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PAGE | WLLVE 1H OSHAWA DAILY [IMES, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1929 2 Buy i in Oshawa's Pennant Stores and Save Countless Dollars & Suburban and District N ews Gathered By Times Staff Reporters and Correspondents KEDRON -- Kedron, Feb. 4. -- The boys and girls' classes, also a number of other young people of the Kedron Sunday school, met at the home of Mr, and Mrs. W. N. Hoskin on Friday evening: The meeting was opened by all singing "Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus" The classes then moved into separate rooms and had their meetings, the other young people playing progressive Lost Heir. After~ wards the evening was spent in games and contests, About mid- night lunch was served. The party then broke up, and a hearty vote of thanks was tendered to Mr, and Mrs. W. N. Hoskin and family for the good time given them. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Holiday "and children of Brooklin To Sunday at the home of Mr, S, Conlin, Mr. Arthur and Miss Verna miston, of Enfield, visited at William Heplewin's recently. Mr. and Mrs, G. L. Scott and daughter, Grace, visited Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Ross and family of Col- umbus, on Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Gully visited Mr, and Mrs, W. and family on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Brock and children, Elsie and Douglas, Courtice, were the guests of Mr, and Mrs, N, Gimblett on Sunday. Me. Arthur Pascoe, Solina, spent the week-end at the homes of Mr, R. J. Luke and Mr. H, F. Werry, Mrs. A. R, Scott and baby, Don- Or- Mr, Oshawa . Hoskin of THE BEST THAT GROW New Catalog Now Ready WM RENNIE CQ LimiTep TORONTO ALSO MONTREAL, VANCOUVER February 3rd was 90. ald James, have returned from the Oshawa Hospital. The Women's Assodlation held their regular monthly meeting, at the home of Mrs, R. J. Luke oh ednes- day afternoon iy last week Mrs, H. F, Werry spent ' Monday in Oshawa with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, William Batty. THORNTON'S CORNERS Thornton's Corners, Feb, 5.Mr. A, E. Robinson has a new Ford. Miss Edith Elliott entertained about thirty of the young people at her home last week after they had en- joyed an evening. of skating at the Oshawa open air rink. Another skating party is to be held this Thursday evening after which Mr. Chester Robinson is to entertain them at the home of Mrs, I, Hog- gins, A great many from here attended the minstrel show last week, which was given by the Anglican Young Men's Club, All report a very jolly evening's entertainment, The Sunday School attendance on This is a higher 'attendance than there has been for weeks, So much illness in the community has been the cause of the dro in attendance, The Ladies' Aid met last Thurs- day in the Sunday scfool and com- pleted the quilting of one quilt. The ladies plan to meet again this Thurs- day afternoon at the Sunday school to work on another quilt, Mr, and Mrs, L. Luke and Miss Louise spent Monday evening at the home of Mr, Edgar Pascoe, Mr, Will Pierson entertained his Sunday School class on Monday evening to a sleighing party, after which, all gathered at his home for games and refreshments, All report leasant evening, ast Saturday a frmonn Mr, Frank Luke entertained his class of small boys at the Sunday School, The ai- tesnoon was spent playing games | followed by a big supper, after which | the small boys felt for their homics feeling very pleased with their af- ternoon's fun, Miss Lawrence of Oshawa spent Sunday at the home of Mr, Jas, Luke. Wedding bells in this district, COLUMBUS -- Columbus, Feb, 5. -- The fancy dress carnival staged by the Colum- bus Community Rink last Tuesday evening was a decided success, the weather was cold but with good ice and hot coffee and sandwiches avail- able at all times all seemed to have a good time, the, judges were Mrs, Lorn Cook and Mr, M, Doolittle Each event was keenly contested with the following as winners, Fancy costumed lady, Miss Gladys Doan; fancy costumed man, Mr, Lloyd MgGregor in Highland cos- tume; comic costumed lady, Miss Maxine Pereman as a Christmas tree, Comic costumed man, Mr. John A, Nesbitt, as Isaac the Jew; best skat- ing couple in costume, Mr, Geo, James and Miss Gertrude Webber as cowboy and Gipsy maid; fancy cos- tumed girl under thirteen years, Miss Frances Hayes; fancy costumed boy under thirteen, Gordon Cook; speed skating lady, Miss Glady Doan; speed skating man, Mr, Lloyd