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Oshawa Daily Times, 25 Jan 1929, p. 10

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a SI a : oe aaa EE te BE a a a hE a a iE PAGE TiN IHE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, JANUARY 25, 1929 BOWMANVILLE 3, 0.C1. 1 -- TWO HOME, ONE AWAY GAME TONIGHT Bowmanville Win From O.C.I in Interschastic Game HOCKEY RESULTS [Pete ssrs, ont ou Trenton .....5 Belleville ....3 Toronto C.C. 6 Marlboros ....b and Williams Count for B.H.S.--Score 31 Bowmanville, Jan, 24, -- Bow- Niagara Falls 6 Dunnville ....3| noe High School played their xGrimsby ....3 Port Colborne 3 |p game this season by defeating Galt ........2 Preston cee... x20 minutes overtime. Bolton . Orillia ......3 Coldwater .,.2 and clean. throughout. showed a fine brand of hockey but lacked in the goal-getting. The x Thirty minutes overtime, National Hockey League u of Toor 2 Parkdale C0, 3 Qua. collegiate to the tune Bowmanville, although t 1 much the lighter team, were more Brampton «se. foppootive, their playing being fast Oshawa N.Y. Americans 2 Montreal ...0|y nov brothers and Don Williams Toronto .....1 Rangers 3 Pittsburg ....1 Canadian League Canadiens «.o.1| 0 0veq tor the locals while Fletcher got the only tally for the visitors, The first period consisted main- Moncton, N.B. 4 Univer. Club 2 Duluth Minneapolis ..4 Kansas City .,1 BUICK SCORES TWO New York, Jan, 24.--A pair of reed ly of end to end rushes and it was College Hockey American Association St. Paul .....2 IN AMERICANS' WIN brilliant individual plays by Billy | defense. in this period that B.H.S, obtain- ed their two goal lead. The second period showed some hard checking but the perfod end- ed without any goals scored by either side. Oshawa boys came out in the third period determined to score and after ten minutes of hard playing, managed to slip one by Adams on a hard shot from the Roy Lunney got it right Burch, star centre of the New York | pack, making the score 3--1. The Americans, gave the International |rest of the period was a defensive group leaders a 2-to-0 victory over|game on Bowmanville's part, Osha- the Montreal Maroons in a closely |wa trying to add another tally to fought National game here tonight, just before the end of the second Hockey League |the score, but Goalle Adams was Burch scored ypbeatable, Bowmanville boys journey to period and in the closing minutes | Port Perry on Saturday for the of the final frame, beating "Flat" deciding game of the league, If Walsh with perfectly placed shots.|B.H.S, lose, the three teams are The young Montreal goalkeeper, |tjed, who guarded the American net at the start of the season, turned in a] 53,4 fine game against his former team- |, mn, mates, having many difficult saves | yr Lunney Only Burch |e oghorne was able to do anything against his |p' 1 unney checking of the Maroon defense |p williams men, The New York defense agaln|y.on Moore giving the | i giomon among his 44 stops. functioned perfectly, Maroons few scoring chances. Montreal's fine team-play and fighting spirit held the Americans even most of the time and enabled them to outplay the New Yorkers |¢ The line-up: Goal Defense Defense Centre Wing Wing Alternate Alternate Daniels Irwin Deyman Evans Fletcher Hazlewood Green Peterson Campbell Referee--Alan Campbell, A romance in a novel amounts o # scandal in real life,--Chicago in everything but goal-getting dur- |Daily News. Ing the final frame, The victory gave the Americans Bachelor: A man who gets only x tighter hold on first place in the |half as much mileage out of a pate International division and left the |of socks as a married man.--De- Maroons in third place. t roit News. | | % Electrophonic 10 Inch Double Sided Phonograph Records Why Why =. 88¢c = More? More? EX ecord No, 8867 Doin' the Fox Trot Recor Fot Trot | | is Tr Fox Trot Record No. 8860 Apex Record Pipe Organ Record No. 26126 It Goes Like This (That Funny Melody) Fox Trot Record No. 8837 There's a Rainbow 'Round My Shoulder For Trot Record No. 8830 Wear the new Apex Eleclrophonse \ 4 (R(} NV A) Wilson 71 Simcoe The San Record Co., Toronto, Ont. Another Bum Song Funnier Than The First Who Said I Was a Bum Ask for Apex Record No, 8858 Happy Days And Lonely Nights That Big Rock-Candy Mountain A Gay Caballero Song Record No. 8861 The Sinking of theVestris Song Record No, 8869 Raccoon d No. 8860 Song Record No. 8868 No. 8853 Hawaiian Guitars No. 8862 Song Record No. 8842 Phonogre nai nn aj & Lee St. North pd Dealers Everywhere. 