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Oshawa Daily Times, 4 Mar 1929, p. 7

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y, Ltd ---- 4d THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, MARCH 4, 1929 PAGE SEVEN MAPLE LEAFS WIDEN GAP BETWEEN MAROONS W A ITH 1 ALL TIE "Each Scoring in Third Leafs and Senators Play ~ Third Overtime Tie Game SIMPLE FUNERAL SERVICE AT CONWAY TOOLE'S BURIAL Livonia, N.Y., Mar. 4.--The re- dns of John Conway Toole, Presjdent of the International League, were lowered to their fin- al resting place at'Livonia Union Cemetery, one mile south of Li- 'vonla, Saturday. Toole died in New York city Thursday of influ~ ' enma, after a short illness, ° The funeral was typical of the life Toole led--simple and without elaborate ceremony, The Rev, L, BE, Vaughan said the last rites of "the Methodist Episcopal churchh, BUFFALO CANPROS PASS KITCHENER Fort Erie, March 3--Buffalo came back to defeat Niagara Falls 2 to I, and gain fourth place in the Cana- dian Professional league race at the Peace Bridge arena on Saturday night, After Steele. had broken through to score for the Cataracts in the first period, Huard tied the count in the second and Al Murray drove home the winning goal eight minutes later when he took a pass from Ronnie Martin and scored from close in, Steels and Lederman suffered major penalties in third period for staging an impromptu boxing and wrestling match, DBuffalo was han- dicapped by the absence of Bogardis from the line-up. He has not re covered from a severe attack of tone silitis, Manager Lesueur announced the signing of Ross Curric who has been playing with the Brantford O.ILA, intermediates, However, he did not start Saturday night. Murray was sent to the forward line and it pro- ved a good move as the score ine dicates. Buffalo plays in Kitchener on Monday night and the game, being a "four pointer" may definitely decide fourth position in, the lcague race, gaining for the winner a place in the late March championship play-offs, The team :-- Buffalo--Goal, Taugher; defence, Hughes and Cain; centre, Huard; wings Brydson and Desy; subs, Led- erman, Murray, Martin and Roth, Niagara--Goal, Farrell; defence, Fournier, and Duggan; centre, Hal. liday; wings, Steele and Lott; subs, Madden, Smith, Quesnel, Kelterborn and Harrington, Pladner KO/s GENARO IN FIRST Paris, Mar. 4.--Emile (Spider) Pladner, France's pile-driving fly. weight, nocked out I'rankie Gens aro of New York, in the first round of their bout here Saturday night, Th: Frenchman's sensational vie- tory practically clinched for him the world's flyweight title, Gen- aro has been recognized the king of the 112-pounders by the National Boxing association and Izzy Sch- wartz, another New York nominee of the New York State Boxing com- mission for the same title, was de- cisively beaten by I'ladner at Paris several months ago, The Ireneh- man also holds a knockout vietory over Johnny Hil, English and Euro- pean titleholder. As 8 matter of fact, Pladner an- nounced after Saturday night's bout that, having no more flyweight worlds to conquer, lie would cam- paign: in the future among the bantamweights. Genaro was hit only twice, The first punch, a right to the jaw, staggered him. The sccond, a ter rific left to the heart, floored him. The spectators gasped in intense as- tonishment as Genaro, fully con- scious, rolled over the ring vainly attempting to rise, Finally he ecol- lapsed face down as Referee Henri Bernstein completed the count of ten, The bout lasted 47 seconds, dL -- I've forgotten I ever had any nerves * Gain on the Maroons When They Loge to Chicago -- Result of Third Overtime Game Between Clubs Give Ottawa Margin Toronto, Ont, March 4--Two goals, both in the third pere iod, and both from scrimmages in front of the net, were all that were produced in a scoring way at the Arena gardens on Saturday night, when the Ottawa Senators paid their last visit of the season to this city, and as each team counted one of the counters they shared the points in the third overtime struggle they have staged this season, The division of the points gave the Senators the edge in the scason's series with the Leafs, as previously they had won three out of the four games played, and as a result the