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Oshawa Daily Times, 9 Feb 1929, p. 11

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1c 1c THE USHAWA DAILY [IMES, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1929 Suburban and District News By Times Staff Reporters and Correspondents Gathered ZION "Zion, Feb. 8.--Rev. Mr. Bick was ill with the flu last Sunday, ope he soon gets well again, Rev, ?. Bunner, of Bowmanville, gave + Us a splendid sermon, Mrs, McMaster and Miss Annie Mrs. Steenes and Miss Bickle, of | days. . , St, Paul's Church held its annual Toronto, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Russel Perkin, Mr. and Mrs, Walter Vivian en- |last, tertained at a dance and party on Wednesday evening and all had a pleasant time. Mr, Will Martin has engaged at the home of lbrar- ian, C, C. Bradley. oe aaa busi- ness was conducted, and ways and mean were dissussed to arouse a greater interest in the library, and it was decided to make a personal canvass of the homes of the vil- lage. A solicitor was appointed, who will make the canvass in a tew meeting on Wednesday evening A congregational supper was first held from six to eight o'clock then the evening was given over to the business of the church. A large number: was present and a profit- with Mr. Arthur Stainton for next ahis evening was spent, Mr, W, Vivian is going to n interesting game of hockey ONTARIO BREEDERS DISCUSS INCREASE IN CATTLE TARIFF Say Proposed Higher Duty Is Problem To The Farmer A DAY BRINGS $2000.00 Policy and $100.00 per month Steril a fara ot Uadarrrigr: 0 i ada had now but still a market for surplus cattle, Discussing the, British market as an alternative to the American GENERAL MOTORS NEW HIGH RECORD (Continued from Page 1) opportunity to express the appre- ciation of the stockholders, as well as its own appreciation, of the out- standing contribution that Mr, du Pont has made toward the corpora- tion's successful development to its present outstanding position, and particularly wishes to call attention to the loyalty and courage display- Suffered Many Years with Rheumatism She then Found Relief in Dodd's Kidney Pills *T am glad indeed to recommend Dodd's Kidney Pills," Mes. Winnie Virtue, 1114 2nd Avenue East, Owen Sound, ye Ont. "For I have suffered with Rheumatism and Kidney Trouble, Was under the Doctor's care, but found no reli i tried Dodd's Ki Pills, As * taken the first box I felt so much better, highly recommend them to anyone os vith Rima? ills majority of 'rom women suffer RL. from Weak Kidneys. 'These organs strain the impurities, of Disease, out of the blood, If this work the ts are sure to be seri DODD'S KIONEY PILLS pls! MoMante i Lag 0 to Wie hess fhe M Laughlin f t th played on the school rink th ti aster, nurse, back to her work [the McLaughlin farm next month. jwas played on the schoo on one, t ed in supporting the corporation again, after a month's visit at home, | Miss Bernice Stainton gave a [Monday evening, between a U.F.0,| Toronto, Feb, 9.--Speaking be- oa he Susaker al he wag uot during the dark days of 1921. Only 50¢ 2520 Deaters, Mal fr liza Messrs. F. B, Glaspel and R. W. [splendid story about the Bible at|team, and representatives of the (gore the annual meeting of the|for Canada's surplus production of | through Mr. du Pont's confidence 8 18 Robbins, attended the sheep breed- [the Sunday School session on Sun- | Printers' Guild, The printers were | Dominion Shorthorn Breeders' As-| cattle, the chief reason being that |iD the industry and in the organiza- as U4 ers' meeting in Toronto on Tues- | day. the heaviest players, and to some | sociation here, J. S. McLean, presi-| the Argentine seemed to he able|tion was it possible for the corpora- th day, Mr. Alf Ayre, director of the eer errs extent frightened the country boys | gent of Canadian Packers, stated |to produce cattle at a price which | tion to carry through, It also rec- iy Sheep breeders', attended the meet- PICKERING With elf olay wie Vere tng in | that if the United States tariff on 'seemed to be very much less ols ju srattization att : gh te g also. reorting to body checks. The game 1 ! ont's counse continue to sen Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Cameron and we -- was a fast one, however, in which Conndia B Satie olny BL available as a member of the board BY AUTHORITY OF HIS MAJ ESTY KING EDWARD VII t lay Miss Mary and Mr. Ray Cameron, | Pickering, Feb, 6.