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Oshawa Daily Times, 18 Feb 1929, p. 7

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IME USPAWA UAT 1iMES, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1929 ews of the Busy Communities of PAGE SEVEN Suburban Districts Claremont, Feb. 14.--Rev, Mer and Stephens Fred Ward MeCullough attended a in Brougham on Monday 1 relatin, work of ich announcements will later. : wh BY \P.U, was the guest of Be. ors Society of the United gave 's e Township re- "on Monday evening when they gave a very interesting pro- of music and singing, Two id papers were read by Mise Fu and Miss Evans, A delightful al evening was spent after wards in games and social inter. course, A dainty lunch was served 5 the close of a profitable and en- le evening. essrs Greig and ttlejohn, barristers of Uxbridge have opened a branch office in Claremont for the general practice of law, The of- fice is over Cooper's Hardware Store, Open every ueadar, Mrs, J, Readman is slowly ver Suvering from her recent serious 08, Miss Verna Norton is spending a couple of weeks at her home in Uxbridge Township, Miss Margaret McNab is still con- fined to her bed, Nurse Mundell is in attendance, Miss Mabel Bryant of Toronto is visiting at the home of her par- ents, Mr, and Mr8, BE, Bryant, | A few of our citizens attended the Mendelssohn Choir concert in Matsey Hall Toronto on Saturday night, Mrs. Borland is able to be out again after -being confined to her home for some time, Mr, Wilbur, of Taunton has rent- ed the blacksmith shop lately vacat- ed by Mr, Reid, We welcome him 'to our village, Mr, and Mrs, F. Jones, of Brook- lyn, visited with Mrs, Bushby on unday, ~ SOLINA Soling, Feb. 14--C.GLT. met in ba nt of church on Feb, 4th, roll cal answered by giving the name of ¥ issionary station supported by United entertain their Church, The C.G.LT, firte Jiothers on Feb. 15th, Devotional by Mrs, J. Baker, Report of Oshawa Preshyterial by iss Evelyn Tink. Meeting rclosed by singing Taps. ague meeting opened on Mon: day night by singing Hymn 141 fol- lowed by prayer by Allan McKes- sock, Minutes of last meeting read and approved, Maple Grove League was invited at this juncture to visit our league on the 25th, Mr, Percy Dewell 'then took charge and we sang Hymn 1. Scripture lesson by Miss Gladys Yellowlees and the de- yotional by Miss Winnie Cryderman, choruses by C.G.IT, girls "Throw out the Jife line" -Mrs, E. R, Taylor aye a splendid talk on China's re- igion and educational state, This being the second chapter of the study book. Miss«Lena Taylor then explained in a very vivid manner the slides on China, Mr, and Mrs, J. T. Rundle and Mr, and Mrs, John Pascoe at Mr Levi Brunt's, Enniskillen, : Mr, Herert Tink visited with Mr. and Mrs, Warner at Hastings. Mr, Walter Annis and Mr. ms, Messrs, Clifford and Cecil Salter and Mr, Morrish, Dunbarton, bagged 14 bbits nd Solina on Monday. Master Roy Avery, Enfield, visits ed at Master Percy Westlake's. Mrs. Levi Brunt and Miss Myrtle, Enniskillen, visited at 5. E. Werry's, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Webber, Co- fumbus, visited at H. E, Tinks' Mr, Frank Hancock and Oneita, Winnipeg, Mrs. Curry and Mrs, Wood, Oshawa, visited at A. L. Pas- coe's Two important events are taking place here soon, Mr. W, Van Nests sale on Friday and Mr. Peter Walk- er's on the 20th. We bespeak a good attendance for them. Mr. Thos, Baker attended the Short sales at Toronto and Stouffile, buying an Agusta at Millers. HARMONY Harmony, Feb. 14.--Mr. and Mrs A. Hollman spent Sunday in the eity with relatives. Mrs. B. Martin of the city and Miss Briton visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. Found on Sunday. Mrs. Robt. Spremtell and baby of the city spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Geo Sugden. Mr. and Mrs. W. Petre, of the eity were recent visitors with Mr. Mrs. Robt. Hinton. rs. Palmateir of Norham visit- od recently with- Mr. and Mrs. H. Dafoe. Mr Thos. Chipps and Miss Eunice attended the hockey game ville on Friday. On Feb. 6th, Mr. and Mrs. Wan- nop entertained about twenty-five of their friends at their home. Pro- ve euchre was the feature of evening. Mrs. A. Edwards won the ladies prize, Mr. L. Sovne igrd the gentleman's prize, r.Jd. received the comsolation sis | spacious farm to the Young |g practice, games, . conclusion