-- < THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, JANUARY 26, 1929 Soviet Experiment is Tragic Failure Claims Former Grand Duke Russia Must Look to Romanoff for Aid in Period of Re- construction, Says Cousin of Czar, in an Interview Given During His Visit to Montreal.' Montreal, Jan. 26.--The Soviet experiment in Russia has falled tragically and its endurance is now but a question of the patience of the Russian people, for economically it 18 an enormous machine pumping money out of the people, and mor- ally it has wrought widespread un- happiness based as it is on hate, immorality, persecution of God and the Church, and upon negative principles generally. His Imperial Highness the Grand Duke Alexander Michailo- viteh, brother-in-law of the late Czar, cousin by marriage of King George, philosopher and littera- teur, thus epitomized his impres- sions in these words to an inter- viewer recently, Tall and gaunt in appearance, attired in a grey lounge suit," the one outstanding remaining mem- ber of the famous Romanoff line, Grand Duke Alexander {is certain that his countrymen will not suf- fer the yoke of the »oviet very much longer, because he declares that the Soviet is working against the harmonjes of the universe. People Unhappy "I would not speak against the present regime In my country were my people happy and prospering, but they are not. The Russian peasant is poorer today than ever before, he is ill-clothed and has the greatest difficulty in obtaining soap with which to wash hmself," he sald, False Impressions have been gained by most people who have presumed to discourse on the pres- ent state in Russia because, the Grand Duke asserted, they visitea that country only after the revo'u- tion had done its deadly work. Writers and lecturers report that great construction is going on there, His Imperial Highness said. They say that the drama, that art, has received a new impetus, but they do not realize that this con- struction is re-construction; the re-building of all the smashing and tearing that was done by the fren- zied mobs in the revolugiou, But Grand Duke Alexander is not satisfied, with destructive erit- icism and he has given a great deal of thought to the future of Russia. He expressed the hope that some day he may go back to aid in the upbuilding of the country on a new principle, that of the religion of love. The monarchy will come back, in his opinion, but it will not resemble Czarism, it will take the form of a limited monarchy wherein the reigning family will labor for the good and happiness of their subjects, Human Machines His Imperial Highness depre- cates the materialistic atmosphere that is being engendered in Russia today, He says that the Soviet are machines, rather than as human machines, arther than as human beings. Their education {is one- sided and stress is laid upon the material life, while the spiritual side, the soul, is altogether forgot- ten, And that to His Imperial Highness spells doom for the Sov- fet Republics, "What do I expect when the Soviet and their revolutionary ideas disappear? I do not know what to expect, Nobody does. Perhaps the regime of the Czars was bad, but then again it was the Roman- off family throughout many gen- erations' that made the name of Russia a great one among the na- tions of the world. Ana 1t is to the Romanoffs that Russia must look for help in the pera or re- construction when it comes." Of one thing he is certain. The parilamentary system of govern- ment will never be set up in Rus- sia, because that system is gradu- ally falling to pieces ,all through Europe, he thinks, It is going to pieces in France, in- Germany, and it has gone in Italy, and the solu- tion is something along the lines of a dictatorship, Need for Religion The Grand Duke feels that today there is a need for a practical re- TIME TABLES C.P.R, TIME TABLE, New Schedule taking effect 12.00 h Sunday. Apri) 2, 1928 ili Going West Daily, Lm. Daily . Daily except Sundey, ' Daly excep Sunde, 12.09 a.m ily All times shown above sre times trains depart from Oshaws Station. C. N. R, TIME TABLE Effective Jan, 6, 19290 oo s.m.~Daily except Sunday, a.m,~Sunday only, .59 a.m,~Daily. p.m.~Daily .except Sunday, p.m.--Daily except Sunday. p.m.~Daily except Sunday, p-m.--Daily, p.m.