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Oshawa Daily Times, 31 Jan 1929, p. 11

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 31, 1929 PAGE ELkveN 'WAR LEFT HIM TO CANADIAN PORTS TEMPS EDITORIAL SUFFER TERRIBLY | SECURING TRADE SAYS PARITY IN vat te Fomd ter ait | OF UNITED STATES -NAVIEY DISTANT in "FRUIT Many a battle-scarred veteran of the Washington Body Disagrees Points Out That Technical on Question of Imposing Equality in Naval Armas bat Great War i Jaa fou und surcesse from 1 ering in ~a-tives,' o fa add medicine, made from fruit Extra Tariffs ments Impossible Washington, Jan. 31,-- Diserim= inatory tariffsg against goods im- juices combined with the finest medi~ cinal i ients, has helped them to adjust themselves to modern conditions and to correct these faults of digestion and elimination which resulted from |ported into tug¥United States via their terrible war experiences, Canadian ports' were recommended "Ever since leaving the army," writes | by only one of three Government Mr, E, E. Newman of Iona Station, (departments which reported to.the Ont, "I suffered terribly from Con- | Senate yesterday on the diversion stipation. After spending a lot of | of United States commerce to Cana- : pr 174 om + ] took four boxe dian ports. The other two found of 'Fruit-a-tives' can sincerely | ya¢ tle movement of United States | imports and exports through {ts neighbor's ports was cansed chiefly by the normal factors of interna- tional trade and transportation, say they gave manent relief.' Other Great War veterans have taken and nothing much could be done about It except to discuss with Can such formula therefore ought to "Fruit-a-tives" for Rheumatism, Kid- nay Trouble, Indigestion and Dyspep- ada, through diplomatic channel provide special means to guarantee the possibility of putting U Ser EER al i i ~ sia, Nervousness and Sleeplessness States ports on an equal basis with mn with equally gratifying results. Try hn, and 500. a box--at dealers Canadian ports on imports into Canada, everywhere, Ordered by Senate The reports were made on an or- der of the Senate passed last May, which deplored the steadily in- creasing tendency for United States grain to find an outlet through Canadian ports, notably Montreal, and for goods purchased abroad by Americans to travel over Brit. ish lines through Canadian ports, The majority report, which re- marks fit the outset that Canadians are just as much concerned over the movement of Canadian export grain through United States ports, was made by the Departments of State and Agriculture and the In- terstate Commerce Commission. It was unanimous, The minority report was mane by the United States Shipping Board, which operates at.a deficit the shipping acquized by the Unit- ed States Government during the war. The finest tea you can buy--Red Rose Orange F Pekoe. Made from aye flavor filled leaves---three da " n bud. Every package guaranteed. RED ROSE TEA ood ted' RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good ciprocal confidence between thess two great peoples who both aspire to dominance of the sea." Referring to the speech on Sat. urday of Sir Austen Chamberlain, British foreign secretary, in which he said that Great Britain recog: nized the principle of parity be: tween the navies of the two coun. tries Le Temps says that this "shows that at London they are sincerely applying themselves to roduce large, succulent heads, can 4) given nitrate of soda at the rate of at least 400 pounds to the acre, and that as much as 600 pounds to the acre may be applied, in applica- tions of 200 pounds cach at weekly | intervals, and still increase the pro- fits from the crop. PAINLEVE FAVORS TUNNEL PROJECT London, Jan, 81,--The Daily Mail prints an interview obtained in Paris with Minister of War Paul Painleve in which he is quoted as saying that while he could not commit the Government he per- sonally saw no objection to a tunnel under the English Channel from a miliary viewpoint and that he 'Would be surprised if any Hf his ministerial colleagues failed to share his opinion. The Minister termed the prac- tical diffic@lties of the undertaking less than in the construction of either the Suez or Panama Canal The war would have been shorten ed by many months, he said, had the tunnel heen in existence in '" Easy-to-Find * RADIO PROGRAM Vane, KMOX, Wiaw, WMAL, NBC System: Annsison on V4 o WHAM, ¥ WLW,' NE BZA, WHER SB, a) hing (476)--Moncton, Fea (357)="Toronto, Castrol lous. Columbia Negwork: True Story to WO! x 'NAC, WE AN WHK, WLBW, 4 KMOX, Cy Ww sro, ras, An Fy in WIC, Wie, WGN, WGR, KSD, WOW, 4 WMAQ, WSPD,, kers to oe cA KWE WIR, WSM, pro. WGHP, To-Night's Best Features 'KMBC, 7.00 NBC V12)-Amela Earhart, famous aviatrix CRE 1% j Historical Biggs, : ts. cry oe ra "Der Freischutz." BO -- Hoover Sentinels. Cen ied. Play "His Japanese abi : Aunt Jemim, os Sl Wrz Z)---M Madwell Columbia; Sonra Hour, Friday's Programs FRIDAYS' BEST FEATURES 10.00 a.m, NBC System (WEAF)--National ome Hour, 11.00 NBC System (WJZ)--RCA Educational r. nis Nae hid stem (WEAF)--Houschold In- 12,00 fc System (WEAF)--"Teeth and 1,00 oy "Nac System (Central)=Farm and ome Hou 145 WSH Atlanta, U, of Ga. pro 3 WIP Phila, Victor Herbert J 3.20 WHAM Rochester. Rochester harmonic to WGY., 3.30 WLS Chicago, Homemakers aylet. 4.00 NBC System I a Marine band EVENING PROGRAMS 5.00 NBC Citrus WIAG, Ww ft Ww RE ox. i! G, (o / ' WCAE, WTAM, WWJj, KYW, KSD! NBC System: Bill and Jane YY Musical Paris, Jan. 81.--The Temps whose editorials on foreign poliey are considered as expressing the view of the foreign office, says that parity of naval forces between Great Britain and the United States as an abgplute formula is very hard to apply. "Fquality for all classes of ships, as the American understand it would create in reality a state of inferiority for Eneland because the lutter is faced with her necessity to defend an immense empire wash- ed by every sca in the world, Any Hour WFBL, W i AK, WKRC, WCAO, ry Paris to we "W AE effectively her secutity, This, in reality, is why a technical solution of the problem of limitation and re-duction of armaments is as yet not near being found. "It is no less true that it is nec- essary for both Great Britain and the United States to round off the rough spots of their policies and conciliate their conflicting inter- €sts 80 as to cause a rebirth of re- , Concert, ) : igley Hour to BE WSE, M, iC, WHT, VOO, CR, KSTP, ht BAT, 2 A n A A RZ, W at: Phils Hour-- M (280)--Clevelagd, Fur Trappers (476)--Jefferson City, Musical Progra am, x BC System: Sehraderioun Brass band Vi WEEI, WII Tr, WRC, WGR, KSD, WE W TAR, wr AG, we SH, Growers - to we E, J, WOC, Ow, WON (492)--~Kansas City, fi iN {N6)~Chicago, Oriental Gang, NRC System: Philco Hour to 4 iy LY KV0OO, KW 11.3) WGN (416)--Chicago, WGN Orchestra, 11.45 WSB (405)--Atlanta, Hawaiian ensem- ble. 12,00 KFI (468.5)--Los Angeles, chestra. KOA (361)-~Denver, Music Uncle Tom's Cabin, .KGO (379)-Oakland, The "WDAF (492)--Kansas City, gram, CITY WITHIN CITY [3 BEING PLANNED R (400) Detrolt. Dinner Music "WoC, :| Sunday Supplement "Pipe Yi CS Musicale to KPRC, . Columbia' Network' Ena Ech Jeutick elo 3 Syn: ihe Dream" Is Approaching Realization ABC, WN N, System: Studio pro- Concert or» Album Olympians. Varied pro- > WEAF, NBC System Waldorf Qstogie Music to WEAF, WCAE, WR Worl 4305) ~Chicago, Kv Federa: Markets; 5.30 6.00 WS n_ Hou: WHA, WEM, WMC, Wey 175. 