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Oshawa Daily Times, 31 Jan 1929, p. 14

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/ Hk OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 3I, 1929 TWELLS HELD RESPONSIBLE Belleville.--Dr, Chas, Twells, held in Prince Edward County jail at PAGE FOUR Lin Picton on a double charge of mur- der, was held to blame for the EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS jc: es ioe Te Kenneth, by a coroner's jury at the . village of Consecon, yesterday af- LINDSAY CHILDREN'S AID Lindsay. -- F. W. Sutcliffe was elected President of the Children's Aid Society. Mrs, E. BE. Sharpe, Secretary and T. J, Tilly, Treasur- er. Excellent reports were sub- mitted of the good work the society is doing. WOODLAND CURIOSITY Kingston.--A woodsman of Ken- nebec township, while cutting sec- ond growth maple the other day, discovered a tree, one limb of which grew out of the trunk at one point and grew back into the trunk high~ er up. This woodsman says he has never before seen a similar curios- ity... ' ELECTED PRESIDENT Kingston.--Thomas Flint, for the past five years vice-president of the local branch of the Canadian Leg- ion, was last night elected presi- dent of the _post for the year. Mr. Flint served four years overseas and has been one of the most' prom- inent members ow the local post. RESOLUTIONS PASSED Belleville.--A meeting of Belle- ville Prohibition Union was held, yesterday, with Rev. L. . Wright presiding. Two resolutions respect- ing the liquor traffic was passed, Richest in Vitamin Strength Don't let your body run down in this dangerous seae son. Tome it up and keep it vigorous with Pudretest Cod Liver Oil. This won. derful body builder is made one to be forwarded to the Domin- ternoon. Dr. Twells, who is alleg- fon Government and the other toed to have fired the shots which the Provincial Government, Dr. McTavish was appointed delegate to the provincial convention. CONDUCT ANNUAL SALE Lindsay.--Excellent prices were realized at the annual sale of the Victoria County Shorthorn Associa- tion yesterday. Despite cold gwea- penetrated the skulls boys, killing them instantly, will face his preliminary hearing before Magistrate Norman at Picton, this morning, of the two GUILTY OF MANSLAUGHTER Cornwall. -- Christopher Moore, charged with the death of Thomas Hart at Mountain on October 31 ther, the attendance was large. The last, when "Hart and five other top-notch prices were for the fol- lowing four animals: Stamford Sen- sation, $175; Jilt Emblem, $167. 50; Stamford Rewarder, $92.50; Jilt Marauder, $140. en we young lads visited Moore's house and turned over an outbuilding, upset a water barrel and moved the steps was late yesterday afterpoon found guilty of ' manslaughter at : ~ the winter assizes, presided over by IS AN OLD SCIENCE Orillia.--An address on finger- printing and crime detection was given Tuesday evening by Chief In- spector George Guthrié of Toronto before the Orillia Canadian Club. The speaker said that clay tablets in the British museum gave ample evidence that the science of finger printing was known to the early races. MUSKRATS GO WALKING { Mr. Justice Jeffrey, and was sen- tenced to fifteen months in the On- tario Reformatory, dating from No- vember 1 last. ROSENEATH AGRICULTURISTS Cobourg.--Roseneath Agricultur- al Society has established a record among the promoters of fall fairs by closing their financial year with a balance on hand of $1,890, not- withstanding the erection of a fine big agricultural hall that cost $2,- 800 and considerable improvement Lindsay.