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Oshawa Daily Times, 13 Feb 1929, p. 2

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1929 The Whitby Daily Times {Advertising ubscriptions and news will be received at the Niitby Office; Dundas Street, oN p - mext the post office.--Telephc ne 434. : REPRESENT ATIVE -- JAM ES HOLDEN SPECIAL SEIN OPENED YESTERDAY QUESTION OF COUNTY SHARE OF HIGHWAY © COSTS DISCUSSED Account for Atherley Bridge Not Yet Settled With Simcoe County (By Staff Reporter) Whithy, Feb, 13,~~The Ontario County Council met at the court house yesterday afternoon at two o'clock for an adjourned session, 'Warden Adam Dobson, reeve .of "Cannington, presiding in the chair, A number of communicatjons were 'read by the clerk, Mr. A, E, Christ- jan, and were referred to the _various committees, The question was raised yester- 'day whether the county had paid to. Simcoe county its share of the 'cost of constructing the Atherley Bridge which spans the narrows between Lakes Simcoe and Couch- icing, Reeve George MacMillan, chairman of the finance commit- tee, replied that as yet no money had been paid, Reeve G, M, For syth, of Pickering township, point~ ed out that the account should be . checked over as he did not think 'that the Simcoe county treasurer had allowed 'mterest on an amount of $40,000 which had, been paid by the Government, A Highway Costs, Reeve MacMillan asked .tario county take some a 'urging' the government to the 20 per.cent, contrib n it received from the couhiies in building provincial highways. Mr, MacMillan claimed that in - a .eounty such as Ontario which is 100 miles long and almost 30; miles wide, the mileage of provin- cial' highways would be very large, He considered it a hardship that the county should have to bear 20 per cent, of the cost of construec- tion and maintenance of provincial highways whereas no direct rev- enuesg could be collected from these roads, The county rate he claimed at On- on in rego but Fikgoliod .that this was a pt. ter which might well be taken | up by the county's representatives at the coming meeting of the Onta tlio Good Roads' Association, ' At three o'clock, the wardgn left the chair and adjournment was made until 5 o'clock to allonw the committees to meet, BOARD OF EDUCATION (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Feb, 13.--The fif wt regular monthly meeting of tha Board of Education is being hal ® tonight in the council chambers, It is expected that the board wil | arrive at its estimates for the yea: ¢ at this meeting, ' ONTARIO HOSPITAL ANNUAL DANGE Wis COLORFUL EVENY| Hundreds of Guests Took Part in Highly Successful Function (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Feb, 13.--S8t, Valentine and the Queen of Hearts reigned supreme at the annual dance tend- ered by Dr, G, H, Stevenson, medi- cal superintendent, and members of the staff of the Ontario Hospital night, Hundreds of guests were present from Whitby, Oshawa, Tor- onto and other points, and the ball room presented a gay and pretty scene, Brightly colored balloons in all shapes and sizes, red, blue and yellow streamers were hung in fes- toons from the roof of the auditor- fum, The stage was set with charming scenery, while in the cen- tre stood a handsome fountain, garlanded with valentines, Water danced and sparkled from the foun- tain and created a pleasing éffect, An effigy of the Queen of Hearts was situated to the rear of the fountain, while a mellow new moon shone overhead, Youth and beauty mingled on the floor and danced to sweet strains which were wafted from the gayly decorated orchestra platfornr where Rainy's seven piece orchestra was enthroned. Intruments harmoniz- ed to provide enchanting music and summoned al] to step the light fan- tastic where polished floors gleam- ed beneath soft shaded lights, The The program was well arranged and {ts sixteen numbers included fox trots, waltzes, a Paul Jones and The Lancers. The orchestra was equally good in a fox trot or the jigging, merry tune for the Paul Jones, The Lancers were also wel! performed and it was then that the older guests demonstrated that grace and agility do not necessarily depart with advancing years, A pleasant feature was introduc- ed last night when after the sixth