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Oshawa Daily Times, 6 Mar 1929, p. 12

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6, 1929 , WOWO, WCCO, KMOX, KMBC, WCAO, WEAN, KMBC, WCCO, WLW (428)--Cinci. Fillmores Band. WSPD, WLBW, WMAL,' KOIL, KOIL. 1040 WGES (2204)Chi Dance 'music. PY} ° IY) . WHE, WISN. 1015 WRVA (270)~Richmond. Richmond or. | 11:00 KFAB (3)--Lincoln. Studio program. ) «f0- in Ea chestra. KOA J] » Pace Setters. asy © WPG (272)--Atlautic" City. Entertain: WHC (72)~Atlantic Gity. "Memor- KMA (337)--Shenandoah. Musical pro- ies"; Dance Orchestras, . : ; ers. , om, @ hours.) R DI (0) P ROGR AM 100 WBAL ,89)---Baltimore. The Mary- | 1030 CFCA (37)--Toronto. Concert ensemble kste @fi=S.. rau. Aucs aad An. A v " WCAH (209)~Columbus, Dance Mara- to SWEAR: WOAE, we, WY Sser-ruils News: Orchestra, pa WIP (492)<Phila. Adelphia orchestra. WT, SM WEAF, WDAF, WKY. Wh Go, 'Crelt "advenrcs | KSB Ma Nala a WOR ot lta, Sider ont, : 0 9 3 WJZ, RWK. I Network: WGY (379.5)--Schenectady. Hotel Ken- 8.00 NBC (WEAF)--Sunkist Serenaders. 11.15 NBC System (W. Coluanbia Network: Kolster Hour to FRY De x, Sore Srchentra Wn umbia: Show t drama--"Pulse stitute. WOR. Weal, WNAC, Ww WSPD, WH w BW, WNAC, NB Stor bern Schook. 2 10pm. NBC System (Contral-Farmand) wowed, KMOX, WSPD, W waco, \Wowo, "KMOX, WrAS hau, wie, WiAs, 'wiz. . ncertina 9 Network: Bailey Allen, To-Night's Best Features |, Cia=th ot WzyLooting' schol ( )---Hou: In. of Chinatown." 8.30 NBC (WEAF)--Kremlin Echoes--Rus- nie Hour, 9.00 NBC WIZ ith Brott 1.55 WMAQ Chicago. Ass'n, Commerce pro- WHK, W ' an ' a am, i 1 Colum bia: an Heusen prog.--Vallees { 309 £BC ae (WITS Navy Band . WEAN omy Crarcian Orchestra 9.30 NBC (WEAF)--Palmolive program. 3.30 WGN Chicago. Mandolin Trio. A Columbia: : La Balina Smoker--Lewis| 4g) NBC System SWEAR--Pacific Vaga: 4 fix fava TSS os, Oye 3 1000 WEW Ciel. Great Advenvures--Belen | 501%, 40, WRG WOW OW oe. gr Datei Ty | Special Real Insurance CG iL : 430 WLS' Chicago, Strolling Guitarists. . : WLW o5-Cinci, Dance Music; : Estate 11.00 WOC Davenport. Concertina. band. - (} 1145 KOA (61)--Deaver. "A Persian Gar-|J| Real Estate Insurance ard | 6 rooms, New CUTLER & PRESTON - WSB (405)--Atlanta. Mrs, Daisy Cobb. ||| 1080S: Phone 3284 $460 93 RING 27. N. 'onight's Programs ; 5.30 NBC System: Bill and Jane to WEAF, Y A 9 --North end. Telephone 572- Wednesday's Features ygtem: Bill and Jane to RI Rx, Ommasitls. . Noveiies alae Gumwood trim, all con- Night Calla 310-1580 10.00 am, NBC System (WJZ)=Dr. Cope- WLW (48)~Cinci. Markets; Glad / KYW (294)--Chicago. Fiorito's orches. | ummm ye od a 8 > Girls. x KFAB (389)--Li Orch veniences. Bargain with Ir. ncoin, tra, NBC Spaiem (WEAR) -Nationat Home | 600 NBG, Sraem, Waldort, Astoria Music A KGO (99.9) _Onklaud. Songs; quintet. $600 cash. our WBAL (283)~Baltimore. Sandman Wiliry 16) ira, Cleveland. William | from starvation and rigorous Circle. weather. . SEE WGY (379.5)--Schenectady. Markets; 3 For nearl Orch y a month the dwell- 6 1) NBC Syutem: Pollack's Orchestra to PEOPLE IS01. ATED oy only food has been roots and 20 D. ISNEY i ; Y ! erbs. Several of the older inhab- King St. E. Phone 1550 - TIME TABLES wow (508)--Omaha, Markets; WEAF by ' itants are already dead from star- 6.30 Tonia, Musica), program J ON LONELY IS AND Yasin. A woman of 76 died from : 0 ) s. Dinner music, v : * unger and a young mother with , fv] y hool; = WDAF Fors Kansas City. Air Schoo 6A ; a two day old baby perished from | nold oRthstein were arrested