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Oshawa Daily Times, 31 Jan 1929, p. 12

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Lo we EE * ThE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 31, 1929 EMPIRE'S 20 LARGEST ENGINES ORDERED FOR WESTERN LINES Montreal, Jan. 31.--A fleet of monster locomotives that revo. lutionize freight and passenger traf- fie in the West and mark an epoch in the transportation history of Can- ada has been ordered by the Cana- dian Pacific Railway from the Mon- t Locomotive Works for service through the mountains in British umbia, These twenty oil-burning ts will be used to speed freight passenger trains rough the : kies, and will each of them do the work of two or more of the lighter locomotives, When in op- eration they will release for service elsewhere on the company's lines copsiderabe active power equipment, hese engines, technically known as the "2-10-4" type, that "is, two wheels on the leading truck, ten 63- ingh drivers and four wheels on the trailing truck, are the greatest ever constructed or operated in the British Fmpire. Bach engine and tender measures overall 97 feet in length and weighs 725,000 pounds, being 78 «#imes heavier than Stephenson's his- toric "Rocket," They will have a tractive effort of no less than 78,000 pounds, and will be able to develop over 4,200 horsepower, or about 85 times as" much power as the "Rocket." At a capital cost of 46 times as much, the cylinders are 26% inches in diameter and the stroke is 82 inches, The new engines have been con- ceived, experimented with and de- signed by the motive power depart: ment of the Canadian Pacific Rail. way and will be built wholly in Canada, The oilfired boiler, containing over two miles of piping, is con- structed wholly of nickel steel and designed to withstand 280 pounds boiler pressure, In addition to the nickel steel boiler and fire-hox plate and staybolts, all forgings will be of a new composition, low carbon nick- el steel, which has been experiment- ed with during the past year with good results, Delivery of the new engines is ex- pected to start some time early in the summer, SCIENTIFIC FLIGHT OVER ARCTIC 18 PLANNED FOR (930 Society Seeks to Learn More About Shortest Route America to Europe | Pittsburgh, Pa., Jan, 81.--A dirigible flight over the unknown part of the Arctic in the spring of 1930 is the object of the Intar- national Society for the Explora- tion of the Arctic Reglons by means of the airship. The secre- tary of the American branch of the organization is J, H, Tolma-hoff, curator of Carnegie Museum here, and Dr, Fridtjof Nansen {is the flight leader. "More information ahout the possibilities of air routes over the - Diamonds! Bassett's On Oshawa's Main Corner TIME TABLES ao STE TIME TABLE Susdey, Apr), oa" "Tet 130 em. 204 p.m. Daily except S top of the world," says Dr, Tolma- choff, "is the fundamental purpose of this expedition, One of the shortest routes between Europe and America and Asia lies over the Arctic. But the shortness is not the only factor in choosing the way for safety of travel has to be con- sidered. "Therefore, this expedition will be a scientific enterprise, because upnn' scientific facts will be based all the applied developments. The flight proposes to get intimate in- formation about at least part of the many hundreds of thousands of square miles in the Arctic which man has never seen, "It is important to sound the depths of the sea, to fix exa::'y the limits of the continental shelf, which is the sea bottom near con- tinents at depths not exceeding 100 fathoms, The deeper portions of the Arctic seas should be sounded alse, Differences in the amounts of salt in the water at varying depths, and differences in tempera- tures of the water will be taken, "Of first importance {is more data about Arctic weather, not only for its flying uses, but because it is the factory that either produces or controls the weather of the nor thern hemisphere, Studies ot mar- ine plant life and sea animal life are in the program of the expedi- tion, "A dirigible will be 1'sed because more can be accomplished. It can remain on' flight for a week, in perpefual day, carrying three shifts of scientists, thereby making pos- sible continuous observations, and making stops sufficiently to obtain observations, "The expedition will be Interna- tional with a German U'rigihle, Norwegian leader, a scientific staff drawn from various countries, and support promised by several na- tions. Russia, for example, has promised to erect a mooring mast on the murmansk coast. It is hoped that the United States will permit the use of the Patoka with her, mooring mast." 8.03 Daily except Si £10 bm. Daly. 2.00 8.m. Daily Pl. Ay ed shaws Station," C. N. R. TIME TABLE Effective Jan, 6, 1929 , 8.28 a.m.