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Oshawa Daily Times, 26 Jan 1929, p. 12

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PAGE ['WELVE THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, JANUARY 26, 1929 MAN OF MANY JOBS Brockville.--The council of the vil- lage of Iroquois has appointed J. E. Gregory to be janitor of the town hall, janitor of the council chamber, sanitary inspector, fire chief and "weed inspector of the village, ACCIDENTAL DEATH .' Brockville--A verdict of accidental death was returned by the coroner's jury which investigated the cases of Adelard Lavigne and Clarence Hag- gett. laborers, who were killed on 'Wednesday by the collapse of a cross beam supporting a freight hoist cau- sing them to fall six stories to the basement of the structure. REFUSES OFFER Trenton--An offer of $100,000 made on behalf of a committee of shareholders for the assets of the MOTION. DEFEATED Kingstori.--" 'Most of our meetings are the most systematic loafing I ever saw," said Councillor Dr. Wil- liam Spankie of Wolfe Island, in supporting a motion in County Coun- cil, to do away with the fourth ses- sion during the year. The motion was defeated after a spirited discussion. Councillor Spankie stated he had looked up the records and found that for years the Council got a- long well enough on three sessions. QUEEN'S SCHOLARSHIP Kingston.--Under the will of the late Frederick Welch, Queen's Uni- versity has an income of $125 a year for a Scholarship in the Faculty of Arts, "open for competition only to the sons and daughters of non-com- missioner officers and men who have served overseas in the late war, and of mechanics and laborers, which stu- | proposed erection by the g : 1 Imperial Oil Company of a service station on George street opposite the city's war memorial in Confederation Square |é has now reached the courts. A writ was issued yesterday by the Com- pany asking for a mandatory order cancelling City Engineer Parsons' re- fusal to issue the,necessary building permit and for an injunction to re- strain the city from passing a by- law creating a restricted area. WOLVES RANGE MORE Kingston.--Contending that wolves are ing more and more destruc- tive in the North, Coutcillor Samuel Shanks of Palmerston succeeded in getting a motion through Frontenac County Council that the county ay 60 per cent. of a bonus up to five dollars for every wolf killed. Council- lor Stinchcomb stated that he would like to see a bounty given for the killing of bears, pointing out that a great many sheep are being carried away by bears. SMITH"S FALLS UNITED Smith Fall's--The annual congre- gational meeting of the United church held Here showed that 1928 was a record year in the church's history. M---- 'Let us compare notes" Just supposin' you have the - best home laundry] ox equipment you can buy, and a perfect dream of a woman to do the work for you. We have better: equipment than yours, and scientific laboratory supervision regulating the softness of water, purity of soap, etc., and can do better work than your best at a lower cost to] you. "Family wash" is a solved problem with us and we can positively guarantee splendid work. Ask about our five differ- ent kinds of service--and phone today. 1, 395% to 4c: No. 2, 39% Produce Prices in the Commercial Markets : TORONTO. PRODUCE 'Toronto wholesale dealers are paying the ing - prices, delivered - Toronto: cases returned--Fresh ex- to 33c; sec- d, No. No. 2, 4 oS lH THE onds, Butt ned and Dressed .» 