Me- Gregor; fastest skating couple, Miss Jean Middleton and Mr, Bruce Me- Gregor; fat men's race, Mr, Stewart Morison; fastest skating hobo, Mr, John Beacock, Mr, H, Lawson is back with Mr, H, Wilson for the winter to help him in his busy time of building. Mrs, A. Morison entertained the Young People's Class last Friday evening there was a good crowd all enjoyed themselves, Mr, John Bromwell spent Sunday at Toronto with friends, Mrs. Robt, Sutherland spent a few days of last week in Oshawa with Mr, and Mrs. W. Sutherland, Mr. Harold Wilson, Mr, and Mrs. Stevenson and daughter of Oshawa Sundayed at Mr, and Mrs, Henry Wilson, Mr, Ed Snudden and Percy Mori- son have been busy at Mr. H, Wil- son's house, They have got the roof on it again ready for the shingles we are hoping they will get a few fine days, Miss Mary Dyer {rom Oshawa spent Sunday at home with Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Dyer, Mr, Wm, Ward Sundayed at Whit- by with Mr, and Mrs, Fred Gilroy. Mr, Elmer Glover, Mr, Fred Glover of Oshawa Sundayed at Mr, and Mrs, Fred Glover, Wig and Mrs, Fred Tarves, Mr. Beacock spent Sunday at lacks with r, and Mrs, Bea- cock, Mr, and Mrs, Lorn Cook Tuesday in Toronto, rs, A, E, Grass spent a few days in Hamilton attending the funeral of her uncle, Mr, Fred Stabback, Come and see the hockey game be- tween Brooklin and Columbus on the 8th Feb2ruary, SEAGRAVE Seagrave, Feb, 4.--Mrs, Albert Hadley and son who have been visit- ing at the home of Mr, and Mrs, A, Short the past week left for Toronto on Monday where they will visit triends for a few days before leay- ing for their home in Port La Praierer, Mr, John Rennie of Wick was the guest of Mrs, J, Shunk and Mrs, J, Lamb on Sunday afternoon, Mr. Angus Wilkinson of Osh@wa visited friends on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, Sidney Wooldridge of Little Britain visited with Mr, and M5 S. J. Wooldridge on Saturday ast, Mr. Elmer Mitchell and two boy chums have returned from a pleasant motor trip to Florida and other poiats, Mrs, M, Spinks of Blackstock vis- ited with her sister, Mrs, J, Lamb, on Thursday last, Sorry to report Mrs, Lamb getting weaker every day, The doctor having given the friends little encouragement of her ever getting better, Mr, and Mrs, Neil Sweetman of Port Perry was the guest of Mr, and Mrs, H. Wannamaker on Sunday, Miss Grace Reynolds has returned home from Scugog Island where she visited with her cousins and aunt, Mrs, Geffory, Mrs, Hall Yet Little Britain visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs, J Shunk last week, Mrs. H. Wannamaker spent Satur- day afternoon in Port Perry the guest of Mrs. Gordon Sweetman, Mrs, T, Hoar of Bowmanville is visiting at the home of Mr, and Mrs, A. Orchard. Mr, and Mrs. Orr Shunk have been confined to their home through ill- ness for several days. spent Mr, and Mrs, M, Fitzpatrick of Stalwart, Sask, who have been the guests of Mr, and: Mrs, L. Scott the past week, left for Toronto on Mon- day where Mey will visit friends, Mrs, H. Mitchell's many friends are leased to hear she is improving in ealth after being confined to her bed many weeks. The Quadratic Club will meet at the home of Miss Grace Reynolds on Friday evening, A good time is expected, A meeting of the United Church stewards will take place after the regular prayer service on Tuesday evening to make arrangements for the New Year's work, A full at- tendance is requested, The rural hockey thatch at Port Perry rink on Tuesday evening of last week was a wonderful success, those who attended getting the worth of their money, The return match will take place at the Port Perry rink on Tuesday evening of this week where a good crowd is expected, r. Wes Frise attended the fun- eral of his brother, Wm, Frise, who died in Lindsay Hospital on Thurs- day and was buried in Toronto on Saturday, The family have the sym- pathy of their many friends in their bereavement. Mr, and Mrs. Orval Boe and little son of Bowmanville spent Sunday the guest of friends, Mr, and Mrs. 8. J. Wooldridge en- .tertained a few of their friends on Saturday evening, A peanut lunch was served by Mr, Wooldridge. Mr, Frank Smith and Miss Myrtle Cookman attended the hockey match on Tuesday evening last and report a wonderful Howe: ~~ ALMONDS Almonds, Feb, 6,--The funeral of Jean McGregor the beloved wife of Mr, Harold Harris was held on Friday afternoon from the home of her parents Mr, and Mrs. Earnest McGregor Kingston Highway. Rev. A, M, Irwin of Oshawa, a former pastor of Almonds spoke very