~Daily except Saturday, a.m,~Daily. a.m.~Daily, Westbound © 53-34 8 BRE oans {88D > 3 3.m.-- Daily. 45 a.m.~Daily. 53 a.m.~Daily except Sunday, 20 a.m.~Daily, a.m, --Daily except Sunday. p.m.--Daily except Susday, p.m.--Daily, p.m.--Sunday only, p.m. --Daily except Sunday, p.m.--Daily except Sunday, nn nwo [ELRSBHS NaN oo & 4 Rheumatism no Part of Nature's Plan She offers her healing herbs to stop suffering When America was wilderness, Indians were using herbs successfully. - From the Redmen, 50 ago, James Gallagher learned herbal secrets and ded her's Herbal House Cally ah h hy mon kis "A el many a i y - from , This fine, fimerproved. semndy, drawn from the | oiviture, Luals and cleanses kidneys. IC) - ache, dizziness and other Mo icine y snd bladder ailments. Try it! For sale by a F. W, THOMPSON 10 Simcoe St. S. -- Oshawa CARS START INSTANTLY IN COLD WEATHER McWADE OIL Whitby, Oshawa, Bo ville BUS LINE WEEK DAY SCHEDULE (Effective o. and alter Nov, 4 HH 10.50 a.m. 12.45 p.m BEBEB: wri Som 2888 4.35 p.m. 6.4 p.m.' PPC oER BBBBpE rr » Sua nN EOMNUA NN mE OS Shalaskiuis 2 EEpBBBBEE SepovemniEoe: EX 33-4034 1 1 " EoeN ase SeoPoPpPeese Bg vovE BEE - = i = - 1 WANA H CRN ANE; Me S88 LLB BBE. POON ab BERGER TPPPPE POLE BEREERRE = -- 4.45 po? 6.45 pam 8.45 p.m. 1.15 p.m. Felt Bros. 1 he LEADING JEWELER Tstab 'ished 1886 12 Simcoe St. South 1 WHY SUFFER Rheumatism . Phone 193 ligion that will be carried by man- kind twenty-four hours a day and that will be always applied during that time, Humanity must work with the harmonies of life, not against them, he points out, and having discovered the Eternal Truth which is common to all re- ligions, His . Imperial Highness thinks that there should be a practical application of such to ev- ery day life, "In Europe one cannot tell them anything for they have set ideas and that is why I am commencing my lecturing on this continent. You people are open-minded here, and if you see a practical side to an idea, you will accept it." CCAALTS ANY WHE ITF ee) a -- - ' HIGH GRADE EQUIP. MENT KEPT IN PER FECT CONDITION, MEANS RELIABLE SERVICE 82 'COLEMAN | CARTAGE LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE Grand Duke Alexander, with his retinue, arrived fi New York this morning and was met at Wind- sor Station by Sir Frederick Wil- liams-Taylor, his host, Louis Car- rier, and Allan Isles, Alderman Bray, acting Mayor, and an exten- sive Russian delegation headed by Dmitri G. Ter-Assatouroff, presi- dent of the Society Fund for the Salvation of Russia, Later he was: received at the city hall, Following a private luncheon, the Grand Duke and party were taken on a sight-seeing tour of the city and then attended a thanksgiving service at the Russian church of St, Peter and Paul on Champlain street, Such a service is a custom- ary one in any Russian village on the arrival of a member of the Im- perial family, Tonight he will lecture in the Ritz-Carlton hotel. BOOTLEGGERS AT THE BORDER THROW ASIDE CAUTION A Steady Stream of Liquor Flows Across the River to Detroit Windsor, Jan, 26, -- The local bootlegging fraternity, which be- cause of apparent hostility on the part of Detroit border patrol has bcen experiencing considerable dif- ficulty of late in pursuing their chosen avocntion, threw caution to the winds yesterday when they learned that Chief Summer Sleeper, of the patrol, and a dozen of un. aides had thrown up their jobs with United States Government and tha: the international line was wide open, } Beginning shortly before daylight yesterday a steady stream of Caua- dian beer and whisky has found its way across the ice-covered Detroit River to parched citizens of the re- public, and when darkness fell last night the bootleggers' procession was still passing, with no indica+ tion of its early termination, The "safety-zone" extended prac- tically all the way down the river, even to the town of Amherstburg. With heavy ice choking the stream and this covered with a thick cover- ing of show, the "boys' found noth- ing to hinder them from breaking a protracted period of idleness. Sleds, some of them evidently home-made ~ontrivances, toboggans and other improvised vehicles were pressed into servicé to move the liquor stocks, No reliable estimate fs possible of the quantity