00.8 0 8.8 8 8 0 0 0 0 80 0 80 000 0 0 6 bh a Jn Jn J hi J A) Tonight will decide the issue for several teams. The Peterboro Jun- jors need a win to stay in the run- ning and the seniors can't afford to lose to the Simcoes, But the latter has decided to break in to the win column at the expense of the Liftlock lads so the game in Bowmanville will be a real battle, The Juniors are going to have a real tussle as tonight will spell defeat for one or the other of them, A two goal lead does not mean much these days, Take the time Kingston juniors were down six goals and came back to win the silverware, The City Intermediates take on Varsity at Toronto this game will practically decide which team will be in the group playoffs. Last time they met, Varsity came out on top but with Lady Luck, The City boys had all sorts of opportunities but it did not seem their night, The teams are all intact without any casualties and should put up real games from the start to finish, Now don't debate about taking your gon over to Whitby or Bow- manville as both these games are going to be a real treat, - The Pete Jr. roughed it up on the slow ice but they won't have time for that sort of work to- night, The Sr, did their share but the fast combination of the Meds would not give them much chance to get away with fit, A hockey game tonight and don't forget fresh air is the health- fest and hollering does the lungs good, Detroit Wins Easy Game From London CANADIAN LEAGUE STANDING ; G. W.L.T, F. A.Pts Detroit ,..,..'24 16 6 Windsor ,.., 22 13 7 Kitchener .,, 24 12 9 Toronto vo 22109 Niagara Falls 24 913 London ...... 21 811 Buffalo ..... 24 713 Hamilton ,., 22 6 14 NENW WNN BAR RIU = b 3 [LES ExEl0NR Total goals . 402 402 London, Ont, J 24.--Detroit Olympics defeated London by 5 to 1 in a Canadian Hockey League game before a large crowd at the London Arena tonight, It was the Olympics' third victory 'within four days, and the league leaders displayed superior- ity throughout the contest. The visit- ors gained the lead in the first two minutes of play, and were never in danger. Detroit's goals were contributed by Fraser, McCabe, Foyston, Gillie and Goodfellow. Wes King scored Lon- don's lone counter in the second per- iod, Fifteen penalties were handed out, the Olympics drawing ten of this number as a result of their stren- uous checking tactics, There was plenty of good hockey provided by the two teams, The fast- breaking Detroit forwards played cle- ver combination and took advantage of the openings. Harvey Rockburn, sturdy defence player for the visit- ors, made four trips to the penalty box, but on two occasions he saved what appeared to be sure goals by charging the London forwards, South Ontario Hockey League Brooklin, Ont., Jan. 23.--Mem- bers of the South Ontario Hockey League convened for election of officers and to draw up the sched- ule for this season. Mr, D. A, Scott, Claremont, was elected President and Mr, C. R. Hanna, Brooklin Secretary. Other members of the executive are Messrs, F. Wilcox- son, F. Evans and M. B. Vipond. The following schedule was ap- proved: Jan. 25--Claremont at Columbus, 29--Claremont at Brooklin 31--Columbus at Claremont Feb. b5--Brooklin at Claremont 8--Brooklin at Columbus 12--Columbus at Brooklin 15--Brooklin at Claremont 19--Claremont at Columbus 22--Columbus at Brooklin 26--Columbus at Claremont 28--Claremont at Brooklin Mar, 1--Brooklin at Columbus BELANGER GAINS CARD Larr Gains, Toronto ,v. Charley Belanger, Winnipeg, ten rounds, for the Canadian heavyweight championship. Douglas Lewis, Toronto, v. Tony Ross, Pittsburg, six rounds, at 155 - Always on Hand HARRIS MUSIC SHOP "Artie McCann, Toronto, v, Chris Newton, Toronto, six rounds, at 127 pounds. Johnny McCoy, Rochester, vw. Mickey Paul, Buffalo, six rounds, at 116 pounds. Sammy Rothstein, Los Angeles, v. Ernie Taylor, Toronto, six rounds, at 114 pounds, A It looks like we are going to have our usual Friday weather, every Friday the condition of the roads make it nasty for followers of the local hockey teams to travel with their favorite team. However there is only one away game tonight and that is in Toronto, City versus Varsity. Suitable opposition for Percy Williams, when that Canadian Olympic limit, on Tuesday next, January 29th, former efforts, to the new artificial ice, take on the Varsity seconds, Stars really look like, sprint star makes his first appearance in the United States at the Boston A. A. games on February 2, was assured when the entry of Karl Wilder. muth of Georgetown was received for the 40-yard dash, Wildermuth was reported by John D. O'Reilley, Georgetown track coach, to be in excellent shape and in condition to press Willlams to the B. A, A. officials also had announced that the Georgetown one mile relay team had been matched with the New