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Oshawa Daily Times, 1 Feb 1929, p. 7

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wget tl HB. oo ogi, THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1929 AGE SEVEN " Fasydo-Find » RADIO PROGRAM SATURDAY EVEN ING PR! To-Night's Best Features $.00 NBC System: 800 NBC WEAR--Cities Service Concert, WEAF, WRC, wr 5.30 NHC System: Bill and Jane to \WEAF, The Ciystal 1 Gazer, Colum 9.00 To Wiz )--Wrigle BC (W 125 =. = a in Paris, ia: Ti oF. Hour, OGRAMS Regis Orchestra to 6.00 NBC EWE hor) Astoria Music t WRC, CAE, 20 Soe Wiz Feo Hout . fei Wind! wi BC )--Schraeder Brass band 10.00 L118 9:4 anes Bureau Hour. WCF ABC chicago, Habor Hour. 4 WHE So Cie land, Dinner concert ion Chicago, Great Moments in Op. WHAM EAH Rochasier "Markets: nner usic, 3% WLS chicago, La, Chorale Francaise. | W505) New York, Yoeng's or. om 's Cabin, chestra, 6.30 KYW (294)~Chicago. Ungle Bob. WBAL _(283)--Baltimore, Dinner music Saturday Programs ¥ Systems * Wiie 1 House Dinnet sic to ' SATURDAY'S BEST FEATURES WEEL ' WFI Wok J | Wie 9.3 am, WEAF New York, US, Army WeAE, W! WLS, W JNGSH, 10.00 WLW Cinci. W WGN way. WI Ll = STP 5 m, Snel, omens oe, program NBC System, Gold Sd Shot Ls Pals ge WIZ, Wi AQ Chicago, Musical potpourri KDKA, WBZ WBBM Chicas Afternoon frolic, 7.00 KYw ec Ty ey ah : yao Hatem WJZ)--~RCA Demonstra- KMBC (316)--Kansas City, Studio pro- our, gram, Vi ctor Records Me and the Man in the Moon Fox Trot Frank Crumit Comedian Where the Shy Ted Weems and His Orchestra There's a Rainbow 'Round My ) Fos ox Trot All Star Orchestra 21667 Johnny Marvin 21780 A Gay Caballero 21809 Shoulder 21735 Little Violets Grow Vocal : Johnny Marvin My Blackbirds are 21820 Bluebirds Now Vocal National Cavaliers Fox Trot Sonny Boy Theme Song of The Singing Fool" Vocal John McCormack 1360 Fox Trot Geo, Olsen and 21683 His Music Vocal Gene Austin Sold in Oshawa By D. J. BROWN #0 King St. West Jean Goldkette and His Orchestra 217% 21805 of Canada, Limited my VER 0 Ww Fl, WRC, WGY. WGHF I crete Lady Moon; Or Whil (298.5) Rochaster, Eastman 'Theatre Party. NHC yon ly St. Regi Orchestra to WLW ¢ Wor x Iovari or chmond. Com Ro Pipe 500)==H. 10 WGR (545)--Buffalo, ny orchestra 15 RpRe ue) bitts, , Home, Radio e Parson; 8 4 ie (303)--Springfield, McEnelly's or: chestra, 242) Pitts, WCAK (242) S. oe t WEAR We Cy add WAG, WwGY '39. ss Dinner mu- Us Ww W (428)--~Cinci. Aviation Talk; Thel Orchestra, WSs $403 S--Atlaita, Muse Box, KYW (294 =i i or Wis Nhe System: yg Oliv ir to AH BAL, KDKA, hWK, Ki 8.00 Wha# {3 8)~Ft, Worth, a hr, Ys N (416)=Chicago. Floorwalker, NBC System: J ationa) Orchestra _ to WEAF, WEEL WTAM Whek: WHC, WET, W VRC, WCAE, Ks dW aw, WHO, KOA, = WRVA, NBC 'sup: Qu mag, Band to nN hd WSM, DRA. K¥ WAG ROL Worcester: dia 8.30 Nw (294)~=Chicago, Orchestra pro- fiz 1 ouo)-Springfeld. Concert or nf St. Paul, Ficeside {heron ies, WCiL a (309)=Chicago. Music Publish. 4) NBC od Xylophonist to WJZ, KDKA, KWK, Vey ' (428)~Cinel, Mans field and Lee WSM (Hor S--Nashville, Craig's orches, 8.45 NBG System: gc alos of the Orient" WK, 9.00 Crea (§7)="Taronto, Jardin's orches, WCCO (370)--Mpls, St, Paul. Musical pro ram (2 hours), WEAF, , System: WCAE, WTIC, Wink, W way, wwJ, IN a WGR Riri Arcadia orches, WN 416)~Chicago, Baritone; dram. atic WL W Vy --Cinci, Farm program, NBC System: Works reat Com. se to WJZ, KWK, RE: WBAL, DKA, WSUN (333)-5t, Terershury, Musicale, 9,15 WPG (272)--Atlantic City, Concert or- chestra, 9,30 KWKH (352.7)--Shreveport, Studio pro. fe Systems Marimba orchestra to WEAF, WIA , WTAG, WGY, W WCAE, W Wh * KSD,, WIC, vis (345)--Chicago. Barn Dance (3/4 18), 9.45 WES (220,4)--Chicago, Studio pro: 10.00 KMOX (275)--St, Louis, Character Sketches; Entertainers, KTHS (375)--Hot Springs. Dance fro- bid WisAL (283)--Baltimore, The Mary- Wir *(303)--Springfield, Lowe's orches, NBC System: Lucky Strike Dance or- chestra to WEAF, WELL, KSTP, WSB, WGN, KSD, WTIC KPRC, WIAR, dil west, Tn iE 2.4 & WIM], NBC & stem: Play "The Hunchback" ww (428)--Cinci, Hawaiians; Cino Singers, 10.15 WMAQ (447.5)--Chicago, Concert or- chestra, 10.30 KM uC (316)--Kansas City, Barn dance KDKA (306)--Pitts, Wm, Penn or- chestra, 1,00 ky WW (294)--Chicago, News; Slumber Music, KDKA (306)--Pitts, Far North pro- gram rh Network: The Carnival, NBC System: {once Sisters; Pollack's Onchestry to AF, WFI, WCAE, J, YKSh: wey ' (379.5)~Schenectady, Ten Eyck Orchestra to WHAM, WIBO (526)--Chicago,. Popular program (2%; hours.) NEC System; Slumber Music to WJZ, WR WLW (428)~Cinci. Gibson orchestrs, WRC (315.6)--Washington, Wardman By Orchestra, VTIC (500)--Hartford, Bond orches, 11.10 Wik (400)--Detroit, News; dance mu- 11,15 WHE (216)--Cleveland, Music Makers, 11,30 KOA (361)--Denver, Grabau's orches, WLW (428)--Cinci, Sinton orchestra; Entertainers. WOR (422)--Newark, Paramount or- chestra. 11.45 WS (405)--Atlanta. Skylark. 12.00 dl (168)--Los Angeles, Concert or- chestra, WOLF AND FOX OCCUPY SAME CAGE IN ZOO Saut Se. Marie, Feb, 1.--The wolf and the fox, sworn enemies of the forest, are ying down together in Belevue Zoo. The wolf driven from the Algoma forests when snowdrifts made the procuring of food a difficult task, left the forest and was found one morning in the cage with ihe fox. It has lived there contentedly since, Phone 180 COLD COMING ON? If so, remember "Nostroline", It clears the bead and stops mucous discharge. Isn't that what you want? Get "Nostrol ne" just as soon as you can reach, or mail order to, Karn's Drug Store, next Post Office, King 5% Fast, shawa, 50c, So soothing and So 'Nose Needs "Nostroline" OND Wonderful Company at your door Every Night Complete with Tubes CJ HERE' Music...Gaiety... Personality Action... Relaxation 1929 offers a thousand hours of laughter, thrills, melody--new friends, hearty companions--a real life interest. ITs yours to enjoy--free as the air through which it passes. Join in 'the fun--the moments themes-- the adventures and music that stir, twenty, fifty niilion hearts every night by the Radio. s swift, pulsating pleasure, (why miss it?) when you can own a. BATTERYLESS RADIO WILSON & LEE Authorized Dealers 71 Simcoe St. N.-- Oshawa ¢ L74EN YOU BUY A WESTINGHOUSE YOU OWN THE WORLDS MOST ADVANCED RADIO ) DEPENDABLE Jor yr ™ choles of my radio of po gor fans and more radio owners than ALL other tubes combined. Westinghouse CHINESE URGE TRADE TREATY WITH CANADA Conference Plans Report to National Gove nment in Orient Vancouver, Feb, 1.--Develop- ment of trade between China and Canada through the negotation of a treaty between that government and that of Canada is a major recommendation to be voiced at the annual convention of Kuomin- tang, Chinese National govern- ment, at Nanking, commencing March 15, by the seven delegates from Canada. Seventy-five representatives of all branches of the Chinese Na- tionalist league in Canada are now holding their annual conclave at Canadian headquarters, Gore ave- nue and Pender streets, and wil A elect their representatives before the sessions end January 81. An increase in the number of consuls throughout the Dominion also will be sought by the dele- gates from Canada, Consulates are at present maintained only at Ottawa and Vancouver, Promote Friendship It is hoped that this wil be one of a number of means to foster better relationship between the countries and between citizens of Canada and Chinese na.onals in the Dominion, These reso.utions will be rati- == | fled before the close of the conven- WANT ADVERTISING IN LUMBER TRADE Canadian Lumberman's As- sociation Holds Annual Meeting Monteral, Feb, 1.