nf e------ ~ wets ye EEE PALE | Ea THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, JANUARY 21, 19. Shadowy Form of Woman Seen On voor of New Jersey Church |i Keansburg, N.J,, Jan, 21,.-- Crowds, sometimes numbering as many as 300 persons, have been gathering each night this week to witness the appearance in shadowy ou «of what seems to be the figure of a woman upon a polish ed, oaken door of St, Ann's Ro- man Catholic Church here, Many believe that a miracle is taking piace and they kneel and pray before the church, Others steal silently forward and attempt to touch the dim outlines of the figure. Others say it is a sign sent by St. Ann, and that it presages great cures at the Novena to be held next summer, Still others, however, point out that there is a lighthouse near the church and that cross lights and reflections are responsible, It was discovered first some little time ago, Slowly the news spread from person to person. First one or two from the parish would slip down to the church to watch for the appearance of the figure, Then four or five came, Gradually the groups of nightly visitors grew larger until on Tues- day night it was estimated that 300 people were there, "I den't know what it is," sald the Rev, Father Thomas A, Kear- ney, priest of the church, "but I do not believe it is a miracle, nor do I believe there is anything supernatural involved, "] have seen it myself, and per- haps 100 others have been able to describe it. Unquestionably there appears the outline of a fem- inine form, seemingly garbed in white robes, and apparently emit ting light, It is dim, like a photo- graphic negative which has been under-exposed, yet it seems to be there, "The people come every night, They are silent and reverent, "Not much more than 6500 yards away is the lighthouse, and the rays from the light might possibly be reflected in some way that would create this {llusion, I don't know, and no one else has been able to prove exactly its source." He termed as 'nonsense' re- ports that the figure had been re- sponsible for miraculous cures, "I know of none," he sald, GOVERNMENT TO SPEND $60,000 ON "BURNING OUT" ST, LAWRENCE Ottawa, Jan, 21.--The Govern- ment is going to spend $60,000 this winter in the interesting ex- periment of burning out ice by the thermit process, A' contract in- volving the outlay has just been concluded with Professor Howard T. Barnes, of Montreal, in an at- tempt to obviate the disastrous floods which occurred last spring in the east end of Montreal when much damage was done, Ice from Lakes St, Louis and St. Francis drifted down una piled up in a jam upon the unbroken ice in the river below the city, Not only was much damage done but the opening of navigation was de- layed. «This winter it is intended to "burn out" the ice between Montreal and Sorel and advance the navigation opening while pre- venting floods, It is the largest experiment of the kind ever car- riled on, and of interest to naviga- tion. generally, GODERICH PLANS ELEVATOR ANNEX Goderich, Jan, 21.--At a meet- ing of the directors of the Goderich Elevator and Transit Company, Limited, at Hotel London yester- day, it was decided to build a mil- lion-bushel annex to thelr present two-million-bushel elevator at God- erich, and also to double their Gn- loading capacity, This means un outlay of approximately $300,000, Tenders will be asked for im- mediately, and the work got under way with the least possible delay. TIME TABLES | CPR, TIME TABLE, New Schedule taki f Sunday. on . a aking effect 1201 am Going West 5.48 am Daily, 6.23 a.m. Daily . 8.40 a.m Daily except Sundsy. 45 p.m Daily. 34 p.m. Dail Sunday, 50.05 a.m. Daily. 2.04 pm. Daily except Sundsy, 8.03 p.m 11.10 p.m. y. 2.09 a.m Daily. All times shown above are times trains Bepast from Osbaws Station. Daily except Sunday, Dai y C. N. R. TIME TABLE Effective Jan, 6, 1929 Eastbound 8.23 a.m. ~Daily except Sunday, 8.58 a.m.--Sunday only, 9.59 a.m.~Daily, 1.17 p.m.~Daily 2.32 p.m.~Daily 6.47 p.m.--Daily 9.42 p.n.--Daily, 11.39 y except 12.09 a.m.~Daily, 12.25 a.m.~Daily. Sunday, Sunday. Sunday, Saturday, except except except Westbound 4.44a.m.~Daily, 45 a.m.~1 Daily. v except Sunday. 07 a.m.~Daily 06 p.m.~Daily .37 p.m.--~Daily. 14 p.m.--Sunday only, 27 pm.~Daily except Sunday. 45 p.m.--Daily except Sunday. Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville BUS LINE WEEK DAY SCHEDULE (Effective ©. aud aites Nov, # except Sunday, except Suuday, Going West Leave Leave Arrive Arrive Bowmanville Oshawa i Hespital 65am 70am 72am, 720m. 810am 83am. 20am 93am 9.45 am, 10.35 a.xn, Hospital Whitby Z) 630 am. 6am /A am. 7.30 a.m 7.50 am. 8.20 por 830 am 85am 92 am 10.00 am. 40.20 gam. 10.55 am. am 11.30 am, 1205 pan. 124) pan. pm LiSpm L¥Mpm 20pm 230 pm. 245 pm 32) pm. 3.45 p.m, 410 pm, 4.4 pan. #Bpm. 44pm. S505pm. S54 pm 5.35 pm. 6.05pm. 64) p.m. 60pm, 70pm 70pm BN pm BW pm. 9.05pm 940 pm. EE marked are through Ousses #o Whitby Hospital . 