number, four students of the On- tario Ladies College, dressed in quaint Russian costumes, gave a fine interpretation of a Russ' folk dance. A demonstration nimbleness and agility was gi by a junior student of the colle who in a clownish black-faced cos- tume performed a "Gollywog' dance, THe audience greatly ap- preciated the efforts of the pupils, and applauded them generously, Supper was served in cafeteria style during the 8th, 9th and 10th dances, the hospital cooking de- (et enc excelling itself in provid- ding delicious refreshments. Danc- Ying was enjoyed until an early hour, SPLENDID ICE FOR TONIGHT'S BIG GAME (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Jeb, 13,--A splendid iisheet of ice is assured for the big 17ame tonight Burns' Arena visu the locals meet Lakefield. ®' intermediates are determined to kaep in the O.H.A, race and are camflident that they can overcome thee visilors' one goal margin, Lak pfield is anxious to maintain the Mead and a merry battle shonlu red git, 1" wose who travelled to Lzke- fiekd ron Monday claim that Whitby has iv splendid chance of turning the tmbles, They admit tha. the visitoees are a smart aggregation but 1%e:1 that the boys can outclass them on a big ice space. TIM'S' CARRIER BOYS ENG A\GED IN CONTEST (By Staff Reporter) Whitly, Feb, 13.--A small army of Pim 33 carrier boys bave heen distribu {ng papers in every Whit- by hom 2, where the Times is not now rgxeeived, during the past few days, 'Me carrier boys are now solicitin. y new customers and are enthusia si'ically striving to see who can get the most subscrip- tions, A prize is given to each at " boy for ®wery subscription received while gh» lad who shows himself the smart¥:st salesman will receive a special j)rize, wag already too high, Referred to Association y Wafden Dobson concurred with 1 "the opinions of the reeve of Reach beautiful gowns of the ladies were in bright contrast to the sombre blue an@l black dress of the gentle- OUTSTANDING SPECIAL FEATURES ON SALE Thursday, Friday and Saturday New [Za Spring Merchandise Hemstitched Pillow Cases Made from Horroekse's finest cottons, Many were disappointed last week when the quantity gave out, Foriunately, we haye been able to obtain a other, limited quan- tity at this splen- did value, Pair. . 98¢ of shades. A perfectly made garmengs that will give. Bvery © wisfaction specially featur esl Bhisseiotsoun 79¢ Shadownr pof : Slips In all colors, prised at Specially .. $1.39 Ladies' Cormiettes Made of finest quality English Pink Coutdl, Lightly Boney . Just enough to give si pport needed, Four hse sup- ports, A wonderdpl gar- me. $1.50 Silk Draperies Beautiful shadings in Oriental colorings, stripe patterns, Body colors of blue, orange and greens, : Specially featured 49¢ at, yard , Yard .. Famous Novelty "Cannon" Bath Towels shipment has just arriveg of wonderful towels. Made up of the these same super quality Terry---that lovely, dhick. htapy Waki feat is 4 x 24 1.50 each. 50 Dozen Towels at 25¢ each The biggest Towel value we have ever offered. Exceptional heavy Quality Terry with new novelty stripe borders in mauve, green, blue, rose, Size of towel, 37 1.2 in. x 19 in. Special value, Each Ee Watch the windows. They will save you money. W. A. DEWLAND, LIMITED make,--with colored boy ders Med Asie. Size of pr NAY PAVE ROAD. IN SUNDERLAND Provincil 'Government Will Undertake Construction Work (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Feb, 13,--The provin: clal government will pave the por- tion of couniy road leading through the polide village of Suu- derland providing the assent of the county can be obtained, ac- cording to a communication re- ceived by the county council yes- terday. Sunderland is on a provin- cial highway and the paving in the village would be done at the same time as the paving on the highway, The communication points out that the work could o done much cheaper than if it re to be done under separate atract, Because Sunderland is a police village its streets must therefor be county and township roads, The residents of the vi.lage are anxious to have the pavement completed as soonr as possible and the matter will probably be attended to at this week's session - of county council, The county of course bears the large