--The advant- ages derived by various branches of the lumber industry from ad- vertising, ,and the possibilities of .he Quebec lumbler trade compet- ing successful:;y with U.S, rivals ia Wisconsin and North - Michigan, were subjects of discussion at the various group and section meet- i.g8 of the Canadian Lumbermen's Association in the Vvinusor Hotel, J. L, Crane, chairman of the white, pine section, toid the mem- bers tha. they were the only or- ganization which existed to tell the word the special advantages of white pine, The dealers In this wood derived remarsav.e ad- vantages from the work of the White Pine Bureau in giving pub- lieity to the mes 8 On (us wood, Spruce Section Speakiis bewvie tue spruce secs tion, Dr, wilson Compton, secre- tary-wana.er oo the Nauonal Lum- ber Manu.acturers' Association, stated tuat the .rade could be great.y improved by wiuespread aaveriising cawpains, aud Sug- gested that $100,000 per annum shou.d be raised and expenued for this purpose, rie puiiied ou. tpat almost a clear neil dwas g.ven to the manufacturers of suustitutes tor iumber, who somet.ies made greatiy exaggerated statements, Only by research and publicity could they couu.eract tums in- f.uence, Discuss Competition The competition of west coast lumber; grading rules for rasicin Canadian rongh merchantable spruce; credit terws betweeu wholesa.ers and retailers were also discussed in this section. In the haruwood section, the subject of debate was whether and how they could compete with Wis. consin and Michigan. The cost of putting logs on a truck in this Province; it was noted, amouted to $48 per thousand feet, where- 8s in the states mentioned it came to only about $32. °' Farmers Will Fight Higher Grain Duties Winnipeg, Feb, 1.--All western Canada is keenly interested in the movement of farmers of the Unit- ed States to impose still higher duties against Canadian products, principally on wheat and live stock and milk and cheese, Farmers of the West are unani- mous for retaliatory measures against the United States and have so expressed themselves before the Canadian Advisory Tariff Commis- sion. At its recent session A. E. Darby, spokesman of the United | Farmers of Canada, being very em- phatic in demands on behalf of bis large organization. . But the advisory board members are keep- ing cool, There is no doubt that it these higher duties go into effect, as demanded, it will upset «he present low tariff, Western Canada has been en- joying for a year and one-half a very large trade in live stock with St, Paul and Chicago, and is also shipping around 35,000,000 to 40,- 000,000 bushels of wheat to mills, to be milled in bond and sold in competition with American mills overseas, MAJOR H. O. SEGRAVE SAILS FOR FLORIDA London, Feb, 1.--Major H. O. Segrave, British racing dri- . had a big send-off today when Lec Look the boat train en route to Daytona Florida, where he will attempt to recap ure the automobile speed- record with his racing car, the Golden Arrow, He wili board the liner Majestic at Southampton for New York. A farewell luncheon will be shen aboard the vessel which is also carrying the Golden Arrow and his, motor-boat, Miss England, » tion here, Other resolutions deal- ing with organization ma.ters will also be discussed and passed, It is pointed out by E. C, Mark, president of the Shing Wah Po Publishing company, Toronto, eaaing figure at