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Oshawa Daily Times, 18 Feb 1929, p. 10

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de ie Re i THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 18, RADIO PROGRAM Tonight's Best Features 7.00 WAL Bakimore, John Hopkins Mu- BEC WDoRoy and Gung Band Columbia: School Daze, 15 WLW i, Lit T le, 5% WIP Phi Flreagde |" Hot Russian Togran, 9.30 NBC (WJZ)--~Real Folks, 3 NBC (WEAF)--Motors Party, Columbia: Vital e Jubilee Hour, 10,00 Columbia: ' Pageant, 8] Nig WEAR Smpire ders, dart R ra_* conda," YOESDAY'S BEST FEATURES 10,00 a.m, NBC System (WJZ)=Dr, Copeland our, Columbia Network: Ida Bailey Allen; 10.45 NRC. System (WEAF)=Food Club, 3 bs Iu 11.00 NBC System (W. Dr Coation School, 1, Nae System (WEAF)--Household In. stitute, f 1.00 p.m, NBC System (Central)=Farm and {ome Hour, 3 WGN Chicago, Women's Club, 4, 4, 4, Na em (WJZ2)-U.S, Navy Band 15 WLW _Cincl. Matinee Players, 30 NBC System (WEAF)--Auction Bridge ame, 45 WMAQ Chicago, Garden Club, TUESDAY EVENING PROGRAM 5.00 WEAF (45)~New York, Sky tehes, WIZ (394.5)=New York, Violinist; Markets, 5.30 WEAF S50-New York, Bill and Tane 6,00 WRZ (303)--Springfield. Lowe's orches, NBC System: Waldorf Astoria Concert to WEAF, WRC, WCAE, WFI, WJZ (394.5)=New' York, Old Man Sun- shine, WLW (428)=Cinci, Thies orchestra, 6.30 CKCI_ (340.7) ebec, La Soleil News. WGY (379,5)~Schenectady, Ten Eyck Concert, * WJZ (394,5)--New York, Savahnah or. chestra to WBZ, ZA, 7.00 KNKA (306)--Pitts, Address; Sacred Songs, WRAL (283)--Baltimore, Amoco pro. gram : System: = Voters' Service to W, WTIC, WGY, KPRC, AE, AG, , . AS, BT, A, WDAF, WTMJ, WOW, (394.5)--New York, Smalle and Robertson, WNAC (244)--Boston, News; Amos 'n' Andy: Orchestra, WLW (428)--Cincl, Dog Talk; Gibson Orchestra, Bor (422)--Newark, Entertainers, 7.30 CNRW (384,4)--Winnipeg, Dinner music TIME TABLES | CPR TIME FABLE, New Schedule taking off Sunday Apri) %, toa sire UM om ent rT p.m i S A 8.03 p.m Daily except Sunday, IL10 pm. Daily All' Oh or rs abo times traing times shown depart from Oshawa Station. C. N. R, TIME TABLE Effective Jan, 6, 1929 a.m.~Daily excel Sunday, am, Sunday only, aily, ily except Sunday, aily except Sunday, pm.~Daily except Sunday, p.m, ~Daily p.m.~Daily except Saturday, a.m.~Daily. 12.25 a.m.--Daily. . Wi L.44a.m. --~Daily. 5.45 a.m, ~Daily, 5.53 a.m.~Daily except Sunday, 52 Am,Dally, a.m. ~Daily except Sunday. 2.06 p.m.~Daily except Suuday, 4.37 p.m, ~Daily. 7.14 p.m.~Sunday only. 7.27 pm.=Daily except Sunday, 845 p.m.--Daily except Sunday, Whitby. Oshawa, Bowmanville BUS LINE WEEK DAY SCHEDULE (Etrecisve ». sod aites Nov. 4 Arrive Hospitat Ws a.m: 1245 p.m 45 po td po 0000 Ny Op, 88888; sPOEEREE I fi ih 4 5 psi Ep E Soak: BH i : ! ® & 3333 & Ni 49343 HE fBestect 111131 & crea (357)--Toronte, Maytag Ramb. ers. NBC § land to \ Vie EE SPREE, WaT, WH {mYyNew York. Oaklands Chas WRC (315,6)~Washington, Lotus or ; WEN Nashville, Craigs orches, ro con tet to WJZ, W. ZA, WSM VBAL, WHAM, KWK, KOA. KDKA: WBAL, W y TA Ec ae ee, WNL LW (428)~Cinci, Cincinnati Sym. ¥, ' umbia Network: Simmons Show WABRC, EAN: WNAC, A WKHW, WFBL, i W. MOX, WISN, KOIL, 8.30 WADC '(228)~Akron, Vocal. NBC System: Michetin Hour to WJZ BAL, W Z, WBZA, WHAM, KYW, 'WREN, KDKA, KWK, KVOO, WFAA, KPRC, WOAL. NBC System: Prophylactic Program to WEAF, WTIC, vi R, WWJ, WEE WCAE, KSD, WOW, WTAG WRC, bl WGY, WHO, WDAF, WFI, WGR, 9,00 Columbia Network: Whiteman's orches. tra to WARBC, W WEAN, WED, LBW. WIAS, ADC