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Oshawa Daily Times, 2 Mar 1929, p. 11

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nin, al- ng, St- ent lise CR RR "0 THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, MARCH 2, 1929 PAGE FIFTEEN DARING SKIPPER RECAPTURED SHIP SEIZED BY PIRATES Overboard And Climbed | Aboard During Night -- / . Halifax, N, 8. -- The story telling how Captain Benoni d'Entre- mont, of Pubnico, N.S., and his crew thrown overboard from their er the Sonsbenture ic was seized by a United States privateer in 1778, 'and how the Captam with "two of his men, boarded the schooner at night, recaptured it and sail. 'into Lockeport the next morning ith twelve prisoners, has become traditional, having been handed down from generation to. generation, but nevertheless the tale is based on ts. During and after the war of 1776, were many privateers which, looking for British vessels carrying contraband, also came into the har- bors of the south shore of Nova Scotia for loot, There were only a few families around Pubnico harbor at that time, and they, accustomed to 'the visits of privateers, always hid anything of value on these occasions, One day in November Paul d'Entre- mont saw a vessel entering the har- bor, and realizing it was a privateer, as his brother Benoni was not due from St. Pierre, Miquelon, he hid a puncheon of molasses, then a valu- able commodity, in the woods and secreted 250 English pounds in the walls of the house, The women had hidden other valuables and the "pi- rates" left empty-handed without making an extensive search, Five days later Captain Benoni, re- turning with a rich cargo, was off Lockeport when he mistook a United States privateer for a friendly fish- erman and had no time to escape after recognizing the craft. The pri- vateer made fast to the Bonaventure, and the commander jumped aboard and told Captain Benoni his vessel was seized as a British ship carry- ing contraband goods, After learning d'Entremont's name and address, the other captain laughed heartily and said: \ "Why, I was at your home just a few days ago and found the folks all well, but found the house pretty d-- PHONE 22 For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe St. 8.--~We Deliver bare of valuables, although by the of things, you must be quite ble; but we did not have time to stop long, being anxious to catch you." Later he said: "Well, never mind, Captain d'Entremont, Being polite, like Frenchmen are, 1 am sure that you are glad you met us, so as to repay for our empty visit to your home." Turning to his own men, he add- ed: "Some of you men aboard this fine vessel. About this old crew! Well, I gues we'll keep their pilot; the rest might as well go overboard and Jet them get ashore as best they 'can. The privateer sailed away and the new crew of the Bonaventure, after coming nearer to shore, threw Cap- tain d Entremont and his men over- board, retaining pilot Kinney. They all reached shore safely, and made their way to the village of Locke- port. That night there was a calm and Captain Benoni, noting the Bona- venture had anchored two miles off shore, determined to regain his ship, He conceived a scheme, so daring that only two men, John Lock and another named Kinney, a brother ot the pilot, would volunteer their ser- vices. The three men, each armed with a loaded gun, chose a light dory with muffied oars and thole-pins and crept up on the Bonaventure. Neo one was on deck. They climbed a- board and then made enough noise for ten times their number. Captain d'Entremont jumped to the compan- ion-way and ordered all below to surrender, He saw what he had ex- pected to find: the entire crew, ex- cepting pilot Kinney, were glorious- ly drunk with the choice liquors found on the Bonaventure, Upon hearing the noise and firing, they cried for mercy and were easily dis- armed. The privateer crew continued to be bluffed regarding the number of invaders, and with the help of a light bréeze the Bonaventure was worked into Lockeport, The people there were anxious as to the fate of Captain Benoni and his men when they saw the schooner with the dory trailing astern, thinking the "pirates" might have killed the three mari- ners and returned to inflict their vengeance on the villagers, but jubilk ation succeeded anxiety when the true situation became known. The gallant three received an enthusiastic reception, The twelve prisoners, sullen and ashamed, passed through a gauntlet of jeers to the magistrate and were given an hour to leave the district. How they got away is not related. A psychologist says that ugliness is due to ugly thoughts. So that's why so few golfers are good-look- ing.--London Sunday Pictorial, We still have much to be thank- ful for. They haven't yet put the gum-chewing: championship into the talking movies. -- San Diego. Union, Diamonds! Bassett"s "On Oshawa's Main Corner 3 5 Lots in Dearborn Park $ sub-division for sale, Just west of Simcoe St. N. An oppor. tunity to get a grand site at low cost. J. H. R. LUKE 52 King St. E. Phones 871 or 687w SE mE A Few Examples JURY & LOVELL'S Companicn Sales Event ' MARCH 1ST TO 16TH Palm Soap, four 10c cakes and a 15¢c Wash Cloth Egyptian the lot for ........ uch You Save at Klenzo Shaving Oream, BOc size and Gillette Razor Blades 40c pkg~90c. value for ..... YOU SAVE 8ic Velour Powder Puff 25¢ size and Paradis Talcum 50c Glass Jar, all for ........... YOU SAVE 16c . .B0¢ sesesssnses SAVE WITH SAFETY AT YOUR REXALL DRUG STORE _JURY & Phone 28 LOVELL Simcoe S. QUICK WORK, ois'woex: That's Real Tire Service! . In and out again almost before you have time to get acquainted--the undivided attention of expert tire men for every job--that's the kind of prompt service that is building our business, This applies to anything from the inflation of a tire to the application of a new one. Drive in today --it will pay! First, Zeigfeld picked her for his "Follics," Next, she was chosen for "Rio Rita" and now Warner Brothers will present her in the movies. Dainty Agnes Franey is climbing; helped by clever dancing and seldom equalled beauty. Miss Franey says "I don't believe in overlooking anything which helps add to your attractiveness. I am most particular about my hair and so many friends compliment me on its softness and lustre that I am sure my method of caring for it is right, Nearly all the girls I know here in New York are using it, now. It is so easy. All we do is put a little Danderine on our brushes each time we dress our hair. It makes my hair easy to dress and holds it in place wonderfully. It has gotten rid of my dandruff. It keeps my hair and scalp so comfortable, that I don't shampoo half as often as I did before. And, best of all, it gives my hair a softer, more silky and lus- trous apearance than anything I've ever found." Danderine qui~kly rethoves that oily film from your hair; brings out its natural color, makes it fairly sparkle! Dandruff usually disappears when you use Dander- ine. Waves, "set" with it, stay in longer. It's delicately fragranced; isn't oily; doesn't show, It's econ- omical. The 35c bottle will last scveral weeks, All drug stores re- commend and guarantee it. | Here and There (250) In 19183 the Canadian Pacific Railway's tax bill was $1,882,000; in 1927 it was $7,358,000, an increase of 432 per cent, working out at $20,160 per day, $740 per hour, or $14 per minute. Dean Laird of Macdonald College St. Anne de Bellevue has, during the past five years, conducted over fifteen hundred people through the west. This year he is planning a sixth al'-expense tour with special train accommodation. The Jersey cattle sale of B. H. Bull & Son in Toronto the other day resulted in the highest average rices for the breed yet recorded in he Dominion. Seventy-six animals averaged $666. This included many earling heifers and young bulls. he top animal, Brampton Bay Xenia, sold for $8,000. This is the third highest rice ever paid for a Jersey cow in North America. Running down a timber wolf with 8 railway locomotive was the un- usual sport tried near North Bay bagged 8 90 Engineer M. Lafontacie on rounding a curve saw the wolf on the tracks a the throttle, succeeded in striking the beast with the pilot steps. Conductor W. G. Watling ran back snd finished off the animal with a poker. A bounty is paid on wolf skins by the government as the animals are a menace to game and livestock. Canada now holds the world record for winter eruises. With one cruise around the world, another to South America and Afries, a cruise to the Mediterranean and three to the West Indies this season, the red snd white chequered flag of the Canadisp Pacile is gen 0 nearly every important port neg Next season another eruise is to be added, making two to the Mediterranean, and extensive addi- to the itinerary tions will be of the "Empress of Australia" on her seventh cruise around the world, starting December, 2nd. The Interest of the Prince of Wales in Canadian affairs was de- nonstrated recently when, following is speech at Mansion House, in London, he visited the British Industries Fair, and spent some time in examining the exhibits of the Canadian Pacific Railway. He took . great interest in the moving train models and commented upon thé artiste nature of the round the world eraise working model. Her Majesty the een, and nce George passed along the same gang- way and ehowed great interest in the displays. One of the most. colourful and interesting events of the winter season in the west is scheduled to take place in Regi next when the Great West Canadian F , Folkdance, and Handi- eraft's Festival will be held in the Saskatchewan Hotel in ina, Over tw nationalities will be repre- sen in the musical and dance profismme and in the exhibits of andicrafts, and a number of artists from the sas will be preset; The concerts are being arranged by ti Canadian Pacifii Railway in co- operation with the Conserystory of Music of Regina College. , SPECIAL! Oxtords «nov. $2000 IL COLLIS AND SONS 50-54 King St. W. Phone 733W recently when a C.P.R. light engine | shire are supporting Miss Lee as a pound specimen. | protest against the betting tax im- | posed by the government, short distance ahead, and opening | the death of Sir Alexander Sprott, | general election in 1924, Sir Alexan~ na on March 20-23 |. Railway. : : First Ten-Pounders Trained farm workers who are headed for the West, where they will contribute