proporiion of cost. COUNCIL CONFERRING (By Staff Reporter) 'Whitby, Feb, 13--A special com- mittee of the Ontario County Coun- cil is conferring today with the fin- ance committee of the Oshawa city council with regard to the separation agreement between the gounty and city which expires next Mg next March, SUCCESSFUL TEA UL TEA AND SALE YESTERDAY (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Feb, 13--A successful St. Valentine's tea and sale of home cooking was held in the parish hall of All Saints' Anglican Church yes- terday afternoon by the ladies of the Parish Guild, The hall was prettily decorated © with red valen- tines and streamers while the tea tables were also neatly arranged. The homemade cooking féund a ready sale and the majority of hooths were sold out before five o'clock, A number of people also participated in the. supper which included tasty salads, cakes, cookies and tea, Over forty dollars was realized, They'vé built a locomotive that ean pull a train two miles long. Pretty soon we'll have to take a book along to read at the King St. crossing.--Kitchener Record, The student who wrote on an ex- amination paper that "a mandate is a kind of Chinaman." shares hon- ors with the one who defined a bigot as a 'man with two wives.-- Woodstock Sentinel. Review, SUN LIFF, COMPANY INVESTMENTS ARE IN GOOD CONDITION THE PRESIDENT GIVES RIKING EVIDENCE OF HIGH STANDING >rovisions of Bill to Go Be- fore Parliament Are Ex- plained at Meeting Montreal, Feb. 13 --That the market value of securities held by he Sun Life Assurance could shrink by one hundred million dol jars without reducing the com pany's surplus by one dollar, was the impressive and rather startling statement of President T, B, Mac- aulay at the annual meeting of Sun Life shareholders here yester- day. Referring to the matter of security holdings, Mr. Macaulay said: | "You will "notice that in our re- port we say that the values quoted are those given by the Government department, or lower. There Is much in those two words, They mean that the values given in the report are approximately $62,500, 000 less than the actual current values of $20,000,000 referred to in the report, and also the special contingency reserve of $12,500,- 000. "Summarizing these items, have: Under-valuation of securities ..,..... $62,600,000 Further deduction from these values 20,000,000 Contingency fund .., 12,500,000 sassns00+$96,000,000 we Total ,,..., "Our unlisted assets and other margins raise this amount to $100,000,000. Business Nearly $2,000,000,000 For the first time in the history of life assurance institutions in Canada, the Sun Life increased its business during the = year just closed by well over four bundred million dollars of life assurance, bringing the total force to very close to the two- billion-dollar mark. The Sun Life maintained its position as the largest company in th -Beritish Em- pire writing ordinary business, and today it ranks among the leading world companies. The fig- ures of the financial siatement are enormous, indicative of wonderful expansion, Assets are practically five hundred million dollars, total income nearly: one hundred and fifty million dollars, payments to policyholders during 1928 fifty million dollars, bringing the total payments to policyholders, since organization, - to « approxima'ely three hundred and fifty million dollars. The increases in the war- business in| Bowmanville Daily ° Times Nepreucniative Phones: aoe 587; Resi. COUNCIL PROVIDES FOR BUILDING OF NEW HIGH SCHOOL Project Adopted By Unani. mous Vote of the Meeting MET LAST NIGHT Members of the High School Board Explained the Situation (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, Feb. 12--An ad- journed meeting of the Town Coun- cil was held on Tuesday evening, February 12. Mayor Elliott was in the chair and all Councillors were present, The principle item of business, and which took up most of the evening, was the question"of granting the necessary amount for the addition to the High School. The High School Board was present in a body, pre- pared to answer any questions or throw any light on the proposition, as far as was possible, that would enable the Council to come to a de- cision, the amount asked for $98,000, seemed a very large