hd aN ww -- il Te" i Vessssssesssss-- | PAGE FOURTEEN ER { EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS Militia Changes Brockville.--Lieuts. K. C. Rowe and M. E. McGuire are retired frou the 4th Hussars, while Provl. Lieut. -C. M. Tobia is pe itted. to retire from she same unit. e | -- - Position Open 2 Cappnogeeiy The Civil Service igor andy is advertising a vacan- as immigration inspector in the Department of Immigration and Colonization at Gananoque. Has Returned H Napanee,~--Mr. John Laird of Na- panee, who suffered a dislocated shoulder as the result of a fall, was able to leave the Hospital in King- ston on Sunday afternoon to re- ' turn to his home, Into .Napanee.--Amo! Eastern On- tario concerng which have recently gone into bankruptcy are Riman's general store in , an Bill Lee, trading as the New York' Gite in Carleton Place. A pang or sugar makers are beginning preparations for the opening of the sugar season. The preparations are only preliminary as the main work can only be star- ted when the season begins, Tce Up Gananoque.--Over the week-end the mild weather, wind 'and rain combined in an attack on the ice in the St, Lawrence river with the each sentenced to one month in tiie Tia Goria w a DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6, 1929 En A J result that large fields of ve ia gathered in the channel Kings Clearing big eae of mien PT by the Department, was ence on od (day clearing the draing on Princess street and in other parts of the city. J the town. . Sent to Jail, Brockville.--A Mallorytown man and a resident of the town wi Page in police court this mo for second offence of public in on. counties jail by Magistrate J. oro To Beautify City , Peterboro,--~At a meeting of the Horticultural Committee of the Old Home Week celebration committee held on Tuesday evening, February 26, it was decided to procure fifty rustic urns and have them filled with flowers and placed on various streets and parks, I IAPR PEPROORCAARAEERPRRAARRRRI OCA AFERP ERC RAED OOS EEPROM EERE ARORA ERR IRAELE EOE ESSORS EW SPRING MERCHANDISE Specially Priced For THURSDAY - FRIDAY SATURDAY 25 MISSES' DRESSES Some of the smartest styles of the season in heavy Flat Crepes. Full range of colorsat ....ovvvvievnvernnnnes White and Colored Nain. suck and Crepe Night Dresses Full rarge of shades and sizes.. 98¢c "Fine Heavy Harvey Silk Vests Full range of shades. $1 Reg. 3. 50, for, ea. "silk Shadowproof Slips Pcs 98¢ Solid Leather Handbags 9c An extra special, All new 2gods - (ELLE ERLEETE IEEE REAAIRE ER Children', s Cotton Vests A nice spring weight, Cream only. 2 Sor Another special purchase heavy silk Bloomers. All colors, 69 c PAIL soorerer ivvitnrine PURE THREAD SILK HOSIERY For those who missed our last week's sale we have duplicated our order on this wonderful Hose, 100 buttonholes of love- ly flowers, at 3 bunches for .... Supposed to be substandards, cannot be detected in most cases .......... o0.... All white and white with copen or navy col- iar. At cnr icre 98c ut the defects "45 eserves ene serge of * 98¢ Of fine navy sood quality, A P URE LINEN HEMSTITC HED TABLECLOTHS An exceptional offer, several good designs of Irish Linen Damask. 66 » x 66, Reg. $4. 30, for, « each coves Of fine cotton, bezuti- fully embroidered and salloped edge, Guaranteed absolutely fadeless in washing or sun. A special lot on Bi ce 35¢ A real heavy quality that will wear well, at Yard ........ 45¢ DUCHESSE SATINS The popular silk of today in a wide range of shades including black, navy, white, roseblush, tremon, aquagreen, golden corn. A big special at Sees sss ss Presser, , sess. 9c ET Special i in Lunch Cloths & Napkins 50 only Lunch Cloths, ready stamped for working. Made from finest of 45c Loom Cotton, together w with 4 A Napkins ¢ to match. Per BBL... 00s c on? = $1.79 300 YARDS Fancy Cretonnes all Good Designs and Colors at 19¢ yd. EE, © 200 Yad Cott or Yard ....5.000s In white and ecru. Special = ARCADE Limited SIMCOE ST. N. a TTI IIT PHONE 1000 ARE | Machinery Repairing | Adanac Machine Shop Will Design Badges Kingston.--It is the intention of the executive committee of the Frontenac Livestock Improvement |Association to have member- ship badges or buttons designed for '8 | wearing in the lapel of the coat by members of the association. Still in Hospital Kingston.