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Oshawa Daily Times, 25 Feb 1929, p. 10

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FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1929 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1929 TRANSPORTATION FORESTRY BILL TO SAYS COAL SLUNP " Easy » . RECEIVE FURTHER wn -- gs PROG tN OVER ROCKIES | wearin monoav! IN ENGEAND IS DUE RADIO ROGRAM ih ¥ IN : ¢ HINDERED BY SNOW. zzzee zo ssw | LAGK OF EXPORTING our vwn onight' WOR (422)--Newark. Entertainers. legislature sat for less than three- 0 T {Has de Best Features 7.% SNR Gi Winsipes. mu. -- quarters of an hour Friday -- vy Ue & oY ica @n-Toreato, Mays' Radio: | Relief Supplies Being Carrie | Ue} Work was compressed into | Prominent Businessman Of that period, Nine private bills, om eo AE (242)--Pitts, Address; Uncle . i ed by Plane to Stranded [two public bills and five govern- Montreal Places' Blame ha ini © Parties : |ment orders were given second Upon Coal-owners Be veading, two government bills were -- 2 KOA, WMC, ol, Denver, Feb. 24--Hitorts to passed by the house in committee | London, Feb 24.--The Dally Ex- NALS Sohio Musicians to {pa transportation, qliver ves and three questions were answered | press recently published what it Real Estate Insurance TAM. ow Lots or. lief supplies and keep the may |0¥ the government, Premier Fer- | describes as a striking letter from CUTLER & PRESTON tra, ' moving, have becn general over the | guson also announced. that the ad- | ® Prominent Dudes manor Mont. Real Estate Insurance atd REAL ESTATE 64 KING 8T. W NBC" Syatemy 8 to WEAF,|Rocky Mountain region following |journed debate on Hon, William | Fé8L Who says he has sent a copy Loans, Puone 8254 Telephone 572-228 Fait Best Features Ey Plorwalker, ~~ |ROther snowstorm. Finlayson's bill entitled the pulp- | tO the Prince of Wales, The writ- " hind St. East, Oshawa Specially priced --$4,500-- Night Calls 510.1560 BC (WJZ)--Stromberg-Carlson Sea: os ufialo. Org In Wyoming, where highways al- | wood conservation act would be re. | eT Of the letter requests that his $100 cash payment, Bale Stromber Larlson Sex. [ready had been made hazardous by [sumed on Monday, This debate name be withheld but the Express . : ance. as rent. New '§ room 2) Cinci, Cincinnati Symphony or- RAT Kk Xo 2 ait gnaw drifts before vesterday's 4- |had been adjourned when Aurelien | 52y8 it will Soumunicate the Bae Central, All con- ¥ REN. '|in all, an aeroplane was used to | Belanger, Liberal, Russell, stated | t0 Tepresentative coal owners . aren ia] Show Boats' "The Village 2 A WOAT i § carry food and bedding to a truck [when it appeared last for second | they so desire, The letter refers to all the advantage in freight rates pi Mh ne 1539 19 BE Nr natienetia Men. 2, NO Clusi.. Cincinnati caravan marooned in Red Desert. |reading that W. E. N, Sinclair, Lib- | the Prince's visit to the coalffelds | °Ver the United States, "Canadians PP i ro ety Hour, ira. ony. Sym: |The stalled party consists of 85 |eral leader, who was ill af the | and expresses the opinion that the | WOuld rather turn British coal if Hy h WEY" (345)--Chicago. Scrap Book; The |men and their wives and children, |time, wished to address the house | depression in the coal industry in | theY could get it," he says. He is Cur sia Tnsttgte © of Music, in, etwadks | Slomons. 