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Oshawa Daily Times, 31 Jan 1929, p. 5

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\ « OSHAWA DAILY |IMES, 1HURSDAY, JANUARY 31, 1929 PAGE FIVE TRANS-PACIF] To Nippon Yusen Kaisha, turn from a world tour, "In order to get a perspective of the whole situation let us go back "It was in 1867 that the first commercial ship, called the Colorado, a wood- en vessel of 3,700 tons, sailed from 'San Francisco via Honolulu ard Hongkonk: the Colorado was an chief operating lines, we .cannot a little," said Mr, Otani. Yokohama to sailing of , Jan. 31, --Trans-Pacific commerce will show enormous ex- pansion during the next decade and | Japan will play a conpicuous part and good purpose in bringing Jon- but "there is no chance of anything in that development, according to N. Otani, managirg director of the Japan's premier shipping company, in an interview given following his re- The epochal event in trans-Pacific ship-' ping. She was the forerunner of many fine and luxurious passen- ger ships which are now plying in the Pacific. Thirty years ago there were only three regular lines of ships wth ten ships on each and an aggregate tonnage not exceeding 40,000 tons. Today there are about forty regular trans-Paef'ic lines of freight and passenger ser- My Friend Has My Everlasting Thanks, Says Ontario Man who took Friends Advice and Used Dodd's Kidney Pills W. L. Cattral Suffered Greatly With Lame Back Ottawa, Ont., Jan, 30 (Special) "Two years ago I was troubled with a large back," writes Mr. W. L, Cat- tral, 442 Cambridge St, Ottawa. "A friend advised me to try Dodd's Kid-, ney Pills and I did. After taking the second box I was completely re- lieved. I always keep a box on hand in case of a relapse. My friend has my everlasting thanks." That Mr, Cattral's trouble came from his kidneys is evidenced by the relief he got from ' Dodd's Kidney Pills, They are purely and simply a kidney remedy. Many persons suffer periodically with backache, and, as middle age approaches, the pain in- creases in severity, Rest may give temporary relief, but Dodd's Kidney Pills do much more than this, They strengthen the weak kidneys and re- move the cause of the pain, Obtained from all druggists, or The Dodds Medicine Co, Ltd, To- ronto 2, Ont, ~~ New York, Jan 31 --There is no reason to doubt the Old Testa- ment narrative of Jonah beirg swallowed by a whale, Rev, John Roach Straton told his congrega- tion at the Calvary Baptist Church Tecant]v, 7 Dr. Straton quoted numerous authorities. One of them was Sir {Francis Fox, who declared, in 1891 that he knew of a mau wno had been swallowed by a whale, freed by captors of the mammal and, af- ter two weeks of delirium, recov- ered. "Grantivg that God had a wise 'ah through these experiences, N.Y. PASTOR SEES NO REASON TO DOUBT JONAH AND WHALE STORY | there is no | why we should ! pot accept the story just as it is," the clergyman said. "Life is not worth the living un- less we have the courage to face death and the wit to look beyond it," Rev. Dr. Bernara iddings Bell, warden of St. Stephen's Col- lege, University, said in a sermon at the Episcopal Cathedral of St.~ John the Digime, * Dr, Bell 'said there was "a gambler's chance" that tne soul cortinued its existence after death , fundamentalist else surviving." vices operating about 800 ships and aggregating 2,000,000 tons, In addition to these regular services there are, of course, a great num- ber of tramp ships, When we look back at the progress that has been made within the last three dec- ades and study the big building progress that has been made within the last three decades and study the big building programs of the | fail to realize that the next few years will hasten that coming era when the Pacific will be the cen- tre of the world's trade." LORD INVERGLYDE 10 MARRY "JUNE" Actress Confirms Report From London--Sails For England Saturday London, Jan. 31.