of contraband which crossed the river, but it ad- mittedly aggregated thousands cases of "hard stuff" and uneount- od carloads of nine per cent. Cana- dian beer, The ice in the river {s badlv nila n places and the progress of the international "travelers" was ted- fous .at time, but the caravans nlodded on, nerved to their ardu- ons work bv knowladre that either the ice field mi~ht move out or the American Federal arents mioht 'he recruited again sneh contingeney meanine the blocking up linnor sieve. On the American sida the contra- hand was heing landed at conven- 'ent docks or hoat houses, anpar- rntlv without the sli~htest atten, at interference from "the law.' of the Junior potato eluhs among the [Knudson prospered and boys and gir's are bein organized | on the the present for himself a knighthood. throughout Nova Seotia same princinle as princinle as the present swine and | jfour-masted ships," sald Sir Karl, | calf clubs. Do YouOwn Your Own LETT, NICHOLLS AND HALLITT Real Estate Insurance ard Loans. Phone 3254 11 King St. East, Oshawa SAILING VESSELS DISAPPEAR FROM TRADE. ROUTES Sir Karl Knud Recalls Early Days of Vancouver Shipping Vancouver, BC., Jan, 26.-- The tall sailing ships of a vanished age | first lured yourg Karl khnuason to the sea. Following the sea, young became one of the wealthiest ship-owners in Norway and incidentally won "I used to be fascinated by the Beautiful brick bunzalow, 6 rooms, all conveniences, Mantel, garage, location-- Carnegie Ave. Immediate ssion. First offer of $5,000 with $800 cash gets this bargain. The Disney Real Estate Phone 1350 Automobile Insurance Rates be matcriallp February 1 NOW Cutler & Preston Telephones 572 228 Night Calls 510, 1500, increased ANY; ARP "but the tall ships are disappear- ing from the trade lanes and the sea no longer beckons. Somehow the age of steam, practical and profitable though it may be, has never appealed to me. I am through with shipping and intend to concentrate now on bankig." Sir Karl was a recent visitor to Vancouver and he saw for himself many of the familiar spots he had known first from ship's logs and manifests in the days when he says operating Norwegian ships between European and - British Columbia ports. "] am glad that I came in time to see the old Hastings Mill," said Sir Karl. "Hastings Mill for for years a landmark to our ships and at one time was regarded as im- portant as Vancouver itself." Hastings Mill is now being torn HONE' 793' J.C.YOUNG 42 Prince St! ww Oshawa, Ont. REAL ESTATE Automobile and Fire Insurance of all kinds I. HL R. LUKE Phones 871, 031, 687W, Money to loan at 6% per cent, first mortgages. REGENT THEATRE BLK. , Vancouver waterfront, ELLA CINDERS--Come to My House WP -- down to make way for the city's along the By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb \D\ \=/ ALL WE CAN: SAY IS THAT THE WONDERFUL DINNER AND WONDERFUL. GIFTS THIS, THE 1 nore IS THE BEGINNING FA PLEASANT ga A, Jy / NW) 3 THERE'D NO USE TRYIN TO SLEEP WITH THAT NOISE- SO | MIGHT AS WELL GIT UP AN' AS LONG AS I'M CONNA GIT UP | THINK PLAYIN' WELL- BOYS" IT'D FOUR IN THE MORNIN IVE BEEN YES- IF YOU FIVE HOURS" ITS TIME TO GO HOME: AML OHE'S STILL DNORIN' - T ELECTRIC POWER WHICH 1S PRODUCED fi BY WATER POWER OR THE FRICTION il OF WATER, TOMMY, 131 CREATING ELECTRICAL POWER FROM WATER, THE WATER 1S FIRST DIVERTED INTO A PIPE OR SERIES OF PIPES, THROUGH WHICH IT FALLS WITH TREMENDOUS FORCE TO OPERATE A TURBINE ENGINE AT THE BOTTOM THIS TURBINE ENGINE THEN TURNS A DRIVING SHAFT WHICH SETS THE ELECTRICAL GENERATORS TO WORK. R TRANSFORMERS RAISE THE VOLTAGE FROM THE + GENERATORS YO A HIGH PRESSURE TO DRIVE THE 1%, ELECTRIC CURRENT OVER WIRES TO THE SUB-STATION (a (7, WHERE THE VOLTAGE 15 REDUCED T0 BE CARRIED O/ER Se WIRES T0 HOMES AND FACTORIES. ny 3 WIRED RE GET COUPLE OF THEATER INTO M FICE AF TER Ay v Mme marked "x" Whitby Hospital W. a SARGANT Speci usses tor All Occasions ard---89 2 Ra BU A mss Y Bloor Street KE. : 17 FURIOUS AT ME To 4 1 A GARION Peoprictor Orders Promptly Delivered J if : : | & I WITH haa Aloe Bowmanville Phooe 412 or 348 a) k 4 GLORIOUS. DANCING / Py St )f TONE Phone 2283 Osbawa Waiting Foom, 10 Prince St.- TILLIES DIARY J SUPPOSE MAC WiLL L 2 King Femturos Syndicate, Inc. Great Brita rights reser d