sum, Mayor Elliott asked the Board if there was any other proposition they could suggest which would be carried out at a lower cost. W, B Couch, Chairman of the Board, ex- plained that the matter had been gone into most fully and carefully and the plans submitted only cover- ed what was absglutely necessary to comply with the School Act and the demands of the Department of Edu- cation, also the neccessary accommo- dagion for the increased attendance at the School, C, H. Mason, Sec- retary of the Board, Principal W, J. Morrison, J. H. Jury, Fred C, Vanstone and L. Caverly, also spoke, again going over very carefully and explicitly, the absolute need of the proposed addition, The question was thoroughly dis- cussed, most of the Councillors ask- ing for information regarding var- ious points and as information was given, they gradually concluded that 2 point had been reached where the matter could be put off no longer. Councillor Bunner was of the opin- ion thaat the question should be put to the people but had no de- sire to block the measure and if the rest of the | Councillors were in favor of 'it, would make it unani- mous, As Motion Unanimous After discussing the question from every side and angle,.it was moved by Councillor James, second- ed by Councillor Rehder that the Council grant the request of the High School Board for the necessary sum up to $98,000 with interest until debentures were sold, for the pur- pose of building an addition to the High School and equipping same. fous divisions of the annual stafe- ment are impressive. In income the increase is approximately for ty-two* millions, assets ninety mii- lions, surplus ten millions, bring ing surplus to $56,000,000 to po.icy-holders. They clearly in- dicate that the public, not only in the Dominion, but practically in T, B. MACAULAY President of the Sun Life Assur-, ance Company. all parts of the globe, recognize by its patrorage the greatness of this Canadian company. The divi- dends to policyholders were in- creased for the ninth successive year, THE FINEST IN THE LAND CANADA'S RELIABLE SEED HOUSE ror 59 YEARS New Marglobe Tomato, pkt. 15¢ WM RENNIE CO Limirep TORONTO ALSO MONTREAL, VANCOUVER 'lenjoying good health and he and Chamber of Commerce containing a This motion was carried by a um- animous standing vote. Other iness In connection 'with this. question a communication wis read from the resolution in favor of the Council making the necessary grant, . Other communications were re- ceived from the following: Toronto General Trusts Revie using water oourse thro the property of the . H, Williams estate on Liberty hi Clerk was instructed to write stating the matter was un- der consideration and would be at- tended to after snow is gone, From Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. expressing appreciation of work done by the fire brigade at the re- cent fire at their plant and enclosing cheque $25.00 to be handed to the fire department. - Referred to fire department and Clerk instructed to acknowledge same, The question of additional help on the Jelise force, also the placing of a bell at the corner of King and Temperance street was brought up b e Police committee, After a By discussion the committee was asked to bring in a report at the next meeting. The Clerk was instructed to write J. L. Morden that the matter of the condition of the bridge referred to in a letter received from him, would be looked into as soon as conditions would permit, Council adjourned, CELEBRATES HIS 05TH BIRTHDAY Many Friends Gathered to Honor David Keith Yesterday (By Staff Reporter.) Bowmanville, Feb, 12.--To otir esteemed townsman, David Keith, was accorded a privilege not enjoyed by many when he was per- mitted to celebrate on Tuesday, February 12th, the 95th annijver- gary of his birthday. Mr. Keith is Mrs. Keith were at home to their many friends during the afternoon and evening, Tea was served from the table in the dining roomy which was centered with beautiful pink roses and presided over by Miss B, Fairbairn. The many callers were See 'Rex' Horse-the Wonder the Wild | WiLD . Thursday Friday and "THE MYSTERY Co, --See These "Attraction New Martin Theatre £Dy oli s at looked after by Miss I. K, Smith, assisted by Miss Belle Galbraith and Miss