em ne AA A A RC TE PAGE IGHT THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1929 '"" Eagy-to-Find"' RADIO PROGRAM WNAC, W A \ TONIGHT'S BEST XFASy 10,00 a.m, yee System (WJZ)--Dr ES ve: olum iv Network Ida Bailey Allen; RRC. Sytem (WJ2)--Cookiug, schol. 118 NBG griien VER He etd °Th- 1,00 Lk System (Central)--Farm and home Tr, 3, Chicago, Women' by BY NBG TH pk 4.% Nac System (WEAF)--Auction Bridge TUESDAY EVENING PROGRAM: 50 WE Ei ew York, Shy AMS es. wink (454)--New York, Bilt iC. WIZ (394.5)--New York, Organ, 6.00 WBZ (303)--Springfield, Lowes orches. NBC System: Waldorf Astoria Concert WCAE, WF], Man to WEAF, WRC, (394.5)=New York, Old Sine ali 428)--Cinci, Theis orchestrra, fre, WIL 6.15 Wiig GS Ehicage. Topsy Turrvy ebee, La Soleil News. 6.30 C CRE (301) KYyw ica Uncle* Bob, wiz RH Yu chestrra to WBZ, WBZA "0 ¥pia (306)--Pitts, Address; Ww BAL (283)--Baltimore, it (545)--Buffalo, Chevrolet fhe BC Systems WEAF, WOW, WRC, 'WIAR, 'KSD, WCAE, WCSH, WEL KOA, WHAS, WbT, WFAA, Amoco Noises! WTIC, WGY, KPRC, WIZ Von) New York, Salle and Robertson, WNAC (244)--Boston, News; Amos 'n' ndy, WLW (428)--Cinci, Dog Talk; Enter. tainers, WOR (422)--Newark, Entertainers, WRNY (297)--New York. Song Contest 7.% CNRW (384,4)--Winnipeg, Dinner mu. ica (357)--Toronto,* Maytag Ramb-. Jerse System: Soconyland to WEAF, WIAR WEE, WTIC, WGR, WGY, WTAG, WCS wi IN (297)~New York, Oaklands Cha- Nic EA Law Fundamentals to RY: WHAM, RWK, KOA With WOATL,'WRVA, WKY WL as - WME, Wi Sohio fide to WRNY' (297)--New York, Varied pro- gram. 8.00 NBC System: Soprano to WEAF, KSD, WFI, WRC, NBC System: tet to WIZ, JHA 4 < R, KYW, We BX KVO0O, WMT, WhAA KPRC, WOAIL, KSTP, WHAS, WSB, WBT. wow (428)--Cinei, Cincinatti Sym. ia Network: School Daze to pr ------ | Diamonds! Bassett's, On Oshawa's Main Corner Stromberg Carlson Sex- TIME TABLES g SE TIME TABLE. taking effect 1201 am. ve Ty Going Daily. » times or shove are times traing from Oshaws Station. C. N. R. TIME TABLE Effective Jan. 6, 1029 Eastbound 8.23 am.~Daily except £.58 am.~--Sunday only. 9.59 a.m.~Daily. 1.17 pan.~Daily except 2.32 pan.--Daily except 647 pau.--Daily except 9.42 p.an.--Daily, 31.39 pm.--Daily except 3209 a.m, --Daily. 1225 a.m.--Daily. » 4.44a.m.--Daily. 5.45 aan.~--Daily. 5.53 am.~Daily except 6.20 a.m.~Daily. S07 am.~Daily except Sunday 2.06 pan~Daily except Sunday, 4.37 pa~Daily. 714 pan.--Sunday only. 7.27 pan.~Daily except Sunday. 845 poa.~--Daily except Sunday. itby, Oshawa, Whithy, BUS LINE WEEK DAY SCHEDULE (Eftecine ». and aites Nov. # Going West Leave fave | 645 am. 740 am. 70am. £10am. 820 am 9X am. am. 1210 pam. 2.00 pam. 3.00 p.m. Sunday. Sunday, Sunday. Sunday, Saturday. Sunday, Arrive : Evesdstuet HIE h 3] Pi GuBRELE 11113411 BRRERRERELIEE = 33494393 Esestsne fy HIE cad E i 1 EE § i ub, avy Band and Jane k. Savannah ore Sacred pro- pro: Service to WTAG, WABC, WEAN WiLBW, WKBW, WFBL, WJA KM X 30 NBC System: Michelin Hour to WIZ, 830 NEAL, NTH, WEE, Wi? Wim KYW, WREN, KDRA Kak, KVOO WFAA JPRC Pp HE Program to 0] WIAR, WWJ, WEEIL ¥, WFI, WGR, WTMJ (487) --Milwaukee, - Concert, 0,00 CNRA™ (322,4)--Moncton, The Singers, Columbia Network: RC, KMOX, WCAO, WHK, WCCO, W IBM, WOWO, WSPD, RL, WTAR, whoti, WERC, WREC WWNC ve WE by, Wi TAN KTR Wrall VEE, Rel wi Eon Wi AF, WESC, WHAS WSM, WSB, XVOo, NBC System: Three-In-One Theatre tc Ww. LA W /BZ Wilay i TAG (517)--Worcester, Studio; Mus- ERe'S Sy Dutch Master C stem: Dutch a sia to WIZ, WBZ, WBZA, WBAL, KWK, H/ AM, KDKA, WLW, KYW, WREN, W WL 10,00 CNRA (322, chestra, KDKA (306)--Pitts. chestra, ts WAC Network: T WIR, 345)-- Chicago, Sleigh Party, Concert Or. Penny Or- .4)--Moncton, Wm. WABC WEAN, WWNC, ~ WADC, WRRC w BRM, WGHP, WOWO, KMOX, KMUC, WISN, Kor wi SPD, WOAD, Woon, WTAR, » RBW Clicquot _BYW NBC System: Liskin EEL VTIC, KFI JOA! NBC System: Sixteen Singers to WJZ, KWK, WBAL 10.30 WDAF (492)~ Kansas City, Cook paint- ers. NBC System: Contraltones to WEA WCAE, WWJ, WHO, WRVA, WL WKY, WJA) WGY (379.5)- "Schenectady, semble. WHN (297)-New York. Dance orches. WLW (428)--Cinci. Crosley Cossacks. NBC System: Orchestradians to WJZ, WBZ, WBZA, WHAM, KFI, KOA, WRAL, KDKA, KYW, WIR, KSTP, WRE WTIC "(500)- "Hartford. Organ. WTAM (280)--Cleveland. Talk; Enter- tainers, 11.00 Pacific Network : Columbia Network: >, WNAC, , "WF BIL, WCAO, WADC, WGHP, WOWO, KYA, WKBW, KMBC, KOIL, , WMAL, KLZ, KDYL, NBC System: R-K-O. hour to WEL: WEEI, WTIC, MTR, WTAG, WRC, W id WG WCAE KYW, KS KS 7h, WTM WHAM rd 5)--Rochester. quests, NBC System: Slumber Music to WJZ, WLW (428)--Cinci. Singing School. 11.10 WGR (545) Buffalo. Arcadia orchestra Chicago. Concert Or- "lub, k: Maize program. W (294)--Chicago. String ensemble 11.45 WAM (280)--Cleveland. Dance orches, 12.00 CNRV (291)--Vancouver. Strand thea. KYW (294)--Chicago. Fiorito's orches. KJR (309)--Seattle. Mixed quartet; his- tories, WSB Sewanee (Glée Club. NEW BRUNSWICK'S SURPLUS $198,209 Second Year in Succession Province Has Had Favor- able Balance Fredericton, N.B., Feb. 4. -- The Province of New Brunswick has a surplus of $198,209.36 on current revenue account for the fiscal year ended Oet. 31, 1928, according to the annual financial statement published in an extra edition of the Royal Ga- zette. This is the second year in succession that the province has had a surplus in current account, the credit balance last year being $15, 792.64, which followed a deficit in the previous year's accounts of $61.- 528.44. The surplus for 1928, as it was in the previous year, was reached after a deficit in the opera- tion of the Saint John and Quebec (Valley) Railway, amounting to $257,807.07 was taken care of. In 1927 Valley Railway was $272,362. In addition to this surplus the pro- vince set aside sinking funds total- ling $247,402. Mrs. ¥V. M. Mercer, of Wester- ville, W. Va.. killed a valuable turkey the other day. Sie found gold to the value of $20 in its gizzard. Studio en- Electric program. Royal Canadians WEAN Organ re- (405)--~Atlanta, Science has done its best, but ly pressed suit.--Wopdstock Sen- tinel-Review LUMBER F.L. BEECROFT Whitby Lumber and Wood | Yard. Phone Oshawa 324 Felt Bros. lhe LEADING JEWELER 12 Simcoe 5. South, 35% 1311111; sede 111131" i £ i 1 Ee IRS Lf il hi EEibBit 1111111 ke BE £50k 111111 ELbeEE FREREES 1 { { x i Four Whiteman's Or- FAN WN / Minstrels Voice of Columita WNAC, wah WIAS, WCCO, WLBW, MAL, = WFAN WLAC, the cost to the province of the even yet about the only thing that will cause rain is to wear a fresh- | | WTAG, 0 | | yards is »| of Technology, ,| foreign yards. ABVOCATES HEAVY TARIFF ON YACHTS COMING INTO US. Would Serve To Eliminate unfairness of Competition With Foreign Yards Boston, Feb. 4, -- A protective tar- iff of 60 or 75 per cent would be placed