of which A very pleasant & 'Was giv. en, Mr, and Mrs, J. week on their twenty-first wedding an- niversary, Mr, - Mrs. B, wi invited Mr. and Mrs. Bates in to spend the evening and there they met other friends. The evening wae nt with music a veral os, @ evening Mss, N, gh and Mrs, B, Brown presented Mr. and Mrs, Bates with a lovely glass bir fh RL _-- ig Bates 10 spon appropriate friends wished them many more years of happy married lite, Mr, and Mrs, R. L. Robson enter- tained about thirty-two young people at thelr home Wednesday evening to a Valentine party, De- corations were suited for the occar sion a number of games were Plared and music in keeping with Valen. tine day was the entertainment for the evening, A very dainty luncheon wag served by the hostess and a real good time was enjoyed by all, A very dainty Valentine tea was served at the school on Wednesday afternoon, The several small tables were set and looked lovely, The fol- lowing program was given: solo, Mrs, Wm, Fraziing, Instrumental Mr, P, Timmins, solo, Miss L, Mac- kay; Reading, Mrs, V, Drew, A very enjoyed the valentine party at the spent by all, Mr, and Mrs, Willson entertained twenty-five of their friends at thelr home on Saturday evening, Progres- sive euchre was the evening's enter- tainment, Partners were found by matching hearts which were cut in many different shapes this created quite a little fun, Miss Emma John- son was successful in winning the ladies' prize, Mr, H, Davenport won the gentleman's prize with Mr, P, Timmins, the consolation prize, Re- freshments were served about mid- night and all enjoyed a pleasant evening, The school children thoroughly enjoyed the Valentine Party at the school on Thursday afternoon, Their post office was a very busy {iage, each pupil receiving several alentines, The scholars had brought sandwiches and candy which was served during the postal delivery, Miss L, Mackay's room received their treat of candy from the Home and School Club, for hav. ing the most parents present at the last meeting. The pupils cf the other room will have to work hard next time to come ahead, this is the second time Miss Mackay's room has received the treat. Wednesday afternon Feb, 21, af- ternoon tea will he served at the school, There will be a quilt on, so every one come with needle and thimble prepared to work and get the quilt finished. Sunday School at the usual hour 2:30 to 3:30 a good attendance fs hoped for next Sunday, All the Trail Rangers are requested to be pre- sent to try and have a full class, NORTH OSHAWA North Oshawa, Feb, 13.--Mrs, Phil Conlin, Jr, and baby Joan have re- turned from a pleasant visit with her sister, Mes, Fingle at Brantford, fr. 20 rs, Edgar Glover, Miss Afics Whitney: dnd 51s, Blgin Glover spent a day last week in Toronto, Many of the residents have their houses decorated with the measles card, The illness among the children has made a large ong ¥ of absen- tees on the enrolment at school. We hope the epidemic will + on subside, r. and Mrs, Will Glover visited Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Glover and children at Harmony, Sunday, Mr. and Mrs, Stone and Mr. and Mrs. Moshier of Oshawa were Sun- day visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Har- old Powell. Young people remember the sleighing party for Friday evening. All are invited. Miss Ruth Huggins, Courtice, with her sister, Mrs. Tom Scott, over the week end. Miss Libbie Ross held her birthday with a party Saturday afternoon when she entertained her school chums. Miss Eileen Goodman, nurse-in- training at Oshawa General Hospi- tal, spent Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Tom Scott. Little Miss Gullivor entertained with a party, the occasion being the fifth anniversary of her birthday on Tuesday. Mrs. P. Vallant, who has been visiting in Toronto for some time, returned home Sunday. She was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Mallnoff, who remained with her for the day. Mr. and Mrs. A. Gerry and Miss Marjorie visited friends at Christie St. Hospital, Toronto, Sunday. Miss Irene Rathwell, North Oshawa, has been called home owing to the illness of her brother and sister. We trust she found them much improved. HAMPTON Hampton, Feb. 14.