8 Three trucks which left Rock [on the bill, Britain is due to the coal-owners' | SUre 8lso that Canada is not the [told a press representative iE i AB Sadan, eal Star iv C. WEAN. WNAC,|Springs two days ago with supplies | When Mr, Finlayson's proposed | neglect of export trade, only market that could be captured. | that she will bring 0 a close Aor. ord n ith WEA LBW Wn i WEA for dhe Saravan have not yeposted provincial forest act was before the The writer says that Canada at the end of this season her car- 4% Pri ince St) Co nbi; ans, " a apyaren were st ¥ H hy 1 FRE tress on RE SAO RCE SP ae Aad, Span, Sosa pe 1, commie, BR | se sous ue gad givin mi PMT al 'Oshawa. Ont. Kw, WEE, N. Ka, KW! Raa: Some 40,000 sheep belonging to [particularly section 9, which he | which three and a half million [] Her voice ringing' wi.h happi- Tuesday Evening Program NB te otic Proxtem to 1 Cow Seek. Sheep Sompuny, called the 'playground section," | tong are imported from the United ness over the ovation she received), .. pn, .. t 90 WEAF (54)-New York. Bil aod Jane WEAF, Wi "TARY Ww wi, WEES along rado-Wyom- |and section 6, which provides for | gtates, Some time ago he asked yseterday when she sang once 8 announcement, now that ing line, were reported to be near |the appointment of a provincial 1 fi f in the role of Erda, "Mother |®he has made it, does not presage Ak outer York. 'Markets, Wesk, Wav, Wiis, "id, WHE, | starvation. forester a large fim ot coalowners of Lm a, Mother), "succession of "farewell tours", Girls, nai i+ Magy: 9.00 Columbia Network: Whitemau's Or Some regions in Wyoming, where | "This says that the provincial | Great Britain for prices. They Rntro it pa x hetagale "imme | She says she is going to ratire. WB Z (303)--Sprin field. Lowes orches, |' chestra to WABC, WFAN. WNAC, automobiles could not be operated, | forester shall preserve the forests quoted "cash against documents Metropolitan opera ouse, Mme, . MBE genet is ml VG "MOWER NHL fraiad tote pony eros 15 ceo tn he ba fore ec | 15, LORdats Hh, ment wives Great Contralto Says She) CHUTES finer ss, ( tou: 0 ) , » {move the mail, " oy ' e SIX thous- of v A fk dl Market XMBC WED: Vea Waal: The snowfall was reported as Jeena MY, Sinslain. as What and tons weeks before the coal ar-| Will Leave Stage at End |years to teaching. Nova Scotia's agricultural college Bolle wiz (394,5)~New York, Old Man Su. WFBL, W WAR WHK, WLAC |heavy in Montana and in most sec-|Who knows what best forestry | Yived in Canada, United States £S There have 'heen rumors for |has a larger attendance during the | a LR La --Cinel, Theis gehen. Whos, ime "Wweco, Win, [tions in Calorado, practice means?" Soal-awhers Jive their customers or Jeason several years Jat Mme, Schumann- present tor 153s af any Hime since | oN . Silverton, Colo., turned out en Mr. Finlayson: "Th are well. | credit, he points out, EA. Heink was about to retire, Quite y8. In the regular classes | D id aw B-Ober 1a, th Boel oh WEA iE SEA Wer TWA, masse to greet the first train that [recognized forestry tori 2 w "The British people have plenty New York NY, Feb, 24.|natural rumors, since she is now ere are J» Hades registered, of | Fiter wey: Gr Scemctads, Toy 'Eyek WE WRC RE N, whey, had boon able to reach there sinee . In rely to further fimestloning of Money, Rd cannot, thoy En While New York musle critics | in ber th year, bi no state- ON e331. Fsgisered i the rm | Bldg, wes 545)--RBuffalo, Statl hestra, , WS n snow slides hlorke y the Liberal leader, Mr. Fimuy- ce their shipmenis and ge s | were proclaiming her still one of | ment heretofore 28 come SO 4 | Wox ")-Tufalo, Statler orchestin NBC's