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Oshawa Daily Times, 6 Mar 1929, p. 2

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1 #7 y ire mes ath 1eld 1rn- nan les- vere the Cor= hem tent an its hese | he n a 1 to the eral do= ent, ems ohol have port anss | his ath, rday held was quor S, X., age Vi ine und s G, 10p- this on~ xas, Mid- and eing tion. inst iis feel the was Dyed Residence, 511. TOWN COONGIL AD = ABUSY SESSION 'Council Decides to Secure a Third Police Constable ---- Bowmanville, March 5, -- Re- gular meeting of Council was held Monday evening in the Council Chamber, all members being pre- 'pent and Mayor Elliott presiding; There was a fair attendance of citi- gens but it is regretable that more do not attend the Council meetings and keep In touch with the way in which town affairs are handled. _ After the reading of minutes or last meeting the following com- munications were read: From rate payers on Liberty Place regarding condition of road; from Miss B, Galbraith, N, Plummer, H, Camer- on, H, BE, Smith and Mrs, P. Tre. bilcosk, asking permission to cut down trees; from Mrs, D. Darch re- garding condition of pavement in News, advertising and subscriptions will be recived at the . Bowmanville Office of The Times. Telephones--Office, 587; ily 'Times front of C. S, Mason's store. All these commu tions were refer- red to Roads and Streets committee with power to act. There was also a letter from John Lumm regarding water on his property which was re- ferred to the same committee, A letter was read from George Greer, Superintendent of County Roads, regarding the completion of the pavement on the Scugog and Man- vers roads, asking {if the town would undertake this work or leave it in the hands of the County, After a lengthy discussion, Council de- cided it would be to the town's ad- vantage to turn the work over to the County Roads Committee and a motion to this effect was carried, A letter was read from the Ontario Prohibiton Union asking that the Council sign a resolution to be sent to the Government asking that it take action to prohibit the export of liquor to the United States. A mo- tion was, carriéd that this resolu- tion be signed by the Mayor and Clerk and forwarded to the proper authorities, Deputy Reeve Carruthers, chair. man of Finance Committee, read a report showing expenditures total- ling $902.64, Adopted. Waterworks committee, read a re- port totalling $158.34, Adopted. " Reputy Reeve Carruthers , als grant for the Public Library also a covering for the Library floor, and recommended that a grant of $400, be made and that linoleum be laid on the floor. Adopted, 2 3 Councillor Edger reported for the Fire Department fegatding inerease in firemen's salaries and recoms ' J mended that an increase of $15. per man, including caretaker of the hall, be granted, starting with Jan- uary 1st 1929. Adopted, Police Report In the report presented by Chief Venton at the February meeting, he requested that a third constable be appointed. The matter was laid over till next meeting in order that the Police committee have a chance to go thoroughly into the question, A report was brought in by Council- lor Corbett, strongly recommend- ing that a third man be appointed. There was a long discussion of the question and Chief Venton again explained why .a third man was necessary. Chief Friend of Oshawa, who was present at the meeting, was asked by the Mayor to tell something of condition in his city, which he did and advised addition al help in Bowmanville, The very great increase .in traffic and other changed conditions make it imper- ative to have adequate police pro- tection, The question was discussed from every angle and a motion fin- ally carried that the Council ap- point a third constable and the Po- lice committee were given authority to advertise for applications for same, Cemetery Drainage * With regard to cemetery drain- Councillor Rehder, chairman of age, Councillor Gibbs reported that I vik USHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6, 19 this would be attended to as soon as conditions permitted. considerable 'dif- AE ly 1 0.