~Daily except Sunday, 8.58 a.m.~Sunday only, (14 a.m.-- aily, Sod ,17 p.m,~Daily except ay, 2.32 p.m.~Daily except Sunday, 6.47 p.m.--Dajly except Sunday, 9.42 p.m.~Daily, 11.39 p.m.--Daily except Saturday, 1 a.m,--Daily. a.m.~Daily, 55 > 2 44a. m.~Daily, 45 a.m.--Daily, .53 a.m. ~Daily except Sunday, .20 8.m.~Daily. s a.m.--Daily except Sunday, ,~Daily except Suuday, p.m,~--Daily. 14 p.m.--Sunday only. p.m, ~Daily except Sunday, p.m.--Daily except Sunday, Whitby, Oshawa, BUS LINE WEEK DAY SCHEDULE (Effective 0. aud sites Nov, # Going West Arrive 7.25 am, 8.3 8. =» a% ee © & sees iBs RERREERRERI Ese & AY 314 ol i | RE s pEEssspenciin FRERRRRREEE : {Ehseseaneitie « BREBEERERERE i ail i \ 1 Nim BEEERED ceeds Baes 3 pas 3 8 Hy 33 pe gs 1K pm Nme marked "=" Whitby Hostal Special Busses for All Uccasions Rates and Carel! Orivers I A GARION Proprirtos Bowmanville Phone 412 or 348 Phone 28 Oshawa Waiting Reom, 4 Prince St.- While You May As your children grow up yowll find it increasingly difficult to remember them as they used to be. Now, while you may, take the pictures that will be of so much comfort to you later. Have a Kodak handy, With a modern Kodak and a Kodak Portrait Attachment you can take striking close- up pictures right in the bouse, Complete line here Karn's Drug Store Next P. O. Phone 878 ST. LAWRENCE PLAN 0 BE DISCUSSED Legislature Albany, N.Y. Jan. 31--Water power, involving development of the St. Lawrence river, will soon be the subject of a confrence be- tween Governor Roosevelt and Re- publican leaders of the Legislature, The primary functions of the con- ference, it was indicated, will be discussion of a policy to apply to the manufacture of power and dis- gribution of electricity to industri- al and household consumers at The term "cost," the Governor was represented as understanding, in- cudes the sale of power at a not excessive profit. It was made plain at the conference that the discus- sion of policy will not embrace dis- cussion of plan which would In- clude methods of procurement of site, through treaty or otherwise. I -------- THIS NAD EVERYTHING BUT MONEY brid «: New Britain, Conn., Jan, 31.-- David Panco's wedding might easily have been the most spectacular event on the New London social calendar this season if David had possessed anything besides his nerve and a rare talent for showmanship. : Happy in the thought that the 14- year-old daughter of his boarding- house landlady had consented to be his bride, David, who is 22, made a tour of the city's business district and made the following preparations for the occasion, police said last night: Hired the largest hall in town. Wired for a Springfield, Mass., or- chestra and vaudeville troupe to pro- vide entertainment. : Ordered an $800 fur coat and sev- eral hundred dollars worth of gowns and lingerie for his prospective e. Asked the priest to drop around at 8 o'clock, The total bill amounted to some. thing like $10,000. David told every- body concerned that he'd pay C.0.D., it was said. But when delivery boys, musicians and entertainers began to arrive, David smiled wanly, police said, admitted he didn't have a cent and said the elaborate preparation Your Own Home 8 were only a gesture to pl his fiancee. The police came just as the wed- ding ended, accompanied by the bride's mother. She furiously in- formed the gathering that Panco had no consent to marry her daughter, a minor, and whisked the girl straight home. The young bridegroom was arrest- ad and held on $2,000 bail, The Governor has been placed on record as believing that "the title and constant control of the power generated at the sources shall remain