3 to 4 Ibs. Do., under 3%; Ib: Young turkeys, market prices Do., old Toms and hens.. Roosters ...... cesese sesesancsas Young geese, market prices Ducklings, 5 lbs. Do., 4 to 5 Ibs. Do., 3% to 4 Ib: PRODUCE 'AT MONTREAL nervousness of shorts pushed both January and February butter option upward. Fo Sofi ments an, seh eggs, 60; eb. eggs, ; April eggs, 35; Jan. storage Feb. butter, 149, P eggs, 181; Nov. eggs, 58; Jan. butter, 115; Chicago, spot market--Butter, extras, 47Y%c; standards, 46%c; tome, firm; eggs, firsts, L.C.L., 3/c; tone, firm., EAST BUFFALO LIVE STOCK East Buffalo, Jan. 26.--Hogs--Receipts, 3,- 500; rs, 500; market fairly active; 160 to 280 Ib. weights, 25 to 40 cents lower; others steady to 25 cents lower; bulk, 160 to 280 Ibs., $10 to Hols: few decks, 19% Ibs., $10.25; 130 to 150 Ibs., $9.25 to $9.90; 130"Ibs., down, $8.75 to $9.25; packing sows, to $8.50. Cattle--Receipts, 250; butter cows, strong to 25 cents higher at $5 to $7; medium steers unsold, Calves--Receipts, 600; vealers active; fully steady at $10 down. Sheep--Receipts, 4,800; lambs slow; steady to 25 cents higher; quality only fair; good to choice, $17 to $17.25; closely sorted lots held higher, medium, $14.50 to $15.50; fat ewes, $8.50 to $9.50. . . WINNIPEG GRAIN Winnipeg, Jan. 2.--The wheat market con- __ Every package of Red Rose Tea is prepared with the same care--as if our reputation were to stand or fall upon that single package. TE RED ROSE TEA isgoodted | RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good Lo i Counties. Mr Harvey points out that, ir of corn borers: as possible, corn should be cut early and placed in order to destroy as large a number | within ten feet of the field, should | way in Erle and Chautaugua [and any stubbles and other debris ! left on the field should be gather- § ed early in the spring and burned. | All weeds both in the field and be plowed under or burned. While tests have been made with | a silo. The stubble then should be insectides, there are no : i y recommen- plowed under deeply and evenly, |dations made along these lines. 25 RITSON ROAD NORTH Telephone 2821-2820 328 Cariacs Ave. Toronto. Ont. COOPER SMITH CO. Flour, Feed and Grain 14 Celina St, | Pratt Food Company of Canada. Limtted Phone 8 had heen proved that with luck the Atlantic could be flown. "What more do we want? We haven't any aviators we can afford to waste in the Atlantic." Canada needed her aviators and could not spare any of them. In the past year. flying cost about $65 an hour, but that cost meant that flying was as safe as train travelling. 2 ima COAL MALLETT BROS. CANNEL | | . Dominion Combing Mills at Trenton, | gents shall at the time be bona fide| Over 000 was the total amount ! : : Ontario, was refused by Gordon Sha-| residents of the City of Kingstorf; Over $000 all purposes. Seven thou- Ploy ig 8 Jan. 2 TL pity Hiied Na steal gra Jpaey Jesteroay ver, K.C, acting for the largest cre-| preference being had for the children | sand dollars was contributed to the Phone 788 tone to the market was firm, Receipts were | carly part of the session sent that grain up ditor. The offer was subsequently| of soldiers." missionary schemes. Tangible expres- 1,68 cases. : 1 MR ld Be iin 0h withdrawn and the motion before the sion of appreciation of the services pole butler Warke Way active and firm. | flood of offerings and the price fell to Jéc Master at Osgoode Hall postponed and untiring efforts of the pastor, ee demand Tor essowis ol 3 limited) Loioy. the previous close. The latter pas until February 4. Me; Shaver said SOMMEMORATE LANDING Rev. Mr. Semple. The pastor has Shatgstey but Se id the market was hace gin final lor me Th ° ° that he was prepared to accept an elleville.