PAGE Frve cota Ce id KN 0x. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH FOURTH ANNIVERSARY DR. D. 1. L. McKERROLL, B.A, TORONTO Morning and Evening Speci Music Ubdes the Direction of M. Gouldburn, AL. C. M, CA Welcome \ . FRC Social, Monday, February 11 at 6.30 p. m. = urday to matters concerning _ life of the community. eration of the ministers, the 'King St. United Church ng CHAS. E, CRAGG, M. AyD, D., MINISTER *Address; 130 King E. Parsonage--Telcphono 218 Church-- Telephone 2287 1. Morning Service--11 am. CGLT. in charge. Miss Mary R. Allison of Toronto, National Girls' Work Secretary of the United Church Afternoon--2.30 p.m, Sunday School and Bible Classes. Come--There Is a Class for Everyone. Evening Service: 6.45--Song Service, 7p "THE DARKEST HOUR INA YOUNG MAN'S LIFE" Strangers heartily welcome at all Services, ANNIVERSARY SUNDAY, FEB. 24th SAYS WOMEN ARE Enlist Support, of "Co-eds" at Oxford = ° When Rev," W. Russel Maltby, D.D,, of the British Wesleyan Con- ference, was in Ontario a 'few weeks ago, he said that in the pre- sent generation the churches were unlikely: to secure the services of the best qualified university women for any position unless first of all the minstry were opened to them. It is along thds line that the third anbual conferenec of Women Min- isters, held at Oxford recently, held 'a meeting in the hall of Someryille College, the audience being largely composed of women students, Rev, Constance M. Coltman M. A,, B.D,, who presided, remarked that the cause of the ministry of women St. 'Andrew's Presbyterian Church Of the United Church of Canada REV: F. J. MAXWELL, Minister Sunday, February 10 11 a.m.--~Morning Subject: "WHERE AND HOW CAN WE MAKE GOOD WITH GoD?" 3 p.m.--Sunday School and Bible Classes, | MEN'S CLASS=MR. FID. R. WAUGH, B.A. 7 p.m.--Evening Subject: "PRACT ICAL CHRISTIANITY. IS THERE ANY KIND WORTH WHILE?" A CORDIAL WELCOME AWAITS YOU. ALBERT ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. S. D. Chown D.D., LL.D. Former General Superintendent of the Methodist - Church in Canada. Morning and Evening 2.30 p.m.~--Sunday School. N A First Anniversary Services CALVARY RAPTIST CHURCH (Athol St, Near Simcoe) 11 A. M, Rev. Walter Hughes, B.A, "The Greatest Need of The Modern Church" Rey, Glen Wardell, B.A. "Choosing A Wife" 3 PM. $ible School with Adult Classes MONDAY 8 PL Bible Lecture on "DANIEL'S PROPHECY" THURSDAY, 8 PM. China Inland Mission Meeting. Special Speaker and Lantern Slides, r mln INVITED "| the institute is fo Centre Street UNITED CHURCH REV. W. P. FLETCHER. B.A, DD. i Minister: Rev. Joba Galt A. M--W. C. Senior, Esq., Toronto. Preaching. HE a.m? --2Dr A P.M. -- GHORAL SER- and Dreaming". deeply concerned the women of the '| university who were destined to be the leaders of the womanhood of their own generation, They hoped that the question of the admission of women to the ministry of relig- fon, the holiest of all offices in the Christian Church, was one of su- preme importance, They were per- suaded that the church needed the ministry of women but the present situation was that only three, even among the Free Churches, did ad- mit women to full and regular min- istry. Nearly 20-ministers were pre- sent, some Baptist, some Congre- gationalists and some Unitarians, Speaking on the practical work of the ministry, Rev Violet Hedger said the woman minister really scored in dealing with the women of the chureh, altho she had to have a point of contact with all ages-- with boys and girls, men and wo- men, Most women were priestesses all their days--naturally so. Rev. Joyce Daplyn described her own "call" to the ministry, and said: "Every day of 'my ministry means more to me. I never images ined a career that would be so abso~ lutely satisfying, so immortally, eternally satisfying. I believe the future of the church depends on its getting the best women as well as the best men, Of course, if you go into the ministry you must be pre- pared fer difficulties--loneliness, prejudice, lack of money, But | don't think the ministry would be a profession worth having if there were no great diffizulties." ENLISTING AID OF SCIENCE IN MUSEUMS The International Institute of Af- rican Tanguages 'and Culture which was established some months ago in London at a meeting repre- senting 22 foreign mission agencies has already undertaken a number of definite activities, The object of udy the lang- uages and mental culture of mna- tive Africans; to give advice and aid in the publishing of studies on these subjects; to establish a bur- eau of information for those inter- ested in linguistic and ethnological research <and education work in Africa; to promote an understand- ing of the languages and social institutions of that continent with a view to usi them as finstru- ments of edueclition; -to assist in producing educational literature in' the vernacular; to bring about a closer system of scientific know- ledge and research on Africa; and to encourage international eo-oper- aticn in all matters connected with' the mental development and techni- cal advancement of the natives. BURNS ON GOD | O Thou unknown Almighty Cause Of all my hope and fear! In whose dread presence ere an hour, Perhaps I must appear! It I have wandered in those patlis Thou hupwst that Thou has form- And Mstning (9 their, BORN PRIESTESSES Ordained. Leaders Seek to |in the year 1840 that the penny Wit ation wild and strong; Sutege. 