--Mrs, Mr. and Me, Corrie Came estaway, Western Canada, visited at Mrs. Grace Clatworthy's. Their father, Mr. Richard Westaway, cele- brated his minety-fourth birthday at Mrs. Clatworthy's on Sunday and is still hale and hearty. Hewie, ening. Mr. son, Harold, conveyed them to | m 2a sleigh, where the evening was spent ia choir contests, etc, at 1 bered. Beatrice Leach, Oshawa, spent ES few days with her si Miss Wilmah Leach at Pri ts. Miss Norah Kerslake has been ill with tonsilitis. Mrs. C. Hom and daughters, have the sympathy of their many friends the loss of their home mysterious cause, on Tues afters noon about half past two. e cone tents were a total loss with the ex» ception of of two front rooms on the ground floor, Mrs, orn and her daughter Minuie, be- g the only ones in the e at the time," Mrs, Horn who had been ill for a couple of weeks anaged by the assistance of her daughter, to sack shelter at her neighbors, Miss ceves, but was later taken to the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. Doidge, where she is being well cared for, The other two girls who ree sided with their mother, were at the home of their brother, Mr, W. W, Horn, when informed of the fire, and were soon at the sceneof the blaze, The Women's Missionary Society will hold their Februar meeting at the home of Mrs, Ww Horn on Tuesday, the nineteenth, Mrs, Frank Rogers and daughter, Betty, were week-end visitors in Toronto, Entield, Feb, 14, -- Mn, A, B, Niddery, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs, H, James and family, Colum- bus visited with Mr, and Mrs. J. Hepburn, Mrs, J, Buyers, Ottawa, visited with Mr, and Mrs, Page. Mr, Russell Reid, Grafton, vis- ited with hig sister, Mrs, P, Morr. son, Mr, and Mrs. BE, W. Pascoe, Brooklin, visited at Messrs, Wal- lace Scott's and Leslie Pascoe's, Mr, and Mrs, Will Avery, Rag- lan, visited with Mr, and Mrs, W, J. Ormiston, Mesdamesg John Hepburn and Leslie Pascoe visited at Columbus, The ladies of the Aid held their meeting for February ut the home of Mrs, Edwin Ormiston, with the best attendance that has been for several months, The pro- gram was of Bobbie Burns and his work, His blograpuy was given by Miss Dorothy Pascoe, Mrs, Russell Ormiston sang ',Ye Banks and Braes," Mrs, Edwin Ormiston read one of Burns' pues und Miss Dorothy Pascoe accompanied her- self on her guitar and sang "Flow Gently, Sweet Afton," It was de- cided at the meeting to have an oyster supper and concert in the near future, Watch for particulars later, The new Sunday school officers for the year ensuing were elected on Sunday, Superintendent, Mr, Fred L, Bray; assistant superin- tendent; Mr, Wallace Pascoe; treasurer, Miss Helen Stark; sec- retary, Mr. Wallace Pascoen organ- ist, Miss Dorothy Pascoe; Bible class teacher, Mr, Mervin Hobbs; assistant, Rev, J, M, Whyte; inter. mediate teacher, Miss Dorothy Pas- coe; primary teacher, Mrs, T, Henry; Cradle Roll superintend- ent, 'Mrs, J, Stark; missionary superintendent, Mrs, T, Henry; Jomperance Bupt., Mrs, BE, Ormis- Mesdames Leslie Pascoe and "James Stark entertained at dinner parties last week, ' It requires an optimstic motor- ist to see the pleasant part of the last snow storm, but they will have to admit that it is saving on gas even if it does mean a few more oats, This little hamlet is entirely a place of silence with the excep- tion of the sweet tinkling of an oc- casional sleigh bell, PICK£RING Pickering, Feb. 13,--Mrs, John Law is visiting her go aim, 8 vis I'4 n Gordon, and number from here attended the meeting of the Audley Com- munity Club held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. M, Chapman on Monday evening, and enjoyed the mock breach of promise trial which was staged by the members. Mr. Wm. Davis, of Toronto, call- ed on Mr. and Mrs. A. Boyes on Bulday, » rs. A. Richards and dsughter Joyee, of Toronto spent Fridey with the former's mother and sister, Mrs E. Dale and Mrs. J. Smith, The Ladies' Aid Society of St. Andrew's Church, met at-the home of Mrs, M, S, Chapman, on Wed- nesday afternoon. Group B. was in charge of the afternoon's program, and Mrs. E. L. C , Was sud- an attack of teacher at| Hospital ron, Mr. sto: Thornbury, spent a few days last week with Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Som- merville erged goal. Some Mrs. BR. H. Cronk, visited friends in Toronto, this week. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Zimmerman, of Toornto, were the guests of Mr. ad Mes. . J. Miller, on Sunday. dissatisfaction was ed about he outcome of the owing to some alleged padding the part of the school team. Febit G, |tunate motorists, Mr. Jack Chapman, son of Mr, £ had there was cause but ae ere was no . issue at stake it would have better had de feat been taken with a good A good loser makes @& splendid sportsman, The icy condition of the highway made travel a precarious thing dur. ing the week-end, Owing to the hard slippery surface made by the snow it wag Jory easy thing for a car to slide into the bi toh, and the rs Wire Hepler: AL olor 's we! ep alding un Fortunately no serious accidents took place in the vicinity, SEAGRAVE Seagrave, Feb, 11.--The monthly meeting of the Girls Quadratic Clul was held at the home of Miss Grace Reynolds on Friday evening, Feb, 8, with a good attendance. The meetin, opened. with a Hymn, after whic the Lord's Prayer was repeated .in unison, The scripture reading, 1st ohn §, 1-20, was read by Miss Vera armer, After the roll call the miin- utes of last meeting were read and adopted. Two motions were carried that $10 be donated to Sunday School library for new books and $10 be donated to Budget Fund, A presentation of a necklace of earl beads was made to Miss Lillian ickard, ;who, is leaving with her arents this month for their new ome in Utica, Ont, The {following address was read b Miss Velma McMillan and the beads were presented by Miss G, Reynolds, Dear Lillian:=It is with deep re- ret that we, the members of the adrata Club have learned that you are about to leave us, We therefore take this opportunity of expressing to you that regret and our apprecia- tion of the way you have attended our meetings, and done anything you could to help us, We sadden at the thought of how we will miss you at 'these meetings, but we know that what is our loss will be another's gain, Will you kindly accept this gift not for its real value, but as a token of remembrance from the girls of the Quadrata Club, Whenever you can make it convenient to visit our meetings and renew old acquain- tanec, you may be assured of a hear- ty welcome. e wish you every suc- cess and happiness for the future, with long life and God's richest blessing. : Signed on behalf of the Girls' Quadrata Club, i Miss Pickard gave a very appropri- ate reply and the meeting closed with the Benediction. The boys of Nelson Bible Class with their teacher, Mrs, Howard Leask, were then entertained by the girls. Each person was given a heart on which was written a pro- hecy. Then followed games, The Empty Hand, Won't You be My Valentine, Pinning dart on a large heart and an observation contest. After getting partners, by matchin broken hearts a sumptuous repast o oysters and tomato soup, and many other good things were enjoyed by all. Thirty four were present, A string of pearls were also sent to another member of the Quadrata Club who has lately moved to Osh- awa in the person of Miss Louie King, The best wishes go with this young lady in her new home. The attendance at our Sunday school exceeded the centry mark on Sunday Moluing last. At the close of the regular lesson, Mrs. J. Hard- ing and Mr. Sam Netley sang a duet which was much appreciated," The Sunday School donated $20 towards new books for the library, showin the interest the Sunday School an Quadrata Club pre taking in the welfare of youdg people. This is idedly encouraging to the officers and teachers of the Sunday School. Mrs. Thomas Laffin and baby of Sunderland are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Harding. Mr. Roy Scott attended the Fer- tilizer Dealers' convention in Peter- boro on Friday of last week. | Mr. and Mrs. Isiah Irvin visited friends in Oakwood on Wednesda Mrs. W. Crosier of Oshawa is vis- iting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Arthur Gordon. Born, to Mr. and Mrs, Russel Pol- fock, on Feb. 8, a daughter. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gor- don, on Feb. 7, twins. : While playing at school with a i of tin on Friday of last week bias vey Clarke, son Mr, and Mis. A ke, put a piece of it in his i He a SOURS sent owed it. was ly rom, school and was later taken to Little Britain for as X-ray examin- ation. However it did not prove serious. Mr. John Mark attended the fun- eral of his cousin, Mrs. Geo. Lyle, which took place in Oshawa Monday. : y Dr. Wilson of Uxbridge, who is attending Mrs. J. Lamb was in the \ on Hull gnd two friends of | ter H 3 | Feely : § i : a little while, Miss Velma and Mra, Gay were most genial hosts esses, Sunday services were good, but the attendance not as large as usual, Qur young people were given a fine reception Hy the Oshawa people , on Mond.y 8nd Tuesday evenings when they presented their play "Arnold Goes Into Busi- ness' in the Little Theatre, They were also entertained afterwards in a nice way, being served a splendid supper, The Women's Missionary Society held its monthly meeting, Wed- nesday afternoon in the Sunday School room, The new president, Mrs, Clarence Penfound, presided, Meeting was in charge of Mrs. Horace Hancock's: group. The bible lesson was read responsively by the group and the other mem- bers present, after which Mrs, G, F, Annis gave a paper on the bible lesson, After the business part of the meeting a piano solo was played by Miss Sadie Muir, A most instructive talk. was given on the Missionary Monthly by Mrs, F, W. Rundle, Mrs, HL F, Os- borne gave a short reading from the blue book A short prayer ser- vice was conducted by Mrs. Blake Courtice, it being the week of prayer in connection with the W.M.8, Miss Hattle Osborne gave an in- teresting talk on Korea and a solo was sung by Mrs, G, F, Annis, A goodly number of ladies were present and it was a good meeting, The next meeting will be in charge of Mrs, Jackson's group, Rev, J, H, Stainton is in Port Hope this week attending the Min- isterial meeting, Mrs, W, R, Courtice was in To- ronto on Tuesday, Mr, Jas. Abernethy, Bowman- ville, is busy these days decorating and painting in the village which maken us think Spring is near- ng, , We are glad to note improve- ment in Mr, Howard Courtice of Winnipeg, who has heen in Bow- manville Hospital for some weeks, and hope to see him at his father's, Mr. W. E, Courtice's, in a couple of weeks, Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Osborne on the ar- rival of a son, Rev. J. H, Stainton, Mrs, Stain- ton, Master Ronald and Mrs, John- son, Whithy, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs, Sam Snowden, ZION Zion, Feb, 14--Miss Annie Me- Master sang a splendid solo at the church service on Sunday, Rev. Mr, Bick was with us again after the ) u, Mr. and Mrs, Jas, Cameron, Mary and Ray, Mr, and Mrs, Fred Camer- on and Helen, Mr, and Mrs. Reford .Cameron and Kathleen, Mr, and Mrs, Russel Stainton and sons Cameron and Keith, of Zion, Miss Irene Cam- eron, Tyrone, Mr, Chas, Marshall, Blenheim, spent a pleasant evening at the home of the former's sister, Mrs. Elias Stainton, Oshawa. Mr. arshall has since returned to his home, Mrs. Arthur Langmaid and Evelyn spent a few days with her parents at Columbus and celebrated her birth- day while there. : The annual birthday party of Miss Beryl Glaspel, Mr. Russell Sulley, Mrs. Foster Snowden and Mrs, Ar- thur Stainton and Miss Cora Cruse was celebrated this year, Feb. 12th, at the home of Mr, and Mrs. F. B. Glaspel, when gifts were exchanged, games played and lunch served and all bad a splendid time with the fam- A of each who had a birthday in- uding Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Langmaid, Mr. and Mrs. George Hilts and Ruth and Miss Norma Glaspel, Oshawa, and Mr, and Mrs, Wesley Glaspel, Taunton, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wilbur and Gordon, Mr, and Mrs. Jack Balson, Mrs. Jas. Cameron and Miss Mary attended the presentation at Mr, Van Nest and Sons on Tuesday evening at their home, Solina, when each of the three received a beautiful club bag with their monograms inscribed. . W. Balson and Anson attended 2 hockey match in Port Hope, Wed- nesday night in company with Dr. Trick, Oshawa. HI i 8 is Eel 1 1] it sic 4 Hi § : 4 : i & h mak reat progress. Poles + % SLY a furne {shings which help to make it com- plete, ' Mr, 'Arthur Qrmliston, spent Sun~ day hii his parents, Mr, and Mrs, I. Or on, b Min Relltagan, ured ome from spending a fe a the home of her daughter Mrs, R. Brown, of Oshawa. : The shadow of th has again passed over our village and taken away one of its esteemed ladies in the person of Mrs Jonathan Thomp- son, Deceased was fll only a few weeks previous to -undergoing an operation for goitre, Mrs, Thomp- son was in her fiftieth year, spend- ing the latter part of her life of twenty years in the vicinity of Rag. lan, She was a member