sympathetiqally to the be- reaved husband and parents while Rev, A. L. Richards pastor of Al- monds church conducted the ser- vice. The funeral was largely at- tended, Interement was made in the Moseleum, The pallbearers were Mr, Clarence Hallet, of Tor- to, Mr. Milton Balsdon, Mr. Eddy Bentey, Mr, Chester Lee, Mr, Ken- neth Lee, Mr, Dick Adams, Many beautiful floral tributes showed the high esteem in which she was held and the sympathy of the commun- ity is extended to the bereaved ones, A life long resident of the com- munity passed away after a short illness in Whitby Hospital on 8at- urday afternoon following a stroke which he had the previous day in the person of Mr, Robert Wilson, Since the death of his wife almost two years ago his sister Mrs, J, Hall has kept house for him and an only son, Arthur is left to mourn the loss of the departed one, The funeral was held on Monday after- noon from the family residence, Highway two miles west of Whitby, Interment was made in the Union Cemetery Oshawa, Rev, A, L, Rich- ards conducted the®funenal service, The surounding community extends their sympathy to the bereaved ones, The pallbearers were, A, W, Richardson, W, H, Balsdon, Nor- man Jeffrey Thomas Morcombe, Fred Rowe, Herbert Webster, EBENEZER Ebenezer, Feb, 4.--Wgather on Sunday was ideal and services at Ebenezer were good, Church ser- vices were held in the morning and evening and were well attended, Rev, J, H, Stainton was in the pul- pit and in the morning preached an excellent sermon, In the even- ing he gave the story of 'Joshua-- The Napoleon of the Old Testa- ment," and the story was illustrat- ed with lantern slides, The choir rendered beautiful anthems in each service and Mrs, W. R, Courtice sang a solo in the evening service, Sunday school held a regular ses- sion in the afternoon, During the session Mrs, H. F, Oshorne read a letter from missionaries in Korea, Regular services will be held next Sunday. The {illustrated story in the evening will be "The Old Testa- ment's Strong Man." Everyone is invited to all services, Mr, Russell Gay has returned af- ter a very pleasant trip to Peter- ro, The boys of the Trail Rangers group spent a very enjoyable even- ing at the home of Master Harry Worden on Friday last, / Mr, and Mrs. R. E, Oshorne and family spent Sunday with relatives in this community. A very enjoyable time was spent at the home of Mrs, W, H, Nichols on Saturday last when Mrs, Walter Snider entertained the girls of her group in the Mission Circle, Games and entertainment of all kinds were enjoyed and a very pleasant time was spent by all, League meeting will be held on Friday evening of this week at the usual hour, On Thursday evening our young people are presenting their play, "Arnold Goes into Busi- ness," at Harmony, We wish them the best of success, Many people in this community are suffering from severe colds, We hope the flue does not return again, SOLINA Solina, Feb, Marks, Toronto, Baker, Mr. and Mrs, Carl Wilbur and Mr, and Mrs, Harvey Hardy and Miss Doreen at Mrs, Thos, Hardy, Whitby, Mr, Jack Walker, Port Hope, at home, Mr, and Mrs. W, T, Baker and family at J, D, Hogarth's Hamp- ton, Mrs. Frank Thompson enter- tained some friends to a birthday party, Covers were laid for twelve. Four generations were present and enjoyed the evening, Mr, and Mrs. E, R, Taylor en- tertained Mr, Taylor's and Mrs. John Baker's Sunday School classes, where all enjoyed a pleas- ant evening in games, ete, Mr. and Mrs, Clemens of Shaws at Mr, 8, B, Werry's. Mr. and Mrs. W. T Taylor at Mrs. Ernest Larmer's, Blackstock, Miss Edith Pascoe, Hampton at H., B. Tinks, Mr, John Baker took 6 head of Shorthorns to Mr, Dryden's sale in Toronto this week. Miss Bessie Reynolds, at J. W, Reynold's. Mr, and Mrs, Everett Hoar and Charles and Miss Ethel Hoar and Mr, Russell Smith at J. J. Smith's over Sunday, Misses * Evelyn Tink snd Ruth McKessock at Mrs. T. Pascoe's, Hampton, Mr. James Reynolds at Toronto on Sunday, The Young People's Meeting was held at Eldad on Monday night. Opening hymn 880, prayer by El- 4~--~Mr, and Mrs, at Mr. Thos. Toronto, gin Taylor, minutes of last meet- ing read and approved, Mrs, Mc- Kessock then took charge opening her part by singing hymn 284. Scrip.ure lesson was read by Allan Balson, Devotional topic and regu- id opic were continued and taken Mr. R., J, McKessock, He hi i up under the head of "The New Things Christ", under the following heading, "Christ's New Idea of God. "New Idea of Wo- men", "New Idea of Goodness", "New Breadth of