--Jameg Lee of Barrie- field who suffered an injury to his right knee a few days ago, is still in the Hotel Dien Hospital. Mr. Lee had been handling hay and tumbled ® | from the top of a load with the re- sult that his right knee was quite | 0 badly hurt. Truck* Driver Hurt. Kingston.--While responding to a fire call the ladder truck of the Upper Station became caught in a rut in the road near the corner of \ Hens, gver 3 ibs. Bagot and 'Brock streets and the driver of the truck, when he at- tempted to make the turn at that intersection, wag/ slightly hurt. Banquet Ends Course Havelock.--~About sixty persons sat down to the sumptuous banquet in the Town Hall, which officially closed the Peterborough County Short Course in Agriculture and Home Economics that had heen in session in the village during the last four weeks. Rotary Address Peterboro.--Bolivia as a country offering great possibilities for Can- adian producers was pictured be- fore the Peterhorough Rotary club at {its weekly* luncheon by Rev. Alex Haddow of Peterborough for many years a missionary to that South American republic. Tmproving Asesmbly Hall Kingston--Work is now proceed- ing to greatly enlarge and improve the stage in the Assembly Hall of the Kingston branch, Canadian Le- gion, this improvement being nec- essary if the newly-formed drama~ tic club of the branch is to be able to carry on successfully, False Fire Alarm Peterboro, -- The presence of steam coming from under the roof of Kingdom's barber shop on George street, caused someone to send in a rush call to the Fire Brigade at"6.25 this morning. When the brigade arrived no fire was seen, although a careful inspec tion was made, and the cause of the steam {is still unknown. Meeting Postponed Brockville.--The' regular month- 1y meeting of the town council sche- dulea for last night was postponed until Monday evening next. The es timates are not ready for consider ation, it is understood, but will be completed for the meeting 48 now scheduled. To Complete Hotel Cornwall,--On the strength of the success which has attended the stock selling campaign of the Corue- wallis Hotel Company, Cornwall, the directors have now definitely decided to proceed with the comple- tion of the top floor of the struc- ture. Returns from the campaign amounted to $13,500. Conference Being Arranged Kingston. -- Arrangements have been completed for the delesation named by the Kingston Conserva- tive Asoclation to meet the Ontario Government in connection with the improving of the Bath Road as a Provincial Hichway, The matter has not been forrotten or overlooked, however, and it is expected that an appointment will be made for this deleration to go to Toronto before the Easter vacation. Teeth t 10 be Cleaned There isn't anything com- plicated about a tooth brush and to some people they all ook about the same, But for those who realize the importance of selecting the correct brushes for proper ly cleaning their teeth, yon will motice they choose brushes scientifically de- signed, such as Klenzo Tooth Brushes. Kienzo Tooth Brushes Are superior in more ways than one. They are made of extra high grade, pure white bristles, These are wire-drawn in selected white bone and assorted colored celluloid handles, They are made in any style, size, or shape preferred. Some have three rows of bristles, others have four They are priced from 20c¢ to 50c and all are sold on our guarantee to give satis. faction, ' JURY & LOVELL'S THE REXALL STORES King E. Simcoe 8S. Phon. 28 Phone 68 NOTHING TOO LARGE NOTHING TOO SMALL 161 King St. W. Phone 1214 COAL MALLETT BROS. 'Produce Prices in the Commercial Markets x Roe PRODUCE QUOTATIONS gt to whalesale dealers, ats ae Daying the rices, ve oonin prices, ) Eggs, ungraded, cas turned----Fresh ex. tras, 42c; fresh oy Toc; 0 2: al, 46c; No. 1, 4S¢: 0. 2, Easter, co gafored, parafiined and Chickens, 6 pounds . Do., 5 to 6 lbs, .. Do, 4 to 5 Ibs. Do., under 4 lbs. 1 ; Sei DapnsapyBiiei 0 5 Ibs. we 2 Do., 31 2 0 4 Ibs. near 16 MONTREAL PRODUCE Montreal, March 6.--The demand for eggs continued good and Jtices were steady. Re- ceipts were 692 cases The bean market was let byt steady. Canadian hand picked sol 65, while yellow eye beans sold at $4.40 ts eS . The trade in cheese continued fair and values Vere firmly maintained, Receipts were Pri 8 days Cheese, westerns, 17 1.2 to 19¢c, Butter, No. 1, pasteurized, 43 1.4 to 43 1.2¢c, Eggs, storage extras, 43c; do., stor- age firsts, 40c; do., storage seconds, 37¢; do., fresh extras, 52¢: do,, fresh fasts, 50c. PRODUCE AT NEW YORK New York, March 15.