'SUNDAY AND HOLIDA™ SCHEDULE Going West 1 am Wam WHgm LLWam p.m. [1245 pm LO p.m L3U pau [id 25pm. SWpm Mem 4.45 pm 5.00 p.m 53, pam $45 pm iWpm. 10pm i 845 pm. 900 p.m 23 p.m Ml pm. MlSpm 11.3 pm 1200 pam | fune marked "x" are through busses fo MW hahy Hostal © Special Busses for All Uccasions Reasonable Rates ano Carew) Orivers f A GARION #Fropoietor It is expected to have the structure completed by Sept, 15. The new elevator annex will be built at the east of the present elvator at this port, When the new annex is com- pleted tha Goderich elevator will be in a position to take care of boats of any length. The reason given by the diree- tors for the decision was that, at present, the harbor is inadequate to protect the milling requirements of Westerh Ontario. They plan to ask the Dominion Government to extend the harbor so that the ex- isting accommodation for 22 boats will be increased to room for 35. This would entail deepening a part of the harbor to the uniform depth of 23 feet, Those present at the meeting were; President John R. A. Hunt, London; 8S. R. Stuart; Laughlin, C, B. Watts, C. 8. Band, Toronto; C. R, Hunt, London, and G. L. Parsons, Goderich, ROUTING OF GRAIN UNDER DISCUSSION Montreal Man Gives Rea- sons for Shipping Through U. 8. Ports Quebec, Jan, 21.--J. D., Culliton, M.A., professor of economics at Mc- Gill University, Montreal, discussing the question of grain shipments through Canadian ports in an ad- dress delivered here Saturday after- noon, gave some of the reasons which he believed explained the large vol- ume of grain shipped through United States ports and offered suggestions as to how more of this business could be retained in Canada. Lack of sufficient rolling stock to handle all grain shipments exclusive- ly in Canada without delay and high freight rates were among the cau- ses he outlined as causing the rout- Felt Bros. The LEADING JEWELER Estab ished 1886 12 Simcoe St. South RHEUMATONE LABORATORIES Oshawa, Ont. Yard--89 Bloor Street E. Orders Promptly Delivered Bowmanville Phone 412 or 348 Oshawa Waiting Room, 49 Prince St.-- ing of so much grain through United States ports, If the Canadian freight rates were reduced, however, he said, lar reductions would very prob- ably be made in the United States, A of coercion by the Gov ernment would also be unsound, he said, The only solution he could of- fer, he said, was to build up busi- ness in Canadian ports with other commodities until it would be pos- sible to force down shipping rates out of Canadian ports to a level with those of the United States, He also urged the establishment of up-to-date I nd shi facilities at raiwa pping a Georgian Bay ports, BISHOP WILL ORDER REBELS' SURRENDER New Turn of Events Be. tween Mexico and Catholic Church Mexico City, Jan, 21,--A new trend toward a rapprochement between the Catholic church and the Government of Mexico is indicated in official in- formation from the presidential of- fices that Monsignor Amador = Vel- asco, Bishop of Colima, whom mili- tary authorities have been quoted as saying was in open revolt against the Government, was willing to ac- cept the recent invitation of Presi- dent Emilio Portes Gil to all rebels to surrender. While it was reiterated that such steps had been taken by the bishop, confirmation of his act- ual surrender was lacking, Reports indicated that Mgr, Vel- asco was acting through a priest named Santa Ana who surrendered in the State of Jalisco and who de- Liquid Coal Revolutionar English Fuel, Rondon Says London, Jan, 21.---Just at the moment of Great Britain's deep- est despair over the future of her coal industry a new method of pulverizing coal has been discov- ered, which it is confidently ex- pected in many quarters will en- able coal to displace oll as ships fuel and restore prosperity to Bri- tain's second greatest industry, In this new process coal is pul- verized to an extremely fine pow- der and then "fluffed" with a film of inert gas which surrounds every particle of fuel. The"effect of this gas film, it is claimed, eliminates all risk of coal-dust explosion or spontaneous combustion, and makes the pulverized coal as safe for fuel purposes as oil, Jn this form the coal is cheap- er than oil, its = heating powers equally as great, and it can be carried on ship board through pipe lines in the same way that fluid oil is carried. Coal thus pulver- ized is a direct competitor with oil in every way as the coal fs practically rendered a fluid, Members of the Seamen's and Firemen's Union as well ag repre- sentatives of miners from areas in Yorkshire, Notts and South Wales, recently witnessed an extended demons:ration of the new fuel at Barnsley and afterwards declared they were greatly impressed with the possibilities of the new fuel. It has heen calculated that every liner