Salvation". This topic was ably dealt with by Mr. McKessock in a plain way that all could understand, Miss Edna Rey- nolds then gave a reading. All then sang hymns 285, 382, 157. and closed the meeting by repeat. ing Mizpah Benediction. n't forget the Women's In. stjfute at Mrs, Gordon Leak's on ednesday, Feb, 13, Also the Box Social at Eldad basement the next night (Valen. tine's night). Boxes sold early as the program will not be long, Come one, come all, Mr, and Mrs, Jas, Cameron, Miami, Mr, and Mrs, Fred Cam- eron and Helen, Mr, and Mrs. Ar- thur Stainton, Mr, and Mrs. Rus- sell Stainton, Mr, and Mrs, Elmer Wilbur and © Myr, and Mrs, Anson Balson and family and Mr, and Mrs. John Balson, all of Zion and Mr, and Mrs, H, Hardy and Mr, W. Baker enjoyed a pleasant evening at W, Van Nests on Mon- day, PILES GO --0r Back nT EE NATURE'S | PILE REMEDY Nome genuine without name A, W. Merritt KARN'S DRUG STORE JURY & LOVELL F. W. THOMPSON T, B, MITCHELL SIBERRY'S p25» BARGAINS Men's & Young Men's Suits Regular price, $24.50, Broken ranges and broken sizes taken from regular stock and specially reduced for these three days. Pure wool materials in navy blue serges, pin stripes, fancy tweeds and worsteds in single or double breasted models if you want a real high grade suit at a 'eal bargain don't fail to see these. Sizes 34 to 44. Special SPECIAL $18.75 Men's Trousers Reduced Regular $4.50 and $5.00, Pure Wool English Tweeds in fancy grey herringbone snd stripe patterns, Perfect- $2.95 Men's Fancy Sox Regular price 45¢c. New stripe and Anite Lr sizes, Special .. LY check. Patterns in cotton lisle. All sizes. 4 Pair for $1.00 Worsted Trousers Regular $2.50, finished, Al] sizes, Special ,..., ,.. heavy silk and Men's Sweater Coats Regular price, $2.00, Sweater Coats in heather shades with Baw] cdliar ang suo goes 41.29 ets. All sizes. Tailored from real hard wearing and good looking cotton wor- steds in meat grey or mayy stripes or plain greys, Per. fectly tailored and properly $1.95 Regular price 50c. and Auto-Knit Socks heathers, greys or black. All sizes. Clearing at 3 Pair for $1.00 five pockets, All sizes, Special , Pe wool rib in fancy 35¢ Men's Sweater Coats Regular price $2.50. Penman's All Heavy Knitted colors. Regular Price, $1.95 | $1.49 Wool Sweater Coats. Medium weight with V collar and two pockets. Best All sizes. "$1.19 The following items go on Special Sale Thursday, Friday and Saturday. The prices in every case are the lowest ever offered on merchandise of this quality, We advise everyone to take advantage of these bargains at the earli- est opportunity, as we cannot possibly duplicate these values again. Every article is fully guaranteed and we will exchange, refund or replace any garment that doesn't give entire satisfaction. Please shop early for best assort- Men's Dress Shirts Regular price, $1.95. Neat, striped patterns and plain white in broadcloth and woven materials, Perfectly Wade, full fitting and guar- anteed fast color, Each Shiki has ia collar to 18 1-2 to 17, a 95¢ Men's Dress Gloves Regular price $3.85, Peccary Hog and Buckskin Gloves, wool lined. $2.95 Best colors. AH sizes. Clearing at ..........oss00rsns Men's Night Shirts Regular price $1.75. English Striped Flannelette Shirts, Full fitting with attached col- 9c » AAsEsssssane Special British Made OVERCOATS Heavy weight Men's Combinations Regular price, $1.50, Medi- am weight in cream rib and silk fnish combinations, Just right for present wear, i 44. Smatie = O5¢ Regular price 55¢. and cross back style. Night Regular price 95c. Men's Suspenders Heavy police 3 Pair for $1.00 Dark Blue Work tached collar. All sizes. Navy Blue Pure Wool British materials in navy neys and Chinchillas, ¥iald 0 navy Vieg Nsisom, Wiis or Half-Be'ted Ulsters, Every coat reduced to less than manufacturer' cost. Sizes 34 to 44, to $40.00, $13.75 Clearing at Men's Underwear Regular price, $2.00, Pure wool, heayy rib. Cream shade Shirts and Drawers. prac 512 Clearing at .... Best grade. Each Mens' Horse Hide and Cow Gloves with short cuff and five fingers. Clearing at 000s s0s 45c Colored Overcoats $16,75 $19.75 $24.50 Men's Caps price, $2.00. New spring tweeds in all the popular colors. Beautifully silk lined. Latest styles. O"coats blue Meltons, Whit- Regular values up Men's Pyjamas Regular price $1.95. Strip. od Flannelette or Nains- check materials. Finished with silk frogs and pearl buttons. Broken sizes. Clearing at. .. 95 c 9c PO Work Gloves Hide Work 59¢

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