to the success of the 1929 harvest. the Melita, the first large group under the ten-pound rate, and were directed to farm work by representatives of the Canadian Pacific They came over on 10 TEST RISKS OF HUDSON BAY ROUTE Government to Ship Grain to Determine Insurance + Hazard Wolesley, Sask., Mar. 2--To test the insurance hazards of the Hud- son Bay route to the sea, negotia- tions are under way by which the Dominion Government, in co-opera- tion with the wheat pool, will carry the first grain cargo to Europe in a Government vesesl, it was stated during hte Saskatchewan Royal Grain Commission sitting here ves- terday, by Chief Justice Brown, chairman, U. G, Hawkes, farmer, had said that the United Farmers of Canada and other organized agricul- tural bodies were relying heavily on the northern route to Europe, but feared insurance rates might be made too high. No private company could be ev- pected to take the risk involved with- out the cargo being insured, Com- missioner Brown said, and added that until several shipments had been made the insurance companies would have no facts on which toy base their rates. Women Selected By Liberal And Labor Parties in N. Lanarl: London, Mar, 2--In the by-clection contest in North Lanark, there is a strong feminine interest as one mere man is being opposed by two wo- men, Both the Liberal and Labor parties have sclected a woman to attempt to wrest the scat from the Conservatives, The government candidate is Lord Scone, the 28-year-old heir of the Earl of Mansfield. He is opposed by Miss Elizabeth Buchanan Mit- chell, M.A., Liberal, and Miss Jenny Lee, Labor, a youthful school teacher Miss Mitchell is an able speaker .and has a clear, pleasant voice, In lan interview, she said, "Tell Lord ! Scone I got a first in 'greats' at Ox- ford, He is an Oxford man and knows what that means, It will i frighten him." North Lanark for the most part is a working class area. Of the 35,- 000 voters on the rolls, 13,000-are women, The bookmakers of Lanark- The seat became vacant through the Conservative member. At the der had a majority of 2,028 over the Labor candidate, The Liberals did not contest. the seat in 1924, A California bridegroom, visiting his parents-in-law for the first time was struck with an jron bar by his mother-in-law and shot at by his father-in-law. It's just possible he is beginning to believe he married nto the wrong family.--New York Telegram, KING'S BEDROOM WINDOW OPENED Monarch Again Enjoys the Fresh Sea Breezes at Craigwell House Bognor, Sussex, Mar, 2--For the first time in several days the wenther yesterday was mild enough to permit King George's bedroom window to be opened, His Maj- esty sat at the window for some time enjoying the fresh sea breezes. It was officially stated last night that the King had pass- ed a quiet day. The. artificial sunlight treat- ment was applied yesterday by a ray therapy expert. The fact that Lord Dawson of Penn, one of the King's chief physicians, has not yet made arrangements for his next visit to Craigwell House is taken as an indication that the King's doctors are satisfied with the progress their patient is mak- ing. Chinese Covernment Protests to Japan Livernool, N.S, Mar, 2--=When the Swedish steamer Minna, of Trelle- borg, arrived at Boston recently with a twenty-six year old Chinese stow- away from Manzanillo, Cuba, the im- migration authorities at the Massa- chusetts port held him for three days and then re-placed him on the Min- na, ruling that he could not enter the United States and that the Swedish steamer must take him away with her, So when the Minna arrived here, from Boston to load pulp, the Chinamen was still aboard, a non- paying but working passenger. Cap- tain D, Julin, commanding the Minna, expects to return to Cuba at some indefinite time, but until he does. the touring Celestial apparent- ly must remain with him, excepting the time spent in American ports, when immigration officials will look after him, The next destination of the Minna was New York. Ellis Is- land officials will probably act as host on this occasion, until the steamer and the wandering Chinaman quit the port. Spring Is Coming! | Now's the time to put your house in order Rock-bottom prices on painting and paperhanging. First class mechanics and material. Let us give you an estimate. You'll be sur prised how low fit fs, SHAH PROCLAED ~NEW DRESS LAW Peaked Hats And Short Jack- ets Will Be Worn in Persia Teheran, Persia, Mar, 2--The Shah has proclaimed a new Jaw --cflective March 22--whereby Yeslked ats and short jackets have been adopted as emblems of patriotism in Persia and will be worn as a new national cos- tume. "An inverted pot, minus handle, but plus a peak," is the: general des- cription of the new headgear which BETTER THAN A GOVERNMENT BOND Endowment or Other Policies, on easy payments. Policies issued on the installment plan are in force for Full Amount on payment of first premium and have all the advantages contained in policles issued om the Annual Payment Plan, 27 SIMCOE ST. 8. L. BURDEN, Manager. OSHAWA, ONT. Phone 237 Hy will be obligatory for city residents only at first. The rural villagers will be allowed a year in which to discard the flowing 'turban and the tradi- tional colorful cloak, ; The Shah believes a uniform dress is conductive to patriotism and, inci- dentally, he wants his subjects to look like westerners. The bill was rushed through Parliament while Afghanistan is still in the grip of revolution, due to former King Amanullah's introduction of western dress and customs, Only a few deputies dared oppose the bill, although many suspected that Russian influence was behind the move. Riza Khan, however, took the precaution to appease the clergy by exempting ministers of religion and theological students from wear- ing the peaked hat. FIRE CHIEF CLAIMS TORONTO SKYSCRAPERS ARE NOT PROTECTED Toronto, Mar, 2.