--June, the ac- tress: who uses no other name, has announced that she will marry Lord Inverclyde, one of England's wealthi- est peers, in March, the theatrical correspondent of the Evening News said, The correspondent said the actress made the announcement to him in the course of 'a conversation by trans-Atlantic telephone from the Savoy-Plaza Hotel, New York, in which city she has been filling a theatrical engagement. June has cabled to London cancel- ling all her professional engage- ments, the corerspondent said, New York, Jan. 30,--June, the ac- tress, confirmed the report from Lon- don that she will marry Lord Inver- clyde and said the marirage is sched- uled for the spring. She has been appearing here in "Polly" in which she has played the Bale part. he actress said she has known Lord Inverclyde more than four years, They sail for England on the | Aquitania Saturday, SEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEM Place Your Order CANADIAN COAL %! We are prepared to supp'y you with i ROSEDALE LUMP ALBERTA'S BEST COAL At a price that will appeal to every pocket. We are only receiving a limited quantity of this fine coal, so don't delay ordering as we come in. fill orders just as they Reading Anthracite, Cannel Coal. and Good Dry Hard and Soft Woods Always on Hand. Mclaughlin Coal and Supplies Limited Coal, Coke, Wood, Sewer Pipe and Builders' Supplies 110 King St. W. Phone 1246 Oshawa, Ont. NEEEEEEEEEEEEESEV JUDGE CASTIGATES POLICFHAN IN DOCK FOR TAKING BRIBES 'SEVERE SENTENCE IM. POSED ON CHARGE OF CORRUPTON Mrs. Kate Meyrick Given a Term of Fifteen Months With Hard Labor London, Jan, 31.--After three hours' deliberation, and following a summing-up by the -Judge that had lasted nearly as long, the jury at the Old Bailey yesterday found former Sergeant George Goddard of the Metropolitan Police, Mrs. Kate Meyrick, n"ght elub propri- etress, and Luigi Ribuffi, Italian restaurant proprietor, all guilty under: the Corruption: Act in con- nection with Mrs, Meyrick's nignt clubs. ' Goddard, who in his 30 years service on the poli-e force, mostly spent watching night clubs, had earned over fifty commendations for zcalous services, received a sentence of 18 months' imprisou- ment, was fined in addition $10,- 000 and ordered also to pay costs of the prosecution. Mrs. Meyri~k received a term of 156 months' hard labor. She has already served a term of si months for previous infractions of the Ili- quor sale regulations. Ribufi was also sentenced to 15 months' hard lebor, ; Goddard, the first to be sentenc- ed by Mr. Justice Avory, evidently tricd to face the Judge with cour- age, but his head hung low after "11s Lordship's opening words. "You have wrecked what might have been an honorable eareer for the sake of filthy lucre," said His Lordship. "It would have been well if you had kept ins-ribed in your notebook the words of a very wisq man uttered years ago: 'Turn from the glittering gold thy scorn- ful eye, nor sell for gold what gold can nev'r buy," You thou~ht tp live in luxury on this money, which you had amassed by unlawful means, upon your retirement from the force. None of that money could have brought you any peace of mind if you have anv conerione: whi-h is doubtful, Tt is dif rit to im»~'ne a worse case than yours." WINTER SPORT A LA MODE If you have not visited Quebec in Winter you have missed one of Can- ada's premier attractions. With the renowned Chateau Frontenac as your headquarters, ample scope is pro- vided for intensive enjoyment of in- vigorating Winter Sports. Snow- shoeing, Skiing, Skijoring, Skating,! Tobogganing down the 'famous Duf- ferin Terrace slides, are just a few of the pleasures to be enjoyed. And there is a Sports Director to advise, who is a specialist on winter pas- times.. Then again, have you tried Indian Golf ? Something new and fas- cinating, with an instructor to show you how. To refer to the more serious things of life, Ste. Anne de Beaupre, with its famous Basiliea, is just a stone's throw away. Surrounded by a wealth of beauty, charm and historical as- sociations it is an attraction