RC, GHP, WHIM, WOWO, ~KMOX, WMAL, KMBRC, WSPD, WCAO, KOIL, WFEL, WRR, WTAR, WHK, WLAC, .wDOD, WBRC, WCCO, WISN, WREC, WWNC, NBC System: Eveready Hour to WEAF, WGR, WTAM, } R, WHO, 'WRC, ' WCAE, ' WGN, WGY, WEEL, KSI: KOA, WDAF, WEBC! WHAS, WS, WEB, KVOD, KSTP NBC System; Three-In-One Theatre to w z, Wiz, wiz WBAL, KDKA, L W, WREN, WMAQ (447.5)--Chicago, Musical pro ram, Wok (422)--Newark, The Taximen, WTAG (517)=Worcester, Studio; Mus. keteers, 9.30 NBC Svstem: Dutch Master Minstrels to WIZ, BZ, WBZA, WBAL, WHAM, KDKA WLW, KYW, N TMJ, WIR, WLS (345)--Chicago, Sieigh Party. 10.00 CNRA (322.4)--Moncton, Concert or: chestra, » KDKA (306)--Pitts, Wm, Penn orches, Columbia Network: Voice of Columbia C, WNAC, WFBL, WIJAS, W. , WKRC, WOWO, KMOX, OIL, WCCh, WLBW, WMAL, WCAO, WTAR, WLAC, WIBW, NBC System: Clicquot Eskimos to WEAF, WEEI, KYW, WTIC, WTAG, KSTP, WIAR, WTAM, WWJ, KSD, WOW, WDAF, WHAS, WRT," WSM. WSB, WTMJ, KPRC, WCSH, WFI, WRC, WGY, WHO, KOMO, ' WGR, KOA, WFAA, WCAE, WOAIL NBC System: Organ to WIZ, WBAL, WLW (428)--Cinci, Miami U, Founders Day. 10.30 WDAF (492)--Kaneas City, Cook paint. ers, NBC System: Contraltones to WEAF, WCAE, WHO, WFI, WIAX, WRVA 379,5)--Schenectady, Studio or- chestra, : WGR (545)--Buffalo. Sheas Studio. Wh WHA, WHAM. KEL" KOA. WB , , s . WBAL, KDKA, KYW, WJK, KSTP, WREN, KWK. WRC (315.6)--~Washington, Madrillon orchestra, WTAM (280)--Cleveland. Talk; enter- tainers, ¥ 10.45 WISN (268)--Milwaukee, Silver Slipper ub, 11.00 CFCA (357)--Toronto, Watson orches. Columbia Network: Roval Canadians ABC, AC, WEAN, WCAU, ; _ WCAO, WIJAS, WADC, WOWO, EKMOX, WKBW, KMBC, KOIL, WSPD. WHE, WLBW, WMAY, KDYL, WBBM. , NBC System: R-K-O Hour to WEAF, WEEI, WTIC, WIAR, WTAG, WCSH, WRC, WGY, WOR, WCAE, WAN, KYW, KSD, KSTP, WFI, » AX, WTMJ, WERC, WHAS, WSM, Wh , WSB, WBT, WRVA, KPRC, WFAA, WHAM (258.5)--Rochester. Organ, news WLW (428)--Cinci. Variety Hour, NBC System: Slumber Music to WJZ WPG (272)--Atlantic City, Silver slip- 30 A k: Maize program 11. avific Network: Maize pi , WLW (428)--Cinci. Quintile ensemble. 12.00 KFI (468)--Los Angeles. Concert orches. KIR (309)--Seattle. Mixed quartet: KORE Cis) ton. Studio 2 (o ouston. io. : WDAF (492)--Kansas City. Varied program. STATE-OWNED POWER CHEAPER IN CANADA Washington, D.C., Feb. 18. -- Re- newing his argument tha® Canadian publicity-owned power companies furnish electricity much cheaper than do privately-owned eompanies in cities of corresponding size in the United States, Semator Norris Republican, Neb., read to the sen- ate, prices charged in certain cities of Ontario and in New York state. The average consumption of elee- trical power in London, Ont.. he said was 116 kilowatt, and the av- erage bill was $1.77, adding a cent per kilowatt for tax discrepancies, he gave the cost of the 116 kilo- watts as $2.93, and said that for the same amount of power from 2 privately owned company in Bing- hamton, N.Y. a consumer would have paid $3.06. The tax adjustment figure of one cent a kilowatt, he described as "unreasonable" and "outrageous." but he was willing to concede it be- cause it proved all the more differ- ence in price. At Brantford, Ont., Norris said, a consumer paid $3.06 including the arbitrary tax figure for 122 kilo- watts from a public company, whereas in Mount Vernon and White Plains, N. Y., the price would be $12.34 for the same amount. Senator Wagner, Democrat, New York, asked him if the difference was as great between, publicly-own- ed company w York, publicly- owned in Canada. Norris said he ed it was not so great, but favored Canada mevertheless. Felt Bros. The