THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1929 y al PAGE TWELVE Rd AA, WHAS, WTMJ, WSB, W )--Chicago, Tomorrow \ oR A LJ Easy-to-F ind " S ial Pro f S d WOAL, 'Witt, WEBC, Keb," OM yetem: Slumber Music to WIZ, 3 peci gr ams or un ay WJZ (394.5)~New York. Waldorf As- wis" (345)~Chicago. WLS Hippodrome & * . toria Orchestra to "WRENN, Ropular . RADIO PROGR AM Vis Chicago, WLS Orchestra, pg. (508)--Omaha, News; Musical joists. AM (200)--Cleveland. Loew's . Columbia Network: Choral Sin, t i : 1.30 NBC (WEAF)--Peerless Reproducers Concert, wrt Wea VEAN: | 11.15 Rery F29=St. Paul. Dance orchestra SR 00 NBC (WJZ)--Roxy Symphony Orchestre Vik: wit A DAF (492)--Kansas City. Entertain: Le Toiight's Best Features me C Spatem: M Mek WR 00 COLUMBIA--Symphonic Hour Rex: Xor, wisn, WsbD, Wilk. | 13 £5 dos ost Studio program . 630 NDC _(WEAF)--White House Concest Wh, WHAM, KDKA, WIR, 6.00 KYW CHICAGO--Twilight Musicale CRGW ro No OR 1r-Newark, Witching hour, Si NCW S19 Gat "ii . Col uribia Network: Sif WIR " Japp 6.30 NBO (WEAF) --Dietograph Car ERY 'oronto, Orcliestra pro- | 11.45 Whac (244)--Boston, Gallagher's or- { 8.25 Photologue "Sumara." b NBC Frade, wi oconda" 0 Ca0s)--Ae ta, B 828 WM HO ae o, Photologue "Sumare." so al say, Cit, Male Clarus 7.80 NBC (N12) Baldwin Concert--Walter Gieseking, - FR Wr, X85 iD, WFAA, | 1200 Bw (3 (B= Chitags. Eduewater Beach 9.00 NBC Wean-s Orchestra Lah hf WHN Ni . te yiecuy i Sg 00 COLUMBIA--Around the Samovar--Russiah Music Pls Jado. Tube. on "Grew York. Quctiegteaj or ramatic Sketch "The i : a 815 NBC (WJZ)--Colliers Hour LW* (428)--Cinci. Gibson orchestra, . rn -- WJZ New York: "Play "The Octoroon" Ce, WAAL Sea W 8.30 CFCA TORONTO--Waterloo Musical Society Band ; : NBC (WEAF) Lucky Strike Dance , af. Jaa COLUMBIA--La Palina Hour [| % 0 WBZ Svingfield, Far North Broadcast i ROS, 9.00. COLUMBIA --Majestic Hour v | 110 WGR Bifalo. Military Ball, 21d Dat- Voices 9.15 NBC (WEAF)--Atwater Kent Hour cd our dr to Parker' i lion, 174th, xsd. [|| 10.00 COLUMBIA--DeForest Military Band 1 y Siies TU Tanke1s : SUNDAY MORNING PROGRAM ry E. 10.30 WENR CHICAGO-Edison Symphony Orchestra nd a promised delivery dat 1 e ai SOON New York Chigramy Be | tg WZ WAL WEN kW, Woz || 11,00 WPG ATLANTIC C ITY--Atlantio City Schubert is mad > yg 1000 WR con) Detrit. First Baptist We {= Plus, Orchestra, Club / : is made to ypu--we keep our Promise. We ul h---) a, en gon 4 . WOW | (508)--Omaha. Chapel Services, eral i 1 un ie a per Roy La Shee x en Anion, Tago fe Several Insurgents Killed clean the rgbst delicate Fabrics carefully-- : fury ectady. ces, yo . 