--Residents were surpris- | to the track and grounds. The Soci- ed to see two small brown animals calmly marching up Bolton street, Bobcaygeon, one day' this week. Upon investigation they turned out |t to be real live muskrats evidently come from the little Bobcaygeon game reserve, They showed very little fear, in fact, they showed fight if approached. After a sur- vey of the main street they return-f ed to the marsh unmolested. CAR STRUCK BY TRAIN Iroquois. -- Floyd Graham, a young man" of Hurlburt, yesterday was alive and well, 'although his |, car was struck by the International Limited at the Canadian National ety, where the fall fair is held. lieves the strain on in the larger cities. ety had hitherto been known as the Alnwick Agricultural Society, but on motion the name was changed o the Roseneath Agricultural Soci- Roseneath being the centre BROILER INDUSTRY GROWS Brockville.--Motor tourist traf- ic, with the consequent develop ment of the tourist inn, is provid- ing a brand new opportunity of great importance for poultrymen of Eastern Ontario, according to to F. H. Buker, senior poultry promoter for this district. The tourist inns re giving a new market which re- big markets A rough cen- of fresh cod livers import ed from Norway. It is 300 times richer than fresh creamery butter, tae riche est food known, Railways crossing about a mile east of this town. Graham had slowed down to allow a westbound freight to pass and failed to notice the eastbound flier. His machine was thrown back against a fence and badly wrecked. Graham was not injured in any way. Pile Sufferers sus of tourst inns along the high- ways from Prince Edward county as far east as Lancaster last sum- mer showed a total of 478 of var- ious sizes, said Mr. Buker. A great many of these specialized in chicken dinners, and their total consumption of broilers, as indicat- ed by a few instances, was enor- mous. RELIEF IN NORTH URGENTLY REQUIRED Toronto, Jan. 31--Want and sui- fering in Northern Ontario and in the frontier mining districts are so acute as to inspire emergency re- lief by the Ontario division of the Canadian Red Cross Society, accord- ing to the treasurer's report to be submitted to the annual meeting of the division, "The greatest emergency at the present time," says the emergency and disaster report, "is the question of meeting the temporary needs of the newer mining districts by way | You can only get quick, safe and | lasting relief by removing the cause --congestion of blood in the lower bowel. Nothing but an internal remedy can do this--that's why cut- ting and salves fail. Dr. Leonhardt's Hem-Roid, a harmless tablet, is guar- anteed to quickly and safely banish any form of Pile misery or money back. Jury & Lovell and druggists everywhere sell it with this guar- antee, Puretest Cod Liver Oil Is pleasant to take and es- pecially good for children. Use this strengthening gift of nature to keep the whole family fit during these try- ing winter months. LARGE BOTTLE, 75¢ SMALL, 40c Sold only at Jury & Lovell's THE REXALL STORES King E. Simcoe 8S. Phone 28 Phone 68 QUALITY COAL Phone 3060 M MALLETT BROS. ing care for employees and their families. The mines: are looking more and more to the Red Cross to meet this emergency. More than 5000 patients were cared for by the outpost hospitals, another report reveals. There are now in Ontario 23 Red Cross outpost hospitals 'or nursing outposts, oper- ated by a field staff of 50 nurses, and offering a total bed capacity of 210. The total receipts of the division from all sources during the year were $314,505.49, and the expendi- tures $311,218.56, leaving a surplus of i $3,286. Of the total expenditure moré than $165,000 was spent on the de- velopment of the outpost hospital service, Scranton Square Fracture Anthracite Coal TE see The ies) COKE and 2,000 BEN EVERY WOOD CANNEL COAL W.J. Trick Co. Limited 25 Albert St. Phones 230--157 There are a great many satis- factory phrases in the world. "To make a long story short," 18 one of ! them.