--Miss Add) soveral of the players displayed | yori' 8 S000 wooo eon "oft the | WANTED DAUGHTER and of its finance committee. INCORPORATED BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT Sleep, of Whitby, visited with Mr. |ynysual 'skill on the blades. The y OF WOMAN HE SLEW Sales Increase 15 Per Cent 1. rol nion r, and Mrs, Fred Cameron and elen, Mr, and Mrs, Russe] Stain- and Mrs. W. J. Monney on Monday. |seore stood 5 to 3 in favor of tho Miss Laura Andrew, accompani- Printers, value of cattle in Canada and a blem is presen ' Mr, Sloan announced that the corporation's sales for 1928, ex- mpl ton, Mr, and Mrs, Elmer Wilbur, Wa Mr. and Mrs. A. Stainton, Mr. and [ed by Miss M, Ruttan, of Toronto, ie-------- dian farmer, It seemed to him ificas Mrs. ie Balson and children, [spent Sunday at the home of her [] ¢| that in regard to most Canadian | Boy oi udiandred o ethenrty Slutlug al ET tr.006 disse, and Mr. and Mrs. J; W. Balson, all | parents, Mr, and Mrs. Jas, Andrew, \ agricultural products am fncrease prea] Marting age r 0 t $190 op as rn smb! of Zion, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Gib Misses Chrissie Munro and Mary mn odut wou.d no low allows tredse o §10, 4 ' ; no son, Mr, and Mrs. Sam Brooks and | Baxter, spent the week-end with de { ant, because at the present time cent over . dot f th children, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs, [friends in Toronto, w the gyn States was Hie onlyl ,, orpool, Feb. 9.--From the|, JFreliminary Yigures indimts faat juan 'Harvey Hardy, children, and Mr, | Mrs. Day: of ii 3s el ine marie t re was for Canada's "Crore he Walks cxuenlivn, Bet sarbings of generat J of Ie £4 Will Baker, of Eldad, wero visitors | lol, Cu E booner, who for the ol \p| Joseph Reginald _Vietor Clarke, | fia undivided profits of subsidiary eit at Mr. Win. Van Nests, on Monday | MISE au been 'employed with The chief reason for Causda's known as "the boy with a hundred | pperations mot consolidated, fo MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY tie evening, and had a splendid time | past year has heen mmol WoT (Continued from Page 8) surplus going to the United States sweethearts", todsy made a vain | hye tons w Soum)lduiel, tor weel with playing "Lost Heir" and |the Moore TwIRURE Ft 0 com. 2nd young are given the time of | Was that for the last few years | application to the home secretary |pares with $235,104,826 for 1927, HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL sive} mule Fe Pond hae taken a position in |their.lives on a set day during the IE for permission to marry the daugh- | an fncrease of $41,363,282, or 17.6 makes it possible for everyone to carry life INSURANCE "ox A good concert is being prepared | PANY, summer, Last year the event prov- | beef market in the world. Prices or of the woman he murdered a and arranges payments to suit applicant ring for the Ladies' Association parcel | Toronto. w 's Guild held | 8d, more than successful for it came | were higher in the United Statse pis desired bride is Mary Anal cent, ; 24 . a 1 post next Thursday evening at the | St. George's Women's off without a hitch under the guid- | than they had ever been at any After deducting dividends on pre- L. BURDEN, M a church, Candy will be for sale, as | its monthly meeting at the Bowe of ance of Kinsmen' fathers. th. eacest d.run y 4 Fonlame: » wiimer wi Salisert ferred and debenture stock amount- 7 Slmoos BL. 8 y Manager nila well as a table of useful articles, | Mrs. P. Mattmngsley, id Ye nestay | The program as it was presented |and because they had been so high. | with attempting to mage arged ling to $9,404,756 there remains » 8, Phone 287 Oshawa, Ont, th Ladies please bring lunch, afternoon at 2.30 o'clock, follows, musical numbers being in- | Canadian prices, which are 1% r alter) $67,063,352, being the amount ; t Miss Jean Clark spent the week- fo ' he had killed Mrs, Alice Fontaine. d th hares out- ima Mr, and Mrs, J. W, Balson en er- Whitb ith Mrs. G. Rob- cluded: The curtain went up reveal- | ) While his application was ad earned on the common share ie tained at six tables of "Lost Heir" [end in hi Ahk Mrs. G. ing a number of young men who |have also been high. aad Lip Phat wadign Ty it standing. This is equivalent to nm Tuesday evening, when Mrs, 8, fertson and famlly, sang "Whoopee" and were termed f etary, $15.35 a share on the common stock ang . Chant and Mr.