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Oshawa Daily Times, 30 Jan 1929, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, "SDAY, "JARY 29, PAGE SEVEN Suburban and District N ews Gathered By 7 .mes Staff Reporters and Correspondents COLUMBL'S Columbus, Jan. co. 2M and Mrs. m. Richardson, Mr. S. Roberts, Mrs. J. Guy and children spent Mon- day Bt 1 at Ashburn with friends. Ross Murison of Madoc is home for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. A. Murison. The measles are around again also whooping cough. The flu is clearing up nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Ellis spent Sunday with friends at Brooklin. Quite a large crowd was out to see the hockey game Claremont vs. Columbus on Friday evening, which ended in defeat,for our local boys Wm. Grant of Port Perry spent the Jeek end with his mother, Mrs. W. D. Dyer, The Young People's Class gave their play, "Home Ties," at the King St. church to a large audience. The dance that was held in the Township Hall last Friday evening was well attended, with good music and everyone had a good time, RAGLAN Raglan, Jan, 29.--January with its changing winds, ice and thaw and high winds, will soon be a: thing of the pas: for another year. Then comes February with its snow and winds, sometimes blocking thé roads. Mr. G. Wilson formerly of Osh- awa was a guest of Mrs. C. Avery on Sunday. The Foresters held their monthly meeting in the town hall on Monday | evening and report a large number present, | . Mrs. G. Brent visited with her mother, Mrs, Thos. Cook, of Colum- bus, on Sunday. Mrs. Merriam, who has been con- fined to her home with an attack of bloodpoison in her foot, is getting! better and is able to be out again, Miss H. Ackney and Miss Iva Gil- bank spent the week end at their re- spective home in Epson and Bov w= | manville, Quite a' number of our Raglan fans enjoyed seeing the game of! hockey last Friday night played he- tween Columbus and Claremont, We, are looking forward to their next tilt when they play in Whitby. The ol school is considering getting up a box social and concert for February. Mrs, Wm, Bright has taken 2a change for the better and is gradu- ally improving. Two more cases of chicken-pox have been listed on the roll for Rag- lan. We hope this epidemic will be the last for this season. EFENEZER Ebenezer, Jan, 29--Three regular services were held at Ebenezer gu Sunday last. Our pastor, Rev. J. I Stainton, was with us again Hi preached both in the morning and evening. Both sermons were excel- lent. His morning text beinh found in 2 Corinthians S: 19. His subject in the evening was "The Undying Fire." Following the cvening service there was the half hour of illustrated song and story which is always very in- teresting as well as educational. The pictures werc on "The Story of Moses." The choir rendered beauti- ful music in both services. Sunday school held a regular session in the afternoon with a helpful lesson period for all, Qur young people paid a visit to]? Eldad League on Monday night when a very enjoyable time was spent by all who were present. On account of this no league meeting will be held at Ebenezer this weck. Bear in mind the date of February 14 for a banquet under the auspices of the Young People's League. Fuller particulars will appear later but re- member to keep that date open. The play "Arnold Goes into Busi- ness" is still going s strong. On Wed- nesday evening of last week the players presented it in Cobourg and are to present it twice during this week. The members of the cast certainly deserve our heartiest con- gratulations which we extent -them on their continued success Regular services at Ebenezer next Sunday. Good sermons and music at {all services. Everyone is welcome. The young folks of our community tare thoroughly enjoying the real ! winter weather, skating being the ,order of the day with them. Good Wages. Simcoe Street Scuth MOTOR MECHA JIC WANTED Must be experienced in overhaul"ng Chevrolet Motors. Steady Work. Apply Mr. Shortt, Ontario Motor $ les Phone 800 If you have wo i Bei from piles belive hopeless. oF ca can can, uy be relieved ad by ( 1f an ope never gen od NATUR REMED believe | PILE REMEDY after bore with other a Shine » LE he 2 drogsist of once, Take accord- SreEuist i Onis you are not with the results after a fair trial, return the empty box and we will refund your money. -Field Remedies, Limited, En PILE REMEDY None genuine without the KARN'S DRUG STORE JURY AND LOVELL A. W. Merrill name F. W. THOMPSON T. B. MITCHELL ESEEEEEEEEEEEEEE) Place Your. Order CANADIAN COAL We are prepared to supply you with ROSEDALE LUMP ALBERTA"S BEST COAL At a price that will appeal to every pocket. We are only receiving a limited quantity of this fine coal, so den't delay ordering as we fill orders just as come inl, they Tie famous Reading Anthracite, Cannel Coal, and Good Dry Hard and Soft Woods Always on Hand. Vc! aughlin Coa! and Supplies Limited '21, Cole, Wocd, Sewer Pipe and Builders' Supplies 110 ii'ng St. W. ES EEGEEEENEEEEEEP Phone 1246 Oshawa, Ont. THORNTON'S CORNERS Thornton's €orners, Jan. 29.