--Iola Register, - GENERAL MOTORS WOOD For Economy HARDWOOD | BONE BIG LOADS SCRAPWOOD DRY REAL VALUE Adadpted for Every Purpose All Small Blox in Hardwood Loads . Eliminated Prompt and Courteous Service Always Jeddo Coal Solvay Coke Pocahontas and Cannel Every Kind of Fuel CITY SCALE WEIGHTS IF DESIRED DIXON COAL CO. Telephone 262 Four Lines to Central Produce Prices in the | - Commercial Markets m TORONTO PRODUCE Toronto wholesale dealers are paying the following prices, delivered Toronto: Eggs, ungraded, cases returned--Fresh ex- tras, 36 to 3c; fresh firsts, 32 to ; sec- onds, 25c; pullet extras, 25c, Butter--Creamery, solids, pasteurized, No, 1, 39% to 40c; No. 2, 3% to 39%c. Ning cream--Special, 45c; No. 1, 44c; 0. dlc, Cheese--No, 1 large, colored, paraffined and Government graded, 20% to 1c. Poultry-- Chickens, S ponds sasenee Do., 5 to 10s. A Do., under 4 Ibs, . Hens, over 6 Ibs, "Do., 5 to 6 Ibs. Do., 4 to 5 Ibs, Do., 3 to 4 Ibs. . Do., under 3% lbs. . . Young Turkeys, market prices o., old Toms and hens.... 23 Roosters .e Young geese, market p Ducklings, 5 Ibs, Do., 4 to 5 Ibs Do, 3/4 to 4 1 31.33 PRODUCE AT MONTREAL Montreal, Jan. 31.--The local egg market was steady, all prices ruling unchanged. Re- ceipts were 2,840 cases, p: utter receipts were 15 packages. = The only development was a firmer feeling in the market for New Zealand grades, which were !4c per pound higher. Prices today: Cheese--Westerns, 23° to 23%4c. Butter--No. 1 pasteurized 40% to 4034c. Eggs--Storage extras, 34 to 36c; stor- age firsts, 30 to 32; storage seconds, 28¢c; fresh extras, 45 to 46¢c; fresh firsts, 40 to dle, PRODUCE AT NEW YORK New York, Jan. 31.--Butter firm, receipts, 9,784. Creamery, higher than extra, 50% to. 5lc; extra (92 score), 50c; first, 47 to 49%c. Cheese steady; receipts, 61,357. Eggs irregular, receipts, 17,181. Fresh gathered, first, 38 to 39%c. Nearby hennery white, closely selected extra, 46 to 47c; nearby and nearby Western hennery white, first to av- erage extra, 41 to 45c; Pacific Coast, white, extra, 47 to 47Vic; do., extra, first, 454 to 46¢, TORONTO PROVISION PRICES Toronto wholesale dealers are quoting the following prices to the trade: Smoked meats--Hams, medium, 29 to 3ic; cooked hams, 40c; smoked rolls, 25c; break- fast bacon, 40 to 34c; do., fancy, 27 to 40c; backs, peamealed, 28 to 30c; do., smoked, 30 to 33c, Cured meats--Long clear bacon, 50 to 70 Ibs., 21.00; 70 to 90 Ibs., $19.00; 90 to 100 Ibs., and up, $18.00; lightweight rolls, in barrels, $11.50; heavyweight rolls, $38.50 per barrel, _Lard--Pure, tierces, 16¢c; tubs, 16%c; pails, 17¢; prints, 18% to 19a, Shortening, tierces, 14%c; tubs, 1434c; pails, 15%ec; tins, 17%c; prints, 16%c, Pork loins--26c; New York shoulders, 19¢; pork butts, -21c; pork hams, e TORONTO HAY AND STRAW Local dealers are quoting the following prices to farmers for hay and straw com- mitments on a delivered basis at Toronto: No. 2 timothy "hay, $14 to $14.50 per ton; No. 3 timothy, $12.50 to $13.50 per ton. Lower grades and stock hay, nominal at $10 to $12 per ton. - Wheat straw is quot- oi hospital accommodation and nurs-- able at $10 per ton, and oat straw at $9.50 per ton, delivered. Quotations for No. 1 timothy hay, loose, per ton, is at from CUDDY MAY RESIGN PROVINCIAL FORCE Changes Probably Will Af. fect Staff--Has Enviable Record Toronto, Jan. 30.--Ontario is in danger of losing the services of Alfred C. Cuddy, Deputy §Commis- sioner of the Ontario + Provincial Police. .Not leng ago, in naming. his Deputy Commissioner to reorganize hiss police force at Windsor and border conditions generally, Hon. W. H. Price, Attorney-General, spoke of Mr. Cuddy as "the best man. in sight," Deputy Commissioner Cuddy di- rects the Criminal Investigation De- partment of the Ontario Provincial Police, and has his office at the Parl- lament Buildings. Under him are the Inspectors who, when called upon, take up the investigation of the more important cases in 'the Province. In some cases, where special attention is desired by the Attorney-General the Deputy Com- missioner goes himself. Changes Reported Nothing official has been given out regarding an expected change in the force by which the Criminal Inves- tigation Department will be abolish- ed, but there are reports in circula- tion at the Parliament Buildings that the change is contemplated. Friends of Mr, Cuddy say that if his department