1045 WCAE (342)--Pitts. Lutheran Services. | KPRC, WEAM, Kate, WTIC, WDA OR 5 O-Wimmioes. Fi, Gay | A a Wh NAR WEAN, and One Woman Street ng--always invigorating WGR (545)--Bufiaio, Services. ie Hi AR, WTAG, Network: De Forest Aulions CNRO dss Stiava. Symphoni ' Car P : 1.00 cra A Sarno, Bueist services Wi hie KVOO, » WTMJ, Ho WNAC, WEAN, = 'WFBL, ENERO oli . , Symphonic r rassenger P -- Pitts, rvices. pao NINE 487) Milwaukee Organ. id Keel wy AS, ADC, Grshonr (357)--Toronto, Philharmonic : ystem : ylvestre our to * WKR , : 4 WEAF, : ARG whBM, WK. a Chain program Mexico City, Feb, 16. -- Several r Wie i LI) New York, String quar- he Col AH, wo FE teneoat KUO, wien, WH. (258.5)--Rochester, Courtesy rebels and a woman street car pas- ¢ 1.00 WGN (416)~Chicago, Uncle Quin, AE SY, WTIC, gi roit, Happy Hall Hour, Program Wl on § senger were killed at Colinm, cap- back frgm the Clean- WIZ (94.5 New York. Artists Hour wes A Th Nie! "Sratom: Sundebaker tour to NR Yan | ison Program ta to Yi ital of the State of Colima, during FH ] to' WBAL, WIR. Li pA Si hersiang 4 to 0 WE. WFI, iY i WTAM. WHAS, WLW, KYW, KWK, "WR wWSB a 30 minute fight between Federal i it'd 0 1 30 NBC System: Peerless roducers to hs Wan, "KOA, KST. WAR, WEB, WRVA. " troops and rebels who entered t ers wi ep it 1s In our w EAF, We w oi, i) wriG X NaC Sysemy RTE Singers to Wiz . Columbia Networks Physical Culture city, dispatches from ered the C CAR AM, wT, OW, Crea' ¢ (357) Toronto, Kooks Eaton 1 Souvenirs to ute Was A gt" ih a hind Lorenzo Aguila, mayor of Colima, i v: 197 back V ao WHAS, . eh) RORA (306)-Pitts. Services, : AN, WFBL, KMOX, was kidnapped by the retreating . Wau. WEL. WFAA, 'KPRC, Jie sori, ool vam. WRG AS, WADCI| WNAC, rebels left the elty shouting "Viva nm Prime y stem: 7 hd Ww WEEL Ran. Sager Hour to / MT, WOW, Who SD, \ WL BW, WMAL, WEG (272) Atlantic City, Concert or. Joists Beye Song Hye Sovak, the non br ulately. N NC en Bitlet Shana to NBC, C bpm: 01 on 4 Compaonts Program Ne System: Light Opera to. WEAT, Wii (389)--Chicago. Chicago Orches- Treniiste in Wosico, WFAA, oy WHAS, AN , o W I VE WIZ (394.5)--N.Y. Violinist to WLW, i opulace of the city a WHAM (st Rr Melody. lane WIAR, WAG Wesn, WRC, WGY, XW, 4 iolinist to : Motors Party to WEAF. Federal ar SY eatstod the 3 t v o iN (416)-- i Pp ' 4 'W, WIR, WBZ, x DRA, NBC System: The Nomads to wiz, Net Oe ehso: Tomorrows trib, w wa WCAE, WIAM, WF AA : bon gag iin fhe Simauhes Said WTMT, WBAL, Ww VREN," WEBS, WLW U2B-Cincl. Dinner program. WGES (220)~Chicago. Guyon Concert. Wi( GN, KOMO, KS! 'WAX, an was killed in a stre . WLW. WKY, Nt Ce ea er Frogs WHK_ (216)--Cleveland. Amos 'n' An WHAS, WIAR, WAG, WGR, oS! tflligestion 1s #6 yesull car which was fired on as the 1 NRC System: Vocal to WEAF, WTIC, | 7.3 Nic on Niro bes For to| SripDays Orchestra; 4 BT, KOA. KPRC, WIMJ, WGY. | mul sold jn the stomycll 10h oto bels retreated. Electric service y detroit. mos 'n' Andy; : Real Folks to u sorganized for 30 mi WS: (315)~Chicago. Sunday School. WEAT, WIAR, WRC, WSM, WOR, Dance Music. gr food, turns it . bd 30 minutes, N NBC, System: Talk to WEAF, WTIC, ht WCAE WWJ, WGY, KSD, WEG (272). Atlantic City, Schubert x gb E mags, gives A int } ferment y CLEA ERS AND DYERS NBC System: Baldwin Program id i : d bpeath, biliou 3 H [54 : i 88 Columbia Network: Symphonic