THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1929 EYESOFWORLD PONARGANISTAN Dramatic Struggles Closely 'Government LORY a a Delp: India, Feb. 3. rp As a ram scene of bloodshed and in- trigue. Strugsles in Afghanistan are of d-wide interest, But for the ples of the British Empire the happenings in the wild, moun- tainous country north of India may be fraught with deep political sig- nificance. Afghans have been reput- ed a proud, cruel and treacherous race and their country in itself is, generally speaking, behind the times. Accurate census and registra- tion is unknown there; govern- ments have rarely heen able to ob- tain sufficient revenue to maintain roper public services, unless the in hand was applied; the tribes. men are mainly either fighters or tillers of the soil, and because of racial and geographical differences trouble is bréwing all the time, But Afghanistan is from the Bri- tish viewpoint an invaluable buffer state between far-spreading Soviet Russia and India, Ninety years ago the British first entered Afghanis: tan to place on the throne an Amir who had sought refuge in India. Since then there have been a num- ber of armed outbreaks between Af- ghanistan and India, When in 1842 the British forces retreated from Kabul to India, out of 4,200 men, European and Indian, but one sur- vivor reached Jalalabad at the head of Kyher Pass, the remainder ex- cepting a hundred prisoners, having been massacred by the revolting AJ- ghans, Retaliation was swift, the Had Terri le Trouble With an Aching Back Ontario Lady used Dodd's Kidney Pills Mrs, C, Mason Gladly Recommends A Podd's Kidney Pills London, Ont., Feb, 20. (Special) «If we could show you the actual proofs, results attained in thoun- sands of cases suffering from Kid- ney Trouble, Rheumatism, Back- ache, ete, it would convince you thet Dodd's Kidney Pills are an excellent kidney remedy. One more tribute showing the efficacy of Dodd's Kidney Pills comes from Mrs, C. Mason, 723 Queens Ave, London, Ont, She writes:--"A few ears ago I had trouble with my idneys, A friend advised me to try Dodd's Kidney Pills, which I did and they surely relieved me, I would gladly recommend them to anyone, I had terrible trouble with my back aching, Bix boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills relieved me." Other sufferers of backache tell of pains relieved and health restor- ed through the use of Dodds Kid- ney Pills. They act directly on the Kidneys, They strengthen the kid- neys and put them in shape to strain the inrpurities out of the blood. British gaining a firm hand on the country and destroying a large part of Kabul, They thdrew. Watches y Since then the Indian vern- ment has watched the Northwest frontier with an anxious eye. In 1878 Russian influence and mili- tary penetration resulted in a Bri» tish envoy being turned back at the Afghanistan border and a se- '|cond war was Precipitated, ending in 1880, Twice in that period when settlements seemed to have been reached trouble broke out afresh. On the first occasion the newly-in- stituted British envoy at the court of Kabul was murdered; on the second the treaty-making British and Afghans at Kabul were menac- ed by a revolting leader. The latest uprising was in 1919, in which none other than Amanul- lah, he of the forward vision and rash impatience, figured, From 1901 to 1919 Amanullah's father, Habibullah Khan, had reigned, and his rule was the wisest and firmest Afghanistan experienced in modern times, Obtaining from the British a promise of non-intervention, Ha- bibullah on his part kept his coun try comparatively quiet and held the different warlike tribes in check throughout the war period, 1914-1918, wehn aggression from Afghanistan would have particu- larly troubled the depleted British forces in India, despite German and Turkish overturés and the menace of a religious war (the Afghans be- ing chiefly Mohammedans like the Turks) Habibullah maintained scru- pulus neutrality and to that extent proved a greatly reassuring friend of Britain. And in the last year of the war he maintained an equally firm and correct front to the Bol- shevist propaganda. But in 1919 Habibullah was bru- tally murdercd, as a number of his predecessors had heen, and follow- ing customs the song for some time disputed the succession among themselves, These disputes in' the Afghan royal family-- the Durant dynasty -- have often resulted in much bloodshed but on this partic- ular occasion Inayatullah, Habib- ullah's eldest gon, yielded to Am- anullah, Amanullah immediately announced his