tail-enders in the Canadian group now rank with the champions of 1928, the New York Rangers, as having taken the edge in the engagements with the locals this year, While the Senators have always proven a tough crew for the locals to defeat, it was expected that the Leafs would come through with a win on Saturday night, and until less than three minutes from the end of the third period it looked as if the Ottawa jinx was going to be safely laid to rest, but a momentary defen- sive lapse allowed Kilrea to get through and slap home a rebound for the equalizer, For the remain- ing three minutes of the regular per- iod, and during the extra ten minu~ tes, the iS had more scoring chances than had the visitors, but they could not beat Connell, However, the disapopintment of the players and their supporters at the failure to get the maximum profits out of the deal was partially chased away by the unexpected vic- tory of the Chicago Hawks over the Montreal Maroons, which enabled the locals to gain another point on the fourth-placers, Leafs Below Recent Form The Leafs showed neither the speed, dash nor combination that has featured their recent games, this be- ing partially due to the strong de- fensive play of the Senators and partly to the unconscious let-up af- ter the struggle for third place, In- dividually they were good, but in- dividual play will not beat Ottawa, Chabot turned many shots aside, and deserved another shut-out, The de- fence trio were strong both ways, while up front all six worked hard, The duel between Blair and Nighbor was practically a draw, the latter having an edge defensively and the former being the most effective on the attack, Connell, Clancy and Nighbor were the best for Ottawa, with Kilrea and Finnigan being prominent at times, Clancy was perhaps the hero of the game, staging many attacks and breaking up numerous rushes by the locals, He was given his first and only rest after 50 minutes' play, but was hardly off the ice when he had to return because of a penalty to Alex Smith, The visitors, although out of the race, playing the starting six most of the time, The teams: Maple Leafs--Chabot, goal; Day and Duncan, defence; Blair, centre; Horne, right wing; Cox, left wing; Art Smith, Pettinger, Bailey and Cotton, subs; Ottawa--Connell, goal; Clancy and Alex Smith, defence; Nighbor, cep- tre; Finigan, right wing, Kilrea, left wing; Shields, Grosvenor, Touhey, Godin and Elliott, subs, Referces--M, J. Rodden, Toronto, and Leo Heffernan, Montreal, : The Summary No score, Second Period No score, Third Period 1 Maple Leafs, .Horne (Cotton) 5.54 2 Ottawa. .Kilrea (Shields) ....11.25 Overtime Period No score, Final Score Maple Leafs... 1 Ottaws ,...... | Penalties--First period, Kilrea, Shields, Day; second period, Nigh- bor, Clancy, Art Smith, Duncan; third period, Alex Smith, 2; over- time period, Alex Smith, Total, Ot- tawa 14 minutes, Maple Leafs 6 minutes, ONE IN EACH WINS FOR CANADIENS Montreal, Mar, 4. -- Canadiens flashed to a brilliant 8 to 0 win over the Boston Bruins in san im- portant ~ Intersectional Hockey league contest here last night. The Bruins, the leaders of the Ameri- can division, were seldo min the picture during the game, such was the brand of hockey displayed by the fast-skating Canucks who con- sistently outskated, outshot, out- played and outscored their oppon- ents from the Hub. The win add- ed to the French team's margin at the top of thé Canadian section and only a series of startling wu sets can pow dislodge the Can: from the top rung, and s favored position in the play-offs. HERR Just To. Beming You YOUNG RANGERS Vs OSHAWA SHAMROCKS AT ARENA GABDENS, TORONTO, TO-MORROW NIGHT : AT 8.30 P, M0 0, H. A. Semi-Finals--Don't Miss It Reserved Seats Now On Sale at Retz Smoke Shop 30 Simcoe South Detroit, Boston at Rangers, HOCKEY RECORDS The standings of the clubs in the two groups of the National Hockey league, including last night's game, are as Talons: nadian Group i PW. LT FAP Canadiens ...... 39 18 7 14 60 40 50 N.Y. Americans 39 17 11 11 46 40 45 Maple Leafs ... 391916 4 Montreal 9 Ottawa 248 00 T.F.AP N.Y, Rangers ., 40 20 11 9 64 56 49 Boston ,,,400000 3821 12 564 44 47 Detroit ,... 