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Oshawa Daily Times, 31 Jan 1929, p. 8

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. THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 31, 1929 -- SIM OES AND SHAMROCKS WIN -- CURLERS LOSE TO HIGH PARK - Des 9 Shamrocks Win From | Peterboro Sextet 7-2 1 , COMING BALL SEASON CHEV LADIES PLAN The Chev. Ladies' softball team, | Indoor Tennis Meet --By Jimmy Thompson Curlers Lose . to High Park The Oshawa Curlers were the hosts to eight rinks from the High Park Curling Club of Toronto last night, and each game was an in- teresting and exciting tussle, The visitors were the victors, winning five out of the eight, with a total Walton Scores First Two of Season as Simcoes Win Defeat Bowmanville in Fost] Game -- Whitton, Garri- son, Burr and Peterson son featured in long rushes. Wale ton's hard shot was right on the net and should have be.n a goal. No more scoring was done and the period ended with Oshawa up one, Oshawa 3, Bowmanville 2. Shine -- Cameron, Moise, score of 95 against the locals' 84. Well, folks, he who laughs last '| After the games the Toronto rinks the pride of Oshawa, held a meet=|,, oy "host The Bowiuauvilles Many Goals Oshawa Shamrocks strengthen-. 'ed. their. hold .on the group leader- ship when they defeated Peter- boro 7--2 in an interesting junior O.H.A. ure played at Whitby last night, The Shamrocks secured a lead in the first period, Morrison ring on a pass from Gunn, The Petes fought gamely until the last stanza when after Jones had secur- ed "their 'second' tally' one: beauti- ful, solo effort, they melted before the rush of the Shamrocks who added four counters to an ever in- creasing lead. The ice last night was not at its best and although flashes of speed were shown occa- sionally there - were times when both teams lagged. . The players were inclined to rough it and Ref- érée Lowrie distributed fifteen penalties, the Petes drawing nine trips, while the Shamrocks receiv- ed (six. Gillespie, for the visitors, and Leveque for the homesters, gave a good exhibition in the nets, but Gillespie was called upon to handle many more difficult shots than the Motor City net guardian. "Pat" Calladine, the Petes' red- headed right defense player, and Arundel}, centre man for the Sham- ing-at the home of the coach, Alea Webster, last night, Presentations were made to both Mr. Webster and *N, "A, Mallett, the business manager. After speeches which were short and to the point, the election of officers took place and plans for the coming year were discussed. The 1929 officers are: Honorary Presidents, Alex Bell, G, W. McLaughlin, Ross MacKinnon, C. E, McTayish; President, .Ina Goold; Secretary-Treasurer, ors Kennedy; Business Manager, N, A Mallett; Captain, Mabel Elliott. chance to save, At this juncture the visitors were minus the services of Kripp who had received five minutes for a trip near the end of the second, The Petes were try- ing desperately to tie the score, but their hopes were dashed to disappointment on a smart Gunn to Lortie combination, Lortie pack- ing the shot which slipped past Gillespie, Calladine was playing the men instead of the puck and received five minutes for slashing. This weakened the visitors and a minute later Morrison went down on left wing to bulge the twine with a shot from close-in, The ites were quite confident of turning aside the Simcoes' efforts with no trouble at all but they were stung and hard, too, er bad, but after they made the little iron centre Buster angry he ran in the prettiest goal of the night, bacon for the first period and I guess his great effort made them feel guilty so they buckled down with determination, outscoring their rivals, 7 to + put his old shot past a goaler, and when he did, ran in two. ; ed one of the best games of the night always being a threat on the attack, about finances to score, although he was the hardest worker on the ice, smote them mightily, --in fact was the boy who put the ThE tirst period it did look rath- / L I % Pete Garrison saved the boys' * Red Walton discovered how to He play- * =" » Pete Peterson was too worried He went hard both ways and ¥ Bn 0% Bug Whitten played a real game Simeoes in the money more than , Hiltz Drew were entertained in a fitting man- ner and tasty refreshments were gerved, The scores: High Park Thornton Sholdice Gowdy Sheppard Oshawa McDougall Chester Ivins Campbell House Turner Jacobi Michael Henderson Fishleigh 16 Malotte Carson - Dickson Brandon P. Canning M. Canning Thomson Hodging 13 Stewart Lucas Storey McLaren Cooper C. Bailes F. Bailes