| . There has heen | brought in a report in reference to ficulty in getting a very large elm tree on Liberty street cut down. In the meantime, telephone wires at that point are down and the com- pany are naturally anxious to have them back on the poles ag goon as possible, After a lengthy discus- sion, the Roads and Streets com- mittee were instructed to have the tree removed with the least pos- sible delay. Councillor Rehder reported there were several applications for town Engineer. Waterworks committee were instructed to interview ap- plicants and bring in their recom- mendation, the Mayor to call special meeting of Council to consider same when ready, By-law was passed appointing A, H. Bickell working foreman on roads and streets at salary of $100, per month, BOWMANVILE PERSONALS Bowmanville, March 5, -- Mrs, Marjorie Thurston, Toronto, was in town for the week-end, guest of Mrs Wm. Quick, Jr. Mr, Norman Johnston, Columbus Ohio, and Mrs, John Gilfillan, Or. ono, were in town Monday attend- ing the funeral of their mother, the late Mrs, James Johnston. Other relatives attending were Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Cullis and Mrs. Redpath, Fenelon Falls. Mr, Gordon Mitchell, Toronto, was a business visitor in town on Monday and also paid a visit to his parents, Mr, and Mrs. A, Mitchell, Division Street, Chief Friend, of Oshawa, was in town on Monday, not, however in his official capacity but making a friendly cal lon Chief Venton. GROGERY BUSINESS CHANGES HANDS Business of Late Archie Tait is Sold to a Colborne ~~ Man By Staff Reporter Bowmanville, March 5.--Still an. other change, the third since the beginning of the year, has taken place in the business section of our town, this time in connection with the grocery business of the late Archie Tait. The grocery stack has been sold to Mr. Allen of Colborne, Stock taking began to-day and within a week the stock will be re- moved to Colborne, The store has been rented and we understand will be reopened shortly and a restaur- ant carried on in the premises. The members of St. Paul's Mis- sion. Band had. a happy time on Monday afternoon, after the re gular meeting, they had a tea party to which their mothers were invit- | ed. A bountiful supper was provid- ed which was 'thoroughly enjoyed by every one. The mild weather of the last few days together with the rain of yesterday has taken away most of the snow and, best of all, has clear- ed the pavements so that walking is once more safe and in the mean. time, creepers may be discarded. ENCOURAGING PRECOCITY (Troy Times) A lot of children see objection. able movies because they can't be AUDITORS' REPORT COMMENDS TOWN ON BOOKKEEPING DEBT INCREASE OF $15,350 All Books Well Kept and No Mistakes Are Found (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Mar. 6.--The auditors' report of the accounts of the mun- icipality, board of education, public utility commission ana housing commission shows that in every case the books were kept In good order and that no mistakes or dis- crepancies were found, The re- port further notes that suggestions left home along, We promise you some new and startling tea- tures in the way of fashion shows. \Y, * - ¥ $5000 Fashion Show At the Armories FRIDAY NIGHT, March 8 In conjunction with the Big Ontario Regiment CARNIVAL WE ARE ACTUALLY GIVING THE LADIES OF OSHAWA $5,000 FREE FRIDAY 2,000 TICKETS (AS SAMPLE SHOWN) WILL BE GIVEN AWAY ON EACH TICKET GOOD FOR $2.50 ON ANY GARMENT IN OUR READY-TO-WEAR DEPART- MENT SELLING AT $15.00 OR OVER. NIGHT. FOR INSTANCE, IF YOU ARE FOR- . TUNATE ENOUGH TO SECURE TWO TICKETS--ONE WILL BE WORTH $2.50 ON YOUR SPRING COAT--AND THE OTHER ONE $2.50 ON A DRESS OR ANY OTHER GARMENT YOU - MAY CHOOSE. Ld W. A. Dewland LIMITED Simcoe Street North made last year have been carried out and in the opinion of the town council the auditors' statement re- flects credit upon the efficiency and accuracy of the various mun- icipal departments, The report reads as follows: "The audit of the books and ac- counts of your municipality for the year 1928 has been completed and the balance sheet, statements and reports are respectfully sub- mitted. The statements of assets and liabilities and abstract state- ments of receipts and disburse- ments of the Town of Whitby, the Public Utility Commission, the Board of Education, the Public Li- brary and the Housing Commission are attached. The debenture debt has been increased from $602,032.62, as at December 31, 1927, to $617,384,- 45, as at December 31, 1928, The deficit in the current ac- count of $1,947.70 as at December 31, 1927, has been increased to $8,- 029.65 as at December 31, 1928. Provision should be made