9 67 52 45 Pittsburg +144 09 25 Chicago +,,v40.0 39 627 627 69 18 Remaining Games Tuesday, March 5--Montreal at Detroit, Americans at Ottawa, Ran- gers at Boston, Chicago at Pittsburg, Thursday, March 7--Maple Leafs at Chicago, Ottawa at Canadiens, Saturday, March 9--Detroit at Maple Leafs, Americans at Montreal, Ottawa at Boston, Sunday, March W-Canadiens, at itis. burg at Chicago, Tuesday, March 12--Maple Leafs at Canadiens, Ottawa at Americans, Chicago at Boston, Rangers at Pitts- burg, Thursday, March 14--Americans at Maple Leafs, Canadiens at Montreal, Boston at Detroit, Chicago at Ran» gers, Saturday, March 16--Maple Leafs at Ottawa, Americans at Canadiens, Boston at Pittshurg, isn League P. VW, T.F.AP Detroit ves e 3322 9 4102 55 48 Windsor .,,.., 34 19 11 4 8501 42 Millionaires ,,, 3416 13 5 7179 37 Buffalo .,, 3514 14 7 70 5635 Kitchener 351516 4 9494 34 London , 351418 3 67 93 31 Hamilton ,,,,, 351220 3 7310027 Niaiara Falls ,, 341121 2 6! 88 24 This Week's Games Monday--Detroit at London; Buff- alo at Kitchener; Windsor at Niagara Falls, Wednesday--Windsor at Hamilton, London at Buffalo, : : Thursday--London at Detroit; Mil- lionaires at Niagara Falls, Friday--Windsor at Kitchener. Lowly Hawks Defeat Maroons Windsor, Mar. 4, -- What little hope the Montreal Maroons had of catching up to the Toronto Maple Leafs in the struggle for third place in the Canadian group of the National Hockey League was shat- tered almost beyond repair here Saturday night when the lowly Chi- cago Black Hawks defeated .the Maroons 2 to 1, scoring both goals in the first ten minutes of the third period to overcome the counter scored by Ward four min- utes after the start of the game, It was the sixth victory of the season for the Hawks who had pre- viously lost two games and tied one with the Montrealers, Chicago -- Goal, Gardner; de- fence, Taylor and Wentworth; centre-- Couture; wngs, Gottselig and Irvin; subs -- Ripley, March; McKinnon and Arbour, Montreal -- Goal, Benedict; de- fence, Boucher and Dutton; cen- tre Phillips; wings, Stewart and Ward; subs -- Siebert, Smith, Hicks and Trottier, Officials -- W, Bell, Montreal, and W, O'Hara, Ottawa, DETROIT COUGARS WIN IN OVERTIME Pittsburg, Mar. 4, -- Detroit's' fighting Cougars stole a march on both the Boston Bruins and the New York Rangers here Saturday night, winning an overtime Na- tional Hockey league contest from Pittsburg by 4 to 3 The win placed the Cougars within strik- ing distance of first place in the American division Boston lost to Canadiens and now lead the Cor- sairs by a game and a half, which advantage also is enjoyed by the Rangers, whom the Cougars meet tonight, Last night's game was give and take throughout and at times was drab. The Pirates opened the scoring mn the initial frame on a goal by McCaffrey, his first point of the vesr. 'Thereafter the lead see-sawed back and forth, the wn: ning tally finally being caged bh Herberts ou 8 pass from Cooper in the overtime period. SPORT SNAPSHOT S Memories of hectic tilts of other winters will be revived when the Kit- chener Greenshirts stream out on the ice at the Arena gardens, Toronto, tonight in the first of the O.H.A, intermediate final series against the crack Willowdale team, O.H.A, annals are studded with brilliant ice feats oi these green-clad warriors from the Twin Cities, and on to-night's line-up will appear names of several men who have helped to perform them, There is the canny George Karges, veteran of many campaigns, and a stickhandlcr par excellence, the speedy Roth, the hard-shooting berg" Berner, in the net, The series is intermediate in name only, Kitchener, with same team, won the senior championship last winter, With folson, and the "ice- ractically the itchener hold- ing the member of a championship team in their senior title, Willowdale also includes members of a championship team in their line-up in Alex "Shrimp" MacPherson and Claude Harris, who were the main-stays of the Marlboro junior titleholders last sea son, : Both clubs have swept through their campaigns to date in impressive style, and they will be battling for the right to enter the Allan cup play- downs, the goal of every amateur club in Canada, The Greenshirts wil reign favorites owing to their more established reputation, but Willowdale have shown their ability to come through in the "pinches," and