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Oshawa Daily Times, 1 Feb 1929, p. 6

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PAGEL Sin mmunity omen's Interests in the Home ~ an ter of Mr, and Mrs. A, J. Layzell, LE : was instantly killed about 10,30 WHILE TAKING BATH stick ie nari "|| The Women's Corner Feh 1. of the bathroom by her parents Birch Clitt, Feb. 1.--Belleved to | oy op they investigated a sound as * 3 * Bave been electrocuted by touching | 50" "14 ¥en jin. * ° AS For Anything of Interest to contributing items to this column, Send in a postcard The furniture of a Hebrew house in ! the cord attached to an electric y: heater while taking a bath in her jold Israel was simple and scanty, the Homemaker and the Housekeeper i or telephone 35. ---- home, at 63 Valhalla Boulevard, Bthel Layzell, 15-year-old .daugh- Sr Goose is a bird not appreciated |to plump the breast, If the dish as deeply by American housewives | gravy is very greasy remove the as it deserves to be. The excuses |grease before attempting to make are "It is too greasy", or 'too [the gravy. Or make a good brown troublesome to cook," sauce with mushrooms, fresh or Geese are called green until they | dried, that have been soaked thor- are four months old, really gos-|oughly and sauted in butter hefore lings, and are cooked without stuff- | using, ing. After that they are stuffed and Now, in preparing the goose late prepared as usual. They are in sea-|in the season, wash and clean, cut- son from now until the holidays if | ting out the neck, as already direct- specially prepared for cooking, If (ed. Wipe inside with a little soft cooked as usual they are apt to be | butter, then stuff with a highly sea- tough and univiting, This probably | soned sage and onion dressing, not accounts for some of the prejudice |too full, then make the French stuf- against them. fing, sew it very closely, then sew To cook the green goose, first|the vent neatly and truss the bird 'nge it very carefully, then clean | tirmly, Next slip it into warm wa- » washing the outside well where | ter, bringing it to the boiling point he dust sifts in under the feathers | rapidly, Then boil gently for one and sticks to the skin--we clean [hour, Add to the water a sliced on-|ing held this evening in Grant ours hy scrubbing with a vegetable |ion, a few celery leaves and outer | Hall, brush and a little white soap in |stalks, a tablespoonful of vinegar, - ER luke-warny water--then rinse well. |a bit of garlic, pepper and salt, Lift Rev. and Mrs. I. J, Maxwell, and Wipe the bird dry, cut out the neck [the bird carefully and place it in daughters, Misses Greta and May and make a French breast, truss the roasting pan, Dust with pepper | Maxwell. Simcoe street south, at- the bird, wipe inside with soft hut-|and salt, strain a cupful of the wa- tended the recital of the formers ter, then insert an onion that has [ter in which it was cooked and use |njece, Bettina Vegara, violinist, been quartered, season with pepper, | it for basting and in the pan. Roast | who 'appeared last evening in the salt, butter and a few grains of |until the bird is a good brown, Toronto. Conservatory of Music sugar, Dust with pepper and salt, | which should be about an hour in Con-ert Hall. Joust about un hour depending up-|a medium oven, The giblets may he 4 * how on the oven, Baste well and, if de-|cooked and chopped and added to = sired, make a dish gravy from the |the gravy, This method is for the Wd sn Ne. Susties Ease sh drippings and a little added stock. [old goose used late in the season nah E. Mouder, of Toronto, to L.es- The giblets may be parhoiled until [around holiday time. The Novem- lie 1 Surray MD. of Armstrong tender, then chopped and put into | ber goose may be stuffed and roast- | uy ch 'took place in the Centennial gravy, or be served on toast with aed in the usual way and will re- United Church Toronto, on Satur- cream sauce. Serve gooseberry sauce | quira from two to two and a half