W. A. Coad 13 Keith Brown Reid Clarke James Dixon Lander Luke McGee A, T. Smith Trick Morison and Densam, Lose:s' Best The Simcoes, intermediate O.H. A, team, last night defcated the fast skating Bowmanville sextet, the score being 7 to 4. The initia) frame was the only one in which Bowmanville had the better of th play, putting on a close che~king act and like hornets around the nets kept the Oshawans bottled up effectively, The period ended with Bowmanville leading 1 to 0. From the start of the second, Oshawa were never once in the rear, Playing an impressive game, they ran in three goals to Bowan- ville's one ard took the l:ad, 3 to 2 Simcoes went on a scoring jam- boree in the last and when every- one expected them to lag, Burr, Whitton and Walton banged in one aplece in quick succession, Simcoes were an all star aggre- gation, each man turning in an ace high game, fronr Garrison out, They played a fast, clean brand of hoc- key. The Bowmanville team were fast and hard checking, H. Os- borne, Densam, and Cameron were the home team's best, Take Early Lead The game opcned up last with the offensive Goal scoring featured the final period. Oshawa getting four, and vowmanville two, Hoopcr scored for Bowmanville on a pass from H. Osborne, putting the teams even, Dut:h Oshorne a moment later rushed down and circled the goal, but did not score, there was some dispute as to whether it was in or not, but was not counted. Burr and Peterson combined on a nice play and Simcoes benefitted when Burr shot one in on a nice pass from Peterson. Whitton notched anoth:r on a long shot from cen- tre, hitting Caldwell's stick and bouncing in. Then Walton, with one of his bullet-like shots found the corner of the net. Bowman- ville then forced the play and af- ter severa] att:mpts, Cameron heat Garrison for Bowmanville's last, With two minutes to play, Walton again counted when he shet a fast one, the puck roing between Cald- well's pads. -- The final hell found Oshawa Simcoes the winners of a real fast game of hockey, Final seore--Oshawa 7, Bowmanville 4, The teams: Oshawa--Goal, Garrison, de- fence, Walton and Peterson; cen tre, Whitton; wings, Burr, Brenn- ing; subs, Grey and Atkinson. rocks, figured in most of the penal- ties and had a. hard time remain- ing on the ice, 'Calladine was the fire brand for the visitors but would have proved much more ef- fective if he had stayed in the game, Kripps playing right wing for the Lift-Lock lads met with hard luck and although he scored in the first frame he was injured twice, once in the second period and again during the last ten min- Shamrocks raced into the lead and : Rowden scored twice in quick suc- cession, Drinkle and Lortie receiv- ed penalties and Calladine after a brief spell on the ice was cooling his heels in the penalty box when the final gong rang, The lineup: Peterboro -- Goal, Gillespie; right defense, Calladine, left' dé- fense, Hatton; centre, Jones; wings, Kripps and Downs; ater- nates, Ellis and Creighton. Bowmanville taking and forcing 'the play into the Osh- awp end throughout. Bowmanville came dangerously cloze to scoring on many occasions when they put the 'hornet around the nest' act on, and only the good work of Garrison kept them from piling up a big lead. Red Walton and Peterson broke away two or three times to stage rushes that were pritty to wateh, once last night. The big boys were certainly peeved having ums ttle hornet play rings around them, L » Ld McLean White McCulloch i Bowmanville --Goal, Caldwell; defence, Densam and H, Osborne; centre; E, Osborne; wings, Moise and Cameron; subg, Hooper and Turner. Referee--Ernie Collett, 11 Allin Green Halliday Abbott Muffitt Birchard Carlyle Hall Bud Brenning and Atkinson both played hard hut were unable to bulge the twine, Still these boys back-checked like fiends and broke up many of the Bowmans' threats. * * * St. Mikes Win Day Boyd Millne Pattie Gowan W. A. Hare All during last week Montreal enjoyed more than a treat, so far as Reg. Burr was in the game Ww! tennis fans are concerned. Dr. R, Ross of Cleveland, who is in charge of teeth and tongs, scoring the first utes of play. i The first period did not provide an exciting brand of hockey, The Shamrocks, howéver, jumped into the lead early, Morrison ana Arun- dell combining to go through the visitors' defense while Morrison scored after receiving a pass from the Motor City centre man. A few mintites later Xripps, sturdy right wing man for the Petes, dashed through the heayy Oshawa defense line and packed a wicked shot from close in which fooled Le- veque, It remained for "Dad" Drinkle to jump his side in the lead. Arundell, shot on goal and the puck bounced off Gillespie's stick. Drinkle batted it into the nets on the rebound. Before the frame ended Calladine and Arun- dell had drawn penalties for trip- ping. The visitors appeared stronger in the second stanza but failed to score, Rowden, husky right defense man for the nhomesters, grabbed th puck at centre, slipped by the visitors' defense and ran in a goal, Neither side counted in the remaining minutes of play but rather gave a "shinny" exhibition which resulted in a number of pen- alties, Kripps, Arundell, Dallan, Sleightholm and Kaladine all re- | eelving trips to the penaty box. Close to the end of the frameCalla- right defense, Rowden; left defense, Lortie; centre, Shamrocks -- Goal, Leveque; Arundell; wings, Drinkle and Morrison; alternates, Gunn and Sleightholm, Referee--D, Lowrie, HOCKEY RESULTS SENIOR O.H.A. St. Michael's ,2 Queen's x---20 minutes overtime, Toronto, INTERMEDIATE O.H.A, Oshawa Sim ,7 Bowmanville Caledonia 2 Dunnville Fergus , .....6 Elmira ... St. Thomas '..4 Watford JUNIOR OHA. Upper Canada 3 St. Andrew's Fergus .. Orangeville Trenton .. . 32.MC. , Brantford H.C.6 Paris ,,. - Brantford H.C.7 Ham. Falcons Riverside .....5 Win.-Walk Oshawa Sham.7 Peterboro Parry Sound .4 'Coldwater .. London ......."10 Ingersoll ae 8 CANADIAN LEAGUE Windsor ......2 Kitchener »--Overtime. ETARNCE, | counter, then getting one later on. : This around the nets and kept the oppon- ents' right there. ., LJ proved thanks to Bill Tribble. * x # weeks, but he was steady and man- aged to score the second goal of the night. mond Hill tonight and this should prove a battle ag the boys need a win to stay in the money. ¥ ue LJ coes' Found found a horseshoe on the way to the had it all painted Black and White, So the boys luck to Dane, Detroit .. Windsor . Kitchener ,27 lad was always dangerous goalie worried, for he was Alex. Grey seemed to have im- by his skating lessons, ¥ The City team ® * take on Rich- Oh! We almost forgor that Sim- luck changed when Dane Peterboro game and owe, the change of Thanks Dane. HOCKEY RECORDS 36 53 30 65 29 25 33 24 17 6 14 8 13 11 the staging of this year's outstanding indoor tennis meet succeeded in bringing together some of the best exponents of the game on It was decided to provide a special grandstand for the final stages of the tourney but spectators were confined to the gallery above the courts during the earlier days of the meet, there were such stars as George Lott, Wilmer Allison and John Van Ryn, all of whom have been mentioned for the 3 Three of Canada's 1928 Davis cup team participated. Dr, Jack Wright and Willard Crocker, and Gilbert Nunns {rom Toronto. The meet provided an excellent opportanity for comparing American and Julius was a little short on con- Canadian players, with an eyc to the latter's chances in the next Davis dition, being his first game in two this continent. cup trials, at Montreal, From the United States 1928 U.S.A. Davis cup team. From Montreal came SPORT SNAPSHOTS Holland 9 Bastedo 16 Windsor Regains Second Position Kitcheer, Jan, 31.--The Wind- sor Bulldogs hopped back into sec- ond pace in the Canpro League by a 2-to-1 overtime decision at the expense of the Kitchener Fiy- ing Dutchmen here last nigh. The game, which was a battle for secord p ace, was a tight one all along the line, though on the night's play the Borderites de- served the victory, They are now one point up on the locals, The Kitchener team was play- ing its second game in as many Had Simcoes been playing the brand of hockey they displayed last) nights, while the Windsor club has night, their standing in the group would have been farther up the laduer. | heen resting Jowmanville team tied up and with smart therefore in better 'shape to stand For two periods they had the for days and was combination plays overcame the homesters scoring four goals in the last| the long grird. They came better period, The game does not help them in the group standing and was the last] giving Moore plerty on end, and at that stage of the game were shooting well and of .rou:x.e one on the schedule, but now that they are playing hockey, Simcoes have! Eddie Rodden blew into the rink no intention of hanging up. They will play their annual game with St. midway through the second period, Clairs, of Toronto, a week from Satufday and are anxious for other exhibi- tion games, An invitation to the City team will be issued as soon as their scheduled games are played, Garrison, in goal for Simcoes, played a sterling game, and saved many and he was