Hour t ' , 11,15 WL 421 X ' 1sness, sho S8 J Sime VABC, WCAL ik WAPC, Ni, WHAM, WIR, WEA, Wal, Wey sy Bek enacracty, Prawn ion Hour fo Nee it brgath, and that drowsy, dn't- ie Watreid Laurier's oe St. South Phones 7 789 - ly LAD Q' ! WGHP, KOIL, Ror YOY, WSM, WSB,' WFAA, WTAM (280)--Cleveland, Dance Music WCAO, earesyhat-hafipens feeling. esidence Transfo, KMOX, WSPD, OL. hi The' S 1.40 WMAQ (47.5)--Chicago. Concert Or- WGHP, - WGL, I], Pape's pepsin has hel wi I . . WNAC, WHK, WEAN, WMAL, Colla rk: aN Wr to wsPh, 'WHK, KMBC wig "| thougands such unfortunbt® nto Fine M \ WCCO, . 12.00 WiNR (345)--Chicago, Variety (3 hrs.) WMAL, '| stomach suffdyers to get their NBC ny ou Peonles & Sale yoy ie) Chicago, Dream Ship; Kyw oe Ne hicame Concert of petite hac. (By C } Col Mf J " . . 3.3% way ye 1). 0 xT WEEN. WMAL, WCCO, WM itu OR WAC WEA Pag lets of Pape's Quebec, alan bo he former Threatened Riot 1» Ings, the threatennd. lot by Ed § WW]. C=Detd, Twit WDAF (192) Somons City. Johnson's MONDAY'S BEST FEATURES /G 7 Acland | residence of Sir Wilfred Laurier, at Averted in Edmonton | °!°"® unemployed army failec N y y /, 1.8, Ar Ad , 4.00 Columbia stwork: Cathedral Yori Wie es) Milwaukee, Ceiian: Sere 90 am. WEAR New. Jork. U.S, Army a NCAC, | fond will digest and ody] Your frthapaske, given wo the province by to materialize here Thursday after PF WMAK, Now System: Enna Jestick Melod 10.00 NBC System (WJZ)--Dr. Copeland hr. WHAM ask Sy--Rochester. @ith's or-| YOu will gain welght find $681 fine. | Montreal has b d Kirk Cameron, of noon, I to WJ ZW lodies | 11,15 NBC System (WEAF)--Household In- chestra Pape"s Diapepsin dbep What it itreal Jias been transformed into Instead f ROLL, VAR be RDNA WI EWR, WREN stitute, WIP Cioz)= Phila, E1 Patigance or. , : a museum and will be opened to the (By Canadian Piss) stead of Creating any distur ' xox WSPD, WHK. WIBW. KYW, WTMI> WHAS, WSH, WS, | 1245 p.m. WIR Detroit. Musical Matinee chestra, w promises 10 do. Jual¥ fe reason | public May first, it was announced| Edmonton, Alta. Feb, 16 Af ance, the men quietly paraded te 1 WEAF, Wi: wric, WIAR, WTAC, aid SEAL. WOAL ESTP. BPRC wiz 1.00 NBC" System (Central)--Farm and 7 NE, Blue Danully Nights to Pepe's even I cate by Hen. J. E. Perrault, Minister of | ter the police had been armed with lings 20a he puorine 3 8 A " . . i: olonization, - out m Wik, WBE " Wow' Koa, wGY, WHEN a wow WAL: Way! 230 Se Tt ok: Musical potpourri, ¥ WEAF, = yalem: Eenirs ers Sr Ieliel in A minutes, It is sold by | ed by him ne 2 Incheon tender. hb and Svery avaijsble ahd bed tickets, Everyone n 8} 3.30 WLS Chicago. Homemakers Hour, /KY, N WGR, RC, WOW, rug stores, Mr. Cz : on | line then t ye System, Marie Damrosch Pro- bn EFA, Osn--Tompote, Wate, Band 4 NBC Sys QIB-U% a ine fr. Cameron, duty about the Parliament build- | up town Jurned and paraded back ats TE (400)=Détroit. Talk; Musical o to WAC, AN, WEBEL, | WGN Chicago. Tea Time Music, Ww a ) 4.30 WPG. (272)--~Atlantic City. Concert pro- H jeago, 35: Isegee, -Licago I 1] 5 0 B at Be Eg Ee ve EB Nm ' gram. ealth Commissioner, # ® [| 13 Ww © ® ® i] om B w MONDAY EVENING PROGRAM OR dd Eg : EEE SEEEREEEDEDEEEEEES t id 5.15 WHK vo isveland Farm Forum, s X fombia Network: Majestic Hour to] 5.30 NBC System: Bill and Jane to WEAF, ( Westi ho BC, WNAC, WEAN, WFBL, WRC, b ng ise WMAK, WOAD, WTAS, WADC!