sailing out of Southampton that has been converted from a coal burning into an ofl burning vessel, has meant the closing down of at least one British coal pit, Following a demonstration of the pew process George "Spencer, M.P., sald that he was convinced the new process would bring pros- perity to the mining areas, tended Santa Ana full guarantee of safety, and declared their willingness to pardon Mgr, Valesco and accept his surrender, Another indication of the trend to- ward conciliation between church and state was the report that the Federal Government is willing to permit re- ligious services in private homes, "provided there is no infringenicnt of the law." While this provision is not clearly understood because the hold- ing of religious services in any form is prohibited, the fact that the cele- bration of religious rites in the homes has become a habit at which the po- lice have winked serves to strength COW MINUS ITS TAIL WHEN PLANE LANDS Pana, Ills, Jan. 21.--Richard Lemon, flying instructor at the Pana airport, in making a landing, in a ten acre field, six miles west of Pana, cut off a cow's tail with the airplane propeller, which he brought back to Pana as evidence of his unusual experience. The cow was lying down in the field, but became frightened at the mach- fne, and ran direetly in front of ft, tail in the air, Aside from the logs of her tail, she was uninjured, Do You Own Your Own ome Buy This Home 6 Rooms--Burke St,--Fiec. tric Stove and Lights, Bath conveniences, Oak Floors, Only $3,600, Very easy terms, The Disney Real Estate 20 King 8!, E, Phone 1530 For Sale or Exchange on Oshawa Property 48 acres, chicken farm, 10 miles from City of Oshawa, Splendid brick house, 8 rooms, All conveni- ences. Electric light, ete, Chicken b to accommodate 1500 son pru and had the driv F knc public attention and nobody 's good wishes is the carefal mo- torist, One does not hear much said in his praise, There is plenty of con- demnation for his contemporary, the careless motorist. In fact, the im- dence, discourtesy, 'incompetence disastrous recklessness of the driver just about monopolize heeds cars, efficient pilots of motor Nevertheless, an immense aggregate of highly competent 1 y and watchful ing is done on the treacherous streets these days, lappers are now wearing two pairs .of garters, one pair above the e and the other helow. The up- Jones Real Estate chickens, 75 apple trees and other fruit, 850 White Leghorns go with this property, JONES REAL ESTATE Cor, Bond and Simcoe Streets Phone 2667 NOTE~--We have a 100 acre farm priced at $6,000 to exchange on a house in the east or south part of city, What have you got? Also a 70 acre farm priced at $5,000, Clear of encumbrance for a clear house in Oshawa, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE Cutler & Preston 64 King St. West Telephones B78 388 Night Calls 510, 1560, s-- [| LETT, OLLS AND | ! HALLITT [ Real Estate Insurance ard | Loans, Phone 3254 || 1 King 8t, East, Oshawa I ADVICE (London Calling) clared that he had been authorized ; per ones are intended to hold up Let your love he a beacon t h hi Lr ] ) o the to act for the bishop, who was also| en the statement published Friday in UNHERALDED AND UNSUNG hosiery and the other pair to hold | man you marry, and don't make the willing to surrender, El Universal Grafico indicating that (St, Paul Pioneer Press) | up traffic--Sarnia Canadian Ob- ae [ mistake of converting it into a Military authorities in Jalisco ex-| the authoritics will not interfere. Among those descrying the sea- | server. EY eR Be I pd 3 | - -- ELLA CINDERS--Little Dinner Favors WEALTH MYSTERIOUS MAN SENT BILLS -- ORCHIDS, CANDY, PERFUME ---- HE BOUGHT A THEATRICAL IN HER HONOR -- AND MAYBE WELL FIND OUT MORE ABOUT HM ~_ 0. & Poe OF; Copymght 1998, Bo eopohn Newsjapes Servic 745) AN By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plums What a mar! What prince genero { But WHY @ preeeeer BRINGING UP FATHER-- By Geo. McManus JIGGCD~ I'M TELLIN i YOU SHOULD BE 1% THE NIGHT! YOU'SE THIS® DINNER WE'RE GONNA QIVE HELD ON TOESDAY- BUT CASEY HERE THINKS THURSDAY I KNOW I'M RIGHT-JIGCS! WELL "THATS SETTLED: I SAID TUESDAY: AN' TVESDAY: IT LL BE» ir Toa | HELLO- CADEY~ YOU'RE RICHT- THURSDAY NIGHT 19 BEST~- VLL BE BUSY ------ TUESDAY! GOTHS BY THE 132 AND #4 = CENTURIES, WERE CURIOUS HALF HUMAN AND HALF AIA OR BIRDLIKE STONE FIGURES CALLED GAR GOYLES, WHICH SERVED AS WATER-SPOUTS. © 1929, King Features Syndicate, Ine, Greit Beitade rights reserves SHES Our ~ G00D- eye MISS TILE NO - ER ~ PHONE CALL FROM SO DUMB "YOURE - ; a LAST MGHY SO i MOULDNT MISS A LONG DISTANCE CALIFORNIA AND MAYRE THAT WAS BILL THAT RANG UP WHILE | WAS ASLEEP. WHY DIDNT You WAKE ME UP, STUPID] You'Re eu dump' (ON (HEY! cian, refer sease fone phon DR, Reon, ne St, | 'DR. | Surg infan resid DR, cian SIE ISREERIERRI Bn. 8 | FEER|PERIE ESE [FoR 3% 4 i