dav ' y or jelly, or apples, fried or sauced, | hours roasting and should be fre- y. with the goose, quently basted, For the full-grown goose, prepare The meat of the green goose it in the same way, then stuff it | makes a very pcceptable salad, re. with a good sage and onion stuffing | mov.ng the skin, cutting the meat or a chestnut stuffing rather high- [rather fine, adding chopped celery ly seasoned, Just before the goose [and peppers and mayon-grated Par- is done, dredge it lightly with flour mesan cheese before baking. RL. Allthat shower andsun can give~in fragrance Ty 'Fresh from the gardens' To gs address by their pastor, | the Séciety of the Ladies' Ald re- sponded by going on record as willing to defray the expenses of . - Social and Personal - - "The Times invites the co-operation of its readers in ete Mr, H, F. Lee, local manager of the Canada Bread Company, en- tertained his staff of salesmen on a motor trip to Toronto last even- ing, when they pald a visit to the Danforth avenue branch of the company. On their return to Osh- awa, refreshments were served, Mrs. R. Stuart and son, Joe, of Woodstock, are visiting relatives in the city. * * * Miss Dorothy Williams, Division street, will attend the Science for- mal dance of Queen's University m Kingston this evening, * 0 * Mr. and Mrs. W, R, Geikle, Sim- coe street north, leave next week for the South of France, where they will spend the remaining win- ter months, Before putting potatoes in the oven to hake, grease them well with butter, When they are done you will * id * | Mrs. William D. Ross entertain- find the skins thin and tender in- ed the wives of the members of the Outarlo Legislature at luncheon at gigtributing special Jubilee copies stead of hard and thick as when the Government, Hoise Lend, of the Small Catechism, (baked in the usual manner, n e. grey ' Honor the Lieutenant-Governor, Following wo, Tom Fupper | andre. Roe: With Colonel i social hour spent, ! Rayon garments should never he ge hal captelh J 5ker ts, Mrs -- - | hung in the wind as the strain is jsauanse, Tove ie 2 ig 4 lum- hard on the fibres and might cause Ross, vas smartly Jressey h M n them to separate, The smooth fibre foiored yoivet, Fesijons! . 9 a of rayon does not wrinkle during gide drapes, Jong Ushi Sleeves Th drying. so that the articles can be vestee of cream georgette, e faa, 20 Tha) the sro son ho long horseshoe-shaped luncheon 18 fiat, Bung ovel the Deck of = table in the ballroom was most at- ary tractive with rose-colored flowers, fs Ivory jars and silver bowls were] ie Sn vi filled with primulae, baby roses | and azaleas, and on the curve of | the table ferns, palms and flower- ing plants were massed. Another attraction was the white and gold china with the gold crest, and, matching these were the place cards. Among those present were Mrs, W. E. N. Sinclair, Simcoe St. N., and Miss Minerva Sinclair, Uni- versity of Toronto. RECEPTIONS Mrs. C. Blair Edmonson, (nee Kathleen Northwood), will receive for the first time since her mar- riage, with her aunt, Mrs. W, R. *. & 0 Miss Margaret Hart, Kingston road east, leaves today for King- ston to attend the Science Formal of Queen's University, which is pe- Sew the buttonholes of the swea er together before washing so that they do not stretch out of shone and prove the only unsuccessful {thing about the washing of the sweater, elpful ints For arassed ousewives | - It takes a lot of milk to make a little cream MEX is only partly cream, just as soap. ordinary soaps are only partly That's why 0X0 is so indis~ pensable in the home--for the children--for invalids-- for quick, easy, economical and tasty soups, gravies and savoury dishes. Sunlight is the cream of laundry soaps ~--all pure soap. That's the reason why less of it is required to make rich cleansing suds . » » and, because it is a// pure soap, it dissolves quickly, That is why hosts city's social welfare representative. Brief messages were given by other members of the branch, all