is abolished he will not remain a member of the force in any capacity. If the change spoken of occurs, it is proposed to distribute the inspectors of criminal investiga- tion throughout the Province. General Williams, Commissioner of the Provincial Police, is said to be recommending the change. Because doctors could not cure his intestinal = troubles, . Howard W, Young, of New York, committed sui- cide. But first he left a note re- questing that his body be turned over to Cornell University for re- search ' purposes "that some other the same thing." Is Your Child Thin and Weak? McCoy's Tablets Puts on Flesh and Builds Them Up ' In just a few days--quicker than you ever dreamt of--these wonderful health building, flesh creating tab- lets called McCoy's Cod Liver Ex- tract Tablets will start to help any thin, underweight little one. After sickness and when the chil- dren are exceedingly puny they are especially valuable. All over North and South America and even in Great Britain.and Aus- tralia tens of thousands of skinny run down men and women have put their faith in McCoy's--and" have not been disappointed. ty these wonderful tablets for 30 days and if your frail, sickly child doesn't greatly benefit you get your none ack. Ask Jury & Lovell, T. B. Mitchell, W. H. Karn or any druggist for Mc 's tod Liver Extract Tablets as eayy\to take as candy and 60 tablets 60\ cents -- --Economy Size $1.00; THE ARCADE LTD. $18 to $19. No. 1 timothy, baled, hominal. Turnipsg 5c to 17c outside points, BUFFALO LIVE STOCK East Buffalo, Jan, 30.--Hogs--Receipts 1,- 200; holdovers, ; market fairly active; weights above 100 Ibs, 40c to 60c lower; others about steady; bulk 160-230 Ibs., $10.40 to $10.60; 260 to 300 Ibs., $10.25 to $10.50; 140 to 150 Ibs., $10 to $10.25; 130 lbs, and down, $9.50 to $0.75; packing sows, $8.50 to 75 Cattle--Receipts 200; generally steady; not much action jon butcher cattle; medium hei- fers, $11.60; cutter cows, $5 to $74 Calves--Receipts, 200; vealers slow, bare- ly steady; g to choice, $11 to $19.50, Sheep--Receipts, $1,000; lambs draggy; bet- ter grades, steady to weak; in-between gra- es, 25c or more lower; good to choice, 17.25 to $17.75; medium, $14.50 to $15.75; at ewes, $8.75 to $9.75; tidy handyweights held above $10, A POULTRY AT BUFFALO Buffalo, Jan. 3l.--Dressed poultry--Fair receipts; demand good; steady; heavy fowls, 37c¢ to 39¢c; medium fowls, 30c to 32c; light fowls, 30c to 32c; old roosters, 20c to 22; roasting chickens, 40c to 42c; ducks, fancy, 30c to 33c; geese, 26c to 27c; turkeys, young, 38c to 40c; turkeys, old, 3c to 33c. Live poultry--Fair supply; trade improved; steady; heavy fowl, per pound, 29¢ to 3lc: Leghorn fowl, per pound, 27¢ to 28c; old roosters, 20c to 22¢c; ducks, 27c to 30c; geese, to 25c; colored springers, 29¢ to 30c; Leghorn springers, 26c to. 27c; turkeys, 30c to 35c. EGG MARKET REVIEW + Ottawa, Jan, 31.--Egg markets continue for MANUFACTURERS' SALE OF Silk Dresses riday at $8.95 We place on Sale Friday and Saturday 50 Ladies' Silk Dresses, no two alike. Black and Colors. Greatly Reduced for this event. the most part decidedly firm, due largely to the prevailing cold weather. Montreal--This egg market is firm, with a good demand. British Columbia eggs are of- fered on spot at: Extras, 43c; firsts, 38c: seconds, 34c. Ontario receipts are light and these eggs are selling at: Extras, 41 to 42c; firsts, 37 to 38c; scconds, 28 to 30c. Halifax--There is a slightly easier feeling on the local egg market here, although no change in prices is reported. dropping off following the severe weather in producing sections, Dealers are paying coun- try shippers at: Extras, 35 to 37c; firsts, 30 to 32; seconds, 24 to 26c. The quality of current receipts is rather good. WINNIPEG GRAIN Winnipeg, Jan. 31.