-H., W. Flintoff The Ladies' Aid Society of St. the Midnight Revellers, They were If the United States increased was the governor of the prison outstanding at December 31 im- th were the lucky winners and each | Paul's Church, met at the home of | pt Schirvas, Collingwood Dane the taru., 08 ...uoe. sue | Who refused permission, mediately prior to the exchange of ' th received a pretty dish. Mrs, (Dr,) Fallaise on Wednesday lels, William ' Burnett, Milton price in the Unitde States for the When questioned about the pro-|{two and one-half shares of com- voy eo [afternoon at § o'clock, Thomposn, Winston Sawtell and |BeXt few vears would be so high) posal, the girl had sald: "I am|mon stock of $10 par value for one - - f. I The Swastika Club held its regu-| yp no "nine pieking Cotton'! that there would still be a possible | not going to say anything abou.|share of old common stock of $25 owe z lar meeting at the home of Mrs, : market, not so profitable as Can-| what I intend to do." value, and compares With wi hs Th t Heal Wh i was the next number and proved to par e, pare x 0 1 er a en Ww. J. Clark, on Tussday even ne be a quaint dance by the "Kinsmen <= > $12.99 a share earned on common : Ti propa wut 'aked "on 1 | OTL AIS en wantin on | Sales and Service e amoun - dled ra thi and Bronchial Tubes Seem all on Fire works of British poets, A number of representatives of St, Paul's: and St. Andrews Oshawa Farrell, Dorothy LaMond, Lyla Walker, Evelyn Diggon, Cherry Farrell who were assisted by the parable basis. ed on the common stock for 1928 is equivalent to $6.14 a share on the new common stock of $10 par We are all set to take care of your car and radio batteries. We recharge and supply rentals, th churches attended the Midnight Revell Th i rim : Preshytery meeting held at Osh- night Revellers, e pretty . © ni 4 Pity vers ago,» auioging ous uv on Monday. (costumes of the ge nidea wrest | | United Gas and Fuel Company |} |" Slimens umes by ouput Just Telephone 930 ¢ thy, and Mr. Walter, motored to dance steps showed that a great of Hamilton, Limited Whirling Bu yuo Fai and we will do the rest. rai let lem RC EET EE ames A Peterbo County. His was a marvelous ail] I compounding herbal medicine, of his many prescriptions--for folk plot 10 Bronchitis i a ills Peterboro on Sunday, and spent a few hours with friends there, Mr. Clifford Cook returned to his home at Georgetown this week, after spending a month with his sister, Mrs. A, E. stork. The W.M.S, of St. Andrew's Church, met at the home of Mrs, Thos. Andrew on Wednesday after~ noon, Chapter four, of "Drums in the Darkness," was studied, and the delegates to the annual Pres- byterial held at Oshawa last week gave their reports of the sessions, The Board of the Public Library held its annual meeting on Friday cker deal of time had been spent in getting the steps down "pat". The play, "Too much Married" was taken from life in the living room of the Henshaw estate on the Hudson River, The characters with their roles are: Miss Cordelia, Miss Lorraine Francis; Jerry Finnegan, Norman Walker; Sally, Miss Mar- guerite Callaghan; Bob Henshaw, Clifford Palmer and Deacon Silas Smith, Bert Clarke, The play represents a complex of fdeas all jamemd into one comedy which is very delightful, Although each actor and actress did their parts in admirable style, Norman Walker excelled in his first public appearance on the stage, His natur- alness was soothing and his comedy role could not have been taken by any other. "Sally of my dreams' and *'Goog- ily Goo' were musical features in~ terwoven into the play to "relieve the tenseness of the situation", They were done by Sally and Jerry respectively with the support of the girls and male choruses. A number of specialties were giv- en during the intermission between acts. Sid Smith and his band gave several numbers which received ap- plause. Song, dance and patter spe- cialties were done by Evalyne John- ston and Bob Schirvas and kept the audience in roars of laughter. A dance specialty was executed by ig Callaghan and Winston Saw- A feature of the whole program was the dramatic song given by Master Jimie Callaghan who gave "I faw down and go boom". The Southland Strutters featuring Kay Dowsett and the boys chorus was comical in the extreme and quite