on foreign built yachts and other vessels as an aid to American the recommendation of George Owen, professor of naval ar- chitecture of Massachusetts Institute Such a tariff, he be- lives would serve to elminate the un- fairness of present competition with The average wage paid American shipyard workers {is 88 cents an hour, as compared to 19 cents (American money) paid Ger- man workers. The difference in wages paid British workmen 'is not quite so great, but Japanese yards pay even lower wages than the Ger- mans, Prof, Owen, who has designed some of the most famous racing and plea. sure yachts, declares that he always counsels his client against having their craft built abroad, He cites an instance where a wealthy American had a yacht built in Germany, When it reached this country so much re. wiring, refitting and rebuilding was required that it added fifty per cent to the original cost, Another yacht, which he designed, was built in Italy, Specifications called for lead ballast, but upon reaching this country the owner discovered his ballast consisted of old rifle cart. ridges, the powder from which had not even been removed, Action of the salt water rapidly devoured the cartridges and his vessel was virtu- ally without ballast, One of the changes which Prof. Owen would put in force would put a halt to the practice of wealthy Americans, who have their yachts built abroad and landed in Canadian waters, from which they proceed to the United States, thus escaping any taxes which might be imposed if they were brought direct to Ameri- can ports, Prof, Owen points out that many of the wealthy Americans who are having their yachts built abroad, REPAIRING 10 King St, W, OUR SPECIALTY If your Wich is not giving satisfaction we can vepair and, make it tell the correct time D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch inspector for Canadian National and Oshawa Railroads, WATCHES Phone 189 duty free, are most insistent upon high tariffs on their own industries. England's monopoly of the teak wood market is one of the elements entering into the high cost of yachts built in this country, Although that wood i8 a common product in India its price has risen to three times that of mahogany when it reaches the United States, The present price of teak here is more than $600 per thousand board feet, The industrial strike in Germany, which has affected the ship yards, Prof. Owen believes, may greatly de- lay delivery of many yachts now un- der construction there for Ameri- cans, Although a yacht can be built in Germany for less than half the cost in an American yard, Prof. Owen declares that it will lack in actual value and workmanship boats built here. What applies to yacht building also applies to ship building, the naval architect declares, and he sees a high tariff as the only remedy to present conditions, Photo Radiographed, Man Is Apprehended On Forgery Charge New York, Feh. 4, -- A photo- graph transmitted by radio has been used for the first time 'in the arrest of & man wanted by the police, it was announced at Police Headquar- ters Constantino Queruben, who sometimes used the name . Querhin, a Filipino, accused as a "forger and confidence man," is now on his way here from Honolulu, in the custody of New York detectives, as a result of the transmission of his photo- graph, as it appears in the Rogue's Gallery