the north- end fans entertain {ull confidence that they will deliver, The likely starting line-ups will be; Kitchener--Goal, Berner; defence, Karges and Schneider; cntre, Roth; wings, Molson and Shirk, Willowdale--Goal, Harris; defence, Barnett and Underwood or Nugent; centre, Shrimp MacPherson; wings, Johnny MacPherson and Collins, With the help of the Chicago Black Jawks, the Maple Leafs widened the gap that separates them from the Maroons Saturday night. Splitting the points with Ottawa in the game in Toronto, the Leafs did not look as good as was expected, The Senators played an aggressive game, but a lapse on the Toronto defence was responsible for the tie score, The Leafs have been under such a tension for he past two or three games in their ef- forts to drive the Maroons out of the play-off connection, that they can be excused for a let-down after their brilliant performance n Montreal. But the Leafs have found it hard to performs their best against Ottawa this sea- son, The uncanny poke-checking of Frank Nighbor in centre ice stopped the Leafs' combined attacks Saturday night, I keep warm, but he works havoc in all, can hardly skate fast enough to Nighbor, crooked knec and mid-ice with his checking, and while he is on the ice the Senators arc 50 per cent, better than when he is off.The spirited Clancy is also a contributing factor in any Ottawa success, His fighting spirit is a treat to behold, After close to nine years of professional boxing without haying thc dreaded "ten" counted over him, Frankie Genaro, of New York, Nationai Boxing Association flyweight champion, failed to last one round against Emile ("Spider") Pladner, French champion, in their bout at Paris, France, Saturday night, Pladner's surprisingly decisive victory stamps hin as an outstanding boxer beyond any doubt, following, as it does, a victory over Izzy Schwartz in an overweight bout and a knockout over Johnnyy Hill, English champion, Pladner, the Associated Press reports, has announced his intention of campaigning among the bantamweights, but a visit to this country as a flyweight would not be surprising, Matchmaker Playfair Brown of the Shamrock A.C. some time ago made tentative arrangements for Pladner's appearance in Toronto and will no doubt make every effort to carry out these plans, "Frenchy" Belanger-Izzy Schwartz world's A match between Pladner and the winner of the championship match, which takes place in Toronto next Monday, would decide the world's champion be- yond any dispute. Genaro has not only met the best flyweights, but has gone out of his class and beaten outstanding bantams, a fact that makes Pladner's victory the more notable. The New York boxer holds decisions over such good bantams as "Bushy" Graham, "Bud" Taylor, now a feather- weight; "Phil" Rosenberg, former world's bantam champion and Eddie O'Dowd, When the late Pancho Villa was knocking out most of his op- ponents he lost three times to Genaro, The week end rest will not do the local juniors any harm, but should make them feel in the pink for to-morrow night's battle, Arrangements similar to those of Friday will be made for the transportation of the fans and the game is expected to be attended by a large crowd of Toronto and Oshawa junior fans, - WILLOWDALE WIN ON WHITBY ICE, 3-2 Whitby, Mar. 4,--Whitby inter- mediates were eliminated in the O, H.A, semi-finals by Willowdale Saturday nght when Bill Hines' ag- greation defeated the locals 3-2 in a hard fought contest, witness- ed by a crowd of 2,000 fans, in Burns' arena. The Toronto team invaded the town with a six goal lead and won the round 10-3, Wil- lowdale will now meet Kitchener in the O.H.A, finals. Willowdale employed defensive tactics and spared MacPherson and Barnett as much as possible in or- der that they might be in good trim for tonight's game with Kit- chener. MacPherson, however, opened the scoring early in the first frame when he combined with Collins to beat Hawes, the Whitby net guardian with g shot from close in. Willowdale's second counter also came in this period, Under- wood drilling a fast shot from cen- tre fice which bounced off Hall, Whitby defence man, and rolled in- to the net, The second frame went scoreless but in the last period, Rice, veteran right wing man, secured