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Oshawa Daily Times, 20 Feb 1929, p. 12

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EASTERN ONTARIO NEW STRUCK BY TREE Milbrook, -- Clifford Carl, 30 riously inj | the at Be ling trae i . ---- : WOMEN'S TANKARD TODAY Kingston.--It was announced yesterday that the Ontario Wo- men's Tankard, which was to have been played here yesterday, will be aged at the local curling rink to- «day. * : ---- FIRE DESTROYS BOATS Gananoque,~Fire, which'origin- ated in the boathouse of Dr. Royal Lee, on the river shore in the west end of the town, about 3 o'clock yesterday morning, destroyed seven Hie boathouses and as many motor oats, OPPOSE OLD AGE PENSIONS Prescott.--At the regular meet- ing of the Town Council held yes- terday, the Council went on record as being opposed to the Provincial Government passing on any part of the old age pensions to the mun- {cipality. ; 'STILL AT LARGE Lindsay.~~Every rumor in con- nection with the disappearance of Orval Shaw at Bolsover is being "run down" -by Inspector Stringer and three Provincial constables. But Shaw seems to have made good his escape, and not a farmer or a resident in the vicinity can defin- itely say that Shaw has been seen since the fatal morning of Satur- day last, Final Week of Rexall Birthday Sale Be sure you do not miss any of the real bargains at Jury and Lovell's Rex- all Birthday Sale. Hun. dreds of articles are re- duced in price for this sale. We mention just a few-- $1.50 Electric Curling Ivoms +..0 cveveres $2.00 Boot's Malt and 4 OF ...000 srsnes 25c Violet Dulce Talcum Powder ...... ....10¢ p0c Riker's Freneh Balm Sree EPep ere sre B0¢ 'Kienzo 'Shaving 780 Acetylsaiicyilo Acid se seer Tablets , , 85c Fountain Syringe +» + 40c B0c in Tooth rouse 25¢ Riker's L.B.Q, Tablets Bristle ,....\ of "Save with Safety" at THE REXALL STORES JURY & LOVELL Simcoe 8. King E. Phone 28 Phone 68 4 "NOTICE TO ..Prescott.--The Can ent of Marine and ' a "Notiea to M ; id, issues a. navige J ; wombs f aids to navigation have recently been destroyed and others tampered with, . DRYDOCK TO BE ENLARGED Kingston.--~The Government dry- | dock built in Kingston in 1890 is to be lengthened sixty feet. At present 'it is 323 feet long but it will be unable to receive the large grain vessels that will come down after the new Welland Canal is opened, ©. : ES IN COURT Kingston, -- Judge McLean of Picton, presided at a sitting of the Divsion Court in Kingston on Tuesday morning and it being his first judicial visit to Kingston Mr. Charles R, Wehster, K.C,, on be half of the Kingston and Fron- tenac Bar Association extended a welcome to His Honor, Sr---- CAR FARES CUT Ottawa,~--The Ottawa Electric Railway Company announced a re- duction in street car fares yester- day. The new schedule provides for 17 tickets for a dollar, against 1 under the old rate, The reduction does not affect four-ticket strips, now sold at 25 cents, and single fares will continue on a basis of 7 cents, AGES TOTAL 834 YEARS Prescott.--Michael J, Casselman, a highly esteemed resident of Mor- risburg, and father of A, C. Cas- selman, M.P,, of Prescott, celebrat- ed his 81st birthday this week, Mr, Casselman has three brothers, Ce- phranus, aged 89; 'Sidney, aged 85, and Levi, aged 79, the combin- ed ages of the four brothers totall- ing 334 years, \ FARM BUILDINGS DESTROYED Brockville.~Fire Monday burn- ed 'the house and outbuildings on the farm of Frank Moffatt, Wol- ford township. Owing to the high wind the flames spread very quickly in spite of the strenuous efforts of the neighbors, who form- ed a bucket brigade. At th barn the farm stock and most of the farming implements were saved. FINDS $5 GOLD PIECE Kingston.--Emptying one of the pay telephone boxes at the Royal Military college an official of the company yesterday found a five- dollar gold piece reposing among the heap of nickels, The official turned the coin over ot the college authorities after first getting the i he was entitled to for the call, TO BE MOVED SOON Kingston.--Wilbert R, Williams, found not guilty of the murder of his wife because of insanity, is still at the county jail but it ig likely that he wll be moved to the hos- pital for the insane at Hamilton in a short while, Williams has shown no interest in the verdict of the jury and apparently seems gatisfied with his lot. MANAGER TRANSFERRED Kingston.--C, P, Borland, man- . ager. of the branch of the Bank of Toronto here for the past eight and a half years, has been transferred to Peterboro as manager of the bank's branch there, Mr, Borland came here from Toronto. He will be succeeded in Kingston by J. R. Meggs, of St. Lawrence boulevard branch, Montreal, AGED CITIZEN PASSES Napanee.