York University quartet, which is headed by Phil Edwards, another Canadian Olympic star, The annual open bonspiel of the Peterboro Curling Club will open Many entries are promised, and the 'spiel looks, from this distance, as if it would eclipse all Peterboro's Additional entries should be made at once, The Oshawa Curling annual bonspiel date is Feb, 12, 1929, The trophies will be of the finest and play should excel other years owing The intermediate teams both need wins and are going to get them so the management of each says, with all that is at stake the games are going to be real no matter who wins, Simcoes play Peterboro in Bowmahville and City go to Toronto to Manager Harold Luke of the Shamrock juniors dropped a hint about having some fine photos of his pets taken and if everything comes out according to plan we will be able to show you just what these Shamrock CANADIENS AND LEAFS DRAW 1-1 N.H.L. STANDING International Section Goals G. W.L. T.I.A, Pts. N.Y. Americans 26 12 7 7 31 26 31 Canadiens .... 25 9 61037 31 28 Montreal 911 742 43 25 Toronto 1113 249 50 24 Ottawa ...++.. 25°35 911 28 38 21 UNITED STATES SECTION Goals Gg. W.L.T.F.A.Ps. N.Y. Rangers . 26015 5 644 28 63 Boston 443 29 28 Detroit i 545 38 29 Pittsburgh .... : 629 41 20 Chicago 421 45 12 Total goals Montreal, Jan, 24--In one of the fastest and most open games of the local National Hockey League sea- son, Canadiens and the Toronto Leafs played to a one-goal draw before a packed house tonight, Action pre- dominated the seventy minutes of play, during which the two goalies, Chabot and Hainsworth, played star roles, Hainsworth was injured in the preliminary workout indulged in by Canadiens, and played throughout with a broken nose and left eye prac- tically closed, Joliat scored first for Canadiens in the initial period when he put a hard shot past Chabot while the Canucks were playing five men to the Leafs' three, the penalty bench being rather full at the time, Pettinger tied it up for the visitors in the third session on a pass from Horne, The action on the ice angered the fans in the third period, when they took objection to a ruling of Referee Bell which sent Burke to the penalty box, and showered the ice with paper and coins, Fourteen penalties, includ- ing one major, were meted out dur- ing the peppery contest, Hainsworth Hurt The initial session was half an hour late in getting under way, owing to an eye injury sustained by George Hainsworth, Canuck goalkeeper, in the pre-game practice. A fast shot from Joliat's stick caught Hainsworth on the left side of the nose, causing the eye on that side to practically close. He underwent extensive re- pairs, and took his' place between the posts for the start of the game, Lepine was first to threaten for the locals, but the Leaf defense stole the puck from him just as he was about to make a shot at Chabot from close range. The visitors returned play to the other end, and Hainsworth made a perfect save to rob Cox of a goal Gagne and Mantha were penalized in turn, and the Leafs rushed to the attack in an effort to take advantage of their superior man power Gagne returned, but was sent right back to the cooler for spilling Pettinger. The Leafs continued to press, but heroic defense work by Burke and Leduc kept . the Torontonians at bay until the locals returned to strength. oliat The players were liberal with their bumps, Pettinger, Burke, Day and Bailey were penalized in turn, leav- ing Canadiens with five men to three for the Leafs. The handicap proved too much for the weakened I.cafs, and Joliat skated in to whip a waist- high shot past Chabot for the first goal of the game. The period ended a few minutes later with both teams back at strength. Fast hockey predominated the op- ening minutes of the second period. The Leafs opened a bombardment on the Canuck net in an effort to get back into contention, while Cana- diens kept up a steady fire at Chabot as they tried to increase their ad- vantage. Lowrey grabbed a loose 3 < & & 3 & xX oo eX oe ode Ey ode de oe We Ry ge &e oe oe og RY Junior Chatter By "RAILBIRD" SRST UCT TOE TC JOT TOT JC JOC TOC JOC JOC JO WOE S00 JO JOC OC S00 TE a a a a a A a JC Re J Fans will be well advised to get over to Whitby tonight to see the fast coming Peterboro team lock horns with the group leading Shamrocks, in what promises to be the most hectic game of the season, The Petes have ,been coming along like a house on fire in their last few games, and are now right at their peak. They have a fast, tricky, hard hitting crew of rug- ged battlers who can be counted on to scrap it out till the last bell rings. Their effort against the local Irish ast