Stedman. The rooms looked very gay with their decoration of roses, carnations, sweet peas and daffodils. Congrat- ulations were showered on Mr Keith and best wishcs for many happy re- turns of his birthday. guest of last Tuesday evening, members of 'ternoon tea was served from living |the staff and their 'wives gathered [table which looked lovely with de- at Centre Lodge and staged a house warming, It was a merry little a-| fair with Mr. and Mrs, Pearce, cot- lage supervisors, acting as hosts, Mr. Lionel Bishop of the Fire the Howard Ferguson ACTIVITIES AT THE TRAINING SCHOOL The First Sleighing Party in Two Years Was Greatly Enjoyed Bowmanville, Feb. 12.-- Sleigh- ride, that's the word. We almost forgot how to spell it. The run- ners are still suffering from inac- tivity, but the staff kiddies made good use of thenr last Saturday af- ternoon when they enjoyed their first sleighing party in two years. They are still talking about the novelty of this form of entertain- ment and hope that it happens again before many years, The weather man stepped in and upset last weeks hockey schedule; permitting only one game to be played. However we cannot com- plain as one more week of real win- tcr and one of our eight teams will most likely be hizh-hatting the oth- er seven, The school team practiced on Monday afternoon and on Fri- day Mr. De*-»n paye the players a blackboard talk, staff Following the meeting Scouts last Friday..The Scouts en- joyed a mighty interesting session as Mr. Bishop showed them pictur- cs and gave demonstrations and in- | formation on their work for the fireman's proficiency badge. Executive and members of the Toronto Kinsmen club visited the school last Friday evening. They are interested in the school and are laying plans to prove their in- terest, | Scouts tramped about five miles north on Saturday, It gave them an opportunity to do some tracking and pass a few tests. Agricultural Director E, P. Bradt attended the Seed Growers Conven- tion in Toronto last week. SUNDAY SCHOOL ROOM NEWLY DECORATED (By. Staff Reporter.) Bowmanville, Feb. 12, -- The Primary room of St. Paul's Sunday | School having been newly decorat- ed and made to look very cosy and home-like with pretty hangings and a quantity of new piotures, the committee in charge of the work invited the Women's Association to | "christen" it by holding their re- | gular mecting there on Tuesday af- ternoon. This was done and a most enjoyable time was had by all, Af- | a corations of daffodils and yellow candles in silver holders, Mrs. Geo, Chase, Mrs. C. Lunney, Mrs. Chas. Rice and Miss Ida Stephens being in charge of the tea, At the conclu- Marshall's Department at the Par- [sion of the tea. the regular business liament Buildings was again the | meeting of the Association was car- .ried on, OSHAWA VISITORS AT ST. JOHN'S A.Y.P.A. (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, Feb, 12, -- St. John's A, Y. P, A, had as their guests Monday evening the mém- bers of St, George's A. ¥., Oshawa. Owing to other attractions there was not a large attendance of either branch, Rev, R. J. Shires acted in the ab- sence of the President, J. A, Gunn. The meeting opened as usual with hymn and prayer after which Miss Cunningham favored with a very pleasing violin solo. The sketch "Two Aunts and a Photo" was repeated and enjoyed very uch. A few contests were then ini out under direction of Mrs. J. A. Gunn. The boys of the A. Y. served a lunch of hot-dogs, sand- wiches, cake and coffee. Dancing to the music of plano and traps brought a very pleasant evening to a close. A. Y. members are specially re- | quested to attend Lenten services | and also the A, Y, meetings during Lent. The next meeting February 25th, will be an address on "Our Prayer Book," Let each one make an extra effort to be present. THE WHITE SISTER A Love story that will Live forever! VERWHELMING demand of the public has brought back to the screen Lillian Gish's finest starring triumph. Millions will thrill again to the tense dramatic moments, the spectacular thrills of flood and volcanic eruption--in a love story of sweep 'and power and beauty never excelled on the screem. Starring LILLIAN GISH "A Great Star In Her Finest Romance"

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