--In the sudden death last week of David McClew in his seventieth year Napanee lost one 2 fot ts Mst-known bh citizens, i ] his fs oho | McClew, being one of the largest ship owners in Glasgow at that time, He was a graduate of the University of Glasgow. He came to Canada in the year 1886. CELEBRATE GOLDEN WEDDING Kingston, Ont. -- Fifty years Oy place of two very prominen Teelentt of" Pittaby township, 'Mr, and Mrs, Bernard' Moran, The event was quietly celebrated at their home when they received the congratulations of many friends. Their marriage took place in St, Mary's Cathedral in Kingston, Rev. Father Corbett, now of Cornwall, officiating.' CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY Peterboro'.--Fifty-one years ago yesterday, Mr, and Mrs, George K. Throop of this city were married in the little village of Cobourg by the Rev. Nathaniel Burwash, who later became Chancellor of Victoria University. Mr. Throop is 70 years of age, and remains an employe of the DeLaval Company, having join- ed that concern when {it located in this city, "Mrs, Throop is 68 years of age, . ' 3 . OELEBATE 67TH ANNIVERSARY Peterboro',~Mr, and Mrs, Daw- son Kennedy of 600 Water street will today celebrates the sixty-sev- enth anniversary of ther wedding. The former was born in County Cavan, Ireland, almost ninety years ago and was brought by his parents to Canada when he was two years old, Mrs, Kennedy, who was Rebecca Sherrin, was born in the village of Omemee 84 years ago, and is also of Irish stock. $150 DAMAGE Kingston,--The now famous bat- tle of Barrietield" in which Queens students took part has blown over 80 far as the police authorities are concerned, but the worry now ap- pears to be with the Alma Mater society of the university, as to the means to be taken to collect the money to cover the damages to the village hall during the fracas. It is estimated on behalf of the students that the damage they will have to pay will be around $150, BOY KILLED BY BLW FROM HOCKEY STICK Chicoutimi, Feb, 20,--~Tight- year-old Auguste Savard, of Cham. bord, Que., died on Sunday from the effects of a blow from a hockey stick in the hands of a playmate, The two boys were playing hockey when an argument developed ana Savard was struck onthe head. He returned home and died a few hours later, An inquest was held yester- day and the jury returned a ver- dict of accidental death, KING GEORGE SPENDS VERY QUIET DAY Huntsville, Feb. 19--A driving blizzard, which made it impossible to sce the warning of a flagman, is thought to have been the cause of a train wreck in which Engineer De- laney of CN.R, passenger train 44, received a dislocated shoulder and bruises when his train crashed into the rear of a freight at Martin's sid- ing, at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Delaney is in the Huntsville general hospital, No p gers or bers of the freight crew were injured. Train 44, which was due to reach Toronto at 7 o'clock last evening, was traveling up a steep grade when the accident occurred, Ahead of it at Martin's siding, the first siding south of Huntsville, freight train 406 had been split in order to make the heavy grade. One-half of the train was already on the siding, and the second half was being hauled over the switch while a flagman waited on NERAL MOTORS WOOD For Economy HARDWOOD SCRAPWOOD Adapted tor Every Purpose All Small Blocks in Hardwood Loads Eliminated Prompt and Courteous Service Always Jeddo Coal Solvay Coke i] | BONE DRY | BIG LOADS REAL VALUE Pokahontas and Cannel Every Kind of Fuel City Scale Weights If Desired DIXON COAL COMPANY Te one 262 Four Lines to Central THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 20," 1929 Produce Prices in the Commercial Markets Toronto wholesale deal A ONY oronto Ww ers following prices vered Torontor. . Eggs, ungraded, cases returned--Fresh ex. tan @ to dcp fresh firsts, 4083 seconds, tier er <olids, pasteurized, No, 1, 42% to 43c; No. 2, 4135 to dc, = No og cream--Special, 46; No, 1, 4c; Cheese--Ho, 1 large, colored, paraffinedand Government graded, 21 to Ay Chickens, 6 pounds . Do, § 6 TORONTO PROVISION PRICES > Toronto wholesale dealers | i quoting the following prices to the trade: ked meats--Hams, medium, 29 to ic; cooked hams, 35 to 43c; smoked rolls, 25c; breakfast bacon, 30 to 3c; do., fancy, 27 to ei yagks, peamealed, 28 to 30c; do.,, smoked, t 0 '. Cured meats--Long clear bacon, 50 to 70 Ibs., $21; 70 to 90 lbs., $19; 9 to 100 Ibs, | > and up, $18; lightweight rolls, in barrels, $11.50; heavyweight rolls, $38.50 per barrel, Lard--Pure, tierces, 16c; tubs, 16/4c; pails, 17¢c; prints, 18/4 to 19%, Shortening, tierces, 14%c; prints, 16%c. Pork Joins, 25c; New York shoulders 17%c; pork butts, 2le; pork hams, 23/c. ---- PRODUCE AT MONTREAL Montreal, Feb, 20.