Service, Chicago) WLIW WM GL, KLZ, KDYL ory AP (375 "Ww. th, String trio, VEN I N System: Horne hi 19 PROT LE NTRIAL, London, Jan, 21.--Lady Bailey WWJ, a! A, WHO, WTI, : BL, £1 g ! Montreal, Jan. 21.--Francis P,[completed her 18,000 mile solo y 379.5)=Schenectady, ~~ Kenmore Shephard, "M D., LLD., F.RCS., flight to Cape Town and back this orchestra. WGN (416)--Chicago, Tomorrow's Trib., [ president of the Art Association of week when her little 30 H.P, vee WHAM (258.5)=Rochester, Organ ve- . A, quests, i of Canadia surgeons, Emeritus [¢yjly on the snowclad landing at WIBO (526)--Chicago, Dance orchestra [Dean and Professor of Medicine at Croyden from which she took off NC System: Slumber Music to WJZ, WRC surgeon-in-chief of the Montreal ii. 4 gj ) She e f WKBW (200)--=Buffalo, Dance music. |General Hospital, died at his home rely ® Jade Je Nght 10 2 WLW (428)--Cinci, Singing. School, ra8te a WMAD (47.5) ~ Chicago. Amos An. | Bere yesterday in his seventy=,yhough parts of the journey were Wow! WDAF, WHAS, WET, ih ago; € Fi Ary , ' H Si, dy also WEAF, KPRC, KSTP, KLz |eighth year, over deserts and jungies where a WMC, WSB, WT: or WRC wGY, Mj, KPRC,' we 0, WPG (272)--Atlantic City, Silver Slip. A frequent contributor wo medi- forced landing would have been fae \ ' PAA, WEAE, KV00, WOAI. er Nprchestra, : cal and surgical journals, a lover |(a) fos" (220) Chic ago, Hyman pro. VSM (461)--Nashville, Songs, 'storles. WSUN (333)=8t. Petersburgh, Mc. |0f good pictures and one of the | y¢ wag the first time a woman Lohald's Quchesia most highly religious men of let- filer had ever made the London tn fron (416)--Chicago, Goldkette's or. . "r WTM]J (487) -Milwaukee, Dance music ters in the Dominion for many |Cape Town round trip, and is said chestra. WIR (400)--Detroi t. Singing Sch 11.10 WGR (545 i a ol, $6)-Bufialo, Arcadia orchestra | yoqpg Dr. Sheppard was for two |to be the longest solo flight ever Yibo (526)--Chicago. Concert orchew [1.15 WMAQ (447. Hoh hicago, Cencert or- years a fellow-student of the re-|made. During the long journey NBC Syme: Six Suen Singers to W Whiz, Wn WILW ZA chestra, 1.X. KWK, WRF N' [11.30 Pacific NES ten program. nowned Canadian surgeon, the late |T,ad ¢ 3 ) i v rk; 2 pro : .ady Bailey crashed at Tahora, Ww] Cossacks, KYW (294)--Chicago, Stringen semble. sir William Osler, and for ten |Tanganvika, but resumed her flieht WMAQ (447.5)--Chicago, Musical gram. pro- WGN (416)=-Chicago, Goldkette's Or- chestra; -Dream Ship, |vears they were colleagues, a week later when a new plane wes Hungry Five, Montreal, one of the foremost |haviland Moth. plane settled grace- sent her from Nalrobl, At Caro, on her way southward, she was re- fused permission by the British au- thorities to fly alone over the auu- gerously disturbed. Sudan region, and a British army pilot accompan- fed her for that stage, Later she wag nearly lost in a low cloud on her way from Pretoria to Cape Town. "My chief difficulty," she said when she landed, 'was about clothes. ' I solved it by buying new ones as I went along and throwing the old ones away." Lady Bailey, before her marriage to Sir Abe Bailey, South African diamond millionaire in 1911, was the Hon. Mary Westenra, only daughter of the fifth Baron Rose- more, She is 38 years old, and has two sons and three dan~hters, The International League of Avia tors, in session at Paris, Jan 146, 1028, designated her as "champion woman nilot for 1927," along with Col. Charles A, Lindbergh as "champion man pilot," and order- ed her name to he the first in- scribed on the new women's avia- (tion trophy. semble. 46h a TA Address; Uncle {imbee. (192)--Kansas 'City, Johnson's Orchestra. NBC System: Soconyland to WEAF, Var ; PWTIC, WGR, WGY, VTAG, WCSH Ww oR | {16)=Chicago. Nighthawks; Al manack whi ~ 297 )--New York. Oaklands Cha Ww Tk (216) --Cleveland. Radio Repair n; Tri NBC Se Memory's Garden to WIZ, WHAM, WBZ, WBZA, KWK. WLW (428)--Cinci. Sohio Musicians WITAM. t How (508)--Omaha, Ferris orchestra WRC (315.6)--Washington. Lotus or- RNY @7)--New York. Varied pro- EN uo) --Nashitte, Craigs Orches. 294) --Chicago. Organ ; 4 koe Springs. Old Fiddlers Mpls. St. Paul. Southern Sunsh WCAL 256)--Phila. Reed Birds. wb AF (492)--Kansas City. Fest; Tmertainert, NC stem 180! E Ear WoT WHC, 5 Be W TAG, KSD, Wi WGN (416)--Chicago, Floorwalker. Wy ol (268)--Milwaukee. Studio" pro- | Lm System: Strom! tet to WIZ, WBZ WHAM, KWK, KOA, KYyw, WwW REX, w FAA, KPRC. "WOAL WIA (428)--Cinci. Cincinnati Sym (343)--Chicago. Scrap Book; The lus. mbia Network: School Daze to C. WEAX., WNAC, AN, . WLBW, WHK, WFDZ, \ S, WADC. WKRC., WGHP WOWO0, KMOX, KMEC, Kon, WEPD, WMA » RY, A (270)--Richmond. Courtesy pro oh SN (#61)--Nashville.. Craig's orches Studio Ww FTAM (230) Cleveland. String Trio » ag (aan. 5)--~Chicago. Music; "Know bir 857) --Toronto, Maytag Ramb- lers. CNRA (322. 4)=Moncton. Mt. Allison College progra i 2 Koa Oo aeovet, Farm Question St. Paul. Justers Col- egians. The System: Michelin Hour to WIZ, WBAL, WIR, WBZ, WBZA. WHAM, KYW, WREN, KDKA, KWK, KVOO, , KPRC, WOAL " (256)--Phila. RS System: Prophylactic Program to WEAF, WTIC, WIAR, WWI, WTAM, WCAFE, KSI. wow, WTAG, WRC, WOSH. WGY, WI, WGR. od (343)--Chicago. Don Malin; mu- Ws (405) --Adlanta. Concert. to KRC, Wi WO KMOX, KMBC, KOIL, WSPD, WHK, WLBW, Wray (487)--Milwaukee. Concert. 9.00 Columbia Boat to -now prepared {or SHAWA 'With a staff competent to perform in a masterly manner on any phase of advertising promotion or merchandising exploitation augmented with the facilities for the presen- tation of virile copy, striking layouts, appealing sales ideas and art work of supporting effectiveness. - Oshawa Daily Times