--~Mr. Oliver Pierson is able to be up after his serious accident last week. It will be some time though before he will be allowed to return to work. . All sineerely hope that the chicken 'thieves will be caught who have been active in this neighborhood lately. The Ladies' Aid meet this Thurs- day afternoon at the Sunday Schaol room to quilt. A full attendance is requested. / Mrs. G. H. Robinson was a recent visitor to Courtice, Last Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lick cntertained the young people of the Dramatic Club at their home. Despite the bad roads and weather over forty young people at- tended and all had a very jolly even- ing which was spent playing progres- sive crokinole. Miss Florence Gar- rard winning the ladies' first prize, a pretty cup and saucer. Mr, Everett Jackson winning the gentleman's prize, an Eversharp pencil. Dainty refreshments were served during the sveing hursday [Evening of this week the young people are holding a skat- ing party at Whitby, after which Miss Edith Elliott is entertaining them at her home. Glad to say Mr. A. Dean is im- proving, after his recent illness. Mr, Frank Luke is entertaining his 'Sunday school class of boys on Sa- turday afternoon. Miss Luela Pier- son is also entertaining her class of girls this week at her home. The attendance at Sunday school on January 27th was 71. All en- joyed the special singing by the junior classes, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Bagg of Whit- by were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs, Stanley Bagg. Mr. Richard Walters and son Mur- ton are guests of Mr, and Mrs, Ed- gar Pascoe, ORONO Orono, Jan, 29.--Mr. Arthur Welsh, who spent the past three weeks here with his mother, Mrs. Stutt, who has been very ill, with flu, has returned to his home in Salem, taking his mother with him, Mr. M. Breslin, who has been ill in Toronto General Hospital, re- turned to her home here on Tuesday. Mr, and Mrs. A. G. Rolph and Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson, spent Sat- urday at the home of Mr. Frank Thompson, Taunton, where they had dinner with Mr. Will Leask, who is shortly leaving for Florida. Miss Cctherine Hall, of Toronto, accomponied by Mrs. Baggs, spent Sunday with her father, Mr. M. C. Holl, Mrs. W. 8. Moffatt was talen seri- ously ill last week with appendicitis and cther complications, at Bowman. | vile Flospital, where she is being t ed. We understand an opera- n ig not take place for a time Bc avaiond L. Clark, Newark, NJ. visited last week at his aunt's I T. Smith's. Raymond is the el.cst son of Mr. Albert Clark, of Dzn. 'le, Calif, an old Orono boy wha left here over forty years ago, and who has been judge and post- moster at Danville for years, Mr, and Mrs. John Henry attend- ed the funeral at Elizabethville of her msther, Mrs. John Snowden, who died suddenly on Saturday from pleuro pneumonia, Interment took place at Welcome Cemetery. Deceased was in her 80th year. She is sur- vived by her husband, two sons and two daughters. Anniversary services held here last Sunday were of a very high order. In the morning Rev, G. E. Sisco, of Port Hope, very strongly admonished his hearers. to continue in the straizht and narrow path that leads to life. In the evening, Rev. Har- old Stainton of Courtice, occupied the pulpit. Both delivered forceful sermons, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Clemence and her sister, Miss Smith, of Whitby, spent Sunday with Miss Flora Cob- bledick and Mr. Howard Walsh. Mr. James Cuttell is visiting his daughter in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. E. Benson, of To- ronto, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Rolph, MYRTLE Myrtle, Jan. 29--~Mr. and Mrs. Will Cook and son visited Saintfield friends on Sunday. Miss Winnifred Williamson, B.A, of the O.L.C., Whitby, spent the week end at Mr. J. A. Carmichael's. Mr. and Mrs. tained a number of their friends at their home on Wednesday night. Mr. Robert Hoar, who has spent the past few weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, William Hoar, left for his home in Edmonton on Thursday. Mr. Fred Todd was called to Ux- bridge last week owing to the ser- ious illness of his uncle, Mr. J Webster. The superintendent and officers of the Sabbath School were much pleas- ed with the attendance on Sunday, there being eighty-three present, It is gratifying to see such an interest being taken in this splendid branch of church work at any time but especially snow that there are such enemies of our religion stalking through our land trying to make light of our belief in an All Wise Providence, "The Reds." Two Oshawa young men had a ra- ther unpleasant experience while motoring south between' the two Myrtles on Sunday morning in a Star sedan, their car quite unexpect- edly took a skid for the ditch break- ing a rear axle and doing other damage. Fortunately the occupants escaped uninjured. Elmer Cook was sent for and in a few hours had the car on the roadbed again fitted up with new repairs, and the young men were 'soon heading for the motor city little the worse for their experi- ence on the treacherous ice. Miss D. Broom has returned to her home here after spending a few days with Whitby friends. Skiing is becoming a favorite sport with a number here this winter, long Bikes being taken fo the northern The "Club" met for its weekly gathering on Friday night with a splendid attendance present, there being twelve tables of progressive euchre and several of Lost Heir. Each week a number of members join up and it looks as though it will A. Johnston enter- { be a greater success than that of last year. At the close of the even- ing useful prizes were given to the winners as well as the loosers after which the ladies served their usual delicious eats and the happy gather- ing broke up eager for the next gathering this § Friday night. Mr, nd arry Fenn and family o Toronto visited Mrs, Fenn's HR Mrs, F. R. Price on Sunday. Mr, H, Roy Bright has purchased a fine new Chevrolet sedan car. Mrs. James Dickson visited her sister, Mrs. James Moffatt of Osh- awa last weck. Mr. and Mrs. Arch. Johnston en- tertained on Wednesday night when a very pleasant time was spent, ZION Zion, Jan. 28--Mr, Myron Rob- bins and daughter, Miss Nora, en- tertained friends and neighbors on two different evenings when "Lopat Heir" was played and Mrs, al, Ayre and Mr, Herb. Flintoff were winner and received a china dish and a game of Lost Heir respec- tively and Mrs. Carl Wilbur and Mr. Fred Langmaid received the same tokens at the second party. Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Langmaid of Zion entertained this week also at two parties first one, the prizes went to Mrs. Wesley Glaspel, a ching dish, and Mr. Herb Flintoff pair of socks at "Lost Heir". At the second party Mr. Fred Robbins took the place of a lady and re- ceived first prize, a dish, while Mr. A. Stainton, received the gen- tleman's prize, a pair of socks. Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Wilbur at- tended the funeral of the late Mrs. John Reynolds at Solina on Mon- day. Mr. and Mrs, Wm Fice attended a family dinner at the home of Mr. Roland Cole, Bowmanville, on Thursday. Don't forget the Parcel Post and Concert in the church on Val- entine's Day, under the auspices of Women's Association, The Adul ing a box social Reserve the date, Miss Annie and Mr. Alex Mec- Master were host and hostess to a party on Saturday ni-ht in honor on March 17th. of Nurse Jean McMaster and Mr. | Jas McMaster and Mr, Fred Har ris, Toronto. The congregational meeting was fairly well attended, considering the cold nigh last Thursday, when reports were given by the differ- ent members of the different or- ganizations and very encoura~ing 0. Hymnsw ere sung Rev. Mr. Dick hal borrowed a lantern and iides which was very well operat- 1 by Mr. Tom Jones and Mr. Tcor e Chant. Mr. Bick told the ~lory as the pictures were changed. At the c'ose abundance of refresh- mn» § pn tea were served to a'l Mr A. T. Stainton sang a vers nice solo at the church service on Sunday, Rev. Mr. Bick gave a splencid sermcn and both services were fairly well attended, Miss Norma Wade has gone home to Ebenezer after caring for her grandparents, Mr and Mrs. Sul'ey who have been very sick. The 'Adult Bible C'ass will re- sume the "Questions and Answers' period a~ain next Sunday unti} the end of May, The new officers are. Pres., Mrs. Wesley Glaspel; Vice- Pres , Mrs. J. W. Balson; Sec. Mrs. Re'ord Cameron; Treas., Mr, Russel Perkins, NEWCASTLE Newcastle, Jan, 29.