the Dominion conference, that the National gov- ernment of China is seeking to carry out the mission let, them by the late Dr. Sun Yat Sen The organization is in no way inter. ested in the politica: lite of Can- ada, 'here are 75 branches of the league in Canada with three divi sions governing the east, miuule west and west, There is a Cana- dian membership of more than 10,000, In common wi.h other branches of the ieague in the uniteg dLaies, cuca, West lnaies, India, Aus- traila, Mawaiian ls.any and otner poiuts. China Nationalist league wmembors gel ad Voice i Lueir couitry auairs. at home propor- uouate to 'heir membership, Fiileen headGuusiers tusough- out the worid suare in the govein- ment of China with the 24 prov- f.ces within its boundaries, Ihe Kucmintang mempership outside Cina is placed at approxunately 1,060,000. There are approxi- ma ely 12,000,0vyu. Caiuese avroad from their native .and, AUTOISTS DISCUSS MOTOR-GAR LIGH IS Quebec Provincial League Holds [i2gular Annual Meeting Quenec, Feb. 1 here is no substitute for the lighted lamp. Tin-retlectors a.u pP-tave Us sv f ec.ing glass shouid be thrown in the garbage, it was stated yester- day afternoon by Col. PP. R, san son, President, and Geo. A. Mc- Namee, manager, respectively, of the Royal Automobile Club of €an- ada at the annual meeting of the Quebec Provincial Motor League, | held in the offices of the Quebec Aulo Club. A. Pion, president of the local auto club, was in the chair, Lights on all vehicles and toll bridges were the two main objects discussed. Theré were 150,000 registered owners of automobiles in the Prov. ince, and this number should reach over 175,000 during 1929, besides which there would be over 600,- 000 United States machines on the public highways, in addiijon to over 100,000 visiting cars from other provinces during the course of the year, the meeting was told. STOP THAT COLD! at the start WITH PENSLAR WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE BALSAM (MENTHOLATED) 25¢ & 50¢ KARN'S Drug Store PN ) NEXT P.O. 'e Deliver Phone 378 DOGS TO RACE FOR ENDURANCE TEST IN WEST Glittering Rewards Await Winner of Marathon for 1929 Event The Pas, Man.,--Feb, 1.--At the end of a windswept 200-mile trail through Manitoba's snow- covered northland, glittering re- ward and beckoning reputation await the dog-racing king for 1929, The new monarch of the fleeting sled will be crowned when his team flashes first across the finish line at The Pas Dog Derby, feature event of this frontier town's color- ful Winter Carnival, March 4 to 7. From every section of the north- land, veteran drivers with their malamutes and wolfhounds will converge on The Pas to make a bid for the throne now occupied by Emil St, Godard. For four years this dark-skinned lad has ruled the dog-racing ranks of the veterans who have trailed him to the wire in the classics of the north, But in the lengthening of the course rivals of the French-Cana- dian youth see new hope, as the test this year will be one of endur- ance as well as speed. They point out that St. Godard's dogs have been trained for the lap races of the last three years pver a 120- mila course, and they may find the 200-mile grind too much for them. The champion is confident, how- ever, as are hig supporters, who re- call that he raced first to deirhy- title renown over 204 miles of for- eat (rail from The Pas to Herb Luke and return. And they also know that his huskies, harnesseu to a rumbling auto chassis, remain- ing in racing prime through the warm months of last summer, hiv year's race--the first non- stop endurance struggle sinca St, Godard as a "boy musher' gulded his dogs to their initial vietory in 1025-~fis to be run from The Pas to tie Flin Flon mine and return. Five hundred miles from Winnt- r-g, along the Canadian National Railway line that reaches towards the karrens, The Pas noctles in its winter snow-coat, far ij near the border Of Saskatchewvan, 'A Yuiiced miles closer to the Avetic circle a huddled eathering of shacks marks the Flin Flon pro- perty, where the derby mwushers wil) double back toward the $2.