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Oshawa Daily Times, 20 Feb 1929, p. 10

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" Ad THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1929 " Easy-ta-Find" RADIO P . . Tonight's Best Features . Ene . 800 Columbia: ~ Daguersotypes--Songs | of - Yesteryear. 3 K Simei: Optra "The Mikado." 9. (WEAF)--Ipana rs, 9.30 NBC ( F)--Palmolive . : Sotumbia; La Palina Smoker--Frank y rumit, y 10.00 WLW Cinci. Great Adventures--*"David { AT noe Nigh Club_ Rom lumina: ances. 12.30 KOA Denver." Gypsy Songs. THURSDAY'S BI FEATURES 9.00 a.m. WEAF New York. US. Marine : . Band to WRC, WOC, WEEL 10.00 NIC System (WJZ)--Dr. Copeland Hr. 11.00 WMAQ Chicago. Overture Hour. NBC System A 2) =Cook School. 11.15 NBC System (WEAF)--Household In- 1.08 p.m, NIC. System (Centra--Farm and .m, ystem entral)--Xarm am ' BH me Hol 0 ur. 2.45 WGY Schenectady. WGY Players. 1 TIME TABLES CPR TIME FABLE. New Schedule taking :flect 12.001 am. Sunday April 29, 1926 1 : Gore West 5.4% am Daily : y 7.34 p.m Daily exc Sunday, Going Caet 10.05 a.m Daily 2.04 pm Daily except Sunday. 803 p.m Daily except Sunday. 11.10 pm Dany 1209 a.m Daily All times showo above are times trains depart from Oshawa Station. C. N. R. TIME TABLE Effective Zan, 6, 1929 Eastbound 8.23 a.m.~Daily except Sunday, 8.58 a.m.~Sunday only. 9,59 a.m.-Naily. 1.17 p.m.--Daily except Sunday, 2.32 p.m.~Daily except . Sunday, 47 p.m.--Daily except Sunday, p.m, ~ Daily p.m.~Daily except Saturday, 09 a.m. --Daily. .25 a.m. Daily. os fel = BE ££ DIEJIIR Westbound F L.44a.m. ~ Daily. a.m.--Daily. a.m.--Daily except Sunday, a.m.--Daily. 07 a.m.~Daily except Sunday. 06 p.m.=Daily except Suvuday. 4 pan Daily, 14 p.m.~Sunday only. 27 p.m,~Daily except Sunday, 45 p.m.--Daily except Sunday. NNANWAG [ruRSBLS oo & Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville BUS LINE WEEK DAY SCHEDULE (Efrecurve 0. und alter Nov. 4 Going West Arrive Arrive Whitby Hospital 7.25 a.m, 8.30 a.m, 9.45 a.m, 10.35 a.m. 10.50 a.m 12.45 p.m SSwm: puns 8§ alan sessy PPPPORPPPET 4.3 pra. 6.45 p.m Sengunaws BBERBRBaES 10.55 p.u. -- 8 i Leave Arrve Oshawa Bowmanville 65am. JA am 7.50 am tS 1 E8838 3835888¢ OBI aw = ZOD BIRR oBE ay PPT PPpTTOEES 1.00 p:m 438 p.m. 6.50 p.m. EEE EE PPPPopPREes BEBB5RBBEEE PoveEe gs88¢Es - . CONF naAN=NO® -- -- - 30 p.m 1000 pm. 11.1 are through T.ae marked - Whitby Hospital SUNDAY AND nULIDA™ SCHEDULE Going West 15) Whitby Oshawa Bowmanville 03am am L3 p.m 3% pm ROGRAM 4 The Merrymakers 4.30 WEAR Chicago. Twilight Hour * Thursday's Best Features $0NBC System: Bill and Jane to WEAF, WJZ (394.5)~New York. . 600 NBC Sater Waller: Atsan' Music to WEAF, WCAE, WRC, wiz (394.5)--New York. Old Man Sun- me, WLW (428)~Cinci, Theis Orchestra, WTAM (280)--Cleveland, Dinner Music 6.15 WGR (545)--Buffalo, Science News; or- 6.30 eke (340. ebee. La' Soleil News. 'BAL (283)-~Baltimore. Dinner music WGY (379,5)--Schenectady. Kenmore WIZ" (394.5)--New York. Furville. C Cs Hartford, Dinner Group. 