definitely in the peo- ple and shall not be alienated by long term leases." Proposals for the development REPAIRING for C: OUR SPECIALTY if your Watch is not giving satisfaction we can repair and: make it tell the correct time D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER WATCHES dian National and Oshawa Official Watch insp 10 King St, W, Railroads, Phone 180 of the St. Lawrence have, in the majority of cases heen acompan- fed by the suggestion that a dam or system of dams be built some- where between Ogdensburg and Massena, a village located on the international border between New York and Quebec. A joint board of engineers cf the United States and Canada made an initial survey of the river power sources three years ago. They estimated the potential power to be about 2,236,000 horsepower. AUTOMOBILE OUTPUT REACHES NEW PEAK Toronto, Jan, 31,--Production of automobiles in Canada during the calendar year 1928 reached a new record of 242,382 cars, hav- ing a sales value f.o.h. plant, of $151,826,338. This output was 18 per cent, greater in number and | LETT, NICHOLLS AND i HALLITT Real Estate Insurance ard i Loans, Phone 8254 |i ] 1 King St. East, Oshawa 24 per-cent, higher in value than in 1926, the next best year, when 204,727 cars, valued 629,537, were made, In 1927 pro- duction totalled 179,064 cars, valued at $115,904,228, Compared with data for the pre- vious year, figures for 1928 show that the number of cars made available for use in Canada was the highest on record, and that the number of cars imported and the number exportéd also reached new high leve.s, Imports for the year totalled 47,408 cars, an {increase of 29 per cent, over the corres- ponding figure of 36,630 cars in 1927, and exports numbered 79, 865 cars, or 38 per cent. more than the total of 57,8562 cars ship- ped in the previous year, The ap- parent consumption of motor cars in Canada was 210,035, as deter. mined by adding the Canadian production of 242,382 cars to the 47,408 cars imported, and deduct- ing the 79,8556 cars exported, Cor- at $122,~ $5,700 Value Beautiful brick bungalow, 6 , all comveni Mantel, garage, location Carnegie Ave. Immediate possession. First offer of $5,000 with $800 cash gets this bargain, The Disney Real Estate ' Phone 1650 responding figures for other years were 157,832 cars in 1927 and 158,577 cars for 1926, ROAD OF "REMEMBRANCE" TO GLORIFY NOTABLE DEEDS New Castle, Pa., Jan, 31 --An- nouncement is made by the Law- rence County Garden club that plans have been worked out that the creation of a "Road of Remem- brance" in Lawrence county, Trees will be plated at intervals along the entire route from New Castle to New Wilmington, through the work of the Garden club, Each tree will bear a brass plate, with the name of some prominent war veteran or leading citizen of some activity in the county. The trees. will be planted at the rate of 160 a mile, and wlll be siaggered, | Automobile Insurance Rates : will be materially increased February 1 INSURE NOW Cutler & Preston Telephones 678 88 Night Calls 510, 1560, 4% Prince St) Oshawa, Ont.. REAL ESTATE Automobile and Fire Insurance of all kinds J. H. R. LUKE Phones 871, 081, 687W, Money to loan at 6% per cent first mortgages. REGENT THEATRE BLK. Clothing in ancient times largely consisted of woollen garments, ELLA CINDERS--Precious and Rare FF 7X isciosecd Fed dolontity, he would be a 7 bd A - . Sm By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb Ir was TH EOUND IN RAMESES IV ITS HISTORY IS NOT wNOWN ] TA Do you MIND IF [ TRY ON A BIT OF THIS SEs LL ree BRINGING UP FATHER-- TO SEE THAT I'M WELL -ITT® SIX AM: AN' I'M UP: ITLL SURPRISE MAGGIE TIME - UP IN ar? Gq) YA 8. f ey 7 -- wT nr © 1029, Int'l Feature Service, Inc., Great Britain rights reserved. BEEN SURPASSED. ATER HE AS INVITED TO THE COURT OF 1999, King Feature Syndicate, hoe, Grest Britain rights reserved. FRANOIS T OF FRANCE, AND FOR THAT RULER HE MODELED THE FAMOUS BRONZE FIGURE, "NYMPH OF FONTAINEBLEAU, NOW IN THE AOUVRE. HIS FAMOUS AUTOBIOGRAPHY 15 ONE OF THE MASTERPIECES OF LITERATURE . -- Fell Bros. 7 he LEADING JEWELER 12 Simcoe St. South of Color WHY, DON'T My 'PHONE, ' -- war WOCadal

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