uniform in the third and played a great part in the Border team's victory, getting the tying goal and handing out the pass for ihe winning counter. Grey and Hooper drew penalties for tripping, while Peterson ana d. Oshorne drew major penalties for scrapping, Garrison kept the Bowmanville team scoreless for seventeen min- utes until Densamy on a pretty solo rush split the delence and skating in cloze, 1:t cne go that he had no chance to save, The perind ended with Densam's being the only goal scored, Bow- manville 1, Ochawa 0. Lead Overcome Starting out in the same man- ner as the first period, Moise 'put Bowmanville another up after two and a half minutes of play. Slmn- coes then started to play hockey and Burr got their first thirty sec onds after Moise had scored, on a nice drive from right wing, after which Grey notch:d the tieing counter on a long, hard drive three minutes later, Densam and Whitton were benched for serapp- ing. Oshawars played real. hockey and outskated ° their opponents, Whitton stepped out on the jee from his penalty, grabbed the puck and splitting the towering defence, ~lipped in the goal that put the Simeo:s in the lead. Bowmanville were outplayed for the remainder First of Season From Queens Kingston, Jan, 31,--8t, Michael's scored their first win of the season in the senior O.H.A., series here last night when they took a hard. fought overtime hattle from Qucen's by the score of 2 to 1. Charlie Delahey's goal after 19 minutes of extra play won the game for the Irish, It was a battle from the start, but the Tricolor had the edge in every dcpartment except'in the nets, for while Quinn played a great game, "Stuffy' Mueller was a won- der, The former Varsity Grad star stopped shots from all angles and he rose up as the big diffrence he- tween the teams, Undoubtedly Mueller"s playing in the nets was the cleverest secn here this season. Queen's tossed chance gfter chance to the winds by their lonse playing. Dozens of times they had the defence helpless, but poor shooting and = wretched = passing spoiled their opportunities, When they did get in for good shots Muel- ler 'was a bulwark they could not of the period, Walton and Peter- pass, . INTERFACULTY Vietoria. .....,..2 0.A.C. (HTH dine missed a nice chance to score when he shot wild after passing through the Oshawa defense. Peterboro secured its second eounter in two minutes of play in the final stanza when Jones, after receiving the puck at centre, went down his right wing, rounded the Oshawa defense and found the corner of the Shamrocks' nets with a shot which gave Leveque little 51 25 "(hat looked like 'goals, doing the splits and being on the ice nearly all the Million'res 24 11 10, 62 20 first period, Niagara F. 25 9 14 TTT London .. 24 9 13 66 20 I I | Buffalo.., 26 8 14 48 42 20 | Whitton, the smallest Simcoe man picked out Densam, of the Bowman- | I | i Hamilton . 23 7 14 2 46 6516 .ille team to start hostilities with. Densam was possibly the largest man (l th i iil! | This Week's Games on the ice, Both were banished for a deuce. Hit 4 Thursday--Detroit at Buffalo. Friday--Niagara Falls at Wind- sor; Kitchener at London; Mil- lionaires at Hamilton, Touring Queens Matt-Mitt Team Tie St." Thomas St. Thomas, Jan. 31.--With over 700 fans packed into the Y.M.C..A. gym here last night, the Queen's-St. Thomas assault-at-arms proved to be the best boxing and wreztling tournament ever staged here. The points were even and all the bouts were clean and fast. In the big final bout Jim Mel- ville, Ontario light-heavy champ, defeated Eric Nichol, intercollegi- ate champion.The big surprise of the evening was when Wright "kayoed" Joliffe in the third af- mo Queen's boxer had led for two hat CEE RTE SET Al f Achievement Service. Company New ot in force MERCANILE LEAGUE Canada Cycles 1 Imperial Oil .. Stock Yards ..2 Gceodyears ... yaa - Peterson and Hooper drew majors for scrapping but other than these SENIOR W.0.8.8.A. the game was clean hockey throughout. Very few body checks were used. Dutton .... --s 1 St Stratford Red Walton has been driving hard shots that were on the net all sca- son long and last night marked the scoring of his first goal. " He got two. Tonight the Oshawa City team play Richmond Hill in Whitby, they managed to defeat them in their first encounter by a small score on a poor sheet of slow ice. Anything might happen in the game tonight. An exciting game is assured as-the City team had to battle with everything in the North Yonge Town, ed , bringing the to a hid igs of over 180 . For isis by over 810000 ak 121 during the year under death in