---Misses Helen and Marjorie Lycett spent the week end with their father, Mr. Alf. Ly- cett, Oshawa. Miss Elsie Wallace of Newtonville, clerk in Britton's grocery store, has som Germany been home sick with the flu, She has been relieved of her duties by her sister Hilda, Mrs. L. M. Calwill, of Windsor, announces the marriage of her eldest daughter, Alberta Maud, formerly of Newcastle, Ont, to William Harvey Sldan, of Phoenix, Arizona. _Pre- vious to her marriage Miss Calwill was entertained on a number of oc- casions, A personal shower and bridge. luncheon was given her by the nurses of the Detroit Board of Nurses. Mrs. Charles Colwill. Walk- erville, was hostess at a bridge show- er for Miss Colwill and she was en- tertained by Mrs. Charles McCaf- ery of Walkerville. Mr, and Mrs. Sloan will reside at Phoenix, Ari- zona. The heavy floods of rain of last Friday caused the breaking up of Hanley's bridge. It is now impass- able and will require considerable expense to repair or possibly to re- build it, The segular meeting of the Young People's League was held on Monday evening with a good attendance. De- votional topic was taken by Miss Anne Drummond. The league have decided to give a play in the spring, | Bible Class are hold- milking machines in this area with | having sold their farm and orchard, the committee appointed to be re- sponsible comprising Elizabeth Han- cock, Lillian Clemence, Alva Roblin and George Sparrow. The program in charge of 3rd vice president, George Sparrow, consisted of a piano duet, Minniq Pearce and Helen Ly- cett; temperance topic, H, P. Pearce; readin s, Charlie Thackeray and Er- nest Crisp; duet, mouth organ and harp, Austin Turner and Annie Wragg. At the close of this splendid program Rev. Mr, Rogers conducted a number of were interesting and novel word contest: The C.G.L'T. with their leader, Mrs. (Rev.) Rogers paid a visit to Orono CG.IT. on Sunday evening on the occasion of a church service con- ducted by the latter. Miss Marshall, jravelling secretary of Girl's Work Board, gave a very helpful and in- spiring address. Mrs, Rogers took part in the service in scripture read- ing and prayer, Minnje ¥earce con- tributed a solo to the musical pro- gram and assisted the choir, com- posed of members of Orono C.G.LT, Whe annual election of officers of the United Church choir was held on Friday evening last, resulting as follows: -- President, Mr, W. H. Cooke; secretary, Miss Lillian Clem- ence; 'choir leader, Mr. W.- J. S. Rickard; lookout committee, Mrs, Walter Deline and Mr. Mark Allin; special music committee, Mr, Cooke, Mr. Rickard, Mrs, L. M, Fisher; or- ganist, Miss M. C, Pearce; Misses Hancock and Pearce, auditors. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rouse and children of Cobourg visited with Mr, and Mrs. Percy Hare over the week end, Mr. J. A. Smith, Sr.,, and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Smith, Jr, and babe and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Toms, spent the week end in Toronto, Mr. R. C. Lovekin, who recently spent a week in Peterboro taking an intensive course in salesmanship, etc, with.thé De Laval Company, is now in Toronto which he is making his headquarters for his new posi- tion of block superintendent of sales- men for the counties of York, Peel and Halton, It will be Mr. Love- kin's duties to push and superintend the sales of De Laval separators and its total of 80,000 dairy cows. Mr. Lovekin will have a large number of local agents working under him throughout the three counties. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gibson report house, barns and share in the {fruit house at the C.N.R. station to the Port Hope Orchard Company. Mr. and Mrs. Gibson will move to Tor- onto. GR'F ZEPPELIN IPOTIC VOYASE PLANS DETAILED Fzkeher to , Pilot Dirigible, Nansen Hzads Scientists; Dogs and Sleds Included New York, Jan. 30.--The Craf Zeppelin which crossed the Atlan- tic from Germany to. the United States and returned again last Oc- tober, will circle the nortbern tip of the world on its next great flight, an Arctic exploration cruise scheduled for April, 1930. | In preparation for the flight, Walter Burns, secretary general of the International Society for the Exploration of the Arctic Regions by Alrcraft, arrived here from Bremen yesterday fn the North German Lloyd liner Columbus, Mr. 