refreshing. Ellis Hosiery Radio Boys from Dated July 1, 1928 Principal payable | January and | First Mortgage 54% Sinking Fund Twenty-Year Bonds PRICE: 99.50 and interest, yielding 5.53%. Due July 1, 1948 July in Canada and United States Fon sambri The Com Hoar Te Ton BaP, during capacity. interest charges. MONTREAL LONDON, ENG. PJ REDDIN, Bigsesninsive elie Toi ip ada is rom ti bode Coke Overs: Limited, Dug 10 she. demand the second quarter of 1928 the industrial load increased nearly 50% over the same period of 1927, taxing the supply to Based on the actual earnings for the first nine months of the Com- pany's fisal year, it is estimated that the earnings available for bond interest and Federal taxes after depreciation (for the current fiscal year ending March 3lst, 1929), wi DomiNION SECURITIES CORPORATION Established 190} E R. Wood, President Head Office: TORONTO, 26 King St. B. from the city of demand amount to nearly three times Does Your Back Ache? 'Then your kidneys are out of order and you need Gin reflect the demand for the corpora- tion's products, it was stated, Ship- ments of the new Chevrolet, Pon- tiac and Olds models were limited by production. The firet quarter of 1929 will likewise suffer from m- ability to fill accumulated orders. More than 1,100,000 four-cylin- der Chevrolet cars were produced in 1928, necessitating capacity op- erations until late fall. Plants and machinery were changed over for production of the new six-cylinder Chevrolet which was shipped in volume to the dealers in December. In January more than 80,000 cars of the new Chevrolets were produc- ed. Currently, Chevrolet passen- ger and commercial cars are being turned out at the rate of approxi- mately 5,000 a day and this divi- sion is looking forward to its most successful year. For 1928 retail sales by General Motors dealers, to users were 1,- 842,443 cars compared with 1,- 554,677 cars In 1927, an increase of 18.5 per cent. General Motors sales to dealers totaled 1,810,806 cars compared with 1,562,748 cars in 1927, an increase of 15.9 per cent. The corporation's cash position continues strong, current cash and approximately $176,000,000 com- pared with $170,000,000 at this date last year. Foreign Sales Heavy Foreign sales of General Motors cars and trucks during 1928, in- cluding sales of its subsidiary com- panies, Yellow Truck and Coach Manufacturing Company and Vaux- hall Motors, Ltd., totaled 29,566 units, valued at $264,995,500, in- cluding parts and accessories. The sales of vehicles of American de- marketable securities aggregatine | You are taking no chances when you let us handle your Bat- tery troubles. We have been ten years in the Battery business and what we know we know well. We sell Firestone Gum-Dipped Tires, All sizes in stock at all times. Have your Tubes repaired by our mew Electric Vulcanizing method. Rodd's Tire & Battery Service Successors to Dingman & Mason NOTICE All water rate accounts are now overdue and anyone who has not paid his bill is urged to do so at once as the Water Works' Commission is sending out men to shut off all sere vices that are in arrears. Mercaaelses heart C.F.C.A., Toronto gave their repre- Gin Pills stop backaches by a sign represented 47.113 per cent of " el » It is our duty to acquaint you with the TRUE facts about ALBERTA COAL-- facts gathered from the actual experiences of thousands of homes in Ontario, and y throughout Western Canad: reuons where extreme cold temperatures prevail shy I lske Alberta Coal. Wirat: It és all coal when sf starts Lo burs it No clinkers - - less ash! ALBERTA COAL has all the advantages sentation of a broadcasting station and their act was clean cut and professional. The boys were Harold Cluff, Herb King with Edward Musgrave at the piano. "Gay Caballero" and "Our troubles are Over" by the company with a finale by the entire cast concluded a splendid performance The executive committee of the 'Show were, chairman, T. C. Young; publicity, Thomas L. Wilson; man- ager, Leon Osier; secretary treasur- er, Frank Evans; attendance, Keith Donevan;. tickets, H. Mallett. Eva- lyne Johnston, under who super- vision the play, dances and choruses were arranged is to be given credit for her splendid results. Evalyne Johnston has had a great deal of experience in this kind of work and her efforts were highly com- mendable. directly on the kidneys and the der. They