- 000 cash prizes that is fortune and the Walter Goyne-Grant Rice tro- phy that means fame. | Cue of St. Godard"s challsngers. will be "Shorty" | it is expected; Russick, the veteran who made dog-ra-e followers rasp at his re- markable time of £3 hovrs and 52 APEX Electrophonic 10 'nch Double Sided Phonograph Recurds Why : . Why -. 695¢c = More? More? Another Bum Song Funnler Than The First Who Said I Was a Bum Ask for Apex Record No, 8858 No Hap y Days And Lonely Nights ecord No, 8867 Song yy gn 8869 Doin' the Raccoon Fox Trot Record No. 8860 Song Record No, 8868 You're The Cream In My Coffee Tox Trot Record No, 8856 - A Gay Caballero Song y No, 8861 The Sinking of theVestris Apex Record No, 8853 That Big Rock-Candy Mountain Song Record No, 8859 It Goes Like This (That Funny Melody) Fox Trot Record No, 8837 There's a Rainbow Round My Shoulder Foy Trot Record No 8850 Song Record No, 884% Wear the new Apex Eledlrophonie po TY ' Nap svpimalinng Wilson & Lee * 71 Si coe St. North Phone 2388 The San Record Co., Toronto, Ont. Dealers Everywhere, minutes lo capture the 20-mile cvent in 1924, Leonard Seppaia, | pride of Alaska, is also cager for the chance to get back a:pin in the | entry list of a rear endurance match. Other mushers from the wast and the west have sent in for application forms. The bhlood-tinzlinz north of de- cades back--when man battled man | anil brute strvuegled with brute-- the "old north" will makes {tr re- turn when frowning drivers shout out their "marche" tn straining | wolf dozs as The Pas endurance classic comes once mora into fits own, SUGGESTS NATURAVIZATION CEREMONY DOMINION DAY Complete Stock of Apes Elestrophonic Reeords { Always on Hand HARRIS MUSIC SHOP | 17 Simeoce St. S. Phone 1490 4 / n naturaliza jon ceremony to take[ed men wou'd never do it, There piace preferably on Dominion Day | was 100 little manifestation of was strong.y advocated by Dr W.|patriotism in Canada, he felt, J. Black, director of colonization, | egriculture and natural resources | British immigration Dr. Black for the Canadian Natiopal Rail-|said he was strongly in favor of ways, in addressing the Monres) British immigration, but that "a Women's Club recently, Discussing the matter of all- | sane view must be taken." The Unless women took it upon|question was what Canada need- | themselves to press for such an|ed: immigran s must be chosen for Montreal, Que., Feb, 1, =~ A , Innovation, Dr, Black said he fear- it their ability to become assimilated, tered." radio dream - - one Is astounding all hearers N instantaneous success! Con' uest of the entire Dominion. Another Victor product has "regis- Here is the fulfilment of your fondest: perfect type of jadio -- in three beautiful models. 'No batteries, no useless adjuncts. Plug in, twirl the single station (selector and be amazed. #285 "Victor Talking Machine Company Luccnsed under patents of she Radio Frequency Lavoratomes Int; © The model featured is the famous Victor Lowboy, designed specially for Victor Rodw Dealers sm beaussfully figured and carved walnut. Equspped with the New Victor Radio, Victor Loud Speaker, aight tubes complete ond "plugin" cord, for only gi rT ET, lS Ch AL ef

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