'Burns ancounced that Dr. | Hugo Eckener, who piloted the dirigible on its recent flight, would hold the helm on tue Arctic cruise, which will cover a route | to Leningrad, across Northern Greenland to Nome, and thence over a wide cir- cle of Arctic waste The director general said that | he had come to America to ask the | government of the Unitea States to erect a mooring mast at Nome, | which will be used as a base after | the first half of the flight, | Dr, Fridjof Nansen, the Norwe- gian explorer, he said, will head the list of ten or twelve scientists who HEADACHE RELIEVED in QUICKLY Bis ae i Yossi oa digestive distur- bances, removes the intestinal poisons, and sick head- ache quickly disappears. Your whole system enjoys a tonic effect, consti- pation vanishes, and you feel a re- Bowed Te a bromides and ,they are depres and harmful, All Druggists 25¢c and 75c red pkgs. YOU WILL NEVER BE DISAPPOINTED WITH FULLER'S SUGAR-CURED Hams and Bacon Making New Friends Daily For A Quarter of a Century Announcement .... TO THE Cartwright's, AND DISTRICT Mr. Don Kinloch wishes to announce that he has ac- quired the clothing and furnishing business known as this date on will be conducted under the name of Kin. loch's, Limited, and will carry a complete and high class line of Men's and Boys' Wearing Apparel. PUBLIC OF OSHAWA Ltd., located at 6 King St. E., and from Kinlock's Limited "DON" KINLOCH. will be taken on the flight with a crew of thirty, to determine, if pos- sible, by soundings of water be- tween North America and Asia if the two continents ever were one. In addition to the crew and the | explosion. will his chair and McCormick fainted. scientists, the Graf Zeppelin carry forty-five dogs and sleds, so that in case it is forced to land the expedition may have better suc- cess in rescuing itself than did the crew of the Italia. Mr. Burns pointed out that the expedition could learn little of new scientific value by a visit to the North Pole but that there is a good field for exploration between the Pole and Point Barrow, ™ A landing is to be attempted in this region, he said, near Cape Barrow. Returning to Germany after the cruise which is expected to take five weeks, the Zeppelin will fly over Nicholas II Land and the top of the Asiatic Continent, CIGAR LIGHTER CAUSES IF'URORE Orange, N.J., Jan, 30.--William McCormick's patent cigar lighter didn't work. McCormick, a well-known Orarge | lawyer, went out to lunch and got some benzine to put in it. When he got back he called to Charles Mapletoft, one of his partners: "My lighter works now -- just | Jut it turned out that the explo- watch!" and he twirled the mach- sion was an auto backfiring just |inery of the thing. outside the window. An examination of the lighter disclosed that it was innocent. 1% hadn't worked. There was a loud report like an Mapletoft fell out of oe Thr h Eq [4 mpar on Er oush, Bauiom ens Bhar tmentOluervation Lv. Terento Daily 9.00 p.m. Ar. Winnipeg * 10.00 am. 2nd day Ar. Regina » 11.08 pm 2nd Ar. Calgary 4.28 pm. 3rd Ar. Vancouver 8.1I§ pm. 4th « Convenient ions at Wi for all fointa West, also at Regina for 5 Saskatoon and at Calga Edmonton Fe | M. R. ! Johnson Agent 11 King St. East CANADIAN PACIFIC Special offered in BUICK mechanically perfect. like new, and new tires. OLDSMOBILE 1928 Sedan. than 5,000 miles. fect condition .... ... OLDSMOBILE PONTIACS and finish like new. BROCE .cos 2.0ivninee FLINT 5-pass. Sedan. Continental Red Seal motor, 7-bearing crankshaft, hydrau- lic 4-wheel brakes. Slip- covers. A good family car. CHEVROLET 1927 Coach. A good depend- able car at a popular price FREE FINANCING To Prospective Purchasers of GUARANTEED USED CARS A Partial List of the Bargains 1927 Sedan, carefully inspected and Duco finish, This car has run less iver §1125 1927 Coach, 4 wheel brakes. One of the zeal bargains of the sale. le. $750 Two 1928 Coupes, low mileage, tires Your FREE INSURANCE Announcement this Advertisement: In order to make room for the used cars that will be turned in cn 1929 models, we are offering for ten days cnly, a spe- cial inducement to the buying public viz: a free financing plan. For example: You 'purchase a car for $1,000. You pay 40 per ceat. or $400. Balance, $600. We give you free financing and free insur- ance on the balance for one year. Your presext car will be taken as cash. We also give a positive guarantee with all cars in this sale. $1050 $750 Among the other exceptional values: 1928 Olds Sport Coupe 1928 Olds Standard Coupe 1928 Olds Coach 1928 Buick Sedan 1925 Lincoln Touring 1927 Pontiac Coach 1928 Chev. Coach and many others. $850 $450 SALE COMMENCES JANUARY 30. Motor City Service Limited 26 ATHOL ST. W. PHO. 428 Dealers in Cadillac, LaSa'le and Oldsmobile

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