soothe, heal and strengthen the or, , 'Thousands have used Gin Pills enthusiastically recommend them. Get Gin Pills today at pod a box. National Drug i Sragtint, y of , Limited, FOR THE KIDNEYS ie the sales of all cars and trucks of American design in the overseas markets. '""The most eignificaant evidence afforded by the economic record of 1928," said J. D. Mooney, presi- dent of General Motors Export Company, "is the manifestly im- proved ability of the world overseas to satisfy its urge for a more ex- tensive use of motorized transpor- tation. "Gross increases in registrations in the countries lying in the export jurisdiction are in excess of 1,200,- 000 cars and trucks, of which 611. 219 were of "American and Cana- dian origin. and approximately 590,000 of European origin. This rate of absorption is greater than it has ever been; the figure of Am- erican and Canadian sales shows an increase over previous years for the first time since 1925." W. C. Smith City Engineer. . : igs Mrs. O. Reynolds was at the listed above; and, in addition, remember | 0" ro FE INel, president of that by using it you are helping to develop | the Kinsmen's Club of Oshaws op- one of Canada's great natural resources, | 2 the shov. You may employ it with equal success WINTER SPORT A Ls MODE Vi CE tui Ag TD sae ormind. io ALBERTA COAL guarantees complete | %'3 5 Prev ona a Copmihedraiis hieBt satisfaction. Delivezs protaphy $8 your headquarters, ample scope is are and tiers you ore. your home by your dealer, provided for ve enjoyment : Coston you con it or can get it quickly for you. pido dd og Ao #5 any way Tecbogganing down the famous Duf- Telephone Your Dealer, Now ! ferin Terrace slides, are just a few (Mrs) C. BH. VINT, of the pleasures to be enjoyed. And COAL DEALERS, NOTE: Ask for List of guaranteed ALBERTA COAL, and other from there is a Sports Director to advise, who is a specialist on winter pas- TRADE COMMISSIONER'S BRANCH, PROVINCE OF ALBERTA 323 Brock i 200 Bay St., Toronto 2, Ontario, How Best to Use Place Your Order Fo §|| Vicks VapoRub CANADIAN COAL 8! |... vu %om on ves Dangerous this Year; Don't We are prepared to supply you with rd ROSEDALE LUMP "== AVOID PNEUMONIA OR A SE- _ COND ATTACK OF FLU ALBERTA'S BEST COAL will appeal to every pocket. We are ---- receiving a limited quantity of this fine coal, so {i If you catch 8 fresh cold, don't keep it overnight. If possible, go only ! don't delay ordering as we fill orders just as they come in. home and go to bed. Take a lax- ative and a hot lemonade, apply hot wet towels over. throat and chest until the skin js' thoroughly reddened. Then rub vigorously with Vicks. Spread on thickly and cover with warm gl, es . Leave the bed-covering loose, 80 that the wapors, released by the body-warmth, may be freely in- | haled. At the same time, Vicks acts threugh the skin like a" poultice. { mplete rest helps the body throw off the cold more quickly. =| Mothers especially appreciate Vicks for the children. As it 1s ap- | | plied externally, it can be used free- ly and often, without upsetting del- icate digestions, as too much *"'dos- ing" is so apt to do. . Indian Golf? new and fascinating, with an instructor to show you how. To refer to the more serious times. Then again, have you tried ADelaide 4929. Ste. Anne de Beau- it is an at- The famous Reading Anthracite, Cannel Coal, and Good Dry Hard and Soft Woods Always on Hand. hope eat making specifics have been discovered by Pratt's after careful study, analysis and experiment and years of experience in practical poul ising, ivi Gone of Platts Povitry egeataer 0 7 58 Your bens daily Write for Pratts Poultry Book--FREE PRATT FOOD COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED 328 Carlaw Avenue, 3 'Toronto, Ontario traction in itself. . Any representative of the Can- {adian Pacific will be glad to tell '| you more about this popular winter Hn ower. Mclaughlin Coal and Supplies Limited Coal, Coke, Wood, Sewer Pipe and Builders' Supplies 110 King St. W. Phone 1246 Oshawa, Ont. Federal Court Judge Frank Cooper of Schenectady, estimates that the fines he has levied large- iy in prohibtion cases have enrich- { ed the government coffers by some I $5,000,000 McLaughlin Coal & Supplies, Ltd. 110 King S5t. W. - Oshawa, Ont. 14 Celina Street COOPER SMITH CO. FLOUR, FEED AND GRAIN Phone 8

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