Wile Wi, oo, ETE: the entire region before the trai |son stated that mo eholce had Rays business," the writer asks, The let- | the greatest contraltos of all timo, | direc ly from Mme, Schumaan- {ps The ta cou 0s: given during 181, ghestra to WB Zz, W. base: Sam WIZ, BZ, WBZA, WBAL, KDKA, |arrived. made of a man to fill the position, ter concludes that the British have ' Mme, Ernestine Schumann-Heink | Heink herself, And she said today 8 Fee months of the year, GRE] 00 KO A (06)-Pitis, Address; Secred| WLW, KYW, Wi Bl i -- are proving Increasingly popular. rister 3 Ci WHAL Baltimore, Ameco Frorf to WIZ nig Wk vik, VEAL: g p -- . i in -- coe § fhe: s Vot fee to REN, pk i LLA CINDERS--Twenty-Time Papa . loan, pl WHE, WEY, KPRC, 100 ENKA Bn RK on y ; By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb vo== WCSH, WFI, KOA, WHAS, WFAA, Pon (306)--Pitts, Wm, Penn Orches. 28 6 No ; ; DAF, WTMJ, WOW, Wi Columbia Network: Curtis Institute to Wiz (ou. New Ovi. Smale WABC, WAL Whi, Was, DR § 0 1 dai WBBM, WGHP, | WOWO, Yoo ? cian, KoIL, Wego WLEW, WISN, refere: WED, WAAL, "WKBW. WEAO, seuses NBC System: , Clie uot wikimes to radu: WEAF, WEEL KYW, WTIC, WTAG, TIME TABLES || bl yi base vir oii hone -» WSE, WMI, KPRC, WCSH, WFI, Li WRC, WGY, 'WHO, ~ WGR, KOA, DR, | Wir Kn WEAR W OAL, rninern eon, CPR. TIME TABLE, NBC System: Organ to WJZ, WBAL, nee, New Sedu, thos elect 30 am. WEW Choi) --Cinei, Cossacks, St. 0 V: OPH Colne Wee 10.30 NBC. System: Contraltones fo WEAF, 5.48 am Daily. WCAE, WEL WRVA, DR G 62 a.m. Daily wey 379.5)--Schenectady, Studio en. Surge: eam Dubs wm Sunder, Wer: tes Sheas Studio, infant 7.34 o.m. Daily Sunday, Ne is Crehestradisns to Wiz a reside: am or KDKA, X , WIR, KSTh! WREN, DR. | r 4 Daily 20 Sunley. WTAM (80)--Cleveland. Tolk; enter: cian [09 om Daily' W WTMJ (487)--Milwaukee, Musical pro- fiven times shown shove sre times tsim ],, Wisk (268) Milwaukee, Silver Slipper Ee w-- oo? Orches, C. N, R, TIME FABLE id Chap th Td M6 Efvtny lun. 5 0 WEBL 'WCAD, WAS," ARS DR I a.m.~Daily except Sunday, WGHF, WOWO, KMOX, WKB PR BB Sanday only. Kune KOIL, WSPD, WHE WLBW, A Physic 5 a.m, -- Baily. exc Sunda: NBC System: RKO N anadeville Hour to BRINCING UP FATHER-- fan. O +44 y. Snep) puncar. WEAF, WEEIL, _WTIC. = WJAR 3020 a2 pom, ~Duily- castil Sines, WTAG, WCSH, 'WRC, WGY, WGR, : n--m ---- " i Phone 2 DD. WeAE WIAM, KYW, KSD, IL BEE ra Hom 2 NNO PCE BY GOV MAGGIE 1D RIGHT: WHERE DO YOU GIF REALLY- | [-- iA p.m. =Daily except Ssturday, Withs, Wem, WHD, WDAF, WSE, a rE ro' ry HERE IT ID TWELVE O'CLOCK THAT GOOD MORNIN' COULD N'T Saw DR. A 3 am Daily. WBT, WRVA, KPRC, WFAA, ROY UTR EXPECT TO | [Aces NOU] (| AN MY SECRETARY ISN'T IN STUFF 2 WHAT TIME THEY ARE A fnlist i y WHAM (258.5)~Rochester, Organ, news EVERY YET: ILL HAVE TO TALK Yo oo roy Street Westbound NBC System: Slumber Music to WIZ, ARE NEVER THERE? THING HOT WOOL THINK WE HARD ATT IT WHEN gn. ~Daily. WLW W (128) Cincl, ns Hour, UND HERE Him coe st wpe 22~Atlantie City, Silver Slip. ME EXCEPT 4 y eno . THE COFFEE- --_-- a Daly except Sunday, nx BAP a a h, . Soncert Frio fF (4 NCH in 6 p.m.~Daily except Sunday, 12.00 KYW (394) Chicao. Fiorito's. orches. : Ear, 1s pe =Dail. only. KMOX (275)--St. Louis. Orchestra. (i, pee 27 p.m.~Daily except Sunday, WBBM (3))-Chicago, Variety pro- DR. F pm.~Daily except Sunday, §VDAF (492)--Kansas City, Varied pro- CR 73 ly) Street -- gram, [J office Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville y 7 $tore BUS LINE p.m. 