Monday night had all the Peterboro fans worked up to a frenzy all through the game, ae ae You have to hand it to the kids for the fireworks in a hockey game, They surely do battle as if 'heir lives depended on winning the game, and they go at it ham- mer and tongs, from start to fin- ish, The local Shamrocks have been handicapped through injuries in almost every game they have play- ed, and under the most trying con- ditions have made an exceptionally good showing, Tonight fans will see the Motor City kids hitting on all six cylind- ers, and a rare old battle is prom- ised, as the locals are a speedy skating, hard hitting bunch of rugged youngsters, with a real scoring punch, They excell in com- bination thrusts on the opposing goal, in the form of two and three man plays, and usually work right in on the enemy's net for a close in chance on each combination ef- fort, "Doc" Rowden will be on deck for the game tonight, as his shoulder has responded to treat- ment, and the redoubtable "Doc" will be in there for his season's best effort. Wray Gunn may pos- siby be able to play but there is a chance that the club doctor will hold him off playing for this game. No matter how, or from what angle it is looked at, this battle tonight will be real, with both teams putting out their best ef- fort. The rivalry between the locals and the Lift Lockers is fn- tense, A loss for the Petes puts them "right out of the running" while a win for the locals cinches group honors for the Irish, Don't forget--be on hand to- night and see the fireworks, It will be fast and furious. If you think i{gnorance {isn't bliss, observe the happy expres- sion of the man who has just bought a used ear.--Kingston Whig-Standard. Wealth is not all, far from ft, and another pathetic little feature of everyday life is $12.50 stockings "nd 10-cent legs.--Ohio State Jour- nal. Hainsworth blocked his hurried drive, Horne then crashed right in on top of 'Hainsworth, but the latter dash- ed out to smother the puck and make puck at the Canuck defense, but a woderful save. cE The Hockey Treat of the Season Peterboro vs Oshawa Shamrocks AT BURNS' ARENA, TONIGHT, JAN. 25, 8.30 P.M. GENERAL ADMISSION--47¢, TAX 3c.--TOTAL 50c. Reserved Seats on sale at Arena, 70¢c, Tax Sc. Total, 75c¢. | Three Local Teams Play Group Games A busy night for the Oshawa hockey teams is on the books to- night, and the Oshawa fans will have their choice of two of the games. Simcoes are to play the fast travelling Peterborough sextet in Bowmanville and although the Petes have a stronger team through the addition of Red Lagan, a player of note and well known to the fol- lowers of the winter game, Frank Black has every confidence in his team and expect to pull out a win- ner for the first time this season, He has had the boys out hard at it all week and they all showed top notch form, Simcoes need this win to keep in the running and that is not all, they need every game to catch a place in the first second team play-off, A win for the Shamrocks will make them a sure Pop for their section of the group, they also play Peterboro in Whithy, their home ice, They will be a strengthened team also as they will have Ray Gunn back on the line up and the injury that "Doc" Rowden got up in the Lift-Lock City although a vital spot from now on will not hinder his play as it did on Mon- day. All this does not go to in- spire over confidence as any team from Peterboro whether hockey or checkers can he counted on to put up a real game and have been known on many occasions to spring some big suprises. The City Team go to Toronto to take on the Varsity Seconds in their return game, Sammy Lowes outfit lost the home game throuch not being able to get goals but each and every one of them have had plenty of practice in this end of the game lately and with the help of Chartram and Rowden, who both have a reputation for scoring, they will in all probability beat Herbie Little and his helpmates, Owing to the death of his mother, Ty Little will not he plaving. This 7ame will be a wow as hoth of these teams are fighting for the play-offs and the winner of this game will likely be the one, -------- SYNDICATE WILL BUY BALTIMORE BALL CLUB Baltimore, Md., Jan. 25.--Selce- tion of Mil.on A. Reckord, Adjut- ant-General of Maryland, as Presi: dent of a corporation to purchase the Baltimore International Base. ball League Club, and of Fritz Mai- sel to be Oriole manager under the new ownership, was announced today by Carlos Ferrer, promoter organizing the corporation, Purchase of the club from Mrs. Jack Dunn, widow of the owner- manager, had not been completed, LEADING RANGERS WIN FROM PIRATES Pittsburg, Pa., Jan, 24.