5)--Schenecta ads, Pinner, music to WHAM, stem Wilson's orchestra to i -Cinci. Dinner music hi (333)--Buffalo. Markets; studio, WBAL (283)--Baitimore, Pennolene pa- To System: Raybestos WEAF, TI AR, Ww, WCSH, wei A, WFI, WRC, iR CAE, ksh, wow, WWJ, W OC, WTAM, WGN' (416)--Chicago, Air Castle. wille, Craig's orches, CNRA (476)--Moncton, Concert orches. KJR (309)--Seattle, AC Network, Columbia Network: United Choral to WOR, WEAL, Ww NAC, WFBI, W $ WI K, WADC," Wh! MAG, KMBC, WGHP, WOWO, , WLBW, WSPD, KMOX, WDAF, BC System: 'EA WTIC WIAR, WDAF, Twins on WH T Concert Bureau Hour to _WCAE, WOW, Challengers 10 KDKA, KWK, "WHAS, 'WHAM, WREN, KVOO, WET, WrIMj, | Ww BZA, WHZ, W SH, WLW, WIR, KYW, Wi AA, KPRC, WOAI KSTP, WEB( i SM (461)=2 phony, s WAP (74.8)-Ft, Founders Day. CECA (357)--Toronto. WEBEL, WC! AU AS, WBBM, KMOX, WOO, KYW (294) "Chicago. Hamps orchestra, AL (283)--Baltimore. Esskay hour, Caldwell Sym- WB Baylor U. wille, Model 8-36 with albums of real leather _ New York, Jan, 31.--The architect's Sunday supplement pipe dream 'for a generation--of making Manhattan (492)-- Kansas City, Air School, Worth, Fem Wonder Hour to WEAF, Concert ensemble WR WGR WGN (416)--Chicago. Uncle Quin, WIP (492)--Phila, Uncle Wip, ww (394.5)--New York. La Trio, W (428)--Cinci. Educationd¥ Series. WSM (461)--Nashville, Studio orches: tra; News. WSB (405)--Atlanta, WTAG (517)--Worcester, croft Orchestra, NBC System: Squibb Program to WJZ WHAM, KOA, WLW, WBZA, WJR, Pomar orchestra, News; Ban KYW (294) KSTP (205) KPRC (545 Cdlumbia Net to WOR, Wi WFBL, WM WG Wi . 'WOW BAL (283 ~St, )--Houston. Thirty Minute Men AN Chicago Paui. Rug Program, Studio, work : CAU, AK, HP, IK, 0, WNAC, WCAO, WMAQ, WILBW, WJ AS, Baltimore, Musical Mem- Concert orches. Island a scries of cities within cities --scems about to be revived as a fact by John D. Rockefeller, Jr. as an unexpected result of the controv- ersy over the new site for the Mctro- politan Opera House. Plans now under comsideration for the opera house site in Fifth avenue call for such a startlingly ambitious The tone of the two reports is sharply contrasted, Statistics Quoted The majority quotes statistics to show that 27 per cent. of all Can- eda's exports traycl through Unit- ed States ports, while only 5 per wv cent, of United States exports tra- in brilliant colors $385 or with electric drive $425 a Diversified vel through Canadian ports, This report deals only briefly with grain, which is a large part of the traffic, hecause the Interstate Com merce Commission made a s-parate report three months ago on that subject, EXTRA FERTILIZER PAYS BIGGER YIELD "arms Near London, On- tario Giving Big Returns From Land ~Clearwater. scheme, Not only has it captured the imagination of the Standard Oil king but it has caught other fancies as well, and if Rockefeller, Jr, begins lifting his towers and spires around the new Metropolitan on Fifth av- enue, he will likely find at least one rival "city" springing up a short dis: taricc to the eastward. One of the first effects of the ru- mors of the Rockefeller "opera city" has been the formation of a $50,- 000,000 corporation to buy two or more undeyvcloped blocks of the eas side, cut new streets through and erect another architectural *city Tentative plans for the Roc kefellcr "opera city" have already been drawn by Benjamin Wister Morris, | They project covering. an eleven-acre | site between Fifth