'WEEK DAY SCHEDULE A of (Elective o sod sites Nov, 4 PD ooly, / est g Leave Arrive Arrive . td IR Pits aL, "mm » Eye, 20 a.m. 10 am. 3% a.m, Sa ' am, ,49 8.m, seen, - £12 uni unix pian by over m. i om ve isin ibn oem "| Soldier Settlers Are Taking ' 10 to p. p. appoin i bm. ison $5 om jo 4 Advantage of ul - Reside | - -------- on TR AR om PP Legislation TELLING TOMMY 0 p.m 9.15pm. 9.30 p.m, 5pm. 10.20 pm. 10.40 p.m. 10.55 p.m. : ea oem a mete -- pan. GA Sl 158 Same Ottawa, Feb, 24 --There have DR. § > Lente SE VD A been 8,815 applications for re-valua- ha office Waits Osaws Bowmanville tion of lands by soldier settlers, as THE ORIGIN OF USING A HARES FOOT FOR DO YOU KNOY Reside 6.30 6.50 ras i to return brow, own in gl juan JELR 4H in | fe House of Commons by the min APPLYING GREASE PAINTS BY MEMBERS WHAT A 6000 DR. F iin nin GBD [ise of immigration, Hon Baber OF THE THEATRICAL PROFESSION 15 TRACEABLE ARTIST NEEDS Ba SV a.m. pm pm. been made Lsom Lu pm 2pm |7,012 and 3,205 have been finally ad TO ANCIENT GREECE WHEN THE TAILS AND FEET 0 PAY) YH, ment. san gisn dam | amowin io 221 por cont OF SMALL FUR-BEARING ATUMALS VERE USED PEA 5.35 p. 605 p.m. 6.40 1 north, re 725m Lom There have been 77 notices of ap- AS PAINT BRUSHES, TOMMY. iy) 550 Om 0i0 bm Mas pm | It is stated in the return that ET 11.10 p.m. 11.30 pm. 12.00 When | there has been a sufficient num- H are through busses 0 lodged -the Exchequer Lg NI et ot will be moved to designate AY AND 1ULIDAY SCHEDULE | Gill Tg" ices of trial, Le BY THE Y CHINA, THE MOST VALUABLE COMING FROM Phone hove © Active | Aerie BRUSHES USED OL THE COLDER CLIMATES. THE SOFT HAIR OF DR. J Oshews Wha in Politics ARTIST, AND DECORATOR ARE BROADLY CLASSH % CAMEL BRUSHES Sim EER UBER BRAD | aa mans Tomes, Psmanics FIED AS BRISTLE BRUSHES AND SOFT HAR (Gf WHICH WHE SO-CALLED CAVEEL WAR phous 215 pm 23 pm. 23.--Colonel James Fitzmaurice, , ARE MADE 15 CLIPPED FROM THE TAILS OF SIBER{ by ap; Witom 4%om Transatlantic flyer, has made his BRUSHES, BRISTLE 15 A BY-PRODUCT SALVAGED ---- DB. D4 first appearance on the political 1AN SQUIRRELS. RED SABLE 15 FROM SIBERIAN | § DR. V pi om. 3 pa. FROM EN THEY ARE KOLLED FOR BRE 6m 19pm | platform. SHINE WH MINK, HAIR FROM SKUNK BADGER CIVEL GENET, Boe Going East He spoke last might in support FOOD. BRISTLES ARE OBTAINED th POLAND, » Reside: frei Leave Asie lof Dr. Thomas Chigging, the Gov- BEARAND CATTLE 15 ALSO USED Iti BRUSH-MAKING, DE L Oshaws Bowmasville | ornment parliamentary candidate RUSSIA, SIBERIA, TURKEY, FRANCE AND Wi5em WNam UNsw © 1929, King Festores Syadicate, Toc, Grest Britain rights reserved. Dentis! 12245pm (Wpm 1% pw |for Dublin, tention Tom bm hha sem ray wi a TILLIE THE TOILER--it Would Have Been the Truth ori wll pm UDpm +120 om Felt Bros wha Special Buses £a AD Gocosiose ? nd {JCONIFF) AND 1 WAS | HORRY TILLIE, Engi ra J REALLY IN LOVE / NE Rentamabic Rates ano Corstus The LE C T'S Dick OM DO! ol A CARLY Bropietn EADING JEWELER f SNIFF) WITH MR. NORTON. 1s 2 c E . 17S NEVER HAPPENED io Lan Pint 8 12 Simeos S St. South TE oe HE BEFORE - TILL IES - Waiting Reom. 10 Prince St. w JRE 2 LY IN BED ANC St E | ANTS OU TO 'S" SOMETHING So oVY _-- -_-, QUEER ABOUT A REP AIRING WATCHES STEPH OUR Shur SPECIALTY weldin; 41 sour Watch is mot giving satisfaction we con repair and char-ir make it tell the correct time -- D. J. BROWN To THE JEWELER Rure. Official Watch inspector for Canadian National and Oshawa St Ea Railroads. 10 King St. W, Phone 189

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