--An actixe business was done in all grades of fresh and storage eggs, and wholesale and jobbing prices were firm, Receipts were 1,002 cases. The undertone to the market for butter was steady, but the volume of business was small, Receipts were 425 packages, Prices: Butter, No, 1 pasteurized, 43%c. Eggs, stor- age, extras, 30c; storage firsts, 35c; storage Seconds, 32c; fresh extras, 50c; fresh 'firsts, c PRODUCE AT NEW YORK Neéw York, Feb, 20.--Butter firm, receipts, 10,561, Cheese steady; receipts, 257,225, Eggs firm, receipts, 15,042; flesh gathered extra, 46c; extra first, 44 to 45c; first, 43 to 43%ic; seconds, 41 to 42c; Pacific Coast white, ex. tra, 45c; do., extra first, 44%c, CHICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES Chicago, Feb, 20.--Butter and eggs--Uni- versal snow and cold, extending even to the south forced spectacular rise in February egg futures to a new high at 35%c on, the Chicago M ill y y, e peak renresenting an overnight profit of $450 a car, The close was down $60 under a heavy profit-taking, It was a natusal market based on scarcity of actual eggs and the 40 cent spot price, more then 12 cents : ' utter futures were -- with ea on and shorts rather indifferent, "372; Fl i er, December 3. spot market--Butter, extras, 49i4c; 48%c; tone firm, Eggs, firsts, 40c; bre ------ EAST BUFFALO LIVESTOCK Fast Buffalo, Feb, 19.-- Receipts, 1, 500; holdover, 1 weights, ve 150 pounds strong to 15 cents higher, others steady, bulk 160 to 250 1bs., $11 to $11.10; few decks, $11.15; 260 to 325 pounds, $10.60 to $11, Packing sows, 90 to $9.35; 130 » down, 75 to 0.25, Cattle--Receipts, 150. Cows and bulls steady; steers and heifers at standstill, all cutter cows, $5 to $7; bulls, to $9.50. Caves--Receipts, 450; vealers slow, weak to 50 cents lower, Good to choice, $17.25 to $18; cull and common, $10 to $14.75, : Sheep--Receipts, 1,100; lambs dragging 15 to 25c lower; quality and source considered; bulk to choice, $16.50 to $17; medium, $14 to $1475; culls downward to $10; fat ewes, $3.25 to $9.50, ! TORONTO HAY AND STRAW Toronto wholesale hay and straw dealers are making the following quotations to farm- ers (delivered Toronto): No. 1 timothy, loose per ton $18.00 to $19,00 p<} timothy, baled Ni | Oats straw ... Wheat straw . TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS Grain dealers on the Toronto Board Ti Trade are making the following quotations for car lots: Wheat anitoba WA No. 2 Northern, $1.347§, No, 3 Northern, $1.327%, No, 4 wheat, $1.2674, No, 5 wheat, $1.1674, No, 6 wheat, 93%c, (c.i.f, Goderich and Bay ports, track, 1c higher than above), Oats No. 1 feed, 613%c, Y ec. % pied) Bay ports). Price on eed, (c,i.f. Goderich Com No, 2 yellow, kiln-dried, $1.10%, No, 3 yellow, kiln-dried, $1.08, No. 4 yellow, kiln-dried, $1.05, ' (Delivered Toronto) Millfeed delivered Montreal freights, bags included--DBran per ton, $35.25; shorts, per ton, $36.25; middlings, $41.25, Ontario _nats--Good, sound, heavy oats in car lots, 52 to S55c, f.o.b. shipping points. Ontario good milling wheat, f.0.b, shipping points, according to reights, $1.30 to $1.32, Barley--Malting, 76 -to 79. Buckwheat--88 to 90c, Rye--No, 2. $1.05, Manitoba Flour--First patents, in ute, $7.60, Toronto; Sueond patents in jute, $7.00 Track, Montreal, car lots--90 per cent, patents, per barrel, $5.70, New Immigration Ruling Rescinded For Buffalo and District Niagara Falls, N.Y., Feb, 20.-- The immigration ruling, compell- ing aliens in this country on tem- porary permits to pay an additional head tax and submit to a second immigration examination upon their return to this country after making brief visits to Canada, has been rescinded for the Buffalo dis- trict, extending from Rochester, N, Y., to Cleveland, O., immigration officials announced here, ' The enforcement of the ruling was opposed by hotel men and transportation men here, and re- presentatives of the Falls Chamrbur of Commerce, and the Hotel Men's Association went to Washington and took the matter up with Secre- tary of Labor Davis Saturday, After the injustice of the ruling was explained to Secretary Davis, commissioner of immigration Hull issued the order exempting the Buffalo district from enforcement of the ruling, the track to signal the passenger