--Weakness of the wheat market during the past few days faded in an upward surge yesterday which found the market advanced ¢ to Jc for the day. Hou- ses with seaboard connections and New York interests brought sales of low grades were made. Millers were : i e market f th No. 3 Northern and St. John--Receipts have shown a noticeable | 1 the market for both No featured by slight advances along the line. screenings, per ton, $4. extra No, 1 feed, 61)ic; No. 2 feed, 5lc; rejected, 48c; track, 72c. Barley--No. 3 C.W., 77%c; No. 4 C. W,, 72%c; rejected, 6974c; feed, 663§c; track, 77%c 2 CW., "rejected, 135c to 2%c net higher, with com 1l4c about buying pressure. 4c, Cash wheat showed better tone and some] Flax--No. 1 N.W.C., $1.96}¢; No. $1.8234; No. 3 C.W., $1.83; $1.933%; track, $1.963%. Rye--No. 2 C.W,, $1.08, ----s ally Oc lowler. CHICAGO GRAIN i Cash prices: Chicago, Jan, 30.--Unqualified official re- Wheat No. 2 hard, $1.27; No. 3' Nort! ports of widespread adverse conditions for i domestic winter wheat had a decided stim- ulating effect on wheat values today. Besides, foreigners were purchasing wheat for future deliveries here, and btter export demand was vance, and provisions unchanged to down, 4. Quiet trade in coarse grains . was Wheat--No. 1 ; No. 3 North- No. 5 $1.007%; track, $1.2375; Cash prices: Northern, 7%; N 165 . 4, $l. 6, 863c; feed, 75%c; sample grade, 48ic to 50Vsc. Barley, 64c to 74c. Oats--No. 2 C.W., 74c; No. 3 C.W., 6c; 3 Cloverseed, $23.25 to $31.25, No. 1 feed, 53%c; Provisions were under selling pressure fro warehouse interests, hog values being gene: fellow may not have to suffer from [Eo Nk ol 4 FHT) a 1 thoroug.iy enjoy my sipping trip in a Loblaw Store, especially when 1 know :0 well that I can provide my family with the very best of foods at the lowest possible prices. IT'S THE IDEAL PLACE TO SHOP. Items Marked Special on Sale Feb. Ist to 3th h, We Sell for Less ; Stores at 39 Simcoe St. N. 156 Simcoe St. S. Open 8 a.m, to 6 p.m. Wed. close 12.30 noon Sat. open till 10 p.m. Canned Grapefruit Hime No. 2 Size Tin 26¢ Pure Wild Strawberry Jam 2188 16.0z. Jar 37¢ Golden Bantam Corn Aylmer No. 2 Size Tin 16¢ Sultana Raisins Australian--Fan Quality--Seodless., aes 1b. 1 9 c Graham Flour ${25, Sisund Makes Ideal Muffins 2 bs. 11¢ Horseradish Moyer's--It's Hot Breakfast Cocoa eee... Yolb. Tin 24c Fry's Malted Cocoa Fry's ..Y%-lb Tin 32¢ | sPECIAL- Fry's Breakfast | COCOA FR Y'S Fry's 1. Standard of Quality | Baking Chocolate 1-Ib. Tin 14¢ Baking Chocolate .. Y5Ib. Tin 26¢ SPECIAL ~ LIBBY'S ROYAL JAR Mincoment FINEST . QUALITY Jar QUANTITY LIMITED DELIVERIES TWICE DAILY EXCEPT MONDAY--3 P.M. ONLY WED.--11 AM. . ..ainty Puddings © harry Somes... 3 pkgs. 23¢ Chipso 3 Chipping No Bother ....Lge. pkg. 18¢ Pure Maple Syrup ent tte ....... Btle. 31¢c Pancake Flour White swan Brana. Phg. 13c Flaked Wheat Surety 'amd purity. 2 lbs. 17¢ Red River Cereal O18 and Young. o: Phg. 24c Cake Flour Because It's Good Ble. 18¢ Sauce gible. Bile. 17e Evaporated Peaches Bright Stock. verse. be 19¢ Baby Carrots TOMATOES AYLMER Individual 9, Size Tins c MAGIC BAKING POWDER Contains 6-0z. 1 7 No Alum Tin Makes Dienter Cakes P. kg. 36¢c Poliflor Wax Antecpuc 2nd Lge Tin 53c Jif Fer Lge. pkg. 21c Suds in a Jif, Porridge Oats Satare' a, No. F She tin 22m Tin 16c Dill Pickles a Libby's Home- Pickles Currants 38c Clean. Bright Fruit 2 lbs. 29¢ made style... Lge. Bele. 2c Lobster-- ancy Quality--Pack on the North Finest sQuality-- A --_-- SPECIAL~ Shore of N.S. Under Government- orritens ...Halves--6-0z. Tiin 39¢ Quarters--3-0z. Tin 24c SARDINES Small and JAM 40-0z. Glass Jar Tuna Fish "h . Fancy Light Meat Tin 22¢ RASPBERRY INGERSOLL CREAM and PIMENTO CHEESE 2 Packages 2 Sc EN USE Lge phe. 26 Puffed Wheat Brand: .....o.enn 2 Phgs. 25¢ Bran Flakesry: etter xina Pkg. 12¢ Crab Meat 535s. 2%. Tin 33c Molasses Aunt Dinah Brand-- ; a Babbitt's CLEANSER 2213 \3 Jj apparent for the wheat from North America, Closing quotations on wheat were strong, to ll4¢c to 1Jac up; oats, Jc to ¢ to 73 ad- n 1 spring, $1.20. Corn, No, 3 mixed, 95%c; N.. 3 white, 97c. Oats, No. 2 white, 5;c to 53c: Rye, no salc-. imothy, $5.60 to $6.2,

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