--New York Rangers showed Pittsburg fans tonight why they are the world's champions at hockey when they defeated the local stickmen, 3 to 1. Play was lightning fast, and breaks were forced by both sides. The initial marker was more or less of a fluke, "Bun" Cook shot from past mid-ice, and Miller played it too easy, It slipped past the Pirate goalkeeper for the score, Oatman scored the second Ran- ger goal in the final period, wilh a Pirate marker, and another New York goal followed a short time afterward. The Cook brothers starred throughout, It was the first game the Piratés have lost in the second half of the season, Pittshurg--Goal, Miller; right defense, Smith; left defense, Maen. kinnon; centre, Frederickson; right wing, Darragh; left wing, Milks; spares, McCaffrey, Drury, White, Holway, Cotton and Mec Curry. Rangers--Goal, Roach; right defense, Bourgeault; left defense, Abel; centre, Boucher; right wing, W. Cook; left wing, F. Cook; spares, Murdoch, Thompson, Keei- ing, Oatman and Vail, | MARLBOROS LOSE TOT.T.C.6 TOS "BIG FOUR" STANDING G. W.LT.F A Marlboros .......9 6 2 1 §7 30 U, of To cavaenered 683081 26 Toronto C. C. ....9 5 31 30 30 Parkdale C. C, ...9 1 8 0 18 50 Total 8081S ...e0000000+138 138 Toronto, Jan, 25.--Marlboros received their second straight de- feat in the O.H.A. Big Four junior group last night, when Toronto Canoe C.ub defeated them by 6 to 5 In one of the fastest and most exciting games of the season. In the other game of the double header, U. of T, overcame Park- dale Canoe Club by 4 to 3, and remained in the running for the play-off berth, T. C., C.'s victory lengthened the schedule, and also gave them a chance for a play-off position, Marlboros and the Red Ringers played a tie game earlier in the season, and it will have to be replayed to decide whether U, of T. or T.C.C. will meet the Dukes for the group title, If the Dukes win T.C.C, will be eliminated and Marlboros and U, of T. will play off, That Kitchener boy who swal- lowed a cent piece thought it was n't of sufficient value to warrant an expensive operation, so just cough- ed it up.--Guelph Mercury, Everyone knows the import- ance of good ventilation and even temperature throughout the living and sleeping rooms of a house, but many are not yet aware of the fact that a constructional detail has per-* haps more to do with even tem- perature and absence of drafts than any heating equipment which might be installed, INSULATION--a magic word in building today, but something without which no good house is constructed. Your present house can be in- sulated practically as well as one already built and your fuel saving will pay for it in three years. There is no fuss, no muss and no bother, Ask us about it, Oshawa Lumber Co. but Ferrer announced that all -ar- rangemnets for the deal had been | made, Besides taking over the Orioles, his plans included building | % new ball park and sports centre | which would provide for league, hockey games and boxing on the present ball park site, Limited 25 RITSON ROAD NORTH Telephone 2821-2820 Twin-Ignition Motor! bead, RE'D-NASH MOTORS Phone 122, Dundas Street West, Whitby THE EEE NEW NASH "g00" Special Six 400" Sedan 628 HRP ~ from the New NAsH TWIN IGNITION Motor' ERE'S one sure way to make your motoring more delightful in1929 ~drive 2 Nash "400", the car with the More power... . greater, smoother speed 5; » remarkable economy of operation-- these are new advantages now offered by Nash Twin-Ignition performance. In the development of this remarkable new motor, Nash bas combined three great principles of motor design--rwin- sgwition, bigh compression, and valve-in- IMPORTANT "400" FEATURES -- V0 OTHER CAR HAS THEM ALL Aluminum alloy pistons Torsional vibration damper World's easiest steeriag 7 2 ins Sasa In the air, this type of motor is winning the honors. A twin-ignition, high com- " pression, valve-in-head motor carried Lindbergh to Paris, Byrd over the Pole, Goebel to Hawaii, Now, for the first time, Nash makes this more efficient, more economical motor desig - available to every motorist. Ask your nearest Nash dealer to give you 2 Nash "400" to drive. Compare what we say about the Twin-Igaition motor, with what the Twin-Igoition motor says to you! 9 Sedans from $1,284 to $3,159, 8 Coupes, Cabriolets, Victorias from $1,234 to $2,504 SNASH 400' the World in Jlotor Car Value Oae-piece Saloa fenders Clear vision froas pillar posts Nash ial i hii bumpers Bijur centralized chassis lubrication Exterior metalware chrome plated over mickel Short turning radius (Inner Strats) 3 LI4: 3s EFL ANTLERS ETSI TY SEAR

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