to- ) Oshawa, ont. bb A Orchest: CPR. TIME TABLE, WCAU (356)--Phila. Entertainers, #1 King St. East, Oshawa 1d. d New Schedule taking effect 12001 am, 500 Dinner concert %0 ay and five packages of narcotics Sunday. Apri) ®, 1923, I Hor a: i its till is dri valued at $1,000,000 at street 7.00 WADC (223)--Akron. Musical program. [The wise man never waits till is driven by necessity, In Danger of Dying from prices were seized as they gh port was one of the busiest on the olny Wom WBAP (375)--Ft, Worth, Organ; Or: : 5.43 am Dally, . ; SENATE LEADERS CHOSEN ; em Daily Becure your CONGER COAL now while best services Starvation and Rigorous Washington, D. C.. Mar. 6.--Sen- | 2P°%t to be shipped, coast, 62 im. Daily Shes (256)--Phila, Orchestra. ailabl a, 8.40 a.m. Daily except Sunday, WCAE (242)--Pitts. Gospel Songs. are av. €. Ww ath ate republicans chose James E. STEAMER MOHAWK AGROUND eather Watson, of Indiana, as leader of | NEWSPRINT AT LIVERPOOL Jacksonville, Fla., Mar. 6.--The | 45 pm Daily. WEAF (454.3)--New York. Synagogue Services. WGR. (545)--Buffalo, Shea's Symphony the majority party in the Senate | pjverpool, N cl 10.05 a.m. Daily. a ar ato Sirs : Co. tora ool the Dormotruts oy rpool, N.S., Mar. 6.--With | Clyde-Liner Mohawk inbound with gi am pur VEE 52 GrR LemeH (Cable Servion To The Times By| S520 he Demacrte Te siete | contrac of tie arse nowapring | 260 Dasromosr from New Tork 4 , Brooklyn, 7.34 p.m. Dail xcept Sunday, 8.03 p.m Daily except Sunday. h c 4 Daily NBC System: Jedd Righlanders to Canadian Press) pilot the minority party through |miles from here, went aground yesterday after pass- 11.10 p.m. 12.00 WJZ, WBZ, ns 4 4 roceedin on | ing into the inl Jagreb, Jugo Salvia, Mar. 5.--/the seventy-first congress, Ti ne) El ope fuls, a we ph a times " Trio; Sextet. All times shown above are WOW (508)--Omaha. Trio; Sextet. Rn kg ih dr: Sp Ch ---- id od Isolated by ice from the mainland ois lhe shedule, 3 tusl production . : WAG G17) Worcester: Coal miners, ® ® ® and apparently forgotten by the| NARCOTICS WORTH November. The pay roll egin by | sel was reported to be in no dane - 1 outside world, 26 inhabitants of $1,000,000 SEIZED | per eight ARR aon HA Buln. ger, CN. R. TIME TABLE 7.30 CNRW (384.4)--Winnipeg. Dinner music Effective Jun, 6, 1929 yeu, sm La Touroge art io Phones 87) 931 -- 687-W Ihe tiny igang ot SL aid no Tork, ig 5; wis Tous Jen per: Liverpsel is looking forward Bigamy is having one wife toe 8.23 a.m.=Dai t Sunday, WEAF, WGR, WTAG, WWJ, WCAE, anager. rivers, aze in dan great increase in shipping, many. Monoga i -Si . , » ger of perishing| owing dealin ith - id ' 3 . gamy, in certain ine Se au indy -y WTAM, WHAS WSE, - p 5 & gs with the late Ar- [similar to former days when this |stances, is the same thing.--Judge, MC. except Sunday, WJZ (394.5)--New York. Talk by Jno. Soe fda Ne Detroit. Orchestra; enter-| ELLA CINDERS--Look Who's Here! By Bill Consel and Charlie Plumb 4 except Saturday, sanery, T Imperial Hou i . FCA (35 'oronto. pe 3 rd Charli ily. 8.00 SEC shuiom: Sunkist Serensders, oS Jest wher lookec? Westbound WHE WIAG, WW) WLIT, WGK, Slankese, Sila receivec! some w : fers, thern WGY '(379.5)--Schenectady. G. E. pro , J ore except Sunday, ing el ily vip (492)--Phila, "Everybody's Gar- wo except Sunday, den." . B Whe guemail omen) TR WIZ, A ' ) mg pit oS ; Zi! pan--dun J WIE, WLW, KYW, WREN, | ih i OF THE DOTTED ,27 p.m, ~Daily except Sunday, 3 Al VOO, WF KPRC, ig il THE ; ME c ¢ 845 p.m. Daily except Sunday. WOAL WEBC, a ' : it IMAG : BASKET F