to take care of this floating lMability, The cash book has been careful ly kept and is in very good condi- tion, and suggestions made by your auditors last year have been followed, The assessment roll for 1928 was carefuly checked with the col- lector"s roll as to the assessment entered therein and found to ba corr . the Court of Revision con- firming all changes, Payments on account of the 1927 assessments, paid trom Jan- uary 1, 1928, to May 1, 1928, were checked with the collector's cash book and found correct, also ex- emptions from business tax, court of revision and balance carried to arrears of tax account, There were no errors discovered in the collector's roll and the bal- ance was also checked and found correct, All postings in the general ledg- er were checked and found cor- rect. Poll tax collections were check- ed and found to be correct. Poll tax, 1927, $673; poll tax, 1928, $642; increase, $69.00." The report mentioned that there was an increase of $3 in the col- lections for dog tax during 1928 and that police court fines in 1928 totalled $3,972.00. C. A, Free- man and W, M, Jermyn were the auditors, 1 PRESENT "CARRY ON" (By Staff rter) Whitby, Mar. 6,--The great Bri- tish war film "Carry On" is being presented in the Royal Theatre to~ day and tomorrow under the aus- pices of Whitby Post 112, Cana- dian Legion, Three performances are being given daily with a mat- inee at 2,16 o'clock each afternoon, SEVERAL COLLISIONS Toronto, Mar, 6.--Three drivers whose motors figured in street col- lisions last night were arrested, Donald M¢Donald, a taxi driver living on Harvie avenue, was ar- rested by Constable Mills on a charge of being drunk driving an aytomobile. The taxi crashed in- to a safety sone at St.. Clair and Atlas avenues, the car being dami- aged, fred Helmuth, Spadina road, was arrested by Constable Lockington at Queen street and Augusta avenue on a similar charge, The car driven by Hel- muth collided with another auto. Aftera truck he was driving col lided with a motor car at Dundas street and Spadina avenue, Jack Hudson, 66 Bolton avenue, was arrested by Constable Saunders on a charge of reckless driving. DRIVER CHARGED Toronto, Mar, 6.--John Hulme, 716 Spadina avenue, was arrested last night at his home by Plain- clothesmen McArthur and Ache- son on a charge of reckless driv- ing, Hulme, it is charged, was driving a car earlier in the even- ing on St. George street when it collided with another cur. Hulme jumped from his car snd ran, it is stated, SUFFERED FRACTURED LEG . Toronto, Mar. 6,--Harry Lorie of 61 Ann street, 37 years old, night watchman at plant of the A. D. Gorrie company, Gerard street, suffered a fractured left leg when he became wedged between a wall and a motor truck which was being hauled up a ramp in the building. He was taken to St. Michael's hos- » No Snow, Use a Truck , ir a Jolly "Sleigh-Ride"" (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Mar. 6.--A sleigh ride party on wheels was enjoyed by the teachers and scholars of the Bape tist church Sunday school yester- day afternoon, when a three ton truck was substituted for the usual team and sleigh on account of the SHOWS A DEBENTURE lack of snow. The truck left the church at 4.30 o'clock and travelled to the park, the lake and other points of interest in the town and district. Upon return to the Sune day school it was found 'that the ladies of the church had prepared a splendid supper which was much enjoyed by those whose appetites had been whetted by the ride nut- doors. Games were played later, JOHNSTON CASE IS AGAIN ADJOURNED (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Mar. 6.--Another ad- journment was granted in the case of Ernest Joinston, Toronto, charg- ed with a serious offence against a young Whitby girl, and two viola tions of the Liquor Control Act. Johnston has been tried on the first count, hut Magistrate Willis has ro. served his decision until the other two charges have been heard. Up- on request of D. A. J, Swanson, of Oshawa, defense counsel, the case was adjourned from last Friday af- ternoon until yesterday afternoon. Mr. Swanson was unable to attend court yesterday, however, on ac- count of illness, and ther:fore the case was again adjourned until Thursday. WHITBY PERSONALS Mr, Jack Parker has returned to town after spending several weeks in Galt wher he performed relief work in the Galt customs office. Mr. Parker