7.00 KDKA Fitts, te NBC emi « Sin, WIP (492)---Phila. Uncle atom; Park B17 WK te | fi A Wow (508)--Omaha. Musical program WSB (405)--Atlanta. Pomar orchestra. WSM (461)--Nashville. Studio orches- tra; News, WTIC (500)--Hartford, Music Memory Contest, CNRM (411)--Montreal. French program to. CNRT, CNRO, CNRQ, CNRW. NBC System: Comfort Hour to WEAF, WEEIL WJAR, WTAG, WCSH, WTIC WGY (379.5)--Schenectady, Farm pro- m. iw (#28)--Cinci. Historical High ights, ~ WCAE 1242)--Pitts. Uncle Gimbee. WBAP (375)--Ft. Worth, Musical pro- §VCAU (286)--Phila. Blue: Anchor Hour NBC System: Sh ' n and Now" to WABC, WNAC, WFBL, WJAS, KMOX, KOIL, WKBW, WLBW, WMAL, , NBC System: Lehn and Fink Serenade to WIZ, W, WBZ, WBAL, WKY, WHAM, DKA, WFAA, WLW, KPRC, KYW, WREN, KWK, WPG . (272)~Atlantic City. Gospel Hymns, 8.20 WPG (272)~Atlantic City. Harp ensem. e. 8.30 CNRM (411)--Montreal. Markets; spe- cial feature. Columbia Network: Sweethearts to WABC, WNAC, WFBL, WJAS, KOIL, KMOX, WKBW, WLBW, WMAL, NBC System: Hoover Sentinels to WEAF, WGY, WFAA, WGR, WFI, WHO, WGN, WEEI, WCAE, WRC, WTAM, WWJ, WDAF, KSD, WOW WHAS, WSM, WSB, WKY, NBC System: Champion #parkers to WJZ, KDKA, KYW, , WBZ, WBAL, WHAM, WREN, "WLW, WBZA, R. 9.00 CNRM (411)--Montreal, Studio program COLLAPSED ON FIRST BED Kidneys were terrible, Hamilton woman declares. Blesses Gin Pills To Mrs. Louisa Pike life was unb 4.00 NBC System (WJZ)~U.S. Army band} CT WRe i ip. Central "Orchestra . Ww, W nit to WEAY. WCSH, -WTIC, @n5) ~ § 'oneses. i BC System: Wa Ns: What Ww . Wx BAP, WEBC, KOA, KDKA, 'KYW, WTMJ, WLW, KSD, F, KSTP, KPRC, WHO. WRVA. Wi §, WSM, WSB. a i 10.00 CNRR (312)--Regina, Studio . Trouble, CY KOKA Bob Pte." Maysae ForoRTam: without e would not be Columbia Network: Columbians to Flav suchen 12, he fous Yale" WERE nek." Heud to w AD WOWO, KMOX, KMBC, KOIL, WSPD, WHK, NBC System: Halsey Stuart Hour to WEAF, WEEL WTIC, WIAR, WG, WTAG, WCAE, WCSH, WWJ, WFL WR , KSD, WOW, WTMI. WFAA, KERC, WOAI, WHAS, WSE. WISN" (266)--Milwaukee. Feature: Krueger's Band. NBC System: Miladys Musicians to WK. WLW (428)--Cinci, Burnt Corkers. WPG (272)--Atlantic City. Entertainers. WTAM . (280)--Cleveland, Maytag Ra- dioette. 10.30 KOA (361)~Denver. Extension Services KDKA (306)--Pitts, Penn Orchestra. NBC System: Palais d'or Orchestra to WEAF, WFI, WGR, WTMJ, WRVA, WGY, WTIC, Columbia Network: Musical Episode to WABC, WFAN, AC, WEAN WFBL, WCAO, WTAS A WKRC, WBBM, WGHP, KMOX, KMBC, KOIL, WSPD, WHK, WLBW, WMAL, WKBW, NBC System: I so-Vis orchestra to yoy WTMJ, WEAF, KSD, wow, WTAM (280)--Cleveland. Dance Music NIC System; Sixteen Singers to WJZ, 4 Nios WEKBW, © NBC System: wh WRG, § DODD'S KIDNEY il I JIT to CNRO, CNRQ, CNRT, CNRW, Pacific Network: Sieberling Program. Columbia Network: Aunt Jemima Ww. WEAN, ' WNAC, WKBW, WBBM, 11.00 CNRM (411)--~Montreal. Organ; dance program to CNRO, CNRT. K W (294)--Chicago. News; Orchestra, GR (545)--Buffalo. Military Ball. NBC System: Bernies Orchestra to LBW, WCAO, WCCO WEAF, WHO, WOW, WRV. WBZ (303)--Springfield, Merrymakers. ¥ hd RVA, NBC Wing, Seiberling Concert to yy (428)--Cinci, Trio; Little Tack ' IT ittle, WEAS WEED WIIG WIAR, WHO. NEC' System: Slumber Music to WIZ. LO ; , WNAC (244)--Boston. News; Rhodes or- , WSB, WBT, WHAS, WSM, chestra, . Winx W ? 11,10 WJR (400)--Detroit. News; Orchestra; NBC System: Los Sevillanos to WJZ, organ, <. 11.30 CNRC (434.5)--Calgary. KDKA, WHAM, KW i an tette. 9:30 Columbia Network: Sono Hous KFI (468)--Los Angeles. Courtesy pro- ram, Voy (379.5)--Schenectady. Organ also WHAM, String quar- WGE WMAL, WIBW. tady, . The] r to WIZ, |, WOW M.P.'S IN BRITAIN "MAKE ADDRESSES IN'LENTEN SEASON London, "Feb, season of the year when the "tunk, tunk" of the church bell, subdued yet persigtent, is heard at high noon above the roar of traf- fic in those busy roadways around the Exchange and the Bank of Eng- land. Mid-day Lenten services for city workers are now (if the phrase is permissible) in full daily swing.