--At yesterday morning's| tic & a ., ipts 0 boxes. . | gains of ¥c to Zc for the day. A offer of $110,000, if that Buti session of the County fe oth fue: salary Increased by $500 A A asinet a> dom in] Spreading operations, in which May wheat : e rcade Lim t e d a i h " < potatoes, Ss wel . was bought locally against sales of the agreed upon within one week. tion was introduced_that a grant be 434 Simcoe St. South Canadian beans sold unchanged at $5.75| game future at Chicago, accounted for the SN made to assist in the holding of a pez Lushel, Miulessle; w 23 tof bulk of the buying. Export business was United Empire Loyalist celebration, rages, lalaymChesst-Westerdt: vp, oo) suall 7 KINGSTON EXPORTS HIGH '| ihe same grant as was made five EE wo. Eggs._Storage' extras, 3c; do., firsts, - lines Somingied De alt heat ad. Kingston.--The declared exports,|;years ago. 32 to 33; do, seconds, 28c; fresh extras, 45 | ness was done overnight in the east and ' not including Janos, shipments under Mr. W. C. Malley, Reeve of Deser- NOT ED FIGURE OF 47s; ites firsts, W030 Wns sk. oy, wit A bout bi $100 in value, from the Kingston Con- | onto, stated that a celebration would ; H i HE og Mr . sular district during the year, 1928,]| be held in the town of Deseronto in|. * USEFUL WORK IN New SRODUCE AT NEw YOR® re- oust Jeans deat made Ca or Sain. N W M { D D amounted to $4,817,586; in 1927, $4,-[\June of this year to commemorate . ceipts, 9,207. Cheese steady; receipts, 47,876, | Cash Rpioes: Wheat No, 1 Northern, $1.26; 693,344; in 1926, $3,604,973 in landing of the U.E. Loyalists on OLD SOUTHW ggs firm; receipts, 15,506, Fresh gathered | No, 2 Northern, $1213; No 3 Northern, The records show that in the year,| the shores of Canada. It was desir- 4 extra, 43 to lcs extra, Bist Joie 7 B32 ites The: Arad SS) screttougs: por k 1918, these exports reached between| able to hold such a celebration, bed polis bic Pind oP Ul » 292 ['som, 80. F Oo S h l C bo 8 and 10 million dollars, while in . Nearby hennery white, closely selected ex- ro. 2 Cv: hig 7 No. 5 Cw, r C 00 or 0 egilate 1010 the amount reached five million| SERVICE STATION AFFORDS |Billy Reynolds Was Mem- 9 fra, 4 to 4c; nearby and nearby Western | 0c; xn Joy feed SHG: even" aries dollars, Peterboro.--Controversy over the ber of Famous Lone Star 5c; Pacific Coast white, extra, 4774 to 48c; Sek Tote. 3 CW, 77%e: No. 4 CW Wear vs extra first, 46 to dic. 72%c; rejected, $1.90%; No. 3, C. W., $1.84; ° State Family ---- ------ rejected, $1.82; track, $1.94%4, : 2 Hon. Ww. F. Finlayson Tells Draws MARKEY REVIEW ation on raepeetions ior a heals Lig Material of od lit J Cl h ., A Very Bad Cold Settled m Her Back Fort Worth, Texas Jan. 26. -- f S . R d d . Canadian egg market was rather firm yes- 32 and 5 bailey, il and 32; fa% 2s go qua y ean ot . -- h ---------- ' ' . olds, 0 ervices en ere ter ay. = . EH Tye, an ; mixe grain, an ' . . . 1 Ontario Lady Found Relief in Dodd's Kidney Pills 1 ati hae viaied W py Star by Aeroplanes wii "paving prices. afviacing 10 ne screenings, 1 and Comes in plain red, copen or white colors. C------ ' 0-37c; fir o dlc; nds, 24 to y "1 thought I would deop you « ling to lec you know how muck a Rg gadget SR nerd RE Yan chionge, jMicago rary ||| Neatly made and good appearance. 's Kidne i ve me," writes Mrs. J. of the o sou es d St. John--The rapid increase in egg re- : Fv % Patton, Richan, Ont. "Just PE -- a month ago J those who have bridged the days STUNTS DEPLORED ceipts which, began several weeks 250 has mal sitvliaiecus Joule Dev oy I had a very bad Cold settle in my back. It was ve LI of buffaloes and Indians with those bei) ih Bo ray are, extras, | grain prices upward strongly, despite selling . so bad at times, I did not know what to do for DI] IN) of the modern cattle industry in- . 