PEANUT, Bowmanville Columbia, Networks SOIL, WLDW, You EE aA {PUR Whithy, Oshawa, Bott WWEAU, WCCO," WIAS, BUS LINE WADC, WMAQ, WEAN, worl, WEEK DAY SCHEDULE Ros » : f (Elective uo Sad nm Nov. 9 WRVA (270)--Richmond. Studio fea- BIE oe ive, Om Wax (280)--Cleveland, Black Face 615am. 7.10 a. A cam, a NBC System: Kremlin Echoes to PL La 830 CAF "\WTiC, WRC, WCAE, KSD, 8.20 a.m. W y % WBAP (75)--Ft. Worth. Sunflower Girl. System: Sylvania Foresters to le. VEE RE a wh ; / wie WIR, ' ' » \ v . WRVA, | 5s Id EE wr WLS (345)--Chicago. Kiltie Band. \ { u 2 9.00 CFCA (357)--Toronto. Shea's Hippo \ | : x / 44 yal : 24 ambi Network: Van Heusen Pro- Mae Wo Ih i 34 i ga Ww fo sn 2 Columbia Wo " WCAU, WNAG | Ro & 5 es Ld = > KL) 2) n od il od ad ud 8aa8il =% 434 HT is Musicale. t iy ER aN WHILE | i th HINKIN' ABOUT NEC System. IPN IC, WOR, WG BECAUSE ONE | VT VL GO ANS br WASTED 'SO MUCH TIME , ESTE. GIT A R-CLT KPRC, WOAI, WHAS, SOING TO "THE BARBER WOMEN ciT THROUGH Ay WBT, KOA, KVOO, - - yf WCSH, WRC, WCAE, WTAM, WWJ, QR RESO ED- WGN, WTMJ, WJAR. NBC System: Smith Bros. -to WIZ, WBAL, KYW, WIR, WRZ, WBZA, 50 p. WHAM, KDKA, KWK, WREN, 11.00 pm, 11.10 WIP (492)--Phila, Radio forum. wii Jacked wee (272)--Atlantic City. Concert or- tb: ital. chestra. SUNDAY "AND MULIDAN SCHEDULE WRVA (270)--Richmond. Variety pro- Gong West 88Eie SoPPOREEES BEERERRERE 1.00 p.m. 83pm, 6.50 p.m. ? BEER i a TT v BN E/RaGS gram, ve 9,30 KWKH (352)--Shreveport. Studio pro- po BC. System: Palmolive Hour to 3 ystem : 1225 pom WEAF, WEET, WTIC, WAR, WTAG, JOC, KSTP, WRC, WCAE, WGR, WTAM, WWJ, WGN, WTMJ, KSD, WwWGY, WOW, AF, WHas, WSM, WSB, NBC System: Cabin Door to WJZ, KDKA, WIR. Columbia Network: La Palina Hour to WCAU, WNAC, WEAN, WOR, WFBL, WMAK, WCAO, WIAS, i WADC, WKRC, WGHP, WMAQ, I © 1925, 10" Feature 8 , Felt Bros. 7 he LEADING JEWELER - . oan OF THE 18 DYNASTY, EGYPT. THE LATE Estab'ished 1886 \ Se LORD CARNAVON DISCOVERED MANY 1 WHY DON'T YOU | RAZORS IN HIS TOMB EXCAVATIONS. ¥ STAY OUTCF THE Y§ OH! T LIKE THe EARLIEST J IE SIRI Crm ma BATHROOM Wich {10 HEAR HIS, MOAR ASAE ERROAPINO OAR LARERRARALRHER JLT REL LE EAARCADA LA INVENTED, TIMES, TOMMY. Sh ] i ib ; | : / CADDY b Srv, CUTTING wn ADDY 2. [4 la ! Harry D. Wilson J23A70RS WERE USED BY THE ANCIENT Having purchased the Seed De- |= 2 PRANTL DZZ21 | covpmians; THEY PREFERRED CLEAN- £ Sel oy ig RAR Re partment of J. E. Beaton's Gro- i SHAVEN TO BEARDED FACES. IN THE LL 1 EXISTENCE. PICTURES OF JULLS, busi hich has had METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART NEW! J. CAESAR AND CICERO ALYAYS SHOK $57: 3 ras YORK CITY, YOU CAN SEE A RAZOR SET THEM SMOOTH SHAVEN. Ee ' © 1929, King Pastures Syniscats, lnc, Groms Bricas rights reorrond . ; for many years. 'The same high | TILLIE THE TOILER--She Suffers a "Relapse" "By Russ Westows standard will be still maintained, i IT WAS DR DID FEEL MAYBE | " ° . | ; . ° ; i especially in the bulk lines. New |= GLICKNER. , TILLIE UNTIL SHOULD dean seed: a : = / | LOVE You -~ ' How | /PHONE HAVE THE Special prices to [= | Youre THE wweeTHeaeY )| Door BELL - AG RANG ~ NOW | 'PHONE = MAYBE I'S DR. TOLD FEEL TERRIBLE || DISCONNETRD market gardeners, 2 LN Bh x RIGHT ; : : UNTIL You Ee 3 : 3 so SAID Phone 46 23 King St. West p.m, 10.45 p.m. ACHILLE TT MM Jl} tg i 3 Sid lO EEO Wal - a ST i. - aA "on = = vel *0 on 00 £1 89 8 wt n=e xc HI MIAO TD NO Nr] Flee yi NEiaem 0 la Srl aR ne =o role app] ey pm) ow a oo P=] OP) HAS ® =r] M0 *m™ © Mr yr=] "0 1g Wau HL awv:+l aM

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