complete indepen- dence, Previously the British and Afghans had a pact whereby Af- ghanistan followed Britain's advice in external - affairs while the Bri- tish kept scrupulously away from domestic matters, But Amanullah light-heartedly embarked on an in- vasion of India in May, 1919, The border tribes failed to give him the support he expected and his troops were thrust back into their own territory by the British-Indian garrisons, Amanullah. pleading that in his youth and inexperen-e he had been misled, sought and obtain. ed a guarantee of peace from the British Government, New Treaty In 1921 a new treaty was signed recognizing the complete indep-n- dence of Afghanistan and a British minister, Sir Francis Humphreys, was appointed to Kabul, Amanullah from 1921 gaye his progressive ideas a free rein, He is- sued a new code of legal proce- dure; effected many administrative changes and introduced further re- forms whieh irritated the Moslems to a serious insurre-tion in 1924, not suppressed until 60 leading ine surgents were publicly executed in Kabul, In 1926 the Amir, to mark BATTERYLESS "POUR - HUNDRED LOWBOY Single Tuning Knob operates Illuminated Drum Dial, = Automatic ' Voltage Control, Rogers Output Filter, Phonograph "Plug-in" Jack. Rogers Symphony Speaker built into a Genuine Walnut Cabinet, Value plus in a proven year "round radio TE ndia is the improved 1930 mucseston 15 she famous Mags 200A and is priced many dollars under any other comparable electric set. It has been tried, tested, perfected and because it's a Rogers-Batteryless it's always ready to "just plug in--then tune in". With the remarkable development of chain broadeasting, radio has become a year "round source of entertainment and education and--as any owner will tell you--Rogers is the ideal year round radio. Why deny yourself and your family the pleasure of modern radio when a small cash payment will place this proven Rogers-Batteryless Lowboy in your home? Ask us to demonstrate Generator & Starter Co. Ltd. 15 Church St estier ; dished Double-rich compared to fresh milk, Borden's St. Charles gives cream results to cooking at the cost of milk. 140 S¢. Paul S¢. W,, Montreal his international status, took the title of King and in December, 1927 started on his celebrated foreign tour completed in July, 1928, Dur- ing this tour King Amanullah, who throughout appeared with Queen Souriya in European dress. became more and more convinced that even greater reforms were needed in his kingdom, So when he returned he attempted to remodel his semi-bar- baric people, divided into warlike clans, on lines of western European civilzation, ' Amanullah would have had his subjects wear European dress; he would abolish the purdah, whereby Afghan women had hcen veiled for centuries; he wanted to change the systems of tribal administration; introduce education, which for hup- dreds of years hag been confined to "practical subjects" like fighting and horseback riding; and in short, in face of earnest British advice, attempted to thrust upon his peo- ple a foreign diet against whien they ultimately rebelled. When the revolt came late last year Amanullah lost gontrol of his troops, who were disaffected be- cause of under-payment and gen- erally dissatisfied with their trert- ment, Things got so bad that he turned the throne over to his bro- ther Inavatullah and fled to the comparative security of Kandahar. whr-re his tribal affiliations were strongest, and where the Queen and 'Queen-mother had been sent pre- viovsly. But the aroused Afghans spurred on by their leaders and par- ticnlarly by one Bachao Sarhao, a water-carrier's son and bandit lead- er covld not tolerate even the more con=ervative Inayatvllah, whose reien lasted only a few dave Bachao succeeded in capturing Ka- bul, de"lered himgelf Amir with the name Habibul'ah Khan (the same as Amanullah's fath-r) and promps- Iv set abont endeavoring to govern the state. The new rvler permitten Insyattnllah to denart in a Britich aeronlane for Peshawar, th~ north- west frontier citadel of the British, Issne Proclamations This, in mid-January, left Am- anullah at Kandahar, Inayatullah at Peshawar and Bachao in Kabul as Amir. The royal brothers issued proclamations that they were still the rightful rulers, and ' Afghan agents abroad were embarrased by receiving three different sets of in- structions from as many govern- ments back home. Meanwhile Ba- chao instituted a strong-man re- gime. Refugees brought out by Bri- tish aeroplanes reported in Febru- ary that he had foreibly married three girls