45 to 48; firsts, 42 to 45c; seconds, 3 to| fo realize profits. Jeade In all; the grain ' S [ it. Ny ludbiand got a born of Dodd Kid: timately know. Forest Protection One of |. Ns Be I A A a Pp ecia ° ney Pills and it was o! a short time before tizen of Texas since he was . . . tions. Wheat values closed firm at 7: to was able to do my own work again, Diamond one ver ol, when he was brovgnt| Chief Lines of Flying | _ewtcago smobuce FUTURES iste up and opis sicwine Yi to jie adores Dinner Pills are the best laxative I have ever here from Montgomery, Ala. by Work in Ontario cago Mercantile Exch y d with ding that country offerings were larger | taken; Dodd's Antiseptic Healing Ointment is his parents, Reynolds graduated egg and butter futures leaping up under the! on account of bulges in price. In addition | also very good. You may use this letter so from cow-herding and Indian fight- RET EE ea ol ae on Io Syusthizing wit: w cgi dh that others may see what Dodd's Kidney Pills ing to ranching, cattle raising and | Montreal, Jan. 26--The fmport- | Boot MoC Cr Bee ® dwindling rapidly with | news from me I gy = have done for me. grace finance, and _ was exceedingly |ance of stressing in Canada the de- | fresh production slashed by FRE or iudind Boy , prices--Wheat, No. §, hard $118; HE GMATISM 1th : ® velopment of useful forms of avia- | tures and ice covering the poultry scratch-| Corn, No. 4, mixed, 95 to 95%c; No. 3 yel- x 50 At All Dealers, or by Mail from The wealthy. tion, rather than risking lives and | ing areas. Over three times the number of | low, 98%c. Oats, No. 2 white, 56 to 57%c. C Dodds Medicine Co. Ltd., Toronto 2, Ont. With his brother, George T. Rey- ' cases of eggs were withdrawn from the fom | Sample grade, 49 to Sic. Rye, no sales, Bar- | = nolds, who died two years ago, the wasting money on spectacular | market re rigerator stores today than a year| ley, 60 to 75c. Timothy seed, $5.60 to $6.20. old cattleman had kept the family Lgl which hay lite jmmediale ago. The shortage in butter reserves and the | Clover seed, $23.00 to $31.00. SKIRTS - value, was urged by Hon. W. F. name prominent on the Texas hor- Finlayson, Minister of Lands and 1 izon for nearly three-quarters of a Forests of Ontario, addressing the SMILES AND SUNSHINE FEAR FOR SPREAD -. century, , g Canadian Club of Montreal at lun- t-- At 21, Reynolds joined Charles ha The gold lure of California may OF CORN-BORER Goodnight, still living, and Oliver eon, Sacenily. the valuable work |10W be mostly history but its at- F Cor Lone 30 Rerding as Poi done by aviators in Canada, in fire |tractions - are equally inviting " | prevention, f c though of a different hue. The gol Geneva, N. Y., Jan. 26.--Alarm 3 2A i on He hire J Loving ot I A i gp pS ine of sysny days and the Beausss is felt .among ST growers : the Dominion leads the world. This {mOOn evenings now lure e |of western New York over the rapid 7 s ° 3 z . fe tocon ier ens nu wl 8 Ki vito, sy Fi avant 1 and of redo ae Baroy" or ore || AL wool Havy Serge Skirts, with waist at: = at he thought shou e grear' . uring the season, according t : 14 marauding Indians that led to many d. "We haven' of golden beaches to laze away an to G. E. R. H 4d ached. 1zes to years. , succeeding brushes with them. SHCOuTage.. e haven't any hd - BE. R. Harvey, of the State ; we can afford to v- afternoon or byways fringed with |Experimental Station staff ana Yesnono om of utlw who |i the Atlantic he | pointed out. palm frees Jo: lolourely seploretion, special investigations are under io ' / forest tection n ' ' > wantered i farther Sfisl, tame The protection of forest wealth | Ponting, fishing, riding for those ond Vas o viettn of the notorious | 2 one of the uses of aviation in |S0 inclined. And to get to Califor- outlaw. Dilys the Rid. The Rove which Canada excelled beyond all |nia, board a de luxe Canadian Pac- i 4 y y 2 . he €¥- [other nations. Canada had a wealth |ific train. It leaves Toronto daily The National leaves Toronto By s posted a $5,000 reward for |ihat could not be protected effi- |at 9.00 p.m. and traverses a route daily at 9.00 p.m. Arrives e capture of the slayer. When lojently in any other _ |unsurpassed in scenie beauty. 