of the Rag- lan Methodist church and in former ears took an active part in the dies' Ald and church work, The members found in her a good friend but a personal helper, She will be greatly missed not only in her home, but by large circle of friends, She is survived by Mr, Thompson, two sons and two daughters, Violet, Olive, Gore don and Howard all at home, to sympathy of all, The deepest regret has been expressed in her sad death and at the funeral service on Thurs- day afternoon at the family resi~ dence, which was conducted by Rev. Mr, Merrigm, a large number of friends and acquaintances to do honor to her memory, A wealth of floral beauty and richness attended the loving regard and esteem in which the deceased lady was held, Among the floral tributes were a number of beautiful wreaths, from the family, Mrs, T, Thompson and family, Mr, and Mrs, J, Thompson, of Oshawa; The Boys' class form three of the Oshawa High Sehool, The Raglan Sunday School, The Ladies' Aid, Mr. and Mrs. F, Dring, Mr. and Mrs, D. Ormiston and Mr, and Mrs, J. J, Ormiston, Interment was made at Pine Grove cemetery at Prince Albert, The pallbearers were:--Messrs. C, Brown, F. Dring, A. Grese, D, Lyle, I, Ormiston and A, White, MYRTLE Myrtle, Feb, 15--~Mrs. Thomas Baker had the misfortune to fall on the ice in her yard last week and break her wrist, Rev, Merriman experienced some difficulty motoring to his Raglan appointment on Sunday owing to the heavy condition of the roads, The Women's Missionary Society will hold their February meeting at the parsonage, the home of the pre- sident, Mrs, Merriman on Thursday afternoon of next week, when besides the regular programme reports from the two delegates who attended the convention of the Presbyterial of the society which was held in Oshawa recently will be given, Mr. J. Claughton's pond east of the village is a busy place just now as a number are hauling ice from it for creameries, dairies, stores, etc, It is a splendid quality this year and a good thickness for so mild a winter. Mr. Reid Cook has been helping Mr. Bill Heron press hay for f&rm- ers near Utica, A congregational meeting of the 'United church will be held here on Monday evening February 18th when the annual reports of the different societies of the church and Sunday school will be given, and a splendid programme is being prepared by local talent. The ladies of the congrega- tion are serving hot supper and as there is no admission charge it is hoped everyone will be present who are interested in church work. In the death of Mrs. Wm. Tarves, who died at her home here last week in her 73rd year, the community has suffered a great loss, as she was a kindly neighbour, faithful church and Sunday school worker and as an en- tertainer on the platform was hard too excel. She had been quite active in these various works until a short time before Christmas. She suffer- ed an attack of the flu which left her with heart affection, but her con- dition was deented hopeful up until Wednesday night when the final call came to her. She is survived by her husband, two sons, James of Detroit, Murray of Cherrywood and four daughters, Mrs. John Webster of Whitby, Mrs. (Dr.) Clark of Cleve- land and Mrs. Flett of Cherrywood and Nellic of Regina. All of whom were with her during her illness and at her funeral except the latter. The funeral, which was largely attended, was conducted by her pastor, Rev. Merriman, on Saturday afternoon. Interment taking place in the fam- ily plot, Ashburn, beside her three sons and a daughter, who prede- ceased her. 'The pallbearers were the two sons, two son-in-laws, Mr. Webster and Mr. Flett, her grand- son, Mr:-K. Webster and a nephew, Mr. Wells Pearson. The floral tributes in 2 silent measure of the esteem in which the ing bul from * Montreal Phd ay. present they are dig- . placing poles south hood. Drover Fred O'Boyle shipped a fine load of cattle to Montreal on riday. Mrs. Clarence Holman and children Ashburn are visiting for 2 few days with the former's parents, Mr. Rev. i conducted the fun- Athan Thompson of Raglan on rs NV. Mrs, Levi Tordiff and daughter, Miss Lois, are spending 2 few days with relatives in Toronto. Mrs. (Dr) R. Clark returned to her home in Cleveland on Tuesday. Her father, Mr. William Tarves and her brother Murray accompanying her eseneat sense of the word e h whom is extended the