in itself. Any representative of the Canadian Pacific will be glad to tell you more about this popular winter resort. Announcement .... TO THE PUBLIC OF OSHAWA AND DISTRICT Mr. Don Kinloch wishes to announce that he has ac- quired the clothing and furnishing business known as Ca:twright's, Ltd., located at 6 King St. E., and from this date on will be conducted under the name of Kin- loch's, Limited, and will carry a complete and high class line of Men's and Boys' Wearing Apparel. Kinloch's Limited "DON" KINLOCH. | SPECIAL PURCHASE 300 PAIR WOMEN'S Shoes In Oxfords and straps, Tan, Black Kid and Cubian an Louis heels Patent. These shoes are from one of Can- ada's best shoe mak- ers, Regular $5.00. On sale $1.95 J. C. NeGLL 12 King Street E New Scarboro Hydro System Now Competed Scarboro, Jan, 30,--The new Hydro power substation recently erected on North, Bonnington av- enue, S-arboro, has been completed and plans are on foot to hold an opening ceremony in-a few davs, Although owned and built by the Ontario Hydro-Electric Power Com- mission, it is understood that Scar- boro Public Utilities Commission will be asked to assrme the man- age--ent and op:ration of the new plant. ' The equinment installed pro- vides for one circu't of 13.000 volts from Len«!de, which is stepp- ed down. and then distr'buted over the entir> town~hip for co=mercint and dome<ti" prurnores For this purpose three rew heavy cirenit» are in course of construction, two of which run east and ore west, In add't'on, the Provincial Com- mission have two circuits from the new station. these bFe'ne for Anin. court and the rural se-tions of Scarboro. Another featnre i= lichtin~ control rir been installed, Thi modern street li~htirz system rec- ently decided vnon for Santhwest "ear*nro Ac-ordin~ to Tn~ineer Pora'd HMarri-on, 172 new lamne eich 300 watts, have heen pleecad on Kinzston Road between Vie toria Perk Avenve ard Pir Cliff. In the ret few da"s 80 of these will be plored alone th~ Pan- 'orth Fi~hwev between York Mar- et and Scotia avenur, and ar~*" er 30 on Quecn strect east, from the city limits to Fallingbrook Ave, MITRE Amyier M/REH FRUITLESS Secre*2ry of Dram A-se cie'ion Uzgzs Unemr'oy. ed to Conse:ve Strength tha stroet which has port of the Durham, En~., Jan, 31.---A uum- bér of the unemploy:d miners of Durham and Northur'zrland coun- ties propoce to parti-ipatg in the march cn London which started from Glasgow, Scotland, Jan. 24. W. P. Richardson. secretary of the Durham Miners' Association. said he #nd his collea~ues wer> ai- vising the mén not to particinate in what they regarded as fruitless marches entailing unnecessar) hardships. The miners were suffering en ou~h already, he said, and he be- lisved they would show more sence if they concentrated their efforts cn the by-elections which were now proceeding in both counties. PUBLIC SCHOOLS AN AID TO DEMOCRACY ' conferences Cleveland, Ohio, Jan 31--How the putlic schools may serve democ- racy better will underlie all discus- sions and addresses- at the fifty- ninth annual convention of the de- partment of superinterdence of the National Education assoclation here February 24-28. Dr. Frank D. Boynton, superinterdent of schools of Ithaca, N.Y., and presi- dent of the dep~rtment, has ar- ranged the gathering and will preside. In the same week there will be of approximately 30 other educational groups--depart- ments of the National Education Association or separate organiza- tions, Nearly 4,000 school administra- tors are expected at the department of superintenderce meeting, Meet- jiings of allied groups will put the total attendance beyond the 10,- 000 mark. The main theme of the conven- tion will he di d. on ive days after the openinez, under four sub-topies--finaneing public educa- 'tion, the articulation of the units , of American education, the teaching staff and character of education. | Quack Gass And Other ) Farm Weeds Killed by Use 'the vie'nity of Philadelphia, prob- CHEMICALS USEFUL IN DESTRUGTION OF NOXIOUS WEEDS of Sodium Chlorate Washington, Jan. 81.