striking an optimistic note on the prospects for 1929 BUTTERSCOTCH PIE (Sent in by Mrs. R. A.) 1 1-4 enps brown sugar, 3 eggs 2 tablespoons flour, 1 1-4 eéups WOMAN $0 SICK COULD NOT WORK in 1529. The speaker showed how eagerly the Catechism of Luther was received by the people 400 years ago. At one time every, printer in the city of Wittemburg was printing the Small Catechism, and outside that city there were 132 editions during the sixteenth century. An English translation was made by Thomas Cranmer, of women get so many more clothes clean and sweet in such a short time with Sunlight, Let a bar of Sunlight prove how much more work it can do for you than or- dinary soap. milk (heated), 1 tablespoon melted butter. A Mix sugar and flour; add milk gradually. Cook in double boiler until thick. Add yolks of eggs, but- ter and vanilla and then cook a few minutes longer. Pour into the bakea pie crust. Make a meringue by beating the whites of the thr eggs until stiff and addinz 1-2 cup of sifted sugar. Place in oven (un- der the boiler) watching constant- ly until delicately brownen. 'Archbishop of Canterbury. Ever since its appearance this little vol- ume has had a remarkable circula- tion. It has been translated into jover 100 languages, thosands of | Lutheran boys and girls are study- ing this booklet, and for millions of Protestants it has become the "Gem of the Reformation," as Dr. MeGiffert of Union Seminary had called it. Pastor Hahn also gave a comprehensive review of the con- tents of the Catechism, Look for this Guar- antee of Purity on every carton, It means real economy ~longer life to'your clothes-- protection to your hands. Helped by Taking Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound Grainland, Sesk.--"I am that f heard of that good Lever Brothers dLimited Toronto S04 SPECIAL VALUES in Ladies' Coats and Dresses, at the FASHION SHOPPE 84 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa Gelkie, at Simcoe street north, two doors north of Ross' Corners, on Monday, February 4, from four to -e -- six-thirty. Turner, V.C, Brig.-General J, A. Gunn, Brig.-General J, G, Ross, and er -- -- the acceptance of the dominion 9 presidency by General Sir Arthur WOMEN'S MEETINGS CANADIAN LEGION (7: Others who spoke, urging a keener ' EA : interest in the work of the Legion, In sending In answers to a re- Gpacp LUTHERAN LADIES" ATD PLANS ACTIVITIES were Comrade Leon Frazer and ojos Yor se ipes will (he senders Grace Lutheran Ladies' Ald held .eorare beef flavour to tempt Comrade A. H, Power. the rocile and either their initials rezular meeting Wednesday ev- Considerable discussion ensued on ening at the home of Mr, and Mrs. on ntrat d nours many matters tending to promote or the name they wish to have pub- F. M. Dahmer, Athol street east, You...conce e (Continued from page 3 the Intereste of the branch. It was lsbsd, The address is also neces- .¢ wiih 1¢ was decided to have a tH : as a national body, was given in an| decided > hold a mass meeting of . Si social gathering, to which the lad- ishment to build health and address by M. Mcintyre Hood, for-| all ex-service men in the near fu-] ono reader has sent in her fav- jes mit Juvits thelr husbands and H 1 merly of the Woodstock Branch, and | ture, and to promote a series of in- recipe , 2 riends, e socal evening 18 to be vigour... convenient form, now a member of the Oshawa ter-branch Bail a fie recipe fof Buiterstorsh Big in chepretorised ag 8 Ladies Aid . ' 3 3ranch, omrade Hood lai reat | houri i p sol- : id arty, to make easier, tastier COOK- [ici ie" roa aonst Sia: | rors, eon, branches aud bl iin as CON: | py hoe who tied the art sont . point of the Legion as a dominion- bli hr! Jf . he t bute a nenny for each yeur o efr ing PE YOU GET THEM wide body, giving constructive sug- Beilin, pnd Bowmanville, 1 White on gop), 2 tablespouus flout, age. This will be the first time gestions to the federal parliament| '4 Tesolution was also passcc enp 0 y = tabesphon, Ja. in