4 eoul Daily' Times. The Church Page Wk hw so The Tome to eva thi age avon. Bt 'In this effort we, invite the co-op- leaders of .the city. Articles and news of a religious or semi-religious nature, as voluntary contributions to this page will be welcomed, in the hope that it may be made a source of helpful inspiration to the people of Oshawa and district: These contributions, of course, should be distinctly non- Svulrauériial but should rather be inspirational in chavac- ter, They dhould be addressed to The Church Page, Oshawa the churches and the religious church workers and religious "In Britain the religious press has been having a difficult time, During the war several religious periodicals suspended publication and have not been revived. All the weeklies that survived increased their price, 1d to 2d, Probably the Church Times, the organ of Anglo-Catholicism, has suf- fered least. Always very ably edited, it exercises considerable influence, Traditionally Broad Church, The Guardian, "the Church Newspaper," after passing successfully through vicissitudes and editorial changes, now appears as a substantial six penny weekly, The Church of Eng- land Newspaper well maintains its position as a family journal, and takes a moderate or "central" posi- tion on theological and ccclesiastical questions, = The Record, which re- cently celebrated its centenary, ad- mirably represents '+ the evangelical portion of the Church of England. Recent Changes The two leading Frce Church organs are The Christian World and The British Weekly, The latter, founded by the late Robertson Nicoll, has been remarkably successful in ca- tering both for Scotch Presbyterians and English Non-Conformists, From its commencement, more than forty ears ago, Miss jane T, Stoddart has een a tower of strength to it; her literary and linguistic versatility and industry are amazing. The Christian World, which was started seventy years ago by James Clarke and suc- cessively cofitrolled by his three sons, Greville, Herbert and Percy, all of whom have passed away, has always been pronouncedly Non-€onformist, and liberal both politically and theo- Religious Press Struggles To Keep Going in Britain Publications Which Were War Casualties Have Failed to 'Revive and Others Have Had to Raise Their Prices--A Review of the Situation logically. It has just been acquired by Rev. A. G, Sleep, the young sec- retary 'of the Colonial Missionary Society, who initiated and organized the recent very sucsessful Congrega- tionalist Pilgrimage to the United States and Canada, Arthur Porritt, who latterly has greatly enlivened its pages, will continue gs editor, assist- ed by his able licutenant, Ernest Jeffs, son of Harry Jeffs, who was for many ycars on the staff of the paper and still is associated with it, Still Numerous Methodism has two weeklies, The Methodist Recorder and The Metho- dist Times; the former very denom- inational, comprehensive, staid, con- servative; the latter (founded by the late Hugh Price Hughes) liberal, ag- gressive, spirited, The smaller Metho- dist bodies have a weekly to them- selves, The Methodist Leader, The Baptist Times well serves the denomination of which it is the semi- official organ. up cvangelicals in the Church of England and the Free Churches. The Life of Faith is "A weekly record of spiritual life and work." ~Unitarians have two excellent little weeklies, The Inquirer and _The Christian Life, Some Unitarians prefer not to be lab- elled "Christian," The Christian Herald, which is out and out Fundamentalist, has a large circulation. Founded by an Anglican clergyman, the te Michael Baxter, it has devoted much attention to the fulfilment of biblical propheey and for many years regularly published sermons by C. H. Spurgeon and T. de Witt Talmage. The Christian links |' .You-a Hearty Srelce 52 Simcoe St. S. Church Off. Bagot St. Good Singi Fine Fellows Helpful Soro Sunday Services 11 AM, Last of a Series of Three on "Life's Tangled Threads" {Complex Problems} SIMCOE ST. UNITED CHURCH Minister: REV. E. HARSTON, LL.B. Phone 148 Phone 3128 3 P.