--Quack rass, with the possible £356bHon Canadian thistle, the mos 2 oa of all weeds, 18 belleved tc have a new and powerful tin in sodium chlorate, a chem Re: which tests have shown will ki. both roots and tops of the plant. The idea of killing weeds with chemicals is old, apricultrriets ex- ~lain, but heretofore none has been' found that does not injure fertility of the soil for approximately two wears after application, and often 'ndefinitely. Although the roots frequently "ill the so'l to a depth of four feet, indweed, literally taking whole "1alds in Kansas, has been entirely "Med in pat-hes treated with so- vm chlorate, Applied in the late "211. the che~ical has destroved ~ampAjan thi~tle in New York with- y+t impairing productivity of the 10'l, Pecause sodfvm chlorate Is ex- ~lnsive if thoroughly dry and mix- ad with fine mater'al the Kansas errerimental station has made tests which indicate that masnesium or caleium rhlorrte, n-ither of which has an explos've tendency, may he expected to rive as good results as sodium chlorate. Quack grass, which first attract- ed gerfous attention about 183 when it was noti~ed in pardens in ablv is a native of Europe. It is "nown by various names--witch- rrass, wiregrass, covchrrass and others--and is a v'gorous peren- ni~1 veleted to common wheat and widely d'stributed in cool, moist climates, probahly caunring more monetarv lnss than any other sin- %le species of plant. On s=o'l areas it somet'mes fis "e~troved bv hand di~zin~ or smo~ thered with tor paner, It mav he ~llowed to form a sod which Is lowed und-r dvrin? drv, hot wen- ther and the sv*seovent eron faol- loved bv a smother crop of somo heavy, dense prowth. gree THe YS {Plans T~ Fn'er C~nvent At, Peery 17d" one of the stars of | Zte~firld's Follies, who w~s senar- lated from her former husband, | James Conze'man, a m~mber of a | prominent Milwaukee family, f've ye~rs aro, anounced yesterday thot she plarned to rezign from the show she is now appeo°ring in {and will enter a convent March \ "B-cadwav fs nothing but a glomor," declared Miss Udell, said 5 PhitataInnia Pa, Jan, 31,--Miss to be one o® Z'egf"eld's most heau- tiful girls. 'I have anplied for ad- mission to St. Anne's Convent in Montren], and h~ve received a fa- vorable. rely from the Mother | Superio=,' she eont"nued. "I will, re~ign from the Follies on March ! [1.7 Misss Udell eloped from Ph'la- | delnhia to FI"ton, Md, in 1922 with Joh- W. Montgomery, form- er Center Collee footh~1l star, but |a few mentts lat r the marri~-e wrs arnulled, fhe was only 186 when she eloped. At the age of 29 s*e was married to Mr. Cn=7-l- m~n, only to he separated' from him five years ago. ACTION ON RUM RUNNING Helifex, Jar. 31.--Rev. H. R Grant, secretary of the Nova Sco- tia Social Service Council, announc- ed last night that he had received word from Ottawa that more dras- tic measures are to be taken to suppress rum-runring and smusg- gling. It is the intention of the Customs Department, according to Mr. Grant's informatior, to streng- then the preventive service by in- creasing the number of officers, patrol boats and cruisers, DRASTIC THREE DROWNS GE GIVES WY Heroic Brother Loses Life In Attempt To Rescue Companio Leigh, Lancashire, Eng., Jan. 31.-- Harry and George Brown two bro- thers, aged 8 and 13, and a married man named Watson were drowned when they broke through the ice of a pond at Digglesflash, near here., The drowning was the second trag- edy within a week on the same pond, as three schoolboys were drowned there last week. The two Brown boys, accompanied by their 11-year-old sister, were slid- ! ing on the pond when suddenly there : was a Joud crack. The girl, who was near the bank, shouted to her brothers to come off. Almost sim- ultaneously the ice gave way and George disappeared. The agonized sister wanted to who crawled on his hands and knees to the edge of the hole, and with his an'les held by another boy tried to pull his brother out. The ice gave way a second time and Harry disappeared, the boy holding mm, having a narrow escape. The little girl ran screaming for help, and Watson who was skating some distance away hurried to the spot. - He had no sooner arrived, however, than the ice fracture ex- tended, and he himself disappeared beneath the water, CANADIAN ORE TO BE EXPLOITED BY STEEL INDUSTRIES A Ottawa, Jan, 31.