here, to the Pacific island, Queruben, according to the police, was arrested last Oct, 27 and held in $3,500 bail, charged with illegally obtaining $1,600 worth of American Express Company traveler's cheques from Harrimon National Bank, The Do YouOwn Your Own LETT, NICHOLLS AND HALLITT Iieal Estate Insurance ard Loans. Phone 3254 11 King St. East, Oshawa Loz mmr eras police said that he jumped his bail and obtained at the offices of the Dollar Steamship Line two tickets for a round-the-world voyage worth $7,000, and $5,000 worth of traveler's cheques, He was traced to San Francisco, but detectives arrived there the day after he sailed, Accordingly, mes- sages were exchanged with the cap- tain of the steamer Tenyo Maru, while a picture was radioed to Honolulu, said the announcement, The ship arrived at that port at § a.m. on Dec. 26, and local detectives immediately placed Querubin under arrest. According to advices received here, the police said, they found in| his cabin $2,684 in cash, much of it in gold and a considerable amount in $100 bills. Detectives Robert Kelly and Ed- ward Fitzgerald went to Honolulu to bring him back for trial and are expected to arrive here in a week or ten days, Beautiful brick bungalow, 6 rooms, all conveni Mantel, garage, location-- Carnegie Ave, Immediate possession. First offer of $5,000 with $800 cash gets this bargain, The Disney Real Estate Phone 1650 tae ee LL HOLDS THE RECORD FOR PINOCHLE HAND Chicago, Feb, 4, -- Out in the cow country of Wyoming there is a tombstone inscribed "He died of five aces." Life is niore gentle in the city, hence Rudolph H. Rommell, who made 2,000 points of one auction Pinoehle hand, survived to hoast of "Ho bid 2,000, according to William Rehm, and made 300 points for dou- ble pinochle, 1,500 for a double flush in trumps and 200 on cards. He held 10 diamonds (all in the deck except two nines) an ace of hearts, the ace, two queens and one nine of spades, The other playérs were C., Dosch, H. Randis and A. Bierman, Real Estate Insurance CUTLER & PRESTON 64 KING ST. W. Telephone 572-223 Night Calls 510-1560 FN aH 4% Prince St) Oshawa, Ont. REAL ESTATE Automobile and Fire Insurance of all kinds J. H. R. LUKE Phones 871, 031, 687W, Money to loan at 6% per cent, first mortgages. REGENT THEATRE BLK, ELLA CINDERS--How He Did It Po-- By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb Clas still a guest of Dor't miss rn X's story! By Geo. McManus BY GOLLY-I'D LIKE TO GVT IN THATS Too BAD THE GOYS IN JAIL GOT YOU BEAT. VLL "TAKE AN' PLAY A | PoLLAR. 2 BIRDS. TOMMY . THE MOCKINGBIRD GETS ITS HAME FROM IT'S HABIT OF IMITATING THE SONGS AND CALLS OF OTHER AS IT HOT ONLY POSSESSES AFIME MELODIOUS VOICE, BUT 15 ALSO £xt- BIRD. IT DUCE THE TWITTERING OF THE OR THE RICH FULL SONG OF THE IT SINGS DAY OR NIGHT AMD ON A BRIGHT MOONLIGHT MIGHT IT 1S LIKELY TO TUNE UPAND MAKE A NIGHT OF IT. © 1999, King Features WELL, A MOCKINGBIRD MAY FOOL A FELLOW SOMETIMES BUT IT ISN'T A "LYRE" BIRD. CAM WITH EQUAL EASE REPRO; 6H SECURITIES IN A BLUE yy THAT | WAS RIDING 1A WITH MR. R\TZOFF, BUT THAT CAR HAS BEEN SOLD TO ANOTHER. = MAN WHO HAS p (ON A TRAP wr ay DIDNT A TO GINE 'EM T0 =1 THINK RAVZOEF Sa RAER NO), 'M NOY C TERMS WITH HIM aay WE oe roo =paYivoRe © AR TROFITESUVHNI VAR NIT. R ® TO wn MYER Oy pEEP=CO Muon dr~I MIN ad HIN ZEIAEEI Ewe Ime Hv) Y= xe MIO BE mm EX = Chay nw