LEADING JEWELER Zatab'i ise ished 12 Simcoe St. South i NBC System: Sirgberg, Saloon Sex: (WESTERNERS WILL " Easy-to-Find" = '} DPMAND WING: GRAIN BE HALTED Prairie Province M.P.'s Also Request Change In Grain - Commission Ottawa, Feb, 18, =-- Progressives and Liberals of the prairie provin- ces at the present session will ask for drastic changes in the methods 'of marketing wheat and in the grain act. There will be a demand for some means to prevent wheat mixing at the terminal elevators, for changes in the personnel of the board of Grain Commissioners and for action in the direction indicated in the report of the agricultural committee last session with respect to the establishment of protein con- tent as the chief measure of the market value of wheat, Quite a number of Saskatchewan and Man- itoba members have said if the first objective, the prevnetion of wheat mixing, werd eftminated they would not ask for the other two, The grain growers have heen complaining there is mixing be- tween grades and within grades and that the market value of their pro- duct is depressed as a result, They demand that if 50,000 bushels of No, 2 is shippel by.one of them is placed in No, 18 bin at Fort Wil- liam, 50,000 bushels of No, 2 should come out of No, 18 bin, The United Farmers of the Western Provinces are asking for a change in person- nel of the Board of Grain Commis- sioners, are demanding that the ad- miinstration of the Grain Act be transferred from the department of RR trade and commerce to that of agri- culture. ; EXTREME COLD MAY BLOCK. THE THAMES WITH ICE London, Feb, 18, -- A ground temperature of seven degrees above gero or 20 degrees of frost was registered at Greenwich observa- tory early yesterday, equalling the lowest point recorded in the great frost of February, 1886, when the river Thames wae last blocked with ice, It is likely the Thames will shortly be in the same condi- tion as ice already stretches from bank to bank in some places, Launches, barges and flocks are frozen fast, Very little water is flowing down to London, At Richmond the wat- er is so low that one could wade across. The Thames conservancy has every available man breaking up ice, and ice-breakers are busy, The river above Iffley lock, Ox- ford, and above Reading bridge has become blocked by ice from the up-river and at Henley the river has frozen completely across at two points, COOLIDGE CHOOSES SUMMER RESIDENCE 'Washington, Feb, 18, -- President Coolidge has definitely chosen Mount Weather, Va,, as the site for a summer White House where his succesors in office may escape the summer climate for brief periods and yet remain within motoring distance of the executive office, His choice was made known when he sent to Congress a recom- mendation for $48,000 to estab- lish the summer residence on pro- perty now owned by the Govern- ment, (BRITISH ELECTION MAY BE STAGE) PRIOR T0 JUNE Cabinet Minister Is Con. vinced Tories Plan Ap- peal in May London, Feb. 18, -- Political specu- lation turns today on the date of the next election and also on the consti- tution of a Labor Government should Labor get back into power, The Liberals, in addition to Labor, now believe the 'Government will spring a surprise by rushing through the budget in April and going to the country early in May. They are, therefore bringing their plans ahead in case the Tories do this The Man- chester Guardian states that at least one Cabinet minister is convinced the electigh will be early in May, Con- servative headquarters, however, still suggest June as