--Within the next ten years Cenadian ore will be uscd almost exclusively by Cana- dian fron and steel manufacturers, the Advisory Board on Tariff rnd Taxation was told th's morning by erperts of the Dominion Govern- ment, by indemendent ersgineers and by the herd of the Alzoma Steel Cornoration, W. C. Franz, in repl" to questions by the Chairs man, William H. Moore it was ~tated by Dr. W'lson cf the Mines Pranch of the Dominion CGovern- ment that thev are now instal'ng envinm-~nt for the ecarrving out of rertain evrerimrents with resnect to the hennfi~intion of Conad'~n ores, and it is Felicved thev will he so "nesprof] thot th~ vaet wnAnyelnn. ~d natvrel resorr-ag pf Narthoweet. ern Ont~rin, noth of Lake Super- for, may be evoloited. by this firm. We Wish To Announce That we have disposed of our Grocery Business to Mr. A. L. Haverson. who wll take it over on February 1st, and carry on at his place of business, 10 Drew Street. All accounts will be payable to J. E. Beaton, who will also pay any bills owing We wish to thank our many customers hae, Sgobisel sister. Mand to and friends for their liberal patronage dur- 4 | ing the many years we have been in busi- ness and bespeak for Mr. Haverson a con- tinuance of this same patronage, J. E. BEATON RESUME SHOWS ALBERTA FORGING QUICKLY AHEAD Winnipeg. Jan. 31 --Alberta's story for 1928, in common with that of all western Canada is one whi-h tells of unprecedented de- velopment and is eloquent of hope for the future, His Fonor W, C Egbert, lieutenant-governor of Al- berta, declared here in a recent in- terview: More than 27,000 persons had moved into th~ Peace River Vallev durin" the year, ho declared, do"bl- ing the ponulation. While Alberta's marleting of coal was still a very real problem, con-iderahble headway had been made in th's industry, and Dr. Fg- bert look-d vnon the extension of the tect perind for ghin™ent to On. tario from three months a venr fo six months as a favorable indica- tion, His Honor forecast considerable development of water power in the near future. He referred to the great opportunities for electrical development of the Spray Lakes. Power service was being extended from Edmonton, he said, to the Ira) districts to the south, especi- ally. TOOK SODA 20 YEARS FOR GAS--STOPS NOW "For 20 years I took soda for ine digestion and stomach gas. One bottle of Adlerika brought me com- plete relief."--], B. Hardy. Adlerika relicves stomach gas and sourness in TEN minutes, Acting on BOTH upper and lower bowel, it re- moves old waste matter you never thought was in your system. Let Adlerika give. your stomach and bowels a REAL cleansing and s~e how muzh better you feel, It will surprise you! Jury & Lovell, drug- gists. "Pers Servi : Aways --~ she Same Good Values! Libby's or Aylmer BEANS NO. 2 TIN WITH POTK 18e Whit Sz¢n Cactry 7-1b. B:g 35e 211..B-g sk.13 FLOUR d Demiz> Evand Baling PCWDER 1b. Tin: 2§e¢ 28-37. Tab SHORTENING $3.49 P&G THE WHITE SOAP 10 Bars 3% SURPRISE 10 Bars 53 BREAD ---"" Here thoy are--our two outstanding bakery products, the dainty, nutritious sweetness of our new */ al A, "Tasty" the plain, awaits you, ~ TRY A LOAF Kreamy Full 24-0%. Vv. rapped Loaf holesouse goviers of ot purely °] TODAY ~ "Tasty" Bread APlainWhole- % Reg. some Loaf © 9¢ +Home-Baked"" F.>vor White | Cred Chri-tie's Graham Wafers Hz 25e | Shirri®t's Pure Orange MARMALADE ie 21e Aylmer Brand SPINACH Ayimer Tidbit PINEAPPLE TaliTin 14e¢ Beekist Pure Clover sb. Pall 69¢ Special Sale Bayside Canned of CUSTARD 16-0z. Tin 24e¢ Goods Desicecated or Shredded COCOANUT ib. 19e Laundry STARCH 1b. 1Qe

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