~Butter steady; re- Soins, 13,521, Cheese steady; receipts, 208,- Eggs unsettled; receipts, 24,871. Fresh sa thered extra, 47c; extra first, 45 1.2 46; first, 44 1.2 to 45c, Nearby hennery i closely selected extra, 46 to 46 1-2c; nearby and nearby western hennery white, extra first to average extra, 44 to 45c; Pacific Coast white, extra, 47c; do., extra first, 46c. CHICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES Chicago, March 6.~With a rising spot market March fresh egg futures held firm on the Chicago Mercantile exchange yester- day. Receipts were not up to expected vol- ume, Deferred contracts were stronger. Trad- ing interest in March butter was light and slightly bearish on the basis of growing re- ceipts and a spot price that seemed ready to some observers to weaken, But larger long interests consider the market favorable, relying on the condition of the country roads and the scarcity of good butter reserves, n commitments--March 88, 447; April eggs, 52; Nov, eggs, new, 11; Nov, eggs, old, ,» Se. abr oe 0, N j - d cream--Speci 110; June butter, 1; March butter, 224; Dec. butter, 15. EAST BUFFALO LIVE STOCK packi $10 to Receipts. of cattle, 50; Siealy} seam steers, $10 to $11; cutter cows, $5.25 to $7. Calves, 200; vealers detive and steady; good to choice, $18 to $18.50; cull apd commen, $10.50 to $15.50, Receipts of sheep, 400. Lambs arriving late not enough in Jails to test market; mom. inally steady at Monday's a TORONTO GRAIN Grain dealers on the Trade are Taking the Sellewing quotations for car lots Manitoba Wheat > No, 2 northern, na No. 3 northern, $1.27. No. 4 wheat, $1.23 12, No. 5 wheat, $1.13, No. 6 wheat, 96 1.2c. (cif, Goderich and Bay porfs, Price on track, 1c higher than above) ts ani No. 1 feed, 573-4c. No, 2 feed, 55 3.4c cid. Goderich and bay porfs.) No. 2 yellow,, kiln- dried, $1.09 3 No. 3 yellow, kiln dried, $1.06 3. Vg No. 4 yellow, kiln dried, $1.04 3.4, (Delivered Toronto) . Millfeed delivered, Montreal freights, bags included--Bran, per ton, $34.25; shorts, per ton, $36.25; middlings, $41.25, Ontario oats--Good milling wheat, fob. Shipping points, according to freights, $1.30 Rarley--Malting, 76 to 7%, ! Buckwheat--=88, to 90c. Rye--No, 2, $1.05. Manitoba flour--First patents, in ® jute. $7.60, Toronto; second patents in jute, $6.60. Ont: Flour Track, Montreal, car lots--90 per cent. patents, per barrel, $5.70, MASSACHUSETIS AGAIN HAS WILD BEAVER Sharon, Mass., Mar. 6.--Some of the serious minded members of the state legislature believed they were being "spoofed" a few days ago when they were asked to add beav- er to the list of animals given pro- tection by the game laws. Although !for themselves of trees. BUY-- General Motors Wood | HARD; GOOD -- BIG BLOCKS - SCRAP WOOD --BO ARDS, SCANTLING & BOARD ENDS BOTH EXCEPTIONAL VALUE Jeddo Coa SOLVAY COK CANNEL and POCAHONTAS The Best The Mines Produce «Less Ash «More Heat ==No Clinkers PHONE 262 DIXON COAL CO. POULIN TO CENTRAL beaver were opce plentiful in the state the law makers were well aware that the animal had long been regarded as extinct in Massa- chusetts, The fact of the matter is that there is now one pair of wild beavers at liberty in a stream in this township. They escaped a year ago from the Moose Hill wild life sanctuary and are now well estab- lished in an abode they constructed Members of the Audubon Nociety in asking for legislative protection for the animals expressed the fear that some hunter would come upon the animals and kill them, British dramatic eritic says where women dominate an institu- tion they ruin it. Indicating that man is somewhat of an institution. --Miami News. ant iN ls i ~ N $198; One fifth down payment gives you delivery at once ~mast seopeution Stout rd mid gli id { Trout vids seveste cushions grating Damrials ani-Bilt Suites | at prices that Save You Money Argenta $295 Come in Tomorrow -- while the full stock is on view Open Every Evening Luke Furniture Company 63 King St. E. Phone 78-79 SANI-BILT is the Only upholstered Living Room Furniture with a WRITTEN REPLACEMENT GUARANTEE against damage by moths