has resumed his position at the Incal office. Miss Barbara Boothe has left for Toronto where she has accepted a position in the office of the Meiro- politan Life Insurance Co. Mr. Melvin K. Kenny, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M, Kenny, has return- ed after his trip abroad to England, Scotland, France Spain and Italy, Mr. Kenny visited at the home of his parents on Sunday and is now in Toronto where he has resumed his position in the bond office of Rt. Hon, Arthur Meighen, former prime ministcr of Canada. Reeve John Warren, of Mara township, was in town yesterday, attending the free poultry courwe held in the agriculture building of the high school. Store REMODELLED (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Mar. 6.--The store on Brock street, formerly ocoupied by Lawler"s grocery, is now being re- modelled both inside and out and will be given a new front. This stand will be taken by E, L. Odlum, druggist and stationer, whose store is at present situated but one door Advertising, subscriptions and news will be received at the Whitby Office, Dundas Street, § next the post office.--Telephone 434. x REPRESENTATIVE -- JAMES HOLDEN POULTRY GOURSES ARE WELL ATTENDED Vegetable and Fruit Lectures Scheduled Today and Tomorrow (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Mar. 6.--Over 40 farm- ers and poultry breeders attended the lectures on the raising and feeding of poultry held in the agri- culture building of the Whitby High School yesterday in connec- tion with the free course on poul- try, fruit and vegetable growing being given under the direction of W. M, Croskery, agricultural repre- sentative for the county. J. W. Clark, poultry brezder cf Cainsville, and E. 8. Snyder, M.S. A., instructor at tlie Ontario Agri- cultural College, Guelph, lectured yesterday and those in attendance at the clasges found them very in- teresting and instructive. Both speakers showed themselves to have an adequate and practical under- stahding of their subject and were able to impart much useful infor- mation. The classes yesterday were di- vided as follows, 9.45 to 10.45 a.m, profit possibility in poultry; 11 to 12 a.m., breeds and breeding; 1.45 to 2.45 p.m., brooding and rearing of chicks; 3 to 4 p.m., feeds and feeding. - Classes will be continued in fruit and vegetable growing to- day and tomorrow, SUNDAY SCHOOL MEMBERS ENTERTAINED (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Mar. 6.--A jolly even- ing was spent by the members of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Sunday School on Monday night when they were entertained in the church school by the ladies of the congregation. Games were enjoy- ed after which ample and delicious refreshments were served. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE * HOLDS OPEN MEETING (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Mar. 6.--An open meet- ing of the Chamber of Commerce is being held in the council cham- bers tomorrow night at eight o'- clock. Several important matters will be up for discussion and all citizens are urged to attend. HARBINGERS OF SPRING Whitby, Mar, 6.--Flocks of crows were seen flying overhead yesterday and thelr cawing seemed like a welcome harbinger of spring. If the present mild weather is con- tinued it will not be long before an! the snow has melted and the last vestige of winter disappeared, REPORTS ISSUED WhitT, --... %.----The bi-month- ly reports of the vé ~~ _° the ex aminations at the local »nhlie schools have been issued to 'io: parents of the pupils and the stand- ing of the scholars in the various classes will be published in these (south of the Lawler store. columns tomorrow, MR. AND MBs. VETERAN BOWMANVILLE COUPLE DAVID KEITH ille le, and I residents Well known and highly of the city of Oshawa. Mr, Keith was recently honored by his friends and s on the jon of his 95th birthday. With each Loaf of OSHAWA Greatest Event Oshawa Bakery - pital, Thursday from the : : From the driver, or at the store, to the CARNIVAL Armouries, Thar. 7, Fri 8, Sat. 9 THREE GREAT NIGHTS Get your free tickets from the ofoeforfosfosforforforforforfosortostesfosfosforfesfesfesfrafosiedosdodesdordodedofodedodofododododododododbbobododod i. FREE THURSDAY ONLY ADMISSIONS FOR THE 2 2 PRICE OF ONE FREE Bread purchased BAKERY of the Season Thrsday Only ing Can tiv A new hop

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