of the Afghan royal family. So far as British India is con- cerned, things will be much the same no matter who gains the throne, But the Afghans are on the warpath and their brothers on the Indian side of the North-west Fron- tier-are in a ferment that threat- Is Your Child Thin and Weak? McCoy's Tablets Puts on Flesh and Builds Them Up. In just a few days--quicker than you ever dreamt of--these wonder- ful health building, flesh creating tablets called MecCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets will start to help any thin, underweight little one. After sickness and when the chil- dren are exceedingly puny they are especially valuable. All over North and South Amers- ca and even in Great Britain and Australia tens of thousands of skin- ny run down men and women have put their faith in McCoy's -- and have not been disappointed. Try these wonderful tablets for 30 days and if your frail, sickly child doesn't greatly benefit you get your. money back. Ask Jury & Lovell, T. B. Mit- chell, W. H. Karn. or any druggist for McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tab- lets--as easy to take as candy and 60 tablets, 60 cents--Economy size $1.90. ens trouble for the Indian authori- ties. The British military forces on the frontier, with headquarters at Peshawar, have been Royal which has already cuing British and fotelgn 'nationals and British-Indian subjects ' from thie storm centres of the king The Indian government, and like wise the British government, have boon embhatia ja proclaiming their. "po. of 'scrupulous non-interven- Hon would be mainigta ee 'The mi tary routine of the frontier has not been greatly interrupted. But the situation is pregnant with danger, FOREIGN OFFICE APPROVES PLANS Chamberlain's Attitude To- wards U.S, Disarmament Ideas Is Amiable London, Feb, 21 -- Sir Austen Chamberlain, British foreign secre- tary, yesterday put the stamp of his office's approval upon the recent statement in Washington by Sir Esme Howard, British Ambassador to the United States. In this state- ment Sir Esme explained the probable course of future Anglo- American negotiations on naval disarmament, Sir Austen, speaking in the House of Commons, said that the Ambass- ador had utteerd personal , views without receiving instructions from home, But he repeatedly told ques- tioners that there was no contradic- tion between the Washington state- ment and . a communique issued from downing street last Saturday. He emphasized that the commun- ique was Intended solely "To cor- rect mristaken inferences drawn from the ambassador's correct state ment in Washington," NUMBER THREE / 'No, 8" is a familiar term to sea- soned travellers to Western Canada in Winter time, It is the designa- tion for the popular trans-contin- ental train operated by the Cana- dian Pacific which leaves Toronto Daily at 9,00 p.m. With modern high grade equipment consisting of compartment observation car, standard sleepers and dining car, and manned by crews trained in effi~fiency and courtesy, the diseri- minating travcller knows that his journey wll be conspicuously lack- ing any of the annoyances some- times associated with travel, For those to whom expense is a consideration No. 3 carries a tour- ist sleeper, comfortable and fully equipped, with a porter in charge and with facilities for preparing meals, When mapping out your trip, he sure the route is Canadian Pacific --your local agent will welcome the opportunity to cater to your re- quirements. M, R. Johnson, C, P. A.--C.P.R. Oshawa, Ont, thened, notably or Baden To tio, Alr Forge, ady performed valuable gervices in: res- Time and Short Memories AUTHORITIES ARE LITTLE DISTURBED "ABOUT TROTSKY Hoped to Consign Former Leader to Oblivion Moscow, Feb. 20 --Having sent Leon Trotzky off definitely as "an anti-Soviet emigre," there ap- pears a general disposition on the part of the authorities to make little of his exile In the hope of letting time and short memories corsign him to oblivion, The brief official statement yesterday announcing his exile was published this morning obscurely in the "event" columns of the papers in which various govern. mental decisions of secondary im- port are summarized. 