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL 7PM. "Seeing Things Unseen" Remarks-- ~--Devotion to Christ should be a delight, not a dull and un- inspiring obligation. ~--It will always be true that the most. disturbing and re- volutionary force {in the world is vital Christianity in action, -It is too bad when any min- ister is compelled to say, "My people give me nothing but my salary"'---even when that amounts to five thousand dollars! ~--Those who are going to deal with human nature had bet- ter be prepared for some very painful surprises. -- Life is often a bitter sifting, and many a day the thresh- ing-floor becomes a veritable pit of despair. --The people who enjoy the deepest satisfaction in life are those who go all the way with Jesus. : ~A.F, i are unkind to dumb animals, but an uneasy conscience, depended upon to start an argu are only a few, but even one in a Morning" be assured of good service, other people have a right to their ciates. matter how small, and if they are ness during the week. The Spirit of Kindness How many make it an aim in life to be kind to those with whom they come in contact from day to day? According to law men and women are hailed into court if they to another are not punishable by law. "He carries a chip on his shoulder wherever he goes," occasionally of certain men in the community, mean that mo matter where a man of this type gocs, he can, be It is not a very enviable reputation to hold, but notwithstanding there are men of this type in every community, To cultivate a spirit of kindness is a worthy ambition. ; In the business world the head of the firm who has a "Good for his employes when he arrives at the office can usually The salesman who will take into consideration conditions as he secs them, and not impose himself when he knows he is unwel- somed, will get a better chance next time. \ The man or woman who makes it a practice to recognize that meetings, usually succeeds in making There are opportunities every day for doing acts of kindness, no Regular church-goers usually arc among those who practice kind- many unkind acts of onc person They are ofttimes punished by is heard In other words they nt or pick a quarrel. Fortunatcly there thousand is one too many. views, cither Jn the home or in an impression upon his asso- performed it is a day well spent. THE ROYAL MAIL London--Rumors tha there is a likelihood of the penny postage on letters being revived will be re- ceived With mueh satisfaction by the commhbnity gemerally. That ru- mors may eventuats in reality is to be hoped; the question of revenue being left to the adroit jugglers with figures whose duties are con- nected with national nee. It was post was introduced by Sir Rowland Hill, and under his system a peany stamp was sufficient to defray the cost of delivering a letter weighing half-an-ounce. In 1871 the system was slightly altered, letters being delivered at the cost of a peauy an ounce, with an inerease of a hall- penny for each additional ounce. I'Then fn 1879 mew rates were intro- duced, and these continued in force until the Great War; letters of four be sent for a penny, al gharge was a a can for cach further two RUSSIANS QUEER HABIT. Love-Letters to Non-Existent Girl Glasgow.--Love-letters written by a romantic Russian to a non-ex- istent girl were produced at Glas- gow where Zeigmond Wroblersky, 41, an unemployed joiner, was sen- tenced to 30 days' imprisonment ; with a recomendation for deporta- tion for disorderly behaviour fin Main-street" on a number of ocea- sions. It was stated that for the past two or three years he had been in the habit of writing letters of an extra-ordinary mature, which he placed in the letter-boxes of three shops in Main-street. The letters were addressed to a Miss Mary Hislop, who was a creation of- bis own mind. Customers began to complain that 2 man was fre- quently to be seen watehing the os. The assistance of the police was secured, and Wroblersky was arres- | * ted. He was examined by a doetor glass Christ. "Therefore, shops through a pair of field please release these men at once. If while in custody, but mo trace of land all SPREADING BELIEF IN OCCULT MAKES MINISTERS UNEASY The spread of belief in the occult {and the receipt of messages from "the other gide" is causing appre- hension to many ministers and thureh. Woryers in Britain; writes a pondent, adding 1, the unprejudiced are perplex- €d as to what should be their at- titude towards it. It is widely felt, he writes, that merely to taboo or denounee the whole subject is nei- ther practicable mor wise, The Church of England Newspaper ur- ges that it is imperative that some authoritative guidanee should be given by the bishops in dealing with the acitve propaganda whieh is be- ing carried on by spiritualists in all thie large towns, The Daily News has been publishing a serfes of artieles by well known men and women re- presenting different attitudes to the question. A large number of people are convineed that things happen which cannot be wholly ex- plained on normal lines, but they are dubious as to the accuracy of them given by spiritualists. Serious s Accusations Are Made By Doukhobors "in Plea to Ottawa Vancouver, Feb. 9.