- City churches come in for their fair share of criticism. True ft is that their opportunity for minister ing to the people at large on Sun- seldom that any but very few of the churches in the heart of the eity have a Sabbath congregation of more than a score, But not a few of them are thronged during the luncheon hour on week-days, and more especially during Lenten sea- son, At the church of St. James's Garlickhithe, Upper Thames street, .|on Mondays, addresses for city men are being given by six Members of Palriament on "Christian Prineip- les of Government. The order is as follows: Lord Hugh Cecil on "Chris- tian Government Generally"; Cap- tain Crookshank on "Justice," Wil- liam Wright on "Frecdom," and Sir Henry Slesser on "Progress." Another city church which at- tracts many people on week-days at this time of year is Christ church, Newgate street. Until comparitively recent times this church boasted a large congregation every Sunday, for the boys of Christ's hospitar otherwise know 8 the Blureoat school, uged- orship there. The school was moved some years back to Horshanr. On {ts side was ere-ted a new General Post Office, In the ~alleries of Christ Church, though. are still to be seen the curiously WISN, KMBC, KOIL, WSPD, WREC, | 12.00 WGR (545)--Buffalo, Shea's Symphony. raised seats at the end of each 20.--This is the! days long since passed away. It is |} "Do YouOwn cal Estate Insurance ard Loans. Puone 3254 i #1 King St. East, Oshawa bench, raised seats at right angles to the ordinary benches. This ar- rangement was in order that the watchful eyes of montiros could en- filade the rows of blue coat boys, and pick out any of the heedless or mischievous. HAS BEEN 40 YEARS IN CHINA MISSION Toronto, Feb. 20.--Rev. Donald MacGillivray, Shanghai, has com- pleted his forticth year in China is receiving congratulations at the offices of the Chistian Literature socety for China. Celebration of the first 40 years of the Honan mission by the United Church of Canada is planned to include recognition of Dr. Ma Gillivray and his colleagues of the first days in Honan. In scholarship and in active ad- ministration, Dr. MacGillavray has fulfilled the early promise which ELLA CINDERS--She Hesitates Still H ll 1 as: + R> i ai i "| Reg U S Par OF. Conyright, 1929, : oo Ali je : ut ol] | | © > SRE i "DISNEY" Real Estate For that snappy Bungalow 7 Rooms--Iitalian Finish Exceptionally modern Reduced $700 for buyer with fair terms Phone 1550 attached to his winning the McCaul gold medal in classics on gradua- tion from University college in 1882. Sailing for China in 1888, as a member of the first band of Canadian Presbyterian missionar- ies to northern Honan province, he quickly wen distinction as a stu- dent of Chinese language and lit- erature and was called to the Chris- tian Literature society in 1897. With his wife as collaborator, he has produced more than 100 vol- umes in Chinese, including two dictionaries and numerous works in theology and apologetics. These have been widely circulated in China, Some years ago, the Uni- versity of Toronto made him a doc- tor of laws and Knox college con- ferred on him the degree of doctor of divinity. Real Estate Insurance CUTLER & PRESTON 64 KING ST. W. Telephone 572-223 Night Calls 510-1560 4% Prince St: ld» Oshawa, Ont. UNIQUE METHOD SAVES BOAT St. Stephen, N.B,, Feb. 20.