2 Y. ¢ the Kid was killed ye lat y y way than avia Winnipeg 10.00 a.m. second >C years Tater a tion, Canada had been in the lum-| Amy Canadian Pacific Agent will morning. Good connections at watch taken from Sheriff Reynolds | her business for a centur a smooth out your travel problems Winnipeg for all points in Was sound on Hie person and it was | gti] trying 10 strugzle id i ya so that you will enjoy a care free Western Canada. rrped wd iS Tamiya Indian |CPACE: Ontario had 23 seaplanes |Yacation, and will tell you more of convenient hour for tights Reyonlds saw his brother, | Ls Peration, fighting the fire dan- the exusilony servite to this lang % Georne, shot fron Rls horse wy ou {26% They had about 125 million [of sunshine, Standard Sleepers--Tourist hard-drawn arrow, the steel head acres of timber land to watch all Mr ME. Jonuston, City Agent, a Sleepers--Diner and Coaches. of which entered so deep that it |. nmer of which 100 million acres C. P. R. Oshawa, Ont. ; rn . H. W. SHERIDAN was carried for 16 years until Welo only ssirored by 2iJlanet. 39 Simcoe . 82 when remov rplane ' - D Dene 5.5 an rem ed by physicians service, working with radio appara- Out of 2800 members in boys ; , succeeded in covering thi and girls' calf feeding and cattle - The injured man could neither E this vast - ride nor walk, so Reynolds impro- territory. So far, they had founa |Preeding clubs in eastern Canada, : Ad 1AM vised a blanket stretcher a ny Gificilty in communicating from Concerned iy the Canadian Nstion- : / v two horses and carried the man |S 0URd to plane, but it was hard to al Railways' championship contests - Om al thus for 150 miles to Weatherford |COTMmunicate from plane to ground, |4t the Canadian royal show in and the nearest doctor. as the transmitting apparatus was | November, more than 2200 of --LL I Texas headquarters of the Rey. |too heavy to carry. these were in the province of Que- - : ; nolds were maintained for many| He related accounts of herofc'ef- bec. A Quebec team, Reginald == years on the Clear Fork of the |forts by pilots in times of big fires, [Connor and Kenneth Little from Brazos in Shackleford County. flying for long stretches at a time North Hatley and Waterville, L " Their Long X brand at one time |and showing themselves indefatig-|Were second in the Canadian : went on as many as 15,000 calves |able in their efforts to bring in championships for these contests. * : I Y C ll D 2? a season. Other ranches were est- [the necessary men and materials ar 00 l oa S Ss our e ar amp : ablished in Colorado, Montana, and [to quench the fire. He also told of 8 one North Dakota, and Reynolds own- aviators following up by air the How Best to U : This is almost a superfluous question ed 150,000 acres of land when he [trail of people who 'caused fires to se ; in Oshawa, when we consider what has died. start, thus making their capture Vi k V R y . IH RnSpNed respecting flood conditions - and punishment easier. ICKS apo ub r 5 x within the past week. Nevertheless it is TRAVEL THE COMFORT WA Land Surveyin, - S a WwW d y R al V { l yy a proper question just the same. © TO WINNIPEG, y From fire .. turnec After the F Tu CY 00 e a ue ==" ale If your cellar is damp it is a very hard TRAVEL THE NATIONAL ROUTE |to land surveying, showing how by al EX Yung to ute in Joell, but there is a means of aerial photographs, enor- ( Late Winter Colds Are Doubly n, \ efinite cure for this dampness permeat- "The National" is the mous areas can be surveyed in a i . " e- jug Shrough to he first if not the second train to Winnipeg and i roruia season. This service, however, was Dangerom Thi You; Don't of oor of your home. Many good floors The travelling man has f limited