--Making charg- es of brutality and intoxication against the police officers who ar- scstad several of their sect in the recent disturbance at Grand Forks, B.C, the Christian Community of Universal Brotherhood, Sons of Freedom, or Doukhobors, as they are more gencrally known, fave launch- ed an appeal to the Federal Min- ister of Justice and also have ad- dressed an open letter to Inspector Dunwoody of the Provincial Police and Inspector Sheffield of the Pro- vincial Department of Education. for Release In presenting their appeal to the Minister of Justice, the Doukhobors state, in part: i hese men were sentenced, not for robbery, swindle or any other such fault, but for the religious belief and 'fulfilment of the we ask you, not, then take us all, for we stand on the path of Christ, one for all for one." insanity was found. Signatories to the appeal are: HOLY TRINITY CHURCH Cor, Court and Barric Sts, REV, 8. C, JARRETT Incumbent 30 Fairbanks, St. Sunday, February 10 8 am--Holy Com- nunion, 11 a.m.~--Matins Sermon. 3 p. m. -- Sunday School. 7 p.m.--Evensong and sermon, and Christ Church. (ANGLICAN) Cor, Hillcroft and Mary Sts, REV. R, B, PATTERSON, s M. A, Incumbent, 503 Masson S¢. Sunday, February 10 11 a.m.--Morning Pray er. 3 p.m.--Sunday School, 7 p.m.~Evening Prayer, Ash Wednesday--10 a.m, --Commination Service. 7.30 p.m.--Evening pro- gram and service, illustrat- 2d by lantern slides. SIMCOE STREET PENTECOSTAL MISSION (OVER THE ARCADE) Sunday, February 10 ' Sunday Schoo! 10.00 a.m. Worship, 11 a.m, Evangelistic Meeting 7 ». » : 'Prayer Meeting, Friday eight o'clock. Committee in charge. Strangers Weleoms. py North Simcoe St. United Church Rev. A. MANSELL IRWIN, B.A., B.D., Pastor ,89 Greta St. Phove 3263W The pastor will preach at Il am. and 7 p.m. Monday, 8 p.m.--Val- entine Program in the League, Everybody Welcome. Gospel Hall - 40 NASSAU ST. SERVICES Sunday, February 10 11 a.m.--Remembering the Lord." 3 p.m.--Sunday School. Friday, 8 p.m. -- Prayer eetings ALL ARE WELCOME His Disciples Preached the Same Gospel. Bead (Dan. 7. 27:) Luke 4, 48; St. George's ANGLICAN Cor. Bagot and Centre Sts. CANON C. RB. dePENCIER, 39 Athol Street West Sunday, February 10 Holy:Communion--s a.m, 11 a.m.--~Morning Prayer Sunday School Centre St.-~2.30 p.m, 7 p.m.--~Evensong, Baptisms 2nd Sunday each month == Pentecostal Assembly 200 King St. W, Sunday, February 10 Sunday School, 10 a.m. 11 am.~Morning Ser- First Church of Christ, Sclentist, 64 Colborne Street East Sunday, February 10 "SUBJECT: "SPIRIT" Morning Service at 11 am. Wednesday Meeting 8 p.m. Including testimonies of Healing Science. through Christian . You are cordially invited to at- ~oice : Has often 16g me wrong. ounces. Then came the three-half- tend the services and to make use Where human weakness bas come | . John -J. Perépolkin, Pete Sofonoff, P. Perepolkin, J. Kurfotriff and Bill Plookoff, said to have been appoint- ed by the community to take such action. VICE WITH ROMAN ©. 2.30 p.m. -- Sunday CATHOLIC HYMNS EX- * School. LUSIVELY Colenenter Ca me Meeting Cc Women's Day of Prayer. A 7 pm--"Whom Not OFFERED AT HALF PRICE 2 hh other day, it was at 2.45 pm. and Public . | Superior; Wis, Feb. 9.--Because that a rating Do wo, Oot for such Thou WELCH'S PARLOURS sa n 'at work under a wrong FI ETE Bea EB E-B for Missions: Friday, 15th Mee at 7.30... Lady Monday In shades of darkness bide, Duluth, Minu, has been getting the license cream of the 'marriage Act. No fewer than 576 out of 1,103 assessments made at West Mersea Unity Truth Centre 9.30 a.m.--~Sunday School. 10.39 a.m.--Public Worship ere Rev. 4. ©: Habu. 255 Athol ev from: india p.m.--~--Young Peoples. 1 have err'd, ooking at both services. : : ALL ARE INVITED Wednesday, 8 al Christianity' program ad Soci Reconstrbction. nets at the fad of the fakes, AR . with intention "Cole, head "of the Douglas county Island have had to be altered. The 5. 0. ¥; HALL, KING ST. E. other plea I have court bere, has launched 2 price war. ! members who was responsible f ; , February 10 My thou art good; and Goduess Henceforth marriage licenses will sell aa still' for 50 cents, he announces. The fee {man to take the necessary steps to 11 AB ~ Public Service. vhody welcome - Delighietn 0 been $100. The Duluth price ss | ensure in the future his uain- Em a vata 3 i dias Eo i di ALL --_ ALLE : WELCOME sm ------ tance with any mew Acts.