--Victor Murchie, of Calais, met the emer- gency in a highly original manner when the engine of his motorboat back-fired and set the craft on fire as he was preparing to tie it up for the winter. Unable to extinguish the flames, by other means, Murchie, who had a gun with him, shot holes in the hull of the thirty-foot pleas- ure boat and sank it.- The boat was beached after the tide went out, and very little damage had been done. MAN FOR, ME IF HED CRUSH A MOVIE=LIKE IN ARMS, -- -- | ot---- a ------ By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb " " ME able. She admits frankly, "I had backache almost conti ly--could not ¢ a pail of water without getting dizzy or giddy." What a plight to be in! But this wasn't all. Mrs, Pike's letter states further, "I couldn't sweep the floor without sitting down uently, or walk upstairs without collapsing on the first bed. I decided to try Gin Pills," she goes on, "and now I feel the best I have ever felt in my life." Attention to your kidneys now may save you pain and money later. Take Gin Pills the very first time you notice ayupioms of trouble--backache, Jiazy spells, spots before your Le head- aches, swollen joints, brick dust in urine, a burning séhsation attendant on scanty or too frequent urination. Soothe and streng®ien your kidneys. Stay Beaith . 0c. a box aL you drug store. National Drug ica Co. of Ci Limited, Toronto, Canada, 176 BRINGING UP FATHER-- PVE BEEN TRYIN'E JY NIGHT TO ESCAPE GOIN "IO THIS PARTY AT DEPYSTERD, EUT | HAVE TO /~ GO~- BLAST = \ \ He LOCKED 4 | 7) HURRY UP MAGGIE - BEFORE THIS COLLAR CHOKES ME TO DEATH: OH: WHAT 4 NIGHT'S BEFORE 8.45 p.m. 1.15 p.m. 11.30 p.m. 11.00 p.m. .30 p. "* are through busses tr Time marked Whitby Hosmtal Special Busses ™~ All Uccasions Reasonable Rates ano Carefu) Drivers if A GARI Eropristor Bowmanville Phone 412 or 346 S Phone 2283 Oshaws Waiting Room. 10 Prince St.-- Felt Bros. 7 he LEADING JEWELER stab ished 1886 JUST L Wheeeeee!!* -- Zing -- tions of "tu Tune in on this record with a new Orthophonic Victrola. The instrument illustrated above is the combination Vic- trola and Victor Radio set 7-11. It may be oblained for $345. ., .terms to suit your convenience. Bang -- Squawk. tening to the Happiness Boys in one of the most amazingly funny records you have ever heard. The tria's and tribula- in" are so realistically performed on "Twist ing the Dials" (Victor record 35953) by the Happiness Boys that you will be rollicking with laughter the whole time. You are now lis- | WE CAN'T GO-MRD. DE PYSTER JUST PHONED AND SAID THAT HER HUSBAND 15 ILL 90 THE PARTY 19 OFF ISN'T THAT PROVOKING 7 : THE TELEPHONE 19 A ALL \ GOT TO SAY 19- GREAT INVENTION - ~ , Int'l Feature Service, Inc., Great Britain rights reserved, 220 (ffs ER ---- FIRST RUGMAKERS WITH IMPLEMENTS THAT DIFFER IN FEW RESPECTS FROM THOSE USED BY THEIR FOREFATHERS. I " TIRENTAL RUGS OF THE PRESENT TIME ARE CUISSIFIED INTO SIX DISTINCT GROUPS -PERSIAN,TURKISH,TURKESTAM INDIAN, AAR iT ANCIENT THAT IT IS DIFFICULTY TO TRACE ITS ORIGIN. IN THE MOUNTAIN DISTRICTS OF WESTERN ASIA, PERSIA, ANATOLIA AND SYRIA, WHERE THE ART EARLY ATTAINED PERFECTION RUGS ARE WOVEN TODAY, BY DESCENDANTS OF THE WHAT PARTOF THE ORIENT THAT 15. SHAWA i _ MIS ZEICE SIE meme YEA Ll SNL Ll bed 0 ed Set ee PU Pla BBE a at FNL Ain et PE AL I AR at Pre BE PSE « Bad FN ba Ps I a OUI reo ™ rt bt ped DOSADIT 00 © B15 Srl IAAT P51 ® AS 0 2 O sad REE METS REE ST

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