heartfelt |; . Merriman eral services of the late Mrs. John-14 Mr, Fores is somewhst improved i n with his daughter for a time. The Ladies' Aid held their Valen. time supper on Wednesday night, the special menu being pancakes, and they were certainly pancakes in th | it Would express just how goo: Alter the supper coms assisted by the tele. phone men, who are boarding in the neighbourhood, was greatly enjoyed. Miss Effie Graham gaye a splendid reading on. St. Valentine and Miss oreen Williams, in her sweet little voice sang a pleasing solo. in. strumental by Miss Bernice Price was also greatly enjoyed, then the gathering was brought to a close with the National Anthem, The proceeds amounted to twenty dollars, friends here were sorry to learn that Mrs, S, M, Dake had the misfortune to fall on the street in Toronto and receive painful injuries to her head, which rendered her un- conscious for a long time, Mrs, Dake is about eighty Jeans of age and. it is feared that this may prove rather serious, Mr, and Mrs, Albert Wesson vis- ited during the week with Toronto riends, Pleased to report that Mr, Tommie Ross who has been confined to the house. with a serious attack of flu is able to be around again, NEWCASTLE Newcastle, Feb, 14--Mrs, J. A, Fisher entertained a large company of Joung people Tuesday evening at bridge. e prize winners were Mrs, Matchett and Mrs, Cunningham, Posing as gentlemen, Mrs, (Dr) Butler and Mrs, Chris Law, Mr, P. M, Storey of Thorold has been engaged as successor to Mr, Roszel as principal of the High School here, Mr. Roszel having en- gaged to teach at Newhoro. Mr, Storey is a son of a one time min-~ ister on the Newcastle-Orono circuit and comes well recommended, Miss Ruth Hancock left Monday for Toronto where she will enter in training in one of the hospitals as a nurse, Mrs, Adair, who makes her home with her daughter, Mrs, Chas. Han- cock, is critically ill, old friends will regret to learn. Mrs. C, R. Carveth entertained a company of young people Tuesday evening, a farewell party for Mr, Rupert Carveth who left the follow- ing day on his return to his home at Peace River, Alta, It was a most enjoyable time. Mr. Fred Graham 'who umderwent a successful operation at General Hospital, Toronto, last week for gall stones, is making satisfactory pro- gress we are pleased to state. We hope to see him out again in the course of a week or two. On Friday evening last. a large roup of friends gathered at the grou of Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Mar- tin and presented them with a mis- cellaneous shower, Despite the icy roads the house was packed. After Mr. Joseph Coulson had called the gathering together Mr. Austin Turn- er read the following address. To Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Martin :--We, your friends and neighbours have gathered here tonight to attempt to convey to you the high esteem in which. you are held in our com- munity. Many among us had feared that you, Gordon, would follow in your brother's footsteps and depart for other fields to conquer. We feel that we are expressing the senti- ments of one and all present when we say, "No greater honor has been bestowed on this district for some time than when you designed to remain among us." To you, Ther- esa, we can pay no greater tribute than to quote the remarks of many here present, that no sweeter girl, more helpmate, no better wife has graced our fireside for many a year. The éareer which lay before you, owing to your undisputed na- tural talents, and your charming personality must now be gone in order that you may become the wifc of the man of your choice and neigh- bors and friends to us. We realize that cupid and his darts played an important part in causing you to lay aside this career and choose ra- ther to fulfil that higher vocation of God's greatest gift to man. You are indeed two fortunate young people to have been given such respected and worthy parents. May you long enjoy the sunshine of this union of heart and hand, and may the gulf of youth and happiness flow into the artic streams of your lives. Please accept these few gifts as a lasting tokens of our regard. Signed on be- half of your many friends, Annie Wragg, Mrgs. Nellie Adams, Mr. Willie Adams, Mr. George Staple- ton, Austin Turner. Two of Mrs. Martin's former pupils. Neta Allin and Olive Jaynes, presented the over- flowing basket of gifts. The recipi- eats thanked the friends for their useful presents and good w Rev. . P. Rogers, Mr. W, Bowen, M.P., and Mr. Robe: spoke occasion. hard to they were, munity singing rendered of the bride, : which | Mr. Hubert Osborne, another cousin of the bride, led in community sing- ing. After lunch was served the re- mainder of the evening was spent in dwin, of Toronto, few weeks with the South Main street. 