the probable month, There has been considerable dis- cussion in Labor quarters regarding what Ramsay MacDonald would do if called upon to form a government. In this connection it is suggested that he will not again try to be both Pre- mier and Foreign Minister and will let J, H, Thomas take over the For- eign Office, Probable Ministers Philip Snowden would again be Chancellor of the Exchequer, Lord Thomsen would probably. get the Dominions Office if he does not want the Air Ministry, J. R, Clynes would go to the Admiralty, Arthur Hender- son to the Home Office, while Wil- liam Graham would also get a Cab- inet rank, The claims of Sir Oswald | LETT, NICHOLLS AND | HALLITT Real Estate fusurance ard Loans, Puone 3284 #1 King St. Bast, Oshawa / Mosley, Misé Susan Lawrence and Dr, Hugh Dalton will also be serious- ly considered should Labor emerge victorious from the battle of the booths, To overcome the difficulty of find- ing a Lord Chancellor fit for the task, it is suggested that MacDonald might go outside the party ranks. Lord Haldane; who was Chancellor in the last Labor Government, is dead, and at present there is no one subscribing to the party eligible to such a high post, LIQUOR ADVERTISING CONCERN IN ONTARIO Toronto, Feb. 18, -- Problems of vide concern for the Ontario Liquor Control Board, The attention of the board has been directed to a Jewish , weekly journal, with head offices Liquor advertising continue to pro-' "DISNEY" Real Estate For that snappy Bungalow 7 Rooms-----Italian Finish Ex: lonally modern Reduc $700 for buyer with fair terms : Phone 1550 in Montreal, but having an office in Toronto also, The Feb, 1 issue of this paper had a number 'of big advertisements of various hrands of beer and whisky, But most of the brewers or dis- tillers who advertise in it are Que- beos firms, and the Ontario firms which use it are careful to say at the bottom of their advertisements, "Write to our Montreall office, etc." Thus the Control Board is handi- capped if it strives to curh this Ii- quor advertising, The journal being printed in Montreal, is not subject to Ontario law, and cannot he bar- red from the province. Ontario brewers who advertise in it can- not be touched by the Ontario anti- advertising law, particlarly as they direct customers to their Montreal office, "Real Estate Insurance CUTLER & PRESTON 64 KING 8ST. W, Telephone 572.223 Night Calls 510-1560 PHONE .C.YOUNG 4% Prince St. Oshawa, Ont. Ten Men Escape From Submarine In Making Test Key West, Fla, Feb, 18, -- Ten men, the largest number ever to es- cape from a sunken submarine, step- ped out of the submarine S-4& Satur- day and made their way safely to the surface from a depth of 34 feet, : The party donned the new oxygen inflated "lungs" worn like masks, and left the submarine through the new- ly perfected escape hatch, AAR ELLA CINDERS--Not Really Engaged TE Da-- 8 Fo---------- BRINGING UP FATHER CHANCE TO WALK THE DOCTOR DAID } MUST PLAY | GOLF SO A% TO UIT THE WALKIN EXERCISE: IF) COULD ONLY HIT THE BALL-I"D GT A = PEP TAL ALL Tian 3 eo TWO D het 3 "AE EN TROBE I WUZ IND BUT I'M NOT Son TO QUIT WALT WHITMAN WAS CALLED THE GOOD GRAY POET, TOMMY. HE IAS AH ARMY DURSE I THE CML YAR AID VORKED I THE TREASURY DEPT. OF GRASS MAS FIRST PUBLISHED YWEX YWAITMAN AS 96 YEARS OF AGE AID HE 'SPENT MUCH OF THE REMARNING 37 YEARS OF HIS LIFE REXRITING AID EXTENDING IT. ee E i py le ul IF WHITMAN WAS A POET, HiHY DID HE WORK AT | TOLD HER HOW NOT TO MAKE A SAP OUT a Biiaa nssvan

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