and Sixth avenues and 48th and S§lst streets, which Rockefelier has purchased from Co- lumbia University, Second-storey sidewalks, allowing shoppers and pleasure seckers to range all the length, breadth and byways of "opera city" without ex- posing themselves to the weather or to street crowds bound elsewhere, constitute onc of the featurcs of the plan, Another parking of beneath WTMJ. Woy Mins 30 CN RW en 4)--Winnipeg. Conce! WE/ AT chestra. NBC System: am Schenectady, Health talk; rt. " (454.3)--New York, Kemp's' or- 526)--Chicago, > System: Spitalny's N String quartet, Music to Va Garry £ (428) ~Cinci, Gibson orchestra, ©, KO SH) -Denver. Solitaire Cowboys Disie Cissus Vy " CK 3 Toronto, Romanelli Or- , WHAS, KYW, WS) ry 385 coin. Concert Pacific Networ "A Hour, Addresses, WCAU (256)--Phila. Cathay orchestra. Instrumental NBC Regis Orchestra to WOW, KOA, WOC, WK id (2 hrs.) -Buffalo, NRA (476)~ -Moncton, ha Network: Crystal Gazer to WOR, WCAU, V BI. WKRC, WMAQ, WMAK, WJ/ AS, KMOX, KOIL, WLBW, WMAL, Statler orchestra. Music to WJZ, HAS Service Concert to WGR, ; WLIT, WFAA, WDAF, WOW, Systems Cities ). Ww MAQ (447.5)--Chicago, Amos and Andy also KPRC, WDAF, WIR, WHK, KSTP. WOR (422.3)--Newark. News; dance or- chestra, WRVA (270)-Richmond. chestra, WDAF ( chestra WHK chestia WMAQ , KVOO, WT A, WCAE, ar 'System: Interwoven Entertainers to Wi7, WBZ, WBZA. WBT, 2 KDKA, WL W EWE N, WHAS, WsM, WsB. WLS (315)--Chic Scrap Book; The Angelus. WPG ( Richmond or- Lopez or- Brigode's 2)--Kansas City. (216)--Cleveland. or. 72)--Atlantic City, Dinner mu- London, Ont., Jan. 31.--The im- portance of heavy feeding with ni- trogen in quickly available form for certain crops was given a striking demonstration on caulifiowers grown last season by W. I). Sutton & Sons, southwest of London. An attempt was made to find out how heavily this vegetable could be fertilized with nitrate of soda, and still show increased profits after deducting the extra cost of the fertilizer. Prelim- inary cstimates made carly in the season are now verified in a final statement on the results of the tests. Sutton & Sons applied the nitrate to their caulifiower at the rate of 200 pounds per acre, in a single ap- plication on July 14: at 400 pounds per acre, in two applications of 200 pounds each on July 14, 21 and 28 and at 800 pounds per acre on July 14, 21 and 28 and Aug. 4. 'A section was left unfertilized for comparison. Happy Medium While * the season was late from the start, the late fall of 1928 en- abled these growers to get practic- ally all of the caulifiower harvested. The unfertilized patch yiclded at the rate of 10 tons to the acre; the patch which received 200 pounds of nitrate did not show any appreciable in- crease. The patch which received nitrate at the rate of 400 pounds yielded 13 tons to the acre; the patches which received 600 and 800 pounds of nitrate respectively, yield- ed 16 tons to the acre. Sutton & Sons have estimated an increase in profit of £300 per acre from the use of 400 pounds of ni- trate of soda, and an incrcase of $600 per acre where 000 pounds were used, compared with the return i from the unfertilized patch increas- {ing from 600 to 800 pounds of mi- trate did not increase profits propor- tionately. the test showed. This experiment indicates that a gross feeder like caulifiower, which should be forced along rapidly to Loosen U That Cold 11.15 (447. NOX 11,20 KMOX (27 League; Osc 5)--Chicago. Louis. Musical pot- Hot $1C. 8.30 Columbia Network: WABC, WNAC, WMAK, WHK, Then and Now to WEAN, WFBL, WCCO, WCAO, St. Stove ~ ANNOUNCEMENT ! calls for the underground automobiles in