by the number of days in a Them Start i i t- have been ruined by Jampness in the cel- so--women and women Sioa ht season suitable for photographing AVOID PNEUMONIA OR A Buy it, try it, and prove to yourselves the economy ars, being present in only such a small ren give it preference-- from the air. There were usually : : 8 $ quantity that it Is not noticeable, but good Folly Specially a a about 30 to 35 days available in a SECOND ATTACK OF FLU and convenience in using this wood. Adapted for =z nevertheless working insidiously against service is offered. Hour of depart- |Season. Timber cruising was an- I e.: the building all the time. It not only ure and arrival is convenient other line of effort which, in Can- If you catch a fresh cold, don't every purpose. warps the floors but rots your beams and Equipment on this train-- Com- |#d2, Was much simplified by the keep it overnight. If possible, go * joists. partment--Observation -- Library | Use Of planes. There was an econ- home. and go. to bed. Take a. lax- One thickness of TEN TEST INSU- --Buffet Cars (Radio) --Standand |?MY In cash expenditure as well as Biv 204 3 hot lemensds, apply LATING BOARD nailed ox the bottom of Sleepers-- Tourist Sleepers-- Diner | SVing of time in doing this work [0b Wet towels over throat and your floor joist will prevent all semblance and Coaches. from the air. thest wou] the ia is Doroughly Just call 262 and start one of our many trucks your way. of the moisture getting through. . It The National leave T ' In the mining field also, the air- . usly w. a . can be put on with absolute og there evening at 9 Pave avery Dane was doing invaluable work Vicks. Spread on fNickly-aM cover Trucks held In rondtiness for you ool so that we way is no muss about it, the sheets are large' |via Sudbury, arriving 10.00 a.m, (It had revolutionized ideas of pros- With warm flannel, A v . °. and easily applied and of standard sizes. second morning. 'I, | perity a couple of men in a plane | 1L/eave the bed-covering loose, give the service to which you are entitled. . The cost is small and furthermore, when Full information from Canadian |C0Ould prospect a thousand mriles in 50 that the. vapors, released hy fhe considered in conjunction with the fire National Agents. the time it would take & canoe |the body-warmth, may be freely in- risk of a furnace in your cellar, it is party, working in the old-fashion- [Raled. At the same time, Vicks acts fireproof; fireproof in the same sense that ed way, to do 25. through the skin like a poultice. anything else, of the building materials The development of Northern | Repeat this treatment every four | : which we have today, including brick Ontario and Quebec was destined |ROUrs, eat lightly, and stay in bed @ and stone, is fireproof. to be wonderfully facilitatéd by the IE the sold x yholen: Complete If you call us on the teelphone an J: ; possibility of moving prospectors 3 e body throw off the 1X0N oa oO give us the size of your Paci we a: {gra She Will Lay More Qi equipment around quickly by od Hofe quickly. ® be very pleased to tell you what the GOT Eggs - Guaranteed airplane. vi fora especially appreciate material will cost. Incidentally you will EOSIN Police work in the little populat- bri iS or 'the children. As it {s ap- . have a better cellar, and will have a Back ed districts was also helped along a P oy externally, it ean be used Phone 262 Four Lines to Central direct saving in the preservation of any Your Mon fled! lot by aviation. He suggested that pip and often, without upset- vegetables which may be stored for Win- Canada's efforts in aviation should ng Jolteate , digestions, as too ter use. be concentrated on useful lines. It |much "dosing" is so apt to do. POCAHONTAS

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