100,000 GERMANS MADE FRENCHMEN Colmar, France, Feh. 20, -- The law passed in Alsace after the Ar- mistice, granting the French na- tionality to "German subjects mar- ried to Alsatian women" is respon- , sible for close to 100,000 former we have ever been able to secure "~ Women's Silknit Bloomers sgc Extra Special Value In an Excep- tionally Good Quality Quantity buying is responsible for a better price than before. There are three different styles--Plain Bobette, Regular and Lace Medallion Trimmed. Best quality, wear-ever elastic at knee and top. Sizes small, medium and large. Colors, Orchid, Nile, Pink, Mais, Peach, White and Coral, Good value at $1.25, February Sale Special 89¢ German soldiers and officers who served against France during the late war, now. being full-fledged French citizens. 6A--MOUNTIES $0va ue deny Edmonton, Alta., Feb, 20.--In- spector "Trundell of Great Slave Falls sub-district Royal Canadian Mounted police, and Constable Kirk of the same force, are mush- ' ing to the Barren Lands where the | skeletons of Jack Hornby and his | two companions, Adlard and Chris- | tian, were found last year. 'The | R.C.M.P, patrol set out from Fort Smith just after Christmas and expect to reach the Hornby cabin in the spring, They will mark the last resting place of the remains and bring hack the photographs and records of Hornby, who, owing to his vast experience, was' recog- nized as one of the best authorities of the Northlands. Hornby and his = companions starved to death in the north more than two years ago, | CHAIR SUPPLANTS | HANGING IN CHICAGO Chicago, TIl., Feb, 21.--The exe- cution of two youths in their 'teens | early to-day introduced the electrie chair to Cook County as the legal | death device supplanting hanging. Anthony Grecco and Charles Regular 50c Value FOR 20 varp Cutting commenced the minute these lovely new Spring Fabrics were placed on the counter. There's an excellent range of neat spot, sprig and check patterns in the following colors--sky, reseda, mauve, pink, tan, copen and red. Width 32 in, Beautiful Silk Rayon Ging- hams at a Much Lower Price Walz, died within 10 minutes of each other shortly after midnight for the murder of Patrolman Ar- thus Kaeaw guring a drugstore hold- | oyy i 20 minutes after Grecco, the up last April, . The executions were carried out | first to die, had been led into: the with precision and were completed | death chamber, Blindfolded, by two | guards. 'Grecco, who was '19, was silent throughout the proceedings, but Walz, a year younger, turned This'is membranes, congestion. S-ounce Bot, Reg, Price 50c, Week-end sale price EVERY DAY "HOUSEHOLD REMEDIES you should have! to remird you of the many useful, important items that you should not be without, every household should always have these items on hand. Every item carries a strict guarantee to please you and be as we state it is. No matter what your Drug or Medical Needs may be we will serve you--may you have a whole.hearted confidence in your Rexall Store. Relieves 39¢ REXALL Cold Tablets Will stop the worst cold and do it quick- ly. You should never be without them, For 25¢ Box wonderful for quickly relieving head catarrh. Gives instant relief. Vapure 4 y Head Colds. A | carefully selected high inhalant | guality oil we know. We take great care in its selection because of the great importance of cod liver oil in the feeding of infants and colds and nasal moots: Regus piles" : 39¢ 50c¢ BILLY BURKE CHOCOLATES Are as pure and Trad. a. ring 16-07. Bottle ., 75¢ A .... B Ath 50¢ Gin Pills 35¢ Beautiful Colored Playball and Klenzo Tooth Paste Would sell for at least 85c. Special 49¢ can be. Filled with luscious crisp nuts, nougatines, fruited dainties, very mod- erately priced candy so fine, as 25¢ Rexall Bronchials |_19¢ 30c Grove's L.B.Q. Tablets 25¢ 100 AS.A, Tablets 49¢ price for the two .... »-.. cream, rich LUNCH KIT Complete with VACUUM BOTTLE Special Price $1.19 for 60c Money- Havers 85¢ Riker's Lilac Vegetal....69¢ 25¢ Carter's Liver Pills $1.50 Perfume Atomizers $1.19 40c Castoria Oc $1.25 Georgia Rose Body Powder 50c Dodds' Kidney Pills 75¢ Kruschen Salts ....... $1.00 Peptona, tonic ...... oS 35¢ Cocoanut Oil Shampoo 23e¢ 65¢ Scott's Emulsion $1.00 Riker's Beef, Wine & Iron JE | $1.00 Vacuum Bottles ........49¢ 25¢ Georgia Rose Talcum....19¢' 35¢c Chase's Kidney Pills ... 25¢ 30¢ er's White Liniment..18¢ 50c Williams® Pink Pills ........35e¢ 50c. Milk of Magnesia ..........39¢ 50c Riker's Hair Fix ......n...39¢ $1.00 Italian Balm ....... erin] 35¢ Wedgewood Papetries ....28¢ 50c Klenzo Shavine Cream..39¢ 25¢ Baby's Own Tablets ..... 20¢ 50c Ipana Tooth Paste ........38¢ 25¢ Mecca Ointment ......o0...22€ 75¢ Bisurated Magnesia .....63¢ 25¢ Mennen's Talcum ......... 5¢ Vinolia Castile, 8 cakes....25¢ 50c Robinson's Patent Barley 40¢ DRUG STORES to one of the guards as he walked toward the chair and mumbled: "Never mind, I'm all right."