Whithy's first goal in two minutes when he peppered a shot from the blue line. Ten minutes later, Hall repeated the performance and shot high from outside the defence the puck bouncing off the goalie's stick. Willowdale again went into the lead when MacPherson tallied on 8 neat solo effort. The teams: Willowdale--Goal, Harris; de- fence, Nugent and Barnett; centre, MacPherson; wings, Skirrow and Collins; sub, Beall. Whithy---Goal, Hawes; defence, Atkinson and Hall; centre, Smith; wings, Rice and Sleightholm; subs, Bradley and Bundy. : Referce--Ernie Wortley, Toron- 0. Nome Hero, Derby Winner Leonhard Sepells, hero of the famous ome, ii on Nioning the "Sorenth Eastern nterational "Sled ye at Quebec. cov. miles in elev, i with his sturdy team of Siberian huskies, = 384 4 ball minutes Dog sled derby feeb bids were broken and new ones established nd, made a 22 minutes, 42 seconds. Of the nine who finished the three laps, only two took as long as the first Derby winner at Quebec in 1923, trating thet herdier and speedier dogs have been developed for sled We always thought we could un derstand women, but that was before Davis Cup Games To be in Montreal Negotiations have been in progress for some time between the Council of the Canadian Lawn Tennis Asso- ciation and the Davis Cup Committee of the United States Lawn Tennis Association as to the venue for the Davis Cup tie between the two coun- tries. It has finally been decided that the matches will take place at Montreal, May 16, 17 and 18. i; In view of the fact that the win- ning team in the American zone is desirous of playing at Wimbledon, and must therefore sail early in Jie, the three rounds to be played before the winners emerge must necessarily be completed prior to that date and the proposal of the United States committee was that the first round tie with Canada should be played at Washington late in April, Rangers Defeat . Detroit in Rough Game Detroit, Mar, 4--In a smashing National Hockey League game in which two players were injured seriously enough to remove them from the game for the rest of the season and in which major penalties were inflicted, the New York Rang- erg last night nosed out the Detroit: Cougars, 3-2, in the last game be- tween the two teams this year, The second period, the hardest fought of all, culminated in a fist fight between "Bobby' Connors and Leo Bourgeault, Cougar wing and Ranger defence man, respec tively, that required the efforts of referees and players to halt, Both were given major penalties, Ger- ald Carson, sub Ranger defence man, also received a major penalty in the first period for charging Connors near the New York goal, The Cook brothers teamed to score the first Ranger goal in the initial period, Bun Cook scoring un a pass from brother Bill. Vail scored in the second period and Thompson in the final frame, Con- ners counted for the Cougars in the first period and Hay in the final, "Sparky" Vail of the Rangers received a slight concussion of the brain when he crashed into the boards during the play and 'Sailor Jimmie" Herberts of the Cougars received a shoulder injury that may keep him out for the remainder of the season, physicians said. The teams: Detroit---Goal, Dolson; defence, Noble and Brydge; centre, Con; nors; wings, Cooper and Hay; subs, Traub, Herberts, Aurie and Brophy, Rangers--Goal Roach; defence, Abel and Bourgeault; centre, Bou- cher; wings, W. Cook and F, Cook; subs, Murdock, Thompson, Keeling, Val, Oatman and Carson. Officals---W, Bell, Montreal, and we heard them in the talkies.-- judge. |W O'Hara, Ottawa, Shamrocks Face Acid Test At Arena Gardens Tomorrow Juniors Confident of Victory ~--Expect to Have Follow- ing of Fans Young Rangers and the local Shamrocks will lock horns again to- morrow night at the Arena Gar- dens, Toronto, to battle out their two-all tie game of last Friday night and with goals counting on the vound the tilt will be of the torrid variety with speed, action, bumps and spills galore. it will be a real hectic session from all the earmarks, Both teams will be battling it out tooth and nail for the right to con- tinue on in the next round for the O.H.A. Junior championship and visions of the championship silver- ware with the glory and honors it brings will be an additional