the brief history of Grace Luth- / IN 0X0! on amtter of vital interest and authorizing the new executive to] ter. ne teaspoon ani A eran church in Oshawa, that an at- ALL ' amtter of vital anterest andj goog iit of standing committees | Mix butter, Sugar, Flour ' h importance to disabled cx-service | %., recented at the next meeting, | then well-beaten egg yolk, Add the tempt at an entertainment is, men, widows and children of deceas-| Thursday evening of next week, | cold water and let cook preferably made, Mrs, Rovers, of 494 King ed men who served, and on a wide| © orion Loc decided to extend | over double boiler, until thick, Ada Street east, invited that he party variety of subjects vital to the wel- a cordial invitation to all ex-service vanilla. Use the white of the ezg ba given at her new home, which Tare of Canada, . : men in the city, whether members| for meringue on the top. home, it is thought, will adequate- articular attention was paid by of the Legion or not, ily . |ly receive the guests, the speaker to what has been ac-| "paicfor an intensive membership| To-day we riceived a request! Pastor A. C. Hahn addressed the complished in securing special con- campaign, and for carrying on the | from L.R., for a recipe for a Choco- Society, and his topic was: "The sideration for "problem cases," these necessary relief work "among sick|late Cake, which will remain moist Quadricentenary of Dr. Luther's being caces of men who were ap-|, 4 unemployed comrades, were also| for some time, Will some readers Catechism." He pointed out how parently in good health when dis-| jiccussed and it was decided to please send in their recipes. Sena the Lutherans throughout the charged from the service, but whose |... ry on the relief work in close. co- your name znd address with Ta world will commemorate the 400th health had broken down, and had operation with Miss Farncomb, the 4 r " | anniversary of the - Small Cate- ry left them unfit for their normal la- chism published by Martin Luther bor, as the result of the impairment i of their physique while on active service. Mr. Hood paid a tribute to|- the findings of the parliamentary committee on soldiers' affairs at the last session of the dominion parlia- ment, which had recommended more remedial legislation than had been passed at any previous session of the house since the- close of the war. Need of Public Confidence In discussing _the affairs of the local branch of the Legion, Comrade Hood urged that the chief aim of the branch should be to secure and hold the confidence and support of all classes of citizens, so that the aims and principles of the Legion, as an organization seeking to help those unable to help themselves, might be] fully understood. He urged that a strong effort should be made to en- roll all the men who held officer's rank during the war to take an ac- tive interest in Legion work, point- ing out that those who had held positions of leadership in the Cana- dian forces in wartime were best fit- ted to give leadership to the Cana- dian Legion in time of peace, out- standing examples of this being the } splendid leadership given the Legion by such men as General Sir Richard my how . yeood it is and T will 4 antwer all letters T get from women," Phone 227 | Sask ' ' | Dolly Dimples and Bobby Bounce - [> cant L. x | FAMOUS THE WORLD OVER 'By Grace G. Drayton | ANY How - WE HAVE Each OTHER - THANK GOODNESS 3 I've Gor mY 29 Simcoe St. N, in tins of 4510 cubes ~ | fe nap Bees HARD -BGorlEP LIKE MOST 66S He woulp onix Have CRACKED Q¥. HuMPTY-Pum Ply HAP » oasaT Fall 491000, King Pustanes, Sradiosta, Tac. Great Britain rights reserved '5s THEY CLIMB off THE WAL AVD ) Go SPoMY py wisHING Hv HPT = PuneTy Havw'r sSevmnep mr -- Comey SAYS: AML THE Kings romses aap MA THE KIVGS MEV Covip MEYER PUT HomeTy-DumeTy Tosemer moaw. | HumpTy- DvMPTY Lavcutp So HARPS 18 poi OFF THE Ww Al DecKWA ASS. AvP Dolly, Bs BBY Av Comry WEARS ScAnEP

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