train, Heavy snow was falling, driven by a stiff wind. Apparently the engineer of the passenger train was unable to see the flagman, and the van of the freight did not clear the track in time to avoid the approaching locomotive. A doctor was dispatched from Huntsville and ordered Engineer De- laney's removal to the hospital, TOBAGED GRADING COURSES OPENED Ontario' Agricultural Depatt- ment Will Give Producers Instruction / Ottawa, Feb, 20--As 2 progressive step towards a hoped-for prosperity in the Canadian tobacco ry, a number of short courses and demon- strations of tobacco grading have been arranged for by Dominion gov- ernment officials and the Ontario de- partment of agriculture, The courses, conducted by. officers of the tobacco division of the Dominion Department of Agriculture, opened Monday ina number of tobacco growing counties of the province, and will extend un- til March 2. y The investigation of the Canadian tobacco inquiry commission, appoint- ed by the Dominion government early in 1928 to look into conditions in the tobacco industry in Ontario and Quebec, indicated that improve- ment might be effected if some change were made in the method of marketing the crop by the producer. At present it is the custom for the purchasing agent to look over the crop in the field from time to time during the growing season, and then in due time make his bid; particu- larly is this the procedure in. the case of the burley tobaccos. It has been alleged that this bid is usually the final one, or at least the highest one, and that the grower, under these circumstances, does not always tain the just return from his crop to which he is entitled. . There will be two sets of meetings running concurrently, onc in Norfolk, Middlesex, and bton counties, the other in Essex, Elgin and Kent counties, Two graders or demon- strators will attend each meeting, and will give strations of the proper methods of stripping and grading, and discuss the various stripping grades. Prince Planning To Visit Canada London, Feb. 20.~While visiting the Canadian section of the British Industries Fair yesterday the Prince of Wales said that he intended to en- deavor to visit Canada again in the uear future, TWO DIE WHEN SCAFFOLD FALLS Were Werking on the To- ronto General Hospital Pa- vilion Extension Toronto, Feb, 19.--~Collapsing scaf- folds, one at the new General hos- ital pavilion extension, the other at urray's clothing store, 9% Oueen street east, caused the death of two workmen Monday, The victims are Lucius Colborne, aged 58, painter, 27 'Maitland street, and William Inglis, aged 48, bricklayer, 48 Corley avenue, Colborne died in St. Michael's hospital Monday night of concus- sion of the brain, Colborne and Wil- liam Ellis, aged 57, of 221 Bruns- wick avenue, were at work painting the ceiling of + the clothing store when the ladder scaffold on which they were working slipped and hurl- ed them to the floor. Colborne turn- ed over as he fell from a height of eight feet, striking his head on the floor. He was unconscious when picked up and removed to the hospi- tal. He remained in this condition J Does Washing, Walks 5 Miles, Gains 10 Lbs. "After a hard day washing I can walk 5 miles now, since taking Vi- nol. I gained 10_gounds and feel fine"--Mrs, M, Cupiman. Vinol is a delicious compound of cod liver peptone, iron, etc. Nerv- ous, easily tired, anemic people are surprised how Vinol gives new pep, sound sleep and a BIG appetite. The very FIRST bottle often adds several pounds weight to thin chil- dren or adults. Tastes delicious, Jury & Lovell, Druggists, | Machinery Repairing Adanac Machine Shop | 161 King St. W. Phone 121% Jf until about nine o'clock Monday might, when he died. & s was injured about the eyes, nose and mouth, and also was re- moved to the hospital. His condi- tion is not regarded as serious. Inglis, employed as a bricklayer by the Yates . Construction company, plunged from a height of 140 feet ollowing the collapse of a scaffold at the new General hospital pavilion extension, A fellow-workmen named Wilkinson, 3000 Dufferin street, Fair- bank, who was with Ingle, saved imself from a like fate by clutch- ing the dangling end of the scaffold and hanging on to it until rescued by his workmates. Inglis was re- moved in an unconscious condition to the hospital, and died of a fractured skull. The body was removed to the morgue, where an inquest will be held by Chief Coroner Crawford. TROTSKY APPEALS TO ENTER GERMANY Berlin, Feb, 19.