the galler- the "city," reached by s and runways from the sur- ding «streets. Other underground ts" would be for pedestrians, al- em to tap the subway sys- New York proper without from cover. "opera city," as planned, will hundreds of millions of dollars cach a maximum' commercial de- | ment, The difficulties to be legal and otherwise, are t, but not insurmountable, in the nion of Morris. Arcaded and shel- | iv od streets within, arranged to] conform with the architectural una- nuimity of the group as a whole, and irrespective of the present street ar- rangements, would require many legal { concessions before they became a tact. FARM WORK PRIZE MAY BE AWARDED Committee Named to Select Winner of $1,000 Offer- ed by Province 1°28 Zing in gayest Com A new and extraordinary musical instrument clothed with a beauty as unusual as the music of the new Orthgphonic Victrola itself Orthophonic famous overnight! The Victor controlled principle of "Matched Impedance" or "Smooth Flow of Sound" is of course, ome, A NEW SPARTON EQUASONNE FOR ONLY $266.00 COMPLETE WITH TUBES Worthy of its ai Lr enuine e Sparton In performance, this instrument has no peer in its field. In design, it is new as tomorrow, yet it embodies design principles two hundred years old. Inspired by the recent Ex- position des Arts Decoratifs in Paris,--color is its keynote, rich vibrant and harmonious color, Newspaper illustration fails utterly to convey its beauty--you must see it. In Orthophonic tone quality Orthophonic Victrola 8-36 is approached only by the well- known "Credenza" model, which made the embodied in this new instrument. Go into any His Master's Voice dealers and compare it with your idea of the old style talking machine, 'The new Orthophonic Victrola is made in a range of beautiful models with or without radio artistically designed in fine walnut or mahogany. Electrically driven, if you wish, at slight additional cost, All instruments are self stopping. Prices from $2360 down to as low as $115. On convenient payments at all His Master's Voice dealers. Orthophonic The New SPARTON Consol Model 930 i DYNAMIC Speaker Jacatle secopuic reception. Visit us... only to listen. Toronto, Jan. 31--Announcement has been made by Ion. John S. Mar- tin, Minister of Agriculture, of the ap- Minister of Agriculture, of the ap- pointment of a committee to award the $1000 prize offered by the Pro- vincial Government for the most out- standing agricultural work of the | year, The thre Luke Furniture Co. RADIO DEPARTMENT if 33 King St. E. Phones 78-79 Orthophonic only it bears the dog Trademark' SPARTON RADIO "The Pathfinder of the Air men appointed are Dr ! G. I. Christie, president of the On-| , tario Agricultural College, Guelph; W. J. Bell, principal of the Kempt- Wile Agricultural School, and Dr. G. Creelman of Beamsville, pe ee was made last year for the donation of this prize, but mo committee was appointed to name the winner. Notices of the com- mittee's appointment have been sent throughout the province, however, and "nominations for the award will be received forthwith. The committee is mot required to make the award unless it is felt that there has been some achievement sufficiently outstanding to merit such recognition. No particular branch of agriculture is specified and it is ex- pected that the committee will take m the whole field of agriculture and livestock breeding, including practi- cal work, research work, profes- sional activity--in short, Biel that can be recognized as outstand- ang. Trade Mark Reg'd Victrola D. J. BROWN 10 King Street West

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