4 case spent the past week at her father's, Mr. Fred The Women's Missionary Society held its uesday iF i held on Wednesday, February 13. A number of prizes were. given for ladies' and gentlemen in fancy skat- ing. foatumes also comic costume. r, Oswald Cowan -last week bought from Mr, Harvey Moffatt the farm at Antioch, formerly the late George Bingham farm, to take pos- session in the spring, ; Miss Lenora Cornish, nurse-in- training at Oshawa General Hospital, is home on sick leave but is hoping soon to resume her duties. ' MAPLE GROVE Maple Grove, Feb, 15.-- League meeting was held. on. Wednesday evening with, the president Mr, El- gin Munday in charge, The follow- ing program was in charge of Wil- llam Laird, 2nd vice president, De- votional topie, Vera Trimble, solo, Charlie Greenham; reading, Jack Cator; topic, Miss Souch; solo, Miss BE, Tevallow; reading Miss Jeffrey; plano solo, Miss Margaret Aber- nethy, We then had a short contest after which the president closed the league, Mrs. Herbert Creeper and son Tom, Toronto, and Mr, and Mrs, Henry Knight, Bowmanville, visited at Mr, Truman Power's last' week and celebrated Mr, George Power's 85th birthday, Mr, and Mrs, Ray Snowden, Tor- onto, spent Sunday with relatives In this community, Miss Beatrice Souch, 'spent the week-end with her gister in Tor. onto, Mr, and Mrs, I, C, Snowden, Mrs, C, H, Snowden, Mr, John Snowden and Mrsfi William Lymer spent a day in Toronto last week, Mr, and Mrs, 'Chas, Snowden en- tertained the Snowden brothers and sisters on Feb, 14, it being the twenty-third aniversary of their wedding day. Our young people are busy pre- paring their play entitled "Take My Advice," BUDGET UNLIKELY 10 CONTAIN HANY CHANGES IN TARIF Measure Expected to Come Down First Week in March ARGUMENT ADVANCED Government Will Probably Not Interfere Much With Fiscal Structure Ottawa, Feb, 18, -- The budget is coming down early this year, and moreover it is not likely to contaix much by way of tariff changes. Not later than the first week of March, and probably a week earlier, is the time now fixed for this annual pronouncement, usually the most im- portant bit of legislation of the ses- sion. The Tariff Board has been in con- ference with the Minister of Finance this weck on the more important, question submitted to it, but the ex- changes are confidential. Since the board was established it 'bas heard 124 applications, ly speaking, half of them sought tariff increases, and half tariff reductions. Since the last session there have been 27 references and 40 hearings. bree Parts in Budget. A budget speech is always divided in three parts--revenue, trade, and tariff and taxation. With regard to the reyenues and trade the Minister will be able to report expansion in both lines. Whether this increase in revenue will be considered to war- rant a decrease in the taxation struc- ture is uncertain, but the probabilitics are against much change, The theory that, apart from some adjustments, no vital e will made in the tariff this year is sup- rted by two or three considerations. erhaps the most important is the now _pending revision at Washi with indications of Canada being ad- versely affected, but just how and where and to what degree, rather ob- scure. The Government it is said will wait and see. rr argu- ment advanced is that, speaking gen- erally, the country is prosperous, and that therefore, the fiscal structiirc should not be disturbed. the Finally, there is the question of large cases e the Tariff Boar ecting particularly coal and steel, and cement. They were pressed vig- orously. - Little was made out of the cement case, which was an applica- terial. 'The division of among the affected interests the board as alvable and all operates to Ee pretty much as they are. At feast it gives an excuse when, in any event, the disposition was mot strong for doing much of anything.

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