spur to both of the battling bands of puck chasers. The "Ardiel-Munroe-McFadyen" led local Irish have been the sur- prise package of the Junior season and are playing real hockey to prove to all and sundry that they are no flash in the pan, These kids never say die and never know when they are beaten, as tinder the most severe handicaps and the most ad- verse conditions this season they have come right through on the bit and batted 1000 per cent, in the pinches, game, and the players are full of confidence as to their ability to knock off the highly touted Rang- ers and to continue on in the jun- for playdowns, The kids are makig a real effort to definitely place Oshawa on the hockey map with a vengeance and the Green Clad Motor City crew will be making plenty of '""whoo- pee' tomorrow night on the big ice surface of the Arena, to better their position in the championship race, A great following of Oshawa and district fans will be making the trip to Toronto to root the kids on their way to victory and the local supporters will be well ad- vised to get their paste-boards early as everything points to a big attendance at the Arena for the big game. QUEEN'S ELIMINATE R.M.C, Kingston, Mar. 4.--Queen's In- termediate team won from R.M.C. here on Saturday night by the score of 3 to 2 and thereby won the round by the score of 8 to 3, The Tri-Color ualified to play Loyola in the semifinals for the intermedi- ate college title, The locals are all set for the big | LACROSSE A general meeting of the General Motors lacrosse club will be held in the confer. ence room of Industrial Re- lations Building on Thurs. day evening, at 8,135 p.m, to organize for the coming sea . som, The nominating commit. tee elected at the anti of Feb. 28th, will report a officers will be elected. Every one interested in Lacrosse should make an ef. fort to attend as several amendments to the 0.A.L.A, constitution are to be sub mitted and must be decided upon at this meeting. -Thuvsday, March 7, 1980, at 8:15 p.m, 'ARSITY LADIES TAKE CAGE TITLH Montreal, Mar. 4,--University of Toronto captured the McGill Stude ent Body trophy emblematic of the women's intercollegiate basketball championship, here Saturday, der feating Western University 52 to 19. The victory gave Toronto twe wing, the Blue and White cagers having conquered Queen's Friday evening in the first game of the tourney, In a consolation game played in conjunction with the championship encounter McGill dis- posed of Queen's 58 to 43, The {teams: University of Toronto (52)--4 Wilma Haslett and Louise Crouche, forwards; Eleanor Sedgwick, Betty Thomas and Honor Tett, centre; Dorothy Kerr, defence; Beatrice Symons, Edith Peake and Alice Peake and Alice Muckle, subs, Western University (19)---Ai{leen Halett and Grace Rath, forwards; Margaret Turner and Jessie Walks er, centre; Mayme Farley, defence; Doris Padden, Lilian Uren, Helen O'Neill and Helen McCormick, subs, Referees--Miss Wain and Mise Gilmour, McGill University (58)---Winnie fred Chisholm and Janet Baillle, forwards; Jean Synder, Merle Pade en and Dorothy Ross, centre; Betty Archdale, defence. Queen's University (43)--Ella Sexton, Jean Dunlop and Marion Lick, forwards; Peggy Houston and Peggy Mackintosh, centre; Ilse Schroeder, defence; Leonore Reine ke, Miss Allison and Miss McGres gor, subs. SHAMROCKS VS, RANGERS 'Reserved seats for the Oshe awa Shamrocks-Toronto Young Rangers game on Tuesday night, March 5th, are now on sale at The Smoke Shop, Bu Simcoe St, South, Lergest Hotel in the British Empire THE EEE ROYAL YORK | TORONTO ORE thao 1000 rooms with bath 5 5 an architectural triumph ; ; stand- Lake 28 storeys hi os » » A0 delegate and permanent guest. private opposite the Union Station and overlooking lovely for the vacationist, business man or woman, Lagge aod luxurious public rooms ; : 2 ballroom. Every facility for entertaining s s» numerous smart shops » s 8 bank. Special facilities for conventions , , the whole second floor set aside bsaguet-hall, ballroom, aad concert hall with great deep stage s 3 convention-seating 4070, or banquet-seating 2720., Casavant organ aad SUBWAY CONNECTION WITH A CANADIAN PACIFIC HOTEL RESERVATIONS NOW ROOKING | | | Li ---- RB B.D oll 2 =

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