| 600 KDKA (306)--Fitts, Markets; News; ' 11, ; IT, N," WCCO, | WCA NBC System: Waldorf Astoria Music wi X to WEAF, WRC, WCAE, \ RADIOTRONS WBZ (303)-- Springfield. Markets; din- § ner music, WIZ (394. 5)--New York, Palais d'or F Al, WTM]J, xVOO, Orchestra, \ WSB," WTAG, WCSH, WRC, WGY. CKCI (340.7)--Quebec. La Soleil News. ] 9.15 NBC Sr Atwater Kent Hour to RDKA (306)--Pitts, Dinner Music, WEA WCAE, WWJ, K WBAL (283)--Baltimore, Dinner music 1 ok GR RED We 'WR, WEE wey, WGR (545)--Buffalo. Paige Orchestra, I KVi wGy (379.5)--Schenectady, Dinner mu- P Weir, WSB, "WHT "WOAL, KPRC, KSTP, 7.00 CECA (357)--Toronto, Musicale. } WLW f428)--Cinci, Gembox Hour. WBZ (303)--Springfield, Lowe's orches. t LF, sons Jubilee Singers to wiz, weap (375)--Fort Worth. Organ; or- bili (272)--Atiantic City. News; con- DAF (492)~Kansas City. Johnstons 1 ) f i 0.30 WIP (492)--Phila, Little Symphony. : ; 9.45 NBC System " Fanve Ron orang. 10 AF, WOM. i: \ 7, KWK. KDKA. WBZ, WDZA, Lingeman Min. ) Wit 7 trels. 1 NBC System: So. Sea Islanders to WJZ, KWK, WBAL. H WOW (508)- ' Omaha. Riviera Theatre, H b Be tf win (487)-- --Milwaukee. Dinper pro- er : are 8 0 7.30 ENRO (434.5)--Ottawa, Uncle Dick, CNRW (384.4)--Winnipeg. Dinner music 3 _ WCAE _ (242)--Pitts, "Your Radio;" 1 Uncle Gimbee. NBC System: James G. MacDonald to 2 WEAF, WFAA, WKY, WOW, WTMJ i NBC System: Ay and or " WIZ, ] ZN DKA, 3 " 'YW wep, WeM, Vola. [ WEAF (454)--New York. Piano Twins : 0 ENRO (434. bier? Concert Orch y ; : N tawa. e rches. , NBC System: res CE TAR, a; . . and Help Build Up ] , Our The Credit Spivellcr 23 Prince St. a [ Tine : Columbia Network: School Daze to 1 WFBL, ~WMAK WMAL ; EAN. WHK. KOIL, WIAS, i w WKRC, KMOX, = KMIC, RR DISTRICT d P. Gypsies to , 4 WTAG, : 4 L wy Wenn Basketball Every Dollar Spent in Oshawa Helps Cortes Network: Ceco Couriers to : WOR, WIJAS, WADC. WKRC, : WSPD, WCAU, WGHP, ; KMOX, WGL, RMBC, KOIL, : White Pin | Let us again emphasize gat there 1 is a plentiful supply gf' what we ] : are prone to call ORIGINAL a 20 GENUINE WHITH PINE (botan- 2 at ical name--Ping#¥ Strobus). # i s : 1 Bhar We have stgfks in practically all ' 4 sizes hail all the time and you : et = ; no fear that anything Renie fagp* . White Pine will be 4 . : Over~ | 2 n you order it. then work 3 bave been g rules on this Gin Pills are now in printed praise, ; of after ¢ Ad are available to anyone fully. 8 } neff interested. We will be by} cs to 'gee that you get a copy. re oa v in : relief they give . Sciatica, Wa 0 over a . cAlk Limited i . J TELEPHONE. 20232000 y Spent In Oshawa H el ps Oshawa