--Tall buildings are not adequately protected from danger of fire and it is a marvel that more damage has not been done to skyscrapers before they were com- pleted, Fire Chief Russell told the civic property committee, The committee approved a proposal by the chief that stricter regulations be enforced to protect such buildings in the course of construction, There are now no regulations to ensure a supply of water to upper floors of such buildings, he said, and it be- hooves the city to take every pre caution against heavy property losses which may eventuate, He declared that the city had been pretty lucky not to have had to deal with bad fires in skyscrapers while they were being built, If you make money at poker, that's gambing; if you make it at bridge, that's a social duty; if you make it outguessing Wall street, that's a miracle.--Washington Post Any MAJESTIC can be bought convenient Model 72 $293.25 COMPLETE! (With 7 Tubes) as played, regardless of distance. ered impossible . . . directly in front of the speaker. Set .... With Reas (1) The New MAJESTIC An Electric Radio is the most powerful seven tube set ever built , , ,.. It will bring the music of the finest orchestras into your home exactly (2) The New MAJESTIC 41 Electric Radio repro- duces the human voice with a fidelity heretofore consid- It will bring into your home the world events as broadcast, exactly as though you were (3) The New MAJESTIC 4B Biectrie Radio has » perfectly astounding range , . . . With it you can hit a distant station as easily as you tune in those near by, indeed MAJESTIC reception from distant points will astonish your by its clearness--freedom from distortions. (4) The New MAJESTIC An Blectric Radio bas » tone never Retore approached by any Radio Receiving you will get the highest or lowest vocal, orchestral or pianistic notes free from distortion. (5) Business-- Polities--Religion-- Perfect datly con- just with ae three, are yours with The MAJESTIC. .,. ¢ 8 modem, up-to-the-minute encyclopedia, The MAJESTIC, with its nation-wide pg informed of everything which is going on in the world, YOU Should Have A MAJESTIC Radio in Your Home Any MAJESTIC can be bought on convenient terms, ons Why Model 71 $248.25 COMPLETE! (With 7 Tubes) (6) The New MAJESTIC AR Electric Radio bas no batteries, acids or other troublesome accessories . . , . Just swing the single controlling dial and The MAJESTIC will bring in what you want--with life-like fidelity. softest tones. keep you (7) The New MAJESTIC AB Electric Radio is siways ready to give you exactly what you want . , , , Simply plug in on any light socket, flip the switch, and The MAJESTIC will snap into action, (8) The New MAJESTIC All Electric Radio is the most sensitive receiving set ever built , . , . With it you never have to strain your ears to catch even the fi (9) The New MAJESTIC AZ Electric Radio mests every condition of broadcasting with a flexibility which is positively astonishing . . , , When sound production varies from the thin notes of a referee's whistle to the roar of thousands of people within a few seconds' time ~~MAJESTIC meets that test, (10) The New MAJESTIC is not an assembled set +.» » Every piece, part and parcel is built in the six great MAJESTIC plants, devoted to perfection in the produc- tion of one thing--MAJESTIC Radios, Come and see and hear The MAJESTIC--Today' THE ADAMS FURNITURE CO. Ltd. 15 Simcoe Street South : Oshawa r MORE DEFINITELY THAN EVER country. and an Motor City Service, Limited ANDREW 'MOFFATT, President 26 Athol St. West Amiens Oshawa, Ont. cated --an engineeri bry cri py Style touches include headlamps of new design mounted on chromium-plated standards, a new cadet-type visor, And Oldsmobile now has the adjustable front seat. See this Finer Oldsmobile of lower price, at out showroom, dous acceptance The AST YEAR, engineers and critics pronounced Olds A« mobile "two years ahead." Verifyis their judgment, Oldsmobile has won tremen- fying from the public in every section of the Now, as the sesult of this success; a still finer Oldsmobile is introduced . . an Oldsmobile more definitely than ever "two years ahead" . . with many desirable refinements and new LOWER PRICES. Oldsmobile's big high-compression engine now delivers 62 A piston-pins are now feature heretofore characteristic pressure lubri- selection of voguish new interior colorings. wonderful new Fisher 0-3-3208 LDSMORBILE * PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, LIMITED

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