--Leon Trotzky, exiled Bolshevik leader, yesterday appealed directly, to Paul Loebe, president of the reichstag, for per- mission to enter Germany, Herr Loebe received a telegram dated from Pera, the suburban site of the foreign quarter in Constantinople, which read: * "Referring speech in reichstag on February 2, to your memorial hii I request German consulate here to .| give permission. in question.--(Sign- ed) Leon Trotzky. The telegram served to confirm previous information that Trotzky was still in the Russian consulate at Constantinople. February 2 was the date on which German officialdom confirmed reports that the banished communist leader had tried, through indirect methods, to obtain a pass- port visa permitting him to come to Germany. It was said then, how- ever, that the inquirers had been told that it would be useless for the Soviet to make formal application on Trot- zky's behalf, The reference to a speech by President Loebe had to do with an address which he delivered on the occasion of the anniversary of the German national assembly, He was interrupted by communists and re- torted: "We were first to give you and others full civic rights; perhaps some day we shall grant free asylum here in Germany to Trotzky." The reich president sent the mes- CHILD CAUGHT COLD: PNEUMONIA FEARED Worried Mother Grateful ar Doctor Shows How to e Quick Relief at Home No longer is it necessary to stand 'by helplessly when children's colds bring fear of pneumonia, For hos- pital physicians now recommend to mothers a pleasant home treatment for colds--and hundreds of QOsha- wa children have been given the same quick, sure relief that came to the little daughter of Mrs. Robt, Gordon, Little Estelle caught a severe cold while out riding, On the third day the child coughed so deep Mrs, Goron feared pneumonia and call- ed her doctor, who advised double doses of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral-- the pleasantly flavored mixture of wild cherry, terpin hydrate and other ingredients which have re- lieved even the most extrema chil- dren's cases in the hospital, By night the child felt like play- ing for the first time in several days, The next morning she look- ed more like herself--and by the following day, doctors report, all traces of the cold were gone, Note: Other cases reported dail . tified by attending physician, 4 ll = . Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is made of i . dients gs safe as the purest Code Of en: r e t cold elinfess Eudorsed. by ysicians and drug. gists, sage from Trotzky to the cabinet and reccommended favorable action, AVIATION IN CHINA GOING FORWARD Nationalist Government Pur. sues Policy of Assisting Its Development Shanghai, China, Feb 20.--The Nationalist government of China, continuing ts policy o fassisting in the development of commercial av- fation, annouced yesterday the for- mation of a National aviation asso- ciation, It was also announced that air mail and passenger service would be inaugurated' immediately to Ichang in the province of Hpeh, On May 1, similar routes are to be opened between Hankow and Can- ton and Hankow and Shanghai, OVERTHROW OF POINCARE GOV'T BARELY AVERTED Pars, Feb. 20. = The Poincare government had & marrow escape from being overthrown late yester- day by a surprise attack from the Radicals over the .Reform of the judicial system in France. The Ministry was sustained by the Chamber pf Deputies by a ma- jority of only six votes, 291 to 285, LE SEEDS THE BEST THAT GROW New Catalog Now Ready WM RENNIE CQ Limite TORONTO ALSO MONTREAL, VANCOUVER » ee ee --------------e-- ate --------------hoa Se rn ---- 0dd Easy Chairs 1 only overstuffed Easy Chair in mohair with silk reversible spring filled construction. Reg, $00.00. Feb. ruary Special ,.... faced n cushion, $45 February Sale "SPECIALS ions. trough underneath, for any bedroom Reg. $120.50, February Special ...... ODD CHESTERFIELD 1 only Odd Chesterfield, upholstered in fine quality grey Jacquard, has spring filled reversible cush- CHESTERFIELD TABLE Well made Chesterfield Table of sound construction. It is made of birch and finished walnut, Reg. $13.95 February Special ...,..,. 3 BEDROOM PIECES Bed. dresser and chest of drawers. All in walnut ven. eer. Prettily styled and micely finished, A lovely Suite $70.50 $12.50 5 #8 P, sense $115.00 comprising buffet, china == 68 King. St. PPA: Walnut Dining ,Room Suite of pleasing tops are all solid walnut with very fine veneer front, cabinet, extension table and set of 6 well constructed diners covered in real leather. Reg. $203.50, Feb. Special design. 'The $179.00 LUKE > s ips J 2 a "dl PTT J Fr? HE SRN a,

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