dividends. There is rumors around that Jimmy Leonard, "Oshawa's Own Jimmy," has turned pro. It would be a serious blow to the amateur boxing ranks of Oshawa. Would some kind soul confirm or deny this rumor. (hifi {1 | ii Hi ! Hill Ae 1) HH il The Shamrocks had the edge on Peterboro last night and there is no mistake that the better team won. But neither team was a top form and the Shamrocks, although rolling up a heavy score did not play their usual smooth game, . Gunn was a welcome figure on the ice yesterday and subbed at right wing. He is an effective player and the juniors' supporters are relieved to know that he is back in the game after his injury of several wecks ago, A RESORT HOTEL itha COUNTRY CLUB ATMOSPHERE , Lortie teamed up with Rowden on defense for the Peterboro game. They made a heavy pair behind the blue linc and were hard to pass, ll rounds. There were five wrest- (fit ling and five boxing bouis and the f score resulted: Wrestling, St. : ; Thomas 1; Queen's 4; Boxing, St. ' 'Thomas 4; Queen's 1, Total, St. a : "AE Kinkston recently the 1 NAUTILUS EE "MIAMI BEACH." FLORIDA performers only won one mat bout and one ring bout but the boxers Ome of America's finest and most modern fireproof resort hotels, were in much better form last night. In an exhibition bout Gagen won a decision from Mills in an eight minutes go. Both were An Unequalled Winter Playground "#80 Acres of grounds in the center of all sport activities. «Bvery known out-of-door sport and heslth-giving re- " creation under ideal climatic conditions. . St. Thomas wrestlers. An unfortunate accident occurred ro 4 Polo Fields Superb Teanis Covils 3 Excellent Golf Courses Guring the wrestling bouts when 2 block of seats on one side of the Bething--Yachting--Motor Boating Fishing gymnasium holding nearly 200 people zave way. Tie occupants | Jommected with the Nautilus are sisteen nom-housckeeping villas. Rowden scemed to take things easy scoring a goal whenever he wanted to. He has the knack of going through a defense, drawing out the goalie and placing the puck where it will do the most good. "Pat" Callidane, right defense man for the Petes has the makings of a good hockey player, but cannot stay on the ice. Callidane seemed to have a grudge and labored under the impression that the Shamrocks were tak- ing a mean advantage of his team mates. The red-headed one was re- sponsible for much of the shinny which resulted later in the game. . Sleightholin is another who has a hard time keeping on the ice. He is a fast skater and good stick-handler but seems to look for and get into trouble. Arundell is also inglined to rough it and was not as effective last night as usual, : Referee Lowrie was an unpopular man for a while. He let some things go but after all if he had penalized every transgression of the OHA. rules the game would have been played in the penalty box. Drinkle on right wing and Morrison on left wing ch 4 : , A g 'cked hard and car- ried the puck well, while they did not hesitate t es ring wind, ¢ to pass. They are proving two falls, 4.30 and 8.40. 112 pounds--Ross Galloway, of St. Thomas, defeated Seright of Queen's. 'no one was seriously hurt, The fans were orderly. After new seats were pracvred the prozram contin- ued. Summary: Wrestliuz 127 roumds--Gordon McNames, of St. Themas, lost decision to § 1 PETS 50 YEARS AGO NOW BRANT MENACE | Brantford, Jan. 31.--Hares fim- | crashed to the floor in a pile, hut GEORGE 8S. KROM, Manager Wallbridge of Queen's (no falls). 135 pounds--Jack Pannett, of St. Thomas, lost decision to Glenn of Queen's (no falls). 147 pounds--John Cupples, of St | Thomas lost decision to Creighead, of Queen's (no falls). 160 pounds -- Lem Bafres, St. Thomas, lost to Hastings, of Queen's, fall in 5.21. 117 pounds--Mason, St. Thomas. won from Haughton of Queen's 125 pounds--Vinece Barry, of St. Thomas, defeated Bill Baker, of Queen's (technical knockout), 147 pounds--Chuck Woolley, of St. Thomas, lost decision to Bayne, of Queen's. A . 160 pounds -- "Bumps" Wright 'of St. Thomas knocked out Joliffe of Queen's in third round. 75 pounds--Jjim Melville, of St. Thomas, defeated Eric Nichol, of { Queen's. ported as pets in Oxford 50 years | ago have so Overrun this part of | Western Ontario that Brant | hunters will carry on de- | struction on an organized scale The animals are mot yet as mum- | erous here as in Oxford, but they are yearly increasing. Foxes re- ported in the district are expected to add an interesting side issue te- day. 4 District DIS" EY BLOCK 31 King S'reet E-

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